Asian Express National - February Edition 2014

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Akshay Kumar reaches 8 million Se e followers on “I’d love to do a ‘masala’ page 37 Facebook film with Salman

Surgeon investigated over deaths Sudip Sarker had double the death rate of other doctors

Cont Page 4

SCENE: Worcestershire Royal Hospital, where Mr Sarker worked for just over a year, said they are co-operating fully with the investigation

INVESTIGATION: Sudip Sarker, formerly of Worcestershire Royal Hospital, is currently being probed by police following the death of a number of his patients

By Ashley Grint

A former consultant surgeon from the Worcestershire Royal Hospital is now part of a police investigation after a number of patients in his care died. Sudip Sarker is currently being probed by police over the death of at least three of his patients,

William Jones, 84, Daphne Taylor, 81, and Jean Thomas, 80, whose passing were subject of a joint inquest in December 2013. Officers would not specify if there were any other incidents involved in the investigation, and said patient confidentiality meant no names could be given at this time.

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

Meet the Sikh woman growing a beard

‘I feel more feminine, more sexy and I think I look it too’ By Ashley Grint

A Sikh woman, who suffers from a common condition which affects millions in the UK, has ditched the razor and embraced her ‘true look’, taking the decision to grow a beard. Harnaam Kaur, 23, from Slough, has polycystic ovary syndrome (POS), a condition which, amongst other things, can lead to excessive hair growth on the face. For years she battled the condition, and at times even contemplated taking her own life, but seven years ago she took the courageous decision to stop shaving and has never looked back since. Being baptised as a Sikh, a religion which forbids the cutting of body hair, Harnaam says she became more confident in her look.


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Speaking to the Daily Mirror, she said: “I would never ever go back now and remove my facial hair because it’s the way God made me and I’m happy with the way I am. “I feel more feminine, more sexy and I think I look it too. I’ve learned to love myself for who I am nothing can shake me now.” Harnaam began to develop the condition when she was just 11years-old and tried a number of methods to rid herself of the facial hair – including waxing, bleaching and shaving – yet it just grew back thicker than before. During school she says she was bullied for her looks but now she believes that by embracing the beard, she has become more feminine than ever. She added: “I’m able to go out and shop in the women’s section without feeling I shouldn’t be there. “I wear skirts, dresses and jewellery and I like to get my nails done like every other girl.” Harnaam now uploads videos to

BEARD: 23-year-old, Harnaam Kaur, began to see facial hair growing at just 11-years-old and after years of rejecting her look, she is now embracing it

“If I had any message it would be to live the way you want – it’s your journey and it’s your life.”

YouTube in the hope of spreading her confi d e n c e amongst o t h e r y o u n g w o m e n who suffer f r o m similar conditions as herself. Despite t h r e a t s against her life and some abusive comments, she insists that her look is still the most comfortable one she has ever had and hopes more women will embrace the beard. “I want other women to find the strength that I have,” she said. “I’ve...had loads of nice comments from men all over the world - one even asked me to marry him. “If I had any message it would be to live the way you want – it’s your journey and it’s your life.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Preity Zinta clarifies speculations about her debts. NEWS

Much has been spoken about the actress and her drooping stardom lately. The actress apparently is in much financial debt after the failure of her last production which was made on a lavish budget. Multiple leading Indian newspapers and magazines have reported elaborate descriptions of how Zinta is finding it hard to make ends meet, so to say. A visibly miffed Zinta finally issued a press statement rubbishing all what is being said about her. She said: “These reports are completely false and there are no facts to support such baseless claims. As an actor and entrepreneur, these

reports are damaging not only towards my reputation but also harm my business interests.” Preity continued: “I have been a resident of Quantum Park, Union Park, Khar in Mumbai for almost a decade and have no plans of moving out of this apartment. “I am currently busy planning the upcoming season with my IPL team and looking forward to several other ventures which will be announced soon. “In the event of any rumours or reports being published, I further request the media fraternity to verify the news with my PR firm.”

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follow us on twitter: TV boss jailed in cashfor-crash scam

A television boss was jailed for three years last weej for laundering at least half a million pounds from a crash-for-cash insurance scam. Mohammed Ferdhaus admitted benefiting by at least £500,000 as a result of the scam operated by his brother, Mohammed Samsul Haque. Ferdhaus, 40, of Brentwood, Essex, founded Channel S, a satellite television station for Britain's Bangladeshi community. Between 2005 and 2008 at least 124 claims were made by individuals linked to Motor Alliance, a company run by Haque. After he was given his sentence, Ferdhaus grinned, gave a thumbs up and said ‘see you soon’ to his supporters in the public gallery at Southwark Crown Court, before he was led away from the dock by a security guard. Haque and five other men were sentenced in October 2011 following the Metropolitan Police's Operation Scarp.

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Surgeon investigated over deaths Sudip Sarker had double the death rate of other doctors North Worcestershire Superintendent Kevin Purcell said the investigation began after police received a letter the same month as Mr Sarker, a colorectal surgeon, the inquests. “We were made aware that there began working at the Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust in August were a number of concerns in relation 2011 yet just over one year later, in to the deaths of patients in 2012 who had been under Mr Sarker’s care,” October 2012, he was excluded. He reportedly had double the Supt Purcell said. “We are in the early stages of death rate of other doctors at the hospital and one in five of his patients obtaining the relevant information had to be readmitted after procedures from hospitals and other health organisations in order to conduct our he carried out. Earlier that year, restrictions were investigation.” understood to have been placed on He added that the families of the him after the Royal College of patients who were the subject of the Surgeons was asked by the Trust to inquest had been informed and review his clinical practice. updated on the situation.

By Ashley Grint

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

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“This is a complex matter which will undoubtedly take a considerable amount of time to investigate thoroughly. “We are very mindful of the importance of patient confidentiality and the impact on the wider community. “We will continue to liaise with the key partner agencies involved and people can rest assured that we will be conducting our inquiries in a sensitive and appropriate manner as befitting an investigation of this nature.” Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust issued a statement to say it is ‘co-operating fully’ with the investigation. “The Trust would like to reassure patients and their relatives that as soon as it became aware there was a potential problem the Trust acted swiftly and responsibly to protect its patients,” it read. “A separate review of all patients who had any contact with Mr Sarker (outpatient appointments or minor procedures) is being performed by a team of specialist external surgeons. “Patients in this group who require further assessment/investigation are also being invited back to the hospital.” The statement also said that every

INVESTIGATION: Sudip Sarker, formerly of Worcestershire Royal Hospital, is currently being probed by police following the death of a number of his patients

patient, who had been under the care of Mr Sarker, had had their medical records reviewed and where concerns were raised, they reviews were recalled for further assessment. Anyone who is concerned about their treatment can call the Trust's enquiry line on 01527 503812 or email

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition

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South Asian Women are urged to know the signs and symptoms of Breast Cancer The NHS is launching a new ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ public awareness campaign highlighting the fact that the older you get, your chances of getting breast cancer increase, with one third of women diagnosed with the disease each year being aged 70 or over. Surprisingly, two thirds of women aged 70 and over (67 per cent) wrongly think women of all ages are equally likely to get breast cancer, when in fact a woman’s risk of breast cancer increases with age. The ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign also encourages Asian women to know the signs and symptoms, talk to their daughters or daughters-in-laws and visit their doctor if they spot any changes to their breasts. With many women only on the lookout for a lump in the breast, other signs of the disease are often overlooked. The campaign pushes women to identify several lesser-

known but equally important signs of the disease, including: • pain in the breast or armpit; • changes to the nipples, size or shape of the breasts Dr Yvonne Doyle, Regional Director at Public Health England, said: “Research shows that women aged over 70 have low symptom awareness and are more likely to delay presenting to their GP with breast cancer, which could ultimately affect their chance of survival. Added to this are the cultural taboos and embarrassment that are specifically associated with the discussion and education about breast cancer amongst older Asian women.” “Women cannot afford to ignore the statistics - one in three women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don’t assume you’re past it or dismiss any symptoms as a sign of

Actress Meera Syal supports NHS ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer amongst Asian women

ageing and most importantly don’t be afraid to talk to your GP.” The campaign is urging daughters to engage older female members of their families in conversations about cancer to help detect the disease. The earlier

breast cancer is diagnosed, the higher the chance of survival. Therefore, Asian women are encouraged to talk about the issue. The campaign has received celebrity support, with actress Meera Syal featuring in an infomercial designed for Asian communities. Speaking on her role in the project, Meera says: “Breast cancer is something which is hardly discussed amongst Asian women. It comes down to taboos and a sense of embarrassment. I really want to help get the message out there that breast cancer is a very real and relevant disease amongst Asians. My own mother suffered from it and fortunately she spotted it early and like most women who do these days she survived. This was due to her swift action in visiting her GP as soon as she noticed changes in her body. It goes to show how quick responses can influence a matter of life and death.”

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Asian Express Trapped civilians to be evacuated

The Syrian government reached an agreement with the United Nations on Thursday to secure the evacuation of hundreds of trapped civilians from besieged parts of the central city of Homs, according to Syria's state-run TV. The TV did not give further details but quoted Homs Governor, Talal Barrazi, as saying the evacuation would take place ‘very soon’. Rebels who have held ancient parts of the city known as Old Homs have been besieged by government forces for more than a year. The issue was one of the negotiating points during the weeklong peace talks in Geneva last month between the Damascus government and the Western-backed main Syrian opposition group.


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February 2014 - 1st Edition

New website now live, please visit: Unlawful questioning

A Muslim man, who was detained by police at an airport on his way home from Hajj, the holy journey to Mecca, has won a significant legal battle over the UK's anti-terror laws. The High Court declared that Abdelrazag Elosta was unlawfully refused access to a solicitor before he was detained and questioned under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. A judge ruled that Mr Elosta had undergone ‘45 minutes of unlawful questioning’. Allowing Mr Elosta's application for judicial review, Mr Justice Bean said: “The examining officers had no power to question the claimant after he had requested the presence of a solicitor and prior to the solicitor's arrival.” Government lawyers had been due to appeal against the ruling, but today it was announced that the appeal had been withdrawn. Anne McMurdie, of Birmingham-based firm Public Law Solicitors, who represented Mr Elosta, said: “We are delighted with the outcome of the case.”

Polluted ‘air’ to the throne

The air outside Buckingham Palace in London, where Queen Elizabeth II lives, is so polluted that it’s four times the European legal limit; figures released last week show. The information also reveals that the 87-year-old monarch is living in a palace surrounded by the most polluted air in all of Britain. The palace is effectively encircled by some of the most polluted roads in the UK and has the highest levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2), a toxic gas that comes mostly from traffic fumes. Environmental campaigners described the pollution as ‘nothing short of staggering’ and warned that the public health was being put at risk. “The thought that hundreds of thousands or millions of tourists and Londoners in a year may be exposed to air pollution this high is deeply troubling,” said Simon Birkett, director of Clean Air in London. A spokesperson for the mayor of London, Boris Johnson, claimed that the number of people living in areas where NO2 levels exceeded legal limits had halved since his election in 2008.

UK release financial sanctions list

India's most wanted man Dawood Ibrahim Kaskar and Pakistan-linked terrorists and terror groups figure prominently in an updated list of financial sanctions imposed by the British government. Dawood Ibrahim features under his various aliases and with his last known address given as White House, near the Saudi Mosque in the Pakistani port city of Karachi. The alleged mastermind of the 1993 serial bombings in Mumbai has been on a consolidated list of asset freeze targets designated by the United Nations, European Union and United Kingdom since November 2003. “International arrest warrant issued by the Government of India. Also referred to as Hizrat,” reads the latest document released by the Treasury Department. “HM Treasury is responsible for the implementation and administration of international financial sanctions in effect in the UK, for domestic designations under the Terrorist Asset-Freezing Act 2010," the statement said. “Our aim is to reduce the terrorist threat to the UK and its interests overseas by preventing terrorists from using common methods to raise funds, or using the financial system to move money and targeting the raising and movement of money in and out of the UK by terrorists and disrupting the funding of bodies such as al Qaida,” it added.

Over £50,000 found under a bed in Leeds For mer UKip par ty member Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto exposed as the head of a Pakistani kidnapping gang By Anush Ansari

A Ukip Commonwealth spokesman who played a key role in boosting the party’s multicultural credentials, was forced to resign after it was discovered that he had been the leader of a major kidnapping gang 35-year-old Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto, from Leeds, has admitted being 'boss' of the kidnapping circle and also confessed that he had admitted charges in a UK court under a different name in 2005. Suspicions arose when Bhutto, mysteriously ‘vanished’ from the UKip’s website just before the new year. Now Ukip have tried to distance itself from Bhutto, saying he has resigned of his own accord after he was confronted about his criminal history. Bhutto, had been pivotal for UKip in gathering a following from the Asian communities in Britain. He had even organised two visits to mosques in Rochdale and Bradford last year for Ukip leader Nigel Farage and helped

canvass in a key by-election in which the party came close to gaining its first MP. But, in the latest embarrassment for the party, Bhutto has been exposed as being the ‘boss’ of a high-profile gang which struck in Karachi in 2004, in a kidnapping that netted him a £56,000 ransom payment. The money was found hidden in Bhutto's bed in a house in Leeds, and he was forced to repay it when he appeared in court. His apparent respectability as a politician went down the gutter when it was revealed that in June 2004, a gang led by Bhutto kidnapped Ahmed Naeem, the son of a wealthy businessman, at gunpoint from a car in Karachi. Five days later Bhutto had flown to England. Police said that at one point, as he negotiated a ransom, he threatened to cut the victim’s head off and post it to his father, Mohammed. He had personally collected the ransom at the Arndale shopping centre car park in Manchester. Bhutto admitted charges in a British court and received a seven-

year jail sentence, but claimed asylum to avoid being deported back to Pakistan. He was sentenced under the name Majeebur Bhutto. Bhutto, from Leeds, told Newsnight he had admitted charges against him rather than risk being sent back to Pakistan and hanged. He said:‘The evidence which was brought against me was from Pakistan. The allegation was simply because of political rivalry and because of my fathers high-profile.’ He claimed the case against him in Pakistan had been thrown out by the country’s Supreme Court. However, senior Pakistani police sources told the BBC that Bhutto is still very much wanted. Bhutto’s past, c ome s just a f e w weeks after

David Silvester, a Ukip councillor in Oxfordshire, provoked ridicule by claiming that this winter’s floods were God’s revenge for the new law allowing gay marriage; and last summer, MEP Godfrey Bloom, who represents Yorkshire and The Humber, caused outrage when he said Britain should not be sending overseas aid to ‘bongo bongo land’. M o r e s u r p r i s i n g l y, Bhutto had joined the Conservative party just months after he came out of prison and had defected to UKip in 2011.

NEWSNIGHT: Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto had applied for asylum to avoid facing capital punishment in Pakistan

Fighting slavery at the ports Border Force to tackle rise in slavery victims Specialist anti-slavery teams are to be placed at airports to help spot potential victims of human trafficking. Teams led by Border Force, the law enforcement command within the Home Office, will be tasked with identifying potential slavery victims, disrupting organised crime gangs and collecting intelligence on trafficked adults and children. The first of the specialist teams will begin work on April 1 at the UK's biggest airport, Heathrow, replacing Operation Paladin, which was set up in 2004 with the Metropolitan Police Service. New teams will be rolled out to Gatwick and Manchester later in the year with further ports to be identified over the coming months. Modern slavery and organised crime minister Karen Bradley, who was brought into the Home Office as part of a minor reshuffle triggered by the departure of immigration minister Mark Harper, said: “Our frontline Border Force officers are aware that they could be the first authority figure

in the UK to have contact with a potential victim of modern slavery. “Their role is vital in identifying and protecting victims and ensuring there is no easy route into the UK for traffickers. “The new specialist teams will build on existing skills and joint working and extend that expertise around the country. “They will be supported by the National Crime Agency which will bring its child protection expertise to bear in cases involving children.” Border Force officers will be assisted by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP), which is part of the National Crime Agency (NCA), which will help develop a specialist training package. Once identified, child victims of trafficking are to be provided with specialist support under a scheme being trialled by a number of local authorities from April. The new system will provide child victims with an independent specialist advocate with expertise in trafficking,

to act as a single point of contact. The draft Modern Slavery Bill, which includes the introduction of tougher sentences for the criminals involved, is being subjected to prelegislative scrutiny with the aim of

publishing a Bill in the spring that could be on the statute books by the end of the Parliament.

STOP: Border Force teams will be tasked with identifying and protecting victims of slavery

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

New website now live, please visit: Comedian banned following Quenelle gesture

A controversial French comedian at the centre of the Nicolas Anelka antiSemitism row has been banned from entering the UK, the Home Office said. Dieudonne M'bala M'bala previously announced he would visit London to support the West Bromwich Albion footballer, who faces a ban for performing the comic's "quenelle" salute on the pitch, which is believed by some to be an anti-Semitic gesture. The Football Association (FA) charged Anelka over the pose, struck after scoring against West Ham on 28th December, and he faces a minimum five-match ban if found guilty. Anelka has denied the charge and requested a personal hearing. A Home Office spokeswoman said: “We can confirm that Mr Dieudonne is subject to an exclusion order. “The Home Secretary will seek to exclude an individual from the UK if she considers that there are public policy or public security reasons to do so.”

Scotland approve gay marriage

Scotland voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to allow same-sex marriages, becoming the 17th country to give the green light to gay marriage despite opposition from its main church organisations. The Scottish government, which will hold a referendum on independence from Britain in September, said passing the same-sex marriage bill was an important step for equal rights and paved the way for same-sex wedding ceremonies later this year. The move was opposed by the Scottish Catholic Church and the Presbyterian Church of Scotland but the law will not compel religious institutions to hold ceremonies on their premises. The approval, in a vote of 105 to 18 in Scotland's devolved parliament, follows similar legislation passed by the British parliament last year that allows samesex marriage in England and Wales, with the first weddings to take place from 29th March.

Student dies after male paramedics reportedly refused access

Thousands of Saudis vented their anger online over a report Thursday that staff at a Riyadh university had barred male paramedics from entering a women's-only campus to assist a student who had suffered a heart attack and later died. The Okaz newspaper said administrators at the King Saud University impeded efforts by the paramedics to save the student's life because of rules banning men from being onsite. According to the paper, the incident took place on Wednesday and the university staff took an hour before allowing the paramedics in. However, the university's rector, Badran Al-Omar, denied the report, saying there was no hesitation in letting the paramedics in. He said the university did all it could to save the life of the student, who was identified as Amna Bawazeer.

Drinking lager and harassing passers-by East London Mosque alarmed at antics of splinter BNP group outside its premises in Tower Hamlets PROTÉGÉ: Former BNP councillor - Paul Golding heads Britain First – a splinter group inspired by Nick Griffin INTIMIDATING: Members of Britain First harassing passers-by stating that it was ‘their’ country

The East London Mosque says that efforts to intimidate and marginalise the Muslim community have been relentless, but remains positive on working with multi-faith partners continues to be its fundamental priority. The mosque in Tower Hamlets, London was shocked at the provocative behaviour and antics of a fringe neo-Nazi group, a splinter group of the BNP, claiming to carry out socalled ‘Christian Patrols’ outside the mosque on January 31st. Members of Britain First (BF), a tiny far-right organisation run by a former British National Party (BNP)

councillor in Swanley, Kent, and exNick Griffin protégé, Paul Golding. The group filmed themselves drinking cans of lager, harassing and intimidating passers-by, and handing out inflammatory leaflets for a socalled ‘Christian Patrol’. They claimed to be looking for a confrontation with ‘Muslim Patrols’. Most of their actions involved driving up and down Brick Lane in an armoured Land Rover and swilling beer, before unfurling a ‘Resistance’ banner outside the mosque. Three members of the 'Muslim Patrol' were jailed last year for intimidation. Jordan Horner and another 23-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told one couple they could not hold hands while walking down the street, because it was

in a "Muslim area". The group, which included Ricardo MacFarlane also threatened men who were drinking and criticised the way women were dressed. Amusingly, and rather embarrassingly, had they done their research, the group would have known that the so-called ‘Muslim Patrols’ they claimed to be opposing were in fact imprisoned last year. This action took place directly as a result of reporting and diligence by members of the local Muslim community, which had been pushed by the East London Mosque itself. The Muslim Patrols were linked to the now-banned extremist sect alMuhajiroun, whose members have been actively opposed by the East London Mosque for many years.

A spokespoerson from the mosque said: “In our view, Britain First’s patrol does not represent Christians, just as alMuhajiroun’s patrols did not represent Muslims. Both are tiny, extreme groups, unwelcome in our community. “Had Mr Golding visited our premises openly, he would have seen the work we undertake with Christian friends and partners up and down the land: indeed, we are recognised for this work within the inter-faith sector and we have engaged with scores of Christian leaders and organisations, hosting events between the faiths for dialogue, on issues of common concern and for better understanding.” Golding’s actions and those of his associates have been reported to the authorities, who are taking the matter extremely seriously.

Dilowar Khan, executive director of East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre, said: “We take comfort in the support given by our partners in the community, of all faiths and none, who have always stood firmly together to oppose hatred and division. “We are working with the authorities in response to this incident, which has left many people in fear of intimidation and threats. Our response to the socalled ‘Muslim Patrols’ was unequivocal; our response to the socalled ‘Christian Patrols’ will be the

same.We will not let those who espouse hatred to damage our wonderful community relations.” Julian Bond, director of the Christian Muslim Forum (the UK’s largest interfaith network of Christians and Muslims), said:“I would encourage people to meet one another if they are concerned about their neighbours of other faiths: dialogue is the way

forwards and we are currently running dialogue sessions in Whitechapel during a Lunchtime Dialogue series.” Dr Glyn Robbins, chair of the local anti-hate network, United East End, said: “The people of Tower Hamlets will not be intimidated by this mindless stunt. We have shown our solidarity in the face of such intimidation before and will

do so again.” Britain First is backed by former anti-abortion extremist Jim Dowson, a Protestant who once helped bankroll the BNP (before falling out with its leader Nick Griffin). Dowson has been active for many years in Northern Ireland, most recently at flag protests which turned violent. The Police at Tower Hamlets are aware of an internet video showing recent activity on the Borough and are investigating the matter. No arrests have yet been made.

By Ashley Grint

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

“Negligent conduct” resulted in toddler falling to her death

TRAGIC: Toddler Ryaheen Banimuslem plunged to her death from a block of flats in Sheffield

By Anush Ansari

A Sheffield mother sobbed and recalled her frantic search for her two-year-old daughter, before discovering that the child had plunged to her death from a block of flats in Sheffield. Little Ryaheen Banismuslem plunged from the fourth-floor of the North Bank apartments, in Sheffield city centre, on 27th June 2012, after a maintenance worker failed to replace a glass panel he had removed from a walkway barrier, the court heard. Maintenance worker Robert Warner, 45, is standing trial accused of manslaughter by gross negligence. Ryaheen’s mother - Ola Al Fatle broke down while giving evidence at the trial. She described how she and her two children were playing on the fourth floor communal garden at the apartments. The toddler's mother broke down once more as she recalled the moment she realised her daughter had fallen. Asked by Jonathan Fuller QC, defending, how long her daughter was out her sight, she said: “I didn't let her out of my sight usually.” She explained how Ryaheen was only missing for a very short period of time. Warner, 45, of Shirehall Crescent, Shiregreen, Sheffield, denies a single charge of manslaughter by gross negligence. Bryan Cox QC, prosecuting, told Sheffield

Wicker Riverside apartment on North Bank in Sheffield, South Yorkshire where a three-year-old Ryaheen Banimuslem fell from the fourth floor balcony

Crown Court, there was a gap in the barrier because a glass panel had been removed by Warner. Mr Cox said: “He created that very dangerous state of affairs, and he did nothing to warn of the obvious danger.” The court heard Warner submitted an invoice to ARIM (Allsop Residential Investment Management) the firm which managed the building - claiming he had bought a new glass panel, which he never did. Mr Cox told jurors: “He stood to gain financially as you will see. He submitted an invoice to Arim on the basis he had incurred expenditure purchasing the glass panel. The fact is he did not.” Residents of the flats had reported seeing a panel missing from the barrier several weeks before Ryaheen’s death. Mr Cox said: “The accident was caused by the defendant's negligent conduct.”

Mr Cox told the jury how Ryaheen was born in Iraq but moved to the UK in 2011 as her father was studying for a PhD in material physics at Sheffield University. The trial is expected to last about three weeks.

IN COURT: Robert Warner, 45, is standing trial accused of manslaughter by gross negligence

February 2014 - 1st Edition





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BE CLEAR ON CANCER Cancer beater urges south Asian women to check for signs By Ashley Grint

After renowned actress Meera Syal joined the fight against cancer, a former sufferer of the disease has spoken to the Asian Express about the importance of checking for the signs. Ranjna Morjaria was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 after finding a lump during a routine check of herself. Despite having no family history of the disease, the 62-year-old explained that she made it a routine to check herself after seeing a mammogram leaflet from the NHS. As the ‘pebble-like’ lump was spotted early, when Ranjna went to the doctors she was told that she did have breast cancer but due to an early prognosis was able to start treatment just three to four weeks later. After six months of treatment, including surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, the mother of one was given the all clear and was even able to return to work. Now Ranjna, from India, is urging women from south Asian backgrounds to regularly check themselves and take advantage of mammogram invites because they could ultimately save your life. She explained:“South Asians have to get rid

CAMPAIGNER: Ranjna Morjaria defeated cancer and is now urging South Asian women across the UK to ‘Be Clear on Cancer’

of the misconception that cancer equals death and that people who get cancer have it because they have done something bad. “I would encourage others to visit their GP, sit up and take notice. Do not ignore mammogram invites and self-examine monthly. It is not always hereditary and instead could be as a result of something like stress or hormonal related.” Ranjna still checks both breasts after being treated on a regular basis and continues to live a full and healthy life surrounded by her loved ones. She is now involved in raising awareness of the disease and hopes the work with the Be Clear on Cancer campaign will act as a catalyst for more women to spot the signs early. “I got involved [with the Be Clear on Cancer campaign] at our regular day time meeting of Asian Women’s Cancer Group which is a support group for Asian women who have been through any type of cancer,” she said. “The AWCG were extremely helpful after my cancer treatment and now that I am better, I feel I need to help raise awareness in the hope of early diagnosis leading to timely treatment and lives saved. “Again it is very essential to spread

awareness of early symptoms as Asian women tend to be shy and therefore do not willingly go for regular mammograms and cervical smear tests when invited to do so by the National Health Service or to their GP if they spot blood in their urine or stools.”

Actress Meera Syal supports NHS ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer amongst Asian women

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

New website now live, please visit: UKIP see rise in backing

UK Independence Party (UKIP) pushed Prime Minister David Cameron's ruling Conservative party into third place in a bellwether vote for a parliamentary seat, coming second behind the opposition Labour party. The results, published on Friday, will worry Cameron since some polls show UKIP, which wants Britain to leave the EU, could split his party's vote in an election for the European Parliament in May and at a national vote in 2015. Cameron, who has promised to try to reshape Britain's EU ties and give Britons an in/out EU membership referendum if re-elected next year, played down the result. “By-elections are a time when people know they can send a message and make a protest without changing the government,” Cameron told Sky News. “But those messages, those protests, I always listen to them very closely and I will do on this occasion too.”

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Access denied

Britain is mulling a draconian law that would ban foreigners with HIV and Hepatitis B from living or visiting UK. A bunch of over 20 conservative MPs have tabled a new clause (NC21) to the Immigration Bill which says "the Secretary of State may by order provide that persons who apply for immigration permission must demonstrate that they are not carriers of any of the prescribed pathogens listed - Hepatitis B, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and such other pathogens as the secretary may prescribe by order". The move has caused uproar in the UK with MPs being urged by civil society and activists. The NAT (National AIDS Trust) has called on MPs to reject the amendment which would stop people living with HIV being issued visas to come to the UK.



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Al-Madinah Free School Stops Secondary Classes A Muslim free school that was branded ‘dysfunctional’ and ‘inadequate’ by inspectors is to end secondary education. The Government stepped in after a damning Ofsted report warned AlMadinah in Derby, which teaches around 400 children aged 4-16, was in ‘chaos’. Inspectors said the school was ‘reliant on the goodwill of an interim principal to prevent it totally collapsing’. Although primary education will continue, Schools Minister Lord Nash said: “I have come to the conclusion it would simply not be in the interests of parents or pupils at the secondary school to continue to fund provision which has failed them in the manner now apparent.” Al-Madinah opened in September 2012 and is described as having ‘a Muslim ethos’. The school has faced claims it discriminated against women, made staff cover their hair even if they are not Muslim and split up boys and girls in classrooms. During its inspection in October 2013, Ofsted found pupils' achievement was inadequate because the expectations of staff were too low. It also found many teachers were inexperienced, had not received the training and support they needed and were unable to deliver effective lessons. A follow-up inspection

in December found there was still ‘no sign of improvement’. A spokesman for the Department for Education said the Government had acted ‘swiftly and decisively’ after identifying failures like those at Al-Madinah. “Based on the current situation, we believe the new board... needs to focus efforts on the primary school in order to bring about the level of improvement required,” he said. “The board has accepted our decision to close the secondary school and we have offered our full support in helping pupils to find alternative places before the start of the next academic year.”

Signed and sealed Councillor delighted to bring non-evasive post mortem facility to Bradford In what has been, primarily, a call from South Asian communities to reform the coroners system in making the loss of loved ones less harrowing, Bradford has signed off contracts to bring non-evasive post mortem facilities to the city. Ground-breaking £1.5 million 3-D equipment will be installed at Bradford's Forensic Science Centre this year, an extension at the Burnham Avenue mortuary, off Rooley Lane. The state-of-the-art equipment provided by Malaysian-based life science enterprise iGenei, is intended to be less harrowing for relatives when

dealing with the death of a loved one. The three dimensional visualisation software and scanner provides a possible alternative to the traditional post mortem procedures with without a surgical dissection of the body.This may mean that eventually up to 70 per cent of post-mortem examinations could be non-invasive. In some cases, the process may allow the body to be released for a funeral sooner, providing there are no further investigations to follow. The contract was signed by Deputy Leader of Bradford Council, Imran Hussain last week. Commenting on the

new facility, Councillor Imran Hussain said: "We are proud to be pioneering this modern technology as Bradford is one of the first places in the country to have a digital autopsy facility. "It will be welcome news for all bereaved families as traditional invasive post mortems can be distressing for relatives. This new technology will ensure we can offer a less invasive post mortem to families as an alternative in appropriate cases." Bradford will be the second city in the country after Sheffield to use the modern technology.

SIGNED: Deputy Leader of Bradford Council, Imran Hussain seals the contract to bring non-evasive autopsy facilities in Bradford by the end of this year

February 2014 - 1st Edition






February 2014 - 1st Edition

“We have a strong number of Asian sperm donors, but sadly not Asian egg donors. The only choice these women face now is to wait for the right donor, or to travel abroad for treatment.”

Asian couples could be forced to go abroad due to lack of egg donors A leading infertility clinic is appealing for women from Asian communities to consider becoming egg donors, after a marked increase in the number of Asian women asking for their help to have a baby. Private infertility clinic Manchester Fertility, which is based in Cheadle Royal Business Park, currently has ten Asian women waiting for an egg donor. Normally, women needing donor eggs can be treated immediately as there are no waiting lists for women seeking treatment using Caucasian donor eggs. But patients who are seeking an Asian egg, so their child can be of similar ethnic background and culture as themselves, are either having to wait or must seek treatment abroad. Lynnsey McHugh, Unit Director of Manchester Fertility, said: “We are one of the few infertility clinics in the UK which doesn’t have a waiting list for treatment using either donor eggs or donor sperm, thanks to our strong donor recruitment programme and reputation for excellent donor care. “But it seems that awareness of egg donation is low amongst the established Asian communities in our region.

“We’re sure that if more women realised that there is a shortage, we would see more coming forward to donate eggs. “We have a strong number of Asian sperm donors, but sadly not Asian egg donors. The only choice these women face now is to wait for the right donor, or to travel abroad for treatment, which carries risks as foreign clinics and egg donation screening may not be as strictly regulated as in the UK.” Lynnsey continues: “We want nothing more than to help these women as soon as we can. There are many reasons why they need to use an egg donor to have a family – from medical treatment which has affected their fertility, to age-related infertility where their own egg quality is low and unlikely to result in successful treatment. “We understand that egg donation – and indeed sperm donation – can be a taboo subject for some, but infertility can affect anyone and want to get the message out that there to the local Asian communities that there could be someone in your community, right now, who is relying on someone like you to help them have a family.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition

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Offering Khalsa Aid Flood victims receive crucial help from Sikh charity “We are also appealing for volunteers to assist Khalsa Aid – hands on assistance is needed in all three areas” Khalsa Aid was the first NonAn international Sikh charity has been providing assistance to the Governmental Organisation to people most affected by Britain’s provide relief and hands on assistance floods in areas across the south of to areas affected by the adverse weather conditions. England. Since Friday 8th February, Khalsa As the country was forced to withstand some of the heaviest Aid has been assisting the Somerset downpours in recent history, towns region by distributing sand bags, and villages in some of the worst water, antiseptic fluid and other affected areas were all but submerged essentials including several dry suits by water, with more bad weather for other community members assisting. predicted in upcoming days. On Monday 10th February, Khalsa Khalsa Aid are one charity who are trying to fight the conditions head-on, Aid volunteers from Bedford,Walsall, and last week delivered tonnes of Birmingham and Leicester, who sand to areas in Berkshire, including recently returned from working in the following Typhoon 10 tonnes to the Colnbrook area and Philippines 40 tonnes to Datchet and Wraysbury. Haiyan, joined Chief Executive Ravi Bal Kaur Sandhu of Khalsa Aid, Singh to support the residents of who is coordinating the deployment Burrowbridge. The team also rescued animals in Berkshire, said: “Khalsa Aid are spreading their wings to other parts of including Alijanon, a 10-year-old tortoise, who weighed five stones and the country. “We recognise we need to stand is expected to live to over 100 years. shoulder-to-shoulder with our Ravinder Singh, from Khalsa Aid, communities and support them. said: “Our volunteers are humbled by

By Ashley Grint

the immense support and messages of appreciation. Thank you so much for your love. “It is important that people listen to what the experts are saying and follow guidance. Lessons will need to be learned, however now isn’t the time to blame but work as one community – together we will be stronger.” Khalsa Aid is committed to selfless service through humanitarian aid work, drawing inspiration from Guru Gobind Singh Ji who taught to ‘recognise the entire human race as one’. Volunteers are deployed immediately wherever in the world humanitarian aid is needed, providing relief assistance to victims of disasters, wars, and other tragic events around the world. Most recently Khalsa Aid has been assisting in Philippines, Haiti and India. The UK registered charity was established in 1999 and is an international non-profit aid and relief organisation.

VOLUNTEERS: Team members of Khalsa Aid delivered more than 50 tonnes of sand to some of the worst affected areas by the flooding




February 2014 - 1st Edition

New website now live, please visit: No UK involvement in Operation Gold Star

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that there was ‘absolutely no direct involvement’ of the UK government in the planning of the attack by the Indian Army on the Golden Temple in 1984. Cameron issued a personal video message to the UK Sikh community last week whereby he insisted there was no involvement. He said: “There is absolutely no evidence of the UK Government involvement in the operation itself. “This conclusion has been made after a thorough search of some 200 files and over 23,000 documents. I want the dialogue between this government and the Sikh community to continue.” He added: “British Sikhs have made and continue to make a vital contribution to our national life from serving in two world wars to running businesses and playing a massive part in our communities today. I never forget this. I am grateful for it.”

The Jesus and Mohammed cartoon saga… UPROAR: LibDem PPC Maajid Nawaz defends himself saying that his tweet were his personal point of view

LibDem parliamentary candidate Maajid Nawaz’s tweet continues to be a hot topic By Andleeb Hanif

‘Insane’ label

A mentally ill man who stabbed a police constable and two worshippers at a mosque was insane at the time of the offences, a jury has ruled. Jurors deliberated over two days before returning verdicts of not guilty by reason of insanity on Mohamoud Elmi, who now faces a potentially indefinite period of detention in a secure hospital. In reaching its verdicts, the jury panel, sitting at Birmingham Crown Court, decided that Elmi did acts which amounted to attempted murder and wounding. A three-day trial was told the 32-yearold had previously been treated for mental health problems but was discharged into the community before the stabbings in Ward End, Birmingham, in June last year. The trial heard how Elmi calmly walked away from a "frenzied" late-night attack on two fellow worshippers at the mosque to pay a visit to a wash-room. Elmi, of Ward End Hall Grove, Washwood Heath, then returned to a prayer area at the mosque before repeatedly stabbing a police constable who attempted to subdue him with a Taser.


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When Liberal Democrats parliamentary candidate Maajid Nawaz shared a cartoon earlier this month, he triggered widespread protests. The tweet of the cartoon which features the prophets Muhammed (PBUH) and Jesus greeting each other. Nawaz had commented: “This is not offensive and I’m sure God is greater than to feel threatened by it”. It has triggered a hot and aggressive debate from all quarters revolving around freedom of expression, freedom of speech and what counts as offensive. Some have said that as an

individual standing for the position of MP, Nawaz’s tweet was inappropriate behaviour. It’s common knowledge that visual depictions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) are globally considered an absolute “no-no” amongst Muslims. So why did he do it? Some strong views which have come to the attention of Asian Express include concerns that Nawaz’s ploy was to encourage a flurry of social media activity and obtain virulent responses from mainstream press. Mr Nadeem Inayat, from Bradford and a dedicated reader of the Asian Express said: “He has promoted an image to his supporters and the media that the only people that are opposing him

on this issue are people who have very extreme views, the rest of British Muslims think his actions are ok. “There is a very small minority of Muslims that agree with him that this cartoon is innocuous.” Whilst the LibDem leader, Nick Clegg has defended Nawaz, saying that he upheld his right to express himself and confirmed that the party will not ditch him. Nawaz also says he has received death threats from some offended Muslims, despite the fact that he didn't draw the cartoon or wear the t-shirt that featured it. Defending himself Nawaz, this week, published a piece in the Guardian titled, “Why I'm speaking up for Islam against the loudmouths who have hijacked it."

What readers say:

“This is not the first time in history that the prophet (PBUH) has been subjected to such profiling nor will it be the last. We need to ask: ‘What was the motive of Maajid Nawaz?’ Such individuals need to be challenged in a manner that is informed, mature and sophisticated to counter these narratives within the laws of the land. I well understand the anger felt by my fellow Muslims, but does beating the drums of emotions on our own lead to better outcomes?” Amjad Pervez, CEO Seafresh “I think we have to respect all human kind. Jesus and Muhammad these are the prophets sent by God. They are the most honourable and therefore must be respected. It is definitely disrespectful putting them in the cartoon form and the reaction I have heard hasn’t really surprised me.” Muhammad Iqbal

“It is very disrespectful. When they hear these kind of things it is very hurtful. We love Jesus and we love the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They have publicised this matter on all the media – everyone globally can see what’s going on. I feel it hurts the whole humanity.” Faizan Khan

He explains: “My intention was to demonstrate that Muslims are able to see things we don't like, yet remain calm and pluralist, and to demonstrate that there are Muslims who care more about the thousands of deaths in Iraq, Pakistan and Syria than we do about what a student is wearing. “My intention was to highlight that Muslims can engage in politics without insisting that our own religious values must trump all others' concerns, and to stand before the mob so that other liberal Muslim voices that are seldom heard, women's and men's, could come to the fore.”

“Whilst I understand the freedom of speech scenario, I believe that Mr Nawaz was fully aware of the reaction he would get and actually did it for that reason, to show himself as a ‘liberal’ to the ‘non-Asian community’. Him stating that he is comfortable with his God is irrelevant, and I have supported him in the past especially during the Tommy Robinson episodes. Further division has arisen between communities now, because of being misled by somebody who should know better. It seems he wanted to hog the media spotlight, which has ultimately happened. I totally disagree with the threats he may have received, this should not be done against anybody, but again, responsibility needs to be acknowledged.” Shahzad Khan “I believe it is disrespectful to a point, certainly for someone to draw cartoon characters of holy persons. The reaction from a lot of the Islamic countries doesn’t surprise me as I know it’s forbidden to depict the Prophet Mohammed, although I don’t think it should necessarily be that way.” Razi Jogi

“Some people seem like they just want to create a problem everywhere especially in the Muslim world. Whoever is doing it, it is not right. They can claim that they have human rights and have freedom of speech but you shouldn’t draw these sorts of things at all, whether it is against Christians, Jews or Muslims. Whatever you do, you are responsible for those actions.” Mr Arabian

We’d love to hear your views on if you think that the cartoon is offensive or not, and why? Send your comments to:

February 2014 - 1st Edition


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February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition


Decaying Mercedes 600 left in British garage for 30 years sells for £445,000 The Mercedes 600 six-door Landaulet was the car of choice for 20th century despots, with Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot and Idi Amin among notorious owners

The iconic luxury motor sold for a staggering seven times its original estimate A rusty Mercedes left gathering dust in a British garage for 30 years has sold for a staggering £445,000 - almost seven times its estimate. The Mercedes 600 six-door Landaulet was the car of choice for 20th century despots, with Saddam Hussein, Pol Pot and Idi Amin among notorious owners. This 1971 model is regarded as the 'holy grail' of Mercedes but was previously owned by a Congolese head of state - who clearly didn’t care much for the luxury motor. The highly-regarded vehicle left Africa and spent more than three decades decaying in a UK lock-up, until it was recently auctioned for a staggering sum. The 20ft-long car was offered without reserve with a modest estimate of £60,000 to £100,000 by RM Auctions in Paris, and it soon sparked a

bidding war. The anonymous winning bidder paying a total of £442,400 after buyers' premium, but their spending on the car won’t end there. Experts believe a full restoration of the classic car would cost more than £800,000, due to the rarity of the vehicle. At the top of the range were the 26 special 'Landaulet' models where the rear of the car would open and transform it into the world's ultimate convertible. This made it perfect for parades and the 600 Landaulet became a favourite of some the world's most notorious leaders including Saddam Hussein and Pol Pot. When it was delivered in 1971, it was fitted with a nine-inch Sony TV and Becker Grand Prix radio with eight speakers.

It also had the comfort of optional armrests, the security of seatbelts, and the privacy of curtained windows. The Mercedes is powered by a whopping 6.3litre V8 engine which develops 245bhp. This accelerates the 20-foot long limousine from 0-60mph in around ten seconds and top speed of more than 125mph. The classic Mercedes 600, in its various editions, remains popular today with the likes of Jeremy Clarkson and Jay Kay among well-known owners. Stuart Haynes, service director at Mercedes specialist John Haynes Auto Technics, believes the £450,000 paid for the car could be a good investment. He said: “It was the car of the moment, anyone who was anyone had a Mercedes 600. John Lennon owned one, so did Coco Chanel and many heads of state. “The Mercedes 600 was the best car in the world when it was made and some people still argue it is. It is silent, smooth and quick. The presence shouts style and 'you've made it'. “It is the best of the best and showcased what Mercedes could do. “They are vastly complicated and expensive cars to restore because of the hydraulics involved. “You'd probably be looking at in excess of 1m euros for Mercedes to restore it. They are few and far between. “Fully restored it is a difficult car to value but you are getting a brand new Mercedes 600 and it will probably be a wise investment.”

Experts believe the restoration of the entire Mercedes could cost as much as £800,000

The Mercedes 600 was the luxury car of the 1960s and 70s, obviously the decaying interior shows much needs to be done to bring it back to its former glory




February 2014 - 1st Edition

Leading by example Bradford school’s transformation from a ‘cause for concern’ to the top one percent in the country SCHOOL: Headteacher at Lapage Primary School, Mr Wahid Zaman, puts the school’s amazing achievements down to the hard work of his amazing staff and pupils

By Ashley Grint

A Bradford headteacher has been commended after turning a struggling primary school around and making it into one of the top 250 in the country for student progress. Mr Wahid Zaman took over the reins at Lapage Primary School in 2010 after the educatory establishment’s for-mer governing body was ousted by the national authority. With the school worryingly making ‘insufficient progress’ and ‘causing concern’ Mr Zaman took up the challenge to lead the three-form entry school away from its growing negative reputation. After three years, Lapage is now one of the leading primary schools in the country, and was commemorated by the Department for Education (DfE) earlier this month for the student progress. Now, in the top one per cent in the country, the primary school continues to improve results year-on-year and for Mr Zaman it signals a job well done.

“When we came back from the winter break, we received a letter from David Laws (Minister of State for Schools in the DfE),” he explained. “It does obviously make you very proud to hear such news and recognition but it is done because we want the best outcome for the children. “Our aspirations are always to do the best for our children, and if it were not for our amazing staff and governing body we wouldn’t be where we are now.” Prior to Mr Zaman’s arrival an appointed governing body had been in place after the school had been placed in precautionary measures. Over the following three years, the school has been able to bring in new governors, and re-establish themselves as one of the top performing schools in the area. “For two years in a row now we have had fantastic results,” Mr Zaman continued. “In terms of the children, from Key Stage One to Two, the DfE measured progress and we were within the top one per cent nationally, as

well as being the top 250 for progress of our pupil premium. “The year before last, we were in line with the national average in regard to results, and last year we were above that.” Despite the accomplishments Mr Zaman stressed that there have been, and always will be, challenges that need to be overcome explaining how his school always looks at ways of improving. He added: “Improving schools is not exactly rocket science; you just need to have dedicated staff that can help children achieve their potential. “Every time the school has an assessment or half-term, we sit down and assess who has made progress and who hasn’t and we are constantly rethinking what we do with the children. “It has had its challenges but I have never come in here and thought the staff aren’t up to it.”

SCHOOL: Mr Zaman, pictured with pupils from Lapage Primary School, explained how every decision made is in the best interest of the parents, children and school as a whole

February 2014 - 1st Edition





follow us on twitter: Welfare cuts slammed by Christian clergy

Leading Christian clergy in Britain, including the head of the Church of England, attacked welfare cuts by the Conservative-led government on Thursday, putting them at odds with Prime Minister David Cameron. As Britain struggles to reduce its large budget deficit, the government has embarked on a radical shake-up of the welfare system that makes up 20 percent of public spending and has vowed to cut costs if returned to power in an election next year. But religious leaders in Britain have criticised the cuts, saying they have forced rising numbers of people to use free food banks, skip meals and turn off heating to save money. A group of more than 40 senior clergyman, including Anglican bishops, Methodists and Quakers, accused Cameron in an open letter of creating a ‘national crisis’ of hunger and hardship. Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury and spiritual leader of the world's 80 million Anglicans, said he "entirely" agreed with the letter, though he had not been a signatory.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

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Parliamentary pepper spray attack By Ashley Grint

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SUSPENDED: L Rajagopal was suspended from the Congress Party after using pepper spray inside Parliament

An Indian MP was so convinced that a proposed plan to create a new state in the South Asian country would be detrimental, he used pepper spray in parliament to stop proceedings. In protest to the creation of the new state – Telangana – Member of Parliament, L Rajagopal, took matters into his own hands by unleashing the dangerous chemicals in the lower house of India’s parliament. Mr Rajagopal, of the governing Congress Party, smashed a glass and proceeded to use pepper spray on his colleagues as the Home Minister, Sushil Kumar

Shinde, attempted to table the bill to create the new state. Members who were in attendance were forced to leave the premises with some being taken to hospital for treatment. Mr Rajagopal has been suspended by the party, alongside several other MPs, after leaving the official building, alongside fellow personnel who exited coughing and wiping their eyes. The Press Trust of India quoted Parliamentary Affairs Minister Kamal Nath as saying: “Members tried to use gas in the house... gas the house... I did not see, but I am informed that there was a knife, there was gas, there were other kinds of weapons.” Never before has such an incident occurred directly inside the Parliamentary building and Mr Nath warned that it would only prove to be

detrimental for the Congress Party. “The circumstances and incidents which took place in the house are a big blot on our pa r lia m e n ta r y democracy,” he added. If the state of Telangana was to be approved it would comprise of 10 of Andhra Pradesh’s 23 districts including the biggest city of Hyderabad, with backers claiming the area has so far been ‘neglected’ by the government. Hyderabad has been at the centre of much of the debate with many protesters arguing that the city’s major information technology and pharmaceutical companies would no longer provide capital to Andhra Pradesh in 10 years after the state creation.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

Better care for mental health crisis A new agreement between police and the NHS seeks to improve mental health crisis care for Black and Minority Ethnic groups Emergency support for people in mental health crises is set to dramatically improve as part of a far-reaching new agreement between police, mental health trusts and paramedics. The agreement – called the Crisis Care Concordat – has been signed by more than 20 national organisations in a bid to drive up standards of care for people experiencing crisis and help cut the numbers of people detained inappropriately in police cells and iron out the variation in standards across the country. There are stark inequalities in the acute sector of mental health care for people from some BME groups who continue to be overrepresented in hospital and as detained patients and in crisis care overall. Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said: “A mental health crisis can already be distressing for individuals and all those involved, People from BME groups are more likely to present in crisis with A&E often the first point of contact. The Concordat acknowledges that this needs to be addressed and sets out that work will begin before March to look at inequalities in access to mental health services for BME communities with the aim of improving care. • In areas where black and minority ethnic groups have a higher risk of


February 2014 - 1st Edition

but when people aren’t getting the right support or care it can have very serious consequences. It’s unacceptable that there are incidents where young people and even children can end up in a police cell because the right mental health service isn’t available to them. “That’s why we’re taking action across the country and across organisations to make sure those with mental health problems are receiving the emergency care they need. “We want to build a fairer society – one where mental health is as important as physical health – and the Crisis Care Concordat is an important step towards addressing this disparity.” Norman Lamb, Care and Support Minister, said: “When someone has a mental health crisis, it is distressing and frightening for them as well as the people around them. Urgent and compassionate

care in a safe place is essential – a police cell should never need to be used because mental health services are not available. For me, crisis care is the most stark example of the lack of equality between mental and physical health. “The NHS and police already work well together in some areas, but it is totally unacceptable that crisis mental health care is so variable across the country. It is imperative that all areas seek to implement the principles of the Concordat as quickly as possible to ensure consistent care, no matter where you live.” Local areas will now sign their own regional and local agreements to commit to working together across services to improve care and potentially save lives and is expected to have agreed a Mental Health Crisis Declaration by December 2014.

being detained under the Mental Health Act, this must be addressed by local services in consultation with these groups; and • A 24-hour helpline should be available for people with mental health problems and the crisis resolution team should be accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. • Health-based places of safety and beds are available 24/7 in case someone experiences a mental health

crisis; • Police custody should not be used because mental health services are not available and police vehicles should also not be used to transfer patients. We want to see the number of occasions police cells are used as a place of safety for people in mental health crisis halved compared 2011/12; • Timescales are put in place so police responding to mental health

crisis know how long they have to wait for a response from health and social care workers. This will make sure patients get suitable care as soon as possible; • People in crisis should expect that services will share essential ‘need to know’ information about them so they can receive the best care possible. This may include any history of physical violence, selfharm or drink or drug history.


Oldest Holocaust survivor passes away in London

A 110-year-old woman, believed to be the oldest survivor of the Holocaust and who endured the ordeal partly through her passion for music, has died in London, her family said last weekend. Alice Herz-Sommer, who is the subject of an Oscar-nominated documentary, was a Jewish pianist and musician from Prague in what is today the Czech Republic. In 1943, the Nazis sent her and her young son to Theresienstadt concentration camp, where tens of thousands of people lost their lives. Neither her husband Leopold nor her mother Sofie survived World War Two, but she and her son did. Her grandson, Ariel Sommer, confirmed her death in London on Sunday, saying: “Alice Sommer passed away peacefully this morning with her family by her bedside. Much has been written about her, but to those of us who knew her best, she was our dear ‘Gigi’.” He added: “She loved us, laughed with us, and cherished music with us. She was an inspiration and our world will be significantly poorer without her by our side.”

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

New website now live, please visit: Cops hunting yobs who left a PIG’S HEAD on their patrol car

Police are hunting sick yobs after a PIG’S HEAD was put on the bonnet of one of their patrol vehicles in a busy city centre. The van was pulled up near Birmingham’s Bullring shopping centre while officers dealt with a shoplifter. But they were shocked when they returned and found a severed pig’s head left on the bottom of the windscreen between the wipers. A spokeswoman for West Midlands Police confirmed the force had launched an investigation into the incident – which could be classified as a public order offence or criminal damage. They added: “Police are investigating after the head of a dead pig was placed on a police vehicle in Birmingham City Centre. “The incident took place as the police vehicle was parked at the Rotunda in New Street. “Officers are actively looking at CCTV images to identify the person responsible.” James Miles, 24, who was out shopping in Birmingham when he spotted the pigs head, said: “We couldn’t believe it when we came out of the Bullring and saw it on the police van. “There was quite a crowd around it taking pictures and most people seemed to think it was pretty funny.”

Prison for Prince Harry death threats CLAIMS: Ashraf Islam, born Mark Townley, was jailed after walking into a police station and claiming he intended to kill Prince Harry

Three-year sentence for man who threatened to kill a Royal

Suicide bomber ‘could’ be British

Relatives and community leaders say they are praying that a Briton was not behind a suicide bomb attack on a prison in Syria. Abdul Waheed Majeed, 41, is suspected of being responsible for driving a lorry into a jail in Aleppo and detonating a bomb last week. Officials have not confirmed the identity of the bomber amid reports that a UK jihadi, who used the name Abu Suleiman al-Britani, carried out the bombing. It is thought to be the first time a Briton has staged a suicide attack in the war-torn state, where rising numbers of UK-born extremists have gone to fight. Counter terrorism officers were searching Majeed's home in Martyrs Avenue in Langley Green, Crawley, West Sussex - the ex-home of schoolgirl Sarah Payne's killer Roy Whiting, according to neighbours. Married father-of-three Majeed, known as Waheed, left Britain six months ago, telling his family he was going on a humanitarian mission to Syria.


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THREATENED: The young Royal was targeted because he had been a captain in the British Army and served in Afghanistan

A British Muslim convert who told police he wanted to kill Prince Harry was jailed for three years last week after pleading guilty to threatening murder. Ashraf Islam, 31, was told by the judge who sentenced him at Isleworth Crown Court that his plan had been ‘vague and unlikely to succeed’, but he nevertheless posed a danger to the public. Police said Islam, who was born Mark David Townley and changed his name around 2010 after converting to Islam, walked into a police station in Hounslow, West London, and openly confessed to officers his intentions to endanger the life of the 28-year-old member of the Royal Family. Police searched the hotel room, where he had just checked in after flying into London from Thailand, and seized his laptop. They found no weapon. Islam, originally from Belfast in Northern Ireland, had no fixed abode at the time. Media reported that Islam had said he felt he had a ‘moral right to judge’ Prince Harry, a captain in the British army, because he disagreed with the actions of the

military. Prince Harry, grandson to Queen Elizabeth and fourth in line to the throne, has carried out two tours of duty in Afghanistan, the most recent as an attack helicopter pilot. Islam's defence lawyer told the court he had a personality disorder, according to media reports. Islam made the threat on the day after soldier Lee Rigby was murdered in

broad daylight by two British Muslim converts on a busy street in southeast London close to an army barracks. News of the killing and its aftermath dominated British media headlines for days.The killers, Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale, were convicted of murder on 19th December and will be sentenced on Thursday 20th February.

65 ‘Dangerous’ prisoners released in Afghanistan 65 former detainees in Afghanistan have been released from prison in the South Asian country despite United States officials labeling them as ‘dangerous’. The men, who were believed to have been connected to the killing of Afghan civilians and coalition forces, were freed on Thursday 13th February. More than two dozen of those were linked to the deaths of 32 US and allied troops and when detained were found with weapons and materials which could then be used to make improvised explosive devices. “The release of these dangerous individuals poses a threat to U.S. coalition and Afghan national security forces as well as the Afghan population,” the U.S. command in Kabul said in a statement. The move comes as current Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai refused to sign a security agreement which would have allowed a residual

US force to stay in the country after the current operation ends at the end of this year. Army Colonel, Steve Warren, a Pentagon spokesman added his disbelief at the judgement which saw 65 ‘dangeorus’ men walk free. He said: “These are bad men…They've got a lot of blood on their hands; a lot of blood. “This is a step backward for the Afghan justice system. [Releasing the prisoners] is a disservice to Afghan citizens and a disservice to American troops who have fought and sacrificed on their behalf.” Amongst those released was Nek Mohammad. Mohammad coordinated rocket attacks against U.S. and Afghan forces and helped transfer money to al-Qaeda before being he was captured in May 2013 with artillery shells, mortar rounds and bags of fertilizer. This latest mass release takes the total number of detainees released by the Afghan government to 625.

RELEASED: 65 of Afghanistan’s ‘dangerous’ detainees were released last week despite opposition to the ruling from the United States

Detainees, labelled as a threat by the US, told they’re free

February 2014 - 1st Edition


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follow us on twitter: Recruitment offices targeted in bomb scare

Seven suspicious packages sent to army recruitment offices in England contained ‘viable devices bearing the hallmarks of Northern Ireland terrorism’, a spokeswoman from Prime Minister David Cameron's office said on Thursday. The Irish Republican Army abandoned its armed struggle for an end to British control of Northern Ireland and unification with Ireland in 1998. But the government said last month that ‘terrorists’ were continuing to plan attacks with lethal intent. “Seven suspect packages have been identified as containing small, crude, but potentially viable devices bearing the hallmarks of Northern Ireland related terrorism,” the spokeswoman said in a statement. “These have now been safely dealt with by the police and bomb disposal units.” Thursday's statement followed a meeting of the government's Cobra emergency committee which was called after counter-terrorism police said suspicious parcels had been found at three army recruitment centres across southern England.

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Conference of World Religions By Ashley Grint

A historic conference was held last week as delegates from the world’s religions gathered at a special ceremony at Guildhall, London. The ‘Conference of World Religions’ was organised by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community in the UK, as part of its centenary celebrations, with the theme being ‘God in the 21st Century’. The World Head and Fifth Khalifa of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, delivered the keynote address in front of 500 delegates including faith leaders from various countries, politicians, government officials, members of the diplomatic corps, academics and representatives of various Non-Governmental Organisations. The conference also received messages of support from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Prime Minister David Cameron and several other dignitaries. During the event the various faith leaders considered what role religion could play in today’s world and whether religion continued to be a force for good. The keynote

REPRESENTATIVES: Delegates form the world’s religions and guests from various official bodies attended the event at Guildhall last week

Hundreds of delegates unite to mark centenary celebrations address delivered by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad sought to answer these questions in light of Islam’s teachings. The Khalifa spoke on a number of matters regarding all major religions and stressed that he condemned governments across the world for prioritising defence and military spending above and beyond social welfare and

humanitarian projects. The Rt Hon Baroness Warsi, Senior Minister of State at the Foreign Office, was one guest on the day and praised the event for its overall message of peace. She said: “It is testament to the openness, the pragmatism and the humility of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community that their flagship global event celebrated all faiths.”

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

The World Conference concluded with a silent prayer led by Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. Earlier in the evening, The Khalifa held a series of private meetings with dignitaries and delegations from various countries and he also led the Maghreb and Isha prayers at the Guildhall.

February 2014 - 1st Edition



“I’d love to do a ‘masala’ film with Salman Actress Madhuri Dixit, who has shared the screen space with both superstars Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan, says she admires the passion both the actors have for their work. Madhuri, who worked with Shah Rukh in hit films like 'Dil To Pagal Hai' and 'Devdas', also performed with him during a recent tour 'Temptations Reloaded' in Malaysia. "I really had a great time working with Shah Rukh Khan. He recently got his leg injured but still he has so much strength in him. “I don't know from where he gets the strength and energy. He is always on fire and goes all out to be the best for his fans. He is very passionate and dedicated about his work even today," Madhuri said. She is also amazed with the work that her other former co-star Salman is doing these days. "I loved Salman in his earlier films like 'Saajan', 'Andaz Apna Apna', 'Hum Apke Hai Kaun!' “I see a completely different Salman now. “Earlier on in his career, he was very mischievous but today he is more relaxed and wants to do good work. I find he is a lot more committed," Madhuri said. "When you see him doing a character of Chulbul Pandey, there is a different maturity that he brings into it. I love his dancing too, he has got his own style and a swagger, which is really wonderful." She added that she’d love to do a ‘masala’ entertainer with Salman, provided she is offered one. Surprisingly, Madhuri disclosed, that she doesn’t have any real close friends in Bollywood. The actress, who has been a star of Hindi cinema for 30 years, said that actors are too busy to forge close bonds. The 46-year-old star, who took a break from films after she got married and had

children, has recently starred in ‘Dedh Ishqiya’ and forthcoming ‘’Gulaab Gang’. She said: "Age is just a number according to me, talent is the same whether you are 10, 20 or 100. I think it gets better with age. I also don't believe in the myth about married actresses. I think it is crazy. "Sharmila Tagore worked after marriage, Rakhiji worked after marriage. Yes, some of them quit but that was their own decision. There were so many who did work. There are no hard and fast rules," she explained. Madhuri, however, feels women now have a bigger say in the industry compared to earlier times and the advent of female directors and scriptwriters has resulted in stronger roles for women in Bollywood. "The new age directors see women in a different light and write good roles for women. They are no longer caricatures of say an avenger, a victim, or an eye candy. They are people, they are characters." Madhuri, who won praise for her performance in Dedh Ishqiya and leads a starry cast in the heroine-centric Gulaab Gang, said that she relies on her talent, rather than networking, to win roles. "I wasn't networking when I was offered Gulaab Gang or Dedh Ishqiya. That came to me on the strength of my abilities, because I have talent to play these roles. "And filmmakers know that when I do a film, I am very committed to the role. I am well-disciplined. So my reputation precedes me and that's why makers come to me with the scripts. And not because they are my friends," she added. Dixit's ‘Gulaab Gang’ co-star Juhi Chawla recently admitted to a rivalry with the actress at the peaks of their careers, but added that she is now thrilled to have a chance to work with Dixit.


Mallika Sherawat to lead gender debate at famous Oxford Union



By Anush Ansari

Mallika Sherawat, who’s constantly making headlines for her tenacity and bold outlook, seems to be adding another feather in her designer cap. The Indian actress has been extended an honour from the Oxford Union (Oxford University), to participate in a debate titled 'This House Believes Gender Exists to Oppress'. The Oxford Union is a much renowned platform for people to express their views. Mallika will be hosting some of the most influential people in the world and lending an interesting angle to the debate with her image of women and women’s rights in India. A spokesperson from the Oxford Union commented: “We feel that as a figure who recently was very outspoken about the image of women and women’s rights in a country like India, Mallika would lend an interesting angle to the debate.” An enthusiastic Mallika states, "Yes, I have accepted the invitation. The date is set on Feb 27th. A lot of preparation is required. It's a great honour. “I come from a small town, so it means a lot to be invited to speak at such a historic venue. I can use the platform to highlight issues like drop in the conviction rate in rape cases across the country." Founded in 1823, the Oxford Union is one of the most famous debating societies in the world and has hosted world leaders from all fields. From Presidents Carter, Nixon and Reagan, General Petraeus, Senator John McCain and Prime Minister David Cameron to Mother Theresa, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and the Dalai Lama as well as Malcolm X and Dame Judi Dench.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Akshay Kumar reaches 8 million followers on Facebook Bollywood star, Akshay Kumar, went onto Facebook to thank his fans for helping him reach 8 million followers on his official social media fan page. The Khiladi star showed his gratitude to his fans by saying: ‘Another month and another million! Can’t say anything but thank you J Loads of love to all 8 million Akkians. Love and Prayers, Akshay’ This time last year, #Akshay2000crore was trending on Twitter when he took to the micro blogging site to thank his fans for reaching 2000 crores. Fans are continuing to congratulate Akshay, on both Twitter and Facebook, on his welldeserved achievements for Indian cinema on both Twitter and Facebook. Akshay who is currently shooting for his upcoming movie Gabbar has again set the bar for more generations!





FILM: Hasee Toh Phasee DIRECTED BY: Vinil Mathew GENRE: Comedy STAR CAST: Parineeti Chopra, Sidharth Malhotra Sidharth Malhotra and Parineeti Chopra star in a crazy, decade-spanning Hindi romantic comedy. Rebellious Meeta (Parineeti Chopra) and live wire Nikhil (Sidharth Malhotra) have a lot in common. They first encounter each other during Meeta's sister Deeksha's wedding. But Meeta is on the run and Nikhil falls for her other sibling, Karishma. On the eve of their engagement many years on, Nikhil faces the disapproval of his wealthy prospective

father-in-law Devesh Solanki. So he makes a pledge to Karishma that he will prove himself worthy of her within seven days. Then Meeta reenters his life. In an attempt to

February 2014 - 1st Edition

RELEASE DATE: 07/02/2014

please Karishma, he arranges for her to stay with his own weird and wonderful extended family! Unfolding over the course of ten years against a vibrant Mumbai

backdrop, this is a funny and heartwarming comedy in which relationships are tested and love conquers all. Watch out for the cameo by celebrated producer Karan Johar.



ELEASE DATE: FILM: Gunday 1 4/02/2014 DIRECTED BY: Ali Abbas Zafar GENRE: Action/Thriller STAR CAST: Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Irrfan Khan Ranveer Singh and Arjun Kapoor star as an inseparable gangster duo in this explosive Indian crime thriller. Bikram and Bala first encountered one another as 12year-old refugees. The war of 1971 had given rise to a new country Bangladesh - but it also made them orphans. Fleeing to Calcutta, the duo (Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor) form a powerful bond of friendship. As the world tries to beat them down, so they rise up again - eventually becoming the city's most celebrated and

FILM: Highway 12A DIRECTED BY: Imtiaz Ali GENRE: Drama STAR CAST: Randeep Hooda, Alia Bhat A kidnapped rich girl forms an unexpected bond with her captor in this Bollywood romantic drama from the director of 'Jab We Met'. A carefree young city girl (Alia Bhat) is driving along the

highway with her fiance. Her life changes in an instant, when she's abducted by a gang of rough rural criminals. The kidnappers quickly discover that their hostage is the daughter of a prominent

12A fearless outlaws! But then beautiful cabaret dancer Nadita (Priyanka Chopra) turns their lives upside down as they both fall head over heels in love with her. As if that wasn't

enough, their nemesis appears in the relentless crime-fighting form of ACP Satyajeet Sarkar (Irrfan Khan). 'Mere Brother Ki Dulhan' director Ali Abbas Zafar's

industrialist with powerful political friends. But their leader (Randeep Hooda) is undeterred, insisting that they go ahead with their plan. As their van continues on its lengthy journey, passing through some spectacular landscapes, the girl begins to feels more free than she ever did before.

gripping period action thriller is produced by Aditya Chopra and features songs by Sohail Sen.

RELEASE DATE: 21/02/2014 Indian writer/director Imtiaz Ali made his name with the hit 'Jab We Met'. He casts Randeep Hooda of 'Once upon a Time in Mumbaai' fame opposite rising star Alia Bhat in this romantic exploration of Stockholm Syndrome. Music is by A.R. Rahman.

FILM: Bewakoofiyaan DIRECTED BY: Nupur Ashtana GENRE: Comedy STAR CAST: Ayushmann Khurrana, Sonam Kapoor, Rishi Kapoor


RELEASE DATE: 14/03/2014

RELEASE DATE: 28/02/2014


FILM: Shaadi Ke Side Effects DIRECTED BY: Saket Chowdhary GENRE: Comedy STAR CAST: Farhan Akhtar, Vidya Balan, Vir Das, Ram Kapoor Bewakoofiyaan - a contemporary slice of a life story, which changes fixed notions about relationships. Mohit is a marketing whiz kid vying for a step up the career ladder... Mayera - a financial brain with a penchant for shoes... They're a young middle-class corporate couple that's ambitious and likes the good life too.


February 2014 - 1st Edition

They work hard, they party hard. They're also passionately in love with each other. Their belief: You can live on love and fresh air... Their obstacle: Mayera's wilful bureaucratic father V.K Sehgal. The obstinate old man believes that only a rich man can bring Mayera happiness and a mid-level executive like

Mohit simply isn't good enough! Exactly how fragile are relationships in these times where consumer lifestyles dictate their very nature and intensity? Who gets the last laugh when recession strikes and the lack of money tests love... credit-card-junkies private-sector Mohit-Mayera; or safe-playing sarkari, V.K. Sehgal?

Bewakoofiyaan - a contemporary slice of a life story, which changes fixed notions about relationships. Mohit is a marketing whiz kid vying for a step up the career ladder... Mayera - a financial brain with a penchant for shoes... They're a young middle-class corporate couple that's ambitious and likes the good life too. They work hard, they party hard. They're also passionately in love with each other. Their belief: You can live on love and fresh air... Their obstacle: Mayera's wilful bureaucratic father V.K Sehgal. The obstinate old man believes that only a rich man can bring Mayera happiness and a mid-level executive like Mohit simply isn't good enough! Exactly how fragile are relationships in these times where consumer lifestyles dictate their very nature and intensity? Who gets the last laugh when recession strikes and the lack of money tests love... credit-card-junkies privatesector Mohit-Mayera; or safeplaying sarkari, V.K. Sehgal?


RELEASE DATE: 07/03/2014

FILM: Gulaab Gang DIRECTED BY: Soumik Sen GENRE: Social/Drama STAR CAST: Madhuri Dixit, Juhi Chawla, Priyanka Bose, Vinitha Menon, Tanvi Rao

The story of Gulaab Gang is reportedly based on the life of Sampat Pal Devi, a self trained activist from Bundelkhand, Uttar Pradesh who was married off as a child and then grew up to fight social evils like dowry, child marriage, domestic violence in the villages of India. In course of time, many women joined her and now she has a force of over 10,000 women who are called the Gulabi Gang. A few years back, with some help from a French NGO, Sampat's fight came into the limelight leading to media coverage and a documentary filmed on her. In the trailers, like we had assumed, Dixit kicks ass. She is shown wielding a baton

with a ferocity normally associated with Salman Khan or Akshay Kumar. She is seen flinging men with one effortless slap. She is seen beating up men. Evidently, Sampat's story has been adapted to suit the requirements of a Bollywood entertainer. Likewise, Dixit is also seen dancing (we are not complaining one bit about that though!). However, what is probably the most refreshing and interesting bit in the trailer is its villain - Juhi Chawla. Yes, you heard right. Juhi is indeed who Madhuri is pitted against in the film. And oh boy, isn't she delicious as the soft spoken, nearly-adorable, baby voiced woman whose smile is pure evil gold! Juhi seems to be playing the part of a politician who takes on Rajjo

(Madhuri) and embarks on an insidious journey to destroy the latter's clout. What makes the film so much more interesting than anything else, is instead of a woman versus man stereotypical battle, Gulaab Gang promises to be a deft exploration of feminity and the woman as an ambitious, strong, sinister, vulnerable entity.


While Madhuri turns out to be a real hero with all her brave action sequences, Juhi Chawla has also amazed people with her cunning politician avtar in the movie. With all those bold dialogues and action, the movie is going to be one of the valiant choices of both the Bollywood divas, as far as their filmy career is concerned.



February 2014 - 1st Edition



24/01/2E DATE: 014


STARRING: CHRIS PINE, KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, 12A KEVIN COSTNER CERT DIRECTOR: KENNETH BRANAGH GENRE: ACTION, DRAMA, THRILLER Based on the CIA analyst created by espionage master Tom Clancy, ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’ is a blistering action thriller that follows Ryan (Chris Pine, "Star Trek") from his quiet double-life as a veteran-turnedWall Street executive to his all-out initiation as a hunted American agent on the trail of a massive terrorist plot in Moscow. Ryan appears to be just another New York executive to his friends and loved ones, but his enlistment into the CIA secretly goes back years. He was brought in as a brainy Ph.D. who crunches global data but when Ryan ferrets out a meticulously planned scheme to collapse the U.S. economy and spark global chaos, he becomes the only man with the skills to stop it. Now, he's gone fully operational,

thrust into a world of mounting suspicion, deception and deadly force. Caught between his tight-lipped handler Harper (Academy Awardwinner Kevin Costner), his in-thedark fiancee Cathy (Keira Knightley) and a brilliant Russian oligarch (Kenneth Branagh), Jack must confront a new reality where no one can seem to be trusted, yet the fate of millions rests on his finding the truth. With the urgency of a lit fuse, he's in a race to stay one step ahead of everyone around him.




In “Grudge Match,” De Niro and Stallone play Billy “The Kid” McDonnen and Henry “Razor” OUT NOW Sharp, two local Pittsburgh UK RELE fighters whose AS fierce rivalry knock-out 24/01/2E DATE: 014 put them in the punch to both national their careers. spotlight. Thirty years Each had scored a victory later, boxing against the other during promoter Dante their heyday, but in 1983, on Slate Jr., seeing big dollar the eve of their decisive signs, makes them an offer third match, Razor suddenly they can’t refuse: to re-enter announced his retirement, the ring and settle the score refusing to explain why but once and for all. effectively delivering a






STARRING: CHRISTIAN BALE, ZOE SALDANA, WOODY HARRELSON DIRECTOR: SCOTT COOPER GENRE: THRILLER UK RELE Acclaimed director AS Scott Cooper takes 29/01/2E DATE: 014 audiences on a vivid and intense journey into the heart of a fading American Dream in Out of the Furnace, as fate, family and loyalty drive an ordinary man to take heroic measures to fight for those he loves. Russell Baze (Christian Bale) and his younger brother Rodney (Casey Affleck) were born and raised in Braddock, Pennsylvania, a hardscrabble Rust Belt hamlet that has been home to generations of American steel workers. Russell followed their father into the mills, while Rodney took the only other option open to young men like him and enlisted in the Army, hoping to find a better life outside of Braddock. But after four brutal tours of duty in Iraq, an emotionally and physically depleted Rodney returns to a recession-weary town that offers even fewer options than before he left. When a cruel twist of fate lands Russell in prison, his younger brother tries to make ends meet by betting on horses and competing as a bare-knuckle boxer.


07/02/2E DATE: 014



14/02/2E DATE: 014


LONE SURVIVOR STARRING: MARK WAHLBERG, BEN FOSTER, ERIC BANA DIRECTOR: PETER BERG GENRE: ACTION, DRAMA, THRILLER Set during the war on Afghanistan, gritty drama 'Lone Survivor' follows a specialist team of Navy SEALs who clash with Taliban forces in the remote Afghan mountains. The film focuses on an elite army unit who are tasked with tracking down and killing a Taliban official.

31/01/2E DATE: 014 15


But as they venture into hostile territory, the operation takes a dangerous turn and tragedy is close at hand… 'Lone Survivor' is based on the incredible true story of former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who wrote an eyewitness account of the high-stakes mission.

STARRING: GARY OLDMAN, MICHAEL KEATON, ABBIE CORNISH, SAMUEL L. JACKSON 12A DIRECTOR: JOSE PADILHA CERT GENRE: ACTION, SCI-FI, THRILLER In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the centre of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphyis a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem

the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilizes their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex's life. He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.

yellow LEGO man who - in a bad case of mistaken identity - is called upon to save the LEGO universe from President Business (Will Ferrell). Emmet has no U CERT idea what he is doing, but luckily The beloved there are some build-it-yourself toy is superheroes on hand to brought to life in 'The help, including LEGO Movie', which Superman (Channing sees an evil oppressor threaten to glue the tiny Tatum), Batman (Will Arnett), Wonder LEGO universe Woman (Cobie together. Smulders) and Green Emmet (voiced by Lantern (Jonah Hill). Chris Pratt) is a little

February 2014 - 1st Edition





STARRING: MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY, JARED LETO, JENNIFER GARNER, STEVE ZAHN DIRECTOR: JEAN-MARC VALLEE GENRE: DRAMA Matthew McConaughey stars in the incredible true story of a man CERT who takes on the medical establishment after being given 30 days to live. Texan electrician and rodeo cowboy Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey) certainly grabs life by the horns. But in 1985, this hedonistic (and homophobic) hell-raiser is abruptly


UK RELE AS stopped in his 07/02/2E DATE: tracks. Dr. Eve 014 Saks (Jennifer Garner) delivers an HIV positive diagnosis that gives him just a month to live. Macho Ron refuses to accept his death sentence and embarks on an extraordinary entrepreneurial journey. Investigating alternative treatments, he begins to smuggle unapproved antiviral drugs from Mexico to help others as well as himself. This incurs the wrath of the government and pharmaceutical companies, but Ron acquires a surprise ally in the form of a self-destructive transsexual named Rayon (Jared Leto).





STARRING: JACK O'CONNELL, LENA HEADEY, RODRIGO SANTORO, EVA GREEN, YIGAL NAOR DIRECTOR: NOAM MURRO GENRE: ACTION, DRAMA The Greeks and Persians take their spectacular conflict to sea in the epic UK RELE follow-up to AS '300'. 07/03/2E DATE: 014 More than 30 years before the events of '300', the Greeks and Persians clash at the pivotal Battle of Marathon. Still a young man, the future Persian God King Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro) mourns the death of his father as he falls under the influence of feisty, ambitious naval commander Artemisia (Eva Green). She witnessed her entire family being slaughtered and now burns for vengeance. Meanwhile, general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton) sets out to bring together the disunited Greek nation states and avenge the death of King Leonidas. The stage is set for a breathtaking sea battle! Adapted from Frank Miller's latest graphic novel, the bloodsoaked 'Rise of an Empire' is told in the same vivid, kinetic style as its predecessor. It also unfolds on a larger canvas, taking in battles before, after and parallel to those of '300'.

STALINGRAD STARRING: PYOTR FYODOROV, THOMAS KRETSCHMANN, SERGEY BONDARCHUK JR DIRECTOR: FEDOR BONDARCHUK GENRE: ACTION, DRAMA OUT NOW A stunning, visceral UK RELE Russian AS blockbuster 21/02/2E DATE: 014 set against the backdrop of the bloodiest battle in history. In November 1942, the Nazis and Red Army are engaged in a brutal fight for control of the Soviet city of Stalingrad. Such is the ferocity of the close quarters combat that much of the city has been reduced to rubble. Now the Russians are launching a counter-offensive across the Volga river. Six soldiers led by Gromov (Pyotr Fyodorov) find themselves holed up in a house occupied by 18-year-old 15 CERT Katya (Mariya Smolnikova). Peter Khan (Thomas The sole surviving member Kretschmann) to take back control of her family, she becomes their of the house. But conflicted Khan mascot. A sadistic Nazi has fallen for beautiful local girl commander then orders Masha (Yana Studilina). honourable, aristocratic officer COMING SOON

RIDE ALONG STARRING: KEVIN HART, ICE CUBE, JOHN LEGUIZAMO, BRUCE MCGILL DIRECTOR: TIM STORY GENRE: ACTION, COMEDY A rookie cop's training day spirals out of control CERT in this action-packed buddy comedy starring Kevin Hart and Ice Cube. Ben Barber (Kevin Hart) is a wisecracking video game junkie and aspiring cop who's dating the lovely Angela Payton (Tika Sumpter). Now he's finally been accepted by the police academy and is keen to propose. But Angela says she'll only marry him if he secures the approval of the other man in her life - her brother James (Ice Cube).



07/03/2E DATE: 014

Trouble is that James is a veteran detective with a very short fuse, who has Ben figured as a loser. To get rid of him once and for all, James decides to scare the wits out of Ben with a 24 hour 'ride along' he'll never forget. Needless to say, this backfires horribly. A rib-tickling mismatched buddy action-comedy in the tradition of '48 Hrs', 'Ride Along' also features the great Laurence Fishburne as underworld kingpin Omar.



February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition





Your National and Local Business Round-up

Business news Traditional fish and chips available now on the Curry Mile By Ashley Grint

The home of traditional fish and chips has arrived in Manchester as Uncle B’s is proud to serve up the finest ‘British delight’ direct from the Curry Mile. Opened earlier this year, the

good old-fashioned fish and chip restaurant and takeaway is the first of its kind to open on the historic strip for 10 years, with hungry eaters already gathering to get their hands on the good oldfashioned dishes. The eatery has already received major praise from avid foodies who have been calling out for a

good-old chippy to arrive on one of the busiest streets in the North of England. Every dish is expertly prepared, with a bronze crust enclosing a mouthwatering haddock, sourced from the deep blue sea, whilst chips are prepared on site from local potatoes to ensure the goodness is sealed in and fat

content is reduced. Only vegetable oil is used by the team of cooks, with ‘chief-fryer’ Chris Farnell, headed with the task of ensuring each fish is the same crispy delight as the last. As well as the classic plating of fish and chips, Uncle B’s also offer some of the finest home-made pies, including the favourite steak and kidney, which could tempt even the fussiest of eaters. With a real passion for food, owner, Irfan Malik, has been delighted with the response from customers, who he says have been so warm in welcoming his establishment in the heart of Manchester. “Being the first real ‘chippy’ to open here for a decade seems almost unbelievable as it is the ultimate British dish,” he said. “Since opening we have had a


189 Wilmslow Road, Manchester, M14 5AQ 0161 224 3854

great response from all different communities and try to ensure that everybody has an option which meets their tastes. We only use the finest vegetable oils and all our produce is halal so anybody can eat it, regardless of their faith. “We pride ourselves on only providing the freshest, crispy fish and hopefully that will help us become a favourite here in Manchester.” Despite a couple of other fisheries currently operating out of Wilmslow Road, Uncle B’s claims to be the only traditional chippy, with the others offering foreign options such as kebabs. With a growing reputation as a hot-spot for hungry diners across the city, call in to Uncle B’s today and see why fish and chips is well and truly back on the menu.



February 2014 - 1st Edition

Indian-born technology expert appointed Microsoft CEO

Hitting the Back of the Net


he “quenelle” gesture used by Nicolas Anelka has sparked controversy in the media and raised serious question marks for sponsors with lucrative agreements in place. The ‘quenelle’ has been declared as an anti-Semitic gesture by many and was the trigger for Zoopla (co-owned by Jewish businessman Alex Chesterman) to publicly announce on the 20th January their intention to bring to an end their shirt sponsorship agreement with West Bromich Albion at the conclusion of the 2013-14 season. Anelka defended the sign as being “antisystem” and “just a special dedication to my comedian friend Dieudonne”. What rather dents Anelka’s defence is that the said Dieudonne has previously been found guilty of making anti-Semitic speeches in France. The FA investigation included the appointment of an expert to interpret the ‘quenelle’ gesture. His findings alongside the requisite FA disciplinary procedure returned a charge of misconduct which carried with it a 5 game suspension penalty. The two high profile incidents involving John Terry and Anton Ferdinand and Luis Suarez and Patrick Evra where allegations of racist remarks made by Terry and Suarez prompted the FA to add specific regulations to the 2013-14 regulatory provisions. The Anelka episode has been the first instance that the FA has utilised the redrafted regulations. Anelka was charged with Misconduct under Section E of the FA Rules of Association. Paragraph E3(1) under terms of General Behaviour stipulates a player must not:“act in a manner which is improper or brings the game into disrepute or use any one, or a combination of, violent

Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or by email at

conduct, serious foul play, threatening, abusive, indecent or insulting words or behaviour.” An aggravated breach of regulation E3(1) compels the FA Regulatory Commission on finding a player guilty to impose a minimum suspension of five matches. Anelka is not the first athlete to land themselves in hot water with sponsors; Tiger Woods and Lance Armstrong lost many of their headline sponsors following the former’s infidelity and the latter’s doping indiscretions. Most sponsors attempt to proactively protect themselves from foreseeable breaches of ‘morality’ by having their legal advisors draft specific clauses into their sponsorship agreements with an athlete. ‘Disrepute’ or ‘Morality’ clauses are brought into play by a triggering event which brings the individual, club and/or sponsor into disrepute, or if an athlete’s behaviour falls below expected levels of morality. Coca-Cola had the foresight to construct such a clause under which Lance Armstrong provided contractual warranties assuring Coca-Cola that he was free from performance-enhancing drugs. When the US Anti-Doping Agency announced that Armstrong had led “the most sophisticated, professional and successful doping programme sport has ever seen”, Coca-Cola were able to terminate their deal with the 7-times Tour de France winner without recourse to Litigation. In contrast the insurance company SCA Promotions are locked in a legal dispute with Armstrong’s legal team in an effort to recoup $12m in bonuses which the firm paid out for his wins between 2002-2004. We at Blacks have a specialist Sports Law team dealing with all legal sporting matters.

Microsoft has named Indian-born Satya Nadella as its new chief executive and announced that founder Bill Gates is stepping down as company chairman. The appointment of the 46-year-old computer science expert, who has worked for the technology giant for 22 years, confirms widespread speculation. Mr Nadella said a key part of his job would be to speed up the delivery of new products to customers. A married father-of-three and cricket fan, he takes control with immediate effect from Steve Ballmer, who announced last August that he was to step down. Meanwhile, Mr Gates will assume a new role on the board as founder and technology adviser, devoting more time to the company and supporting the new boss ‘in shaping technology and product direction’, Microsoft said. Mr Nadella said: “Microsoft is one of those rare companies to have truly revolutionised the

world through technology, and I couldn't be more honoured to have been chosen to lead the company. “The opportunity ahead for Microsoft is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly, move faster and APPOINTED: Microsoft’s new CEO, continue to Satya Nadella, will take over the reins transform. “A big part of my job from Bill Gates having worked at the computer giants for more than 20 years is to accelerate our ability to bring Microsoft.” innovative products to our The appointment ends customers more quickly.” speculation over the role Mr Nadella had until now that had seen Ford boss been in charge of the Alan Mulally touted as a company's cloud and candidate before he enterprise division. quashed the rumours. Microsoft said that since It is thought likely to joining in 1992 he had disappoint Wall Street ‘spearheaded major investors keen on seeing an strategy and technical outsider brought in to shifts across the company's institute a shake-up portfolio of products and following Mr Ballmer's services’. departure. Mr Ballmer, who took But the move should be over as boss from Mr Gates welcomed by rank-and-file in 2000, said: “Having staff at a business where he worked with him for more is seen as popular and than 20 years, I know that consensus-driven. Satya is the right leader at the right time for

No blackouts for India after Supreme Court step in The Supreme Court on Friday ordered India’s state-run power producer NTPC Ltd to continue supplying power to distribution companies in the capital, New Delhi, until the 26th March, in a move that averts a blackout next week. The decision is the latest development in an escalating row between the newly elected Aam Aadmi Party, which leads the government in Delhi, and distributors that have been warned to pay power providers or risk being cut off.

“Finally, the consumer would be the sufferer,” said Justice S.S. Nijjar, one of the two judges on the panel issuing Friday's order, which asked NTPC to maintain supply until the next hearing in the case, set for 26th March. “Think about them.” Many Indians see cheap or free power as a right, not a privilege, and politicians are often tempted to give in to this view, particularly as national elections approach by May. But by keeping tariffs low, politicians have strained the finances of distribution

companies, which often resort to crippling power cuts. Such blackouts in turn hobble the competitiveness of Asia's third-largest economy. BSES Yamuna Power, which sells electricity in the central and eastern parts of New Delhi, home to about 16 million people, had faced a threat from NTPC that supply would be cut off from 11th February if it did not pay its bills. This latest ruling by the Supreme Court has eliminated such ruling giving the country an extra two months of power.

February 2014 - 1st Edition


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A gadget for every pocket or 15 years The Phone Market in Dewsbury has been providing the latest phones and gadgets to the people of West Yorkshire, and now, with the launch of their new website, the retailer is set to go nationwide. Providing top-of-the range mobile phones and accessories at the most competitive prices around, the Dewsbury-based retailer has gained a reputation as one of the leaders in providing high class technology from only the most trusted suppliers. Buying stock direct from wholesalers, and cutting their own profit margins, allows the


company to pass the savings on to you directly, with unbeatable prices for all products, from Samsung to Apple and Sony to Nokia. Take the Samsung Galaxy S3 for example. At just £249 you cannot buy the phone cheaper anywhere else, whilst the newly launched Galaxy Gear Watch can be yours for just £199, again unbeatable. Why spend more than you have to when The Phone Market not only offer the same amazing products as all their competitors but also have brands exclusive to them. Taking America by storm today is the brand known

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

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February 2014 - 1st Edition


but nice⁄ The V8 of Bentley’s its Continental GT S gives ey W12 a run for its mon

POWER: The V8 Bentley Continental GT Sport delivers 521 bhp

With motoring journalists claiming that this is the best Bentley Continental yet, and what seem like minor tweaks have actually transformed the GT it into a far more exciting and rewarding car to drive. The Continental GT remains a top choice for Bentley lovers as a well-heeled, strikinglooking, mostly bespoke, exceedingly comfortable twodoor sport coupe. Hand-built in Crewe, England, the recently refreshed GT and its more powerful GT Speed sibling are just about guaranteed to get their drivers pole position at any valet. The base Coupe is offered with two powertrain options: a 500-horsepower 4.0-liter twinturbo V-8 or a 567-horsepower 6.0-liter twin-turbo W-12. Where around 65% of Bentley Continental GT buyers would opt for the ‘bigger is better’ mindset and go with the 6.0-litre W12 model rather than the newer, more efficient. But that could change with the arrival of the new V8 S model. The V8 S Bentley Continental GT lifts performance of the 8cylinder car to pretty much the same level of the flagship 12cylinder version, but adds more sporting intent. Bentley has upped the power of the twin-turbo V8 by 21bhp to


521bhp, so the 0-62mph time drops from 5.0seconds to a W12 matching 4.7 seconds, while top speed rises from 187mph to 191mph. The stats may not seem jaw-droppingly quicker, but it’s the manner in which the S goes about its business that makes this yet another brilliant new Bentley. As well as the increase in power, torque is up to 680Nm, while the car sits 10mm lower on a chassis tweaked for greater agility, with steering adjusted for greater feel. Visual tweaks are subtle with a black composite front splitter, side skirts and rear diffuser, gloss black for the grille and a V8 S badge on the front wing. Spending an extra £9000 on the GT gives a worthwhile aural thrill as it delivers a very confident roar under full acceleration that will have you scouring the landscape for tunnels just to hear the noise echo back at you. The standard four-wheel drive provides immense security with huge reserves of grip, while the revised steering is more responsive than ever. This isn’t a car with the reactions of a Porsche 911 Turbo, but certainly is fit for everyday driving with a hint of naughtiness when needs be.





Audi will reveal its 230bhp S1 quattro model in March, ahead of UK sales starting in May. Audi will unveil its long-awaited S1 hatchback model at the Geneva Motor Show in March, an inside source has c o n f i r m e d . Powered by a 230bhp version of the turbocharged 2.0-litre engine found under the bonnet of the Audi S3, it will feature quattro four-wheel drive as standard. As our exclusive

image shows, the styling is a subtle evolution of the standard A1, with a deeper bodykit, larger intakes in the front bumper and an S1 badge glued to the grille. It is expected that the S1 variant will be available in both t h r e e - d o o r hatchback and fivedoor Sportback guises with the option of several unique colours, plus quad exhausts. A dual-clutch S tronic automatic gearbox will be offered, although

it’s still unclear whether this or a six-speed manual will be standard fit. Due to be launched in Geneva alongside the allnew Audi TT, the new S1 hatchback should go on sale in the UK in May. There’s no official word on pricing or specification as yet, but a source suggested it will be similar to the Volkswagen Golf GTI, which means a starting price in the region of £27,000.

February 2014 - 1st Edition


The Corvette with more power than This isn’t just a C7-Corvette Stingray with a few extra bodywork bits n bobs – this ‘Vette has more power than a McLaren F1, and tech to blow your mind away. Meet the Corvette C7 Z06, which makes its predecessor look limpwristed and its output pathetic. This beautiful beast boasts 6.2-litre V8, boosted by a 1.7-litre supercharger which spins its turbine at 20,000rpm. Though finalised power figures are yet to be revealed, Chevrolet promises the Z06 will develop ‘at least 625 horsepower’ - that’s more than the twin-turbo V8 in the back of a McLaren 12C produces. This is a serious piece of kit. What’s more, this monstrous beauty’s engine is being offered for

the first time in its history as an automatic. The ’box in question is an eight-speed torque-converter with paddleshifters, which GM claims is lighter than Porsche’s benchmark PDK dual-clutcher, and can swap cogs even faster. The aluminium spaceframe is retained from the C7 Stingray, and will go racing in the new Corvette C7.R later in 2014. The structure is so stiff that Chevy has been able to make this the first targa-top Z06 – the removable roof panel is carbonfibre, as is the bonnet. Even with the roof removed, Chevy claims the Z06 is 20% stiffer than the strictly fixed-head C6 ZR1. Clip the roof back in and you’re 60% more rigid than the best lastgen ‘Vette.

There’s a major chassis overhaul too. The Z06 is 56mm wider across the front axle than a C7 Stingray, and a whopping 80mm wider across the back.The stretch means the Z06 actually has a bespoke rear fasica, which pushes the taillight clusters further apart than on the standard car’s rump, to maintain the right proportions. The body is also covered in extra vents, intakes and aero addenda. Inside, you get a choice of comfort-biased ‘GT’ seats, or aggressively bolstered ‘Competition’ buckets. Both use magnesium frames to shave yet more grams from the (unknown) kerbweight, while other surfaces in the C7’s vastly improved cabin get the suede treatment. Carbon and

February 2014 - 1st Edition


aluminium cockpit trim is available too. Chevy has gone to town on driver tech too. You get an electronic limited slip differential (a la Jaguar F-type R coupe), and a three-stage driver assistance setting. Toggle between mild terror and almost certain death as the safety nannies are dialled down and eventually off on your 625hp American missile. Plus, launch control and a specific ‘Track mode’ make this the fastest road-going Corvette ever around Chevy’s test circuits. Though pricing is yet to be confirmed, indicators suggest that it’ll be around the £75,000 mark and will arrive in US showrooms in early 2015 – and hopefully in Europe soon after.


Porsche 911 Targa 4 inspired by ‘60s classic

The new Targa is inspired by the ’60s classic, as you’ll spot by its all-new roof arrangement no glorified sunroof Targas any more. The contrast-coloured roofhoop returns, as does the dome-shaped

a McLaren F1


wraparound rear window. There’s no heavy lifting required to go al fresco either – the targa section now stows behind the seats electrically, in a fabulously complicated arrangement. The entire bubble-shaped rear window raises off the 911's hips and hangs precariously over the

back of the car, while the roof itself folds onto the parcel shelf. Like the old 997 Targa, the new Targa is strictly all-wheel drive. Power-trains are shared with the 3.4-litre Carrera 4 and 3.8-litre Carrera 4S, as are the wide-body hips. Prices start at £86,281 and £96,316 respectively.



February 2014 - 1st Edition


ells l it s T i t n u + VA



£5,000 (0011 ASH) TEL. 07985 455 057


£8,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£39,000 (ASHLEE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (BEHOLD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (D YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (F AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07973 165 474

£100,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£7,000 (MONTY P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (N AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (O YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£1,275 ONO TEL. 07852 290 229

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£8,000 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (F AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,550 TEL. 07867 861 193


£10,000 (M OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NAIMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (O YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (R DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 ONO TEL. 07764 656 667

OFFERS OVER £10,000 TEL. 07889 184 532

£5,500 TEL. 07947 979 777

£4,500 (ASH RAJ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£16,000 (HEAVEN-HAVEN) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 TEL. 07867 861 193


£20,000 (MR HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£3,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

OFFERS OVER £35,000 TEL. 07971 827 913

£1200 ONO TEL. 07884 115 115

£2,500 (ASHRAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (BISSMILA) TEL. 07971 732 789

£15,000 (E AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (HELEN H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 ONO (KAABAH) TEL. 07779 300 128

£650 ONO (MUNAWAR) TEL. 07597 572 045

£13,250 ONO TEL. 07837 867 868

£OFFERS (TEXT ONLY) TEL. 07884 064 015

£3,000 (PAAYJA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£29,000 (R GIGGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO TEL. 07828 695 464

£4,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO (ALI HASSAN) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,500 (ASH 222) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO (BUSTED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 (HELEN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07907 318 666

£10,000 TEL. 07779 117 865

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,000+ (NAIWAAB) TEL. 07973 165 474

£1350 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,500 (R JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£25,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07976 024 735

£10,000 (B VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

OVER £10,000 TEL. 07765 555 786

£15,000 (HELEN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

£850 TEL: 07977 118 134 no withheld numbers

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,500 (P ALLANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07887 690 098

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£70,000+ TEL. 07854 012 093

£15,400 (B YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (F BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07958 000 480

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL JR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£8,500 ONO NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07768 686 842

£15,000 (B YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07764 511 955

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£7,495 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL SG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (R YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 ONO (AMJED) TEL. 07971 732 789

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (A VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£1,500 ONO (HELLO X) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07980 802 471

£15,000 ONO (MAWLA) TEL. 07842 955 147

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£75,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£11,000 (PAUL SR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07875 337 224

£2,500 (AMIR) TEL. 07843 161 969

£10,000 (AWESOME) TEL. 07985 254 294

£9,000 (C AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£4,999 TEL. 07846 480 112

£7,000 (H DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£19,000 (MAHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (MR SINGH) TEL: 07731 464002

£8,500 (N BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (P AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (SOULJA) TEL. 07803 526 898

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07817 615 022

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (A YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (C AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £4,000 TEL. 07513 257 029

£6,995 (F GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (H KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (SHAB) TEL. 07977 348 295

£1,500 ONO (MAIDA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,000 (N CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (P AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (A YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,500 (E JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,500 ONO (MAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 TEL. 07900 895 552

£15,000 (SHIPER) TEL. 07985 455 057

123 YKP



786 KAM 786 MAK 82 GK






















































no withheld numbers







M0 51DDK M111 NWR









MR 54BAR MR 5 5K0L MR5 5P0K

£5,000 (MR SPOK)


































no withheld numbers



no withheld numbers


no withheld numbers







£15,000 (A AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (A YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (E KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07523 264 595 no withheld numbers

£1,500 ONO (MALEK) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (P DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07545 218 365

£10,000 TEL. 07969 914 041

£20,000 (AALIYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (ANSAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,900 TEL. 07867 861 193

£21,000 (HUNTER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (K DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (M AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HALY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (NEIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (POSSESS) TEL. 07971 732 789

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£15,000 (ARJAN) TEL. 07731 464002

£1,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£OFFERS TEL. 07971 850 490

£7,000 (C DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (ELISA A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (F SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£9,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£29,000 (M AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HAWK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NKHANZ) TEL. 07946 162 099

£29,000 (PHIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£775 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£4,995 TEL. 07867 861 193


£8,000 (EMILY C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (F YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (HUZAIFAH) TEL. 07737 071 097

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£1500 (MAHMUD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£9,500 (MS HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (P KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,495 (SHOYB/SAQYB K) TEL. 07768 686 842

£5,000+ (SHIMMLA) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (ANWAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (EMILY D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (H VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057


£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444


£10,000+ (CHOWDRY) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY E) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 802 112

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£2,500 TEL. 07405 763 319

£10,000+ (CHILLER) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£9,500 (ASHOK B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07866 860 894

£OFFERS NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07754 852 402

£9,500 (ASHOK C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,250 ONO (ABID SAB) TEL. 07773 995 142








B055 KHN

B055Y B0

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

B111 NAA

















£10,000 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141
















MON - FRI: 9-5.30

MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (MS HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,500 (P MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,725 TEL. 07802 183 450

£9,500 (H YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£18,000 (M AHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (M SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (P SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£25,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£10,000 (G AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (H YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£10,000 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£7,500 (N SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£8,000 (EMILY M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (P WILSON) TEL. 07985 455 057

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£15,000 (SPORTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (C SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (EMILY S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (G AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (JOHNTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07970 281 994

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£10,000 (N VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (P YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£20,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£3,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (C YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (ERNEST) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (G DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (K KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 595 760

£10,000 (M VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (N YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (P YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL. 07508 341 074

£1,500 (SURBJIT) TEL. 07985 589 631

£9,500 (ASHOK D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 (BIG FRR) TEL. 07971 850 490

£1,495 ONO TEL. 07832 302 222

£7,500 (E SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (K SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1400 (M DAWOOD) TEL. 07428 657 147

£9,500 (M YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ROHAN G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50 TEL. 07932 410 393

£15,400 (S YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (A BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£8,500 (ETHAN A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£900 ONO (JAT OK) TEL. 07581 423 143

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,000 (M DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (MY IPOD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£9,500 (ROHAN K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,295 ONO TEL. 07949 891 313

£15,000 (S YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£9,500 (ASHOK G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (BILAL) TEL. 07808 950 492

£10,000 (D AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (GUIDES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1500 ONO TEL. 07774 246 877

£10,000 (K VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£995 (MY SHISHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£1,395 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (ROHAN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07973 787 934

£3,500 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 TEL. 07891 217 880

£1200 TEL. 07947 979 777

£8,500 (ETHAN F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 ONO (GULLFAM) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (K YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (MEHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£20,000 (OO LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 (ROHAN X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (SHEETAL) TEL. 07786 510 000

£OFFERS TEL. 07581 169 231

£10,000 ONO (ABDUL) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK J) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL. 07838 130 681

£7,000 (D DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07597 629 845

£15,000 (JALLALS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£19,000 (MEHMUD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (OO HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07816 488 420

£1,500 ONO (SAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS (TARIQ) TEL. 07887 693 228

£10,000 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07812 728 079

£7,500 (D MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (G VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£18,000 (MEHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07870 696 399

£10,000 (O AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £400 TEL. 07866 992 500

£1,500 ONO (SALIHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£1,500 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£7,000 (A DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK L) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,495 ONO TEL. 07957 429 964

£8,000 (DR HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (G YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (U 4 USY / LUSY) TEL. 07768 686 842

£25,000 (M JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07846 016 228

£5,000 ONO (QASSER) TEL. 07967 350 957

£3,000 ONO (RIZWANA) TEL. 07779 300 128

£1,500 ONO (SAIKA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,200 ONO TEL. 07926 095 168

£OFFERS TEL. 07867 861 193

£9,500 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (B AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (DR HORN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN W) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,895 TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (IMRAN) TEL. 07759 097 070

£20,000 (M KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07969 914 041

£8,500 (O BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 QUICK SALE TEL. 07814 071 397

£15,000 (S AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 ONO TEL. 07886 606 431

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK N) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (DR IANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,950 ONO (HUSSAIN) TEL. 07956 214 163

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (L DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07751 427 106

£9,000 (O CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£3,500 ONO (SAIMA/SALMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (TAWHEED) TEL. 07842 955 147

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK O) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 T: 07740 784 983

£12,000 (DR HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£650 ONO (EVIL CAR) TEL. 07411 953 337

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£7,000 (J DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 ( L JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,900 ONO (MR D ALLY) TEL. 07774 246 877

£600 ONO TEL. 07836 221 302

£7,000 (O DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07779 675 730

£OFFERS TEL. 07983 104 538

£OFFERS TEL. 07863 289 625

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (ASHOK P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07740 784 983

£8,000 (DR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (E YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (L LUONG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£5,500 ONO TEL. 07766 645 325

£6,995 (O GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07868 572 069

£2,995 ONO TEL. 07729 288 346

£1,500 (TALLAT) TEL. 07867 886 786

£4,000 (AHMADS) TEL. 07846 269 808

£15,000 (ASHOK S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07720 376 861

£15,000 (E YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057


£7,500 (J SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (L SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOOK) TEL. 07985 455 057

SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07969 914 041

£15,000 (O JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,800 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,000 ONO (TALHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£25,000 (A JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK V) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 ONO TEL. 07879 230 103

£995 (DR. SHISHA / SHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£2,500 (F1 GUJR) TEL. 07867 886 786

£950 ONO TEL. 07968 642 402

£15,000 (J SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (L VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOBB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,000 (O KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07968 163 510

£7,000 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (T AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£12,500 (ASHOK X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (B CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 T: 07740 784 983

£2,999 ONO TEL. 07904 018 063

£12,000 (HAILEE X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (L YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (MR HOWE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£950 TEL. 07896 699 241

£7,500 (O MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (RAJHA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£2,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£1,500 (TAHYRS) TEL. 07867 886 786

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK Y) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (B DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£12,000 (HAILEY X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (J YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (L YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (MR LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (NAWED, NAWEED) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 ONO TEL. 07962 394 890

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£12,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,600 ONO TEL. 07557 387 547

£20,000 (A KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (ASHESH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 ONO TEL. 077970 914 137

£7,500 (D SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (H AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (J YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (NAHEED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (O SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (S DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£25,000 (ASHFAQ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£10,000 (D VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (H AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (O VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (R AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07706 216 060


AAL115 AAZ15


























B166 BOB B17SH U B19 ALY















































































MR10 JAT MR1100K MR110BB









£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30















NY55 HAA 00110YD OO11ARY






0 M11RZA 0S11SAN


































T1L1 786









£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

February 2014 - 1st Edition TA55TYE




£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£6,500 (V OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (W AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,700 TEL. 07786 087 155

£100,000 (TAHIR) TEL. 07403 302 725

£1,000 TEL. 07967 193 033

£4,500 (WANTED) TEL. 07516 111 755

£15,000 (X KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£850 ONO TEL. 07803 012 253

£2,500 (WAHEED K) TEL. 07973 199 979

£7,500 (X MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (V AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (X SHAKS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 (T JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£14,000 (T KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,400 (X YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (T MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (V SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (W DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (YOUNAS) TEL. 07834 016 393

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (V YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 (W GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO (SALMA) TEL. 07969 598 969

£7,500 (T SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (W KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07835 316 786

£10,000 (T VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,500 (W MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£30,000 TEL. 07525 817 453

£15,400 (T YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,500 (W OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (W SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (Y AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (T YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,400 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (YAYYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (U AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,000 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (YELL COM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (U DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,800 (WANTED) TEL. 01202 877 038

£3,500 (SINGHS) TEL. 07833 333 870

£7,000 (Y DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 747 776

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£1,500 TEL. 07767 778 798

£15,000 (Y KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (U YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL. 07854 435 656

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£2,000 (VOHRA) TEL. 07867 886 786

£15,000 (WAHEEM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£10,000 (Y VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057




















K7 PPA £3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

N002HAT £2,000 ONO (NUZHAT) TEL. 07813 011 702










X3 51NGS X 7BY X XAL 11X










no withheld numbers


L99HOR £10,000 TEL. 07850 706 930

YA55EEM £75,000 ONO TEL. 07887 837 553



£OFFERS TEL. 07522 173 297

£OFFERS TEL. 07522 173 297

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Nissan unveils revolutionary petrol engine The Nissan ZEOD RC will become the first entry at Le Mans to complete a lap of the Circuit de la Sarthe under nothing but electric power in June. A single lap of each stint (a fuel “stint” lasts approximately one hour) will be electric powered, then the new Nissan DIG-T R 1.5 litre threecylinder turbo engine will take over.

The incredibly small engine weighs only 40 kilograms (88 pounds) but produces an astonishing 400hp. The base engine is only 500mm tall x 400mm long x 200mm wide (19.68” x 15.74” x 7.78”).While the engine is technically too heavy to take as carry-on luggage on a plane – it would easily fit inside the luggage guides seen at major airports around the world.

Revving to 7,500rpm, the Nissan DIG-T R produces 380Nm of torque. At a ratio of 10 horsepower per kilogram the new engine actually has a better power-to-weight ratio than the new engines to be used in the FIA Formula 1 World Championship this year. “Our engine team has done a truly remarkable job with the internal combustion engine,” said Darren Cox, Nissan’s Global Motorsport Director. “We knew the electric component of the Nissan ZEOD RC was certainly going

to turn heads at Le Mans but our combined zero emission on-demand electric/petrol power plant is quite a stunning piece of engineering. “Nissan will become the first major manufacturer to use a three-cylinder engine in major international motorsport. We’re aiming to maintain our position as industry leaders in focussing on downsizing. Lessons learned from the development of the engine will be seen in Nissan road cars of the future.”











A fantastic 1992 Honda NSX, owned by legendary three times Formula One World Champion Ayrton Senna, is set to go under the hammer at Silverstone Auctions’ Race Retro & Classic Car Sale on the 22nd and 23rd February. The car was originally purchased by Antonio Carlos de Almeida Braga, close personal friend, manager and mentor of Senna, for the driver to use when he visited his home in Portugal. Following Senna’s tragic death at Imola in 1994, the car remained in the garage at Braga’s home where it was not allowed to be touched or driven by anyone. After two years it was eventually sold to a buyer who kept it only a short time before being purchased by the current owner seventeen years ago. Nick Whale, managing director, Silverstone Auctions, said: “Very rarely does a car with such pedigree and provenance come to market, especially with such a powerful and personal link to arguably the greatest F1 driver of all time, and as such, we’re incredibly excited to offer it for auction.” The car, offered with an estimate of between £75,000 to £85,000, is presented in black with a black leather interior, manual gearbox and has covered just 31,800 miles. When choosing the car Braga made sure it was set to the same specification that Senna chose for his own NSX and is regarded as the ultimate combination for the car. This year sees the 20th anniversary of the death of the racing icon and the car could prove a great investment for buyers

Ayrton Senna supercar sprints to auction

with heightened interest in the much admired model as the 25th anniversary of its introduction approaches next year. Senna was personally involved in the development of the NSX due to Honda supplying engines to the McLaren F1 team, a partnership which is set to resume again for the 2015 season.

Nick added: “We’re extremely pleased to be able to offer another item so closely linked to Aryton Senna. Over the past few years we’ve been privileged to offer race suits, helmets and signed photographs amongst other pieces connected to him as well as other F1 drivers such as Fangio and James Hunt.”




February 2014 - 1st Edition





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February 2014 - 1st Edition



WINNERS: BARA have not only been successful in helping to promote Rugby to wider communities but also as a competitive side, pictured here after clinching the Steeden Cup

REPRESENTATIVE: Founder of BARA, Ikram Butt, pictured here representing England against Wales, is the first and only British Asian to play for England at either code of rugby

By Ashley Grint

Celebratin g 10 years of BAR A

new and exciting projects that we have been invited to be involved in, both in the UK and abroad. “Rugby has always been a sport for The British Asian Rugby Association everybody, yet there are communities (BARA) has been breaking down and cultural groups that are underbarriers for a decade now and to represented. “We want to break down whatever celebrate the important milestone, a barriers, real, or perceived that are special tour of India is set to be held later getting in the way. Our campaign is this year. going to reach out across the social and Leading a cross-section of Lords and cultural spectrum across the board, and MPs, the squad is set to embark on an BARA is a statement of intent.” August tour, nine years on from their last Throughout their ten years of trip to the South Asian country. existence, BARA has made considerable A number of other celebratory events progress on and off the field, with will also be held throughout the year, particular focus on engaging underincluding a match with the Spanish represented demographics in rugby, such Rugby League national side in Valencia, as the South Asian community. as well as BARA Tag Time tournaments Although rugby governing bodies, for young people across the country in professional and amateur clubs & local the summer. authorities have been striving to attain 2014 will be capped off with a multi-cultural diversity within the game, celebratory dinner in recognition of the they have had limited success in tapping ten years hard work, and for BARA into the untapped potential within the founder, and former England South Asian and wider communities. international, Ikram Butt, it will be one BARA was created to attempt to redress of the biggest years to date for the the balance, working alongside rugby governing body. bodies and other relevant organisations. Speaking to the Asian Express, he As an inclusive organisation the body said: “It’s quite an exciting year for has acted as positive role models, BARA, not just in terms of our 10 years breaking down cultural and religious anniversary but because we have some barriers, as well as promoting community

British Asian Rugby Association set for big year in 2014

integration, personal development, political arena, to recognise the potential integration issues. educational attainment, health and well- links between the Asian and wider “We remain convinced that we can being and encouraging participation in communities, sport and the integration use the game as a beacon for other sport sport and physical activity especially in agenda. bodies to follow and a key factor in rugby. “We are firm believers that sport has BARA’s development has been the However, for Ikram Butt, despite the power to be a major factor in effective working relations formed with acknowledging the ‘considerable strides’ developing harmonious communities, a plethora of agencies.” forwards, there is still more work to do and discussions are underway with He added: “The work of an to ensure the wider community really get Members of Parliament to look at organisation such as BARA is still as involved with his sport. He explained:“There is still significant establishing a task force group much needed today as it was 10 years addressing sport as a vehicle for tackling ago.” work required if we, as a sport, are to become fully inclusive and a p e r s o n a l disappointment of ours, remains the • BARA travel to Pakistan & India, coach in lack of the • Launched in 2004 in partnership with the emergence of home Rugby Football League, Rugby Football Union schools, colleges & universities grown Asian & Sport England players, operating in • BARA triumphant in their first appearance in the higher echelons • BARA organise a BARA Tag Time event. Over Steeden Cup tournament defeating the British of the Rugby 200 children & young people take part Police in the final Football League and Rugby Football • BARA recognised by Parliament during Prime • BARA organises two rugby events in support of Union. Ministers Question Time, as a ‘model of good the Pakistan Recovery Fund and raise over “We also need to be more pro-active practice’ and a ‘vehicle for positive change’ £30,000 in getting key • BARA’s charitable support applauded by HRH decision makers, • BARA tour India and win the All India & South within both the Asian Championships Prince of Wales sporting and

Highlights from BARA’s first 10 years



Manners’ Corner


February 2014 - 1st Edition



Here is my list of fights the British public want to see. With so many boxing world titles and organisations, squabbling managers and promoters, the fights I am suggesting could happen, but I doubt they will this year. We will be lucky if some of the listed come off yet I remain quietly optimistic. NATIONALLY Carl Froch (Nottingham) v George Groves 2 (Hammersmith) Scott Quigg (Bury) v Carl Frampton (Belfast) Amir Khan (Bolton) v Kell Brook (Sheffield) Tyson Fury (Wilmslow) v Derek Chisora (Finchley) Martin Murray (St Helens) v Andy Lee (Limerick) Chris Eubank Jnr (Brighton) v Billy Joe Saunders (Hatfield) Nathan Cleverly (Cefn Fforest) v Tony Bellew 2 (Liverpool)

Superstar Floyd Mayweather Jnr chants to boxing fans worldwide

‘YOU DECIDE!’ The Englishman is just one of the big names expected to move during the Kevin Pietersen may auction this week with have felt rejected when fellow, former and he was all but cast out current internationals, by England selectors Ian Bell, Ravi Bopara, yet the big hitting Jade Dernbach, Craig batsman is likely to be Kieswetter, Luke feeling better this week Wright, Dimitri after a huge transfer in Mascarenhas, Rikki the Indian Premier Clarke and Simon League (IPL) auction. Jones expected to go KP will represent the under the hammer in Delhi Daredevils in the Bangalore. 2014 campaign after India's Yuvraj Singh being bought for was bought for the £880,000, despite being expected to fetch more highest sum, moving to the Royal Challenger at the official auction. With the season set Bangalore for £1.37m. Australia's Mitchell to begin in March, Pietersen will join up Johnson moved for with his team for the £640,000 to Kings XI full campaign as he no Punjab at Wednesday’s longer has international auction whilst fellow David commitments, which Australian, had initially seen the Warner was snapped up Delhi side release him by Sunrisers at the end of last Hyderabad by £540,000. season. Both players provided Writing on his big problems for the official Twitter account English national team following the draft, in the Winter tour down Pietersen wrote: “So under, with Mitchell happy to be back with Johnson regularly the Delhi family! tearing apart the Three Lovely start to the day.” Adding in a tweet Lions batting order. Elsewhere, other big directly to the Delhi Daredevils: “So good to names which moved on be back guys…see you Wednesday were South Africa's Jacques Kallis, soon!” Pietersen has a who was signed for credible record in the £540,000 by Kolkata IPL format having Knight Riders; and Virender played 21 matches in India's total, registering 634 Sehwag, who moved for runs at an average of £310,000 to Kings XI 42.26. Punjab.

By Ashley Grint

INTERNATIONALLY Floyd Mayweather (USA) v Manny Pacquiao (Philippines) Andre Ward (USA) v Gennady Golovkin (Kazakhstan) Floyd Mayweather (USA) v Timothy Bradley (USA) Wladimir Klitschko (Ukraine) v Anybody (in the heavy weight division who can fight back) Adonis Stevenson (Canada) v Sergey ‘KO’ King Kovalev (Russia) Guillermo Rigondeaux (Cuba) v Anybody (who is good enough in the superbantam weight division)

Saul Alvarez (Mexico) v Miguel Cott (Puerto Rico)

Pietersen becomes a Daredevil England’s ‘outcast’ signed up in IPL auction

February 2014 - 1st Edition

GOT A SPORTS STORY PROFESSIONAL OR AMATEUR? contact our sports Mayweather has always been known for his flamboyant stunts and his crazy rich living lifestyle being the world’s richest sportsman and now he has taken to the social media networks to get a feel of what the fans really want. With a perfect record of 45 victories and no defeats, alongside the fact that no one has even come close to beating him, everybody is expecting him to fight the best opposition possible. In all honesty, the fight the fans really crave is a fight with the Filipino punching sensation, Manny ‘Pac Man’ Pacquiao. The only problem is that this super-fight may never happen due to the politics of boxing and also a number of specific factors. Firstly, the Filipino’s promoter, Bob Arum, and their desired 50/50 split of the multi-million dollar fight purse, which would be the highest grossing purse of all time for a prize fight, is one factor which is likely to put off the unbeaten American. That, alongside the Olympic style drug testing ,which would be carried out over the period before the fight, including random and mandatory blood testing after previous allegations of doping issues. Mayweather Jnr’s negotiators, the money team, want full control of the super fight so it is not surprising that both teams are nowhere close to meeting in the middle. This super-fight may just pass us all by, I live in hope. Coming back to Khan Vs Maidana, Floyd Mayweather Jnr wrote on his Twitter account: ‘I am going to let all the fans vote’. ‘Tell me who I should fight next? Khan or Maidana?’

‘I am going to let all the fans vote’. ‘Tell me who I should fight next? Khan or Maidana?’ Everybody thought the Bolton boxer was in pole position and the fight was 100 per cent on, as he had already signed in December for this fight. But due to a massive outcry from the fans, many thinking Khan was the most undeserving opponent to fight Mayweather, as opposed to Maidana, who was recently crowned WBA champ, beating top golden boy prospect Adrian ‘The Problem’ Broner, the question of who should face Mayweather arose once again. Maidana, in fact, battered the loud and foul mouthed Broner braggart over 12 furious rounds. Meanwhile, Amir Khan struggled with

the limited Mexican, Julio Diaz, who, on paper, was judged an easy opponent. Khan got knocked down in the process but got up to win on points over 12 dubious rounds. So I can really relate to the fan’s displeasure and point of view. But Amir Khan always brings his trademark excitement to the table and I want to see it. So get Tweeting and vote, because I have. And yes I have voted for Amir ‘King’ Khan because a fight between him and Floyd Mayweather Jnr serves the British interest best.

competing in the Sochi, Russia. IOC spokesman, Mark Adams, explained what the decision meant for the athletes.”The decision means Indian athletes can compete for their national Olympic committee. They can walk behind their national flag at the closing ceremony,” he said. “The Indian flag will be raised in the [Sochi Winter Games] village, at a time to be announced.”


SPEED KING: Can exciting Khan’s speed give Mayweather problems?

PUNCH POWER: Maidana’s ferocious punching power dispatched superstar Adrian Broner now he’s hungry for Mayweather showdown

They’re back! The Indian flag will fly once more in the Olympic Games after the country’s governing body was reinstated last weekend. In 2012, the Indian Olympic Association (IOA) was suspended by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) after it was deemed that the voting procedure had been tainted with officials appointed to the association who had previous corruption charges. However, following a fresh ‘fair’ vote in the weekend, the IOC has immediately reinstated the country to the Games. The new IOA board is led by world squash chief, and Indian national, N Ramachandran, which meets international requirements that no person convicted or facing corruption allegations can be included. Previously, the board’s president had been Abhay Singh Chautala, who was handed the position after running unopposed in December 2012. Mr Chautala had been sentenced to 11 months in jail the previous year for corruption charges before he was released on bail. Former secretary-general, Lalit Bhanot, was also linked to similar charges. The lift on the ban is the first of its kind to happen during an Olympic Games, with three Indian athletes currently


IOC member Randhir Singh also welcomed the decision and said it was ‘great news for Indian sport’. “"It's time everyone understands that the Olympic charter is supreme. It is important that sport is run well and tainted officials are kept out in a country of 1.2 billion in which 40% is youth,” he told the Associated Press news agency.

INDIA: The Indian Olympic team was able to compete under their country’s flag in London 2012, and can now do the same in Sochi in the ongoing Winter Games

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Express National




Superstar Floyd Mayweather Jnr chants to boxing fans worldwide


By Rick Manners

Pound-for-pound, the greatest boxer of our modern day era, USA’s Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather Jnr surprised everybody by announcing he would fight either the ‘Argentinian Puncher’ Marcos Maidana or Britain’s Amir ‘King’ Khan in a fight which is expected to be in Las Vegas in May.

Continued on Page 55


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DECISIONS: Floyd Mayweather Jnr wants to hear your opinion on who he should face next

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