The Barker #132

Page 18

Visual Arts

Insignificant Moments This term is always a busy term for most students, but particularly for Year 12 students. The Design Centre is usually a buzz with Design and Technology and Visual Arts students engaged in the completion and refinement of the projects they have spent many months realising. It is mid-term now and the building is almost empty and unnervingly quiet. I am surrounded by Bodies of Works from the 2021 Visual Arts cohort - personal, meaningful, engaging artworks that represent countless hours of work.

16 • The Barker • Issue 132 • Spring 2021

My gaze is drawn to a series of paintings by Manxi Zhang called The Weekender. A young woman, the artist herself, sits on a large worn leather couch, which could be mistaken for the couches from old boarding days. So familiar that one could almost hear the old leather as she shifts her body slightly. “What is she thinking?”

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