Asian Express Yorkshire - June 3rd Edition 2014

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Express JUNE 3RD EDITION 2014


June 2014 - 3rd Edition







TOJAN HORSE SCANDAL Prime Minister David Cameron believes that ‘freedom, tolerance, and respect for British institutions’ should be part of the school curriculum in the UK.

‘Where was my help?’

DISAPPOINTED: Khalid Nasir has only been working as a taxi driver for 18 months and says he would leave the job if he could after being attacked by two men last weekend

See page 4

MAHARAJA’S MAJESTIC MOTORS Indian surgeonturned businessman Dr Ravi Prakash is one of the world’s most prolific millionaire classic and vintage car collectors.

Cabbie calls for quicker response time after racially aggravated assault

See page 73

KUNDRA GOES HIP HOP Rappers ‘Ill Defined’ who’ve worked with Tinie Tempah team up with versatile and talented Navin to create musical masterpiece ‘Forever’.

See page 63

By Ashley Grint

A taxi driver from Bradford was attacked and left with hundreds of pounds worth of damage to his car last weekend after a ‘pair of racist customers’ refused to pay their fare. Now, 35-year-old Khalid Nasir, from Undercliffe, is questioning why it took police an hour to respond to his emergency calls as he was left to sit ‘helplessly’ in his vehicle. The father-of-two has been a taxi driver for the past 18 months and was the victim of this latest racial assault in the early hours of Sunday morning, in Buttershaw.

Continued on page 6



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British teenager juggles A-levels and racing debut at Le mans

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition



GEARED UP By Anush Ansari

British teenager Alessandro Latif finally made his Le Mans 24 Hour motor race debut last weekend but only after taking his first A-level examinations. The 18-year-old Londoner, who has an Indian-born father and mother from Italy, was given special permission to ‘sit’ three exams in Paris just days before taking another less than 24 hours after the finish of this year’s twice-aroundthe-clock endurance sportscar race. The Marlborough College student took full advantage of the high-speed TGV train to make the 120-mile journey on three consecutive days to take mathematics, advanced maths and physics exams. While Tuesday was essentially a ‘free’ day on the week-long Le Mans programme, Wednesday and Thursday – the other days Alessandro had to commute to the

French capital – featured practice and qualifying on the schedule that goes on until midnight. “I want to become a ‘factory’ sportscar driver one day and to reach the very top it’s vital to study and learn as much as possible,” confirmed Alessandro. “It’s unfortunate that my A-levels coincide with the biggest race of my career to date but needs must. My aim is to read automotive engineering at Loughborough University so the exams are extremely important. “It’s not ideal commuting backwards and forwards to Paris but it’s essential I think long-term because the course at Loughborough can only help my motor racing aspirations.” Latif, who only turned 18-yearsold in April, raced in a British-built Zytek in the 82nd running of the gruelling twice-around-the-clock race that began on Saturday 14th June. Alessandro, who was born in London, drives for the Greaves

Motorsport with British duo Michaël Munneman and James Winslow. Latif is the youngest British driver in the 168-driver, 56car field and became the second youngest driver in the history of the event to finish the annual Le Mans race that ran for the 82nd time last weekend. Latif has been racing an Audi in races in America and throughout Europe so far this season. He got his first taste of the daunting 8.47mile circuit consisting of closed ‘public’ roads combined with a permanent race track section just one week prior to the big race. The eight-hour test was the only opportunity for the invited 54-car entry and saw the Latif/Munneman/ Winslow Zytek set the 14th fastest time in the ultra-competitive 17-car LM P2 category despite only using old tyres. Latif, who clocked up 26-laps himself during the test day, reflected: “I visited Le Mans last year for the first time and the atmosphere was amazing. The

changeable weather could be the biggest challenge for me. “ T h e recent test day enabled me to learn the track – and the Zytek. The biggest challenge were the high-speed Porsche Curves. A sportsprototype is a very different car to the GT3 sportscar that I’m used to racing this year. “Overtaking some of the slower cars can be tricky too. Sometimes it’s a case of not being too ambitious and back off a little - it’s better to lose a few seconds than to get bumped off the track. “I settled in with the team and was very happy with the car at the test. I’m confident that we’ll have a good race.”

DEBUT: Alessandro Latif is the youngest British driver in the 168-driver, 56-car 24 hour race field



June 2014 - 3rd Edition



Trojan Horse inquiry labelled ‘Political Witch Hunt’ as Bradford schools targeted

ATTACKED: Carlton Bolling College and Laisterdyke Business and Enterprise College were the two schools who were mentioned in connection with the Trojan Horse claims

By Ashley Grint

The inclusion of two Bradford schools in the highly-publicised Trojan Horse affair has been slammed by a chairman of governors at one of the alleged educational establishments. Cllr Faisal Khan, Independent Party representative for Bradford Moor and chair of governors at Carlton Bolling College, has warned that communities feel they are ‘under attack’ by the report. Labelled a ‘witch hunt’, Cllr Khan was reacting to an increase of suspicion surrounding the two schools in the city, the other being Laisterdyke Business and Enterprise College, with even Prime Minister David Cameron hinting that he thought the Trojan Horse affair had spread to West Yorkshire. Speaking in the House of Commons, Mr Cameron said: “The problem of Islamist extremism in our schools is serious. The situation - not just in Birmingham, but elsewhere is TARGETED: Cllr Faisal Khan, chairman of extremely serious. governors at Carlton Bolling College, says claims “I am absolutely linking Bradford with the ‘non-existent plot’ are determined, as are just part of a smear campaign against the city


Michael Gove, has been nothing more than a conspired and deplorable neoconservative agenda to stir hatred After weeks of media hype, it has now towards Muslims in Britain. The leaked OFSTED reports showing emerged that the ‘Trojan Horse’ campaign driven by Secretary of State for Education absolutely no ‘hard-line Islamist

the Home Secretary, the Education Secretary and, indeed, the whole Government, to ensure that it is unacceptable in our country. “People should be being taught in our schools in a way that ensures that they can play a full part in the life of our country.” In response Cllr Khan, who was also on the board of governors for the Laisterdyke setup before the entire board was fired in April, has released a statement of his own to the Asian Express, outlining his concerns around the allegations. He said: “These unfounded and unsubstantiated fears are part of smear campaign to link Bradford to a nonexistent plot. “This all feels like a politically motivated witch hunt to destabilise governing bodies with majority Muslim governors who have been democratically elected and are engaging lawfully and fully in British society and its values. “This has left communities like Bradford feeling under attack. “Everyone needs to take a step back before more damage is done to these schools and the reputation of many, including Ofsted, which I think has now become an instrument for the Secretary of State to bully and harass, rather than the fair and objective organisation that I had believed that it was.” Cllr Khan added that he believed the

extremist takeover’ across schools in Birmingham and beyond, is a proverbial ‘slap in the face’ for Mr Gove. He should have acted more responsibly at a time when pupils are taking the GCSE’s and ALevel’s.

recent finger-pointing also did not bode well for any other educational establishment across the whole of the UK. He continued: “What is disappointing is that others have chosen to speak on these matters when clearly they do not have the full facts and may themselves have a vested interest as their other role as an executive of an academy chain. “There are others who are deliberately quoting out of context or unaware of Department for Education guidance and this kind of carelessness is giving legitimacy to begin the witch hunt in Bradford and in the case of others appear to be at the centre of a plot to marginalise the Muslim community.” Prime Minister David Cameron believes that ‘freedom, tolerance, respect for the rule of law, belief in personal and social responsibility and respect for British institutions’ should be part of the school curriculum in the UK

We have been publishing updates on the ‘Trojan Horse’ enquiry since its onset and were never in any doubt that Mr Gove’s allegations were baseless and unfounded. The Asian Express stands shoulder-to-

shoulder in support of the parents and the students who have been victims of this vicious anti-Muslim campaign and applaud them for behaving in an exemplary character during this entire harrowing finger-pointing witch-hunt.

‘Leeds Challenges Hate’

PROMISE: An official charter was signed in Leeds last week by officials including (l-r front) West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson, Leeds City Council’s lead member for community safety Cllr Mick Coulson, Brooke Taylor and Leeds City Council deputy leader Cllr Peter Gruen

Work to tackle hate crime in communities across Leeds has been further underpinned this past week as a new charter has been signed to fight the problem headon. The 'Leeds Challenges Hate' charter was devised and supported by the Safer Leeds Community Safety Partnership as part of a revised hate crime strategy document that sets out the city’s approach to tackling the issue. Three key objectives form part of the strategy and they include: Increasing awareness and

understanding of what constitutes a hate crime through training and publicity; increasing reporting of hate incidents by building victims confidence; and decreasing the number of repeat victims. West Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Mark Burns-Williamson explained how the latest development came after listening to the needs of the region’s minority members. “Responses to my ‘Listening to you First’ survey… showed that those who felt threatened or had been attacked were more likely to be female, disabled, gay/ lesbian, Muslim or from

an ethnic minority background,” he said. “This is why ‘Tackling Hate Crime’ remains one of the key priorities in my refreshed Police and Crime Plan and I have made some personal commitments on this issue.” He added: “A joint response, with a strong partnership framework will help us to ensure we have the best overall chance of educating communities – sharing a zero tolerance message and supporting communities when hate crime or incidents occur to ensure communities are safer and feel safer.”

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





Q&A with your property law solicitor

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

VICTIM: Mr Nasir hopes to see police response times improve after waiting an hour for officers to arrive on the scene when he was attacked on Sunday morning

DIN Solicitors specialise in various areas of law. This week our solicitor will be discussing frequently asked questions in relation to residential conveyancing.

• What is conveyancing? Conveyancing is the term given to the process of transferring legal ownership of land and property. Conveyancing can include sale, purchase, and re-mortgaging.

• How long does conveyancing take? The conveyancing process does not have a fixed duration. Much depends on whether or not there is a mortgage, the cooperation of all parties involved etc. A straightforward conveyance where there are no major problems can be completed within 6-12 weeks. However please note this is a guide only; some conveyances may take longer and some may be completed sooner.

• How much does conveyancing cost? There are two costs – one is the legal fee and one is a fee for disbursements (see below). The legal fee will depend on the purchase/sale price of the property and whether a mortgage is involved. We are able to provide a fixed fee which is very reasonable and competitive. • What are disbursements? Disbursements are expenses paid to third parties and which are incurred in the conveyancing process (e.g. property searches, Land Registry fees etc). We have excellent contacts with search providers and can obtain competitive quotes for search fees.

• What are the different types of searches? The main searches include the following: • Local Authority Search – this reveals the property’s planning history and any future planning proposals likely to impact the property. • Drainage Search – this tells you whether the drains run into a private or public sewer. • Land Registry Search – this reveals if there are any undisclosed mortgages on the property. • Land Charges Search – this is usually required by the mortgage lender to ensure you are not bankrupt. • Environmental Search – this reveals if there are any waste disposal sites in the locality and whether there is any risk of flooding, subsidence etc. There may be other searches which may be applicable to your conveyance. Please contact us and we will advise you further.

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‘Where was my help?’ Cabbie calls for quicker response time after racially aggravated assault

Cover story continued During a routine drop-off, Mr Nasir was verbally abused by his two passengers before they got out of the car without paying the full fee. After asking for the extra couple of pounds, they proceeded to attack him physically in the car before stealing his mobile phone and up to £40 in cash. “It was the first time anything like this has happened to me,” Mr Nasir explained. “I radioed the office almost immediately to tell them I was being attacked and they called 999 straight away. “The two men got out of my car, opened my door and then started to punch and rip the radio out in hope that I couldn’t contact the office.” Mr Nasir then got out of the taxi himself and followed the two young men as he asked for his mobile phone back. Once again he says he became victim of further verbal abuse before he was punched from behind and kicked in the back as he attempted to return to his car. “I just had to sit there inside the car in the end and wait for help,” he added. “They kicked my wing mirror which will cost at least £400 to fix and put dents in my door. “When help did arrive it was some of my colleagues from the office who had come out after my call and then, one hour after they initially alerted the police, they turned up. “Who knows what could have happened. All that they knew was that I was being attacked, it could have been so much worse over the hour.” Mr Nasir says the assault has made him contemplate his career choice yet in order to ‘feed the family’ he added that

he must continue in his role. Pleading for more support, he explained why he believed the authorities had to increase response times for all victims of assault. “As taxi drivers, we are given licensing by the council so we are working for them really as public servants,” he said. “What would happen if someone in the council got attacked? It certainly wouldn’t take the same amount of time to respond. “We are tasked with dealing with the public who, at times don’t even know where they are. We are the ones who have to get them home safely and with no backup from the police it is very disappointing.” A statement from the police was issued following the attack to reaffirm their position in protecting all members of the public, especially taxi drivers. Superintendent Scott Bisset, of Bradford District Police, said: “We can confirm that a call was received reporting a theft in Blackshaw Drive, Buttershaw, at around 7.15am on Sunday, 8th June. “This was initially reported as an incident where the suspects had left the area, and due to other ongoing emergencies in the District, officers were unable to attend immediately. “Each call for service is graded according to its nature and officers attended as soon as they were available. “The incident is now under investigation and we are in contact with the victim, who has been fully updated on its progress. “Any assault is unacceptable, but attacks on taxi drivers are taken particularly seriously and we regularly work closely with local taxi firms and partner organisations to prevent such incidents.”

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





Park and Ride

Motorists are being encouraged to leave their cars behind and help bypass city centre congestion as Leeds opens it first large-scale park-and-ride. The eagerly awaited 800-space facility on Elland Road is expected to score with commuters when it opens its gates at 7am on Monday 23rd June. It has been fast-tracked so that visitors to the Tour de France Grand Départ will be able to use the facility on race day, starting Saturday 5th July. Commuters can also stay connected while on the move thanks to a modern low-emission fleet of WiFi enabled buses serving the route. The fleet will provide a 10-minute shuttle service into the city centre providing a bus every 10 minutes from 7am – 7pm Monday to Saturday, apart from Saturday Match Days when Leeds United are playing at home.

Remembering the forgotten By Ashley Grint

Al Murray pulls a pint in Huddersfield

Al Murray’s new tour, Al Murray The Pub Landlord: One Man, One Guvnor comes to Huddersfield Town Hall on Saturday 7th February 2015 at 7.30pm. Twenty years ago, Britain’s favourite publican embarked on his one man mission as the King Cnut of Common Sense, holding back a tide of bottled beer and ninny state nonsense. One Man, One Guvnor celebrates 20 years at the lager top. Tickets are available from now with tickets starting from just £25.50.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

VICTIM: Shafilea Ahmed, from Bradford, was murdered by her parents in an honour killing in 2003 after they claimed she had become ‘too westernised’

Thousands of people have signed an online petition which calls upon Prime Minister David Cameron to ‘give a day of remembrance’ to the victims of honour crimes across the UK. More than 95,000 names were signed to the campaign, colaunched by Cosmopolitan Magazine and charity Karma Nirvana, who provide support to victims and survivors of forced marriage and honour based abuse. Following its success, a second petition has now also been set up, directed at Home Secretary Theresa May, which also requests a day of memory to remember all those victims of honour based violence. It is proposed that the date should be on that of the birthday of a murdered Bradford teenager who was killed by her parents in an honour killing in 2003. Shafilea Ahmed was killed at the age of just 17 after becoming ‘too westernised’, despite warning a number of agencies that her life was in danger prior to her death. Chief executive of the Karma Nirvana charity, Jasvinder Sanghera, says Shafilea was an innocent victim of a ‘terrible crime’. She hoped that by having the day of remembrance on Shafilea’s birthday it would ensure that her memory lived on.

“We want this day to keep her memory alive and pay respect to all the girls out there whose memory may have been erased over time.” “What we need to remember is that Shafilea was murdered simply for being a normal kid in Britain and embracing all that it stands for,” Miss Sanghera said. “She was at risk of being killed and forced into a marriage because of this and despite telling agencies she was in danger, nothing was done. “Her family buried her knowing that it was because of them that she had died, they had killed her. “We want this day to keep her

Thousands sign petition calling for day of remembrance CAMPAIGN: Jasvinder Sanghera, Chief executive of the Karma Nirvana charity, hopes to see people support the latest petition directed at Home Secretary Theresa May, after almost 100,000 people signed a similar message sent to David Cameron

memory alive and pay respect to all the girls out there whose memory may have been erased over time.” Karma Nirvana’s helpline receives more than 800 calls a month although official statistics currently suggest that only one honour-based killing takes place in the UK every month. Miss Sanghera believes that due to such violence often taking place in the home, it is a ‘hidden crime’ and that actual figures could be a lot higher. “We don’t know how many unmarked graves there are out there or how many people have been flown abroad but we do know that honour-based violence is still happening in the UK,” she said. “We get hundreds of calls every month and hopefully by calling

upon the Home Secretary and Prime Minister to acknowledge the victims, people, especially children, can become educated on the crime.” She added: “As of Monday, forced marriage is officially recognised as a crime which is fantastic. We campaigned and lobbied for that decision to be made and now we want a day of remembrance for the victims. “I urge everyone to sign this latest petition to the Home Secretary and help us get a day to remember for these honourable human beings.” If you have been affected by honour-based abuse, forced marriages, or are currently a victim of the crime, you can contact Karma Nirvana for support on their helpline at 0800 599 9247.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition

‘Wheely’ good idea By Ashley Grint

A group of technology whizzes from the University of Bradford have been showcasing their latest innovative gadgets this past week at the National History Museum in London. Dr Prashant Pillai and his team have been demonstrating a working prototype which allows disabled people to control their electric wheelchairs simply by moving their eyes. The initial breakthrough, which came back in 2011, has now been modified by Dr Pillai, and PhD student Suraj Verma, and could help severely disabled people achieve a greater sense of independence. Bradford’s university team had already developed a unique eye controlled robot and a wheelchair controlled through an eye piece. But after months of completely rewriting the software involved, this has now been adapted so that users of the wheelchair do not have to wear anything over their eyes but can simply look at a screen attached to the wheelchair. Speaking before the exhibition, Dr Pillai explained: “The event at the National History Museum is welcoming some of the TECHNOLOGY: Dr Prashant Pillai, Senior Lecturer in Electronics and Telecommunication at the University of Bradford, has been at the forefront of developing the latest eye-controlled software for wheelchairs

top university researchers from across the county and it is a privilege to be included in this list. “This technology has the potential to change lives and is at the forefront of what we as a leading technology university are all about.” As part of Universities Week, the researchers headed to the capital, alongside thousands of families, school children, academics and industry experts, between Wednesday 11th and Friday 13th June to show the world their amazing work. The technology works using an eye tracking device that remotely tracks eye movement and then relays that information to the intelligent control unit of the wheelchair. Users simply look in the direction they wish to travel and the wheelchair responds. The team now intend to refine the technology further, before consulting with disability groups to carry out user testing. They are hoping to attract external investment to allow them to further develop it and take it to market. There are further opportunities to develop the technology to other electrical items in the home. The longer term aspiration is to work towards a fully assisted home, where a user could just look at their television, lighting or music equipment to

June 2014 - 3rd Edition



Bradford’s eye-controlled wheelchair travels to London switch it on. Dr Pillai is a Senior Lecturer in Electronics and Telecommunication and a member of the Future Ubiquitous Networks (FUN) Research Group which is led by Prof Fun Hu. The team also demonstrated other research carried out by the group like their unique eye controlled game and their ground-breaking aeronautical communications technology funded by the EU and the TSB.

“This technology has the potential to change lives and is at the forefront of what we as a leading technology university are all about.”

CLEVER: Dr Pillai and PhD student Suraj Verma have modified initial designs to allow disabled people to control their wheelchairs with just their eyes and no glasses needed

Become a Connect Carer

Wakefield Council is urging local people to help make a difference to the lives of children who have disabilities and their families by becoming a Connect carer. Connect Care is one of a range of short-break services available for families caring for a disabled child in the Wakefield district. Carers provide regular, planned short-breaks, to children aged 0-18 who have a physical or learning disability or sensory impairment. Breaks range from a few hours to one or two days a month, giving children the opportunity to enjoy new experiences within a safe, homefrom-home environment. Cllr Olivia Rowley, cabinet member for Children and Young People said: “We are encouraging local people who are enthusiastic, caring and committed to helping families, to join the Connect Service and support disabled children throughout the Wakefield district.” Asian

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Blooming Great Tea Party A Bradford hospice will be celebrating the opening of its newly refurbished Inpatient Unit later this month and everybody is invited to come along for a spot of tea. What better way for the Bradford Marie Curie Hospice to officially relaunch their new-look premises than by holding a Blooming Great Tea Party for all patients, families and local residents to enjoy. The tea party is taking place at the Maudsley Street hospice on Tuesday 24th June from noon until 5pm and will include a tombola, raffle and much more. All the money raised from the tea party will go towards supporting the Marie Curie Hospice, Bradford, which provides specialist care for people with cancer and other life-limiting illnesses as well as supporting families, completely free of charge. Anisa Kazi, Health Care Assistant in the Day Therapy Unit, said she was excited to welcome

people to the site and hoped to raise lots of money for the charity. She said: “We’d like to invite everyone to our Blooming Great Tea Party, here at the hospice on 24th June to help raise funds for Marie Curie. “It’s going to be a fantastic event with lots of delicious cakes and a great way to make new friends. “The more money we raise, the more free care we can provide to terminally ill people, as well as vital emotional support for their families.” The Bradford Hospice’s tea party is part of many others that are taking place across the country between 20th and 29th June as part of Marie Curie’s Blooming Great Tea Party campaign. If you are feeling inspired to organise your own tea party for friends, family or work colleagues sign up for your free Blooming Great Tea Party fundraising pack at or call 08700 340 040.

SUPPORT: Anisa Kazi, Health care assistant, shares a giant pot of tea at the hospice with two patients from the day therapy unit

“The more money we raise, the more free care we can provide to terminally ill people, as well as vital emotional support for their families.”

Bradford Hospice fundraising through a cuppa

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





Fighting militants through TV New channel to launch in opposition to kidnappers In a somewhat unique move, the United States have announced that they are to finance a new 24-hour satellite TV channel in northern Nigeria in the latest fight against insurgents. The project, which is already underway, is aiming to counter insurgencies by the militant Islamist group Boko Haram and other groups in the region. A US official said the country

would: “support Nigerian efforts to provide an attractive alternative to the messaging of violent extremists.” According to sources, the project has been in the making for two years with initial discussions taking part as far back as 2012. The contents of the channel will be produced in Nigeria by Nigerians in response to the violent Boko Haram group. In recent months, the US has been

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

DANGEROUS: The Boko Haram militant group have been televised across the world over recent months, due to the kidnapping of more than 200 schoolgirls, and now Nigeria will be launching a TV channel to counter insurgent groups

one of a number of countries which has increased its collaboration with Lagos, providing greater surveillance and communication in response to violence from Boko Haram – in particular due to the abduction of more than 200 schoolgirls in April. The new TV channel, which is not yet broadcasting but is near to completion, will be financed by the state department's bureau of counterterrorism and is expected to cost about £3.6m. The project is run in Nigeria by Equal Access International, a San Francisco-based government contractor that has managed media programs sponsored by the state department in Yemen and Pakistan

meant to encourage youth services, literacy and security. Access participation in politics and counter to electricity is limited and few Islamist extremism. people own televisions.

The US has been one of a number of countries which has increased its collaboration with Lagos, providing greater surveillance and communication in response to violence from Boko Haram According to The Times In addition to the broadcasts, the newspaper, foreign policy experts Times said the project would have said the project faced several provide training to journalists in the challenges in a region with low region. levels of infrastructure, public

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Changes in government legislation set to protect thousands of potential victims By Anush Ansari

Forcing someone to marry against their will has become a criminal offence as of Monday 16th June. The new legislation has been introduced by the government to help people in England and Wales, but will also apply to UK nationals overseas who are at risk of becoming the victim of a forced marriage.

Forced marriage can involve physical, psychological, emotional, financial and sexual abuse including being held unlawfully captive, assaulted and raped. In 2013, the government’s Forced Marriage Unit gave advice or support related to a possible forced marriage to more than 1300 people. The maximum penalty for the new offence of forced marriage is seven years imprisonment. Law enforcement agencies will

also be able to pursue perpetrators in other countries where a UK national is involved under new powers defined in legislation. Home Secretary Theresa May said: “Forced marriage is a tragedy for each and every victim, and its very nature means that many cases go unreported. “I am proud to say that the UK is already a world-leader in the fight to stamp out this harmful practice with the government’s Forced Marriage Unit working hard to tackle this terrible practice in the UK and overseas. “Today’s criminalisation is a further move by this government to ensure victims are protected by the law and that they have the confidence, safety and the freedom to choose. “This summer, the Prime Minister will also be hosting the UK’s first summit dedicated to galvanising action against forced marriage and related issues.” The new legislation also makes forcing a UK national into marriage

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outside the UK an offence under domestic law for the first time. The offence is triable in courts in England and Wales. The new criminal offences will work alongside existing civil legislation (Forced Marriage Protection Orders - FMPOs) allowing victims to pursue a civil or criminal option. FMPOs can already be made by a civil court against any individuals suspected of trying to force a victim into marriage. From today the breach of a FMPO is a criminal offence with a maximum penalty of five years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine. This will strengthen the existing law by enabling speedier and more effective enforcement action against those who breach the terms of an order. It will still be possible for victims to seek enforcement for breach of a forced marriage protection order by way of the civil court’s contempt powers as an alternative to reporting the breach to the police. Crime Prevention Minister Norman Baker said: “Forced marriage is an appalling form of abuse which crosses borders and cultural boundaries. The scale of reported cases is deeply worrying, but this is just the tip of the iceberg. “Legislation is the next key step in solving this problem and builds on the hard work already being done by the government and third sector

organisations to tackle this practice. “The message from the coalition government is clear - forced marriage is totally unacceptable and will not be tolerated.” Aneeta Prem, founder of Freedom charity, which exists to educate young people about forced marriage, said: “I am delighted that the government has taken action to criminalise forced marriage. “In the most tragic cases, people forced into marriage become domestic slaves by day and sexual slaves by night. “Today’s announcement sends out a powerful message that this indefensible abuse of human rights will be not be tolerated. “Everyone should have the freedom to choose.” Dr Ash Chand, the NSPCC’s strategy head for minority ethnic children said: “The change in the law to make forced marriage a crime in England and Wales is a huge step forward which we hope will deter those plotting against their own children. “Many young people who call our ChildLine service about this issue are frightened, concerned and feel control of their lives is being wrenched from them. “We have produced an animation that will help allay their fears and encourage them to contact us for help and advice.”

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





INTRUDER Police search for thief who targeted ‘vulnerable’ residents Police have issued an Efit of a man they would like to speak to following a bogus-official burglary in Horbury last week. The Ossett Neighbourhood Policing Team would like to speak to anyone who recognises the man pictured following a burglary at a Whitehall Court in Horbury at about 5pm on Wednesday 4th June. It took place after the victims, an 81-year-old woman and an 87-yearold man, noticed a shadow by the front door of their flat and, on checking, found a man had entered their home. He did not introduce himself but asked them to go in the kitchen with him and run their taps to test them. While they did so he left the kitchen, came back briefly, and then left again after telling them to once again run the water. After a few moments the couple turned the taps off and later discovered the male, who by this stage had left the property, had stolen a quantity of cash from their bedroom. He was described as Asian, 5ft 6in tall, wearing a blue anorak type jacket, with blue and white stripes on the inside, with a hood and full sleeves. He also had dark hair, a half beard and glasses. PC Sarah Young of the Ossett NPT, said: “We are investigating this incident and would like to

SEARCH: Do you know this man? Police have issued the Efit in an attempt to find a thief who posed as a bogus-official after breaking into an elderly couple’s home

speak to anyone who can identify the man pictured who has preyed on two vulnerable residents. “I would remind householders that you are not under obligation to let anyone into your home and if anyone does say or intimate, as in this case, that they are from an organisation or are on official business then you should ask for ID and a contact number to check they are who they say they are. “Anyone who has information or can help identify this man should contact myself at the Ossett NPT on 101.”

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Police target domestic violence during World Cup Domestic violence offenders have been advised to seek help to change or risk paying the penalty as Police work to protect victims during this summer's World Cup. West Yorkshire Police and partner agencies have promised to protect victims by focussing on those who abuse their partners and families during Brazil 2014. Assistant Chief Constable Geoff Dodd of West Yorkshire Police said: “Offenders should be in no doubt that police and partners are determined to do everything possible to protect victims of domestic violence.

“Inflamed passions and excess alcohol on a match day is no excuse for aggressive or violent behaviour. This is simply not acceptable and any violence will be met by the full force of the law.” “During Euro 2012, while offences were lower than in the 2010 football World Cup we still saw spikes in reported incidents on match days. “Inflamed passions and excess alcohol on a match day is no excuse for aggressive or violent behaviour. This is simply not acceptable and any violence will be met by the full force of the law.” England's first game is scheduled to take place late in the evening of Saturday June 14 and in the build-up to the game, officers will be visiting known offenders and warning them about the consequences of aggressive or violent behaviour.

WARNING: West Yorkshire Police Assistant Chief Constable, Geoff Dodd, says any violence will be met with the ‘full force of the law’

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition


POPULAR: The Candy Floss stall proved a huge success with people of all ages tasting the sugary delight

Raising funds for Cancer Research

Hundreds of pounds were raised for charity last weekend as Bradford’s communities came together in the fight against cancer. Cancer Research UK Bradford were the hosts of the event which saw an array of stalls and activities arrive at the AlMustaqeem Centre for all the family to enjoy. With everything from clothes to toys and cotton candy to samosas on offer, the event had something for everyone. Sarah Khan, marketing team volunteer at the charity, helped organise the day with the aim of raising awareness of the work Cancer Research UK does across the region and the country. With hundreds turning up on the day to see what was on offer, the event proved a huge success and Ms Khan adds that she hopes it will only be the first of many similar events in the future. “Last weekend was fantastic and it was great to see so many people come down and get involved, whether it be as volunteers or customers,” she said. “Donations had been made before the event which had allowed us to set up with stalls and activities and it all went really well. “Our cotton candy stall proved very popular and was donated for free for the day from Nosheen from Jump 4 Fun, giving people something different as well as the pakoras and samosas.” She added: “Also, we must say a huge thank you to AlMustaqeem Centre for letting us hold our event in the hall for the day.” Despite an early downpour, the event stood up to the weather conditions and ran until 5pm after six hours of successful trading. Nasaybah was another volunteer who helped throughout the day and said she was glad to have been able to help the charity in some way, adding: “We would like to thank everyone who made it possible to reach above our target.” For more information about the charity please visit

CaterEquip TEAM: Cancer Research UK Bradford volunteers helped run the event throughout the day raising both funds and awareness for the charity in the city

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition





The all night performance of classical Indian music in Leeds

Summer Solstice Festival

PERFORMING: Tabla (a type of drum) artist, Shahbaz Hussain, will be just one of the many Indian performers, appearing at the annual festival

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

People from all over the UK will be arriving in Leeds City Centre later this month to celebrate the break of dawn on the longest day of the year, at the 2014 South Asian Arts-UK, Summer Solstice festival. Brimming with mystical, musical charm, the all-night concert is the only one of its kind in the UK and is taking place in the heart of Leeds City Centre. For those new to the festival the performance aims to highlight the magical qualities of an oral ancient, music tradition that is rarely performed. Running for its third year, the extravaganza of music encompasses a unique array of internationally acclaimed artists of Indian classical music who will take the audience on a ‘raga’ and a journey from the sunset through to sunrise. The inspiration behind the festival comes from Keranjeet Kaur Virdee, Chief Executive of SAA-uk, who established the concert in response to increased artists demands. After the success of previous year’s events, she says she cannot wait for June’s festivities to begin and explained where the event came from. She said: “The idea came to me when I heard musicians talking about the compositions of music they

spend a long time practicing but rarely get chance to perform. “A raga uses a series of musical notes upon which a melody is constructed and is associated with a time, season or emotion. “Rarely do musicians have the opportunity to play late at night and into the early morning, times which evoke the true essence of the music that the unknown composers aim to capture. “This festival gives the artists the chance to showcase their musical abilities to a wide audience.” For regular fans of Indian classical music, the festival presents an outstanding line up of seven internationally renowned musicians; Ustad Harjinderpal Sing, Ramprapanna Bhattacharya, Kousic Sen, Ustad Surjit Singh, Manjit Singh Rasiya, in addition to two artists being flown in especially from India to perform; Awad Pratap Balasaheb and Uday Bhawalkar. The Summer Solstice marks the day with the most hours of daylight and the fewest hours of darkness, falling this year, on Saturday 21st June. If you would like to attend the unique annual event, or just find out more information about the acts performing, visit

June 2014 - 3rd Edition




June 2014 - 3rd Edition

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

MURDERED: Rania Alayed’s body has never been found after her husband, Ahmed al-Khatib, murdered her in June 2013

Husband jailed for life

Missing Mum’s murderer sentenced after ‘honour killing’

Local A man, who lured his wife to her death before wearing her clothing to convince family and friends she was still alive, has been jailed for a minimum of 20 years. Ahmed al-Khatib put on his wife’s jeans and headscarf and then carried her corpse in a suitcase less than a hour after she dropped their children off at his brother's flat in Salford, Greater Manchester, on 7th June last year. The body of Rania Alayed, 25, was then driven to the North Yorkshire area where it was buried. Police have yet to find the body of the Syrian-born mother-of-three despite numerous searches. Khatib, 35, was on Wednesday convicted by a jury of her murder and sentenced to life. He admitted killing her but he claimed he pushed her to the floor and she banged her head after she appeared to him in the form of an evil spirit. Manchester crown court heard the marriage was ‘marred by violence’ and that Alayed, originally from the Middlesbrough area, left him after years of serious domestic violence. She feared for her life and had sought help from the Citizens Advice Bureau, the police and eventually a solicitor which angered her husband's family. The defendant's brother Muhaned al-Khatib, 38, said he was not present at the time that any violence was used against Alayed in his flat in Arthur


Millwood Court and did not bear any responsibility for her murder. He was cleared by the jury of that charge. Both he and Ahmed AlKhatib, of Gorton, had pleaded guilty to intending to pervert the course of justice by transporting and concealing the body of Alayed. A third brother, Hussain alKhatib, 34, also of Gorton, was found guilty by the jury of intending to pervert the course of justice. Muhaned al-Khatib was jailed for three years, while Hussain al-Khatib was imprisoned for four years. Following last week’s sentencing, Detective Chief Inspector Phil Reade, of GMP's Major Incident Team, said: “Rania was a young mother-ofthree with everything to live for. “She was beginning to put an abusive and violent relationship behind her and had genuine cause to be optimistic for the future. “But at the point, when she thought she might be able to create a better life for her and her children – free of the domestic abuse she suffered at the hands of Al-Khatib – her husband snatched it all away in the cruellest and most despicable way possible. “Invited to a neutral meeting place, he murdered her in cold blood while her children were in the next room. We might never know whether they heard or saw anything of their mother's last movements.”


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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Imran Khan to walk away from Bradford Uni role

Chancellor steps down

DEPARTING: Imran Khan is leaving his role as chancellor at the University of Bradford, adding that it was an ‘honour’ which he will ‘cherish’

Eight years after accepting the reins of Chancellor at the University of Bradford, Imran Khan has announced he will step down from his position. The famed sportsman-turn-politician will leave his role on 30th November after being installed as the fifth chancellor in December 2005, succeeding Baroness Betty Lockwood. Mr Khan’s role at the place of education had been questioned by some in the past, with his political commitments in Pakistan taking up more and more of his time. During his time at the helm, one of the 61-year-old’s first duties was to lay a foundation stone for the university’s new Institute of Cancer Therapeutics (ICT). He has helped forge close links between the ICT and Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre in Pakistan which remain today. This partnership has also seen a research student from the hospital in Pakistan completing her PhD in cancer research at Bradford. Vice-Chancellor of the University of Bradford, Professor Brian Cantor, spoke of his gratitude of Mr Khan and thanked him for all his support over the years. He said: “Imran has played a critical and important role for us as Chancellor of the University over an extended period of time. He has been a truly outstanding ambassador for the University and a wonderful role model

for our students. “He has awarded degrees to many students here at Bradford, and has also set up one of the fastest growing colleges in Pakistan, Namal College, where students also receive University of Bradford degrees. “From discussions I have had with Imran, I know he is proud to have served as our Chancellor for the past eight years and is thankful of the support and advice we have given him in setting up Namal College. He looks forward to continuing to work in partnership with the University. “We are extremely grateful for the support that Imran has given the University over the past eight years. I am confident that his support and our strong relationship will continue into the future.” Imran Khan said: “It has been my honour to serve as Chancellor of the University of Bradford. This has been a rewarding and informative experience and one that I will cherish.” A Chancellor acts as a figurehead for the University’s activities and also appeals to, and provides a role model for, the various constituencies the University serves. These include its students and its local, national and international stakeholders. The University will now begin its search for a new Chancellor as it looks ahead to its 50th anniversary in 2016.

National Citizen Service wants you

Young people in Leeds who are looking for a life-changing experience this summer are being urged to sign up for the National Citizen Service (NCS) programme. The NCS programme in Leeds is filling up fast and is a once-in-a-lifetime experience offered to 16 and 17 year olds that builds skills and confidence, helps them get ahead in work and life and gives them a positive role in their local community. Young people undertake NCS in teams of 15. The programme in Leeds includes an action-packed away residential at Hill Climb Activity Centre in Lancashire, a skills-building residential back in Leeds, time finding out about the local community, designing and delivering a local community project and then enjoying a huge graduation party, with a certificate signed by the Prime Minister. To speak to someone for more information about the NCS programme in Leeds, and to sign up, call the team on 0800 027 9111, quoting Leeds City Council, or email NationalCitizenServiceEnquiries@

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition

EMPLOYED: Engineering graduate Aftab Afzal stands proudly after landing the job at Rolls Royce despite battling an illness during his studies

A University of Huddersfield graduate is on the road to victory after successfully obtaining his ‘perfect job’ with one of the most prestigious engineering companies in the world. Aftab Afzal, 27, gained a distinction for his Masters in Electronic Engineering at the University of Huddersfield and now has more reasons to celebrate after landing a job with Rolls Royce. Despite having to take a leave from his studies after being diagnosed with a brain tumour, the skilled engineer returned to complete his qualifications and land his dream job. Originally from Oman, Aftab will work at the Birmingham branch of Aero Engine Controls (AEC), part of the Rolls Royce Group, where he will help supply engine control equipment for everything from small auxiliary power units through to the largest turbofan. Speaking about overcoming the challenges which came with his condition, he thanked his family, friends and tutors for their support. “I have now made a full recovery, although I struggled with my speech and had to learn to walk again” he said. “I thought I was going to be out of education for a year but my family and tutors were there to support me all the way.” He added: “If I can do all of this I think anyone can. The support I received from

my family and tutor's, especially Dr Peter Mather and Dr Violeta Holmes, was amazing throughout my time here at University. The town is so lovely and friendly as are all the people. “I am now planning on staying in the UK as I have found my dream job and am now married to the love of my life and have a son. I couldn't be happier. And I owe this to my family, the University of Huddersfield and the very special tutors who supported me throughout.” Following in the footsteps of his father, who is a civil engineer in Oman, Aftab has always had a real passion for electronics, even fixing his own PlayStation One games console when he was a young boy. Soon after completing his secondary education from the Pakistan School Salalah, in Oman, Aftab applied to the University of Huddersfield’s engineering degree course. Despite initial reservations about travelling to the UK due to the struggles of getting work experience, he said he quickly settled into his role at the university and even landed a work-placement in his chosen industry. He said: “If you are a non-UK national this can often prove very difficult but with the help of the University's placement scheme within the School of Computing and Engineering, in the third year of my BEng degree I took part in a really successful one year work-placement.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition



DRIVEN Student overcomes brain tumour to land ‘dream job’ “I worked as an industrial engineer for Northrop Grumman Park Air Systems in Peterborough where I got hands on experience in my chosen industry. “This shows just how successful the University is at helping students get into work during and after their studies.” Alongside his ‘handson’ experience, Aftab was also able to take advantage of the industry standard electronic engineering equipment and facilities available at the university. Since starting at Rolls Royce, he has already been involved in certification of Trent

XWB EEC which has been installed on Trent XWB Engine for Airbus A350. The Rolls-Royce Trent XWB, specifically designed for operation on the Airbus A350 XWB family, is the most efficient large civil aerospace engine ever produced. Dr Violeta Holmes who supervised Aftab for his Master's degree, praised him for all his achievements. “Gaining a Distinction for his MSc Electronic and Computer Based Systems Design course was such a great achievement given that he had to overcome a serious illness during a part of the course,” she said. “Aftab had the determination and courage to succeed which is inspirational. He is a creative and very capable engineer and so this was recognised by Rolls Royce who have offered him employment.”

ENGINEER: Aftab Afzal stands in front of the RB211 22B, a very successful Trent series of engines made by Rolls Royce, that are used on the Airbus A380 and Boeing’s 787 Dreamliner



Lord Mayor takes a leap VOLUNTEERS: The Lord Mayor was joined by more than 50 volunteers despite the downpour of rain making the challenge even harder

The Lord Mayor of Bradford led the way for a group of courageous fundraisers last weekend as he scaled down the towering Jury’s Inn Hotel in the city. Councillor Khadim Hussain, who officially stepped down from his duties as Lord Mayor on Tuesday, took on a daring abseil challenge in one of his final pushes to raise money for his Lord Mayor’s Charity - Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure. On Saturday 7th June, he was joined by more than 50 volunteers, including students from Grange Technology College, braving atrocious rainy conditions to complete the tricky challenge. Unfortunately the teddy bear zip wire could not go ahead due to the rain yet it did not stop the group from clambering down the daunting site. The abseil, now in its eleventh year, has previously raised thousands of pounds for a variety of local charities and although no exact figure has been released yet, this latest event was deemed a success. Speaking before heading down the building, The Lord Mayor was in good spirits adding that he was more than happy to take it on to raise vital funds for his cause. He said: “I am really looking forward to the event, there will be a great view of the

City if I dare to open my eyes. “I hope people of all ages will sign up to take part to raise money.” Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure was picked by the Lord Mayor as his charity of choice at the start of his term in office last year, and was inspired by the achievements of his autistic grandson, Mohammad Hudhayfah. The final total raised this year has yet to be revealed, but Coun Hussain said he had succeeded in highlighting the achievements of disabled people.

CHALLENGE: The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Cllr Khadim Hussain, abseiled down a hotel in the city for charity last weekend

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Volunteers head to the rooftops for fundraising mission

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition

LAUNCH: The Bradford-WWI Film School set up last year with a host of esteemed guests in attendance and has now launched a selection of new courses and workshops

Film City of

Bradford continues to lead the way in production

Bradford has continued to live up to its title as the UNESCO city of film after one of its leading educational establishments launched a host of new short courses and workshops. Bradford-Whistling Woods International (WWI) Film School was set up last year in a partnership agreement which saw Asia’s premier film, communication and media arts institute join forces with the college. Announced earlier this week, new short courses will now run at the site in film, animation and photography, following on from the launch of the Persistence of Vision exhibition which runs

from 5th June to 2nd July at the Bradford-WWI Film School. Over 300 guests including students, staff, industry colleagues and members of the public attended the launch event which showcased work by current Film, Animation and Photography students. “I’m delighted that so many people joined us to celebrate our first year. Feedback on the student work has been overwhelming,” said Trevor Griffiths, Director of Bradford-WWI Film School. “Industry support for the Film School has been exceptional. We are well on our way to becoming the

world class film school we planned to be.” The introduction of short courses and workshops will complement the existing portfolio of Diplomas, Higher National Diplomas and Degrees offered by Bradford-WWI Film School. The short courses and workshops will run on dates and times to appeal to a wide audience that includes individuals, schools and community groups. “There’s never been a better time to be engaged in film, animation and photography. That’s why we are opening our doors to individuals, schools and groups,” Mr Griffiths added. “We have something to offer film-makers, animators and photographers of all styles and ability. “The introduction of short courses and workshops will allow beginners, enthusiasts and professionals to acquire and develop new skills and knowledge in a state-of-theart setting.” In addition to programmed short courses and workshops, BradfordWWI Film School will also offer bespoke training packages to schools and groups.

Fundamentalist literature Books promoting stoning found at English school

An Islamic primary school in Luton has been slammed by the education watchdog after books were found at the site which promoted stoning, lashing and execution. During their most recent visit to Olive Tree Primary School, Ofsted officials deemed the school to be ‘inadequate’ after finding library books containing fundamentalist views which ‘had no place in British society’. The review, carried out by Ofsted officials, was cancelled half way through after parents complained that their children had been asked about homosexuality, yet the regulatory body insisted that they had already gathered enough evidence to produce a full report. Inspectors wrote that pupils' “contact with different cultures, faiths and traditions is too

limited to promote tolerance and respect for the views, lifestyles and customs of other people.” However, Mr Farasat Latif, chairman of governors, said he rejected the findings and said his school does have literature from different faiths. He said: “Ofsted came into the school looking for problems of extremism and intolerance and didn't find any. “They carried out a halfbaked inspection, which they abandoned half-way through. “We are the victims of the extreme politics of Michael Gove whose ignorance of Islam is matched by his hostility. Many Muslims will feel alienated and victims of state Islamaphobia. “We are a small school with 65 children and got 100 per cent on our SATS last year. We are involved with charities, like

Dr Barnados which is not a Muslim charity. “We have a large number of books about different faiths, which inspectors failed to notice, including The Diary of Ann Frank.” He added that the school would consider taking legal action against the report and were waiting to hear if they would be put into special measures. The Department for Education said the school would now have to produce an action plan to address the issues raised and would ‘not hesitate to take tough action if required’. The school, which teaches boys and girls aged five to 11 years and shares its premises with a mosque, was last inspected by Ofsted in November 2005.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





Changing Gears exhibition

A new exhibition at Ilkley’s Manor House Museum opens this Saturday to celebrate the town’s link to cycling. With the Tour de France’s Grand Départ passing only a few metres from the museum, the exhibition encourages people to think about the innovative past and the exciting future of the bicycle. The exhibition explores the development of the bicycle from the original Boneshakers and classic Penny Farthings to modern racing machines. Using pieces from Bradford Council’s Museum and Galleries collections and with the support of Ilkley Cycling Club, visitors can see a variety of objects and images telling the story of this fascinating vehicle and its surprising links with the Manor House. Asian

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Dewsbury ‘would-be’ bombers to challenge sentences Six men who had planned to bomb an English Defence League rally in Dewsbury last year are said to be preparing to appeal their prison sentences. The men are appealing on the grounds that they feel they have been handed tougher sentences compared to non-Muslim extremists who commit similar crimes. Jewel Uddin, Omar Mohammed Khan, and Zohaib Ahmed were each ordered to serve 19 years and six months in prison with five years extended licence, whilst Mohammed Hasseen, Anzal Hussain, and Mohammed Saud were handed 18 years and nine months sentences each with five years extended licence. The men, from the West

Midlands, were GUILTY: Anzal Hussain, Mohammed Hasseen, Omar Mohammed Khan, Jewel Uddin, Mohammed Saud travelling to the and Zohaib Ahmed were sentenced to more than 100 years in prison for planning to bomb an EDL rally EDL rally in in Dewsbury last year June 2012 with an array of lawyers will point to similar cases sentence length for those arrested weapons, including shotguns, of non-Muslim extremists such as for terrorism-related offences. swords, a nail bomb and a Ian Forman. He said: “Some Muslims believe partially-assembled pipe bomb yet Forman developed a homethat there is a greater readiness on arrived after the event had made bomb, packed with nails and the part of press, politicians, police happened. They were only ball bearings, following months of and law enforcement officers to stopped on their way back down online research in which he characterise attacks by Muslims as the motorway after the vehicle identified two mosques he 'terrorism' than attacks by farthey were driving in had no described as ‘targets’. He was only right extremists. insurance. handed a 10 year sentence in “This, they say, results in The group are now arguing that prison last month for offences discriminatory sentencing and the terms handed out to them for under the Terrorism Act 2006. cements popular perceptions of planning an act of terror are Lawyers will also refer to a 2011 terrorism, at least in Great Britain, significantly longer than those report by the Independent as crime perpetrated handed out to extremists who are Reviewer of Terrorism overwhelmingly by Muslims.” not Muslim and therefore are Legislation, David Anderson QC, However, a Home Office study challenging the decision. in which he identified a perceived found that that perception was not It is believed that the men’s link between religion and supported by the statistics.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

SELFLESS: Kamal Aftab has been volunteering with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association since he was just a little boy and currently helps oversee a number of projects for the group across Yorkshire

Huddersfield optometrist picks up top award in national competition



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of the Year A selfless volunteer from Huddersfield has been commended for his efforts after topping a nationwide poll to be named ‘Volunteer of the Year’. 32-year-old Kamal Aftab, from Almondbury, picked up 45 percent of the total votes in the Guardian Voluntary Sector Network's ‘Volunteer of the Year Award’. His role, as a regional youth leader with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association (AMYA), has seen him balance his professional and personal life with hours upon hours of voluntary work. Since aged just seven, Kamal says he has been volunteering and helping others and it has always been a passion of his which has continued to thrive throughout his life. His work over the past 12 months has included sending a team of support workers to Somerset from Yorkshire during the devastating floods, as well as working on numerous fundraising

activities from cycle challenges to tree planting. It was Kamal’s friend, and fellow AMYA volunteer, Nadeem Ahmed, who nominated him for the award and the local optometrist says he was ‘incredibly humbled’ and ‘proud’ to be picked as number one in the country. “There were four other nominees in the category and every single one of them deserved to win this award because of their amazing work,” he said. “It was a nice surprise when I heard I’d actually won and I was absolutely delighted and honoured to just be nominated. “To be recognised for all of this work we do is obviously very nice but predominantly we are doing it because we believe in God, we believe God created mankind and therefore it is our duty to serve mankind. “It also helps remove these stereotypes that people have on our faith. Islam is often portrayed in

such a bad way at times and people forget that there are so many good people – it is just that small minority who are getting publicised. “By doing voluntary actions, benefitting all communities, regardless of faith or skin colour, we help remove these negative stereotypes.” Kamal says his role as a voluntary regional youth leader often takes up more of his time than his profession does with events occurring every other day. The award recognised his efforts in helping to better communities across Yorkshire, and even Britain, yet he insists the completion of voluntary work is just as satisfying as individual commendations. “I am very proud to be named the volunteer of the year but there is much more work to do,” he said. “For us the work continues irrespective of these awards and we are constantly just trying to play that small part in helping out as many people as possible.”




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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

By Ashley Grint

A group of students from a Dewsbury high school swapped the classroom for the boardroom earlier this week as they headed to London to confront their MP’s about issues affecting young people. As part of the ‘My Country, My Vote’ initiative, seven Year 9 students from Westborough High School were invited down to the House of Commons on Monday after succeeding in the regional contest. Tasked with creating campaigns, related to the British Youth Council’s ‘Make Your Mark’ top five issues as voted by young people, Westborough’s ‘Get Up Get Fit’ team decided to challenge cuts to youth services. The group campaigned tirelessly in the school alongside other teams, from December 2013 to April 2014, before a vote was held in-house to determine the winning campaign. Get Up Get Fit were the winners of the final vote and as a result were awarded with a trip to the capital earlier this week. The teenagers were invited to question a local Member of Parliament at the House of Commons, showing their campaign, in this instance, to Mike Wood – MP for Batley and Spen. Gayna Goalby, extended schools co-ordinator at Westborough High School, says she was extremely proud to see the group succeed in their campaign and said they thoroughly deserved the recognition. “The Get Up Get Fit team were really dedicated to their campaign and I really did want to see them win for all the effort they had put in,” she said. “Cllr Darren O’Donovan (Dewsbury West) came in one day to support the teams with their campaigns and helped with tips and a Q and A session which was really good, and we had politics students from Huddersfield University also visit. “The boys did really well and have even been invited to appear on a debate television show soon.” The seven members of the Get Up Get Fit team were: Lohash Lusair- Latif, Husain Aurrangzeb, Hasan Kagzi, Usama Iqbal, Ameer Khan, Mujahid Mamaniat and Aman Raib.


TEAM: The Westborough High School students set up the ‘Get Up Get Fit’ team which focussed its campaigns around opposition to cuts to youth services, pictured: Lohash Lusair- Latif, Husain Aurrangzeb, Hasan Kagzi, Usama Iqbal, Ameer Khan, Mujahid Mamaniat


Democrats High school students head to home of British politics




June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





Your National and Local Business Round-up

Business news

Insider Trading Trial The younger brother of a convicted hedge fund manager has begun his trial charged with insider trading. In 2011, former billionaire, Raj Rajaratnam, was handed an 11 year prison sentence for the same offence and now his sibling, Rengan, will be hoping for more luck when his trial concludes. In a New York City District Court, Rengan, a former portfolio manager at ‘Raj Rajaratnam’s Galleon Group’, is accused of engaging in an insider trading scheme with his brother involving technology companies: Clearwire Corp and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. Daniel Gitner, Rengan’s lawyer, initially declined to comment on the case which began on Tuesday, and has previously argued that prosecutors lacked evidence against his client. He claimed that the 43-year-old did not know any inside information was disclosed purely for personal benefit. If Mr Rajaratnam is found guilty, it would continue an unbroken insider trading trial winning streak for Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara's office, which has secured convictions of 81 people since October 2009. Jurors are expected to hear recordings of FBI wiretaps, which featured prominently in the trial of Raj Rajaratnam three years ago. According to the indictment, in March 2008, Rajiv Goel, a then-Intel Corp executive, learnt that the company was planning on investing $1billion in ‘Clearwire’. The accusation continues by saying Raj Rajaratnam passed on this information to his brother, Rengan, who later called him to complain when a news report of the deal surfaced – a call prosecutors will say proves insider trading was taking place. According to the indictment, a transcript of the phone call includes

Rengan saying to his brother, ‘So I don't know how much you got in today…but I think (Clearwire's share price) is gonna rip tomorrow’. The price climbed the next day, enabling Rengan Rajaratnam to earn $100,000 personally and Galleon to reap $700,000, prosecutors said. Five months later, in August, Raj Rajaratnam is accused of telling his brother of a ‘handshake’ deal between AMD and two Abu Dhabiowned investment companies he learnt about from Anil Kumar, a McKinsey & Company partner. The same day, Rengan Rajaratnam told Raj that another McKinsey partner, David Palecek, had ‘spilled his beans’ about investments in AMD, prosecutors said. Despite trading on the tip, Galleon sold AMD for a loss due to overall market declines, prosecutors said. Kumar and Goel pleaded guilty, testified at Raj Rajaratnam's trial and were sentenced in 2012 to two years’ probation. Palecek died in 2010; his lawyer has said no proof exists he agreed to provide inside information. The younger Rajaratnam brother now faces three counts of conspiracy and securities fraud, after prosecutors dropped four other charges. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has also sued Rengan Rajaratnam, claiming he also traded on inside information about stocks including Polycom Inc and Hilton Hotels while at Sedna Capital Management, where he worked from 2004 to 2007. Before Sedna, he worked as an analyst at Steven A. Cohen's ‘SAC Capital Advisors’, which last year pleaded guilty to fraud charges and agreed to pay $1.8 billion in criminal and civil penalties. A federal judge in May barred prosecutors from mentioning Rengan Rajaratnam's employment at SAC during his trial.

Billionaire’s brother could join him behind bars

ACCUSED: Raj Rajaratnam will stand trial at a US District Court on charges of insider trading after an indictment allegedly shows the businessman speaking with his already convicted brother about ‘large deals’



June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Get in the frame Top window business in Kirklees up for sale The customer is always right


he Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (‘the Regulations’) come into force on 13 June 2014 and will apply to customer contracts concluded on or after that date. The Regulations will require important changes in the way retailers contract with customers.

The Regulations affect retailers in different ways and distinguish between three types of contracts, depending on whether the contracts are concluded: • On-premises (i.e. in the store) • At distance (i.e. telephone or on-line sales) • Off-premises (i.e. at the consumer’s home). The Regulations introduce a number of key changes to UK consumer law, including: • Retailers are no longer entitled to apply payment surcharges which exceed the cost to the business of such payment methods. Typically, such surcharges have been imposed on the use of credit or debit cards by consumers. Businesses can now only pass on the actual cost. • Online obligations to pay must be made clear for consumers. Website buttons must be clearly labelled i.e. ‘Order and Pay Now’ (or equivalent wording). Pre-ticked payment boxes are no longer permitted - consumers must give express consent before traders take any additional payments. • A ban on ‘premium’ rate help-line charges. Businesses will not be allowed to charge consumers more than the basic rate to telephone them in relation to existing contracts. • Cancellation and refunds - the statutory minimum cancellation period for consumers who are buying at a distance or ‘off-premises’ will be extended from 7 working days to 14 calendar days. Exceptions to this rule will continue to exist for goods such as foodstuffs and

personalised goods. Distance and off-premises retailers will now be allowed to withhold paying refunds, until goods are returned by the consumer. They will also be allowed to reduce refunds where the value of the returned goods has diminished due to excessive handling by the consumer. • New information requirements – retailers must provide consumers with certain pre- and post-contract information before goods or services are purchased. The information requirements are now more extensive and vary depending on how the retailer contracts with the consumer. For example, a failure to provide information to a consumer before the sale about the 14-day cancellation right will extend the right to cancel to 12 months. The Regulations will not apply to all contracts finalised on or after 13 June 2014, for instance contracts for the supply of food and beverages supplied by a trader on regular rounds (i.e. milkmen) or package travel and holidays. The Regulations are mandatory. If retailers attempt to restrict consumers’ rights under the Regulations, those contracts will not be binding on the consumer. Many of the new provisions brought into place by the Regulations will automatically form part of consumer contracts regardless of the wording of the actual terms and conditions. Therefore, it is important that businesses which sell to consumers review sales processes, terms of business, cancellation and refund policies to ensure compliance. The Regulations are consumer-friendly so it is very important for retailers to grasp the changes in the law to avoid the risk of the consequences for failing to comply. We at Blacks can deal with the drafting of all types of contracts and any disputes arising therefrom.

Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or by email at


well-established PVC window manufacturing business is up for purchase in Dewsbury. S&K Windows has been in operation for 12 years and has made a name for itself in the area, particularly amongst the Asian community. Unfortunately the owners of the company must cease trading due to illness. However, this means that there is a window of opportunity for a new owner to inherit S&K Windows’ reputation and success. Michael Oakes, current co-owner of S&K Windows, said: “This is a great opportunity to buy a very credible business. “The local community know us very well and we have an extremely loyal customer base. “There is work booked in for the next few

Meadow Lane, Dewsbury, WF13 2BE Tel: 01924 500 200 Mob: 07882 302 545

months, so the new owner will be able to hit the ground running. “Also, I am more than happy to stay on for a short while to train anyone who needs help and make sure they know the ropes.” The property is a freehold two story building, with attached workshop and storage building, constructed only three years ago. A new, fully-functioning, glass shop was also launched this year onsite where the company is able to produce its own glass for its own frames and sell directly to trade. There are three offices, a showroom, a kitchen and toilet facilities. With up to date machinery and well trained staff, this is a quality up and running business. The sale also includes stock. Serious offers only.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition



Take pride in your car with

LK Performance

and Styling orth of England’s biggest retailer of alloy wheels and specialist motor products is proud to be celebrating its tenth year as a leading supplier of performance parts. Whatever it is that you need to give your car that extra bit of personality, the Cleckheaton-based store is bound to have what you are looking for. With a huge range of stock in-store, and even more parts online, the selection is endless at LK Performance and Styling, where it is the customer’s vehicle which comes first. More than 100 wheels are on show in the showroom, from 15 inch to 24 inch and basic to premium models. If you love your car, you will love these wheels. All the top brands, such as Calibre, Hawke, 3SDM and AEZ, can be bought from the retailers, with fitting also available for your precious motor. More than a hundred other makes and models can also be viewed online at, where you can browse the widest selection of wheels, and place an order for pick up or mail delivery. That is not all - LK Performance is much more than a ‘wheels showroom’, they are number one providers of specialist performance parts. Catering for car enthusiasts, who love to


A home from home Elegant guest rooms in the heart of Mirpur City ne man’s passion for property developing has blossomed into a fivestar, luxury resort, in the picturesque city of Mirpur. Sabar Din has always dreamt of opening an accommodation complex in the heart of one of Azad Kashmir’s most popular cities and now, following the official opening of The Ritzz Inn last month, the entrepreneur’s dream has finally come true. Described as a ‘home from home’, the seven guest houses on site are the perfect place for families, businessmen, and tourists to relax whilst visiting Mirpur. Every property has two double and one single bedroom, a television lounge room, kitchen and of course a spacious balcony. With temperatures often exceeding 40 degrees in the South Asian city, tenants can opt to relax on their own private terrace or take advantage of the breezy air conditioning and escape the heat indoors. Power shortages, which affect many parts of the country, won’t disrupt Ritzz Inn residents, with every room benefiting from back-up onsite


generators which guarantees electricity continues to run through the homes. Wi-Fi is available in every room, free of charge, Meanwhile, privacy and safety is at the forefront of the Ritzz Inn’s mantra. Secure driveways and parking facilities with metal gates, CCTV and security guards are all found on the premises to assure guests that valuables can be left in a safe environment. Speaking following the official opening of the complex in October, Mr Sabar Din said: “We welcome everybody to come and visit our fantastic facilities which will cater for your every need. “It really is like your own home, except with the added benefit of onsite chefs, receptionists and cleaners who will take care of the tasks you perhaps don’t want to. “We are found in a

perfect location for families and friends who are visiting for weddings and special occasions, as our spacious apartments have the ability to cater for large gatherings. We also allow for visitors to stop by meaning our customers don’t have to travel anywhere to meet up with their families, friends or business affiliates.” The seven apartments are a mere five minute walk from the Mirpur’s main city centre area, whilst tourist hotspot, Mangla, is just eight miles away. All prices are at a competitive rate, with further discounts available for extended stays, and book now to save an extra 10% in celebration of the complex’s grand opening. With unbeatable prices and facilities for all, why not book with the Ritzz Inn today for a trip you will never forget.

show off their motors, every accessory you could possibly want, which would help improve the performance of your car, is available at LK Performance. Every self-respecting driver needs a top coilover yet with so many manufacturers out there, it can be hard to find the perfect model for you. As experts in enhancing vehicle performance, the Yorkshire retailer only sells suspensions and springs bought directly from the most reputable suppliers, such as Eibach, H&R, and Bilstein at competitive prices, so even if you do not know a lot about cars, you can be sure that only the top products are coming your way. Specialist equipment, including motor sport harnesses for avid track racers, is even available from the store which aims to please. All oils, lubricants and detailing products can be picked up daily, with enthusiastic, welcoming staff on hand to provide straightforward advice to all customers. Anything you need to make your car that little bit better, whether it is performance parts, wheels and tyres, brake pads and wiper blades or just general accessories, it can all be bought at LK Performance, so why wait? Head down today and begin treating your car, and yourself, the way you deserve.

LK Performance and Styling 34 Bradford Road, Cleckheaton, BD19 3LL Tel: 01274 936 040 Web: Email: Opening times: Monday-Friday, 9am-6pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday Closed,



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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition


‘It is not my fault’ Tony Blair defends Iraq invasion backing the West to take further military action

Another classic favourite with our unique twist, ‘Midnight Mint’ is a smooth, creamy mint Gelato with Belgian chocolate flakes. The two flavours chocolate and mint complement each other perfectly and our ‘Midnight Mint’ Gelato manages to be both refreshing and comfort food at the same time.

CONTROVERSIAL: Tony Blair’s handling of the Iraq invasion has been questioned by some over the past decade, many pointing to unfounded claims of weapons of mass destruction in the country, yet the former Prime Minister still insists that it was the right thing to do

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair has once again been forced to defend his position on the 2003 Anglo-US invasion of Iraq after rebel forces continued to overtake cities in the country. Blair labelled any allegations which blamed him for the current crisis in Iraq as ‘profoundly wrong’ and urged the West to take targeted military action there. In comments likely to anger his detractors at home and abroad who believe his decisions to intervene militarily in Iraq and Afghanistan made things worse, Blair told British TV that the Iraq crisis would have happened regardless of his actions. “You can carry on debating about whether it was right or wrong what we did in 2003 but whatever had been done, you were always going to have a problem of deep instability in the region and in Iraq,” Blair told Sky News. He continued to say that if Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had not been toppled by US and British troops, his government would have been caught up in the same ‘Arab Spring’ uprisings that later shook the region and now be embroiled in a bloody Syrian-style war. Blair spoke out as an offensive by insurgents that threatens to dismember Iraq seemed to slow after days of lightning advances as government forces regained some territory in counter-attacks, easing pressure on the Shia-led government in Baghdad. Blair, who heads a global political consultancy business, said the West would be pulled into the Iraq crisis whether it liked it or not, urging it to target Islamist extremists in Iraq and Syria with the agreement of Arab governments in the region. “I'm not suggesting we put ground troops in and we do a full scale invasion as we did in Iraq or Afghanistan, but I am saying we are going to have to take an active role in trying to shape events in Syria and Iraq and indeed across the region,” he said. In Iraq's case, that action had to be immediate, he added, saying the selective use of air power was one option.

An Indian-origin physicist, best known for his work on the Large Hadron Collider, was accorded an honorary knighthood by Her Majesty the Queen, for his contribution to the field of science. Professor Tejinder Virdee of Imperial College was named a Knight Bachelor in the Queen’s Birthday Honours List, released earlier this week. His citation reads: “Professor Virdee is one of the UK's most distinguished physicists and, as one of the creators of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Experiment he has made outstanding contributions to science. “The CMS experiment, at the Large Hadron Collider, CERN, Geneva, has delivered seminal results in particle physics, including the ground-breaking discovery of the Higgs Boson, or the God particle, a particle that gives mass to other particles. “Beyond his innovative work in particle physics, he is also a great campaigner for science, and promoter of science and education in Africa and India.” Besides the professor, other stand-out names on this year’s Queen’s Birthday List include Hollywood actress and UN special envoy Angelina Jolie, who was named an honorary dame for her work combating sexual violence in war zones. The 39-year-old Oscar winner, who has spent much of this week co-chairing a London summit on war rape with foreign secretary William Hague, joined hundreds more on the final list.

Midnight Mint


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HONOURED: Professor Tejinder Virdee was awarded a knighthood earlier this week for his services to science

Tubzee House, Queens Road, Halifax, HX1 4LN Tel - 01422 355518




SERIOUS: Sajjad Karim MEP chairs the Advisory Committee on the Code of Conduct for Members

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Royal reputations Clamping down corruption with new intake of MEPs Prince William is Britain's most popular royal and is regarded more favourably by the public than either Queen Elizabeth, his grandmother, or Prince Charles, his father and heir to the throne, a poll showed on Sunday. The poll, by ComRes for The Independent on Sunday newspaper, canvassed more than 2,000 Britons and showed that Britain's royals are more popular than any of the country's politicians, including Conservative Prime Minister David Cameron. 68 per cent of those asked said they had a favourable view

Newly elected Members of the European Parliament from all 28 EU member states, as well as existing members, will now have greater access to information on how to abide by the Parliament’s strict rules on dealing with issues such as declaring gifts or reporting potential conflicts of interest. Sajjad Karim MEP says that he’s serious about clamping down on corruption with a new intake of MEPs. He currently chairs the Advisory Committee on the Code of Conduct for Members, which was established after the 2012 ‘cash for amendments’ scandal and has subsequently introduced these changes.

Now new MEPs will receive clearer information on how to comply with the European Parliament’s Code of Conduct in a bid to clamp down potential corruption cases and increase transparency. A useful booklet will be available in welcome packs for MEPs who are newly elected to the European Parliament. Sajjad is keen to ensure that MEPs face no uncertainty interpreting the Parliament’s rules and openness and transparency is at the core of the Parliament’s work. He said: “If we are to make any progress in reconnecting with voters people need to see a European Parliament that is open and transparent. “Some of the conflict of interests lies in the ambiguous wording of the Code; however the committee which I currently chair has made strong

of Prince William, 63 per cent of the Queen, 43 per cent of Prince Charles, and 28 percent of Cameron, the country's most popular political party leader. The poll, which was conducted between 11th and 13th June, was not the first time that Prince William has been identified as the most popular royal. His wife Kate gave birth to a baby son last year amid a global media frenzy, boosting the couple's profile. The survey's overall result confirms previous polling which suggests that the popularity of the British monarchy is at its highest level in decades.

reforms in ensuring that the rules are clear and unethical behaviour is stopped. “Furthermore, as the chair of this committee, my door is open to all MEPs who require help with clarifying the rules.” The British MEP, who is currently the only declared candidate running in the race to be the next European Parliament President, warmly congratulated the existing President, Martin Schulz, for his support of the committee. Mr Karim said: “President Schulz has played an important role in allowing this committee to develop and has given a lot of time and consideration on the committee’s deliberations.” Sajjad Karim is the ECR candidate for the race to be the next European Parliament President. Elections take place on 1st July in Strasbourg.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





‘British values’ must be taught

A failure to promote ‘British values’ in a muscular way is allowing extremism to grow in the UK, Prime Minister David Cameron has said. “We need to be far more muscular in promoting British values and the institutions that uphold them,” Cameron said as he backed education secretary Michael Gove's plans to put British values at the heart of the national curriculum. Rejecting the moral relativism of some of his critics, he said: “A genuinely liberal country believes in certain values, actively promotes them and says to its citizens: this is what defines us as a society.” Cameron's comments came as authorities had found that ‘a culture of fear and intimidation has taken grip’ at some Birmingham schools. Cameron also announced plans to teach all school pupils about the Magna Carta in response to allegations of extremism at schools in Birmingham. Asian

GOT A STORY? Email: Phone the news desk on

08703 608 606

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Brits come in 2nd in worst tourist list Americans and Italians tourists too loud, Chinese tourists no manners, Polish tourists drunk, German tourists reserve sun loungers, French tourists too rude and the British landed second in a most-disliked visitors list. With the summer holidays merely a few weeks away, it’s highly likely you’ll meet a lot of other tourists from countries all over the world at your destination. To some extent, prejudices and clichés are widely held. In a survey of over 8,000 people in May, interviewees were asked “Which tourists from which country do you like the least during your holidays and why?” The interviewees had a choice of 12 different nationalities: Russian, British, Polish, Dutch, US-American, Chinese, French, Italian, Japanese, Austrian, Swiss, and of course the Germans themselves. Topping the list of the most disliked were the Russains coming in at just over 65% votes and second place of the most disliked tourists was awarded to us British tourists with 42% votes. Tourists from Poland take the third place in the ranking of most disliked tourists with 29%. The most frequently mentioned nuisance factors were: too drunk (46%) and too loud (37%). Almost 15% of the interviewees have had negative experiences with US-Americans and according to the interviewees, they are too loud (46%) and too rude (31%). Swiss tourists, it seems are at the top of the list for likeability with 96% of the interviewees saying they could not recall any negative experiences they’ve had with the Swiss confederates.

In a survey of over 8,000 people in May, interviewees were asked “Which tourists from which country do you like the least during your holidays and why?

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition


Independence or not?

D-RUGS bust Heroin worth millions found at Manchester Airport

Millions of pounds worth of heroin has been seized at a UK airport after more than 50kg of the Class-A drug was found woven into hand-made rugs. Manchester Police made the discovery after Border Force officials, at Manchester Airport, carried out a search on one of the carpets which had been identified by sniffer dogs as suspicious. In total five million pounds worth of the drug was found sewn into the materials which had been shipped in from Peshawar, Pakistan via Abu Dhabi. Following the initial discovery, several other carpets were tested for heroin and came back positive in what investigators described as a ‘sophisticated operation’ to smuggle drugs into British shores. Due to the size of the haul, it is already one of the largest drug busts ever found at a British airport. Pete Avery, from the NCA's Border Policing Command, said: “It was a sophisticated concealment and demonstrates the lengths

organised crime groups go to in an effort to avoid detection.” Despite the actual seizure taking place in April earlier this year, details have only just been released to the public. Two men, aged 35 and 51, were both arrested in connection with the case at a London-based business on 29th April and have been released on bail whilst investigations continue. Linda Paul, assistant director for Border Force, added her praise for the officers who found the drugs and confirmed the magnitude of the bust. She said: “This is an extremely impressive seizure and I would like to praise the vigilance and hard work of my officers who have ensured that a substantial amount of harmful drugs have been kept off our streets. “At this stage it is impossible to put an exact value on the drugs because forensic tests have yet to be carried out. However, it is safe to say that we are looking at a significant amount.”


SEIZED: Heroin, worth in excess of five million pounds, was found in carpets at Manchester Airport, flown in from Peshawar, Pakistan

The campaign for Scottish independence continues to gain ground against its pro-union rival, two surveys showed on Sunday, as pollsters near consensus that the race is getting ever-tighter ahead of the September referendum. A record 43 percent back the campaign for independence, according to the latest poll by Panelbase, up two points from May, with the percentage against dropping one point to 46 percent. The Panelbase poll of 1,060 voters, commissioned by the ‘Yes’ campaign, found that once undecideds were excluded, support for secession grew to 48 percent, with 52 percent against. In ICM's latest poll, support for separation improved by 2 points to 36 percent while those rejecting independence fell by three points to 43 percent. Scotland votes on 18th September on whether to end its 307-year union with England and leave the United Kingdom. Polls have consistently shown the prounion ‘No’ campaign in the lead but five of the six major pollsters have found the gap between the two sides is narrowing.

GOT A STORY? Email: Phone the news desk on

08703 608 606


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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Written by a Mum for Mums ‘Easy Indian Supermeals for babies, toddlers and the family’

RECIPES: Zainab Jagot Ahmed has already released two cookbooks with her latest, ‘Easy Indian Supermeals for babies, toddlers and the family’ set to be released in September 2014

As children get older their taste buds develop and with that their appetite to experience new foods also grows. Finding the perfect meal for a family to enjoy or for a toddler’s quick snack is often a hard task for even the best cook, yet now with the upcoming launch of a motherof-one’s latest cook book, that challenge has become a little bit easier. ‘Easy Indian SuperMeals for babies, toddlers and the family' is the first of its kind - an Asianinfluenced cookbook that supports parents on the journey from weaning to toddler meals and snacks, on to post-school quick fixes, and even meals for the whole family to enjoy together. Written by Zainab Jagot Ahmed, mum of three-year-old Aaliyah, the book contains a host of delicious meals derived from Indian recipes which focus on healthy and wholesome flavours with aromatic spices. Zainab’s two previous books, ‘Indian SuperMeals: Baby & Toddler Cookbook’ and ‘Yummy Indian SuperMeals for Kids: Mini-

Taster Edition’ were huge successes, and inspired her to launch this latest guide, due to be released in September. Giving parents the choice of a healthy Indian option, which is more than just a curry, she explained why she thought it was so important to release a third book. She said: “It's not all about curry - although there are plenty of delicious recipes including Classic Keema Curry and Mum's Lamb Curry with Sweet Potato. “Many of the recipes are influenced by food cultures including British, Italian and Spanish, all adapted with a hint of Indian, so there are oodles of taste and flavour still present - helping you to raise a well-rounded, healthy eater.” More than just a cookbook, Zainab adds her personal experiences as a first-time Mum in a friendly and light-hearted manner. The book is packed with advice on how to tackle weaning, nutritional information and extensively researched SuperFood and SuperSpice details relevant to the whole family. With fuss-free recipes which are easy to follow, ‘Easy Indian Supermeals for babies, toddlers and the family’ looks set to be a favourite read for families across the UK and is available later this year.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition


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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition



Looking for the perfect honeymoon? or just a 'sweetheart getaway' FORCE: Masked Sunni gunmen have been taking over towns across Iraq as they seem to make their way south to the capital of Baghdad in protest against the Shi’ite government

Takeover Islamist militants storm more towns in Iraq

WARNING: US President Barack Obama says military strikes may be needed to stop the militants whilst officials insisted no ground troops would be deployed

Sunni Islamist militants gained further ground in Iraq last week as they took over two more towns in the eastern province of Diyala on Thursday night. After security forces abandoned their posts, the towns of Saadiyah and Jalawla fell to the insurgents, along with several villages around the Himreen Mountains, which have long been a hideout for militants. Militants from the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) have been pressing on towards the country’s capital, Baghdad, for the past week after previously overtaking the northern city of Mosul. The Kurds, who run their own autonomous region in the north, have also taken advantage of the chaos to expand their territory, taking control of the oil-rich city of Kirkuk and other areas outside the formal boundary of their enclave. Kurdish Peshmerga forces also deployed men to secure their political party offices in Jalawla before the insurgents arrived in the town. There were no confrontations between them. Both groups are attempting to overthrow the current Shi'ite government which has been ruling the country since 2011. The Iraqi army fired artillery at Saadiya and Jalawla from the nearby town of Muqdadiya, sending dozens of families fleeing towards Khaniqin near the Iranian border, security sources said. On Thursday US President Barack Obama threatened military strikes against the Sunni Islamist militants who want to establish their own state in Iraq and Syria. “I don’t rule out anything because we do have a stake in making sure that these jihadists are not getting a permanent foothold in either Iraq or Syria,” Obama said at the White House when asked whether he was contemplating air strikes. Obama said he was looking at ‘all options’ to help Iraq's leaders, yet a spokesperson for the Whitehouse later stressed that no ground troops would be sent in. “In our consultations with the Iraqis, there will be some short-term immediate things that need to be done militarily,” he said. Obama also referred to long-standing U.S. complaints that Shi'ite Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had failed to do enough to heal a sectarian rift that has left many in the big Sunni minority, shut out of power when U.S. troops overthrew Saddam Hussein in 2003, nursing grievances and keen for revenge. “This should be also a wakeup call for the Iraqi government. There has to be a political component to this,” Obama said.

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

• INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • An indigenous man in Bolivia whose reported age would have made him the oldest person ever known, died on Monday night in his village near Lake Titicaca, his only living son has said. Carmelo Flores, an Aymara Indian, claimed to be 123 years old. Flores carried national identity documents based on a baptism certificate showing his birthday as 16th July, 1890. But Bolivia only

began issuing official birth certificates in 1940 and authorities were never able to confirm or disprove Flores' age. “He died yesterday at nine at night,” his son Cecilio Flores, who is nearly 70, said on Tuesday. “He wasn't able to stand up, his foot was swollen. Doctors told me that's how it is with diabetes.” Flores attributed his longevity to eating quinoa seeds and riverside mushrooms, and to constantly chewing coca leaves. He lived in a straw-roofed hut in Frasquia, a 4,000-meter high

Andean hamlet east of La Paz. Flores said he fought in the 1932-35 Chaco War between Bolivia and Paraguay, hunting skunks to nourish himself. He also briefly lived in La Paz, but never took to the bustling capital. He spent his last years taking walks in shoes made of recycled tires and laying on a blanket watching village life go by. The official title of the oldest person in the world who ever lived belongs to Frenchwoman Jeanne Calment, who died at 122 years in 1997, according to the Guinness Book of Records. OLD: Carmelo Flores (right) pictured with his son Cecilo Flores, put his longevity down to eating quinoa seeds and riverside mushrooms as well as chewing cocoa leaves

Oldest man EVER dies 123-year-old passes away in Bolivia



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June 2014 - 3rd Edition

• INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS Whilst most ten-year-olds aren’t even contemplating the move up to secondary school yet, a young pupil in the United States has continued in his fasttrack education, recently graduating from high school. Tanishq Abraham, who says he one day dreams of becoming the President of the United States, received his high school diploma last weekend and became the youngest person ever in the country to achieve such an award. The young genius, from Sacramento, has always excelled in his education and was one of the youngest members to ever join the high-IQ society Mensa, when he was four-years-old. On Sunday, the little genius added another feather to his cap after picking his diploma in a ceremony at the California Automobile Museum. Tanishq left his local public school at age seven and actually completed his California early exit high school exam in March, but was too busy taking courses at a local community college to have the ceremony earlier, his mother said. “He was pretty much selftaught,” Taji Abraham said of her son, adding she focused on teaching him biology and chemistry, while her husband, Bijou, who works for a robotics firm, helped him with calculus and trigonometry.

Now he is currently working on obtaining his associate degree from America River College before taking the next step on his educational path, which will see him head to university. The University of California at Davis, which is close to the family home, has already been chosen as the ideal setting for Tanishq’s development and a spokesman from the site confirmed the youth had already taken courses at the campus. A reporter from Sacramento television station KXTV handed Tanishq the high school diploma at his graduation ceremony on Sunday, as the boy's friends and family cheered. “My ultimate goal would be science, like scientist or doctor, but I also want to be president too,” Tanishq told the station in an interview. A spokeswoman for the California Department of Education declined to comment on the boy's educational attainments, citing privacy rules. Taji said that when her son was seven, she took an astronomy class with him at American River College, and that he helped teach her the subject. “I'm probably one of the luckiest mothers, to have a seven-year-old as my classmate,” she said.

Child genius SMART: Tanishq Abraham has just received his high school diploma and will now look towards university to continue his academic development

Ten-year-old becomes youngest ever high school graduate

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





June 2014 - 3rd Edition


Schumacher out of coma Formula One exchampion Michael Schumacher, who sustained severe head injuries in a ski accident in late 2013, is out of a coma and was transferred on Monday from a French to a Swiss hospital to continue rehabilitation. “Michael has left the CHU Grenoble (hospital) to continue his long phase of rehabilitation. He is not in a coma anymore,” spokeswoman Sabine Kehm said in a statement. “For the future we ask for understanding that his further rehabilitation will

take place away from the public eye,” Kehm said of Schumacher, who turned 45 earlier this year. It was later confirmed that the former driver had been admitted to the university Hospital of Lausanne in western Switzerland. The German, who won a record 91 Grand Prix victories and left motor racing in 2013 after a disappointing three-year comeback, bashed his head on a rock while skiing off-piste in the French Alps resort of Meribel on 29th December.

Musharraf on the move Treason-charged former leader can leave pakistan

MERS infection reported in Bangladesh

Bangladesh on Sunday reported its first case of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus infection in a man returning from the United States through Abu Dhabi. The man, 53, was being treated in hospital, said Mahmudur Rahman, of the Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research. “Most probably, he contacted the virus while he was in Abu Dhabi in transit on his way back from the United States,”

Rahman told Reuters. First reported in humans in 2012, MERS causes severe and often fatal respiratory illness, with symptoms similar to those seen during the outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in 2003. Its death rate of about 40 percent and reports of clusters of human-tohuman transmission have raised concern it may blow up into a pandemic. It has infected more than 800 people around the world, killing at least 310 of them.

LEAVE: Perez Musharraf, former Pakistan prime minister, will be allowed to leave the country if no appeals are lodged after having his name struck off the exit-control list

A court in Pakistan has lifted a government order on former military ruler Perez Musharraf, which will allow the 70-yearold to leave the country. Under the ruling by the Karachi court, the government still has 15 days to appeal against the decision, meaning Mr Musharraf, who is currently facing charges of treason in the country, cannot leave immediately. Mr Musharraf is infamous for becoming the first chief of army staff in Pakistan to ever face treason charges yet denies any guilt and says he wants to ‘clear his name’. The former ruler of ten years initially put in the appeal as he wanted to visit his mother who, because of her illness, was unable to travel to Pakistan. He only came back to the state of Karachi last year after returning from exile but insists he will return once again if he is allowed to visit his family. The decision to allow Mr Musharraf the right to travel has once again put the Pakistani government in an

awkward position. Having already angered many supporters of the country’s military with the initial detainment, the country’s authorities must now decide weather they want to further frustrate Musharraf’s supporters by stopping him from leaving the country. The court gave no reason for striking Mr Musharraf's name from the exit control list, which prevents people from leaving the country, usually in legal cases. The 70-year-old ousted thenprime minister Nawaz Sharif's government in 1999. Mr Musharraf resigned as president in 2008. He later left the country, but returned to Pakistan in March 2013, hoping for a political comeback. Instead, he got embroiled in court cases, including the treason charges which are connected to his decision in 2007 to declare a state of emergency and detain senior judges, including the chief justice.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition



• INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS Narendra Modi may have one of the hardest tasks in the world as he aims to reboot the Indian economy yet last week he was given a simpler job on his first trip abroad as Prime Minister. The recently elected leader visited Bhutan on Sunday to reassure the nation of his support as he looked to strengthen economic and military relations, whilst also re-affirming India as the leading Asian country following China’s recent growth. Modi was given a ceremonial welcome in Bhutan's capital, Thimphu, when he arrived nestled in mist-covered mountains, and opened a Supreme Court building constructed with Indian assistance. On Monday he helped lay the foundation for a 600 megawatt hydroelectric power station, part of an energy cooperation plan to feed demand in Bhutan, and also India. “PM underlined that he would not only nurture strong bonds but would also strengthen them,” a government official said after Modi's talks with Bhutan's King Jigme Kesar Wangchuk and Prime Minister Tshering Tobgay. Bhutan, wedged in the Himalayas between India and China is the closest India has to an ally in South Asia, a region home to over 1.5 billion people but held back by bristling rivalries. Seen as somewhat of an unusual destination for his first official visit, it is not the first time Modi has already surprised many of his supporters. Following his election victory, he invited fellow South Asian leaders to his inauguration and has also exchanged friendly letters with Pakistan’s Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, as he attempts to re-establish the nation’s relationship. While India has struggled recently with policy paralysis and a slowing economy, China has been building ports in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and its ‘all-weather ally’, Pakistan. It overtook India as the biggest foreign investor in Nepal in the first six months of this year.

Modi’s first visit

WELCOMED: India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi paid his first official visit abroad last weekend as he took a trip to near neighbours Bhutan as he aims to re-establish India as Asia’s most powerful country

Indian PM aims to assert country’s economic power

Deadly attack on football fans

At least 48 people were killed when gunmen in two minibuses sped into a town on Kenya's coast, shooting football fans gathered to watch a World Cup match in a television hall and targeting hotels and a bank. Police said Somalia's Al Shabaab Islamist group was most likely to blame for Sunday night's assault on the town of Mpeketoni, which lies on the Indian Ocean coastline that runs north from Kenya's main port of Mombasa to the Somali border. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the assault, the latest in a spate of gun and bomb attacks in recent months

that have hurt Kenya's struggling tourist industry. Kenya had said it would be on alert during the World Cup to ensure public showings of matches were kept safe. “The attackers were so many and were all armed with guns. They entered the video hall where we were watching a World Cup match and shot indiscriminately at us,” Meshack Kimani told Reuters by telephone. “They targeted only men but I was lucky. I escaped by hiding behind the door.” Sunday's assault is the worst since last September when Al Shabaab gunmen attacked Nairobi's Westgate shopping mall, leaving 67 people dead.


GOT A STORY? Email: Phone the news desk on

08703 608 606



June 2014 - 3rd Edition

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June 2014 - 3rd Edition



Diverse and highly-talented singer teams up with rappers ‘Ill Defined’

SENSATIONAL: Navin Kundra has steadily proven that he’s a talent to be reckoned with

HIP HOP: Brothers Mar2s and Ripz of Ill Defined team up with Navin Kundra and deliver a musical masterpiece tilted ‘Forever’

By Anush Ansari

Bedford brothers Mar2s (Martoos) and Ripz form 'Ill Defined' and have been rapping and producing for many years. Now they team up with the heartthrob Navin Kundra to deliver the masterpiece 'Forever'.

Navin, who has steadily been gaining popularity and much respect from audiences, showcases a huge talent for versatility by performing songs from different genres in English, Hindi and Punjabi.

Continued on page


Navin Kundra goes hip-hop!




June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Navin Kundra goes hip-hop! Hailing from Coventry, 29-year-old Navin’s big break came just on just his 19th birthday when he represented the UK in ‘Sa Re Ga Ma Pa’ and showcased his talent to a worldwide television audience. He now hails a significant fanbase of three million people. His teaming up with ‘Ill Defined’, who are singer-songwriters, was a tantalising project for him. Mar2s and Ripz are famous for bringing a unique style and concept to all their productions, which has led to their sound being coined an 'Ill Deli Beat'! The brotherly duo are much sought after amongst the hip-hop community as they present a universal and commercially orientated sound, while at the same time staying true to their own musical influences.

Being themselves influenced by producers and artists from all eras of music and multigenre music - they deliver a bit of something for all tastes and audiences. Over the last two years, ‘Ill Defined’ have built up a considerable following in the urban scene having worked with artists from So Solid Crew, Tinie Tempah’s Disturbing London label, Marvell Music’s DoubleS and production from ADP Muzik and Vee on their 2013 EP ‘Bonded by Blood’. The duo already boasts a host of reputable names under their belt. Following on from the buzz of their urban success they now bring you a fusion of urban and Asian with the smooth vocals from Navin Kundra on ‘Forever’ which promises to give the listeners something a little bit different. 'Forever' releases on Thursday 26th June via iTunes and other digital stores.

Diverse and highly-talented singer teams up with rappers ‘Ill Defined’

June 2014 - 3rd Edition





Bollywood actress files molestation complaint

One of India's admired Bollywood actresses - Preity Zinta has filed a police complaint alleging that she was molested, abused and threatened by a former boyfriend at an Indian Premier League (IPL) cricket match, officials said Saturday. Zinta accused businessman Ness Wadia, who co-owns the Kings XI Punjab IPL team with the actress, of abusing her after the pair got into an argument while watching their team play the Chennai Super Kings on May 30. "We received Zinta's complaint on Friday June 13th," Mumbai police officer Vijay Mane told reporters. "She wrote that both of them were sitting together at the Mumbai Wankhede stadium on May 30 when they had an argument over something following which

he threatened her, pushed her and used bad language against her," Mane said. Zinta issued a statement on Saturday describing it as a "difficult time". "My intention is not to harm anyone, but only to protect myself," the statement said. Wadia also issued a media statement expressing "shock" over the complaint against him and said the "allegations against me are totally false and baseless". Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria said an investigation was underway. "We will be recording the statements of the witnesses," Maria told media sources. Police have lodged an initial case of "outraging the modesty of a woman", intimidation and intentional insult, local media reported. Zinta and Wadia, scion of the Wadia group, an Indian conglomerate with interests including in real estate, textiles and a low-budget airline, called off their five-year relationship in 2009, although they continue to be business partners, according to local media.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Imran Khan changing nappies? Imran Khan's bundle of joy is just a few days old and the actor's already obsessing about his little girl. His wife Avantika and himself have named the child Imara Malik Khan. "It is Swahili and it means strong and resolute," explains the light-eyed actor. Recalling the moment he first set eyes on his baby, he says: "Friends and family tell you that when you become a parent your world changes. “It is one of those things that people keep telling you about, but until you hold the baby in your arms, you are never really prepared for it." With petite Avantika's pregnancy difficult at the last stages, Imran was lovingly and amirably sympathetic to her condition. He adds: “Our world changed on June 9th - the baby was born at 9.14 am on a Monday morning and when they handed her over to me at 9.15, a switch went off in my head, it’s such a cliché but honestly, my world has changed."

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Imran also indulged how his family made the hospital a “Mad Hatter's” zone on that day. Imran says, "Mansoor mamu is not here, but Aamir mamu and Kiran came to the hospital. My family is nuts. We had booked an extra room for the family, right next to Avantika and the baby, but we fell short of space because ten members arrived together. “Before long we had to request the hospital for one more room to accommodate our relatives. “And there was a nice family outing happening with everyone ordering French fries, cheese toast and nimbu-paani. “Hospital rules allow only two persons to visit the patient at a time. So people took turns to see the baby and meet my wife. “They would then go back to the next room and stay put. It was comical." The actor is also an expert at changing nappies - no, he hadn't enrolled in any classes, but he has hands-on experience of changing nappies and bottle-feeding Mansoor and Aamir's kids while he was growing up. "All of that is coming in handy," he laughs. Of course, in the case of Imara, everything he does is magnified because he is obsessed with his new-born. The baby room is manned by a camera, which is accessible from anywhere in the world. "Wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I can access her room on my phone''. He even points out a slight resemblance that she bears to Aamir's son Azad and to himself. "If I had had a boy I would have some semblance of dignity. But since it's a girl, I will be on my knees for the rest of my life. My daughter can twist me around her little finger," he adds. Imran’s hands are noticeably chaffed. He explains: "I have bought a 24-pack of hand sanitisers. I have sanitised my hands 30 times in a record of 24 hours. Each time I go up to my baby, I want to ensure my hands are clean. That's how my skin has started to peel. My mother has now warned me to go easy on that stuff.”

SRK to be replaced by Ranbir?

Strong reports are circulating which indicate that Shah Rukh Khan may say bye-bye to a luxury watch endorsement contract in which he was the global advertising face for years. Talk is that Ranbir Kapoor will reportedly be the face of the global brand, Tag Heuer once SRK's association comes to an end. Interestingly, this isn't the first time RK is being looked at as a replacement for SRK. Five years ago, a similar thing happened for a cola advertisement.





FILM: Kochadaiiyaan (Tamil) DIRECTED BY: Soundarya Rajnikanth Ashwin GENRE: Action/Drama STAR CAST: Deepika Padukone, Jackie Schroff, Rajinikanth, Shobana, R. Sarathkumar, Nazzer, Aadhi, Rukmini Rajinikanth showcases a stunning new avatar as a fierce warrior bent on revenge in India's first performance capture movie. Rana (Rajinikanth) is a mighty, ruthless warrior who returns to his homeland on a very personal mission. He intends to avenge the death of his father Kochadaiiyaan, who was unjustly executed on the orders of the king of Kotaipattinam. But fulfilling his destiny will take Rana down a treacherous path of love and war, filled with conflicting emotions. First-time director Soundarya Rajnikanth Ashwin directs her own father Rajinikanth in this epic historical spectacle. It's the first Indian film to make use of the photorealistic performance capture technology that James Cameron deployed so effectively on 'Avatar'. For veteran superstar Rajinikanth, now fully recovered from a health scare, this is a bold and thrilling new role. The leading lady is Deepika Padukone, star of 'Chennai Express' and one of the most bankable actresses in Indian cinema.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

RELEASE DATE: 23/05/2014

FILM: Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty DIRECTED BY: A. R. Murugadoss GENRE: Thriller STAR CAST: Akshay Kumar, Govinda, Sonakshi Sinha Akshay Kumar, is set to take on his most iconic role to date in his new film ‘Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty’. Produced by Akshay Kumar’s eminent production company Hari Om Entertainment and Vipul A Shah’s Sunshine Pictures, ‘Holiday’ is an intelligent, high-octane, edge-of-your-seat romantic thriller, which delves into the dark labyrinth of terror cells, bomb plots and international espionage. Directed by renowned filmmaker A. R. Murugadoss, who made the worldwide blockbuster ‘Ghajini’, ‘Holiday’ sees the talented and versatile actor-turned producer Akshay Kumar joined by a stellar cast comprising Bollywood siren Sonakshi Sinha (Dabangg, Rowdy Rathore), who plays love interest Nisha, and veteran actor Govinda (Raavan, Partner), who ably performs the role of Akshay’s senior commanding officer. Newcomer to the Bollywood

RELEASE DATE: 06/06/2014

arena Freddie Daruwala shines as the ruthless and brutal leader of the terror cell. The music for the film has been penned maestro Pritam Chakraborty. Akshay Kumar essays the role of Virat Bakshi, a military officer who is on holiday with his battalion in his bustling home city of Mumbai. However, unbeknown to his

fellow officers, Virat is also an undercover Secret Defence Intelligence Agent, masterly skilled and trained in covert antiterror intelligence operations. Whilst on a family visit to Mumbai, Virat is caught up in a gruesome terror attack that sees a

crowded bus blown to pieces. But this is just the beginning of the story for Virat, as he gets drawn into a sinister web of lies and deceit in his quest to bring the very top echelons of the terror mafia to justice before they strike again in the heart of Mumbai.

June 2014 - 3rd Edition


FILM: Fugly DIRECTED BY: Kabir Sadanand GENRE: Drama STAR CAST: Jimmy Sheirgill, Mohit Marwah, Kiara Advani, Vijender Singh, Arfi Lamba, Mansha Behl ‘Fulgy’ is a story of four friends - Dev, Gaurav, Aditya and Devi. They are at the cusp of their lives... college has just about finished, but their career path is yet to be set. These are the last few days of true freedom that they’ll have. These friends are conscientious;

FILM: Punjab 1984 RELEASE DATE: DIRECTED BY: Anurag Singh 26/06/2014 GENRE: Drama STAR CAST: Diljit Dosanjh, Kirron Kher, Pavan Malhotra, Sonampreet Kaur Bajwa At the helm of ‘Punjab 1984’ is the ‘numero uno’ of Punjabi cinema, Diljit Dosanjh, delivering a powerhouse performance that will resonate with audiences and critics for years to come. Director Anurag Singh, whose latest offering marks a magnum opus that showcases Punjabi cinema at its very best and bears all the hallmarks of a blockbuster in the making. Sure to be hailed universally on the platform of world cinema and beyond, Punjab 1984 cinematically recounts a tragic episode in India’s history when the state was going through a turbulent time of political unrest and terrorism. The turmoil affected thousands of households and families across the Punjab region, and is conveyed with emotion and atmospheric realism. The film depicts the desperate search and longing of a mother (played by the muchcelebrated Kirron Kher) for her son who has been labelled a terrorist amid the clashes. Essaying the heartfelt role of a matriarch dealing with the angst and pain of a missing son and the desperate lengths she goes to in order to secure his safe return home, Kirron

delivers an aweinspiring performance. The story encapsulates how her son eventually fights for his rights and to prove his innocence, desperate to return to his home and mother. ‘Punjab 1984’ poignantly depicts the sensitive and vulnerable period in history for the youth of Punjab and is dedicated to the thousands of mothers who lost their sons at that time. Impeccable supporting performances are delivered by an ensemble cast featuring: Pavan Malhotra, Sonampreet Kaur Bajwa, Manav Vij, Rana Ranbir Vansh, Arun Bali and Gurcharan Channi. Composers Gurmeet Singh, Nick and Jatinder Shah.

they will have fun but would never cross the boundaries.They all have dreams and expectations from life, but as they say… man proposes, God disposes. Their fun filled and care-free life comes to an abrupt halt, when they are faced with an extremely corrupt and seemingly fearless


RELEASE DATE: 13/06/2014 police officer. This puts a series of events in motion which will test their friendship and characters... their life becomes ‘Fugly’. Set in Delhi, this fast paced entertainer has a miss-a-beat narrative that would drive you to the edge of your seat.



June 2014 - 3rd Edition


A MILLION WAYS TO DIE IN THE WEST STARRING: SETH MACFARLANE, CHARLIZE THERON, LIAM NEESON, AMANDA SEYFRIED, 15 GIOVANNI RIBISI CERT DIRECTOR: SETH MACFARLANE GENRE: COMEDY, DRAMA Seth MacFarlane UK RELEA directs, SE produces, co30/05/20DATE: 14 writes and plays the role of the cowardly sheep farmer Albert in ‘A million ways to die in the West’. After Albert backs out of a gunfight, his fickle girlfriend leaves him for another man. When a mysterious and beautiful woman rides into town, she helps him find his courage and they begin to fall in love. But when her husband, a notorious outlaw, arrives seeking revenge,the farmer must put his newfound courage to the test.



CERT STARRING: BRENTON THWAITES, PETER CAPALDI, TOBY REGBO, ANGELINA JOLIE DIRECTOR: ROBERT STROMBERG UK RELEA SE DATE: GENRE: ACTION, DRAMA, THRILLER 3 ‘Maleficent’ explores the untold story of Disney’s most iconic villain, from the classic ‘Sleeping Beauty’, and the elements of her betrayal that ultimately turn her pure heart to stone. Driven by revenge and a fierce desire to protect the moors over which

she presides, Maleficent cruelly places an irrevocable curse upon the human king’s newborn infant Aurora. As the child grows, Aurora is caught in the middle of the seething conflict between the forest kingdom she has grown to love and the human kingdom that






06/06/20DATE: 14

Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill return as undercover buddy cops in this riotous sequel to the hit comedy, 21 Jump Street. Much to the disappointment of sneery Deputy Chief Hardy (Nick Offerman), officers Jenko (Channing Tatum) and Schmidt (Jonah Hill) are back on undercover duty. This time they're assigned to investigate a college drugs ring. All the original team are reunited by returning directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller, who had a huge hit with 'The LEGO Movie'.

Secret Service field agent 12A Ethan Renner CERT (Kevin Costner) dedicated his life to the CIA but when he’s diagnosed with a terminal illness, he retires from his high stakes life in order to reconnect with his estranged family. When the agency offers him a lifesaving experimental drug in exchange for one final but extremely dangerous mission, he reluctantly agrees. As well as tracking down a ruthless terrorist, he takes sole responsibility for his daughter, endeavouring to complete his two toughest assignments yet.

0/05/201 4

holds her legacy. Maleficent realizes that Aurora may hold the key to peace in the land and is forced to take drastic actions that will change both worlds forever.


26/06/20DATE: 14

June 2014 - 3rd Edition







13/06/20 14

Belle is inspired 12A by the true story of CERT Dido Elizabeth Belle (Gugu Mabatha-Raw), the illegitimate mixed race daughter of a Royal Navy Admiral. Raised by her aristocratic great-uncle Lord Mansfield (Tom Wilkinson) and his wife (Emily Watson), Belle’s lineage affords her certain privileges, yet the colour of her skin prevents her from fully participating in the traditions of her social standing. Left to wonder if she will ever find love, Belle falls for an idealistic young vicar’s son bent on change who, with her help, shapes Lord Mansfield’s role as Lord Chief Justice to end slavery in England.

Written UK RELEA by, directed SE by, 18/06/20DATE: 14 produced by and starring Jon Favreau - Chef features an all-star cast. When Chef Carl Casper (Favreau) suddenly quits his job at a prominent Los Angeles restaurant after refusing to compromise his creative integrity for its controlling owner (Dustin Hoffman), he is left to figure out what's next. Finding himself in Miami, he teams up with his ex-wife (Sofia Vergara), his friend (John Leguizamo) and his son (Emjay Anthony) to launch a food truck. Taking to the road, Chef Carl goes back to his roots to reignite his passion for the kitchen alongside his zest for life and love.

THE ART OF THE STEAL STARRING: TERENCE STAMP, JAY BARUCHEL, KURT RUSSELL, MATT DILLON DIRECTOR: JONATHAN SOBOL GENRE: COMEDY, THRILLER Crunch Calhoun (Kurt Russell), a third rate CERT motorcycle daredevil and semi-reformed art thief, agrees to get back into the con game and pull off one final lucrative art theft with his untrustworthy brother,





A downhearted woman embarks on a road trip with her granny in this crazy comedy UK RELEA starring Melissa McCarthy and Susan SE D Sarandon. 0 4/07/201ATE: Life is not being kind to Tammy (Melissa 4 McCarthy). The unlucky thirty-something has written off her rust-bucket of a car. She's been fired from her dead end job at a greasy burger bar by sleazy boss Keith (Ben Falcone). And she's got home to find hubby Greg (Nat Foxon) carrying on with their neighbour, Missi (Toni Collette). Tammy's only way of getting away is to team up with her harddrinking, potty-mouthed grandmother Pearl (Susan Sarandon), who has cash, a car and a yearning to see Niagara Falls. So the unlikely duo burn rubber on a wild adventure.

Nicky (Matt Dillon). Reassembling the old team, Crunch comes up with a plan to steal a priceless historical book, but the successful heist leads to another far riskier plan devised by Nicky. They fail to realize each


K RELEAS other’s E DAT 2 0 /06/2014E: separate agendas when their plan goes awry in this con movie about honour, revenge and the bonds of brotherhood.



June 2014 - 3rd Edition

June 2014 - 3rd Edition


ENTHUSIASTS: Dr Ravi Prakash along with his wife and two daughters are immersed in their passion for vintage cars


Surgeonturned businessman to showcase two of his prized possessions at the Salon Privé

Debut of



motors By Anush Ansari

An Indian surgeon’s collection of classic cars spanning several eras, is to be showcased right here in England, and boy… if these cars could speak they’d have one hell of a story to tell! As one of the world’s most prolific classic car owners Dr Ravi Prakash has a stunning collection of muchloved classics including Mercedes, Rolls-Royces, Jaguars, Mustangs, Corvettes, Sunbeams, Cadillac’s, Packard’s, Lanchesters, Daimlers and Delages.

Continued on page




Debut of Maharaja’s majestic motors

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Continued from page 73 The Prakash’s are the first family in India who are huge enthusiasts of the vintage and classic car movement and it was only natural that Dr Prakash would be invited to display two cars from his prized collection at this year’s Salon Privé in West London. Dr Prakash, affectionately called “Doc” by the vintage car-world, acquired his first ‘classic’ in 1979 - a Sunbeam-Talbot 1937, 2 litre sports tourer, willed to him by Retd. General Mahadevan, Commander of the Indian Army who lived in Madras. This fuelled his passion and since then, Prakash has amassed over 225 cars, 60 motorcycles, horse carriages, cycles all housed in ‘Kala Farm’, on the outskirts of Bangalore, Southern India. A cardiothoracic surgeon by profession turned into businessman, Dr Prakash and his family, simply can’t wait for the weekends so that

Surgeon-turned businessman to showcase two of his prized possessions at the Salon Privé

CLASSICS: Dr Prakash has 225 cars, 60 motorcycles, horse carriages and cycles all housed at his farm outside Bangalore

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

they can take these vintage cars out for drives along country roads and amidst the crazy Indian traffic! Fifteen employees are dedicated to working full-time on these cars in an in-house workshop, tinkering, painting, repairing and sourcing parts from all over the world. Commenting, Dr Prakash said: “Ever since I acquired my first classic car over three decades ago - 1937 Sunbeam Talbot 2 litre, I’ve not looked back. “My love of classic cars borders on ‘‘obsession’ at times. “The acquired passion and the encouragement from my wife Sabena, our daughters Rupali and Shefali are carrying on my legacy and making my dreams come true. “I want the younger generation to explore the wonder and magic of classic cars.” Dr Prakash - the secretary of one of the oldest classic car clubs in India, “Karnataka Vintage and Classic Car Club” (KVCCC) in Bangalore has been instrumental in organising number of events for the social cause for over a decade. He is planning to build the largest classical car museum in

India to house the collection which is expected to be finished in late 2016. His collection has been dedicated to a charitable trust and the monies earned by the museum will be used for treatment of road traffic accident victims. More recently, the Prakash family featured in the inaugural ceremony of India’s first GP circuit in Delhi, where more of Dr Prakash’s cars from his 200piece collection drove the F1 drivers around the circuit for the opening ceremony parade. Daughter, Shefali drove Jaime Alguersuari, Rupali drove Sergio Perez, Sabena drove Sebastien Buemi and “Doc” drove Lewis Hamilton. Salon Privé is a boutique event which opens on Wednesday 3rd September with the crème de la crème of classic cars from around the world competing in the internationally-renowned Chubb Insurance Concours d’Elégance. “Docs” 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom I and 1930 Delage D8 S are both entered in the ‘Fit for a King’ class which showcases cars from around the world with Head of State or Royal provenance.



‘Doc’s’ cars to debut at Salon Prive 1926 Rolls-Royce Phantom I

This beauty was received for test on 22nd April 1926. Originally consigned to Rippon Bros - the Yorkshire coachbuilders, for stock, it was instead re-designated for the Maharani of Cooch Behar in India. Cooch Behar, a town in West Bengal was built by Maharaja Nripendra Narayan in the late 19th century. The 24th Maharajah, Nripendra Narayan died in 1922, leaving the princely state under the Regency Council presided over by his widow, Maharani Indiri Devi, whom he had wed in London in 1913. Rather than being bodied by Rippon, 53TC

was sent to Maythorn & Sons of Biggleswade, Bedfordshire for an enclosed limousine body. Dunlop steel artillery wheels were fitted to special order, along with a 90 mph speedometer and Smiths eight-day clock.

1930 Delage D8 S £4 million of furniture from Europe. While it was ‘en vogue’, along with the furniture, he also imported quite a fancy piece of automotive sculpture – a 1930 Delage D8 S – with its exquisite Art Deco inspired Figoni Maharaja Yeswanth Rao Holkar II of coachwork that had just starred at the Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India, was 1930 edition of the Paris Auto Salon. completely fascinated by the Art Deco With a 120 bhp 4050cc straight eight, movement of the Delage when he two door sports tourer the Delage D8 visited the London Auto show in 1930 was a worthy rival to the Bugattis of its – during this time he had shipped over time.












June 2014 - 3rd Edition






£5,000 (0011 ASH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£8,000 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (F AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07973 165 474

£100,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£7,000 (MONTY P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (N AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (O YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (R AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07706 216 060

£1,275 ONO TEL. 07852 290 229

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£4,500 (ASH RAJ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,550 TEL. 07867 861 193


£10,000 (M OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NAIMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (O YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

OFFERS OVER £10,000 TEL. 07889 184 532

£5,500 TEL. 07947 979 777

£2,500 (ASHRAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (BISSMILA) TEL. 07971 732 789

£15,000 (E AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£16,000 (HEAVEN-HAVEN) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 TEL. 07867 861 193


£20,000 (MR HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£3,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£7,000 (R DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 ONO TEL. 07764 656 667

OFFERS OVER £35,000 TEL. 07971 827 913

£1200 ONO TEL. 07884 115 115

£2,500 (ASH 222) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO (BUSTED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 (HELEN H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 ONO (KAABAH) TEL. 07779 300 128

£650 ONO (MUNAWAR) TEL. 07597 572 045

£13,250 ONO TEL. 07837 867 868

£OFFERS (TEXT ONLY) TEL. 07884 064 015

£3,000 (PAAYJA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£4,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO (ALI HASSAN) TEL. 07946 162 099

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07976 024 735

£10,000 (B VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

OVER £10,000 TEL. 07765 555 786

£15,000 (HELEN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07907 318 666

£10,000 TEL. 07779 117 865

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,000+ (NAIWAAB) TEL. 07973 165 474

£1350 TEL. 07867 861 193

£29,000 (R GIGGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO TEL. 07828 695 464

£25,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£70,000+ TEL. 07854 012 093

£15,400 (B YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (F BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

£850 TEL: 07977 118 134 no withheld numbers

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£2,000 ONO TEL. 07966 386 755

£15,500 (R JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07887 690 098

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£8,500 ONO NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07768 686 842

£15,000 (B YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07958 000 480

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,500 (P ALLANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (A VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,000 (HELEN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07764 511 955

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£7,495 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL JR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 ONO (AMJED) TEL. 07971 732 789

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (AWESOME) TEL. 07985 254 294

£9,000 (C AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£4,999 TEL. 07846 480 112

£1,500 ONO (HELLO X) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07980 802 471

£15,000 ONO (MAWLA) TEL. 07842 955 147

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£75,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£11,000 (PAUL SG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (R YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07875 337 224

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (A YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (C AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £4,000 TEL. 07513 257 029

£6,995 (F GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (H DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£19,000 (MAHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (MR SINGH) TEL: 07731 464002

£8,500 (N BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£11,000 (PAUL SR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07817 615 022

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (A YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,500 (E JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (H KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (SHAB) TEL. 07977 348 295

£1,500 ONO (MAIDA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,000 (N CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (P AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (SOULJA) TEL. 07803 526 898

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (A YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (E KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,500 ONO (MAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (P AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

123 YKP



786 KAM 786 MAK 82 GK























































no withheld numbers







M0 51DDK M111 NWR









MR 54BAR MR 5 5K0L MR5 5P0K

£5,000 (MR SPOK)

































no withheld numbers



no withheld numbers


no withheld numbers






£15,000 (A AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (ANSAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,900 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,500 (H MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07523 264 595 no withheld numbers

£1,500 ONO (MALEK) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 TEL. 07900 895 552

£15,000 (SHIPER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (AALIYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£OFFERS TEL. 07971 850 490

£7,000 (C DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (ELISA A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (F SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£21,000 (HUNTER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (K DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (M AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HALY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (NEIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (P DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07545 218 365

£10,000 TEL. 07969 914 041

£15,000 (ARJAN) TEL. 07731 464002

£4,995 TEL. 07867 861 193


£8,000 (EMILY C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (F YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£9,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£29,000 (M AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HAWK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NKHANZ) TEL. 07946 162 099

£1,500 ONO (POSSESS) TEL. 07971 732 789

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£10,000 ONO (ANWAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (EMILY D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (HUZAIFAH) TEL. 07737 071 097

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£1500 (MAHMUD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£9,500 (MS HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (PHIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£775 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444


£10,000+ (CHOWDRY) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY E) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07913 919 169

£10,000 (H VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£2,500 TEL. 07405 763 319

£10,000+ (CHILLER) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 802 112

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£8,000 (EMILY M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£9,500 (ASHOK B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07866 860 894

£7,500 (C SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£9,500 (ASHOK C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£OFFERS NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07754 852 402

£9,500 (ASHOK D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,250 ONO (ABID SAB) TEL. 07773 995 142






B055 KHN

B055Y B0

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

B111 NAA




















£10,000 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141
















MON - FRI: 9-5.30

MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (MS HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£14,000 (P KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,495 (SHOYB/SAQYB K) TEL. 07768 686 842

£5,000+ (SHIMMLA) TEL. 07973 165 474

£9,500 (H YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£18,000 (M AHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (M SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (P MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057


£5,725 TEL. 07802 183 450

£10,000 (G AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (H YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£10,000 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£7,500 (N SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (P SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£25,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 (EMILY S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (C YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (ERNEST) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (G AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (JOHNTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07970 281 994

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£10,000 (N VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (P WILSON) TEL. 07985 455 057

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£15,000 (SPORTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 (BIG FRR) TEL. 07971 850 490

£1,495 ONO TEL. 07832 302 222

£7,500 (E SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (G DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (K KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 595 760

£10,000 (M VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (N YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (P YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£20,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£9,500 (ASHOK F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£8,500 (ETHAN A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (K SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1400 (M DAWOOD) TEL. 07428 657 147

£9,500 (M YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (P YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL. 07508 341 074

£1,500 (SURBJIT) TEL. 07985 589 631

£8,500 (A BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (BILAL) TEL. 07808 950 492

£10,000 (D AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£900 ONO (JAT OK) TEL. 07581 423 143

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,000 (M DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (MY IPOD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£9,500 (ROHAN G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50 TEL. 07932 410 393

£15,400 (S YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£9,500 (ASHOK H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 TEL. 07891 217 880

£1200 TEL. 07947 979 777

£8,500 (ETHAN F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (GUIDES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1500 ONO TEL. 07774 246 877

£10,000 (K VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£995 (MY SHISHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£1,395 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£9,500 (ROHAN K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,295 ONO TEL. 07949 891 313

£15,000 (S YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,500 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK J) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL. 07838 130 681

£7,000 (D DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 ONO (GULLFAM) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (K YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (MEHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£20,000 (OO LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (ROHAN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07973 787 934

£10,000 ONO (ABDUL) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07812 728 079

£7,500 (D MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07597 629 845

£15,000 (JALLALS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£19,000 (MEHMUD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (OO HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 (ROHAN X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (SHEETAL) TEL. 07786 510 000

£OFFERS TEL. 07581 169 231

£10,000 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK L) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,495 ONO TEL. 07957 429 964

£8,000 (DR HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (G VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£18,000 (MEHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07870 696 399

£10,000 (O AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07816 488 420

£1,500 ONO (SAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS (TARIQ) TEL. 07887 693 228

£7,000 (A DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (B AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (DR HORN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN W) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (G YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (U 4 USY / LUSY) TEL. 07768 686 842

£25,000 (M JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07846 016 228

£5,000 ONO (QASSER) TEL. 07967 350 957

OFFERS OVER £400 TEL. 07866 992 500

£1,500 ONO (SALIHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£1,500 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£OFFERS TEL. 07867 861 193

£9,500 (ASHOK N) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (DR IANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,895 TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (IMRAN) TEL. 07759 097 070

£20,000 (M KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07969 914 041

£8,500 (O BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 ONO (RIZWANA) TEL. 07779 300 128

£1,500 ONO (SAIKA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,200 ONO TEL. 07926 095 168

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK O) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 T: 07740 784 983

£12,000 (DR HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£650 ONO (EVIL CAR) TEL. 07411 953 337

£1,950 ONO (HUSSAIN) TEL. 07956 214 163

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (L DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07751 427 106

£9,000 (O CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 QUICK SALE TEL. 07814 071 397

£15,000 (S AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 ONO TEL. 07886 606 431

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (ASHOK P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07740 784 983

£8,000 (DR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (E YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£7,000 (J DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 ( L JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,900 ONO (MR D ALLY) TEL. 07774 246 877

£600 ONO TEL. 07836 221 302

£7,000 (O DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£3,500 ONO (SAIMA/SALMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (TAWHEED) TEL. 07842 955 147

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (ASHOK S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07720 376 861

£15,000 (E YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (L LUONG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£5,500 ONO TEL. 07766 645 325

£6,995 (O GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07779 675 730

£OFFERS TEL. 07983 104 538

£OFFERS TEL. 07863 289 625

£4,000 (AHMADS) TEL. 07846 269 808

£9,500 (ASHOK V) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 ONO TEL. 07879 230 103

£995 (DR. SHISHA / SHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£2,500 (F1 GUJR) TEL. 07867 886 786


£7,500 (J SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (L SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOOK) TEL. 07985 455 057

SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07969 914 041

£15,000 (O JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07868 572 069

£2,995 ONO TEL. 07729 288 346

£1,500 (TALLAT) TEL. 07867 886 786

£25,000 (A JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 (ASHOK X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (B CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 T: 07740 784 983

£2,999 ONO TEL. 07904 018 063

£950 ONO TEL. 07968 642 402

£15,000 (J SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (L VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOBB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,000 (O KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,800 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,000 ONO (TALHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK Y) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (B DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£12,000 (HAILEE X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (L YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (MR HOWE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£950 TEL. 07896 699 241

£7,500 (O MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07968 163 510

£7,000 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (T AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (ASHESH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 ONO TEL. 077970 914 137

£7,500 (D SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£12,000 (HAILEY X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (J YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (L YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (MR LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (NAWED, NAWEED) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 ONO TEL. 07962 394 890

£2,500 (RAJHA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£2,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£1,500 (TAHYRS) TEL. 07867 886 786

£20,000 (A KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£25,000 (ASHFAQ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£10,000 (D VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (H AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (J YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (NAHEED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (O SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£12,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,600 ONO TEL. 07557 387 547

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£39,000 (ASHLEE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (BEHOLD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (D YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (F AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (O VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (S DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610


AAL115 AAZ15


























B166 BOB B17SH U B19 ALY















































































MR10 JAT MR1100K MR110BB









£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30















NY55 HAA 00110YD OO11ARY






0 M11RZA 0S11SAN


































T1L1 786








June 2014 - 3rd Edition TA55TEE £5,000 T: 07740 784 983


WA11TAD £4,500 (WANTED) TEL. 07516 111 755

£15,000 (X KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£1,000 TEL. 07967 193 033

£2,500 (WAHEED K) TEL. 07973 199 979

£7,500 (X MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£100,000 (TAHIR) TEL. 07403 302 725

£850 ONO TEL. 07803 012 253

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (X SHAKS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (V AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£7,000 (T DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,400 (X YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 (T JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (W DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (YOUNAS) TEL. 07834 016 393

£14,000 (T KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (V SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 (W GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO (SALMA) TEL. 07969 598 969

£7,500 (T MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (V YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (W KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07835 316 786

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,500 (W MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£30,000 TEL. 07525 817 453

£7,500 (T SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,500 (W SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (Y AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (T VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,500 (W OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (YAYYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (T YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,000 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (YELL COM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (T YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£3,500 (SINGHS) TEL. 07833 333 870

£7,000 (Y DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (U AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,800 (WANTED) TEL. 01202 877 038

£1,500 TEL. 07767 778 798

£15,000 (Y KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (U DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 747 776

£2,000 TEL. 07854 435 656

£50,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£10,000 (Y VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (U YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (WAHEEM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07811 146 312

£2,000 (VOHRA) TEL. 07867 886 786

£9,000 (W AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,700 TEL. 07786 087 155




















K7 PPA £3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

N002HAT £2,000 ONO (NUZHAT) TEL. 07813 011 702









X3 51NGS X 7BY X XAL 11X










no withheld numbers


L99HOR £10,000 TEL. 07850 706 930

YA55EEM £75,000 ONO TEL. 07887 837 553


£OFFERS TEL. 07522 173 297

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STUNNING: The Audi RS 7 Sportback’s twin-turbo four-litre V8 delivers 560bhp






£6,500 (V OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057













Too hot to handle Searing performance and even sharper style from the new generation Audi RS 7 Sportback Dynamics are at their most beautiful with the RS 7 Sportback, the most potent five-door coupé in the Audi range, making it look even sharper and perform even more efficiently, yet no less formidably. The mighty four-litre twin-turbo V8 engine retains its rightful place at the heart of the new-look RS 7 Sportback, but is with a four per cent reduction in CO2 emissions and improved three per cent fuel consumption. Combining the power of a sports car with the elegance of a large, five-door coupé, the revised engine provides the same prodigious 560 PS and catapults the five-door coupé from 0 to 62mph in 3.9 seconds, with top speed of up to 187mph. An eight-speed tiptronic transmission tuned for optimum performance also features a tall final gear to contribute to fuel efficiency. On a combined cycle, the resonant V8 twin-turbo returns up to 29.7mpg, and emits 221 grams of CO2 per km. A key factor in this efficiency is the Cylinder on Demand (CoD) system, which can shut down four cylinders during partial load operation. Even at first glance, the Audi RS 7 Sportback reveals its dynamic character – the long bonnet, flowing C-pillars and the sharply sloping rear end form an aesthetic overall impression. New design details such as the single-frame grille with the black honeycomb add striking touches.

Subtle modifications have also been made to the bumper, with its distinctive air inlets. The headlights now feature LED technology as standard and the Matrix LED technology available for the first time on the RS 7 Sportback, with integrated dynamic turn signals on the front and rear. In the elegant interior, dominated by the RS sport seats, the designers have made judicious changes to the instrument cluster, including the air outlet controls of the vent nozzles, the shift paddles behind the steering wheel and the quattro emblem on the instrument panel. The revised Audi RS 7 Sportback is fitted with 20-inch forged lightweight alloy wheels as a standard. Optional 21inch cast aluminium wheels are available in three different colours. The four internally ventilated brake discs have a weight-saving wave design. Alternatively carbon fibre-ceramic discs are available

as an option. Electronic Stabilisation Control (ESC) features a Sport mode that can be deactivated altogether if required. The Audi RS 7 Sportback will be available to order in the UK later this summer ahead of first deliveries in late 2014. Subtle modifications have also been made to the bumper, with its distinctive air inlets. The headlights now feature LED technology as standard and the Matrix LED technology available for the first time on the RS 7 Sportback, with integrated dynamic turn signals on the front and rear. In the elegant interior, dominated by the RS sport seats, the designers have made judicious changes to the instrument cluster, including the air outlet controls of the vent nozzles, the shift paddles behind the steering wheel and the quattro emblem on the instrument panel. The revised Audi RS 7 Sportback is fitted with 20-inch forged lightweight alloy wheels as a standard. Optional 21-inch cast aluminium wheels are available in three different colours. The four internally ventilated brake discs have a weight-saving wave design. Alternatively carbon fibre-ceramic discs are available as an option. Electronic Stabilisation Control (ESC) features a Sport mode that can be deactivated altogether if required. The Audi RS 7 Sportback will be available to order in the UK later this summer ahead of first deliveries in late 2014.




June 2014 - 3rd Edition



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June 2014 - 3rd Edition





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June 2014 - 3rd Edition


June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Going Up! By Ashley Grint

It is a long way to the top in any sport and for a primary school pupil in Leeds, that saying has an extra bit of truth to it. 10-year-old Dayan Shah, from Moortown, is a professional indoor wallclimber and has been taking part in the sport since he was just six. As a junior member of The Leeds Climbing Team, the Year 5 Grammar School At Leeds pupil has recently qualified for a national competition after success in the regional heats. Competing against ten fellow climbers, in the Under-11’s category, Dayan hoisted his way up to third place in the final standings, earning his spot in this month’s British Mountaineering Council’s (BMC) National Championships in Scotland. Training in Leeds on 30metre-high walls, the youth member will be tackling some of the largest walls in Europe at Edinburgh’s International Climbing Arena (ICA), which span twice that height. With the competition set to arrive on Saturday 28th June, Dayan says he is looking forward to the challenge having recently visited the site. “I was really happy when I got through to the finals and am excited for it now,” he said.

“It’s really, really big [in the ICA] and I never thought it would all be so tall. The climbs are a lot harder than the ones here so the competition will be very hard. “People who practice on them walls will have a lot more experience than us but I just really like climbing and can’t wait for it.” Dayan’s mother, Nina, has been supporting her son in the sport from his first trip to a Leeds indoor climbing centre. After seeing his active pursuit of climbing around the house and up door frames, she says she decided it was time to take her son somewhere safe to climb and he has just never looked back. “Initially I thought it was just a phase and that after a few visits to the indoor sites he would give it up,” she said. “In the end he just never said he wanted to stop and so I thought as long as he is happy and doing something he enjoys I am happy. “I enjoy watching him having fun and it’s nice to see him smile and see him come away looking satisfied.” Dayan’s dream is to one day compete in climbing at the Olympics and with a bid currently in place to see the sport entered into the official Games in 2020 there is plenty of time left for the young climber to make his dream become a reality.


Young climber reaches for the stars

CLIMBING: Ten-year-old Dayan Shah has been climbing at local climbing centres since he was just six and is set to compete in the British Mountaineering Council’s National Championships later this year

C’mon Ref!

Japanese football fans are reportedly hanging their heads in shame after the country’s head referee, Yuichi Nishimura, struggled to keep pace with the World Cup opener last weekend. Nishimura had been handed the opportunity to officiate in Brazil’s first game of the onemonth tournament as they took on Croatia in Sao Paulo. A 3-1 scoreline to the hosts is what many may have foreseen yet the victory was made all the more convincing following some questionable decisions from the man with the whistle. A very soft penalty, a disallowed goal and no red card, allowed Brazil to claim victory, with a small helping hand from Nishimura. The site of the Japanese ref surrounded by

Croatian players became a common sight throughout the night after the visitors were left to feel aggrieved after throwing away their winning position. “There's a lot of Nishimura bashing but quite right,” tweeted one Japanese fan under the name @shinokc. “That was not a penalty. Feel so sorry for Croatia.” Although twice voted by the J-League as its referee of the year, Nishimura has long been controversial among Japanese fans, not least for his reputation for awarding dubious penalties. Fellow Japanese referee Masayoshi Okada was sent packing by FIFA after just one game of the 1998 World Cup, after England players reacted furiously to his invigilation of their 2-0 win over Tunisia.

CONTROVERSIAL: Forget Neymar, it is Japanese referee Yuichi Nishimura who is Brazil’s new hero after giving them a helping hand in their win over Croatia




June 2014 - 3rd Edition

ECB urges recreational cricketers to have their say on the game’s future

The ECB is calling on recreational cricketers to have their say and influence the future of cricket at grassroots level in its second annual National Cricket Playing survey. Last year more than 21,000 current and former players responded to the survey – the first of its kind ever undertaken by ECB - and the national governing body is already acting on the comprehensive and wide-ranging feedback received. Clubs and leagues nationwide are introducing new formats, rule changes, different start times, shorter travel distances to matches and greater opportunities for women, girls and people with a disability to play the game. The 2014 survey, aims to reach an even wider audience and generate further ideas and innovations which will help increase take-up of the sport. Every player, from Premier League regulars to the occasional, midweek social cricketer is being urged to have their say on all aspects of the recreational game. Devised as part of the ECB’s strategic plan, Champion Counties, the survey’s responses give ECB a greater understanding of what amateur cricketers want from the sport, which

formats they prefer and how it fits best with busy, modern lifestyles. The findings will support ECB’s wider plans to invest more than £96 million into community cricket over the next four years across its national network of 39 County Cricket Boards. ECB Chief Executive, David Collier, said: “Last year’s survey attracted a fantastic response and our county cricket boards and leagues have already responded with innovative and forward-thinking ideas which will all help attract more people to the sport and make it as inclusive as possible. “Whether it’s varying match times to suit the needs of shift workers or experimenting with innovative rule changes, our recreational game has shown a real willingness to be adaptable and responsive to players’ feedback. “This all supports ECB’s wider efforts to help sustain cricket at a local level by investing in facilities and pitches, encouraging clubs to be fully representative of their local communities and offering maximum support to umpires, coaches, scorers and other volunteers who give up their time to support our grassroots game. “

Examples of change at county level since last year’s inaugural survey include: · The introduction of a new Crick8 competition – a short, sharp 50minute version of the game with double scoring zones and coloured clothing aimed at teenagers (Cornwall) · The creation of a new Last Woman Stands competition to run alongside the men’s version of the popular Last Man Stands eight-aside format (Northamptonshire) · A new open age player transfer system to allow players who do not have a fixture to turn out for another team (Yorkshire and District Senior League) · A fresh drive to recruit new umpires – with 13 players gaining Level One umpiring qualifications (Bradford League)

Players who complete the National Cricket Playing Survey at will have the chance to win prizes including signed bats, shirts and pairs of tickets to an England v India Royal London ODI.

Banners and balls to greet the Tour de France The Bradford district is really getting in to the swing of things for when the Tour De France Grand Depart comes to the district on the 5th and 6th July. Bradford Council have been putting up banners in Bradford city centre and across Keighley to let people know that the biggest annual sporting event is coming to the district. Bunting will be going up in the towns and villages along the route. A clock on the Big Screen in City Park will be counting down the days, hours and minutes until the cyclists set off. The Big Screen will also be showing video clips and information about the big cycle race in the district. People driving through Silsden may be forgiven for thinking they’re seeing things, as the metal balls protecting the sides of the road near the town are being given a Tour de France make-over. The balls which are on part of Stage Two of the Grand Depart are being painted yellow, green and red and white polka dot to represent the different coloured jerseys awarded to riders of the Tour.

Artwork reminiscent of Banksy has been appearing at various locations across the district in celebration of the great race’s visit to the district. The ‘life size’ hand cut stencil artwork by anonymous graffiti artist Stewy, depict local literary legends the Bronte sisters and the well known Bradford artist David Hockney. Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe Executive Member for Employment Skills and Culture said:"Tour de France Grand Depart is a great opportunity to show off the district to its best advantage. Preparations have been going on for months in readiness for the millions of people arriving for the Tour. Now we are just a few weeks away the banners, signs and artwork will remind people that the event is just around the corner." Advanced warning signs are also going up across the district to let local people know about the road closures on the route. More information about the Tour de France in Bradford can be found at

June 2014 - 3rd Edition

Indian cricket team captain Mahendra Singh Dhoni is the lone sportsman from the South Asian giants to figure on Forbes' list of the world's 100 highest paid athletes. The list is topped by American boxer Floyd Mayweather and includes golfer Tiger Woods and tennis stars Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. Dhoni is ranked 22nd on the list with total earnings of $30million and endorsements worth $26million. His salary and winnings total $4million as of June 2014, Forbes said. “Dhoni cemented his legacy as one of India's best captains of all time when he led the Indian national team to victory in the 2013 ICC Champions Trophy and became the first national captain to ever win all three ICC trophies,” the publication said. Dhoni signed bat sponsorship deals with leading brands like Spartan Sports and Amity University in late 2013 reportedly worth a combined $4million annually; up from the $1million Reebok was paying previously, it added. The earning figures include salaries, bonuses, prize money, appearance fees, as well as licensing and endorsement income paid out during the last 12 months between June 2013 and June 2014. Meanwhile, Mayweather lived up to his nickname of ‘Money’ as he earned $105million over the past 12 months, for just 72 minutes of work in the ring.

Champion Pehlwan Choudry Nadeem, 38, from Harehills, clinched victory in last weekend’s Asian arm wrestling tournament to walk away with the most prestigious title in the sport. In an epic encounter up against his old rival, Pehlwan Choudry Tabarak, from Blackburn, the local business owner and family man overcame the challenge. In the final round, everything was to play for and it was Nadeem who held his nerve til the end to overpower his opponent and walk away as champion. Fighting in memory of his late father, Mohammed Yaqwab, Nadeem said he was extremely proud to have won the belt in front of a home crowd. “It was great to win and even better because it was against Tabarak who had beaten me last time,” he said. “I was just full of emotion because I had trained three years for this. I was so full of confidence before the fight because I knew I could turn it around and win. I

Local beeni competitor claims heavyweight title was very happy when I won.” Nadeem’s friend and long-time supporter, Mr Ramzan, added that he had never seen him in such good shape with so much confidence ahead of a fight. “He has always been a great competitor but just with the confidence he had going into this contest, I knew that he was going to win it,” he said. The beeni competitor has been involved in the sport since he was just a child and was trained by his father. Following on in his footsteps, Nadeem is now training his sons in the sport and hopes they too can find success as beeni competitors in the future. Meanwhile, six other contests


Money Money Dhoni

VICTORIOUS: Pehlwan Choudry Nadeem clinched the World Heavyweight Title last weekend as he overcame Pehlwan Choudry Tabarak in an encounter, three years in the making

Back page story continued


also took place over the course of the event with contestants travelling from across the north of England to take part. Mohammed Janghir walked away as new Middleweight champion after victory in another close encounter and was handed his award by chief guest, Mohammed Saddique. All 14 competitors were also awarded participation medals, with Nadeem also scooping top prize of £700. The event was supported by beeni clubs from across the UK including: Birmingham, Luton, Walsall, London, Rotherham, Derby, Leeds, Rochdale, Dewsbury, Blackburn, Bradford and Keighley.

RICH: MS Dhoni came in 22nd place of the world’s highest paid sportsmen, according to Forbes, with total earnings of $30million




June 2014 - 3rd Edition




VICTORIOUS: Pehlwan Choudry Nadeem clinched the World Heavyweight Title last weekend as he overcame Pehlwan Choudry Tabarak in an encounter, three years in the making

Local beeni competitor claims heavyweight title

By Ashley Grint

Back in 1959 no one in Britain had heard of the traditional sport of arm wrestling, but the traditional challenge - believed to be Kashmiri-originated, continues to be popular in desi (South Asian) circles. In front of more than 5,000 people in Bradford’s Frame 2 Hall, a Leeds beeni competitor has written his name into the history books after clinching the World Heavyweight Title.

Continued on page 83

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