Asian Express National - August Edition 2013

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Express Gurinder Chadha backs Leicester’s City of Culture bid


Hindus not Gaga over new video National


dinner lady row See page 33

See page 31

SACKED: Dinner lady of 11-years Alison Waldock




senildahotm ,-raeynvsihtokpdew ,ydalrenifogkcshtpm raniogevsm C tnialporP eksm uM SCHOOL: Four of the Darrs children attend the Queen Edith Primary


Malala calls for access to education Courageous teenager



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turns 16 and continues fight for young people’s rights

By Ashley Grint

The story of Malala Yousafzai is an inspirational one which has captured the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world. After her hometown was taken over by Taliban forces, the teenager began writing for BBC Urdu about life under their rule. Using the pen name Gul Makai, she often spoke about her family's fight for girls' education in her community. In October 2012, she was targeted by the Taliban and shot in the head as she returned from school on the school bus. Amazingly, she made a remarkable recovery to become one of the most prominent campaigners in the world today, being featured on the front of Times magazine and speaking on behalf of young women everywhere. Today, Malala has gone from a remote valley in Northern Pakistan to the halls of the United Nations in New York. At just 16-years-old, she has become a global symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest ever nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. Last month, as she celebrated her 16th birthday, Malala spoke as the Pakistani advocate for girl’s education at the United Nations Youth Assembly.

The speech touched upon her personal experiences and the importance of restraining violence at a time when wars are a prominent aspect in many societies and countries. Addressing her peers and fellow international representatives, she said: “Even if there was a gun in my hand and he (Talib) was standing in front of me, I would not shoot him. This is the compassion I have learned from Mohammed, the prophet of mercy, Jesus Christ and Lord

Buddha. This is the legacy of change I have inherited from Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela and Mohammed Ali Jinnah. This is the philosophy of non-violence that I have learned from Gandhi, Bacha Khan and Mother Teresa. And this is the forgiveness that I have learned from my father and from my mother. This is what my soul is telling me: be peaceful and love everyone.” Malala continued by explaining the power of peaceful campaigns and how important the right to education is for all children, worldwide. She added: “We realise the importance of our voice when we are silenced. In the same way, when we were in Swat, the north of Pakistan, we realized the importance of pens and books when we saw the guns. “The wise saying: 'The pen is mightier than the sword' — it is true. The extremists are afraid of books and pens. The power of education frightens them. They are afraid of women. The power of the voice of women frightens them. They think that God is a tiny, little conservative being who would point guns at people's heads just for going to school. “These terrorists are misusing the name of Islam for their own personal benefit. Pashtuns want education for their daughters and sons. Peace is a necessity for education (and prosperity). In many parts of the world, especially Pakistan and Afghanistan, terrorism, war and conflicts stop children from going to schools. We are really tired of these wars.”


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After giving a dose of their infectious on screen chemistry in Vishal Bhardwaj’s Kaminey, two ex-lovers will reunite once more for Ekta Kapoor’s upcoming production. Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor, who had set the screens on fire with their love making scenes in Kaminey, will come together again. The two have been linked repeatedly after PeeCee was spotted at Sasha’s house time and again. The two decided part their ways amicably right after PeeCee started developing a special bond with the mighty Khan of Bollywood. But now will the old

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flames be ignited again? According to some reports when Imran Khan turned down the offer to work with Tigmanshu Dhulia under Ekta Kapoor’s banner that has Priyanka Chopra in it, Shahid Kapoor was roped in to replace the Khan lad. Interestingly, Imran was keener to work in the Lootera director’s next untitled project rather than working with Ekta. Apparently, Imran has cited the mandatory ‘oh-my-dates-areclashing’ excuse, but the truth seems to be that he is keen to play a Gujarati character in Motwane’s movie.



“Put a spoon in your knickers”


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Crack down on rogue traders

Victims bullied or misled into buying goods and services are set to be given new rights to protect them against rogue traders whose unfair practices collectively cost consumers billions of pounds. Draft legislation outlined by Consumer Minister Jo Swinson indicates how consumers will also have access to clearer information about any additional costs and more generous time limits for returning goods bought online. The new proposals amending the Consumer Protection Regulations from Unfair Trading Regulations will also give consumers 90 days to cancel a contract and be entitled to a full refund if they were unethically sold it and new rights to recover trader payments when they have been bullied into paying money. Consumers will also have a right to claim compensation if they have fallen victim to any of these practices. Swinson also announced details of how the Consumer Rights Directive will be implemented, including measures which will increase the time limit for returning goods bought online and outline key information which consumers must be given before agreeing to purchase. In a 2009 report Consumer Focus calculated that the total detriment suffered by consumers as a result of misleading and aggressive practices was around £3.3 billion a year. Research found that over 60 per cent of the population had been the target of an unfair commercial practice.

UK employment soars and hits a record high

The number of people in employment has reached a record high of 29.78 million, with a rise of 300,000 over the last year, according to figures released today. More than two thirds of the rise has been amongst UK nationals. According to the Office for National Statistics, the growth in employment has been fuelled by a rise in permanent jobs: up 110,000 over the last three months. The growth is accompanied by a drop of 4,000 in the number of people classed as unemployed over the last three months. The level is now 49,000 lower than this time last year. Today’s independent figures also show that the number of people claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance has fallen for the ninth month in a row - and is now at its lowest level since February 2009. The number of people signing on fell in every region and nation of the UK for the third month in a row.

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By Sally Thurrell

Women and girls at risk of forced marriage have been advised by a charity to put a metal spoon in their underwear to set off airport metal detectors. Karma Nirvana, a charity that supports victims of forced marriage, has said this tactic has helped women buy time so that can explain their situation when they are searched. They claim it has helped people in the past to avoid being taken overseas. Last week, UK government ministers warned that young people were at highest risk of being taken abroad and forced to marry during the school Summer holidays. Their forced marriage unit received report of 400 cases between June and August last year, out of a yearly total of 1,500. Estimated figures of Britons forced into marriage each year lie between 1,500 and 5,000, with a third under the age of 16. Speaking to AFP, Natasha Rattu, Karma Nirvana's operations manager said they regularly advise helpline callers to protect themselves with this new trick. She said: "if they don't know exactly when it may happen or if it's going to happen, we advise them to put a spoon in their underwear. "When they go through security, it will highlight this object in a private area and, if 16 or over, they will be taken to a safe space where they have that one last opportunity to disclose they're being forced to marry." Aneeta Prem is founder and president of Freedom Charity, an organisation that deals with the prevention of forced marriage through education and training. She also believes that the summer is a crucial time for young people. "Children go out of people's consciousness over summer because they are away for such a long time," she told the Guardian. "The victim may think they are going away to a family wedding, not knowing it is actually their wedding. And when they go they are often gone for a long time and don't come back until they are pregnant." "Nobody knows what the true figure is because so many young victims are terrified of coming forward. But it is definitely much, much higher than what is reported." Justice Minister Damian Green, said: "To protect men and women from being forced in to marriage we are making it a criminal offence to breach a Forced Marriage Protection Order (FMPO) punishable by up to five years in prison." Jasvinder Sanghera CBE, activist and advocate for women’s right and founder of the charity Karma Nirvana, has campaigned for 15 years to make forced marriage a criminal act after she was forced in to a marriage. Her sister was also forced in to a violent marriage and killed herself. She said: "Forced marriages rob you of a childhood - our victims have the most horrific of crimes committed against them here in Britain. As cases increase so must awareness, legal remedies and a strong message to perpetrators. "Strengthening Forced Marriage Protection Orders reinforces the serious approach we are taking to tackle these abuses. All these measures remind victims that forced marriages are a crime not part of culture, tradition and that they will be believed and supported if they report."

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rtd a e h m ilsu M -n k c to w vse liP Eric Pickles has outlined new Government plans to tackle Muslim discrimination in the UK The Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, Eric Pickles, has written to the Muslim Council of Britain addressing concerns raised about the Government's response to the growing number of Islamophobic attacks in the UK since the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in May. The MCB criticised the official response to the bomb attacks in the West Midlands and called for a “coordinated national effort” to tackle the significant increase in anti-Muslim incidents. Farooq Murad is Secretary General of the MCB, he said: “The community has patiently borne the brunt of these attacks despite condemning, in the strongest possible terms, the tragic murder of Drummer Lee Rigby. Despite this spike in incidents, there has yet to be a coordinated national effort to ensure that these sorts of attacks never happen again. “It cannot be right that a minority community is allowed to be targeted in this manner.” Aamer Anwar, a Scottish Sun columnist also noted the absence of statements of solidarity at the time of the fallout and criticised political leaders at their failure to speak out against recent acts of terror, such as the detonation

of a bomb near Kanz ul Iman mosque in Tipton during prayer time. Despite previous cynicism Pickles has written a reply confirming and outlining the Government’s stance on antiMuslin hatred and outlines current and future plans in place to deal with the issues raised. Pickles’ reply argues that immediate statements were made by Government officials following the Tipton bombing, including one from James Brokenshire, Minister for Security at the Home Office and also made one himself “praising the calm a measured response of West Midlands people” after the discovery of a device in Wolverhampton. He also states that specialist advisers gave dedicated security advice to mosques, Islamic schools and community centres in the West Midlands area, visiting all 216 mosques and Muslim centres and adds that extra police patrols were put in place where necessary. Pickles wrote: “A large part of our work in the Department for Communities and Local Government is centred on tackling anti-Muslim hatred and countering the narrative that being British and Muslim is not compatible. “With the centenary of the First World War approaching,

we are looking at ways that the role Commonwealth soldiers, including the many thousands of Muslims who fought for Britain, can be highlighted and commemorated. He adds: “I hope this reassures you of our commitment to preventing and addressing hatred and extremism and hope you will communicate these assurances to your affiliates.” Justin Welby, the Archbishop of Canterbury, has also recently spoken out against anti-Muslin attacks committed in the fall-out following the murder of Drummer Lee Rigby in Woolwich in May. Talking to Featherstone High School in west London last week, the Archbishop labelled the attacks as “unacceptable” and “inexcusable” and said: “The attacks on minority ethnic groups across the country that there have been over the last few weeks are inexcusable, unacceptable and a scandal to a tradition of hospitality in this country of which we should be deeply proud and which has contributed far more to us than it has taken from us.” “I want, as I have already done, to acknowledge the pressure that our Muslim friends and colleagues have faced over the last few weeks. There have been terrible attacks, I know that the vast majority of those in this country and especially people of faith would join me in condemning utterly any act of violence against anyone because of their faith. “We want you to know that we stand with you, we will do so privately and publicly. We will do so persistently and, I pray in the grace of God, persuasively.”





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Islamic school are the fastest growing school sector in Australia, with some expanding so quickly that applications are extremely limited, and some only allowing siblings of existing pupils places. The number of Muslim schools in the Australian state New South Wales has tripled over the past 15 years. While the number of pupils in state school has dropped slightly in the past decade, the number of pupils in Islamic school has rocketed to around 10,000. Al-Faisal College at Auburn has nearly doubled in size over the past five years to 1,600 pupils. It recently bought a four-hectare property at Australia near Sydney

Row over


MUSLIM SCHOOLS: Islamic schools are the fastest growing school sector in Australia

dinner lady By Anush Ansari

The parents of a Muslim child at the centre of a row about a dinner lady who was sacked for serving pork to their seven-year-old, have filed a complaint to the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) on unfair reporting by the ‘Sun’. Zahid and Rumana Darr claim the reporter who 'broke' the story misrepresented their remarks to him. They say that they never gave the name of their child and that the article seems to suggest that the dinner lady was sacked on the basis of just this one incident. Dinner lady of 11-years, Alison Waldock, has maintained that said she “accidentally” gave Khadija Darr gammon at lunchtime at Queen Edith Primary School in Godwin Way after the youngster pointed to the dish on the lunch menu. A nearby teacher spotted the mistake and quickly swept the plate away from the child. The Darrs say they never made a specific complaint about the dinner lady, nor did they ask for Waldock to be sacked. They just wanted to make sure it didn’t happen again. In fact it was the headteacher who had invited a number of other parents including

SACKED: Dinner lady of 11-years Alison Waldock had a string of complaints against her from concerned Muslim and vegetarian parents

the Darrs via email for a meeting about their halal/vegetarian meal concerns. Now it has been revealed that there had been repeated accusations against the dinner lady, both by Muslim and vegetarian parents. The Darrs want it clarified that neither they nor their daughter should be blamed for the subsequent sacking.

“But there was a full and transparent procedure that Alison went through - as well as an appeals procedure which she lost.” Now the Darrs, who have four children at Queen Edith Primary want the Press Complaints Commission (PCC) to investigate the Sun's coverage of the story and their daughter.

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The school’s headteacher Caroline Peet confirmed the incident was “not a one-off” and that Waldock’s actions had been treated seriously by employer Lunchtime UK, due to the significant number of children involved in the complaints process. Lunchtime UK operations director Peter McAleese has said to press: “Anyone losing their job is regretful.

SCHOOL: Four of the Darrs children attend the Queen Edith Primary

In the meanwhile, UKIP leader Nigel Farage, who has rallied valuable political support by vocalising the concerns of many voters about immigration and multiculturalism, has said that the sacking of the dinner lady was “outrageous’. Speaking on ITV’s Daybreak he said: “We've all made mistakes in our lives and in our jobs. “The reason that Alison's been sacked is that we're so terrified in this country of causing offence to anybody, particularly the Muslim religion. “Farage replied: “I think actually what's been happening with this whole ‘politically correct agenda’ is lots of decent ordinary people are losing their jobs and paying the price for us being terrified of causing offence. “There was nothing malicious or deliberate in this, and this isn't just Alison, this is happening to scores of people every month up and down the country, she's just got the courage to come and talk about it.”

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Demand is so high that applications are being limited

where it plans to build a huge campus for a further 600 students. It may soon be the biggest independent school in the state. Deputy principal Peter Rompies said the school has ”huge waiting lists” of between 200 and 300 students and will most likely have to reject at least half of next year’s kindergarten applications. The state’s largest Islamic school is Malek Fahd Islamic School, which has almost 2500 students across three campuses and has stopped adding names to

its waiting list. Peter Jones has spent seven years researching Australia’s Islamic schools for his PhD, and said only 15 to 20 per cent of Muslim students attended Islamic schools. He said: “The demand is there, they just don’t have the room”. The executive director of the Association of Independent Schools of NSW, Geoff Newcombe, said there was no doubt the schools would continue to grow.

D e a th o lrisn E g yp t

25 police killed in fatal ambush A devastating attack by Islamic militants left 25 police officers dead after the two mini-buses they were travelling in were seized last week. The daylight attack came just one day after 36 detainees were killed as they were transported to a prison outside Cairo, and is believed to be carried out by militants from the Sinai Peninsula. The attack on the police convoy, close to the town of Rafah on the Gaza border, was one of the deadliest on security forces in several years. Interim President Adly Mansour immediately declared three days of national mourning for the attacks, whilst a state of emergency is underway following a recent rise in killings across the country. More than 830 people, including 102 police officers and soldiers, are reported to have been killed since Wednesday 14th August, when the army cleared protest camps set up by Morsi supporters, many of whom were members of the ousted President’s party, the Muslim Brotherhood movement. In Monday's latest attack, the militants forced the two vehicles to stop, ordered the onboard policemen out before shooting them as they lay on the ground. The policemen were in civilian clothes, officials said,

speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorised to talk to the media. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack, which also left two other policemen wounded. General Abdel Fatah al-Sisi, the country's military chief and interim President, said on Sunday that the crackdown, followed by a state of emergency and a night-time curfew imposed in Cairo and several other flashpoint provinces, is needed to protect the country from civil war. He has vowed that the military will stand firm in the face of rising violence, but also called for the inclusion of Islamists in the post-Morsi political process. Sinai, a strategic region bordering the Gaza Strip and Israel, has witnessed almost daily attacks since Morsi’s ousting, leading many to link the militants there to the Muslim Brotherhood, the Islamist group from which Morsi hails. Meanwhile, Egyptian prosecutors have ordered the ousted President Mohammed Morsi be detained for a further 15 days while they investigate fresh allegations against him. Spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, General Guide Mohammed Badie, has also been arrested in Cairo by Egyptian officials after being detained last week.



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Oxfam set to showcase at London’s Mela Fashion Show Oxfam will showcase a women's fashion show by entrepreneur and designer Neishaa Gharat at the London Mela to show the benefits of donating and buying clothes from Oxfam and how this helps fight poverty. The mela will take place on September 1st 2013 at Gunnersbury Park, London and Oxfam will be raising awareness of its work in South Asia. Oxfam is the official charity sponsor for the London Mela which celebrates the culture and creativity of South Asia and last year attracted 82,000 people. Gharat said: “I love shopping at Oxfam because it is shopping for a good cause. Shopping at Oxfam is not about following trends, it gives you an opportunity to create your own unique style. New picks that fit within your existing wardrobe to bring a unique twist to that day or evening look. “I have hand-picked some fantastic finds from Oxfam donations to create the ensemble called the 'Neishaa Gharat for Oxfam Collection'. We have also reconstructed key pieces with hand-made appliqué work. For example we have designed a butterfly garden on a Karen Millen dress. We are designing a scarf dress with beautiful Oxfam-donated silk scarves.”

MELA: A Bollywood flash mob at last year’s Mela Fashion Show in London

Oxfam will show case 30 pieces for the catwalk. All ensembles will be restyled and recreated from donated Oxfam clothes and accessories. Aashni, Contemporary Indian High Fashion House, London, has donated three designer outfits to the collection. This is the second year of Oxfam's involvement with the Mela and last year saw the marking of 60 years of the organisation's work in India. Oxfam's Trading Director, Andrew Horton said: “Oxfam is very proud to be taking part in the Mela again this year. We look forward to highlighting the work that Oxfam has carried out in South Asia for more than 60 years, especially our work with women. “This year marks our 40th year of working in Pakistan and we will highlight some of the work which has helped pull millions out of poverty. What is really unique about this year’s event is a fashion show by Neishaa Gharat which will help create an experience that brings the audience closer to the ethos of re-use, recycling and recreating. It also identifies with Oxfam's organisational values, culture and work in south Asia. Pieces from the fashion show will be available to buy in the Oxfam online shop straight after the show. Be quick or you will miss out.”

Home Office vans sp CONTROVERSIAL: Counter-campaign mocks the original Home Office campaign vans

By Sally Thurrell

A Home Office campaign which saw advertising vans driving around London calling on illegal immigrants to “go home or face arrest” has been faced with severe backlash. The scheme has stirred up controversy and is now being investigated by the ASA (Advertising Standards Agency) following 60 complaints. A spokesperson for ASA said that members of the public had come forward to express their concerns, particularly over the wording of the advert. Campaign group Liberty have launched a counter-message mocking the Government adverts, with the message “Stirring up tension and division in the UK illegally? Home Office, think again.” displayed on a van which followed the routes of the original campaign vans. The Home Office advert was showcased around parts of London including Barnet, Hounslow, Barking and Dagenham. A spokesperson has said the pilot scheme has been successful, but hasn’t disclosed statistics on how many people have left the country. Critics of the campaign have said that it is designed to raise tensions in communities and that the wording “Go home” is reminiscent of racists slogans from the 1970s. Business secretary Vince Cable, a Liberal Democrat, has labelled the scheme as “stupid and offensive” and Brent Council leader Muhammed Butt has spoken out to say the project was “an act of desperation”. Rachel Robinson is a Liberty policy officer, she said they had started their tour in Westminster. “We were outside the Home Office for a little while, and had some quizzical looks from officials. But it certainly seems to be having an impact.” “We thought this was an excellent way to get the counter message out there. We want to offer an alternative message, which isn't about division and stirring up tension. That's what we're really trying to achieve.”



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The city has seen a huge increase in the number of Indian and Pakistani settlers

Over 77,000 foreigners have most common foreign language is settled in Birmingham over the Punjabi. past decade, marking the biggest Senior researcher Dr Carlos increase outside of London. Vargas-Silva led the census project, The number of residents in the city and pointed out, despite who were not born in Britain has nearly reached 240,000, according to a new in-depth survey of the migrant population in the West Midlands area. There has also been a 60 per cent increase in the number of foreign visitors who have gone on to make the city their home since 2001, a report by Oxford University migration observatory shows. Last year BIRMINGHAM: The number of migrants in the 11 per cent of the West Midlands city has risen by 55 per cent West Midland’s population were born abroad. The study also reveals the largest Birmingham’s statistics, the West portion of our migrant population is Midlands has dropped in the table of from India – 99,717 people, followed regions with the highest foreign by Pakistan, Poland, Ireland and populations. Jamaica. He said: “Overall, the West Only five per cent of foreign Midlands’ foreign-born population is residents speak no English, while the now the fourth largest of England and

Wales’ 10 regions after London, the South East and the East. In 2001, it occupied third place in this ranking. However, it still has the third largest proportion of non-UK born residents within the population.” “There is enormous variation around the West Midlands region – many districts, such as Staffordshire Moorlands, have a fewer than one resident in 20 who was born abroad.” A spokesman for Birmingham equality group BRAP has argued that the city has always been a cultural melting pot, and said there is “great unity” across the city. “Yes, there are community tensions, it would be disingenuous to say otherwise. But those tensions are not about a clash of cultures, they’re about deprivation and poverty. If we are not careful, those young people will become disaffected and angry.”



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Skin cancer wonder drug trialled at Salford Royal Hospital

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40 patients participated in the trial and the drug will now be launched in the UK A new ‘wonder drug’ pill has been launched after a successful trial at Salford Royal Hospital. The groundbreaking pill Erivedge, medical name vismodegib, treats advanced stages of the common form of skin cancer, a condition only previously treatable using radiotherapy or surgery. Doctors who completed the testing in Salford said the drug cures tumours in ten per cent of cases and shrinks 47 per cent of legions. The drug was developed in America but has now been approved by UK regulators. Around 40 patients with advanced basal cell carcinoma participated in the trials at Salford Royal, each taking a daily tablet for nine months. Dr John Lear, consultant dermatologist at Salford and Central Manchester NHS trusts, was the lead investigator for the trials. He said: “This could transform the lives and in some cases save the lives of cancer patients. “On the trial we’ve had patients who have had ulcerated areas covering half their face and within three weeks they have healed completely. "These are dramatic results. This is particularly crucial for patients where tumours are on their faces. It could save them from losing eyes, ears, their nose.” Basal cell carcinoma is the most common form of cancer in the world, with over 150,000 sufferers in the UK. The pill blocks pathways which cause tumours. The science behind the wonder drug was discovered by Britons working with Cancer Research UK.

£ ,8 0 A Stockport man who committed an £800,000 VAT repayment fraud by submitting over 350 false invoices linked to fictitious exports to Pakistan was sentenced in absence today to three and half years jail at Manchester Crown Court. Mohammad Tanwir Khan, 58, who featured on the HM Revenue and Customs ‘Most Wanted’ list two weeks ago, went on the run in May this year following his conviction for VAT fraud. A bench warrant for his arrest was issued in June 2013. Khan of Bluestone Drive, Heaton Moor, had his business records scrutinised by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) investigators after anomalies with invoices for his import / export

company were discovered during a VAT inspection in 2010. Sandra Smith, Assistant Director of Criminal Investigation, HMRC, said: “HMRC officers identified suspicious trading by Khan’s company, Spearpoint Limited, when his paperwork did not match the true level of exports. “During interviews he couldn’t justify or prove his business claims. He had been living off stolen VAT repayments for a number of years, using faked paperwork to fraudulently reclaim on average over £100,000 per year. “Tax fraud and attempts to launder the proceeds of crime are treated extremely seriously by HMRC, and we will relentlessly pursue any individuals or crime gangs believed to be involved.”

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Khan was charged with VAT fraud of over £817,000. In Manchester Crown Court seven years of fake invoicing was provided as evidence – including 389 false invoices submitted to HMRC between 2006 and 2011. HMRC investigators discovered over 1,700 suspect documents on Khan’s computer, plus hundreds of blank invoices in his home office and garage in readiness for further fraud attempts. Khan was the sole director of Spearpoint Limited, which claimed to regularly supply mechanical parts to clients, including the Pakistan Navy. He sourced equipment from the UK and Europe and then exported them to clients in Pakistan. To justify the VAT repayments he falsified


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Kandahar province representative Fariba Ahmadi Kakar has been abducted by insurgents

Farinba Ahmandi Kakar has been kidnapped by insurgents in a restive province south of Kabul, she is the first lawmaker to be abducted since the Taliban’s fall from power. Kakar represents the Kandahar province in parliament, and is the latest prominent female to be targeted. Officials claim she was said to have been celebrating Eid when she was forced from her car. Kidnapping is a growing issue in Afghanistan, and wealthy or prominent people, or their relatives,

are taken and huge ransoms are demanded. Sometimes they are sold on to insurgents, by the Taliban themselves or their allies. Civilian casualties rocketed by about twenty five per cent in the first half of this year, with women and children particularly badly affected by growing violence, according to a UN report. Many have died on the country's increasingly violent roads. Air travel is limited to only a few cities and tickets are too expensive for the majority of Afghans, most people

have no choice but to risk their lives if they want to travel to see family and friends, or visit the capital. The Taliban attack government and military convoys and stop cars to search for employees of the administration or foreign forces, who they have declared legitimate targets, although they are considered civilians under international law. The main highway between Kandahar and Kabul, a vital commercial and civilian transport route, has been a focus of attacks.

freight invoices from several defunct, bogus and genuine suppliers. Some invoices were crudely amended with correcting fluid while others were photocopied or produced on home computer templates. Most of the consignments did not exist or were for much smaller parts. He even altered and increased the weight of consignments on freight paperwork to give the impression of much larger consignments. HMRC officers searched Khan’s home and arrested him in May 2011. A detailed investigation followed and it became clear that he was vastly overstating the scale and cost of his company’s trading. Khan now faces a confiscation hearing over his criminal profits.

Last week, the Associated Press reported the bodies of eight people abducted from a bus were found with gunshots to their heads on the side of the highway in Ghazni. President Hamid Karzai has recently condemned the killings on the road, although he has not commented directly on Kakar's disappearance. Kakar is the first lawmaker abducted by insurgents since the Taliban's fall from power, although several have been killed.


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Sikh channel fined for

‘encouraging crime’ By Ashley Grint

A Sikh TV channel has been handed a £30,000 fine after a controversial debate was held on air whereby guests supported an assassination attempt on a former Indian Army General. Sangat TV were issued the fine after commentators on the channel had stated their approval of an incident which saw Lt Gen Kuldeep Singh Brar have his throat cut by unknown assailants. Ofcom said the programme was ‘likely to encourage or to incite the commission of crime or to lead to disorder’. 78-year-old Lt Gen Brar was in charge of the controversial military operation to clear Sikh militants from the Golden Temple in Amritsar, north-west India, in 1984. According to Indian Government official figures, 400 people were killed in the attacks, however Sikhs around the world have claimed that the actual number is much higher, with 1,000s of pilgrims killed. Ofcom said satellite channel Sangat TV broadcast statements in a panel discussion

programme, on 30th September last year, which 'were an indirect call to members of the Sikh community to take violent action against Lt General Brar and other members of the Indian armed forces'. Following a viewer complaint, Ofcom requested a translation of the debate, whereby it was revealed that commentators on the show said: “If they [who assaulted Brar] were Sikhs, I congratulate them...Whatever nation attackers] [Brar's belong to, they will be our diamonds.” Sangat TV's parent company, Regis 1, has since announced its decision to air fewer controversial debates in the future yet are likely to appeal against the fine. The channel's head of programmes, Amarpreet Mann, said: “Ofcom haven’t shown any kind of flexibility. They have failed to understand the feelings of the Sikhs. We will be contesting the fine.” Adding that anything more than a token fine would be "crippling" because it is a charity-based station, Mr Mann said: “We’ve not done anything wrong and it’s independent media. Everybody has a right to speak.”

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TARGETED: Lt Gen Kuldeep Singh Brar was at the centre of a debate which saw television personnel support his assassination

Glass ceiling “low” for Muslim women


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By Sally Thurrell Muslim women are still said to be facing prejudice in the work place and regularly receive disparaging comments about the way they dress. Some of the discrimination they receive relates to all women, including gender equality and unequal pay, but they also face extra difficulties. Last year an all-party parliamentary report found that Muslim women face “triple discrimination” based on their gender, ethnicity and religion. The report, compiled by the Runnymede Trust, found that Bangladeshi and Pakistani women were more likely to be made redundant, and generic assumptions were made about

them, for example leaving work for good once they had children. Many Muslim women fear their professional identity may be impacted upon by the hijab in particular, and presumptions people have about it. Fauzia, 32, began working in the banking sector following her graduation, she claims she found she wasn’t taken seriously by her colleagues and her contributions were rarely acknowledged. She said: “They used to refer to me as 'the girl with the sheet on her head'. They thought it was funny, but it was incredibly hurtful. “I felt belittled every day. It was like they didn't want to acknowledge me as a real person by using my name.” Sara Khan is from the Muslim women’s rights group Inspire, she said, “The glass ceiling is incredibly low for Muslim women.

The Muslim women I work with say that they don’t understand why they aren’t given the same chances as other women. They question whether it’s their name or the way they dress. “It’s incredibly complex, the transition from leaving education to entering the labour market is where Muslim women can find themselves disadvantaged. “There’s an assumption that Muslim women will marry younger and have children younger whereas, really, there are so many Muslim women who want to work.” Many Muslim women are looking around for career advice, support and resources. There is an increasing number of networks available, with initiatives such as Muslim Women’s Network and Urban Muslim Women’s Show proving popular.

Recommendations were raised on the back of the Runnymede Trust report but as of yet, few have been taken up.

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DISCRIMINATION: Many Muslim women are facing prejudice in the workplace


Benefit cheat had £34,000 savings in bank


A benefit cheat’s considerable financial savings were uncovered by fraud officers from Rochdale Borough Council leading to him being hauled before the courts. Mohammed Aslam, 41, of Royds Street, Rochdale has been claiming housing council tax and income support benefits to the sum of £20,130.39 over the last four years despite having £34,000

worth of capital savings banked that he failed to disclose to Rochdale Borough Council and the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP). The Council’s in-house legal team brought the case to Bury & Rochdale Magistrates Court on 23rd July 2013 where he pleaded guilty to three charges of fraud. Aslam, a father of five has been unemployed for some time and is

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An Australian MP has mistaken Islam for a country in a TV interview, she has been widely mocked and has since apologised and quit the election race. Stephanie Banister of the One Nation Party was fighting for a parliamentary seat in Queensland, she had only been in politics for 48 hours. The interview has gone viral and been spread widely across social media on the internet. During the video Banister

also confused the term “haram” (forbidden) with Quran, and suggested Jews worship Jesus Christ. She said during her TV appearance: “I don’t oppose Islam as a country, but I do feel that their laws should not be welcome here in Australia.” Banister now claims the interview was edited in a way to make her look “quite the fool”, and she has apologised to her political party and to friends and family for any embarrassment caused.


medically unfit for work. In court he admitted he withheld information about his savings knowing that this would affect his entitlement to benefit. He was sentenced to a two month Community Order and will be subject to a curfew between 9pm to 7am every day. He was also ordered to pay £500 costs and £60 victim surcharge. Councillor Farooq Ahmed, cabinet member for finance at Rochdale Borough Council, said: “Failing to disclose important financial information as a way of fraudulently collecting benefits is simply unacceptable. “We should not have to waste precious time and resources bringing benefit cheats to justice but we will continue to do so using the full weight of the law to make sure financial support only goes to the most vulnerable people.” Mr Aslam has since voluntarily started to repay monies owed to the Council and DWP. Anyone can report suspected benefit cheating to Rochdale Borough Council online at One Nation Party leader, Jim Savage, has said in a statement that Banister still has full support from the group, and expressed concern that she has been under enormous pressure since the incident, including receiving threats aimed at herself and her family. Banister has since said, although she feels she was ready to stand for election, that she was possibly too “inexperienced” and “still learning about the political side of life”. She stood down from the election race and will no longer stand for vote on 7th September.

CONVERSION: The Mount Zion church in Clitheroe is the site of the new Clitheroe Masjid

By Ashley Grint

reaction from Muslims in the town,” he said. “The support from across the [whole] town is really A former chapel will soon wonderful. We’ve been getting positive reactions reopen as an Islamic place of worship after restoration from interfaith groups and people of no religion too are on the unused building getting behind the project.” continues to progress. Many protesters had been The Mount Zion against the renovation Methodist Church, in project due to the chapel Clitheroe, Lancashire, was being painted by approved for Lancashire’s own LS Lowry, redevelopment in 2006, ‘A Street in Clitheroe’ in despite strong opposition. 1954. Now, eight years on, However, Mr Hussain developers say that only one offered his assurances that final fundraising effort the historic building will not remains before it can open be disrupted from its iconic its doors. With the building now up state. “We value the building to standard, managers of the and its history and it will event from the Medina remain the same as when Partnership, a UK registered Charitable Trust, Lowry painted it as part of say all that is left is to install his Clitheroe street scene,” he added. heating and lighting, Clitheroe councillor Jim internal decoration, doors Shervey said: “People of all and windows. It will approximately cost faiths have the right to have somewhere to worship. £250,000 to complete and There were some concerns a Farouk Hussain, chairman few years ago, but my of Medina Islamic understanding is they have Education Centre, all been dealt with. explained how the “‘It’s a good use of the development was beginning building, and obviously it is to pick up more and more better to be used for a support from local purpose than left standing communities. empty.” “It’s been a long time coming, so there is a positive

Clitheroe authorities give go ahead for Islamic site development





Bradford woman slams ‘police system’ ’seitropflhwfollowing hate crime e b ya sfk c to e p ysih T ‘


By Ashley Grint

A family in Bradford, who were subject to a race hate crime in June, have spoken out about their disappointment of how the case has been handled by local authorities. Sophia Ditta, 34, has lived with her family in the Bolton area of Bradford all her life and had never been victim to such a crime before. However, on Friday 14th June, the family awoke to find pig’s heads scattered around the house, in what she believes was a racially provoked attack following the killing of Lee Rigby in London, the previous month. As a Muslim household, pork is a forbidden food and therefore this incident was viewed as a racist attack. Upon reporting the crime to the local authorities, the family was told to preserve the heads as to allow the forensic team to analyse the objects, yet due to their decomposed state, this process was not feasible. Sophia states that she believes the police handled the case poorly as they failed to fulfill their roles in serving the public. Writing on her blog, she said: “The police, although sympathetic have not been very helpful. They told us

DESTROYED: The heads took 11 days to decompose completely in an incinerator

it was an isolated incident; they had no record of this happening anywhere else in our area and have not seen a rise in racist attacks in Bradford ‘post-Woolwich’. “We were then informed that it would be our responsibility to dispose of the pig heads. As for us having to preserve them; and led to

DUMPED: Four pig heads were found around the family home in Bradford

believe the police would be taking them away, we were told (paraphrasing): ‘I don’t know who was watching CSI at the time but there’s nothing we can do about taking them away, and this isn’t classed as a crime, it’s a hate incident, and we just don’t have the resources to take them and send

them back and await results of DNA tests, they are so decomposed I don’t even think we can get any testing done.’ “With it being the weekend, the council offices were closed. We did not want the pigs decomposing on our property any longer and were advised to burn them.”

The family was left to destroy the four pig heads on their own accord, and did so via an incinerator. After 11 days of burning, the pigs finally decomposed completely, and despite no news from the police regarding other attacks in the area, a neighbour explained how he had a similar incident just two weeks prior. Sophia continued: “Our neighbour was horrified, he had not heard from the police about our incident…and he’d reported his incident to the same police station. “So we were not alone. There was no doubt now this was a racist attack. This could be happening across Bradford, but the police are not telling us. “I’m disappointed with the police’s systemic reaction to this level of racial harassment. The officers were sympathetic, but they clearly have a lack of resources to do anything. This type of attack falls way below their list of priorities. “I don’t blame any of the officers; I blame the systems they are being forced to work to.” Sophia now wants more people to come forward and not be afraid to speak out if they have been victimised in hope of forcing the police to ‘start taking these crimes seriously’.




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Thackley Gala Day supports Lord Mayor’s charity

Residents are being encouraged to attend this month’s Thackley Charity Gala Day, which will raise funds for the Lord Mayor of Bradford’s Charity Appeal. The free event will feature a football tournament, wellie throwing, and tyre trundling. Those wanting a more relaxed day can enjoy face painting, a cake stall, tombola, karaoke and much more. It will be held at Thackley Football Club, on Dennyfield, on Sunday, 25th August from 10am. The gala will operate an optional bucket collection with all proceeds being donated to the Lord Mayor’s charity, which is this year supporting Bradford Disability Sport and Leisure. The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Cllr Khaddim Hussain, said: “I hope that local residents and visitors have a great time at the Gala day. If the weather stays fine there should be a good turn-out for the fun event, which will also help raise money for a very worthwhile charity.”

Cliffe Castle Museum celebrates refurbishment

A celebration event is to be held to mark the official reopening of Cliffe Castle Museum following a major refurbishment programme. The Grade II listed building closed to the public for 15 months while work was carried out to restore the 1950’s Bracewell Smith Hall; install new costume and natural history displays; improve lighting; and re-paint and gild Victorian receptions rooms. Key new features at the Bradford Council site include a portrait of Queen Victoria that museum staff had tried to trace for over 20 years; an ancient burial urn unearthed in Stanbury; and a sea turtle that was served to guests at one of Keighley’s first mayoral functions. The celebration event on Saturday, 24th August will include a welcome at 2pm by Maggie Pedley, Bradford Council’s Museums and Galleries Manager, and Michael Scarborough, Chair of the Friends of Cliffe Castle.

Night time economy brings in new jobs into Bradford city centre

The evening and night time leisure economy is flourishing in Bradford city centre with pubs, hotels and restaurants set to take on 44 new staff thanks to the City Centre Growth Zone. The City Centre Growth Zone is part of a £35m initiative funded by Bradford Council and the Government’s Regional Growth Fund. Eligible businesses can receive rate rebates if they demonstrate that they are creating new jobs in Bradford city centre. Successful applicants could receive a business rate rebate of up to £16,000 for each new full time equivalent job created per year for up to three years. Bradford Council leader, Cllr David Green, said: "The City Centre Growth Zone is a fantastic opportunity for businesses to expand and the rebates available offer a boost to many companies.” To discuss your business’ eligibility for the Business Growth scheme contact Bradford Council’s Business Investment and Enterprise team on (01274) 437 727.

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strong black coffee is the perfect thing for before the gym. It is a natural thermogenic meaning it will give you that Want to shred a few drive and push pounds this summer or when you’re just tone up the ‘beach bod’? Well look no further training.” He than Huddersfield’s own adds: Shanwaz ‘Dody’ Ahmed for tips and advice on how “If to get that perfect physique. After reaching a peak weight of over 18 stone last year, the Huddersfield born fitness enthusiast decided it was time to get into shape. “I couldn’t even go into town unless I had a big you jumper and some can get a tracksuit bottoms on,” he good gym said. partner as well that is “I was trying to almost always key to ensuring look like a body builder you are pushed as far as by wearing baggy clothes you can go. It is much but deep down inside I easier to push yourself knew I was overweight. when somebody is “It was one morning training with you. when I was laying in bed “I had a fantastic and I felt the fat on the side of my waist and I just partner, Faisal Naeem, decided then, it’s time for during my preparation for the competition and a change.” would not have been able Since that day, the 32year-old has cut his 114kg to get the podium finish had it not been for him.” frame down to a Shanwaz explains how competition weight of family can also play a key 67kg, and an off-season role in helping to motivate weight of a healthy 76kg. you on the quest to a Through a dedicated healthy lifestyle. gym programme and “My wife has played a healthy eating, Shanwaz massive part, supporting shred his weight and now me phenomenally. My feels happier and family have had to put up healthier than ever with me at times – I was before. having mood swings The father of four because I was on carb proved it is possible to depletion, but my wife put still be a Dad to his up with everything. children and get into the “Three days out I was body building shape. Offering advice he said: going to pull out but my wife forced me to keep “The secret weapon for going and really urged me me is broccoli. It is full of on. fibre and has natural “My kids are also enzymes which help fantastic. There’s Raheem reduce the fat in your (10), Rayhan (6), Rumaan body; I have it with (4), and Ruqaya (8 everything nowadays. “For the muscles, I have months), I love them all and could not have done two protein shakes a day, it without them.” one in the morning and one post-workout, whilst a

By Ashley Grint

Asian Express

WEIGHT-LOSS: Shanwaz Ahmed lost seven stone to compete in the Yorkshire National Physique Championships

Eat like a champion

Getting fit this summer Breakfast – 80g of oa ts mixed with water and a tables honey, alongside 5 bo poon of iled egg whites and 1 yolk Dinner – 1 large jacke with tuna, kidney beant potato large salad on the sid s and a Tea – 1 large chicken e with broccoli and apprbreast, ox 100g of sweet potato

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Reoffending figures on the up By Anush Ansari

e Current level of crim England

vey for Latest figures from the CSEW (Crime Sur mated 8.6 million esti an e wer e ther that w and Wales) sho and resident incidents of crime against households Wales for the and land Eng adults (aged 16 and over) in nts a 9 per cent year ending March 2013. This represe year’s survey. decrease compared with the previous

While the number of people entering the criminal justice system is falling, a hardcore group continue to reoffend at an alarming rate, latest figures show. More than 400,000 crimes were committed by those who had broken the law before, in the year up to September 2011. For those sentenced to less than 12 months, 58.5 per cent had reoffended within 12 months of their release up to September 2011 – this is 1.2 percentage points up on the previous year. While the number of offenders coming to court is falling, alongside falling crime rates, more people who do commit crime are receiving prison sentences, according to recent figures. Statistics published today also show a sharp rise in the use of longer sentences, with a 16 per cent increase following the introduction of new

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Extended Determinate Sentences. Alongside these figures, a through the gate Payment by Results pilot in Peterborough, showcasing a new way of rehabilitating offenders that will soon be rolled out across England and Wales, revealed marked falls in reconvictions. Before the pilot, for every 100 prisoners released from Peterborough we were seeing 84 reconviction events. Under the pilot this figure has fallen to 78 – a fall of eight per cent. Over the same period nationally that figure has risen by 12 per cent. Justice Secretary Chris Grayling said: “These figures make a compelling case for our important reforms reoffending rates remaining doggedly high as a hardcore of offenders continue to cause misery in communities up and down the country. “Where we are seeing real improvements in tackling this problem is our through the gate Payment by Results pilots, an approach I want to see rolled out

across England and Wales by 2015. “I am also encouraged to see judges taking advantage of our new tough Extended Determinate Sentences.” The Government is currently introducing radical reforms to rehabilitation services in England and Wales. This will see the best of the private, voluntary and public sectors working together to turn offenders away from crime. Laws have been toughened up so the most serious criminals will receive the most severe sentences. The confusing IPP sentences have been scrapped, and been replaced with a tough new regime which will see more dangerous offenders given life sentences and others spending long periods in prison and being supervised for long periods after their release. The new regime includes a ‘two strike’ policy where offenders face a mandatory life sentence in cases where they have committed two very serious sexual or violent crimes consecutively.




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Arrest made over explosion tattoo


T U O D E F IN S LA H C B T G E I Councillor Jack Scott, the Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment, Recycling and Streetscene said: “This has been a tremendously successful operation and highlights our determination to reduce the number of people smoking in the city and the criminals who profit from this activity. “Illegal tobacco is routinely sold in Sheffield for as little as half price - £3.50 as opposed to over £7.00 for legitimate cigarettes. This illegal and unsafe tobacco increases teen smoking, harms health in our communities, worsens health Over 25,000 cigarettes and inequalities and is linked to 22 kilos of tobacco have been crime at many levels. seized as part of a major “We are determined to crackdown on the sale of improve health and address illegal tobacco in Sheffield. health inequalities in the city A carefully planned and reduce tobacco use, operation organised by especially in children. We are Sheffield City Council’s actively tackling the illegal Trading Standards team, supported by South Yorkshire sale of tobacco and progress is being made, but we recognise Police, used two trained that there is still a lot more to ‘sniffer’ dogs to swoop on do.” seven shops across Sheffield. Research in the North of The dogs sniffed out concealed goods in a variety of England shows that over half of smokers aged 14 to 17 have ingenious hidden cavities, been offered illicit tobacco, ranging from hydraulicallyand that buying rates amongst operated compartments to a false bottom in a parrot’s cage. these age groups are higher than amongst older smokers. Altogether, approximately The seized products are 25,000 illegal cigarettes, 22 currently being examined and kilos of tobacco, 12 kilos of then the property owners will molasses for hooka pipes and be formally interviewed. It is 300 ‘blunts’, or rolling cones for smoking tobacco and other believed the cases will be substances, were seized during heard in court in about four months’ time. the operation.

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By Ashley Grint A man has been arrested after being spotted at an English Defence League rally with a tattoo of a mosque being blown up on his ribs. 39-year-old Shaun Reah, from South Shields, Tyneside, was arrested by police on suspicion of enciting racial hatred following the protest in Birmingham on 20th July. He was arrested by Northumbria Police on Friday on behalf of West Midlands Police. A spokesman for Northumbria Police said: “A 39-year-old man has been arrested in South Tyneside on behalf of West Midlands Police on suspicion of using words or behaviour, or displaying written material with intent to stir up racial hatred.” Mr Reah was pictured at the rally with a tattoo of a mosque with the word “boom!” written across it which has triggered over 100 death threats and a mass debate on social media sites. On Twitter, Tom Doran wrote: “Genuinely torn on this story, Tattoos

surely come under free speech, but equally this one is directly intimidating.” Sohail Malik was forgiving as he tweeted: “I forgive Shaun Reah for his Mosque tattoo. He removed it & he's clearly sorry. Don't be haters like the #EDL” yet Alan Archie was not so merciful and simply wrote, “Idiot”. Mr Reah has now reportedly had the tattoo removed and is fully co-operating with the police according to his solicitor, Kevin Smallcombe, of Hannays Crime Solicitors. Speaking to Sky, Mr Smallcombe said: “Mr Reah is happy to fully cooperate with police in what is a case which has clearly triggered a great deal of emotion and debate.” Meanwhile, in footage, recorded by Sky, Reah said he had the tattoo removed because, “it upset everyone”, and when asked why he had it done in the first place, added, “it was just a daft thing to do”. The force made a total of 20 arrests

following the rally - and counter-protest - off Birmingham's Broad Street earlier this month. Police said up to 2,000 people gathered at two locations in the city centre.

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Baroness Warsi welcomes campaign on women’s rights in Afghanistan



Baroness Warsi has underlined UK support for work to promote women’s rights in Afghanistan during a meeting with young Amnesty activists. Foreign Office Senior Minister, Baroness Warsi, has met young activists from Amnesty UK to discuss women’s rights in Afghanistan and the essential role of women in building a more stable and prosperous future for their country. The Minister received a petition from Amnesty and Gender Action for Peace and Security calling on the UK to continue its support to Afghan women. Welcoming the petition, the Minister praised the work of civil society organisations in protecting and promoting the rights of Afghan women, and reaffirmed the UK’s long-term commitment to working with them, the Afghan Government and other partners, to improve the role and status of women and girls in Afghanistan. Baroness Warsi said: “I am proud that the young people of Britain are standing side-by-side with young Afghans to demand an equal role for women in Afghan society. Organisations such as Amnesty are

doing outstanding work to ensure that the voices of Afghan women will never again be pushed into the background. “The UK remains absolutely committed to Afghanistan, and this commitment will continue after 2014 when our combat forces leave. Our work will go on supporting Afghan women and girls as they tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead. Women can and must play a crucial role in building the Afghanistan of the future.” The discussions highlighted the difficulties faced by many women in Afghanistan including a high level of violence. Baroness Warsi noted the challenges of tackling these given the deeply conservative culture in many parts of the country. She reiterated the importance the UK attaches to encouraging the Afghan Government to uphold its commitments on women’s rights, including through the implementation of the Elimination of Violence against Women law. Baroness Warsi said: “Tackling violence and discrimination against women and girls is

essential for a stable and peaceful Afghanistan, for building a stronger economy and a fairer society. Afghan women must be allowed to play their full part in Afghan public and political life, including as voters and candidates in the elections in April next year. “Women’s political participation gives voice to a marginalised section of society, enables women to shape the decisions that affect their lives and will ultimately secure the sort of future for Afghanistan that its people deserve.”

UK officials meet Sikh Representatives about Professor Bhullar

Minister of State for India, Rt Hon Hugo Swire MP, joined by Lord Singh of Wimbledon, met Sikh representatives to discuss the case of Professor DEATH ROW: Bhullar whose Professor Bhullar appeal for his death sentence to be commuted was rejected by the Indian Supreme Court on 12th April. Professor Devinder Pal Singh Bhullar is now a convict on death row in India after being declared guilty of killing nine bystanders in a 1993 car bombing intended to kill Indian Congress politician Maninderjeet Singh Bitta He was sentenced to death by hanging by split decision, which has created a a huge amount of controversy among judicial and human rights circles. Amnesty International have previously stated that Professor Bhullar's hanging would be hugely disappointing, and would be a step backwards for human rights in the country. There has been immense pressure on the Indian Government to acquit Bhullar for lack of evidence but no action has ever been taken. During the meet this week Mr Swire reiterated the UK Government’s opposition to the death penalty in all circumstances as a matter of principle, in India as elsewhere. The UK will continue to monitor the case of Professor Bhullar closely, as we will in all cases where the death penalty has been given as a sentence. We also continue to call on the Indian government to reintroduce a moratorium on the death penalty, with a view to formal abolition.

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App for Qu’ran in English

By Ashley Grint

APP: QuranInEnglish founder, Aurangzeb Iqbal, and HD Infotech app developer representative, Abid Jahangir

”g n irx e sd lta h c m 5 4 b K U “ Police have arrested 45 men believed to be involved in the biggest child sex ring ever seen in the UK. The arrests come after a yearlong investigation into sex abuse allegations across three towns in West Yorkshire. Most of the suspects – said to be white and Asian – are in their 20s but some of are said to be middle aged, up to their 60s. Members of the gang are alleged to have abused four girls – some as young as 13 – over several years. One member of the gang is said to have groomed the girls before having sex with one of them in front of his friends and passing her around to be abused. Some of the men arrested were directly linked to each other while others were described as being ‘opportunistic’. The Head of the West Yorkshire

Arrests in three West Yorkshire towns come after police investigation

Homicide and Major Inquiry team, Detective Chief Superintendent Andy Brennan, told the Sunday Mirror: “These are serious allegations, which is why we have made a significant number of arrests to try and confirm or negate any criminality. “Although 45 people have been arrested they are not all directly linked. There has been a series of incidents over several years and we will investigate each and every one of them. “Some of the incidents involved a couple of people, while others involved more.”

The investigation involving 30 police officers is ongoing and further arrests may be made over coming weeks. All the alleged crimes are said to have occurred at least two years old and the men involved have all been bailed. These recent arrests follow a series of high-profile child sex gang cases - including five men who were jailed for life in June in Oxford. Child sex gangs have also been uncovered in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, Cambridgeshire and Rotherham, South Yorkshire.

Reading the Qu’ran is a fundamental part of being a Muslim and a Yorkshireman is attempting to make the process a lot easier by dictating the whole script in English via a free mobile app. Aurangzeb Iqbal, from Bradford, launched the ‘QuranInEngish’ on Android, Blackberry and iPhone devices two weeks ago and has already seen thousands of downloads from over 15 countries worldwide. The religious text was translated by scholar Abdullah Yusuf Ali and interpreted by Aurangzeb as part of his commitment towards spreading the message of Islam to all nationalities and faiths. Initially launched as a CD version in 2010, the readings stretched over 12 discs which were given away for free to over 20,000 recipients. Following this success, a website was launched at offering a similar service and now the mobile app allows people to listen to the religious teachings any place, any time. “I wanted to do the app so the message could be spread on an international level. With the support of Mumtaz restaurant I have been able to do this,” Aurangzeb explained. “Because so many people worldwide speak English, I hope that it will allow people of all backgrounds to understand the messages being portrayed through the readings, not just Muslims. “No matter what people’s faith is, the beauty of the Qu’ran, the moral guidance which is in there as to how conduct your own affairs with others, is fundamentally important and everybody can learn from it.” The idea to record the Qu’ran in English came during a religious trip Aurangzeb embarked on and took up the challenge upon his return to England. “In 2010, I went for pilgrimage to Mecca,” he said. “There is a chapter in the Qu’ran called Surah Yaseen, also known as the heart of the Qu’ran, which I know off by heart in English. “While I was in Medinah I met up with Rab Nawaz, of Mumtaz Restaurant, and two other brothers

DOWNLOAD: The app is available for free now

and told them ‘I have something I would like to share with you’. “I read them the whole chapter in English and they were absolutely gobsmacked. They had never heard it in such a way and didn’t know what it truly meant or contained and they were just absolutely full of praise. “Following this, when I came back from the trip, I made a conscious decision that I would record the readings and distribute them for free, and then everything took off from there really.” Bradford business, HD Infotech, was the producer of the app and sales representative, Abid Jahangir, states the program has already achieved considerable success. He said: “We only officially launched a week ago and already had 1500 downloads on Android, 400 on Blackberry, and 800 plus on the iPhone; all this without any advertising just word-of-mouth. “It has gone completely global and has been downloaded in at least 15 countries for free.” To download the app, search the app store on your mobile device for QuranInEnglish or visit



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SUPERHERO: Pakistan’s new female cartoon superhero is tackling issues such as female education

Ethnic minorities wait longer for kidney transplants

Asian Express

tn e ia p h W tn lsa ro fe g ya tiw sn u m o c h tE yirM n a sA ,k c lB rm fo e p g a vn O

By Sally Thurrell

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Pakistan’s new female superhero is fighting for girl’s education

Pakistan has a new groundbreaking female superhero, Burka Avenger, who fights for female education and promotes reading, friendship and brotherhood. The cartoon’s leading lady is the first female Pakistani superhero, and her mission echoes one of the country’s hot topics – female education. The new show, from Pakistani pop star Haroon, is a tale of a Pakistani teacher, named Jiya, who takes the disguise of a woman clad in a burka, to avenge the wrong done by men. Haroon said: “The idea of Burka Avenger was that the main protagonist, a teacher, fights to prevent a girls' school from shutting down, which incidentally was taken from a real-life incident in Pakistan. After I created the character, I realised that a full length movie might be too large an undertaking, so we made the game version of Burka Avenger in 2011. Later, we made an animated TV show which was completed in June 2012.” The show has been very well received by international audience who have praised its fresh approach and how it tackles social issues, particularly that the cause of education was raised in the first episode. It comes at a time in Pakistan when education for women has recently been a much discussed topic in light of recent events with Malala Yousafzai. Though the

show has no real connection to Yousafzai’s situation but the way main character Jiya stands up for the right of education in the first episode has been likened to Malala's resolve and determination to fight for education. Haroon outlines that he put Jiya in a burka not only to protect her identity but to also make her a relatable character to the audience. He said: “I chose the burka because I wanted a locally relatable flavour and I didn't want to objectify our super hero the way a lot of female superheroes in the West are objectified and sexualised through their costumes, like Catwoman and Wonder Woman. “We all know superheroes wear disguises to protect their identity and in the same vein, Jiya only chooses to wear this Burka-like costume as a convenient means to protect her identity when fighting the bad guys. “There is no Burka on earth that looks like the oufit that Jiya dons when fighting the baddies. It's a close-fitted garment giving it a stylized burka feel to allow her to glide and conceal her weapons. “It's not about how she looks or what she's wearing, it's about what she is doing.” There have been recent discussions between Haroon and Bollywood film companies who would like to turn Burka Avenger into a full-length feature film.

Three out of ten patients on the UK’s kidney transplant waiting list are from Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities, according to a new NHS report. The latest Organ Donation and Transplantation Activity Report published by NHS Blood and Transplant also reveals that only 23% of patients who received a kidney transplant during 2012/13 were from these communities and, on average, they will wait a year longer for a transplant than a White patient. Kidneys are allocated according to many factors, with blood and tissue type amongst the most important and matching is likely to be closer when the ethnicity of the donor and recipient are closer. As only a small p e r c e n t a g e, around five per cent, of deceased

donors are from BAME communities, this can delay a suitably matched organ being found for BAME patients. Last year there were 1,212 deceased donors in the UK. Only 56 of them were from BAME communities. Of those, 21 were Asian, 20 were Black and 15 were from other ethnic backgrounds. Sally Johnson, NHS Blood and Transplant’s Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation, added: “Patients from Black, Asian and some ethnic minority communities are more likely to need an organ transplant than the rest of the population as they are more susceptible to illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes and certain forms of hepatitis, all of which may result in organ failure and the need for a lifesaving transplant. “We have seen an increase in consent among BAME families – one third approached a b o u t donation

WAITING LIST: Faizan Awan, here with his mother Parveen, has had two kidney transplants

said yes in 2012/13, compared to a quarter the previous year. Although this is encouraging progress, the consent /authorisation rate remains much lower than the 61% consent rate seen among white families. “We ask everyone in Britain’s diverse communities to make a decision to donate if and when they can, knowing that they can be proud to help someone in their own community. Remember it’s really important to let your family know your decision and join the NHS Organ Donor Register” Kirit Modi, Chairman of the National Kidney Federation and cochair of the NBTA, (the National Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Transplant Alliance) said: “I am today urging individuals from BAME backgrounds as well as community and appropriate religious groups to help improve organ donation and transplantation in our communities. Please discuss this with close members of your family and join the Organ Donor Register. Together we can solve this problem and save lives." Mother-of-four Parveen Awan lives in Blackburn and works for her local council as an advisor for carers. Her son Faizan, who is now 27, had kidney failure as a child and has since gone on to have two transplants. Parveen is the founder and chair of Blackburn and District Kidney Support Group and works to raise awareness of the need for blood and organ donors in the local Asian community. She is also a blood donor. She said: “We assume that people know that blood and organ donation is needed but when I start speaking to people they often have no idea. “In addition to Faizan having his two transplants, my nephew died aged just eight because he needed a heart transplant and he didn’t get one in time. A lot of people never go through these things so they don’t think about blood and organ donation, but when you see these things first-hand your perspective changes.”






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Hindus not going Gaga over new video ofLfeadnydsGaHginadu



By Sally Thurrell

Hindu representatives are criticising international pop icon Lady Gaga for what they see as ‘trivialisation’ of yoga in her new video. In the clip she appears striking yoga postures completely naked, Gaga has previously said how much she appreciates the Hindu faith and would consider adopting it herself. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement in Nevada (USA) today, said that yoga was a revered age old tradition and deserved more seriousness and respect. Such depiction by Gaga was kind of distortion of the esteemed practice for Gaga’s self-serving agenda and could be upsetting for the serious and genuine seekers and devotees. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, also agreed that yoga, referred as “a living fossil”, was one of the six systems of orthodox Hindu philosophy and was highly venerated in Hinduism. Rajan Zed points out that some sages have described yoga as the silencing of all mental transformations, which leads to the total realization of the Supreme Self. Some have used yoga attempting to gain liberation by removing all sensory barriers. According to Patanjali, author of the basic text, the Yoga Sutra, yoga is a methodical effort to attain perfection, through the control of the different elements of human nature, physical and

representatives in nude yoga video

psychical, Zed adds. Hinduism is the oldest and third largest religion of the world, has about one billion adherents and moksh (liberation) is its ultimate goal. There are about three million Hindus in the USA. According to an estimate, about 21 million Americans, including many celebrities, now practice yoga.

Majajan –


Musical Masterpiece

Usman Rehman releases his new single, Majajan

Bradford born Usman Rehman is back with a big tune for this summer! Majajan is the second single to come from the rising Northern star and after the success of Jadon Holi Jai you know that this is going to fulfil the highest expectations. Having reached number three in the world iTunes chart in the UK and America with his cover of Jadon Holi Jai, which was originally sung by the legendary Noor Jahan,

Usman Rehman is here with a track that he has written himself accompanied by the production from none other than Young Archie. This combination of talents has given us an exciting mix of East meets West as you hear Usman Rehman in a way like never before, with this urban Punjabi track. After spending months touring Europe, Australia, Canada and America doing media appearances, gigs and private sufimehfils, Usman

Rehman is back on his now acquired home soil, Manchester, to deliver us with this exciting summer track. His influences include Sonu Nigam, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and the renowned Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan and these influences can be seen clearly in his music. The video, shot in LA, features some famous locations including the restaurant used in Ocean’s Eleven and the infamous Los Angeles river watershed which can


be seen in the films Terminator and Gone in 60 seconds as well as used in music videos by Pussy Cat Dolls and Cheryl Cole! It features Usman Rehman as the main lead alongside LA based Asian model, Rashi Stephens. Shot by Ballistic, Sai Smith and Kully Ghatore and using the same crew and location as Beyoncé in her Crazy in Love video, this makes it a truly amazing experience. You will see LA in such a way that you have never seen it before which shows just how much thought has gone into all of the Majajan experience with the quality of lyrics teamed with the immense locations! Majajan is being released later this month on Thursday 29th August and with the sunshine in full force what else could you possibly want to listen to on those long summer nights?

They’re back! Bhangra Legends RDB Back To Winning Form With New Upbeat Track Bajatey Raho Jay Sean, Juggy D & Rishi Rich trio bring brand new collaboration

The music industry waits with baited breath for the much anticipated joint return of Jay Sean, Juggy D and Rishi Rich, previously known as The Rishi Rich Project. The trio are set to return with a brand new collaboration, recapturing some of their old magic from 2003. Recognised as the ‘Holy Trinity’ of the British Asian music scene, the awesome threesome are of the handful of artists who are responsible for establishing and steering an entire movement of Bhangra-R&B fusion. The boys are now working hard to reignite the music scene and create some more hits for their unique and much-loved genre. Famous for classics such as 'Dance With You' (Nachna Tere Naal), 'Eyes On You' (Remix), 'Push It Up', 'Stolen' and 'Dil Mera' from the Bollywood film 'Kya Kool Hai Hum', the musical maestros have recently been spending time in Rishi’s studio in London. The three Londoners were the first Asian lads as a group to perform at the MOBO's, on Top of The Pops, on CDUK and at MTV Lick parties in London and Ireland. Commenting on the exciting venture, Jay says: "The three of us had a really special thing together, an amazing vibe. We toured the world and had a lot of fun. Life takes you on different journeys sometimes, but all of us always knew we'd do something again eventually. We're like brothers so it would be inevitable!"

Jay Sean's fourth album 'Neon' hits stores and iTunes this week in the UK. The album features the hit single 'Mars' featuring Rick Ross, which is currently climbing US radio charts rapidly,'Breakadawn' Featuring Busta Rhymes and 'All On Ya Body' featuring fast rising star Ace Hood. Jay Sean was the first Asian artist to go to number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 in America, and is to date the only British artist in history to have number 1 Billboard songs on both the English and Spanish Charts! Juggy D has been touring the world over the past few years and has gained an amazing following. His face adorns advertising hoardings across the metro cities in India and he is a regular sight on TV across the sub-continent. He enjoyed global success with his recent album aptly entitled 'Punjabi Rockstar' and has collaborated with the creme de la creme of the music industry. Almost two decades on and Rishi Rich still mesmerises audiences with his stupendous productions. Rishi is currently working on completing his latest album, for which he has garnered much support from established international and UKbased artists. Unsurprisingly, Rishi has begun realising his passion for film scoring and has been selected to score and produce the soundtrack for three British films this year! Watch this space!

International Bhangra music pioneers RDB are back on top form with their new high-energy party track Bajatey Raho. The highly anticipated offering is the title song from the upcoming Bollywood comedy-thriller film Bajatey Raho, which releases internationally on 26th July 2013 through Eros. The feel-good anthem has been expertly produced using state-of-the-art music mixing technology by RDB brothers Surj and Manj with the lead vocals coming from Manj himself. The song’s lyrics have been written by music connoisseur Kumar. Bradford’s very own ‘Bhangra boys’ Surj, Manj and Kuly formed RDB (Rhythm Dhol Bass) over a decade ago and have enjoyed international success with a string of hit songs, including Singh Is King, Aloo Chaat, Sadi Gali and Shera Di Kaum. They have collaborated with such music heavyweights as Snoop Dogg, TPain, Ludacris, Public Enemy, Elephant Man and Bollywood’s A-list superstar Akshay Kumar, amongst others. RDB are widely regarded as having instigated the change in perception to UK-Asian music by introducing the likes of Snoop Dogg, Ludacris and TPain to the Bhangra-Bollywood scene. As well as creating their own unique RDB sound, the brothers have also produced tracks under their Three Records label for a host of musical talent, including Nindy Kaur, Raftaar, Smooth, Jind Mahi, Binder Pasla, UDN and others. RDB have successfully taken the unique and eclectic fusion of Western Hip-Hop and Rock together with the infamous Punjabi ‘drum and Dhol’ beat to a mass global audience. Bajatey Raho releases internationally on 26th July 2013 through Eros.

Tariq Khan – SADQAY! Manchester based singer and music producer Tariq Khan has made his long awaited return to the studio with his latest track SADQAY, available now. The musician is renowned and respected in the music industry for his consistent delivery of an array of hits, from ‘Soney Di Taveetri’ to ‘Teray Sadqay Soniye’ and more recently ‘Desi Kudiyan’. The latter was not only well received; it went on to become a global smash hit and took Tariq and his label forward. ‘SADQAY’

represents love for traditional Punjabi music which can be enjoyed by any age group and at any occasion. The heavy Desi Percussion's, thumping beat and catchy hook line is guaranteed to have everyone singing and dancing throughout. Produced by an artist with talent and one that is destined to remain in the industry for a very long period, SADQAY is sure to get your foot tapping. The single has been produced by the supertalented Tariq Khan and is a result of Tariq’s

dedication; time and passion for his art and his continual strive to maintain a high standard of musical output to his fans so be sure to look out for this EID blockbuster. SADQAY was released on EID, 8th August by Legacy Music Records and is now available for purchase from iTunes & all good digital stores. The single is taken from Tariq Khans forthcoming album to be released in 2014.



Nachdi Vekh Ke

1Nation Media are pleased to announce the Debut Single of ‘Nachdi Vekh Ke’ by ‘DJ Dally, Mr T.S and Deep Singh’ with Keys and Harmonium played by ‘Dav Juss’ Available to download on iTunes from the 1st August, the song is dedicated to the Late Mohinder Kaur Deep Singhs Nani Ji who passed away recently. It was her dream for her grandson, Deep, to release a song, which is why the group are dedicating this track in her loving memory. With the new group offering a combination of diverse talents, here is a chance to get to know the people behind the music. DJ Dally is a British-born musician whose ability to draw on the cultural heritage of his forefathers allows him to create

Celebrities back Leicester’s City of Culture bid

Famous names from the world of film, literature and dance have come forward to show their support to Leicester’s bid to become the next UK City of Culture. Gurinder Chadha, director of the smash hit film ‘Bend it like Beckham’, has sent the city her backing. She said: “Leicester is a perfect city of culture for me. “It wears its vibrant cultural diversity like a proud medal there’s always something cool and culturally innovative going on there.” Award-winning Leicester-born author Bali Rai is another big name to back the bid. He said: “I can think of no better place for City of Culture 2017 than Leicester” “We've been a diverse, energetic and vibrant city for many, many years and winning the bid would only set in stone what we already know. It would be the perfect winner." And Akram Khan, the dancer and choreographer who studied at De Montfort University and took centre stage at the opening ceremony of the London Olympics last year, has also come forward to lend his support. “I wholeheartedly support Leicester's bid as UK City of Culture in 2017,” said Khan. “I created what I consider my most groundbreaking and beautiful works – Vertical Road and Desh – in a co-production with Curve in Leicester. “In 2017, I will create a new company work, in partnership with Curve, with the hope and aim that my artistic bar will be raised even further and that our lives will be better for it.” UK City of Culture is a title given to a city in the United Kingdom for a period of one year. Festivities, exhibitions and displays are held within the area and it is hoped to boost the profile of the winning city as well as having “significant social and economic benefits”.

The initiative is administered by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport and has been running since 2008, with Liverpool crowned as the first City of Culture. City Mayor Peter Soulsby has been overwhelmed by the enthusiasm that’s been shown for the city’s bid. “It’s clear that there’s a groundswell of opinion locally that it just might be Leicester’s time to shine,” he said. “The enthusiasm that we’ve seen from the public, and the generous support we’ve had from celebrities with Leicester connections, is extremely exciting. “What we need to do now is to harness all this energy and channel it into our bid document – and convince the judging panel that Leicester would make a great UK City of Culture in 2017.” Gurinder Chadha, Bali Rai and Akram Khan are the latest celebrities to back the city’s bid, with author Sue Townsend and actor/director Richard Attenborough having already pledged their support to the city’s bid. The city will submit its final bid on 30th September and find out in November if it has been successful in securing the 2017 title. Dundee, Hull and Swansea Bay are the other three cities still in the running for selection.

FAMOUS FACES: Gurinda Chadha has spoken out to support Leicester’s City of Culture 2017 bid

People can back the bid on Facebook and Twitter, through Leicester’s City of Culture website – – or by adding their signature to a giant signing wall at Curve.

exciting new fusions, whilst he hopes to influence the style of British bhangra by remolding it into a raw, urban sound that makes his music stand out from the crowd. Having toured several countries worldwide, from Europe to America, and played alongside some of the biggest artists in the industry, from Lember Hussunpuri to Master Rakesh, Dally certainly has the experience as a solo artist. Deep Singh is an upcoming talent on the Bhangra scene having grown up in Manchester and being influenced by musicians and singers from the 1980’s and 90’s. He explains: “As a child I idolised singers such as ‘Malkit Singh’ and ‘Surjit of the Sahotas’ and of course the Great Living

Legend ‘Gurdas Mann’. I even listened to a lot of ‘Michael Jackson’, amazed by the way he sang and how he performed. As I grew older, I began to take a keen interest in writing songs, from English to Punjabi. “I was fascinated by the way a lyricist would tell a story or how a song could match a person’s emotions.” Deep wrote his first song, ‘Dil Sada Legaye’, at just 13-years-old and had his music produced by DJ Dally. Although he is relatively new on the scene, the lyricist urges people to listen to his debut song, ‘Nachdi Vekh Ke’ which symbolises happiness and is in dedication to his family and friends for their continued support. Last, but by no means least, is

Mr T.S. Having begun producing music at the tender age of 14, the composer released four mix-tapes to various outlets across the region and even made it into the Top 10 most viewed pages in MySpace history. Having initially been involved in grime, R&B and Hip Hop, Mr T now has his sights set on a more traditional genre of music. He said: “I have done production work on most genres as I love to experiment but now it’s time to hold focus and follow the music I've been brought up by and influenced by, bhangra. “Music runs through the family and threw the blood. I have the passion and desire to succeed and fulfill my dreams and set the U.K. Asian Music scene on Fire.”


Arjun the new R&B sensation? After delivering back to back hits in South Indian films '3' and 'Ethir Neechal', one of India's young rising production talents is back with his 3rd film album. After the phenomenal global success of 'Why This Kolaveri Di', which has over 80 million hits on YouTube, producer Anirudh Ravichander is back this summer with songs from the forthcoming Tamil movie release 'Vanakkam Chennai'. Lead song 'Oh Penne' has been given an international flavour, which sees Anirudh team up with British R&B sensation Arjun and producer Charles Bosco. Having discovered the British duo following the incredible success of Arjun's UK remix of 'Why This Kolaveri Di', Anirudh invited them to work on new music in India, fusing his South Indian film style with their unique British R&B sounds. The 'Oh Penne' (International Version) will be part of the official soundtrack of 'Vanakkam Chennai', releasing on Sony Music India. The song heavily features

Arjun's trademark slick pop vocals, with rewritten English lyrics, over a laid back beat with additional Tamil vocals adding an authentic international feel to it, the culmination of a unique east meets west collaboration. The original Tamil version, of 'Oh Penne', also produced by Anirudh, was sung by Vishal Dadlani, one half of Bollywood's hit duo Vishal & Shekhar, responsible for some of the most successful Bollywood songs in the last decade. Arjun's vocals also feature with Vishal on the original version of the song. 'Oh Penne' is the first of a new wave of international music set to feature in the growing South Indian film industry 'Kollywood', spearheaded by British duo Arjun and Charles Bosco. Producer Bosco now has credits in several Tamil films and will be continuing his work in India and London this year. He has also teamed up with the Co-Founder and Chairman of Lebara Mobile, Ratheesh Yoganathan, to launch some exciting projects for the youth via the Bosco Academy in the near future.

The UK’s Bollywood Ambassador, Honey Kalaria is inviting budding dancers and performers to join her Bollywood Performing Arts Academy for open days on Saturday 24th in East London and Sunday 25th August in North London, as it opens places for the new September term. Wannabe stars of the future can take part in a free Bollywood taster class, enjoy dance performances from current students and professionals, get advice from dance trainers and Honey Kalaria and learn about performing arts opportunities the Academy can offer. The HDA Academy has created countless stars in the UK and previous alumni have gone on to perform in films, theatre and television. Recent achievements includes 22year-old Karishma Bhandari, who has been with the Academy for four years. She has just returned from India where Honey helped to secure a lead role for her in the Bollywood film, ‘Club Dancer’, to be screened later this year. And keen to promote English talent in Bollywood, Honey is working with the same director again, looking to cast four lead artists with an acting age of 18-25 years old for a new project. “It was a dream come true - being put forward by Honey Kalaria, getting selected and actually working in a Bollywood film. Since then many new opportunities have opened up for me and I’m looking forward to developing my career as an actress,” comments Karishma Bhandari. With the new term kicking off from Friday 20th September students can choose to enrol on a number of courses. For those wishing to learn dance, individual Bollywood and Bhangra classes will be held, in addition to dance classes combining Bollywood, Bhangra, Indian Classical, Latin American, Arabic, Hip Hop, Street, Jazz and many other dance styles. And for those wishing to develop their Bollywood performing arts skills professionally, students can enrol on the professional course with the opportunity to take part in a Bollywood Musical at the end of the year in July 2014. All students will have the option of taking accredited Bollywood dance exams and medal tests, as well as gaining experience in singing, acting and presenting. “We hope people of all ages and levels will join us at the Academy. Dancing is a great, fun way to keep fit and make new friends. We also hope to help students build their confidence, self-esteem and career prospects within the international entertainment industry, as well as giving professionals the chance to develop as performers, dance instructors and choreographers,” comments Honey Kalaria. Students need to enrol at the beginning of the academic term to secure their place on the dance courses and a special price of £99 for the dance courses (normal price £129) and £149 for the professional course (normal price £199) will be offered to those booking their places before Sunday 25th August. Anyone interested in attending the open day or joining the Academy should call 07850 875087 or visit percentage of all class enrolments will be donated to The Honey Kalaria Foundation to help a number of charitable causes.



FILM: Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobaara DIRECTED BY: Milan Luthria GENRE: Action, Drama STAR CAST: Akshay Kumar, Imran Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Sonali Bendre


Once Upon a Time in Mumbai RELEASE DATE Dobaara is the story of an : underworld don, Shohaib (Akshay 16/8/2013 Kumar), who killed his mentor in the highly praised prequel, Once Upon a Time in Mumbaai, to gain supremacy and is now the ruling mafia king. His influence and power has spread right up to the Middle East and today Shoaib is a flamboyant, suave man who is feared and revered. Shohaib wants to gain full control over Bombay and this is met with resistance from two existing gang-lords - Vardha and Arun. The pair decide to team with a cop - Sreenu, whose only purpose in life is finishing off Shohaib's reign, for which he gladly joins hands with the gang-lords. While Bombay continues to be the object of their fancy, Shohaib stumbles upon a young actress - Yasmin (Sonakshi Sinha). He is immediately taken in by her freshness, beauty and candor. Slowly, but surely his attraction towards Yasmin goes onto becoming an obsession. This creates a rift between Shoaib and Aslam and results in the ultimate showdown between the mentor & protégé.

FILM: Chennai Express DIRECTED BY: Rohit Shetty GENRE: Action, Musical, Thriller STAR CAST: Shahrukh Khan, Deepika Padukone


Chennai Express is the story RELEASE DATE of a Mumbai boy (Shah Rukh : Khan) who embarks on an epic 8/8/2013 journey across the country in order to fulfil the last wish of his grandfather, to have his ashes immersed in Rameshwaram. However, the journey takes its twists and turn and en route, he meets a South Indian girl (Deepika Padukone) hailing from an orthodox family. As they find love through this journey in the exuberant lands of South India, a new clash of cultures awaits them. What follows is a series of adventures which sees Shah Rukh in unfamiliar surroundings, with the added challenge of an unfamiliar language. Chennai Express is an action packed romantic movie that is bound to entertain audiences across the country. Come fall in love...Rohit Shetty style!


FILM: Satyagraha 30/8/2013 DIRECTED BY: Prakash Jha GENRE: Drama, Thriller STAR CAST: Amitabh Bachchan, Kareena Kapoor, Ajay Devgn, Manoj Bajpayee


The revolution truly has begun in this political thriller which sees an all star cast combine to tackle corruption in Indian politics. The film deals with the movement of the middle-class to renegotiate democracy and is headed by Bollywood superstar Amitabh Bachchan, as an anti-corruption activist. It's the story of a man who is a firm believer of ‘Gandhian’ principles, an ambitious entrepreneur who represents the modern India shining philosophy, a social activist who aims to be a politician, a fearless political journalist and a wily politician who is willing to use any means to break the system.




FILM: Madras Cafe DIRECTED BY: Shoojit Sircar GENRE: Drama, Thriller STAR CAST: John Abraham, Ayushmann Khurrana, Rashi Khanna, Sheetal Malhar, Leena Maria, Nargis Fakhri Set against the backdrop of the Sri Lanka civil war and the assassination of a key Indian political leader, Madras Café, is billed as one of this year’s most tense political thrillers and will launch globally later this week. John Abraham performs the role of Captain Vikram Singh, an accomplished Para Military Officer recruited by the R&AW’s (India’s

external security agency) Indian head Robin Dutt – with the mandate to execute certain covert Intelligence operations in Jaffna, Sri Lanka, and conduct peaceful provincial council elections. However, as Vikram delves deeper into his covert operations against a faceless enemy in a daring game of catand-mouse, he suddenly becomes the

TBC FILM: Zanjeer DIRECTED BY: Apoorva Lakhia GENRE: Action, Thriller STAR CAST: Ram Charan, Priyanka Chopra, Sanjay Dutt, Mahie Gill

RELEASE DATE Vijay : (Ram 6/9/2013 Charan) is a brutally honest police officer who has been transferred yet again by the system for chasing the corrupt underworld goons. He is in charge of a case where the key eye witness Mala (Priyanka Chopra) has seen a murder by Teja's (Prakash Raj) Gang and refuses to co-operate. Teja is the head of an oil mafia operation and doesn't want Mala alive. Vijay manages to convince her to give a statement which leads to the perpetrators coming after her. Vijay on the other hand is also battling his own inner demons where he is searching for his parents killers. He witnessed their cold blooded murder as a child and the nightmares continue to haunt him till date. The film revolves around Vijay's struggle against the system, his battle against his inner demons and his chase after Teja.

TBC RELEASE DATE : 13/9/2013 FILM: I Love New Year DIRECTED BY: Radhika Rao and Vinay Sapru GENRE: Comedy, Romance STAR CAST: Sunny Deol, Kangna Ranaut, R Madhavan, Prakash Raj, Manoj Joshi, Tannishtha Chatterjee This is a one-night story - it's New Year eve and two strangers living in two different cities [New York/Chicago] are tossed into each other's company by the hand of fate in a comedy of errors that's as

funny as it is enchanting. And just as the world is celebrating New Years, the two stranger's realise their own romances are falling apart. The movie follows two strangers, a beautiful musician (Kangana Ranaut) and a serious Wall Street banker (Sunny Deol). Making a desperate bid to sustain their own relationships they inadvertently fall in love over one magical New Year's eve.

RELEASE DATE : 23/8/2013

hunted. Soon the beleaguered Vikram realises that there is a leak within his own group. With Robin Dutt’s full support, he attempts to uncover and stop this conspiracy from happening. And that too against opponents that are shrewd, vile, unseen, unknown, besides having to deal with an internal, almost indifferent, sceptical political system.



SaEuPgT 2013 OUT NOW



CERT STARRING: CHLOE MORETZ, AARON JOHNSON, CHRISTOPHER MINTZ-PLASSE, JIM CARREY DIRECTOR: JEFF WADLOW GENRE: ACTION, COMEDY, DRAMA When we last saw junior assassin Hit Girl and young vigilante Kick-Ass, they were trying to live as normal teenagers Mindy and Dave. With graduation looming and uncertain what to do, Dave decides to start the world’s first superhero team with Mindy. Unfortunately, when Mindy is busted for sneaking out as Hit Girl, she’s forced to retire—leaving her to navigate the terrifying world of highschool mean girls on her own. With no one left to turn to, Dave joins forces with Justice Forever, run by a bornagain ex-mobster named Colonel Stars and Stripes. Just as they start to make a real difference on the streets, the world’s first super villain, The Mother F%&*^r, assembles his own evil league and puts a plan in motion to make Kick-Ass and Hit Girl pay for what they did to his dad. But there’s only one problem with his scheme: If you mess with one member of Justice Forever, you mess with them all.





From above the world of Cars SE DATE: comes Disney’s UK RELEA 3 Planes, an 16/8/201 action-packed 3D animated comedy adventure featuring Dusty (voice of Dane Cook), a plane with dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer.



16/8/2 013


But Dusty’s not exactly built for racing—and he happens to be afraid of heights. So he turns to a seasoned naval aviator who helps Dusty qualify to take on the defending champ of the race circuit. Dusty’s courage is put to the ultimate test as he aims to reach heights he never dreamed possible, giving a spellbound world the inspiration to soar.




STARRING: DENZEL WASHINGTON, MARK WAHLBERG, PAULA PATTON DIRECTOR: BALTASAR KORMÁKUR GENRE: ACTION, COMEDY, DRAMA, THRILLER Academy Award winner, Denzel Washington, and Mark Wahlberg star in this explosive action comedy that tracks two operatives from competing bureaus who are forced to run together. But there is a big problem with their unique alliance – neither knows that the other is an undercover

federal agent. For the past 12 months, DEA agent Bobby Trench (Washington) and US naval intelligence officer Marcus Stigman (Wahlberg) have been reluctantly attached at the hip. Working undercover as members of a narcotics syndicate, each man distrusts his partner as much as the criminals they have both been tasked to take down. When their attempt to infiltrate a Mexican drug cartel and recover millions goes haywire, Trench and Stigman are suddenly disavowed by their superiors. Now that everyone wants them in jail or in the ground, the only person they can count on is each other. Unfortunately for their pursuers, 2 Guns prove they’re better than one!








In the year 2159 two classes UK RE LE of people exist: 23/8/A2SE DATE: the very 013 wealthy who live on a pristine man-made space station called Elysium, and the rest, who live on an overpopulated, ruined Earth. Secretary Rhodes (Jodie Foster), a hard line government official, will stop at nothing to enforce anti-immigration laws and preserve the luxurious lifestyle of the citizens of Elysium. That doesn't stop the people of Earth from trying to get in, by any means they can. When unlucky Max (Matt Damon) is backed into a corner, he agrees to take on a daunting mission that if successful will not only save his life, but could bring equality to these polarized worlds.




STARRING: MARK WAHLBERG, DWAYNE JOHNSON, ED HARRIS, 15 REBEL WILSON CERT DIRECTOR: MICHAEL BAY GENRE: ACTION, COMEDY, THRILLER Daniel Lugo (Mark Wahlberg) is a regular bodybuilder who works at UK RE LEAS the Sun Gym along with 3 0/8/20E DATE: his friend Adrian Doorbal 13 (Anthony Mackie). Sick of living the poor life Lugo concocts a plan to kidnap Victor Kershaw (Tony Shalhoub), a regular at the gym and a rich spoiled business man, and extort him by means of torture. With the help of recently released criminal Paul Doyle (Dwayne Johnson), the 'Sun Gym Gang' successfully gets Kershaw to sign over all his finances, but when Kershaw survives an attempted murder from the gang, he hires Detective Ed Du Bois (Ed Harris) to catch the criminals after the Miami Police Department fails to do so. Based on the true story of the Sun Gym Gang, this film is an outrageous mixture of action and comedy, as Michael Bay directs another instant classic.





In White House Down, Capitol Policeman John Cale UK RE LEA (Channing Tatum) has just 6/9/20SE DATE: been denied his dream job 13 with the Secret Service of protecting President James Sawyer (Jamie Foxx). Not wanting to let down his little girl with the news, he takes her on a tour of the White House, when the complex is overtaken by a heavily armed paramilitary group. Now, with the nation’s government falling into chaos and time running out, it's up to Cale to save his daughter, the president, and the country.

This Is Us follows the story of the biggest boy band in the world, One Direction and their meteoric rise to fame, with lots of exclusive live footage - all in thrilling 3D! Just three years ago the 1D line-up of Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson were solo artists looking to burst on to the pop scene yet following the construction of One Direction, the lads have never looked back. Fourteen million singles sales and two Brit awards later, One Direction are established as one of the biggest bands in the world. But what's it like to experience such rapid success from the inside? 'Super Size Me' director Morgan Spurlock paints an intimate portrait of these working class boys turn men who still manage to keep their feet on the ground. Of course the film is filled with exciting performance footage and music, including 1D's new single 'Best Song Ever'.


29/8/A2SE DATE: 013



13/9/A2SE DATE: 013

Two-time Academy Award winner 15 Ron Howard, once again teams CERT with fellow two-time Academy Award nominee, writer Peter Morgan, on Rush, a spectacular big-screen re-creation of the merciless 1970s rivalry between James Hunt and Niki Lauda. The epic action-drama stars Chris Hemsworth (The Avengers) as the charismatic Englishman James Hunt and Daniel Brühl (Inglourious Basterds) as the disciplined Austrian perfectionist Niki Lauda, whose clashes on the Grand Prix racetrack epitomized the contrast between these two extraordinary characters, a distinction reflected in their private lives. Set against the sexy and glamorous golden age of Formula 1 racing, Rush portrays the exhilarating true story of two of the greatest rivals the world has ever witnessed— handsome English playboy Hunt and his methodical, brilliant opponent, Lauda. Taking us into their personal lives on and off the track, Rush follows the two drivers as they push themselves to the breaking point of physical and psychological endurance, where there is no shortcut to victory and no margin for error. If you make one mistake, you die.




Ever tried to make your own ladoos and barfi for special occasions only to see them turn into rock-like disasters or a big pile of not-so-gorgeous goo? Well here’s your chance to put things right with our delicious and foolproof sweetmeat recipes. All you need is some basic ingredients, a bit of time and a few humble tins of condensed milk. Enjoy!

Ginger Ladoo

Makes 20 Prep time: 15 minutes

Kheer Jewelled with Dried Fruit

This recipe is also delicious using dried chopped apricots; substitute the ginger for the apricot.

Serves 4 Prep time: 5 minutes Cooking time 30 minutes Ingredients 25g raisins 75g dried apricots, chopped 100g pudding rice 3 strands saffron pinch ground cardamom 397g can Carnation condensed milk 25g almond slivers 25g pistachios, chopped 1tbsp rose water

Ingredients 1tbsp butter or ghee 150g fine semolina 50g ground almonds 1 tsp ground nutmeg 25g crystallized stem ginger, finely chopped Half a 397g can Carnation condensed milk

To finish, chopped pistachio

To finish, strands of saffron Method Heat the butter or ghee in a pan and gently toast the semolina for a few minutes, take off the heat and stir in the remaining ingredients. Roll the mixture into 20 small balls and finish with strands of saffron.

Orange Scented Gulab Jamun Serves makes 20-30 Prep time: 15 minutes Cooking time 10-15 minutes Ingredients For the sugar syrup 365g sugar 250ml water 1tsp orange essence 310g plain flour 1 tsp baking powder 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda pinch ground nutmeg 397g can Carnation condensed milk ghee or ground nut oil to fry To finish, a sprinkling of toasted desiccated coconut Method Make a thin syrup, by boiling the sugar and water together for a few minutes, allow to cool then stir in the orange essence.

Sweet treats

Method Soak the dried fruits in a little hot water. Meanwhile place the rice in a pan with saffron and cardamom and 600ml water, heat gently and bring to the boil. Simmer very gently for 20 minutes. Add the dried fruits and condensed milk and heat for a further 10 minutes, stirring continuously. Add the almonds and pistachio and take off the heat. Serve warm, finished with chopped pistachio.

Toasted Coconut Burfi Prep time: 20 minutes

Pistachio and Chocolate Burfi Makes 20 Prep time: 20 minutes Ingredients 190g milk powder 150ml double cream 1 tbsp butter or ghee 1 tsp ground nutmeg 50g pistachio nuts, chopped 397g can Carnation condensed milk To finish 100g dark chocolate, melted gold or silver leaf

Sift together the dry ingredients into a bowl and stir in enough condensed milk to form a soft dough (approximately half the can).

Method Mix the milk powder and double cream in a bowl until it forms a thick and crumbly paste.

Shape the dough into small sausages approximately 2cm in length then fry gently in a pan of hot oil. You should aim to cook 3-4 jamuns at a time as they expand during cooking. Do not allow the oil to over heat as the jamuns will cook too quickly on the outside but not be cooked through in the middle.

Heat the butter or ghee over a low heat for a couple of minutes, stir in the nutmeg and pistachio and toast for a few minutes. Add the cream mixture and the condensed milk; the mixture will be solid to start with and will soften as you continue to heat it. Keep stirring until the mixture starts to come away from the sides.

Drain the jamuns onto kitchen paper then place into a clean pan with the orange syrup. Serve hot or cold with toasted coconut, to finish.

Pour into a non-stick tray and spread to a 2cm thickness. Spread over the melted chocolate and decorate with gold or silver leaf. Allow to cool and then cut into square shapes.

Ingredients 190g milk powder 150ml double cream 1 tbsp butter or ghee 50g creamed coconut, grated 25g desiccated coconut 1 tsp ground cardamom 397g can Carnation condensed milk To finish, toasted coconut. Method Mix the milk powder and double cream in a bowl until it forms a thick and crumbly paste. Heat the butter or ghee over a low heat for a few minutes and stir in both types of coconut. Toast for a few minutes, stirring and watching the mixture to prevent the coconut from burning. Stir in the remaining ingredients with the cream mixture. The mix will be solid to start with and will soften as you continue to heat it. Keep stirring until the mixture starts to come away from the sides. Pour into a non-stick tray, spread to a 2cm thickness and sprinkle with toasted coconut. To finish, cut into diamonds when cool. Alternatively roll into approx 20 balls and roll in toasted coconut.





Your National and Local Business Round-up

Business news

Be a Rockstar By Ashley Grint

Rockstar Youth are leading the way in engaging with Britain’s young, Asian entrepreneurs by actively supporting them with free mentoring and start-up loans of up to £10,000. With an Asian take up rate of less than 6 per cent, compared with 70 per cent of their British white counterparts, Rockstar Youth are determined to buck

the trend and support this traditionally entrepreneurial community more effectively. Rockstar Youth, a subsidiary of the Rockstar Group, the UK’s leading private mentoring organisation that supports entrepreneurs and businesses launch and growth, is driving the success of the government’s Youth Start Up Loans Programme for 1830 year olds, having cut red tape and connected with some of the UK’s most exciting young entrepreneurs.

The streamlined process means that applicants can receive their cash injection just 14 days after attending a business incubator, which is part of the application process. 22- year-old Rishin Patel is an excellent example of a young British Asian who has taken up the start-up loan initiative and found success in the real workplace. Rishin founded his own advertising company, which includes mounting televisions onto the side of Smart cars, in October 2012, after gaining valuable advice and a minimum loan from Rockstar Youth. Despite being issued with some start-up money, Rishin explains

how the mentoring sessions were the most valuable things he took from the organisation. He said: “I initially approached Rockstar Youth in March last year basically so I could get access to mentoring from proven business professionals. I did apply for funding and mentorship yet mentorship was definitely the main focus. “The advice and guidance given from my first mentor session, with Mike Mills, was genuinely priceless as it broadened my horizons even further and even went as far as changing the direction of the business slightly. “Rockstar Youth has been hugely beneficial to me as a young

entrepreneur.” Rishin now has a profitable business and a host of clients have already signed up to use the mobile publicity stunts including award winning performing arts company, ‘Living the Dream’. With a staggering low percentage of Asian entrepreneurs taking up the chance to join the mentorship scheme, Rishin offers the following words of advice. “Take up the opportunity, it is probably the best thing I could have done and I guarantee it will only be beneficial for you too, no matter what the business idea.” For more information regarding attending a Rockstar Youth event, visit

ENTREPRENEUR: Rishin Patel launched his own company last year following mentorship from Rockstar Youth

UK’s leading private mentoring group welcomes Asian entrepreneurs



Beauty industry bids to professionalise its workers A new industry-led register of qualified professional nail technicians is being created as the beauty industry is rocked by reports of illegal immigrants working in nail bars under slave conditions. The Register of Nail Professionals, which will be launched in October by Habia, the Sector Skills Council for the hair, beauty, nails and spa sectors, will contain only the professionals in the industry who have the correct qualifications to do their job. The Register will be accessible by the general public so they can identify industry professionals who have met a range of criteria that has been developed by an independent technical group and Habia’s expert forums. The Register will be owned and operated by SkillsActive, of which Habia is a part. Recent police reports have uncovered an illicit trade of trafficked workers into Britain to work as nail technicians. A report in the Sunday Times revealed fears that there are now thousands of such victims working in nail bars across the country. Stuart Turner, Head of Standards and Qualifications at SkillsActive, said, “Habia works with all corners of the beauty industry and the concern about trafficked workers within its businesses is understandable. There must be a standard of integrity, quality and ethics adhered to and that should be driven by the industry itself but also customers must play their part by carefully selecting who they choose to do their nails. “We are working hard to ensure that the workforce of the UK’s beauty industry is improved and only contains those who have had the correct

training to carry out these services. Once this takes place, consumer confidence will be higher, the professionalisation of the industry will be more pronounced, and most importantly, we can go a long way in addressing this very serious problem of illegal workers being forced to work at nail bars.” The Register of Nail Professionals is a voluntary register for the industry that has been developed on the back of the work already carried out by Habia within the hair and beauty industry. It will raise professional and quality standards by allowing qualified nail technicians to be identified as having met the necessary standards to work in the specialised industry. Habia has already developed a Code of Practice in Nail Services in conjunction with contributions from all members of the Habia Nail Forum, scientists at the Health and Safety Laboratory Service, The Nail Geek, Doncaster Metropolitan Borough Council, Health and Safety Executive, The Hyperion Group and Creative Nail Design, Thomson Learning and Jacqui Jefford, Calgel, LCN and Scratch magazine. Suki Kalirai, Habia Chairman, said, “This news shows that changes must take place in the beauty industry and thankfully, it is taking strides to become a more professionalised sector. It is a task that won’t be accomplished overnight but what is already beginning to happen is that the industry itself is calling for more measures to recognise the skills and qualifications of nail professionals. It is in response to this demand that Habia, in conjunction with SkillsActive, has developed the Register of Nail Professionals.”

‘Flash For Cash’ Car Crash Scam Warning Motorists have been warned about a new car accident insurance scam, which has been dubbed "flash for cash". The latest tactic sees cars lying in wait for innocent victims at exits from shops, car parks or fuel stations. Fraudsters flash their headlights, offering the victim a right of way to join the main road, but then speed up to ensure their car is hit side-on by the unwitting driver, according to automotive anti-fraud investigation specialist APU. "It is yet another example of how criminal gangs are becoming more sophisticated and attempting to stay one step ahead of suspicion," APU's director of investigative services Neil Thomas said. "By appearing to offer the right of way, the criminal simply continues his journey into a collision, holding the victim at fault for turning across him which, of course, cannot be denied under law." The new tactic is a variation on the existing 'crash for cash' scam where organised crime gangs using several cars to stop suddenly, in the hope a following car will cause a rear-end collision. According to the Insurance Fraud Bureau (IFB), crash scams cost £392m annually, with gangs netting an average of £1.7m. The IFB believes 14% of personal injury claims are suspected to be linked to 'crash for cash' scams. Metropolitan Police Traffic

Command Detective Inspector David Hindmarsh said the motor industry insurance scams could add an estimated £50 to £100 to each policyholder's annual premium. The organised gangs now use claims management front companies to 'milk' the system. "The issue with this new type of collision is that the police would not be called, and there would be no personal injury," Det Insp Hindmarsh told Sky News. "Organised criminal groups can set up claim management companies with the sole purpose of defrauding the industry. "Insurance costs would then be claimed for recovery of the damaged vehicle, storage while awaiting repairs and car rental during the period." Association of British Insurers (ABI) director general Otto Thoresen said that across the whole insurance industry around 380 fraudulent claims are uncovered daily, worth nearly £1bn a year. Another £2bn in fraudulent insurance claims are estimated to be made annually across the sector. Det Insp Hindmarsh warned that utmost care should be taken when a driver offers you to join the traffic flow. He said: "The advice would be if someone flashes you, make sure they are either stopped or don't risk pulling out. "Always make sure it is safe to move before you do so."

Do more to support ethnic minority businesses’ The Deputy Prime Minister, Nick Clegg, today called on Britain's banks to do more to ensure that everyone who wants to start a business is given the opportunity to turn their ideas and aspirations into successful enterprises. Speaking at a meeting in Manchester with senior banking figures and entrepreneurs from ethnic minorities, he said, “It is vital that all businesses have fair access to viable finance as the country looks to rebuild the economy.” The Deputy Prime Minister’s words come as a new report he commissioned found that although the banking industry is working hard to ensure ethnic minority businesses have access to finance, there is more to be done to help under-represented groups reach their goals. As a result of the findings, the Government has agreed with the British Bankers’ Association that the banking industry will commit to a series of measures to improve access to finance for ethnic minority business groups. This includes collecting data through independent research, for the first time, on the experiences of ethnic minority businesses seeking finance. Speaking in Manchester, where he met representatives of the banking industry and the ethnic minority business community, the Deputy Prime Minister said that while there is no evidence that the challenges ethnic minority businesses face are due to racial discrimination, they do still have problems accessing loans. The Deputy Prime Minister said: “This is a tremendously valuable report, and I would like to thank everyone who has worked so hard to get us to this point – officials, businesspeople from ethnic minorities and the British Bankers’ Association. “I welcome the fact that the report finds no evidence of racial discrimination, and I am pleased to see the banking industry has agreed to a range of measures to address the various factors that have prevented some entrepreneurs from getting loans. I am particularly glad to see the banks commit to independent research on ethnic minority businesses and their experience of accessing finance so that they can monitor the situation. “This report is a good start, and a valuable statement of intent, but there is much more to be done to make sure that entrepreneurs from ethnic minorities have a fair chance to achieve their goals.” The Ethnic Minority Businesses and Access to Finance report is published today by the Communities

Minister, Don Foster, following detailed discussions between the British Bankers’ Association, Government and business representatives. The report finds that, while there is good work already underway by the banks including improved data collection on the experiences of ethnic minority businesses -

talents and realise their full potential, irrespective of their background. “All too often, people from ethnic minority communities don't get the chance to meet their aspirations to start up their own business, with those from a Black African or Caribbean heritage particularly underrepresented among our

ACTION: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg calls on banks to do more to support entrepreneurs

British Bankers’ Association agrees measures to support ethnic minority businesses as Government report finds good work underway, but more to be done there is more that the banking industry can do to ensure that those, who are underrepresented, are given every opportunity to succeed. Don Foster said: “We are determined to help people who want to work hard and get ahead, make the most of their untapped

entrepreneurs. “We all have a shared stake in this country's economic future. So I want today's report to be a catalyst for change, to ensure that the necessary support is in place to turn ideas into successful businesses for the future.”



BRAVE: Mr Faruk Vali has begun to openly question ‘halal’ certifying bodies and their methods

“Halal certification agencies seem to be quite cagey about the criteria and the methods they use.” Launches Unique Matrimonial Web Portal

Blog questions the ‘halal’ food stamp By Anush Ansari

not. Some appear to accept mechanical slaughter; others do not. Some check via a system of periodic ‘spot checks’ whilst others will only award certification if the company has a full time, independent inspector stationed on the In the wake of a series of food scares and examples of contamination of supposedly halal factory floor. “In short, there is still a great deal of difference food products by -materials such as horse meat between the various systems and when the and pig DNA, a British food professional has launched his own investigation into the value of consumer sees a ‘halal certified’ label on a product, it can still be very difficult to know halal food manufacturers’ claims. exactly what that means. Faruk Vali is managing director of a “The other big problem is that some of the Lancashire based halal food business and, certification agencies seem to be quite cagey having developed an insider’s view of the industry, he made the decision to launch his own about the criteria and the methods they use. “I work for a halal certified company, so I know blog. what its particular monitoring agency looks for, The site is intended to help ordinary Muslim but trying to obtain detailed information from consumers to make more informed choices about the foods that they eat by providing details some of the other bodies was almost impossible. If it’s difficult for me – as someone who works about what ‘halal’ and ‘halal certified’ stamps within the industry – to find out what a given really mean. halal-certified stamp means, then what hope Vali states: “I started the blog because it does the ordinary consumer have? seemed to me that there is a great deal of “The goal of the new blog is to produce an uncertainty amongst consumers about halal honest and accurate comparison between the labelling. There is a lack of clarity in the halal industry and so much of customer choice has to different certification agencies – what they check for; how they operate and so on. I have been as come down to a matter of trust. accurate as I possibly could but it’s a difficult “I started by looking at the question of halal field in which to gather hard facts so I’m hoping certification. In practice, there is very little to that the agencies themselves will check the blog stop an unscrupulous manufacturer from and write in with any corrections or updates. The sticking a ‘halal’ stamp on almost any item of blog is intended to help people make better food packaging, regardless of whether its ingredients have been checked and processed in choices about the foods they eat, so I’d ask the certification bodies to use it as an opportunity to accordance with halal requirements or not. give consumers clearer information about their “There are several different certification work.” bodies operating in the UK and it’s clear that The early results of Faruk’s ongoing research they operate according to very different principles. Some will accept stunning; others will can be found at

A unique matrimonial web portal launched by Professional assists single, educated Muslim professionals in finding a compatible marriage partner to complete half of their faith as prescribed in Islam. Muslim professionals are finding it increasingly difficult to meet suitable and compatible matches for marriage. This common concern forms the very premise for’s unique concept which differs from other matrimonial or networking websites: we believe that a lifetime of marital bliss actually begins with finding compatibility on all levels, both personal and professional. For those Muslims who choose to pursue a professional vocation, a traditional arranged marriage may not always be an option. Often living away from their families due to work and given that Islamic rules on courtship do not permit dating, Muslim professionals frequently find prospects for the right partner for friendship, love and happiness within marriage via other means to be at best, limited. encourages members to be honest and sincere about themselves and what they seek in a future spouse in order to maximize responses from other members with the same objectives and optimize the search for a life partner. recognizes that finding the perfect marriage partner requires far more than subscribing to a typical matrimonial site and filling out the usual online forms describing oneself and one's ideal match. Instead, focuses on the various dimensions of what matters most – compatibility. The site features a series of multidimensional compatibility questionnaires addressing important aspects such as religiosity, personality, family, educational and career. A detailed member profile allows the user to include a variety of information such as interests and activities, key

qualities sought in partner and other personal details, all viewable at a glance. Given the modern trend towards social networking among professionals, a built-in social network feed also enables members to upload photographs and videos and post status updates. takes pride in being culturally aware of and sensitive to the importance of relationships and marriage for Muslim professionals around the world and firmly believes that finding someone compatible is essence to one’s future happiness. With, connecting with like-minded individuals is simple. The web portal ensures complete online safety and confidentiality, allowing members a secure environment in which to meet with other Muslim professionals with similar goals and interests. Our interactive web portal is geared exclusively towards educated and working Muslim professionals and allows members to seek and communicate with potential matches to assess various dimensions of compatibility as well as the presence of similar goals and objectives in life and towards marriage. Though Muslim professionals may have a clear idea of what they are seeking in a life partner, avenues for meeting potential matches are often somewhat restricted. By joining, these avenues are vastly broadened and thus so are the opportunities to meet one’s ideal match. Throughout the Month of September, is offering users the chance to register for a free 3-month membership, so if you do happen to be a Muslim professional in search of a life partner, why not give this unique new web portal a try? As Muslims, we believe that humans are created in pairs – which means that somewhere out there, a match is waiting for you – very possibly on!





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Juke it your way

Nissan launches new personalisation programme

Car buyers with a creative streak now have the perfect canvas on which to bring their visions to life. Following its successful launch in 2012, Nissan is further expanding its innovative personalisation programme for Juke. As part of the new programme, 11 different exterior styling and design elements are now customisable and available in up to eight different colours and shades. The majority of the components, including 17-inch alloy wheels, roof spoiler, side sills and headlamp finishers are available in all eight available colours. This opens up an exciting world of possibilities for buyers. To mark the expansion of the

personalisation programme, three new trim colours will be added in the coming months: Electric Blue, Mat Black and Black Purple, along with a new design of 18-inch alloy wheel that can specified in silver, black and diamond cut metallic grey finishes. The expanded personalisation programme also includes a number of new cabin features. Four different areas can now be customised with the same colour palette as the exterior. The centre console, for example, can be specified in one of seven different colours or finishes, along with the door finishers. The tweeters and air vents are available with eight different options, while even the floor mats now come with optional colour stitching.

To help buyers visualise their tailor-made Juke before ordering, Nissan has created a new 3D configurator that allows users to see how each new element looks. Developed specially for Nissan, the powerful visualisation module allows users to rotate a high-resolution, photographicquality version of their Juke through any angle. Buyers can add and remove trim and wheel designs and switch between the eight body colours at the click of a mouse button. Once complete, users are given a unique personalisation code that allows them to access the design via the Nissan homepage. Buyers who wish to order the car can then take the code to a Nissan dealership, where their design can be accessed and ordered.

Bastien Schupp, Marketing Vice President for Nissan in Europe said: "Juke customers have always had an eye for bold, stylish design, and with the new personalisation programme, they have the potential to create a truly unique car. "The possibilities are now almost infinite, and we're really looking forward to seeing what exciting new looks our customers create with the new configurator. It gives Juke an even more powerful presence in the crossover sector, and further reinforces Nissan's drive to offer customers something extra."



Battery Power! London aims to become a global centre for hydrogen and fuel cell vehicle activity with emission-free hydrogen powered vehicles driving around the city. These fuel cell vehicles will be leased to key public and private fleet users in the capital. They are among the first of 1,000 examples that Hyundai has committed to produce between now and 2015 and are built on the same production line, in Ulsan, Korea, as the Tucson. The majority of those 1,000 cars will be available in Europe where the European Commission has established a number of schemes, such as the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), to promote the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier with zero carbon content. As the first car company in the world to assembly lineproduce fuel cell vehicles, Hyundai has enabled not just the real start of Europe’s Hydrogen Roadmap but also accelerated London’s plans to become one of the major hydrogen capitals of the world. For Hyundai, the philosophy behind the ix35 Fuel Cell project has been to produce a car that offers the same practicality, safety levels and driving experience as an ix35 driven by an internal combustion engine, but with zero tailpipe emissions. That means

comparable performance – 100mph maximum, 0-62mph in 12.5 seconds and a range of almost 370 miles from each tank – but with no emissions: the only emission is water. Just as importantly, a Fuel Cell vehicle can be refilled in two to three minutes and, in use, an ix35 Fuel Cell demands no compromise from the driver. Although Hyundai has been developing its Fuel Cell vehicles for more than 15 years, it is only now - with the start of a viable hydrogen refuelling network in place - that it can consider putting a fuel cell car into series production. Tony Whitehorn, President and CEO of Hyundai Motor UK, said: “Hydrogen delivers considerable environmental benefits and we are looking forward to working closely with the other partners to drive forward its widespread introduction.” The London Hydrogen Partnership has initiated more than £50 million worth of hydrogen projects already. Its partners have been involved in the implementation of the two existing refuelling stations, the operation of five fuel cell London buses which joined the Transport for London fleet in 2011, with another three to join in 2013, as well as a fleet of hydrogen iconic London taxis, fuelled by hydrogen.

World’s first full production fuel cell cars to arrive in the UK

What a beauty! Corvette Stingray road tests go live

Starting this week, performance car fans in Europe might spot the stunning-looking brand-new Corvette Stingray on the road. As Chevrolet's technical experts put two pilot vehicles through their paces over the next couple of months, they’ll be putting the new Stingray through its paces. The tests will be conducted and documented by Patrick Herrmann, technical manager at Chevrolet Europe. He will be uploading his observations as well as images and videos on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Instagram, using the following hashtag: #C7experience.

Mazda MX-5 named most reliable new sportscar’ The Mazda MX-5 has been named as ‘Britain’s most reliable new sportscar’ in the 2013 Which? Car Survey – the biggest survey of car satisfaction and reliability conducted in the UK. Achieving a reliability score of 97.4 percent (for models up to three years old) and 91.1 percent (models over three years old) the Mazda MX-5 beat a host of rivals to claim first and second places in the age-related categories – while earning high praise from the Which? editorial team. “For a sportscar that will last for years and won’t cost a fortune in repairs, head to your local Mazda garage. The MX-5 has the lowest number of faults and no annual repair costs in the first

Stay pumped up to avoid tyre failures

As the heatwave continues ahead of the great summer get-away, drivers are being reminded about the need to make sure their tyres are properly inflated, to avoid temperature induced tyre failures. When tyres are under-inflated, excessive heat builds up within the tyre and makes them much more susceptible to suffering from a rapid deflation. These dramatic events can make the car extremely difficult to

control, especially as they occur most frequently after prolonged periods of high speed running on busy motorways or A-roads. Underlining the scale of the risk and dangers, figures from the RAC show that last year, its patrol crews attended more than 50,000 tyre related callouts in July and August alone. Stuart Jackson, chairman, TyreSafe, said: “We all love the hot weather – apart from our tyres if

The testing procedures are part of the General Motors standard quality control programme which is conducted for each new Chevrolet model before it goes on sale in Europen dealerships later in 2013. "Corvette is a one of the famed names in automotive history and the new Stingray is the most advanced and capable standard model yet. Driving and testing this car is definitely one of the most interesting aspects of my job," said Patrick Herrmann, technical manager at Chevrolet Europe.

they’re not properly looked after. With July and August normally being the hottest two months of the year, car tyres are placed under increased stress from the higher temperatures like we’re currently experiencing. It really is important that motorists check their pressures at least once a month all year round, but even more so at this time of the year.” Under-inflation, as well as being a huge safety issue from an increased

three years,” states Which? For MX-5 models between 1998-2005 the magazine comments: “The Mazda MX-5 is the automotive equivalent of a double espresso. Neartelepathic steering and handling make other cars (even some sportscars) feel woolly and dull by comparison. You can pick-up a decent used MX-5 for just £1,500. We suggest you do.” Demonstrating the excellent reliability for which the Mazda brand is famed, other Mazda models also scored well in the Which? survey. Mazda3 was rated as 91.9 percent reliable and topped the table for medium cars (over three years old), generating the comment: “The Mazda3 costs owners less in annual repair bills than the majority of new cars that

risk of tyre failures and punctures, can also be financially costly because of a reduced tyre life and increased fuel consumption as the engine has to work harder to make the tyre turn. RAC spokesman Simon Williams said: “In 2012 RAC patrols attended 344,000 call-outs for tyre and wheel jobs, making it our second biggest breakdown with 15 percent of our 2.3 million breakdowns. We urge everyone taking to the roads this summer to make sure their tyres are in good condition otherwise they risk spending some unwanted time on the hardshoulder or in a lay-by instead of

are still within their three-year warranty period.” The Mazda6 Estate placed second in the Estate cars (up to three years old) category scoring 97.2 percent, while the Mazda2 ranked fifth among Superminis with a 96.4 percent score. Overall, the Mazda brand was ranked by the Which? team as equal-ninth out of 31 alongside Volkswagen in its Best Car Brands section, which merges the staff’s road-test opinions with the Car Survey results. The magazine stated: “It looks like you can’t go wrong if you buy a new Mazda.” Compiled annually, the 2013 Which? Car Survey was based on information supplied by more than 47,000 drivers relating to over 57,000 cars.

on the beach.” When checking their tyre pressures, drivers should ensure they are correctly inflated for the load being carried, such as additional passengers or holiday luggage. The correct settings can be found in the vehicle manufacturer’s handbook, inside the fuel filler cap or on a plate on the driver’s door sill. Alternatively TyreSafe has developed an on-line and iPhone app. Users simply enter their car registration number plate for the correct tyre pressure. It’s available to use and download by visiting





The Subaru WRX concept vehicle – first shown earlier this year at the New York International Auto Show – will make its European debut at the 65th Frankfurt Motor Show on Tuesday 10 September.

The WRX concept hints at the final look of the next-generation WRX, a bold and muscular design giving it a strong on-street presence. Lower, wider and sleeker than previous models, the WRX Concept places an even greater focus on sharp handling, with a low centre of gravity and Subaru’s famous AllWheel Drive system. Subaru trademark design cues including a pronounced bulge on the bonnet – accompanied by the classic WRX bonnet scoop – which provides clearance for a turbocharged engine and intercooler, while also aiding engine

cooling. The old model is now sold out and the decision was taken earlier this year not to import further volumes. The new-for-2014 Subaru WRX production car, while not confirmed for the UK market, is under consideration. Changing market conditions has allowed Subaru UK to re-examine the feasibility of bringing the new car into Britain. The WRX concept will be joined on the stand at Frankfurt by the Subaru VIZIV concept, representing Subaru’s future design direction and vision for technological innovation.

New spot fines forgnivrdabowkcpshfegtnadluocsirtmhekYtseWmotoring offences

Motorists in West Yorkshire could be subjected to spot fines for tailgating and middle lane hogging as part of a new crackdown on bad driving. The changes give road policing units new powers to issue £100 penalty notices and drivers could also receive three points on their license. More serious offences could end up in court and offenders would be subjected to higher penalties. Fines for existing offences, such as driving

whilst using a mobile phone, will also rise. The changes allow road policing officers more flexibility when dealing with more minor driving offences, and it has been said that it will be a less time consuming process than going through court for offences.

Drivers will still have the option to appeal decisions in court and also to take a road safety course as an alternative to license points. The changes have been met with some scepticism, and a recent poll by Auto Trader showed that 60 per cent of road users believe that the changes

will have no impact on road safety. Road Safety Minister Stephen Hammond said: “Careless driving puts innocent people’s lives at risk. That is why we have made it easier for the police to tackle problem drivers by allowing them to immediately issue a fixed-penalty

notice for low-level offending rather than taking these offenders to court.” Chief Inspector Mark Bownass of West Yorkshire Police, said there would be no change to how roads in the county were policed as a result. But he added: “The new fixed penalties provide officers with a toolkit which allows them to deal with the offence based upon their perception, right through from a fixed penalty ticket to a traffic offence report.”




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Figures reveal the most stolen and recovered car models of 2012

According to a leading stolen vehicle recovery (SVR) expert, the BMW X5 was the car most frequently stolen and recovered in 2012. The BMW X5 was also top in 2011, making it a hot favourite among thieves. Luckily owners of this type of car, who are savvy and invest in a Tracker unit, see their chances increase of their BMW being recovered, if it is stolen. Last year Tracker recovered over £12.5 million worth of stolen vehicles, returning them to their owners. Tracker’s 2012 figures show that the Land Rover Vogue and Sport are the second most stolen and recovered vehicles. This is a shift from 2011, when Land Rover was in seventh position on the most stolen chart. The BMW M3 has also moved up from sixth in 2011, to third place in 2012, showing how thieves’ tastes change too. Back in 2011, BMWs occupied the top three spots, with the 1 Series and 3 Series taking second and third places, respectively. Today, the BMW 3 Series is

TRACKER’s Top Ten Most Stolen and Recover ed 2012

Top ten cars by make an d model most frequently stolen and rec overed

2011 1. BMW X5 2. BMW 1 Series 3. BMW 3 Series 4. Audi RS Series 5. Volkswagen Golf 6. BMW M3 7. Land Rover Range 8. Mercedes C Class Rover 9. Audi A4 10. Porsche 911

in equal fourth with the Audi RS4, whilst the 1 Series has slipped out of the top 10 completely. Mercedes was a key target for thieves in 2012, with the SLK and ML in fifth and sixth place, followed by the CLS and E Class in joint seventh. “It’s clear from our latest figures that thieves continue to target prestige models with the most expensive car recovered being worth £70,000,” says Stuart Chapman, Police Liaison Officer for Tracker. “The average value of the cars we recovered in 2012 was just £25,500 and a number were below £5,000, confirming that you don’t have to own a luxury car to be at risk from thieves looking to make a fast profit. Tracker’s Mesh Network also contributed to the recovery of over £4,500,000 worth of stolen vehicles.

2012 1. BMW X5 2. Land Rover – Vogue /Sport 3. BMW M3 4. BMW 3 Series / Au di RS4 5. Mercedes SLK 6. Mercedes ML 7. BMW M5/X6 8. Mercedes CLS/E Cla ss

Tracker stolen vehicle recovery systems work like an electronic homing device. A covert transmitter is hidden in one of several dozen places around the vehicle. There is no visible aerial, so the thief won’t even know it’s there. Unlike other tracking systems, the device works even if the vehicle is hidden in a garage or taken abroad. Tracker is the only vehicle tracking system operated by all police forces in the UK, offering car owners the ultimate in security.














Shahid Khan

finalised his deal to buy Fulham last month

New owner at the Cottage By Ashley Grint

Over the past 16 years, Mohammad Al Fayed has helped guide Fulham from the third tier in English football to Europa League finalists. Yet last month, his triumphant rein at the helm came to an end as the club reached an agreement with Pakistani billionaire, Shahid Khan, to take full control of the club. Khan, who is officially listed by Forbes as the 491st wealthiest person in the world, replaced the outgoing AlFayed on the 12th July, as he assumed 100 per cent of the club. Pointing out his priority is to ensure the team, and Craven Cottage, each have a viable and sustainable Premier League future; the Jacksonville Jaguars owner also had praise for his outgoing predecessor. “Today, he (Mohammed Al Fayed) is giving me the privilege and responsibility of serving as the next custodian of Fulham Football Club,” Mr Khan said. “I am extremely honored to accept and want to thank him, on behalf of everyone who loves Fulham, for 16 years of exceptional service to the Club. “Mr Al Fayed rescued the club in its hour of need and has led it to a sustained place within the Premier League.” Speaking about his acquisition of the

club, Khan reiterated his desire to help Fulham continue building on their Premier League foundations. He said: “Fulham is the perfect club at the perfect time for me. I want to be clear; I do not view myself so much as the owner of Fulham, but a custodian of the club on behalf of its fans. “My priority is to ensure the club and Craven Cottage each have a viable and sustainable Premier League future that fans of present and future generations can be proud of. A statement on Fulham FC’s official club website was also released by the outgoing chair, Mohammad Al Fayed, whereby he thanked all stakeholders in the South London outfit for their continued support. He said: “Fulham is now embarking upon its 13th season in the Premier League. I bid farewell comforted by the knowledge that Fulham is a very wellrun Club that has never been in better shape. “I shall look to Shahid Khan to build on the success of the 16 seasons and to deliver the greater glory that the fans desire and deserve. I look forward to seeing you down at the Cottage where I shall return, on occasion, to cheer on the team. “Now a new era dawns. Come on you Whites!” Shahid Khan’s first competitive game in charge of the club will come this weekend, Saturday 17th August, as his side travel to Sunderland as they kick off their 2013/14 Premier League campaign.



Anti-Racism classes

The latest initiative to be launched by English football’s governing body will see all football league players receive guidance through courses aimed at tackling racist language. As announced last week, the Professional Footballers Association (PFA) will now provide sessions before the new season kicks off in an attempt to prevent repeat cases which have scarred the Premier League in recent seasons. In 2012, Chelsea’s John Terry was sanctioned by the FA after calling

Anton Ferdinand a racist term whilst earlier that year, Luis Suarez was handed an eight game ban for using derogatory terms to address Patrice Evra. PFA chief executive Gordon Taylor hopes the new initiative will help eradicate such behaviour, saying: “We need to avoid any embarrassment again after recent cases.” In a letter sent to all 92 league managers, the PFA wrote: “We are looking to arrange this session in the near future and would appreciate you ensuring players attend as a matter of

PREVENTION: PFA chief executive, Gordon Taylor

priority.” The new program has received praise from a host of clubs yet the issue of racism has often stretched off the field and into the terraces. Earlier this month a Sunderland fan was banned from attending any matches for three years after being found guilty of racially abusing Chelsea striker Romelu Lukaku last season. The PFA classes will help players learn about racist and other discriminatory terms which are homophobic and demean people with disabilities.

Winter World Cup is ‘nigh on impossible’ CRITCISE: Premier League chief executive, Richard Scudamore

se ta d p u C lroW a tQ e vm o sn lp a fe ih c u g LrP m

The English Premier League’s chief executive, Richard Scudamore, has openly condemned any plans to move the 2022 World Cup to the winter, stating that a change of host country would be a more viable solution. With temperatures easily surpassing 40 degrees Celsius (104 Fahrenheit) in the summer months in Qatar, discussions have been ongoing regarding tackling the heat. Stadium air conditioning systems and even man-made clouds have been discussed in the past, yet FIFA President, Sepp Blatter, is seemingly more open to changing the date of the tournament. This is a move which has already been widely criticised by European league officials, as it would severely hamper their league formats which commence through winter. Richard Scudamore, speaking to Sky Sports News, believes changing the date of the tournament is not a viable solution. He said: “It's extremely difficult [to move it], nigh on impossible in our view. Where they award the World Cup is entirely the FIFA executive committee's decision; entirely their decision, not our business. “The international football calendar is one that has to be consulted though; it is not something FIFA can just decide because the whole of world football has an interest in that. “There is a whole series of complications around that and that consultation process has to be a separate consultation process with leagues and associations on a global basis, not just the Premier League and European Leagues, to make sure it works for everybody.” In February 2011, Sepp Blatter was asked about the

potential for switching the tournament to the winter and responded that “everything is settled for summer”. However, last month he remained open to the switch adding: “If this World Cup is to become a party for the people, you can't play football in the summer. You can cool down the stadiums, but you can't cool down the whole country.” Qatar defeated bids from South Korea, Japan, Australia and the United States to win a ballot of FIFA's 22 executive members for the right to host the 2022 World Cup.



An inspiring story of a self driven, motivated individual who initially suffered from bullying and low self esteem yet turned things around to become a UK wrestling heavyweight champion – Mandeep Sehmi is a real life role model. Mandeep, or ‘Monty’ as he is known, has grown up in Beeston, Leeds, all his life and has become a familiar face to the local community and in particular the youth. His passion for American Kickboxing has grown since taking up the sport and has now spent nearly two decades studying the style as well as teaching for over 11 years. As part of the ongoing Role Models Series, Monty recently shared his experiences with a group of young people at the Hamara Centre. Growing up, he did not have the same luxuries the other children had and was bullied and disrespected because of his size. It was in 1989 that the future-kickboxing star first stumbled upon his love for martial arts when he was taken to karate by his uncle. Despite being shocked at the size of the youth whom stood in front of him, it was this instructor which helped Monty fall in love with the sport and ultimately set him up for a life in the game. The first setback the youngster encountered was the uniform; the biggest suit didn’t fit him, so his mother had to stitch extra material on, whilst the karate belt, which was supposed to wrap around waists twice, only went around his waist once. However, with the support of his instructor, Monty’s confidence grew by the day and he took the decision to enter a karate competition in December 1989. “To the amazement of everyone I won five fights and got to the final,” he explained to the on looking youths. “Before the final my father actually walked in and said ‘come on son let’s go home’, to which I replied ‘no dad I can’t go I am in the final’. “He was confused and couldn’t believe someone like me had made it this far. I was to face a guy with a chizzled body and bulging muscles and again my father insisted we left saying, ‘grab your stuff and let’s go you’re not going to win’. “For the first time in my life I built up the courage to say to my own dad, ‘you’re my father, you need to back me up, sit there and support me for once.” The final result was inevitable; Monty won the 1989 Bob Reed Tournament. A few years later the martial arts enthusiast wanted to follow through with his dad’s dream of becoming a wrestler. He searched everywhere but could not find a gym and so trained, with a friend, in his basement before eventually finding a wrestling club in Stoke on Trent. After gruelling six hour sessions Monty adopted the ring name, Mustafa Khan, and a new face of wrestling was born. Under the alias of Mustafa, he now holds the Persian heavy weight title, the BWA heavy weight title and the UKW Tag team title. To find out more about the Role Model Series, or to get involved, contact Arfan on 01132 773 330 or

Vali joins Team Fury Khan’s former business manager begins latest project Uncle and trainer, Peter Fury, hopes more spectacular events are to come under the guidance of Vali. He said: “Asif will be overseeing many aspects of the business planning and also advising on all major dealings. “We at Team Fury are delighted to have such a person with his experience, and also a friend of the Fury family for many years, joining us.” Hughie Fury added: “I

trained at Gloves ABC and got to know Asif well there. He’s always switched on and did a great job with Amir’s career from a young age so I’m looking forward to his input.” Meanwhile Asif Vali is delighted by the new role as he explained: “I’m excited and am really looking forward to this new challenge. In Tyson and Hughie we have future heavyweight world champions so it’s an honour to be working with them.”

You Khan do it! Local wrestling star proves knockout success with Role Model Series

WRESTLER: Mustafa Khan was the latest person to take part in the Role Model Series

(RIGHT) KICKBOXER: Monty shows off his skills at the Hamara centre, Leeds


UNBEATEN: Asif Vali has joined Team Fury and will witness Tyson (pictured) go head-to-head with David Haye next month




Express National

SPORT By Ashley Grint Just six days after parting ways with Team Khan, business manager Asif Vali has already embarked on his latest project as he joined Team Fury last week. Vali had been a representative of Amir Khan’s camp since he turned professional eight years ago and the news of the mutual split came as a surprise to many in the boxing world. With both parties seemingly wanting different things, Vali has made an immediate return to the sport with Team Fury whereby he will be overseeing business planning, and also advising on all major dealings. The businessman has had a long


standing relationship with the Fury’s and will now work alongside boxers, Tyson, Hughie and Phill, as well as trainer, Peter. Team Fury released a statement following Vali’s appointment and were delighted to have a person with such experience, and long time friend of the Fury family, on board. Tyson Fury said: “We’re delighted to have Asif onboard. I have no doubts he’ll be a strong asset to Team Fury and his experience at the top of the game will be hugely beneficial.” A blockbuster bout between the UK’s top heavyweight, Tyson Fury, and David Haye will be screened in September in what will be Vali’s first taste of action with his new team.

Continued on page 99


Vali joins Team

Fury Khan’s former business manager begins latest project

MANAGER: Asif Vali

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