Simba - Autumn 2016

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Autumn 2016

News and Views from Bablake Junior and Pre Prep School

Inspiring a Culture of Kindness This term children and staff here at BJS have been discussing the behaviour that they would like to see in our school. All pupils have had the chance to have their say and the School Council have helped us clarify our hopes and expectations.The ‘Bablake

Behaviours’ reflect the aspirations of our community and support our ambition for a culture of kindness. Christmas is a time to celebrate and think of others.The ‘Bablake Behaviours’, written by your children, put thinking of others and hard work

at the heart of our school.These wise words will inspire us into the future and form a most positive message, especially as we look forward to Christmas.Well done to all involved and thank you.


Our Community

Seeking Excellence

Respect each other and listen to everyone’s opinions. Be kind and helpful. Treat others as we would like to be treated. Be caring and supportive. Don’t leave people out and be patient. We are considerate and forgiving. We are a good friend.

Be polite and courteous. Say please and thank you and show self-control. Have good manners and remember to share. Be honest and truthful and never lie. Admit mistakes and trust yourself. Be loyal and trustworthy. Work and play as a team. Be tolerant and celebrate our differences as everyone is different.

Be determined and hard working. Focus and listen with care to keep learning. Do our best and accept challenge. We persevere and don’t give up. We learn from our mistakes and from each other.We set a good example for others. We work together and help others do their best. We support people who are struggling.

Mr Price

Bablake Junior School News

Kindergarten ‘Take Over’ the Pre Prep! Kindergarten children enjoyed a day exploring ‘behind the scenes’ at the Pre Prep as part of their topic, ‘Our School’. The children had a tour around the school, helped the dinner ladies prepare lunch, visited the Library and did some role playing in the office.The children enjoyed learning more about their school and staff enjoyed having some little helpers for the day!

Pre Prep Welcome Reverend Slavic for Harvest Assembly

food for people who are hungry and can’t afford to buy food themselves’.

Bablake Pre Prep pupils were treated to an excellent assembly from Bablake Chaplain, Reverend Slavic, on the topic of Harvest.

Reverend Slavic then played a game with the children asking them to identify lots of different fruit and vegetables on the big screen at the front of the hall, which all came together to make a food rainbow!

Pupils had brought in a huge array of food to the Harvest collection, which was donated to the Coventry Food Bank. Reverend Slavic started the assembly by asking the children why we donate food at Harvest. A Year 1 pupil answered the question beautifully, telling the rest of the children and teachers that, ‘We donate

Pupils were also very lucky to see and feel real grain brought in by a Year 2 pupil who lives on a farm. The children passed around cups of grain as Reverend Slavic showed them photos of corn and a combineharvester. Kindergarten also had a mini assembly where they learnt about the meaning of Harvest.



Autumn 2016

Bablake Junior School News

Reception Remember

Reception children created beautiful pictures of poppies for Remembrance Day inspired by Flanders Fields.

Reception in the Shadows Reception explored shadows as part of their light and dark topic.They shared with us what they did…

“We made funny shadows!”

“We made shadow puppets.”

“We used silly hats and wigs!”

Artist’s Corner

Kindergarten pupil Liban’s beautiful autumn picture. Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Year 1 Explore African Masks

Year 1 have been learning all about Africa and Australia and as part of the Art curriculum, the children explored African masks.They designed their own style, used paint to add colour and then added accessories to create a 3D element.The children were extremely proud of their final creations.

“I really enjoyed using a fine paintbrush to add on all the small dots”- Alina “I couldn’t choose a favourite part. I loved ALL of it!”- Riya “I enjoyed adding the strips of paper and the yellow straw beard”- Hugh “We saw people dancing when they were wearing masks”- Anay

A Busy Term for Year 2 In Maths,Year 2 have been learning about different units of measure. They have especially enjoyed learning about capacity where they made their own fruity cocktails.

In Science,Year 2 have been learning about living things and their habitats.To celebrate their knowledge and understanding they made these marvellous models!

Year 2 have also been looking at a variety of instructions in their English lessons to enable them to understand the key features.The children have successfully followed and written a clear concise set of instructions on how to decorate a teddy bear biscuit (a very useful skill if you like tasty biscuits!).



Autumn 2016

Bablake Junior School News

Year 4 Present Rainforest Animals

1+1= Paired Maths! This term has seen another hugely successful Paired Maths initiative with the Senior School. Every week Senior School pupils come to the Junior School to support younger pupils with their Maths. It really is lovely to see pupils working so closely together and is a perfect example of the Bablake family supporting each other.

As part of their Rainforest Topic, Year 4 produced some wonderful Rainforest animal displays‌

Year 4 Hit the Right Note

Fire Brigade Visit Year 4

Year 4 have made a great start to their Instrumental Taster Lessons this year. Classes are trying out the flute with Mrs Mason, cornets and trombones with Mr Cooper and all the string instruments with Mrs Scott-Burt.The string players took a break from their usual violins, violas and cellos to work with these super half-sized double basses and everyone had a great time listening to the results.

Year 4 were treated to a visit from the local Fire Brigade this term.The firefighters who visited went through a presentation which highlighted the dangers of fire and how to keep safe. Half way through the presentation they were interrupted by a real 999 call! The firemen had to run out of school, jump into the fire engine, turn their sirens on and rush off to the emergency! After they had dealt with the fire the firefighters very kindly came back to finish their presentation, much to the delight of the children.

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Marvellous Mathematicians! Earlier this term a selection of Year 6 pupils were chosen to take The National Primary Maths Challenge.We were delighted to see four pupils gaining coveted Gold Certificates, which means they were amongst the top few hundred mathematicians for their age from in the country. Congratulations to everyone who took part and to Gold Certificate winners: Sofia Clarke, Giacomo MacGibbon, Arjun Thandi and Connie Patterson.

Year 6 World War II Day

Another group created a series of unique poppies in drawing ink, remembering each soldier that gave their lives as an individual sacrifice made for future generations, all those years ago.

Year 6 enjoyed a wonderful World War II Day, to compliment their term long History topic.

Earlier this term we slept under a super moon, as seventy six years ago the Luftwaffe planned their Moonlight Sonata. The children also sampled the delights of Spam sandwiches (and jelly!) and finished the day in the ‘Dance Hall’ where they performed a jive and danced to the Vera Lynn classic ‘We’ll meet again’.

Being the 76th anniversary of the Coventry Blitz the same week, it was the perfect moment to remember the struggle and conflict of life at that time.The children dressed as evacuees for the day and their lessons reflected upon Coventry during the war.

The children remembered this moment by creating a series of artworks which will be made into large scale pieces for the school hall.They studied John Piper’s painting “15th November 1940”, depicting the ruins of Coventry Cathedral, and then created atmospheric ink and charcoal drawings.



Autumn 2016

Bablake Junior School News

Outside The Classroom Year 3 Trip to Chedworth Roman Villa

Year 3 Trip to the Museum of Natural History

Year 3 had a great time at Chedworth Roman Villa.The children really enjoying dressing up as Roman slaves, making medicine and handling artefacts found at the site.

This term Year 3 went on a trip to the Oxford Museum of Natural History to enhance their Science topic, Rocks, Fossils and Soils. Some of their time was spent learning all about the different types of rock and the children loved handling the various rocks and minerals.They even got to touch a meteorite that had fallen from space! They were later able to explore the museum, looking at everything from dinosaur bones to glow in the dark minerals. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the trip and can’t wait to go back again.

Year 5 Canal Trip Year 5 really enjoyed learning about canals and the Victorian era. During their trip, the children dressed up and had a picture taken by the canal where they were told to look sad about their lives as Victorians.

The children’s acting shone through and they really do look fed up in the photo – we’re glad the ice-cream they had put smiles back on their faces!

‘Inspiring Interpretations’

Botanical Gardens

The Coventry Festival of Speech and Drama took place this term with almost thirty Bablake Junior pupils taking part. Everyone did very well with all BJS participants getting over 85 marks out of 100 and gaining ‘Distinctions’.

Year 4 had a wonderful time on their recent trip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens.

Special mention to category winners: Harshadha Kiran, Henry Chislett, Libby Harrison, Natish Nyamayaro, Imogen Pemble, Sochima Emesih and Anjana Sajith.

The trip formed part of their Rainforest Project and allowed the children to see first hand what they have been learning in the classroom. On the trip pupils took part in a workshop looking at the origins of foodstuffs and materials.They also got to try holding different animals during an animal holding session and had a tour of four different glasshouses - tropical, Mediterranean, arid and temperate. James Jarvis, Education Manager at the Botanical Gardens, was so impressed that he felt it necessary to write to Mr Price to congratulate the children on their behaviour and attitude. His letter is a lovely testament to the children’s conduct during their visit.

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Early Years Present…

Christmas Counts!



Autumn 2016

Bablake Junior School News

Year 1 and 2 Present…

Lights, Camel, Action!

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Fantastic Beasts and Revolting Stories Year 4 have been learning all about non-chronological reports and have used their new skills to write about a mythical beast based on the Spiderwick Chronicles – from Boggart’s and Brownie’s to Wandering Clump’s and Common Ground Goblin’s.

The Shape Shifting Boggart What are Boggarts? Boggarts are an extremely interesting but unpleasant creature. This is a problem because these shape-shifting creatures are cheeky and nasty. To scare people they turn into people’s worst fear. So watch out as we show you all about this creature. Would you be able to recognise a Boggart if you saw one? If not this is what this fearful creature looks like.They are miniature creatures with an emerald green body and dark pistachio coloured scales, but you barely see them this way because of their shape shifting body. As said before they change into your worst fear and there is a complex spell to scare them away.This spell is called ridiculous.To summon this charm you need to think about something ridiculous, point your wand at the Boggart and loudly say “RIDICULOUS”! Where do you find a Boggart? Boggarts are found in houses beneath or in objects.They got there when a Common House Brownie got angry because of a number of reasons. They sleep in the object they live in and are sometimes related to a mussel because they stick to their object.You know if they are asleep because they make a low rumbling sound which is a snore. Has a Christmas turkey gone missing from your fridge? That might be a sign that there’s a Boggart in your house. Unlike the Brownie that only eats crumbs and honey the vast majority of Boggarts will eat anything from your fridge, including rotten cheese! Boggarts are truly horrible creatures. But there is one way to get rid of them from your fridge.This way is to leave a feast of food in the attic or cellar then once you know a Boggart is in there lock it up nice and tight. How do you know if a Boggart is in your house? Boggarts are very messy, in contrast a Brownie tidies your house. A Boggart steals and hides your stuff (mainly keys) but don’t use this as an excuse at school for being late. If you have a Boggart in your house keep it messy eventually it will get bored. It likes destroying Lego buildings and leaves them lying around so you can step on them.

By Sasha and Daisy



Autumn 2016

‘Sleeping Maleficent’ A Revolting Story

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess named Aurora. She was famous because followers from all over the world came to see her and gave her £100 per day! This made her, now I am 99.9 percent sure she was, the world’s richest person.This money and power went to her head an evil took over her body! Poor Aurora was now completely evil and there was no cure… Two years after evil took over her body, she was climbing a tall tree. Suddenly she fell and Maleficent caught her but strangely (to you and me if you haven’t read the first paragraph) Aurora said this, “Flibber flaber dibber dabber dow.”This was a curse, an evil curse strangely said but still it was an evil curse. Oh sorry, I forgot to tell you what the curse was.Well, if Maleficent stopped walking she would fall into a deep sleep.The only cure was for her heart to stop beating for five minutes… So Maleficent started thudding around, then she decided to walk through the remains of the three pig’s houses, past the erupting volcano and finally into a mysterious cave by the beach in the beautiful sun set. She was SO shocked when she entered the cave full of mystery because she encountered an emerald green dragon and forgot about the curse and stopped walking… She fell into a deep sleep.The fearsome looking dragon was actually evil Princess Aurora in disguise. To hide the fact she was evil, with a mighty push she shoved Maleficent into the everlasting sea. A second after that, cowardly Prince Philip turned up and was terrified of the dragon as he didn’t know who the dragon actually was… So cowardly Prince Philip (too cowardly to fight) had a Bake Off judged by Miss Riding Hood but she whipped a pistol from her knickers and BANG! BANG! BANG! She shot the dragon dead… Now I suppose you are wondering what happened to Maleficent? Well, her heart stopped and after five minutes, Captain Hook rescued her and she became a pirate.

By Macy Handley, 3F Sleeping Maleficent is a re-working of Sleeping Beauty, where Year 3 used Roald Dahl’s Revolting Rhymes as inspiration for their own rather gruesome versions.

Bablake Junior School News

Charity Macmillan Coffee Morning (and afternoon!)

Year 1 Pupil Lyla Wins National Charity Award

The Pre Prep raised a huge £300 for Macmillan Cancer Support during their coffee and cake sale and Junior School pupils raised £81 in 25 minutes during their afternoon cake sale!

Bablake Pre Prep pupil Lyla has been awarded the JustGiving ‘Young Fundraiser of the Year’ Award for her amazing fundraising efforts. Last December Lyla surprised her Mum and Dad by asking for donations to WaterAid for her 5th birthday instead of birthday presents.

All staff, pupils and parents had a fantastic day. At the Pre Prep the children enjoyed the treat; it’s always a wonderful opportunity for parents to meet up, have a chat and support this very worthy cause.Thank you for all of your support.

At the time Lyla’s selfless act attracted lots of media attention which sparked an interest from Severn Trent Water.They got in touch with Lyla to congratulate her on her fundraising efforts (£865.71 at the time) and offered to match whatever she raised! Lyla’s total fundraising amount was a huge £4874.90 for WaterAid, which put her in the top 3% of fundraisers (out of 532,124!) on the JustGiving website. Lyla and her family attended the award ceremony in London and were shocked (and very pleased!) when Lyla was announced the winner. As a school we are very proud of Lyla’s fundraising achievements and we are over the moon that they have been recognised by the JustGiving Award, an experience which we’re sure she will never forget. Well done Lyla!



‘Spotacular’ Fundraising!


£1000 RAISED

We are very proud of our pupils who have raised a huge £1,153 for BBC Children in Need! From selling Pudsy ears and raffle tickets to wearing some ‘spotacular’ fancy dress, Bablake Junior School and Pre Prep have worked tirelessly to raise as much money as possible for CIN.Well done to all involved and thank you to everyone who has donated to this very special charity.

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School News

Sport Amazing Maisie!

A hero’s welcome‌

Earlier this term Year 4 pupil Maisie qualified to represent Great Britain and Ireland in the US Kids Golf World Championships to be held at Pinehurst Golf Club, USA in 2017!

Junior School pupils had a fantastic morning welcoming former BJS pupil and Paralympic medal winner, Kare Adenegan, back to Bablake after her incredible achievements at Rio 2016. The whole of BJS and the Senior School waved Union Jack flags and cheered Kare along the terrace before she was presented with her medals by her three best friends. She then treated BJS pupils to a Q&A about what it is like to be a medal winning Paralympic athlete.

Nelson Reigns Supreme

Skating Superstar Sophia Sophia Clark added to her already large trophy collection this term after impressing judges at the Sheffield Ice Skating Open to take home the Finlay Cup!



Autumn 2016

The BJS House Cross Country Competition took place on the Friday before school broke up for half term. During the afternoon all BJS pupils took part in the races.The tough course was a challenge to pupils but their talent as well as true grit and determination shone through. All pupils finished their races and there were lots of great examples of excellent Bablake spirit and sportsmanship. Well done to all and congratulations to Nelson House for winning the competition (by one point!).Thank you to everyone who came to watch and support.



Girls’ Sport Autumn Term Netball Report: Celebrating a Winning Season It has been an exceptional start to the season for all Junior teams.To date, Bablake teams have won an amazing 45 games out of 47 played! Our players have shown great enthusiasm in lessons, regular commitment to lunchtime practices and after school clubs and thoroughly deserve their success.The Friday evening netball club for Year 5 and 6 girls regularly attracts over 40 pupils who finish off their week at school with friendly games of netball. The U11 A and B teams are unbeaten this term.They have won all 16 games played, scoring a fantastic 159 goals and conceding only 55.They have defeated teams from The Croft, Saint Martin’s, Solihull Prep, Crackley Hall, Bilton Grange, KHPS, Bromsgrove Prep and The Crescent. Both teams were also in a match winning position of 6-3 and 5-1, in possibly their

toughest fixture of the season, against our Senior School U12 teams, when heavy rain forced the matches to be abandoned. Our U11 C and D teams started their season extremely well, continuing the Bablake winning streak, with the C team winning 5-3 and the D team 6-0 against KHPS. The U10 teams show great promise for the future.The U10 A team has won 8 of their 9 matches this term and show a good understanding of team work in their game play.They have recorded some impressive victories which include a 13-0 defeat of Saint Martin’s, 13-1 v Crackley Hall, an impressive 13-0 win against Warwick Prep, a 13-1 victory over Bromsgrove Prep and a 16-2 defeat of KHPS.The B team is unbeaten this term with 8 convincing victories.The squad of players have improved its skills throughout the term and can be proud of a fine set of results, which includes victories of 16-0, 8-0 , 15-0, 15-3, 8-2 and 10-4 against Bilton Grange, Saint Martin’s, Crackley Hall, KHPS,

The Croft and Crescent School.The U10 C team suffered an early setback when they lost their first match of the season in September against Warwick Prep, but soon recovered to win their next 2 games convincingly with scores of 10-1 and 7-2.The D team made a promising start to their fixtures with an impressive 10 -2 victory over KHPS. The final note of congratulations must go to the U9 A and B teams who have made an excellent start to the season, with both teams winning all 4 matches.The A team defeated KHPS 5-0, Crackley Hall 6-2,The Croft 7-4 and won a closely fought match against Solihull Prep by 4-3 goals. The B team also won its matches against the same opposition, scoring 16 goals in total and conceding just 2 goals! Well done to all players for your hard work throughout the term and a special thank you to parents for your support at matches. Mrs Reed, Miss Hingley and Miss Shorter

Hockey Report Both U11 and U10 teams made promising starts to the season, with the U11s losing only one game and the U10s remaining unbeaten so far this year. At the IAPS Tournament the U11 A team performed exceptionally well, despite being under strength, and certainly improved as the tournament progressed.They proved to be worthy opposition to many of the stronger schools we played. Although we didn’t win any games we conceded very few goals, which was a credit to the defence and Connie Patterson, who was outstanding in goal. The season continued with an excellent all-round team performance in the

Senior School U12 Tournament. As the only Year 6 team in the tournament, it was always going to be a challenge playing against girls one year older. In the five games played the team lost 1-0 to Princethorpe College (who were unbeaten in the whole tournament), drew three games and won the final game against Twycross School 4-0.

The team played with outstanding tenacity throughout the tournament. With just a little more composure in front of goal they could easily have won more games. However, coming third in the competition was a fantastic effort and showed the girl’s great potential. Mr Bogyor

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Boys’ Sport Winning Warriors Our U11 Rugby A team had a great day at the recent Warwick School Rugby festival. In the morning they enjoyed a training session taken by coaches from Premiership club,Worcester Warriors, before playing group matches in the afternoon.They came away as winners from their group with 4/4 wins, impressing the opposition and referees with their excellent skill and teamwork. Once all the matches in the afternoon had finished, the boys waited in anticipation for England player, James Haskell, to arrive to present the festival awards from the afternoon.

With baited breath the team listened to find out who had won ‘Most Improved Player’ and ‘Player of the Tournament’ for Bablake...congratulations go to Giacomo (most improved) and Dylan (player of the tournament) who were both chosen for awards.They won a rugby ball and two tickets to a Premiership rugby match of their choice! Well done to all the boys who took part for their brilliant play, teamwork and excellent behaviour - they were a credit to the school.

Year 6 Boys Dominate against Bromsgrove School This term saw all Year 6 boys in action against Bromsgrove School, forming three U11 Rugby teams. In bitterly cold conditions they showed the strength and determination to take home advantage with 3/3 wins! The C team won 50-5, the B team 40-20 and the A team managed a narrow victory with 25 points to 15. It was a brilliant afternoon which showed excellent teamwork and a fantastic display of skills.



Autumn 2016

Bablake Junior School Sport

Rugby Report

The rugby season has been a great one at Bablake Junior School with all the boys contributing to some excellent results.There have been a record number of fixtures this year with 71 matches being played across 4 age groups. Bablake has been undefeated in 60% of these matches and have scored nearly 400 tries! There is an ever increasing amount of enthusiasm, passion and excitement for rugby lessons and matches this year with many boys playing club rugby at the weekends. Local rugby clubs offer Junior Rugby coaching and matches and this helps the boys’ progression with their school rugby. Couple this with an outstanding season for the English Rugby team, and the future looks bright for the RFU!

The U8 A team have improved dramatically over the term and will be a really strong team over the next few years.They had a great win against Warwick but had two narrow defeats against Crackley Hall and KHPS.The B and C teams also did well this season and the C team was rewarded with a fine win against Crackley Hall.There is so much ability and enthusiasm within this group of boys and they have been a pleasure to coach. The U9 teams have been the surprise package this year with the A team only losing 2 matches out of the 8 its played.There were great wins against Crackley Hall, KHPS, Bromsgrove and Warwick.The B team had made huge improvements with many of the boys moving up into the A team.They had good wins against KHPS and Crackley Hall and should be pleased with the progress they have made. The U10 players have seen many new faces join their teams and have benefited from plenty of match experience this year. They had a great win against Solihull and a draw against a strong Magdalen College. All their other matches were narrow losses but I am sure their fortunes will turn next year. Particular mention must go to Christian Chimangah who has led the team exceptionally and gave a superb speech for all the players, staff and parents when touring side Magdalen College came to visit. The U11 teams carried on from their last 3 seasons of success and have continued to play good rugby.They had a much harder set of fixtures this year.The A team have played 14 matches this year, winning 9, drawing 2 and only losing 3. Highlights included wins against local opposition; KHPS, The Croft and Crackley Hall with other wins coming against big independent prep schools from further afield;Winterfold House,Wolverhampton Grammar, Stoneygate, Bromsgrove and Lincroft.There is great enthusiasm throughout this year group and the B, C and D teams have also had many notable victories. Mr Benfield

Bablake Junior School


Bablake Junior School Sport

Staff News Benfield’s Batting Paves Way for Rugby CC’s Cup Triumph Mr Ed Benfield’s brutal batting helped inspire Rugby CC to a 71-run victory over Water Orton in the T20 final at Edgbaston. Playing at Edgbaston, home to Warwickshire CC and a test ground to boot, will surely be a highlight in the impressive cricket career of Bablake Junior School’s Head of Sport. Despite increased pressure, on and off the pitch, to live up to his reputation as a bludgeoning batsman, Mr Benfield did not disappoint his ever-growing fan club. Opening the batting, with his customary scant regard for opposition bowling, he shared an exciting opening partnership of 76, from just eight overs, before being dismissed for 34, looking to entertain the select and partisan crowd with another lusty blow. Despite the opposition pegging Rugby back a little after Mr Benfield’s departure, the final total posted proved too much for Water Orton, who went from a respectable 67-2 to 97 all out, leaving a weary, experienced Rugby team proud victors.

Three Peak Heroes Earlier in the term an intrepid group of Bablake teachers and friends set out to climb the three highest mountains in Scotland, England and Wales, over one weekend, returning exhausted but having fulfilled its aim!

Diary Dates January 2017 Wednesday 4th Senior School Entrance Examinations

Thursday 5th Spring Term Begins

Saturday 21st Opening Morning 10am-12noon

February 2017 Mr Benfield and Mr Bogyor joined Senior School staff Mr Burdett, Mr Phillips and Tyas, on the challenge to raise money for Heart Link Children’s Charity. While walking up and down Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon, the team covered over 3407m (9,800ft) of ascent and at least 42km (26 miles) of walking in total - all in just over 24 hours.The group also endured hundreds of miles travel between the mountains in a minibus, including a 9 hour journey straight after school on a Friday!

Celebrating 30 Years!

Congratulations to our fantastic Kindergarten TA, Miss Tracy Coles, who celebrated 30 years at Cheshunt School/Bablake Pre Prep this term.

Saturday 4th Junior School Entrance Assessments

Monday 20th-24th Half Term Holiday

March 2017 Wednesday 1st – Wednesday 8th Travelling Book Fair

Friday 3rd Year 3 Visit the Safety Centre

April 2017 Thursday 6th Term ends at 3.40pm for Easter Holiday

Mr Woodward Bablake Junior School Coundon Road Coventry CV1 4AU

Bablake Pre Prep School 8 Park Road Coventry

T 024 7627 1260 E

T 024 7622 1677 E

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BJS Under A Rainbow Photo taken by Mr Benfield

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