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for a representation course, we were to combine fact and fiction for an assignment, bringing together conventional drawing approaches and information, with conceptual, narrative based drawing explorations.

INSTRUCTOR: MICHAEL PUTNAM/NIALL SAVAGE DATE: APRIL 2020 director of the original 1954 film Godzilla, Ishiro Honda, commented on the theme of the movie: “the theme of the film, from the beginning, was the terror of the [nucleur] bomb. mankind had created the bomb, and now nature is going to take revenge on mankind.” set from the viewer’s perspective atop the citadel, an important element to halifax as well as the project’s site, both dartmouth’s waterfront and halifax’s waterfront is in clear view. building upon the themes of the A1 drawing, lines are stretched between the two sister cities, and Godzilla, a consequence of mankind’s creation, has emerged from the water to attack the city.

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