Asian Express Yorkshire - February 1st Edition 2014

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February 2014 - 1st Edition



DISGUSTED: Mohammed Ilyas has written to the airline in an attempt to find out why his grandmother was forced to stay on a plane for an extra seven hours without any food or refreshments


Aishwarya Rai-Bachchan in top 30 most beautiful women Yorkshire

See page 66

Disgust at 20-hour PIA plane delay By Ashley Grint

Pakistan International Airlines has once again come under fire from angry customers after they were made to wait almost 20 hours for a flight to finally arrive at Leeds Bradford Airport last week.

PIA passengers forced through ‘ridiculous’ ordeal as pilot takes seven hour detour, leaving customers ‘demanding answers’

After an exhausting nine-hour flight, which had already been delayed two hours, passengers on the PK775 flight from Islamabad to LBA were told that the plane would have to be diverted to Manchester Airport due to adverse weather conditions. Upon arrival at Manchester, the plane was then grounded on the runway for a further four hours with passengers still onboard, before being flown back to LBA for a final time.

Continued on page 6



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February 2014 - 1st Edition

South Asian women urged to know the signs and symptoms of breast cancer The NHS is launching a new ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ public awareness campaign highlighting the fact that the older you get, your chances of getting breast cancer increase, with one third of women diagnosed with the disease each year being aged 70 or over. Surprisingly, two thirds of women aged 70 and over (67 per cent) wrongly think women of all ages are equally likely to get breast cancer, when in fact a woman’s risk of breast cancer increases with age. The ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign also encourages Asian women to know the signs and symptoms, talk to their daughters or daughter-in-laws and visit their

doctor if they spot any changes to their breasts. With many women only on the lookout for a lump in the breast, other signs of the disease are often overlooked. The campaign pushes women to identify several lesser-known but equally important signs of the disease, including pain in the breast or armpit and changes to the nipples, size or shape of the breasts Dr Yvonne Doyle, Regional Director at Public Health England, said: “Research shows that women aged over 70 have low symptom awareness and are more likely to delay presenting to their GP with breast cancer, which could ultimately affect their chance of survival. “Added to this are the cultural taboos and embarrassment that are specifically associated with the

discussion and education about breast cancer amongst older Asian women. “Women cannot afford to ignore the statistics - one in three women who get breast cancer are over 70, so don’t assume you’re past it or dismiss any symptoms as a sign of ageing and most importantly don’t be afraid to talk to your GP.” The campaign is urging daughters to engage older female members of their families in conversations about cancer to help detect the disease. The earlier breast cancer is diagnosed, the higher the chance of survival. Therefore, Asian women are encouraged to talk about the issue. The campaign has received celebrity support, with actress Meera Syal featuring in an

Actress Meera Syal supports NHS ‘Be Clear on Cancer’ campaign to raise awareness of breast cancer amongst Asian women

“I really want to help get the message out there that breast cancer is a very real and relevant disease amongst Asians.”

infomercial designed for Asian communities. Speaking on her role in the project, Meera says: “Breast cancer is something which is hardly discussed amongst Asian women. It comes down to taboos and a sense of embarrassment. I really want to help get the message out there that breast cancer is a very real and relevant disease amongst Asians. “My own mother suffered from it and fortunately she spotted it early and like most women who do these days she survived. “This was due to her swift action in visiting her GP as soon as she noticed changes in her body. “It goes to show how quick responses can influence a matter of life and death.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition



Signed and sealed By Anush Ansari

SIGNED: Deputy Leader of Bradford Council, Imran Hussain signs the contract to bring non-evasive autopsy facilities to Bradford by the end of this year

Councillor ‘proud’ to bring non-evasive post mortem facility to Bradford We won’t knock you out with our prices!

By Anush Ansari

In what has been, primarily, a call from South Asian communities to reform the coroners system in making the loss of loved ones less harrowing, Bradford has signed off contracts to bring non-evasive post mortem facilities to the city. Ground-breaking £1.5 million 3-D equipment will be installed at Bradford's Forensic Science Centre this year, an extension at the Burnham Avenue mortuary, off Rooley Lane. The state-of-the-art equipment provided by Malaysian-based life

science enterprise iGenei, is intended to be less harrowing for relatives when dealing with the death of a loved one. The three dimensional visualisation software and scanner provides a possible alternative to the traditional post mortem procedures without a surgical dissection of the body. This may mean that eventually up to 70 per cent of post-mortem examinations could be noninvasive. In some cases, the process may allow the body to be released for a funeral sooner, providing there are no further investigations to follow. The contract was signed by

Deputy Leader of Bradford Council, Imran Hussain last week. Commenting on the new facility, Councillor Imran Hussain said: “We are proud to be pioneering this modern technology as Bradford is one of the first places in the country to have a digital autopsy facility. “It will be welcome news for all bereaved families as traditional invasive post mortems can be distressing for relatives. This new technology will ensure we can offer a less invasive post mortem to families as an alternative in appropriate cases.” Bradford will be the second city in the country after Sheffield to use the modern technology.

Head start for Leeds’ youth

A new fund looking to tackle long term unemployment among 18-24 years olds will launch in March 2014. Towards the end of 2013, Leeds City Region was awarded £4.6million from the Government to deliver the “18-24 Head Start” programme to support young

people into employment. Leeds City Council will receive £1.2million of this money to fund a local programme which will offer 800 young people, aged 18-24 years, who are furthest from the labour market (and claiming jobseekers allowance for six months or more), the chance of a

‘head start’ into work through a supported work experience placement. At a meeting of Leeds City Council’s executive board on Friday 14th February, members will be asked to agree the new programme and how this will be delivered.

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Tackling Bridgewater’s winds

Leeds City Council has reviewed its wind policy covering the Bridgewater Place junction to include further safety precautions in the light of a coroner’s recommendations. Councillors will be asked to approve the revised conditions covering when and how the junction around Yorkshire’s highest skyscraper should be closed in the face of high winds. It will mean that the road junction will be closed to traffic and pedestrians, with pedestrians instead being diverted to a footway to the east and protected by an extended shelter. The lower 45mph wind speed trigger for action- already in use informally- will also be confirmed. The review was conducted after an inquest found that freak wind conditions that led to a lorry being blown onto Dr Edward Slaney had been caused by the building itself.

Over £50,000 found under a bed in Leeds Former UKIP party member Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto exposed as the head of a Pakistani kidnapping gang

Revised learning disability service

Senior councillors in Leeds will discuss proposals for an innovative new social enterprise to support people with learning disabilities. The ambitious plans would see Leeds City Council’s Learning Disability Service transfer into the new business model, which would be owned and operated entirely by staff. The service, which has an annual budget of £20.9m, supports more than 1,000 of the city’s most vulnerable adults, providing help and advice as well as hands-on personal care. The move, designed to secure the future of the service, would represent the biggest shift to a social enterprise model of its kind ever to take place in Leeds. A detailed business case has been produced which underpins the proposed model.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

NEWSNIGHT: Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto had applied for asylum to avoid facing capital punishment in Pakistan

By Anush Ansari

Al-Madinah Free School Stops Secondary Classes A Muslim free school that was branded ‘dysfunctional’ and ‘inadequate’ by inspectors is to end secondary education. The Government stepped in after a damning Ofsted report warned Al-Madinah in Derby, which teaches around 400 children aged 4-16, was in ‘chaos’. Inspectors said the school was ‘reliant on the goodwill of an interim principal to prevent it totally collapsing’. Although primary education will continue, Schools Minister Lord Nash said: “I have come to the conclusion it would simply not be in the interests of parents or pupils at the secondary school to continue to fund provision which has failed them in the manner now apparent.” Al-Madinah opened in September 2012 and is described as having ‘a Muslim ethos’. The school has faced claims it discriminated against women, made staff cover their hair even if they are not Muslim and split up boys and girls in classrooms. During its inspection in

October 2013, Ofsted found pupils' achievement was inadequate because the expectations of staff were too low. It also found many teachers were inexperienced, had not received the training and support they needed and were unable to deliver effective lessons. A follow-up inspection in December found there was still ‘no sign of improvement’. A spokesman for the Department for Education said the Government had acted

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‘swiftly and decisively’ after identifying failures like those at Al-Madinah. “Based on the current situation, we believe the new board... needs to focus efforts on the primary school in order to bring about the level of improvement required,” he said. “The board has accepted our decision to close the secondary school and we have offered our full support in helping pupils to find alternative places before the start of the next academic year.”

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A UKIP Commonwealth spokesman, who played a key role in boosting the party’s multi-cultural credentials, was forced to resign after it was discovered that he had been the leader of a major kidnapping gang. 35-year-old Mujeeb ur Rehman Bhutto, from Leeds, has admitted being 'boss' of the kidnapping circle and also confessed that he had admitted charges in a UK court under a different name in 2005. Suspicions arose when Bhutto mysteriously ‘vanished’ from the UKIP’s website just before the new year. Now UKIP have tried to distance itself from Bhutto, saying he has resigned of his own accord after he was confronted about his criminal history. Bhutto, had been pivotal for UKIP in gathering a following from the Asian communities in Britain. He had even organised two visits to mosques in Rochdale and Bradford last year for UKIP leader Nigel Farage and helped canvass in a key by-election in which the party came close to gaining its first MP. But, in the latest embarrassment for the party, Bhutto has been exposed as being the ‘boss’ of a highprofile gang which struck in Karachi in 2004, in a kidnapping that netted him a £56,000 ransom payment.

The money was found hidden in Bhutto's bed in a house in Leeds, and he was forced to repay it when he appeared in court. His apparent respectability as a politician went down the gutter when it was revealed that in June 2004, a gang, led by Bhutto, kidnapped Ahmed Naeem, the son of a wealthy businessman, at gunpoint from a car in Karachi. Five days later Bhutto had flown to England. Police said that at one point, as he negotiated a ransom, he threatened to cut the victim’s head off and post it to his father, Mohammed. He had personally collected the ransom at the Arndale shopping centre car park in Manchester. Bhutto admitted charges in a British court and received a seven-year jail sentence, but claimed asylum to avoid being deported back to Pakistan. He was sentenced under the name Majeebur Bhutto. Bhutto, from Leeds, told Newsnight he had admitted charges against him rather than risk being sent back to Pakistan and hanged. He said: “The evidence which was brought against me was from Pakistan. The allegation was simply because of political rivalry and because of my fathers high-profile.” He claimed the case against him in Pakistan had been thrown out by the country’s Supreme Court. However, senior Pakistani police sources told the BBC that Bhutto is still very much wanted. The emergence of Bhutto’s past, comes just a few weeks after David Silvester, a UKIP councillor in Oxfordshire, provoked ridicule by claiming that this winter’s floods were God’s revenge for the new law allowing gay marriage; and last summer, MEP Godfrey Bloom, who represents Yorkshire and The Humber, caused outrage when he said Britain should not be sending overseas aid to ‘bongo bongo land’. More surprisingly, Bhutto had joined the Conservative party just months after he came out of prison and had defected to UKIP in 2011.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





Council tax rises

After three years of freezing council tax in the face of heavy cuts, Leeds City Council is having to recommend raising it by 1.99 per cent, along with a 5.9 per cent rise in council house rents, as it has to make a further £50m in savings. As the council enters a fourth year of severe cuts to its funding it can no longer afford a council tax freeze and is also planning to lose up to 200 jobs next year. This is on top of over 1,800 that have gone in the past three years, including 25 per cent of senior manager posts. The council tax rise would represent an increase of 43p a week for a Band D household. Government grant reductions alone have taken £94m out of the council’s budget over the past three years, and this government funding is being further cut by over 10 per cent in the coming year. In addition, the government’s planned changes to the rent-setting formula will mean rents having to go up by 5.9 per cent to balance a loss in income to the council of £3.5m from 2015 and £6.5m the following year in order to protect services to tenants.

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

Disgust at 20-hour PIA plane delay ORDEAL: PIA has come under fire recently for a range of issues, from the drunken pilot scandal to a steward attempting to smuggle kilograms of heroin into the UK

PIA passengers forced through ‘ridiculous’ ordeal as pilot takes seven hour detour, leaving customers ‘demanding answers’ Cover story continued

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The whole ordeal resulted in the passengers finally leaving the plane seven hours later than expected, and for a number of Bradford residents affected by the delay, it was the ‘final straw’ for the highly-criticised airline. Mohammed Ilyas was one resident who went to the LBA to collect his 84-year-old grandmother, only to be put through the lengthy ordeal. With his relative not being given any food or water during the delay, Mr Ilyas has now written to the airline and says this is not the first time something like this has happened with PIA. “It seems that every flight is either delayed or there are complaints with this airline,” he said. “There was that shocking case of the drunk pilot not so long ago and for me PIA are doing nothing to better their reputation. “Thankfully, when I travel to Pakistan I can go by Emirates and stopover in a country yet for elders it is a big inconvenience. They don’t want to change planes and that means they have to fly with PIA as they are the only providers who do this.” He added: “What happened last weekend was absolutely shocking. For people to be sat on the runway of Manchester Airport for four hours and not be allowed off the plane is ridiculous. “I didn’t meet my grandmother until 2am, despite her plane scheduled for landing the previous afternoon.” Cllr Ishtiaq Ahmed, representative of the Manningham Ward for the

APPALLED: Manningham Councillor, Ishtiaq Ahmed, was disgusted with the customer service offered by PIA as he waited for hours to greet his family

Bradford Independent Group, was also waiting for his relatives, including his almost 90-year-old grandmother, to arrive on the same flight. Describing the handling of the situation by the airline as ‘appalling’ and ‘ridiculous’ Mr Ahmed was forced to pay more than £40 in just parking fees, with the additional cost of petrol for two cars to journey to Manchester and back. It is not the first time the Bradford councillor has been affected by PIA and he now believes that boycotting the airline may be the only way to force PIA to ‘change its ways’. He explained: “The only reason most people fly with PIA in my experience is because it is the only direct flight to Pakistan from

here. “Other airlines may stop off in Dubai or somewhere and that changeover is obviously not preferable for elderly passengers in particular, but the way PIA have been handling their customer service is just terrible. “It has gone so far that people are just so sick of it now. I hadn’t been on a PIA flight for 18 years and when I did I found that nothing had changed, if anything, things had gotten even worse.” Mr Ahmed flew with the airline at New Year’s and was made to queue for more than four hours to just get on the plane. He believes that this experience, plus last weekend’s incident, has not only emphasised the airline’s poor customer service but reiterated that the time for a boycott may have arrived. “Every time we are flying with PIA we spend around £500 and £600 and we have to expect some level of customer service,” he said. “My family has told me that on their flight in the weekend, they were never told what was happening and there was just no communication at all. “Things have to change if PIA are to ever learn and if we must boycott the airline to see results, then maybe that is what we should do.” A PIA spokesperson apologised for the delay in an issued statement. It read: “We do regret the delay and inconvenience caused to our valued customers but sometimes the situation gets beyond human control. “We once again apologise to our valued customers and assure them of better service in future.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition





River restoration

A range of work to improve three lakes located at one of the Leeds’ most popular parks is now underway. Over a six week period, each of the lakes at Temple Newsam Park will be drained to allow machinery to remove silt and leaves that have built up over the years, with the mud rich in nutrients that is taken out being used as a soil improver at a nearby field. Once this clearance is completed a number of other improvements will also be made, including repairs to some of the lakes edges, planting to improve water quality and securing the banks with a view to providing a haven for wildlife. As part of the £106,000 scheme, which includes a grant of £45,000 accessed by GrantScape from the Caird Bardon Community Programme, the lakes will be safely fenced off and the lakeside paths and car park will be intermittently closed to allow access for machines and vehicles.

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

FIREFIGHTER: Kirklees District Prevention Manager, Mohammed Ali, will act as Project Manager for the team of English Fire Service representatives who will visit Pakistan in April

‘If we help save one life, we have succeeded’

English firefighters head to Pakistan on training mission By Ashley Grint

A team of English firefighters are set to embark on a different type of challenge later this year as they attempt to extinguish any bad habits that exist within the Pakistan Fire Service. Spearheaded by the Asian Fire Service Association (AFSA), a group of between five and seven volunteers will head out to South Asia in April on a fact finding mission to build up a clear picture of what needs improving in Pakistan. The team will visit the Punjab, an area which has some of the best access to fire stations in the country, for a short visit to better understand the current level of performance. With a number of factory fires tearing down buildings in the country recently, alongside the 2013 earthquake, fire prevention and disaster management will be top of the agenda for the crew. Kirklees District Prevention Manager, Mohammed Ali, was selected as Project Manager for the trip and has regularly visited the country in the past. Alongside members of the Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service, Lancashire FRS and Tyne and Wear FRS, he will visit the country in the Spring to begin work on the Punjab Project. The 40-year-old Bradford resident was proud to join the initiative and hopes it will be a long-term project which will expand into further areas in Pakistan.

Explaining why he got involved with the Punjab Rescue project, Mohammed said: “From the first time I heard about the project I was very interested in not only being able to utilise my skills but also help others. “Here in West Yorkshire we have many ethnic minority residents with families over in the Punjab and Kashmir areas, I myself am from Kashmir. “Seeing people die in these areas through fire, because the wrong infrastructure, or no

embarking on the trip, he explained what the team would exactly be doing during the first visit. “What we will do when we are out there, amongst other things, is a risk assessment,” he said. “We will look at different parts of the operational side, record the findings, come back here and review where the current standard is at, what needs improving and how best to advance. “We want to ensure that their fire crews are operating at an international level, so hopefully we will build a training package around what needs improving and then send out another team in September or October who can then start to implement and deliver what we have agreed on.” He added: “Eventually it would be great if we could send over resources for these trained staff to use, and then even roll out the project into other areas of the country.” To fund the trip, a special evening of entertainment is planned to take place on 14th March at the Aagrah Midpoint Restaurant, Bradford, which will act as a fundraising effort for the cause, as well as an Africa expedition project and Waterwell project. Singer/songwriter, Husnain Lahori, is set to headline the night, with food also served up from the famous Aagrah kitchen. Tickets cost just £20 and can be purchased by contacting, Mohammed Ali, on 07890 543 350, or Mehrban Sadiq on 07500 888 579.

“Eventually it would be great if we could send over resources for these trained staff to use, and then even roll out the project into other areas of the country.” infrastructure, is in place to deal with emergency, gives me that bit more motivation to go out there and help. If we help save one life, we have succeeded.” Mohammed has been with the fire service for more than ten years yet has never been involved with such a pioneering project. Alongside representatives from fire stations up and down the country, he will be one of the first people tasked with building the relations between the two countries. As well as ‘looking forward’ to

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

British Asian Trust welcomes latest ambassador,

Zayn Malik AMBASSADOR: One Direction’s Zayn Malik was honoured last week as he became the latest ambassador of the British Asian trust

One Direction Star, and Bradford boy, Zayn Malik, has been named as the latest official ambassador for the British Asian Trust. The 21-year-old was praised by the charity’s executive director for his ‘immense talent’ as part of the world’s biggest boyband. The trust provides funding to help disadvantaged people in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Zayn joins fellow British Asian Trust Ambassadors: Naughty Boy, Sanjeev Bhaskar, Dev Patel, Mishal Husain, Laila Rouass, Preeya Kalidas, Nitin Ganatra and Nina Wadia, as they continue to raise funds for South Asian projects. Hitan Mehta, Executive Director of The British Asian Trust said: “We are delighted to welcome Zayn Malik to The British Asian Trust family; he is a young man with immense talent and a dedicated following. “Zayn joins a dedicated group of celebrity supporters, who have worked alongside us helping to improve the lives of disadvantaged people living in South Asia.” One Direction have achieved worldwide stardom since breaking onto the scene in 2010 following their time on X-Factor. Their achievements include two BRIT Awards and four MTV Video Music Awards among many others. After the release of their latest album, Midnight Memories, One Direction became the first band in US Billboard 200 history to have their first three albums debut at No. 1. The album was also a global success, debuting at No 1 on the UK Albums Chart and became the fastest and biggest selling album of 2013 in the UK.

Textile History set for museum

A new micro manufacturing project which will celebrate the rich textile heritage of Leeds and Yorkshire has been launched at a city museum. Bringing together a unique mixture of expert skill and material from the region, the aim of the project is to create high quality cloth using the machinery of a 1921 Hattersley ‘Standard Loom’ currently residing at Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills. Developed through a collaboration between Leeds Industrial Museum at Armley Mills and Yorkshire Textiles by designer Susan Gaunt, the ‘Armley Mills Cloth’ is produced with 100 per cent British wool yarn spun by Laxtons Yarns, a specialist yarn manufacturer in Guiseley and Sunny Bank Mill Textile Archive, a business in Farsley. For further information, please contact Amy Jenkinson, Assistant Curator of Industrial History, via the following email: or by phone: 0113 2244 372. Additional information can also be found at: andgalleries

February 2014 - 1st Edition


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20,000 new jobs set for Leeds?

Leeds City Council has unveiled ambitious plans for the future of the city using HS2 as a catalyst for visionary developments on a scale never before seen in Leeds. Plans would see an iconic new rail station built on the south bank representing a stunning keystone in the regeneration of the area, which at 136 hectares will be one of the biggest regeneration projects in Europe. The significant regeneration scheme of south bank, comprising Holbeck urban village, areas around the old Tetley brewery and Leeds Dock, would deliver 250,000sqm of employment land with the potential to deliver 20,000 new jobs and 5,000 new homes. It is thought when fully developed the area could rival the bustling north bank, which contains the civic, university, arena and retail quarters as well as Trinity Leeds.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Road restoration

Be a part of the Tour

People are being offered the opportunity to learn more about the Tour de France Grand Depart and how they can get involved when the event passes through the Bradford district on 5th and 6th July next year. The meetings will take place at: Victoria Hall, in Keighley, on Saturday 8th February at 10am; West Lane Baptist Chapel, Haworth, on Wednesday 12th February at 7pm, and King's Hall, in Ilkley, on Thursday 13th February at 7pm. There will be presentations from Bradford Council with information about the event, how to get involved and how the event will be managed. There will also be time for questions and answers after the presentations.

Bradford Triathlon set for city

Bradford Council is hosting its first triathlon using the Great Northern Trail on Sunday 20th April. Triathlons have become hugely popular, especially through the Brownlee brothers who are members of the Bingley Harriers & Athletics Club. Both Alistair and Jonny are former World Champions and Alistair is the current Olympic champion in this growing event. Alistair and Jonny said: “We are really happy to see more and more people getting involved in triathlons around Yorkshire. This is what the Olympic legacy is all about. Triathlon definitely isn't a sport just for mad or super fit people. Everybody can have a go.” For more information or to book a place on the triathlon please visit

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VOLUNTEER: Frizinghall First volunteer, Sajid Mahmood, got hands on with the project which saw the community come together to relay the road

Residents unite to tackle tricky surface After one back alley in Bradford was highlighted as not only dangerous for residents to walk down but hazardous for vehicles, a community in Bradford came together to tackle the problem head on. Following on from a number of community initiatives last year, Bradford Council, Associate Waste Management, and local Heaton residents took on their bumpiest challenge to date. The Alley behind the Jamia Shan-e-Islam Welfare and Education Centre provides a much needed entrance for visitors yet the surface has been uneven and difficult for elderly people to negotiate. Step up the local community action team. Last year the ‘Freshen Up Frizinghall’ campaign addressed a number of issues with ‘clean-up’ projects, organised between Frizinghall First volunteer Sajid Mahmood and Mike Robinson of AWM, and this year the group continue to work with worthy causes. The uneven Alley behind Jamia Shan-e-Islam, has been torn up and is now ready to have a brand new, flat surface, laid down in coming days. Mike Robisnon, of AWM explained: “Like all our sustainable projects, we aim to try to make not only the area but also the lives of residents better. Members of the Mosque highlighted a problem with the alley and asked for help. 24 hours later we had skips, a mini digger and our team on site to start the work.

“11 tonnes of soil and rubble has been removed over the course of a day whilst a number of residents have helped lay the hardcore that the new concrete surface will be poured onto.” Money for the project was achieved via a grant approved by the ward councillors, with matched funding from AWM to carry out the environmental improvements Mike added: “The grant from the ward councillors has enabled a partnership between residents, community organisations and AWM Ltd to achieve a lot more collectively and we are excited about tackling more outstanding issues in Frizinghall together.” Sajid Mahmood, of the Frizinghall First community group added his praise for the project. He said: “I’m proud to continually be part of work we do within the area with fellow residents and AWM. Working together has meant we’re able to achieve so much more. “Mike and I work together and encourage residents to engage and try to make a more connected community. It’s great to see neighbours, businesses and residents achieve so much together.”

Huddersfield regeneration

Work has started on bringing a landmark building in Huddersfield town centre back to life. The five storey property, which occupies a prominent position on the corner of Railway Street and St George’s Square, is being refurbished and converted into apartments. The Grade II Listed building dates from 1856. It forms part of

Tite’s Buildings, named after the architect Sir William Tite and originally used by textile merchants for offices and warehousing. The premises housed the popular Alassio coffee bar from the 1950’s, before a serious fire in the late 1980’s. Since then, the building has been derelict and shrouded in scaffolding for the last few years.

Best Local Council Market of the year

It’s official, Ripponden Community market has been named ‘Best local council market of the year’ in the annual National Association of British Market Authorities (NABMA) awards 2014. Calderdale Council works closely with Ripponden Parish Council to run the local community market to bring quality, local products to residents and visitors of Calderdale. Ripponden is just one of Calderdale’s fantastic markets, and as part of our campaign to encourage shopping locally, we’re reminding people of the many benefits of markets. Stuck for gift ideas this

Valentine’s Day? Our markets are the ideal place to find some irresistible treats for your loved one. You’ll be spoilt for choice what to get, with items like luxury chocolates, jewellery, fragrances and fresh cut flowers on offer.

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February 2014 - 1st Edition





Scones &

Samosas A cooking group in Bradford has been serving up some delightful dishes recently as it aims to unite the community through the love of food. The ‘Scones and Samosas’ group, at St Paul’s Church, Manningham, was set up four weeks ago by Michelle Moyle, after a group of women, from one of the church’s English classes, asked about learning how to cook English dishes. With just a few ingredients, and a warm kitchen at the church, the Scones and Samosas group was served. Michelle Moyle, organiser at Saint Paul’s Church, said she was keen to set up the group after seeing the enthusiasm of some of the Pakistani English students. “As a community worker it is my job to get people involved and get different people together,” she said. “I thought it was a really good opportunity to get Muslim ladies and Christian ladies together in a way that everyone would enjoy and over the four weeks we have been running, there has been a really good response. “We started this cooking

February 2014 - 1st Edition

BAKERS: The Scones and Samosas group show off their soda breads at last week’s cooking class

group out of the ladies wanting to learn really and that is why it has been welcomed so well.” Last week, the speciality dish was Irish soda bread, with the recipe kindly brought in by Anne Drury. Coming from Ireland, the former cook said it was great to be able to share her recipes with the group’s attendees. Nusrat Naheed and Saima Mirza are two ladies who had never baked the soda bread before and explained why they were enjoying the group so much. “I am really enjoying it here, especially with the work that Michelle is doing,” Nusrat said. “Every week we do something different. I have never made soda bread before but last week we did chicken samosas and vegetable samosas which was very good.” Saima added: “I love to come to this class. They give us ingredients and recipes which we can take home and use for our families as well.”

Tastes and treats being dished up in Manningham

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

The conflict within

CALL OF DUTY: Muslim soldiers in Afghanistan

Would Muslims fight on the front line as part of the Armed Forces against ‘their own’? British Muslims make up a tiny proportion of Britain's armed forces. But they are vital to an organisation that wants to show military operations in other Muslim countries, are not wars against Islam. We find out what the word on the street is from British Muslims and ask whether or not they’d seriously join the British Army to protect their country. When L/Cpl Jabron Hashmi became the first British Muslim soldier to die in Afghanistan in July 2006, his death prompted debate about what motivates Muslims to join the armed forces. Bradford based student Adil Mubarak said he was given masses of information during school about joining the armed forces but always felt uncomfortable with the idea of fighting against ‘his own.’ Mubarak said: “During careers days and stuff, we always got a barrage of facts and figures from people wanting us to join the army. “I always felt a little nervous when they’d ask me, because obviously I am a Muslim and, for whatever reason, could not kill another Muslim, or any other human being for that matter. “It’s a war that’s not really been popular anyway, and all you hear about on the news is our soldiers dying out there, what incentive can that give anybody to join up? It’s not only a religious reason, I don’t want anything to happen to me either.” However, law graduate Sameera Yusuf said she didn’t have a problem signing up to the army, because Britain is ‘our home.’ Sameera says: “Just because we are Muslims it doesn’t mean we

shouldn’t fight for our country. Those people who are threatening to blow this country up are not Muslims, they just use the name of Islam. “Surely the best way of integrating in this country is to fight alongside your fellow Brits for the good of the country.” A Ministry of Defence spokesman said that people of different faiths, including Muslims, are free to practice their faith as far as practicable. They even have ‘halal’ ration packs for when their recruits are out in the field. Religious perspective Leeds Islamic teacher Imran Nazir said it was a tricky situation for a Muslim to find him or herself in. He said, while it was important for them to respect their country and integrate there was a fine line with the Islamic interpretation. “The Holy Quran teaches that whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind. “So for a Muslim this creates problems in itself. Personally I don’t really agree with this ‘war’ anyway so Muslim or non Muslim I would be advising against anybody going out there. “I do see the problem of identity for Muslims though, although I don’t condone what these terrorists are doing, there are many innocent Muslims who are dying as well, and I don’t support that for one minute.” There are outreach programmes up and down the country aiming to recruit and engage from the Muslim community. But they’ve proved not as effective as intended thus far.

'Not English way' A Birmingham Imam recently said that Muslims should not fight in the British armed forces on conscientious grounds due to their presence in Iraq and Afghanistan. Shaykh Asrar Rashid, a visiting cleric at the city's mosques, also said the Queen was ‘a disgusting woman’ for knighting author Salman Rushdie. In 1989 Iran's leaders called for the death of Mr Rushdie for writing The Satanic Verses, deemed ‘blasphemous’. He said: “If a foreign government invaded England tomorrow, we as Muslims would defend these areas and our way of life. “It's not that I hate English people, or English soldiers who have gone abroad, or that I don't feel for the mothers of these soldiers. But the fact is that they should make conscientious decisions as well. “That we must only fight wars which are in our interest, and invading Iraq and then oppressing the Iraqi people and Afghani people, is not the English way,” he added. The Muslim Council of Britain, an umbrella group representing more than 500 Muslim organisations in the UK, said Muslims had a duty to contribute to the ‘betterment’ of the society they lived in. Muslims more patriotic that Brits? The findings of the Demos report ‘A place for Pride’ saw that 83 percent of Muslims said they were proud to be a British citizen compared with the national average of 79 per cent. A spokesman said: “Theologically speaking there is nothing that prevents a Muslim joining the

British army. “As Muslims we are ready to show respect to leaders. We may disagree with some of the things she might do and say but that does not give us the right to be insulting.” Zeeshan Hashmi, whose brother Jabron was the first British Muslim killed while fighting in Afghanistan, said: “I am privileged living in Britain. One of the key traits of living in this country and being a Brit is that we have free speech. Based on that the Imam can say all of these things living in a very free society. “At the same time being an exsoldier and having lost my brother in Afghanistan, I can easily sympathise with his views.”

IDENTITY CRISIS: Outreach group Young Muslims UK asking youngsters about their place in society

Mohammed Beg is to become one of the few British Muslims to risk their lives for their country as he will take on the Communication Systems Operator. Speaking to The Asian Express, he said it was a proud day for him and that he didn’t think about his religion when applying. He said: “My family and friends are really supportive of my choice to join the Army and I have had a lot of compliments crediting my determination and dedication to training. They’re all looking forward to seeing me at my Passing Out parade, we’ve been told that it’s one of the proudest moments in a soldier’s career so I expect it will be quite emotional.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

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February 2014 - 1st Edition The first Bishop, of what will be the country’s largest Diocese, was announced earlier this week with Bradford’s own Right Reverend Nick Baines handed the role. The 56-year-old will become the first Area Bishop of Leeds for the new super-Diocese of West Yorkshire and the Dales, where he will also act as the Bishop. He will leave his current Bradford role on the 20th April before taking up the new venture on 8th June at a ceremony set to be held at York Minster. With a strong emphasis on the importance of interfaith relations, the move has been hailed by many third parties who believe Bishop Baines has the ability to unite communities more than ever before. Vice-president of Bradford’s Council for Mosques, Zulfi Karim, praised the selection saying he believes that his ‘friend’ is the ‘right man for the job’. He said: “I have worked closely with Bishop Baines in the past, much like all the religions in Bradford, and I can honestly say that he understands the importance of multi-faith issues extremely well. “It is a great decision to elect Bishop Baines to such a position as I believe he will only help improve relations between religions across Yorkshire and the Dales, and I hope he can remain an advocate for Bradford. “He is a fantastic

ambassador for working with all religions so to see him become head of this major Diocese is great.” Bishop Baines has been the Bishop of Bradford for three years and was previously the Bishop of Croydon. He will now undertake the same role for the much larger area of Yorkshire and the Dales which will cover five church areas in total, in Bradford, Huddersfield, Leeds, Ripon and Wakefield. Almost 500 clergy, 656 churches and 256 Church of England schools will be within the area covered by the newly found body.

Local DIALOGUE: Bradford Bishop Nick Baines, pictured with vicepresident of Bradford’s Council for Mosques, Zulfi Karim, has stressed the importance of Inter-faith dialogue in the past

Bradford Bishop handed ‘Super-Diocese’ role Bishop Baines selection praised by Bradford’s Council for Mosques

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

Atlas Achievement

Awards Pupils receive special

recognition for special efforts

Children at a Bradford primary school took centre stage last week, as the first ever Atlas Achievement Awards were held in front of parents, staff and one special guest in particular. Atlas Primary school, on Lincoln Close, celebrated the success of their pupils on Friday 31st January with a range of awards from ‘Best Personality’ to ‘Outstanding Piece of Work’ handed out to children across the year groups. The Lord Mayor of Bradford, Cllr Khadim Hussain, was on hand to present the awards, alongside the Mini Mayor for the day, Year Six pupil, Haider Ali. Set up to celebrate the success of the pupils, each award was issued to one child, who had been nominated by their year group’s teacher and then picked out of a hat

containing one nomination from each class. Headteacher, Miss Caroline Carr, was delighted to see the children awarded for all their efforts and explained how the event was arranged. “It was Miss Husna Khalifa and Mr Tasif Khan who really thought up the idea, deciding it would be nice to have this afternoon of celebration and reward the children for all their hard work,” she said. “Basically we just realised that we had an awful lot of talented children in our school that we are very proud of, and we thought it would be a nice idea to celebrate that with the Atlas Achievement Awards. “It was great to have the Lord Mayor come down as well to present all the children with their awards, whilst we invited the parents along to really give a

community feel to the day.” During the afternoon of awards, entertainment was also provided at regular intervals by pupils from afterschool clubs and enhancement groups, with kung fu dancing by year three, and Zumba and Bollywood dancers. It was the first time such awards were held at the school and for headteacher of four years, Miss Carr; it was ‘hopefully the first of many’. She added: “Hopefully today’s event will help inspire the children and encourage them to try even harder in the future. “Because the awards are so varied, it’s not just based on academic, rather going on things like personality and extracurricular activities; it gives everyone something to aspire to so it would be great to see more events like this in the future.”

AWARD WINNERS: MOST IMPROVED IN: LITERACY - Hashim Tayyeb (Yr3), NUMERACY - Imane Yousfi (Yr1) SCIENCE - Tayyab Hassan (Yr5), READING - Bilaal KHAN (Yr4) PE SUPERSTAR AWARD Reception - Safeeyah Mehfooz, Yr1 - Adeel Zaman, Yr2 - Iqra Ahmed Yr3 - Faaris Azam, Yr4 - Mumrez Khan, Yr5 - Simrah Bibi Yr6 - Lyba Bibi MOST HELPFUL - Jinaan Chaatouf (Yr4), MOST CONTRIBUTION MADE - Khadijah Akhtar (Yr2), OUTSTANDING PIECE OF WORK - Amina Iqbal (Reception), ALWAYS POLITE - Malaika Bibi (Yr3), MOST DEDICATED - Unias Rehman (Yr4), PERSONALITY OF AUTUMN TERM 2013 - Sadia Ahmed (Reception)

February 2014 - 1st Edition





Road Safety

A drama company will be giving secondary schools across Bradford an educational performance on road safety starting on Monday 9th February. Bradford Council’s Road Safety Team has commissioned Tiny Giants Theatre Company to present performances and workshops to Year 9 students, with the performance ‘PERFECT’ tackling issues of seatbelt wearing and driver distraction. ‘NEW WHEELS’ is aimed at Year’s 10 and over, and addresses dangerous driving, driving whilst under the influence of drink or drugs, seatbelts, and driver distraction. Both these performances are based on true stories and complement other work being carried out by the Council’s Road Safety Team in schools across the district to convey important safety messages.

‘Live a healthier lifestyle’

Eating a balanced diet and leading an active lifestyle is the best way to tackle obesity and live a healthier way of life, is the message being spread by a Kirklees council worker. Tony Cooke, Head of Health Improvement for Kirklees Council said: “The council has a range of specialist services available to support adults who wish to make some positive changes which will ultimately mean that they will lose excess weight and reduce their risk of developing type 2 diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers. “The latest government figures show that 61 per cent of adults in Kirklees have an unhealthy high weight. Whilst this figure is lower than surrounding local authorities there is a lot of work still to do.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Hindu prayer room sought in all UK universities Hindus have asked for a designated “Hindu prayer room” at all the university campuses across Britain. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a statement, said that UK universities should respond to the requirements of their Hindu students to provide designated prayermeditation hall for rituals, quiet reflection, festivals and spiritual exercise, which would help in their personal growth. Zed, who is President of Universal Society of Hinduism, pointed out that it would be a ‘step in the right direction’ in view of presence of a substantial number of Hindu students at UK universities, as it was important to meet the spiritual needs of these students. Rajan Zed noted that UK universities needed to recognise the intersection of spirituality and education, which was important in

Hinduism. Zed suggested that these Hindu prayer rooms should have an altar containing murtis (statues) of popular Hindu deities like Shiva, Vishnu, Rama, Krishna, Durga, Venkateshwara, Ganesha, Murugan, Saraswati, Hanuman, Lakshmi, Kali, etc.; besides being equipped with ghanta (big metallic bell hanging from the ceiling), dholak (two-headed hand-drum), Shiva-linga, etc. Hinduism, the oldest and third largest religion of the world, has about one billion adherents and moksh (liberation) is its ultimate goal.

NECESSITY: President of Universal Society of Hinduism Rajan Zed says that UK universities should respond to the requirements of their Hindu students by providing a designated prayer-meditation hall

What are your thoughts? Email us on

Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament wants you

Bradley Park Golf Club is hosting this year’s Mayor’s Charity Golf Tournament in a bid to raise funds in support of the charity - One Community. This exciting event will tee-off on Friday, April 25 at 9am and will be followed by a two-course meal and prize presentation. Anyone can enter and there are some great prizes to be won. The cost to enter a four man team is £120 per team.

Mayor of Kirklees, Cllr Martyn Bolt said “I’d be delighted if you could join me for what promises to be a fantastic event in support of my chosen charity - One Community. “Everybody is welcome to take part, golfers and non-golfers alike”. Book your place now by contacting Parnell Reilly 01484 223772 or email

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February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition



Schools still rife with racism 75 per cent

of bullying incidents in Bradford schools are racist

Racism in schools has been pushed to the fore with people questioning how big the issue actually is. Britain and in particular Yorkshire is seen as a multicultural area where people accept each other from different walks of life. It has been revealed that racism is the biggest type of bullying at schools in Bradford accounting for 75 per cent of incidents during the last academic year. Previously, there was no statutory requirement nationally, and never has been, that racist incidents should be recorded. However, when the new Ofsted framework, which came into effect on 1 January 2012, and was then slightly revised for September 2012, it made clear that inspectors expected schools to keep detailed records not only of racist incidents but also of all prejudice-related incidents. Though figures are not yet documented, previously a total of 344 bullying incidents were reported by schools in the Yorkshire district between September, 2010, and July, 2011,

of which 260 were deemed to be racist, in figures obtained through a Freedom of Information request show. Figures also suggest that racist incidents in schools accounted for more than half of the recorded bullying incidents. Other types of bullying reported by schools during this period include incidents relating to disability, family nationality or lifestyle, homophobia, gender and religion. A former headteacher Ray Honeyford, who died aged 77 in 2012, had sparked a national scandal in 1984 when he wrote an article warning that “Asian ghettoes” would be created within the country’s inner cities. He was vilified as a racist for criticising multi-culturalism. In his report, he criticised councils for allowing children to be “sent to the Indian subcontinent” during term time and also hit out at what he called propaganda from “multi- racial zealots” and council bureaucracies which he argued made freedom of speech difficult to maintain. At the time he was the

headmaster of Drummond Middle School which served a predominantly Asian area of Bradford. The reaction to his article led to protests, reported death threats being made against him and the then calls for him to be removed from his job followed. However in 2004, 20 years later, Trevor Philips, the head of the Commission for Racial Equality and a former Labour parliamentary candidate, asserted that children needed to be given a “core of Britishness.” Multiculturalism, he argued, suggested “separateness.” Almost 30 years have passed since Honeyford first made these comments yet have times really moved on? If racism is still prevalent within schools it seems Britain has a long way to go before it really becomes a fair, multicultural state.

PROGRESS: With figures of racism staggeringly high, is Britain truly multi-cultural?

DEATH: Ray Honeyford, who sparked national outrage in 1984 has passed away, brought racism in education back to the fore

Have you been bullied or know someone who has been bullied at school because of faith or culture, we’d like to hear from you. Email:



Become a performer today

Young people in the Castleford area will get the chance to learn how to juggle, ride a unicycle and stand on a bed of nails as part of an initiative run by Wakefield Council’s Youth Development and Support Service. Ossett street entertainers The Rapide Brothers will run a free circus skills course for young people aged between 11 and 17, teaching them how to spin plates and blow fireballs. The ten-week course will be delivered at The Hut, in Airedale, as part of the Council’s Positive Choices scheme which is funded by the Baroness Newlove Alcohol Fund. It aims to be a positive influence on youngsters and to discourage them from anti-social behaviour and underage drinking. Anyone interested in taking part or who would like more information about the event starting on Friday 24th February, should contact 01977 722 815.

Tackling substance and alcohol misuse

Wakefield Council could help to support people recovering from substance and alcohol misuse with a new treatment service. Cabinet has been recommended to approve plans to acquire a recovery-focused treatment service which will improve the health and wellbeing of people and families affected by drug or alcohol misuse. The service will help those in treatment to find employment, or access education or training, which could reduce crime and make communities safer. It will allow the Council to continue protecting the most vulnerable people, whilst providing the best value for money in times of financial pressure. Cllr Pat Garbutt, Cabinet Member for Adults and Health, said: “The procurement of an integrated recovery-orientated treatment service will reduce the impact of addiction on families and contribute to the Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Wakefield.

New cinema for Wakefield?

Wakefield’s city centre is set to get another massive regeneration boost if plans for a new multi-screen cinema get the go-ahead from the Council’s senior leaders. A report to Wakefield Council’s Cabinet reveals an approach has been made to the Council by Sovereign Land (Management) Ltd, the owners of the successful Trinity Walk shopping centre, to redevelop the site currently occupied by Wakefield’s Market Hall. The proposal would see the closure of the Market Hall and the building of a new multi-screen cinema and a small number of restaurant and café units on the site. This would provide an opportunity for Market Hall traders to relocate within the city centre and for the outdoor market to have a new home in the heart of the city. The report recommends a pot of money of up to £100,000 is set aside to help market traders who want the opportunity to re-locate to other premises.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Leading by example By Ashley Grint

A Bradford headteacher has been commended after turning a struggling primary school around and making it into one of the top 250 in the country for student progress. took over Mr Wahid Zaman the reins at Lapage Primary School in 2010 after the educatory establishment’s for-mer governing body was ousted by the national authority. With the school worryingly making ‘insufficient progress’ and ‘causing concern’ Mr Zaman took up the challenge to lead the threeform entry school away from its growing negative reputation. After three years, Lapage is now one of the leading primary schools in the country, and was by the commemorated Department for Education (DfE) earlier this month for the student progress. Now, in the top one per cent in the country, the primary school continues to improve results yearon-year and for Mr Zaman it signals a job well done. “When we came back from the winter break, we received a letter from David Laws (Minister of State for Schools in the DfE),” he explained. “It does obviously make you very proud to hear such news and recognition but it is done because we want the best outcome for the children. “Our aspirations are always to do the best for our

Bradford school’s transformation from a ‘cause for concern’ to the top one percent in the country

SCHOOL: Mr Zaman, pictured with pupils from Lapage Primary School, explained how every decision made is in the best interest of the parents, children and school as a whole

children, and if it were not for our Prior to Mr Zaman’s arrival an amazing staff and governing body appointed governing body had we wouldn’t be where we are been in place after the school had now.” been placed in precautionary measures. Over the following three years, the school has been able to bring in new governors, and re-establish themselves as one of the top performing

schools in the area. “For two years in a row now we have had fantastic results,” Mr Zaman continued. “In terms of the children, from Key Stage One to Two, the DfE measured progress and we were within the top one per cent nationally, as well as being the top 250 for progress of our pupil premium. “The year before last, we were in line with the national average in regard to results, and last year we were above that.” Despite the accomplishments Mr Zaman stressed that there have been, and always will be, challenges that need to be overcome explaining how his school always looks at ways of improving. He added: “Improving schools is not exactly rocket science; you just need to have dedicated staff that can help children achieve their potential. “Every time the school has an assessment or half-term, we sit down and assess who has made progress and who hasn’t and we are constantly rethinking what we do with the children. “It has had its challenges but I have never come in here and thought the staff aren’t up to it.” SCHOOL: Headteacher at Lapage Primary School, Mr Wahid Zaman, puts the school’s amazing achievements down to the hard work of his amazing staff and pupils

February 2014 - 1st Edition





By Ashley Grint

Learning from the Holocaust

A group of young people from Huddersfield’s Pakistan Youth Forum (PYF) helped to commemorate the loss of over six million human lives in one of the world’s most tragic genocides of ethnic cleansing in recent history. Staged at Huddersfield Town Hall, the event was held to coincide with the unveiling of a sculpture, designed by artist Antonia Stowe, made up of six million buttons in remembrance of each life which was lost during the Holocaust. The young people from the PYF displayed their REMEMBRANCE: The group from work alongside fellow community groups and Huddersfield’s Pakistan Youth Forum created adults, with design similar to their own piece of art to commemorate those that of the centerpiece. Their who were killed during the Holocaust particular contribution was to develop a table top model which demonstrated their own take on what the Holocaust meant to them. Throughout the day, the young people said they found the event ‘informative’ and ‘inspiring’ reminding them about important values such as ‘respecting human life’. PYF Project Coordinator, Sofia Buncy, emphasised the importance of learning about such historic events which affected so many people’s lives. She said: “What impressed me most was how hard young people worked to understand and to help to commemorate something that happened in the past. “Tragedies are still ongoing in other countries

Six million reasons to remember those affected by the Holocaust

February 2014 - 1st Edition today and these needs to be challenged and addressed as we all have a humanitarian commitment to this. Thus the Holocaust Memorial event has a real meaning for us all.” 20-year-old, Aadil Yousaf, and Sanah Firdous, 19, both partook in the activities on the day, and explained why they wanted to get involved. “It was important for us to be part of the evening. We have showed humanity in terms of good things and bad things, the Holocaust is as important to us as it is to young people from other communities,” Sanah said. Aadil continued by explaining how he knew little about the holocaust beforehand: “This was a first; although we have briefly touched on the holocaust in school I really did not understand full scale of things until this event.” Kim Stickson, Community Heritage Manager for Kirklees Council, added: “It was very important for us to hear ideas, comments and reflections from local people on what the new memorial should be like and who it would touch. “PYF have been a fantastic group to work with because they understand that the sculpture will be much more than a memorial to the Holocaust. “It will acknowledge all the genocides that have taken place since and will be a significant place of learning and discussion for young people about the dangers of discrimination. “They played a major role in the Holocaust Memorial Day event in Huddersfield and the audience was visibly moved and impressed by their presentation.”

February 2014 - 1st Edition





Council tax freeze

A real terms cut in council tax has been agreed by the Kirklees Cabinet at its meeting of 4th February. The proposal will now go to the budget meeting of the Full Council on Wednesday 19th February for a decision. Council Leader Cllr Mehboob Khan, said: “The council is mindful that the recession is hitting local households hard and that this freeze will help alleviate the pressure in the short term. “Local people have experienced price rises across all aspects of daily life including food, fuel and other costs and we are doing all we can to help them through this period of financial squeeze. “Despite taking this action we will still be in a position to prioritise funding in coming years on health and social care, apprentices, jobs and the economy which are absolutely essential to the future of the area and the wellbeing of its residents.”

LGBT History Month As part of the LGBT History Month celebrations, a free event to launch a new community group will take place on Friday 28th February at Brian Jackson House, New North Parade, Huddersfield HD1 5JP Providing an open environment to discuss, socialise and plan activities and events with others in the LGBT community, the event will promote equality, inclusion and acceptance of LGBT individuals in the local community. Eventually it is hoped that the group will hold more regular meetings and social activities in and around Huddersfield. Open to all, the event offers the opportunity to meet new people, share information and experiences within a safe environment.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

‘Religious beliefs’ factor in death of Sikh motorcyclist By Ashley Grint

motorcyclist in A Dewsbury, who was killed after colliding with a van, was not wearing a helmet at the time of the fatal incident, an inquest heard last week. Kulraj 23-year-old, Singh Kalsi, suffered a severe head injury after his 125cc crashing motorbike into the passenger side of a Volkswagen Caddyvan, on Thornhill Road, Dewsbury, in April last year. Mr Kalsi was not wearing a helmet at the time as, because he was a Sikh, it would interfere with his religious beliefs as he would be forced to remove his turban. By law, it is illegal for motorcyclists to travel without a helmet on yet Sikhs are exempt from such ruling to coincide with their beliefs.

The Dewsbury resident was thrown from his bike and went ‘airborne’ after the crash, an eyewitness told the inquest. Investigators added that Mr Kalsi may have suffered from

obstructed vision due to the wind and drizzle, which would have effected motorcyclists without helmets. “At speed, wind and water in the eyes can blind you and I know to put the visor down,” Det Con Noel Lowden, who investigated the accident, told the inquest: “It’s a surmisation but that could have affected his vision.” Coroner Mary Burke concluded that Mr Kalsi had died as the result of a road accident. It is believed Mr Kalsi, who had been riding close to the kerb, may have attempted to undertake the van resulting in the coming together of the vehicles – or had simply failed to see it ‘slow, indicate or turn into the complex’. Ms Burke added: “There’s no evidence that suggests Kulraj was slowing down as the vehicle was beginning its manoeuvre and it’s not possible to say why he was in the position he was.” Ms Burke added Mr Kalsi, who had epilepsy, may have suffered a seizure before the crash. “It may be that Kulraj became unwell and he suffered from some health issues that prevented him from slowing down,” she said. “But we can only postulate”. EXEMPT: Sikh motorcyclists are not required by law to wear helmets as it goes against their religious beliefs

February 2014 - 1st Edition



Q&A with your property law solicitor



DIN Solicitors specialise in various areas of law. This week our solicitor Shabnam Riaz will be discussing frequently asked questions in relation to residential conveyancing:-

• What is conveyancing? Conveyancing is the term given to the process of transferring legal ownership of land and property. Conveyancing can include sale, purchase, and remortgaging.

• How long does conveyancing take? The conveyancing process does not have a fixed duration. Much depends on whether or not there is a mortgage, the co-operation of all parties involved etc. A straightforward conveyance where there are no major problems can be completed within 6-12 weeks. However please note this is a guide only; some conveyances may take longer and some may be completed sooner. • How much does conveyancing cost? There are two costs – one is the legal fee and one is a fee for disbursements (see below). The legal fee will depend on the purchase/sale price of the property and whether a mortgage is involved. We are able to provide a fixed fee which is very reasonable and competitive. • What are disbursements? Disbursements are expenses paid to third parties and which are incurred in the conveyancing process (e.g. property searches, Land Registry fees etc). We have excellent contacts with search providers and can obtain competitive quotes for search fees.

• What are the different types of searches? The main searches include the following: • Local Authority Search – this reveals the property’s planning history and any future planning proposals likely to impact the property. • Drainage Search – this tells you whether the drains run into a private or public sewer. • Land Registry Search – this reveals if there are any undisclosed mortgages on the property. • Land Charges Search – this is usually required by the mortgage lender to ensure you are not bankrupt. • Environmental Search – this reveals if there are any waste disposal sites in the locality and whether there is any risk of flooding, subsidence etc. There may be other searches which may be applicable to your conveyance. Please contact us and we will advise you further.

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

Hundreds injured in police vehicle crashes

ARREST: One unnamed man was taken into custody by police, and was found in possession of 20 wraps of heroin

Viper strikes on Huddersfield drug dealers Police in Huddersfield have raided a commercial premises in Fartown as part of an investigation into class A drug dealing. Detectives from Kirklees CID, alongside specialist entry and search teams, and officers from Viper- West Yorkshire Police's offensive against the county's most prolific criminals- raided the shop on Bradford Road at the end of January. A 41-year-old man was arrested during the operation and was found to be in possession of a knife and 20 wraps of the suspected Class A drug

heroin. He remains in custody and is being held on suspicion of possession with intent to supply Class A drugs, possession of an offensive weapon, and immigration offences. Officers entered the premises under the Misuse of Drugs Act following information that drug dealing may have occurred on or around the premises. Police are not identifying the business as there is no evidence to suggest the proprietors are in any way complicit with suspected criminality. Detective Sergeant

A Bradford Primary school has been put on high alert after a pupil was approached by an Asian man at the school gates. For the second time in less than four months, Cavendish Primary School, on Hall Road, Eccleshill, has been at the centre of a ‘stranger danger’ case as a nine-year-old was reportedly targeted by an unknown man. The school has sent out cautionary texts to all parents in regard to the case urging them to be vigilant and careful with their children, whilst police have begun an investigation into the report. The boy told teachers he was concerned by the man, who he had never seen before, after getting dropped off by his mother at the school gates. Describing him as Asian, in his mid 30s and balding, teachers immediately checked CCTV for footage of the culprit and informed police immediately, who then commenced a search of the area. It is not the first time the school has been involved with an apparent abduction case. In October 2013, a similar case was seen at the school gates when a 61-year-old man was arrested and bailed after grabbing the wrist of a three-year-old girl as she walked with her mother. That time the suspect was also alleged to have spoken inappropriately to the girl before fleeing. Police had stressed it was an isolated incident and urged parents not to worry. Neighbourhood policing team officers will now be patrolling the area at start and end of the school day whilst the investigation continues.

Damian Roebuck said: “This operation was about responding to information we have received from the public and doing something about it. “The investigation is at an early stage but the seizure of a significant amount of suspected class A heroin means it's no longer available on the local market, which makes our local communities that much safer. “The investigation is at an early stage but I would like to thank the public for their cooperation and patience during the arrest phase of the operation.”

Parents warned to vigilant after second stranger alert case in four months

More than one hundred officers from the South Yorkshire Police Force have been injured in collisions involving their vehicles over the last four years. Figures released earlier this week show the number of officers involved in such collisions was at 24, the lowest over the four years. In 2012, the figure stood at 33, in 2011 it was 30, and in 2010, 40 officers were injured in vehicle collisions. During the same four-year period, five Police Community Support Officers and one Special Constable were injured in collisions. South Yorkshire police cover approximately 11million miles a year with all officers fully trained to handle the vehicles provided. A South Yorkshire Police spokesman, commenting on the figures, said: “The force has a driver training policy to a nationally approved standard. “The force’s driving policy is very specific and detailed. “The fundamental principle is that officers are trained to use exemptions – exceed speed limits and contravene red lights – when it is necessary and only as far as is deemed reasonable in the circumstances.” “There is no exemption for dangerous driving and officers remain accountable for their driving at all times. “Officers are also subject to periodic retraining, again to a national standard. “The force also has a driving standards panel which reviews any collision involving a police vehicle, or reported near-misses. “This was introduced two years ago to reduce the number of serious collisions, and officers have undergone additional training as a result of minor or non-injury collisions.”

Boy approached at gates of Bradford primary school PATROL: Neighbourhood Police will patrol the streets outside the school at the start and end of the school day

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Leading the way for Kirklees Rights Respect is top of the agenda at Spring Grove

By Ashley Grint

A Huddersfield Primary School was celebrating last month after becoming the first school in Kirklees to pick up a prestigious UNICEF award. Spring Grove Primary School was issued with the Level Two Rights Respecting Award for their dedication to meeting the rights of their pupils and teaching about the rights of children across the world.

AWARDED: Spring Grove Primary School pupils, Jennah Dean and Harley Dolan-Smith, hold the Level 2 Rights Respecting Award, with classmates and Headteacher, Mrs Bibi Laher, and RSS co-ordinator, Mrs Jeanette Vaines

Local The process was launched to encourage children, staff and parents alike to reflect upon and value their own rights as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). Headteacher, Mrs Bibi Laher, said that the accolade was an ‘amazing achievement’ and one the school was ‘extremely proud’ to receive. “We always put children first here at Spring Grove and give them the chance to have a voice because we want them to have


the ability to be independent thinker, whether that be in education or elsewhere in life,” she explained. “When we heard about the Rights and Respects awards we saw no reason why we shouldn’t go for a level two as these teachings are incorporated into our curriculum. Wherever teachers can bring the rights of children into their lessons, they do.” The assessment report received from UNICEF states that the vision and values of the school ‘explicitly include rights respecting values linked to global citizenship and sustainability’, something Mrs Laher is very proud of. The report added: “The headteacher is clear that ‘Our values uphold and promote the value and vision of the UNCRC’. Spring Grove is a multi-cultural school where everyone is encouraged to achieve their potential and this is supported by the ‘Children’s Charter’. “The school’s vision and values are reviewed at the start of each school year by the children as well as staff and this year the children’s contribution included: ‘every child should have their rights’, ‘respect each other’, ‘working together as a school and compromising with each other’, ‘being a role model’ and to ‘give love’. “It is apparent that children are empowered to voice their opinions with confidence and in the full knowledge that they can effect change with regard to the promotion of the UNCRC.”



February 2014 - 1st Edition

WELCOMED: Music sensation, Naughty Boy, is the latest ambassador of the British Asian Trust, set up by HRH The Prince of Wales, and performed on the night with Emile Sandé (image courtesy of Richard Lewis)

Over £500,000 raised at British Asian Trust fundraising dinner Royalty, ambassadors and donors come together for evening of entertainment More than half a million pounds was raised last week at a high profile fundraising dinner, as the British Asian Trust showed there is power in numbers as they raised funds for work in South Asia. On Wednesday 5th February, chart topping music sensation, and latest British Asian Trust ambassador, Naughty Boy led the entertainment alongside his guest performer and Brit Award winning artist, Emeli Sandé, at The Victoria and Albert Museum. As well as the crowd pleasing performance from Naughty Boy and Emeli Sandé, the event was attended by fellow British Asian Trust Ambassadors, Ikram Butt, Preeya Kaildas, Sanjeev Bhaskar OBE, Mishal Husain, Laila Rouass and Ronnie O’Sullivan, amongst others The Trust also welcomed three-time Wimbledon Champion, Boris Becker, who auctioned himself off for a game of tennis with Novak Djokovic. The British Asian Trust was founded in 2007, at the suggestion of HRH The Prince of Wales. The Trust provides funding to support high impact charities within the areas of education, health and livelihoods in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Hitan Mehta, Executive Director of The

British Asian Trust, was delighted with the success of the night, with the funds raised having the potential to help so many people in the future. He said: “The night was a great success for the Trust; it allowed HRH The Prince of Wales to tell guests about the impact of his recent tour to South Asia and his visit to our projects. “The dinner also gave us the opportunity to thank our supporters, and having our own Ambassador Naughty Boy entertain guests, made the evening feel all the more special. To raise such a phenomenal amount illustrates how our donors come together to change lives for the better.” The British Asian Trust has celebrated a successful few months with the event following HRH The Prince of Wales’s successful trip to South Asia last November. During his time in India, The Prince visited a number of projects his Trust supports and saw first-hand how donor funds are being used to give a hand up rather than a hand out to those in need. The Trust prides itself on its ability to transform the lives of beneficiaries, faced with poverty and situations often out of their control.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





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Dry, cracked heels are the most frequent concern. If these cracks, called fissures, become severe, they may cause bleeding, infection and pain when standing or walking.

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bacteria like to grow in warm, moist, dark places. Moisturize daily with body lotion. Using a lotion that has urea increases the skin’s ability to hold in moisture. Avoid moisturizer between the toes. Put on cotton socks. Foot soaks are relaxing and helpful if done properly. Limit foot soaks to 10 – 15 minutes, 3 times a week. Soaking for long periods dries out the skin. Use a solution of 1/4 cup white vinegar and enough warm, never hot, water to cover the feet up to the ankles. Mild acetic acid in vinegar softens dry skin. Exfoliate. Dry thoroughly. Moisturize. Put on clean cotton socks. For an overnight treatment, try the following: massage olive oil mixed with a bit of white vinegar or lemon juice over the feet, concentrating on the heels. Honey is a natural moisturizer so if you want, put some in your mixture. Put on cotton socks. In the morning, wash it off. Exfoliate. Dry thoroughly. Moisturize.

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£4,000 raised for Syrian appeal By Ashley Grint



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February 2014 - 1st Edition

A winter fair, held in Leeds last weekend, has helped raise thousands of pounds for charity as the city’s shoppers dug deep into their pockets on Sunday afternoon. The Syria Winter Appeal Winter Fair, organised by Islamic Relief, was a huge success as volunteers helped organise a day of fundraising at the Bangladeshi Centre on Roundhay Road. From a bazaar area with tens of stalls, beauty and pampering sessions, face painting and henna, plus much more, there was something for everybody

throughout the day of activities. More than £4,000 was raised on the day, with almost 50 volunteers helping run the seasonal fair, which is the latest of many organised by the nationwide charity. Funds will now go towards the aid for Syrian nationals who have been affected by the civil war that has left millions homeless. With a range of stalls in a special Bazaar area, and goods on offer, including a children’s play area, the day was labelled a huge success. Huma Nazir, Islamic Relief volunteer, explained why she got involved with the charity and how delighted she was to see the day bring in so much money.

She said: “It was a great day and we had thousands of people pop down to see us throughout the six hours we were open. “We have a fantastic team of volunteers who really helped make the day a success and we would like to thank everybody who came along and showed their support for this important issue. “The Winter Fair is just the latest event we are holding with Islamic Relief and keep your eyes open for more to come very soon.” Islamic Relief is a leading international aid and development charity striving to end poverty. Watch out for more coverage of their fantastic work in the Asian Express.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





A Healthy Living project based in Leeds has been working to improve the Health and Wellbeing of taxi drivers by supporting them to make positive changes to their diet, exercise and lifestyle. The Leeds Cab Drivers project, funded by the Pfizer UK foundation was delivered by staff from the Hamara Healthy Living Centre, located in the City &Hunslet Ward of Leeds with research and evaluation support provided by Leeds Met University. As professions go, taxi drivers experience high levels of chronic disease, linked to sedentary lifestyles, poor diet and stressful lifestyles. A significantly high proportion of taxi drivers are of South Asian background, a group that also experience disproportional levels of chronic disease compared to the general population linked to eating habits, ethnic make-up and lifestyle choices. Some early results from the study show that over the course of the 12 week project, taxi drivers dropped as much as five inch from their waist circumference and five kilograms of weight lost. Hanif Malik, CEO of the Hamara Centre, commented: “What we have found is that this project is a ground-breaking unique project tackling ill-health and inequality for not only the Cabbies but support for their families which helps with continuity and consistency. “Hamara has been at the forefront of many such projects but our relationship with Leeds Met has been further

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Cabbie Welfare Project helps local taxi drivers live longer

strengthened with the support of Pfizer UK foundation.” Starr Zaman, Lead officer on the project, added: “This taxi driver’s initiative is a well over due project for Leeds and its surrounding areas.

‘assisted ride’, Hamara trained staff knew all the ‘short cuts’ and what ‘our customer’ was going to say. We even gave them ‘a tip’ by helping their families and over all it was a pleasant journey that needs to be continued.”

“The long, unsociable hours that taxi drivers work can make it difficult for them to access mainstream health services and fitness facilities.” “We have upwards of 5,000 plus taxi drivers and early health interventions will help with putting less strain on our overworked NHS. Although the Taxi Firms are from Leeds not all the drivers are, with cabbies coming from Bradford, Kirklees, Wakefield and even Manchester residents’ working in Leeds. “Our intervention was an

unsociable hours that taxi drivers work can make it difficult for them to access mainstream health services and fitness facilities. “This pilot project indicates that delivering a service in an accessible and culturally sensitive way can help break down some of the barriers to taxi drivers to participating in health promoting activities.”

Leeds Met provided vital support in the evaluation of data and help in researching the issue. Prof. Steve Robertson, who has been working closely with the project on behalf of the SUPPORT: Hamara Centre CEO, University was delighted Hanif Malik, is delighted with the to see the ‘fantastic success of the project which has outcomes’. already seen some cabbies drop He said: “The long, five inches from their waistlines

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition




Your National and Local Business Round-up

Business news

UK economic optimism soars Optimism about Britain's economy has reached its highest level since 1997 thanks to an unexpectedly strong recovery, boosting Prime Minister David Cameron's economic credentials ahead of a 2015 election, a poll showed on Thursday. The poll, by Ipsos Mori, found one in four people trusted Cameron more than other political party leaders to manage the £1.54trillion economy, the sixth largest in the world. By contrast, only 20 percent of those polled said they trusted Ed

Miliband, the leader of the opposition Labour party, to look after the economy. On the issue of economic trust, Ipsos Mori said Cameron had increased his lead over Miliband to 22 percentage points from 14 points in May last year. Thursday's poll found half of the 1,012 respondents believed the state of the economy would improve in the next year, while 24 percent thought it would get worse, giving a net economic optimism index score of +26, the highest since 1997.

Britain's economy has staged an unexpectedly strong recovery after a long period of stagnation, with official data last month showing it grew last year at its fastest rate since the 2007 financial crisis. The recovery has been a boom for Britain's two-party coalition government, though Cameron's Conservatives still lag behind Labour by up to seven percentage points in polls of overall voting intentions ahead of a national election in 2015.




February 2014 - 1st Edition

Indian-born technology expert appointed Microsoft CEO

Shifting Gears A

new Government website called MyLicence is due to go live this Summer which will unlock the DVLA’s database of penalty points. The key benefactor will be the motor insurers who will be able to compare potential customers’ policy applications with their actual driving records. The Association of British Insurers contends that one in five policyholders withhold convictions when taking out their policies. When the website becomes open to the public, in theory you will be able to check any individual record, provided you know the postcode, National Insurance and driver number of the person you are looking up. Is this another attack on an individual’s civil liberty and right to privacy or would you welcome being able to check another person’s driving record? If you have a child who is taking a lift with someone who is not known to you, would you feel a greater sense of comfort if you knew they had a clean driving record? Alternatively what if you were involved in a collision that wasn’t your fault and you suffered a common accident injury such as whiplash from a driver that had fraudulently obtained their insurance cover? Whiplash On the subject of whiplash, the Ministry of Justice has announced that a Working Group will undertake a programme to create a medical panel that will assess whiplash injury claims. The Working Group will be made up of members from insurance companies, the Law Society, British Medical Association, and Solicitors. The introduction of medical panels were the key finding to come out of the Government’s response to a consultation which examined the volume and cost of

Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or by email at

whiplash claims published in October 2013. The Justice Secretary, Chris Grayling, has spoken out regarding the current trend of some insurers when making settlement offers in claims that they do so without requiring medical evidence and without the Claimant obtaining legal advice. Grayling has stated that he wanted these companies to “end the practice”. The hope is that a fairer assessment will assist in throwing out fraudulent and exaggerated claims through the introduction of a truly independent medical assessment panel. Legal Expense Insurance Whilst we are discussing panels, many motor vehicle or home insurance policies offer Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) which many litigants are using to fund their legal costs. However, many litigants were restricted in obtaining legal advice by their LEI provider who allowed them only to obtain legal advice from their own claims staff or panel firms. The recent EU case of Sneller –v- DAS has allowed Claimants to insure themselves against litigation costs which can become expensive but also have the autonomy to choose their own legal representatives, giving Claimants the best chance of succeeding with their case. If you are considering taking legal action you must ensure that:• You take legal advice as soon as possible; and • You examine any insurance policies you have taken out to assess whether LEI is included. We at Blacks have a specialist Personal Injury Department dealing with all aspects of injury and road traffic claims.

Microsoft has named Indian-born Satya Nadella as its new chief executive and announced that founder Bill Gates is stepping down as company chairman. The appointment of the 46-year-old computer science expert, who has worked for the technology giant for 22 years, confirms widespread speculation. Mr Nadella said a key part of his job would be to speed up the delivery of new products to customers. A married father-of-three and cricket fan, he takes control with immediate effect from Steve Ballmer, who announced last August that he was to step down. Meanwhile, Mr Gates will assume a new role on the board as founder and technology adviser, devoting more time to the company and supporting the new boss ‘in shaping technology and product direction’, Microsoft said. Mr Nadella said: “Microsoft is one of those rare companies to have truly revolutionised the

world through technology, and I couldn't be more honoured to have been chosen to lead the company. “The opportunity ahead for Microsoft is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly, move faster and APPOINTED: Microsoft’s new CEO, continue to Satya Nadella, will take over the reins transform. “A big part of my job from Bill Gates having worked at the computer giants for more than 20 years is to accelerate our ability to bring Microsoft.” innovative products to our The appointment ends customers more quickly.” speculation over the role Mr Nadella had until now that had seen Ford boss been in charge of the Alan Mulally touted as a company's cloud and candidate before he enterprise division. quashed the rumours. Microsoft said that since It is thought likely to joining in 1992 he had disappoint Wall Street ‘spearheaded major investors keen on seeing an strategy and technical outsider brought in to shifts across the company's institute a shake-up portfolio of products and following Mr Ballmer's services’. departure. Mr Ballmer, who took But the move should be over as boss from Mr Gates welcomed by rank-and-file in 2000, said: “Having staff at a business where he worked with him for more is seen as popular and than 20 years, I know that consensus-driven. Satya is the right leader at the right time for

No blackouts for India after Supreme Court step in The Supreme Court on Friday ordered India’s state-run power producer NTPC Ltd to continue supplying power to distribution companies in the capital, New Delhi, until the 26th March, in a move that averts a blackout next week. The decision is the latest development in an escalating row between the newly elected Aam Aadmi Party, which leads the government in Delhi, and distributors that have been warned to pay power providers or risk being cut off.

“Finally, the consumer would be the sufferer,” said Justice S.S. Nijjar, one of the two judges on the panel issuing Friday's order, which asked NTPC to maintain supply until the next hearing in the case, set for 26th March. “Think about them.” Many Indians see cheap or free power as a right, not a privilege, and politicians are often tempted to give in to this view, particularly as national elections approach by May. But by keeping tariffs low, politicians have strained the finances of distribution

companies, which often resort to crippling power cuts. Such blackouts in turn hobble the competitiveness of Asia's third-largest economy. BSES Yamuna Power, which sells electricity in the central and eastern parts of New Delhi, home to about 16 million people, had faced a threat from NTPC that supply would be cut off from 11th February if it did not pay its bills. This latest ruling by the Supreme Court has eliminated such ruling giving the country an extra two months of power.

February 2014 - 1st Edition


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February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Drinking lager and harassing passers-by


stars Week starting 7/2/14




ARIES March 21st - April 20th This week you will make your best progress by focusing your mental and physical energies on what you want to achieve. Intense focus is what is needed now. The underlying trend seems to be pulling you into a much wider social circle now. This is bound to enrich your life and give you a deeper sense of purpose. TAURUS April 21st - May 21th

Your social graces will serve you well career-wise. Mixing business with pleasure will bring you benefits. All things considered, your health should be robust. The more you live up to your own set of principles the more you’ll gain. A good time for restructuring and rethinking your aims and interests.

INTIMIDATING: Members of Britain First harassing passers-by stating that it was ‘their’ country

PROTÉGÉ: Former BNP councillor - Paul Golding heads Britain First – a splinter group inspired by Nick Griffin

East London Mosque alarmed at antics of splinter BNP group outside its premises in Tower Hamlets

The East London Mosque says that efforts to intimidate and marginalise the Muslim community have been relentless, but remain commited to working with multifaith partners as its fundamental priority. The mosque in Tower Hamlets, London was shocked at the provocative behaviour and antics of a fringe neo-Nazi group, a splinter group of the BNP, claiming to carry out so-called ‘Christian Patrols’ outside the mosque on 31st January. Members of Britain First (BF), a tiny far-right organisation run by a former British National Party (BNP) councillor in Swanley, Kent, and ex-Nick Griffin protégé, Paul Golding. The group filmed themselves drinking cans of lager, harassing and intimidating passers-by, and handing out inflammatory leaflets for a so-called ‘Christian Patrol’. They claimed to be looking for a confrontation with ‘Muslim Patrols’. Most of their actions involved driving up and down Brick Lane in an armoured Land Rover and swilling beer, before unfurling a ‘Resistance’ banner outside the mosque. Three members of the ‘Muslim Patrol’ were jailed last year for intimidation. Jordan Horner and another 23-year-old man, who cannot be named for legal reasons, told one couple they could not hold hands while walking down the street, because it was in a ‘Muslim area’. The group, which included Ricardo MacFarlane also threatened men who were drinking and criticised the way women were dressed. Amusingly, and rather embarrassingly, had they done their research, the group would have known that the so-called ‘Muslim Patrols’ they claimed to be opposing were in fact imprisoned last year. This action took place directly as a result of reporting and diligence by members of the local

Muslim community, which had been pushed by the East London Mosque itself. The Muslim Patrols were linked to the now-banned extremist sect al-Muhajiroun, whose members have been actively opposed by the East London Mosque for many years. A spokespoerson from the mosque said: “In our view, Britain First’s patrol does not represent Christians, just as al-Muhajiroun’s patrols did not represent Muslims. Both are tiny, extreme groups, unwelcome in our community. “Had Mr Golding visited our premises openly, he would have seen the work we undertake with Christian friends and partners up and down the land: indeed, we are recognised for this work within the inter-faith sector and we have engaged with scores of Christian leaders and organisations, hosting events between the faiths for dialogue, on issues of common concern and for better understanding.” Golding’s actions, and those of his associates, have been reported to the authorities, who are taking the matter extremely seriously.

Dilowar Khan, executive director of East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre, said: “We take comfort in the support given by our partners in the community, of all faiths and none, who have always stood firmly together to oppose hatred and division. “We are working with the authorities in response to this incident, which has left many people in fear of intimidation and threats. Our response to the socalled ‘Muslim Patrols’ was unequivocal; our response to the so-called ‘Christian Patrols’ will be the same. We will not let those who espouse hatred to damage our wonderful community relations.” Julian Bond, director of the Christian Muslim Forum (the UK’s largest interfaith network of Christians and Muslims), said: “I would encourage people to meet one another if they are concerned about their neighbours of other faiths: dialogue is the way forwards and we are currently running dialogue sessions in Whitechapel during a Lunchtime Dialogue series.” Dr Glyn Robbins, chair of the local anti-hate network, United East End, said: “The people of Tower Hamlets will not be intimidated by this mindless stunt. We have shown our solidarity in the face of such intimidation before and will do so again.” Britain First is backed by former anti-abortion extremist Jim Dowson, a Protestant who once helped bankroll the BNP (before falling out with its leader Nick Griffin). Dowson has been active for many years in Northern Ireland, most recently at flag protests which turned violent. The Police at Tower Hamlets are aware of an internet video showing recent activity on the Borough and are investigating the matter. No arrests have yet been made. Dilowar Khan, executive director of East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st Give top priority to important written work. This applies particularly to financial and commercial interests. If you can manage to get away from usual routines, this will prove to be highly enjoyable and have a beneficial effect on your physical and psychological well-being. Loved ones will be looking after you. CANCER June 22nd - July 22st Venus, the planet of love and romance throws a pleasing light on affairs of the heart. It is certainly going to be a fortunate time for those already married or in an established relationship. The keynote is emotional enrichment through close interaction with a loved one. LEO July 23st - August 23rd Your energy and attention will be very much devoted to financial matters. The tide of fortune continues to run strongly in your favour for some time to come. You will be working harder than usual, intent on getting thing done. Close personal relationships may come under some stress and strain. VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd You will find added scope and greater incentive to push full steam ahead with your cherished aims. You must be careful not to tread on other people's toes. This is the right time to talk things over with your loved one especially anything that has been worrying you or making you feel insecure. LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd Decision making will prove to be a bit of a bind because of your wavering mind - seek professional advice and then steam ahead. Be careful with your expenditure as you have a tendency to be extravagant. Relationships need to be scrutinised carefully. Sometimes it is a good idea to take stock. SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd There seems to be a danger of conflicts of duty between home and work. Your work is likely to take up a lot of your time which may generate some domestic strain. Try to balance these areas of your life. Some of you will be intent on expanding their mental horizons through meditation, yoga or by travelling. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st It's a time of slow and steady progress that can set the stage for a long time to come. Of course, there are still challenging issues on both a personal and practical level. To get here you may have overcome obstacles by making important decision and choices. You will achieve a lot more, especially when you're motivated by your own desires. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th All close ties of love and affection will benefit from the gentle influence of Venus. If you are married or have a well-founded relationship, it seems that the pattern of events will somehow draw you closer together emotionally. Capricornians who are not sure of their career, this is a fine time to do some serious thinking. AQUARIUS January 21st - February 19th

If you're currently romantically involved, your lover could well go from strength to strength in the area of passion. The work that you are involved with at this time is likely to demand a great deal of energy and initiative from you. This will also involve a lot of moving around and a need to establish a wider network of contacts.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th You may find yourself hard at work behind the scenes, although that may not be apparent to others. You may find yourself caught up in a whirlwind of activity, with opportunities to advance on both the inner and outer level. There’s a sparkle to your social life and you will have fun communicating with others.


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No UK involvement in Operation Gold Star

British Prime Minister David Cameron has said that there was ‘absolutely no direct involvement’ of the UK government in the planning of the attack by the Indian Army on the Golden Temple in 1984. Cameron issued a personal video message to the UK Sikh community last week whereby he insisted there was no involvement. He said: “There is absolutely no evidence of the UK Government involvement in the operation itself. “This conclusion has been made after a thorough search of some 200 files and over 23,000 documents. I want the dialogue between this government and the Sikh community to continue.” He added: “British Sikhs have made and continue to make a vital contribution to our national life from serving in two world wars to running businesses and playing a massive part in our communities today. I never forget this. I am grateful for it.”

Access denied

Britain is mulling a draconian law that would ban foreigners with HIV and Hepatitis B from living or visiting UK. A bunch of over 20 conservative MPs have tabled a new clause (NC21) to the Immigration Bill which says "the Secretary of State may by order provide that persons who apply for immigration permission must demonstrate that they are not carriers of any of the prescribed pathogens listed - Hepatitis B, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) and such other pathogens as the secretary may prescribe by order". The move has caused uproar in the UK with MPs being urged by civil society and activists. The NAT (National AIDS Trust) has called on MPs to reject the amendment which would stop people living with HIV being issued visas to come to the UK.

‘Insane’ label

A mentally ill man who stabbed a police constable and two worshippers at a mosque was insane at the time of the offences, a jury has ruled. Jurors deliberated over two days before returning verdicts of not guilty by reason of insanity on Mohamoud Elmi, who now faces a potentially indefinite period of detention in a secure hospital. In reaching its verdicts, the jury panel, sitting at Birmingham Crown Court, decided that Elmi did acts which amounted to attempted murder and wounding. A three-day trial was told the 32-yearold had previously been treated for mental health problems but was discharged into the community before the stabbings in Ward End, Birmingham, in June last year. The trial heard how Elmi calmly walked away from a "frenzied" late-night attack on two fellow worshippers at the mosque to pay a visit to a wash-room. Elmi, of Ward End Hall Grove, Washwood Heath, then returned to a prayer area at the mosque before repeatedly stabbing a police constable who attempted to subdue him with a Taser.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Multi-million pound settlement for girl’s glue injection Record £24million compensation for teen who suffered brain damage

COMPENSATION: Maisha Najeeb was awarded millions in compensation after she suffered brain damage following a mix-up in the hospital

By Ashley Grint

Maisha will initially receive a lump sum of £2.8million from Great Ormond Street Hospital For A young girl, who has Children NHS Trust, whilst suffered permanent brain Judge William Birtles also damage due to a hospital ruled that she would receive mix-up which saw glue £383,000 a year until her injected into her brain, has 19th birthday, then £423,000 been awarded a record per year for as long as she £24million in compensation. lives - experts estimate she Maisha Najeeb, 13, was could be as old as 64. admitted to the Children’s Her solicitor, Edwina Clinic at Great Ormond Rawson, said Great Ormond Street in 2010 for treatment Street could have avoided on a rare condition which the tragic mix-up in June had meant that her arteries 2010 if the syringes for the and veins were tangled in treatment had been properly her brain. labelled. The proposed surgery “What is so heartbreaking would see the girl injected about this case is that the with harmless dye, to allow injury was so avoidable,” she doctors to see how well told the court. “If the blood was flowing in her syringes had been brain. marked-up so the Yet, when the doctors hospital could see were performing the surgery, which contained glue the syringe was mixed up and which contained with one containing glue, dye, then Maisha leading Maisha to suffer would not have irreversible brain damage. suffered what is an Speaking outside London utterly devastating High Court, the now 13brain injury.” year-old’s father, Sadir Neil Block QC, Hussain, said: “Her life is representing Great ruined. All her dreams have Ormond Street been broken. Hospital For Children “I hope that by bringing NHS Trust, added: this case, lessons will have “We can’t wind the been learned to avoid this clock back. We hope happening to other families. there are now systems “We are grateful that and procedures in agreement has been reached place to ensure such a with Great Ormond Street tragic mistake cannot to ensure that Maisha’s care be made again. needs are met.” “While money can’t

restore what Maisha has lost, we are sure a great burden has been lifted from the family by coming to the settlement we have.” Mr Block added that her parents should also be praised for their handling of the situation and engaging with the trust, saying this meant that the hospital could learn from what happened and make improvements. The compensation will be spent on care and accommodation for Maisha who now requires assistance with all basic daily tasks and has lost the majority of her bodily and cognitive abilities.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

“Negligent conduct” resulted in toddler falling to her death By Anush Ansari

TRAGIC: Toddler Ryaheen Banimuslem plunged to her death from a block of flats in Sheffield

A Sheffield mother sobbed and recalled her frantic search for her two-year-old daughter, before discovering that the child had plunged to her death from a block of flats in Sheffield. Little Ryaheen Banismuslem plunged from the fourth-floor of the North Bank apartments, in Sheffield city centre, on 27th June 2012, after a maintenance worker failed to replace a glass panel he had removed from a walkway barrier, the court heard. Maintenance worker Robert Warner, 45, is standing trial accused of manslaughter by gross negligence. Ryaheen’s mother - Ola Al Fatle broke down while giving evidence at the trial. She described how she and her two children were playing on the fourth floor communal garden at the apartments. The toddler's mother broke down once more as she recalled the moment she realised her daughter had fallen. Asked by Jonathan Fuller QC, defending, how long her daughter was out her sight, she said: “I didn't let her out of my sight usually.” She explained how Ryaheen was only missing for a very short period of time.

Warner, 45, of Shirehall Crescent, Shiregreen, Sheffield, denies a single charge of manslaughter by gross negligence. Bryan Cox QC, prosecuting, told Sheffield Crown Court, there was a gap in the barrier because a glass panel had been removed by Warner. Mr Cox said: “He created that very dangerous state of affairs, and he did nothing to warn of the obvious danger.” The court heard Warner submitted an invoice to ARIM (Allsop Residential Investment Management) - the firm which managed the building - claiming he had bought a new glass panel, which he never did. Mr Cox told jurors: “He stood to gain financially as you will see. He submitted an invoice to Arim on the basis he had incurred expenditure purchasing the glass panel. The fact is he did not.” Residents of the flats had reported seeing a panel missing from the barrier several weeks before Ryaheen’s death. Mr Cox said: “The accident was caused by the defendant's negligent conduct.” Mr Cox told the jury how Ryaheen was born in Iraq but moved to the UK in 2011 as her father was studying for a PhD in material physics at Sheffield University. The trial is expected to last about three weeks.

IN COURT: Robert Warner, 45, is standing trial accused of manslaughter by gross negligence

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February 2014 - 1st Edition


Egg donor shortage Call for Asian women to help families ‘dreams come true’

APPEAL: Dr Venkat wants more people to come forward and help give the ‘amazing gift’ of a family

Dr Geetha Venkat, Director of the Harley Street Fertility Clinic, is appealing to young Asian women to help Asian couples achieve their dream of having a family. Infertility is a condition that is still widely stigmatised within Asian communities and despite being a cultural taboo, it is estimated that one out of seven Asian couples experience infertility issues. The problem is so extreme that over a third of couples on waiting lists for donor eggs are Asian, all of which are hoping for matching eggs that currently don’t necessarily exist. Out of desperation to seek this treatment many couples travel abroad to countries such as India every year to receive eggs, often in practices that are unregulated. This in consequence can have some devastating results whilst others are forced to take matters into their own hands, appealing for donors via online forums, leaving people vulnerable to scams. Harley Street Fertility Clinic is

keen to combat the misconceptions surrounding egg donation in the British Asian community and as such are launching an insightful film regarding this process which can be found via their official website. Dr Venkat comments: “It is a huge physiological shock for a woman to be told that she cannot produce eggs anymore.

(HFEA) changed the guidance for compensating egg donors to state that they can be compensated a lump sum payment of £750 per donation, which has helped to increase the number of women donating their eggs in the UK. In spite of this, there is still a huge shortage of Asian egg donors in the UK. The Harley Street Fertility Clinic ensures that all their egg donors discuss the process with a consultant and a registered fertility counsellor so that donors fully understand the implications of becoming an egg donor. The Clinic requires that all donors are: young women between the ages of 18-35, non-smokers and

“Donating eggs can be a little time consuming, but it will not damage you’re ovaries or affect your fertility. It is a very simple process and is all done in complete confidence.” “The egg donor is a large part of the therapy process-offering a stranger the amazing gift of a family is very kind and brave act. “Donating eggs can be a little time consuming, but it will not damage you’re ovaries or affect your fertility. It is a very simple process and is all done in complete confidence”. In 2012 Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority

have no history of genetic conditions. It is preferable that donors have had a previous pregnancy but not a requirement. So if you would like to help bring joy in the New Year to others experiencing the heartbreak of infertility please contact the Harley Street Fertility Clinic today at call 020 7436 6838.


Comedian banned following Quenelle gesture

A controversial French comedian at the centre of the Nicolas Anelka antiSemitism row has been banned from entering the UK, the Home Office said. Dieudonne M'bala M'bala previously announced he would visit London to support the West Bromwich Albion footballer, who faces a ban for performing the comic's "quenelle" salute on the pitch, which is believed by some to be an antiSemitic gesture. The Football Association (FA) charged Anelka over the pose, struck after scoring against West Ham on 28th December, and he faces a minimum five-match ban if found guilty. Anelka has denied the charge and requested a personal hearing. A Home Office spokeswoman said: “We can confirm that Mr Dieudonne is subject to an exclusion order. “The Home Secretary will seek to exclude an individual from the UK if she considers that there are public policy or public security reasons to do so.”

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

The Jesus and Mohammed cartoon saga… LibDem parliamentary candidate Maajid Nawaz’s tweet continues to be a hot topic By Andleeb Hanif

UPROAR: LibDem PPC Maajid Nawaz defends himself saying that his tweet were his personal point of view

So why did he do it? Some strong views which have come to the attention of Asian Express include When Liberal Democrats concerns that Nawaz’s ploy parliamentary candidate was to encourage a flurry of Maajid Nawaz shared a social media activity and cartoon earlier this month, obtain virulent responses he triggered widespread from mainstream press. protests. Mr Nadeem Inayat, from The tweet of the cartoon Bradford and a dedicated which features the prophets reader of the Asian Express Muhammed (PBUH) and said: “He has promoted an Jesus greeting each other. image to his supporters and Nawaz had commented: the media that the only “This is not offensive and people that are opposing I’m sure God is greater than him on this issue are people to feel threatened by it”. who have very extreme It has triggered a hot and views, the rest of British aggressive debate from all Muslims think his actions quarters revolving around are ok. freedom of expression, “There is a very small freedom of speech and what minority of Muslims that counts as offensive. agree with him that this Some have said that as an cartoon is innocuous.” individual standing for the Whilst the LibDem position of MP, Nawaz’s leader, Nick Clegg has tweet was inappropriate defended Nawaz, saying behaviour. that he upheld his right to It’s common knowledge express himself and that visual depictions of the confirmed that the party Prophet Muhammad will not ditch him. (PBUH) are globally Nawaz also says he has considered an absolute “no- received death threats from no” amongst Muslims. some offended Muslims,

What readers say: “This is not the first time in history that the prophet (PBUH) has been subjected to such profiling nor will it be the last. We need to ask: ‘What was the motive of Maajid Nawaz?’ Such individuals need to be challenged in a manner that is informed, mature and sophisticated to counter these narratives within the laws of the land. I well understand the anger felt by my fellow Muslims, but does beating the drums of emotions on our own lead to better outcomes?” Amjad Pervez, CEO Seafresh “I think we have to respect all human kind. Jesus and Muhammad these are the prophets sent by God. They are the most honourable and therefore must be respected. It is definitely disrespectful putting them in the cartoon form and the reaction I have heard hasn’t really surprised me.” Muhammad Iqbal “It is very disrespectful. When they hear these kind of things it is very hurtful. We love Jesus and we love the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). They have publicised this matter on all the media – everyone globally can see what’s going on. I feel it hurts the whole humanity.” Faizan Khan

despite the fact that he didn't draw the cartoon or wear the t-shirt that featured it. Defending himself Nawaz, this week, published a piece in the Guardian titled, “Why I'm speaking up for Islam against the loudmouths who have hijacked it." He explains: “My intention was to demonstrate that Muslims are able to see things we don't like, yet remain calm and pluralist, and to demonstrate that there are Muslims who care more about the thousands of deaths in Iraq, Pakistan and Syria than we do about what a student is wearing. “My intention was to highlight that Muslims can engage in politics without insisting that our own religious values must trump all others' concerns, and to stand before the mob so that other liberal Muslim voices that are seldom heard, women's and men's, could come to the fore.”

“Whilst I understand the freedom of speech scenario, I believe that Mr Nawaz was fully aware of the reaction he would get and actually did it for that reason, to show himself as a ‘liberal’ to the ‘non-Asian community’. Him stating that he is comfortable with his God is irrelevant, and I have supported him in the past especially during the Tommy Robinson episodes. Further division has arisen between communities now, because of being misled by somebody who should know better. It seems he wanted to hog the media spotlight, which has ultimately happened. I totally disagree with the threats he may have received, this should not be done against anybody, but again, responsibility needs to be acknowledged.” Shahzad Khan “I believe it is disrespectful to a point, certainly for someone to draw cartoon characters of holy persons. The reaction from a lot of the Islamic countries doesn’t surprise me as I know it’s forbidden to depict the Prophet Mohammed, although I don’t think it should necessarily be that way.” Razi Jogi

We’d love to hear your views on if you think that the cartoon is offensive or not, and why? Send your comments to:

February 2014 - 1st Edition



LEICESTER HOUSE FIRE DEATHS Five in court charged with murder of a mother and three children

Five men have appeared in court charged with murdering a woman and her three children in their Leicester home. Shaun Carter (24), of Franche Road, Dane Hills, Leicester; Jackson Powell (19), of Burnside Road, Saffron Lane estate, Leicester; Akeem Jeffers (21), of Carr Mills, Buslingthorpe Lane, Leeds; Tristan Richards (22), of Sparkenhoe Street, Highfields, Leicester; and a 17-year-old who cannot be named for legal reasons appeared at Birmingham Crown Court earlier this week in connection with the fire in Wood Hill, Spinney Hills, in the early hours of

13th September. The five defendants are each charged with four counts of murder. They all deny the charges. The charges relate to the deaths of mother Shehnila Sattar and her three children, Zainab, 19, Bilal, 17, and Jamal Sattar, 15, whose bodies were found in the house. The five defendants appeared alongside two other men, who are accused of murdering football coach Antoin Akpom the night before the fire. Hussain Hussain (19), of no fixed abode, and Abdul Nathaniel Mullings (19), of Leicester; and Kemo Porter Hakim (19), of Wood Hill, Farrington Street, off (18), of Browning Street, Spinney Hills, Leicester, Humberstone Road, West End, Leicester. pleaded not guilty to murdering 20-year-old Mr Akpom on the night of 12th September. All seven defendants were remanded back into custody. Scotland voted overwhelmingly on Tuesday to allow The five men charged in same-sex marriages, becoming the 17th country to give the the Wood Hill case are due to green light to gay marriage despite opposition from its main be tried at Nottingham church organisations. The Scottish government, which will hold a referendum on Crown Court in April. independence from Britain in September, said passing the sameHussain and Hakim will be sex marriage bill was an important step for equal rights and tried at Stafford Crown paved the way for same-sex wedding ceremonies later this year. Crown, also in April. The move was opposed by the Scottish Catholic Church and Three other people have the Presbyterian Church of Scotland but the law will not compel been charged with murder in religious institutions to hold ceremonies on their premises. relation to the Wood Hill The approval, in a vote of 105 to 18 in Scotland's devolved deaths. They are: Aaron Webb parliament, follows similar legislation passed by the British (19), of Saltersford Road, parliament last year that allows same-sex marriage in England North Evington, Leicester; and Wales, with the first weddings to take place from 29th

Scotland approve gay marriage

CHARGES: The four men and one youth denied the murder charges at Birmingham Crown Court



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February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition




Pakistan begin peace talks with Taliban

Student dies after male paramedics reportedly refused access

Thousands of Saudis vented their anger online over a report Thursday that staff at a Riyadh university had barred male paramedics from entering a women's-only campus to assist a student who had suffered a heart attack and later died. The Okaz newspaper said administrators at the King Saud University impeded efforts by the paramedics to save the student's life because of rules banning men from

being onsite. According to the paper, the incident took place on Wednesday and the university staff took an hour before allowing the paramedics in. However, the university's rector, Badran Al-Omar, denied the report, saying there was no hesitation in letting the paramedics in. He said the university did all it could to save the life of the student, who was identified as Amna Bawazeer.

Trapped civilians to be evacuated

TALKS: Taliban negotiators met with government officials to discuss a peace agreement which would hopefully end the years of violence in Pakistan (l-r) Prof Ibrahim Khan, Mr ul-Haq, and Maulana Abdul Aziz

For more than five years, Pakistani Taliban forces have been battling with the government in an attempt to establish a strict Islamic ruling, and now peace talks have finally begun between the two parties in an attempt to resolve the issue. Since 2007, the Taliban forces have campaigned against the official governing body’s ruling yet it was current Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif, who has succeeded in opening the peace talks in Islamabad. With the first meeting held in the first week of February, representatives from both sides discussed how best to end the violence in the South Asian country. In a statement after the first meeting on Thursday 6th February, which lasted over three hours, the two sides stressed their commitment to dialogue. “Both committees concluded that all sides should refrain from any act that could damage the talks,” it read. “Both condemn recent acts of violence in Pakistan, saying such efforts should not sabotage the talks.” Militants from the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have been waging an insurgency inside Pakistan since 2007. More than 100 people, including

First formal meeting between government and TTP commences

soldiers, died in Taliban attacks across the country in January. Thousands have been killed since the TTP came to the fore in 2007. Despite Thursday’s meeting supposedly acting as a ‘broad roadmap’ for future contacts, many in the country doubt that talking to the insurgent group, that stages almost daily attacks, will succeed. Several earlier efforts at striking peace deals with the militants failed to end the violence for long, only allowing them to regroup, recruit new fighters and strike back with renewed vengeance. As the sides prepared for talks this week, a suicide bomber killed eight

people near a Shi'ite Muslim mosque in the city of Peshawar. The Taliban have tried to distance themselves from the attack but the bombing reinforced doubts about the talks. Joining chief negotiator for the government, Irfan Siddiqui, was veteran journalist, Rahimullah Yusufzai; former ambassador, Rustam Shah Mohmand; and a retired major from the ISI intelligence service, Amir Shah. The three-man TTP team comprised Mr ul-Haq, known as the ‘Father of the Taliban’; the chief cleric of Islamabad's Red Mosque, Maulana Abdul Aziz; and the leader of Jamaat-e-Islami party, Ibrahim Khan.

Pakistan’s Terms and Conditions The five conditions set out by Government representatives prior to the talks:

PEACE: Head negotiator for the government, Irfan Siddiqui, said after the first meeting that the’ journey for peace’ has started, and ‘both sides have agreed to complete it as soon as possible’

• All talks be held within the framework of the constitution • The scope of the talks should remain confined to areas affected by violence, not the whole country • All hostilities should cease during talks • The Taliban should clarify the role of a separate nine-member committee that they have established • The talks should not be protracted

The Syrian government reached an agreement with the United Nations on Thursday to secure the evacuation of hundreds of trapped civilians from besieged parts of the central city of Homs, according to Syria's state-run TV. The TV did not give further details but quoted Homs Governor, Talal Barrazi, as saying the evacuation would take

place ‘very soon’. Rebels who have held ancient parts of the city known as Old Homs have been besieged by government forces for more than a year. The issue was one of the negotiating points during the weeklong peace talks in Geneva last month between the Damascus government and the Western-backed main Syrian opposition group.

Journalism not terrorism

Egyptian authorities have served Al Jazeera with a charge sheet that identifies eight of its staff on a list of 20 people -- all believed to be journalists -- for allegedly conspiring with a terrorist group, the network said Wednesday. The 20 are wanted by Egyptian authorities on charges of conspiring with a terror group and "broadcasting false information and rumors to convince the international community that Egypt was undergoing a civil war," according to Egypt's staterun media. The eight Al Jazeera journalists include three,

Australian Peter Greste, and Eygptians Baher Mohamed and Mohamed Fahmy, who have been held by authorities since 29th December, the network said in a written statement. The charges against the journalists come amid a military crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood following the ouster of the country's first democratically-elected president, Mohamed Morsy. Protests have been held throughout the country questioning the detainment of the individuals, claiming ‘journalism is not terrosism’.

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February 2014 - 1st Edition


Deaf Beethoven can hear

A famous composer celebrated as a ‘Japanese Beethoven’ for creating hit symphonies despite his deafness has been exposed as a fraud, after confessing another musician wrote his most acclaimed works. And in a surprise twist, the man who says he was the ghost-writer of the works, Takashi Niigaki, claimed in a press conference Thursday that he did not believe the composer was deaf at all. “I've never felt he was deaf ever since we met,” said Niigaki. “We carry on

normal conversations.” Niigaki told reporters in Tokyo that over the past 18 years he had been paid about 7 million yen (approximately £42,000) to write more than 20 pieces to order for popular classical composer Mamoru Samuragochi. Niigaki, a teacher at the prestigious Toho Gakuen School of Music, said that at no stage did he believe Samuragochi was deaf, as the composer conversed with him normally, and provided critiques on the music he contracted him to write over the years.

Insult the King, go to prison Bahrain introduce new laws to discourage criticism of the King

WWII bomb found in Hong Kong

A construction worker found what appears to be a World War II-era bomb Thursday afternoon at a work site on Hong Kong Island, prompting evacuations in the area. The suspected bomb was found upright in the ground as workers dug at a construction site for a hotel with initial police analysis suggesting it was American ordnance, designated US Navy ANM 66. People within 500 meters of the site were told to leave the area, according to the Chinese news agency, Xinhua,

citing the police. The evacuation area included the neighbouring Cosmopolitan Hotel. A team of at least six bomb disposal officers in protective clothing were seen at the site. A police spokesperson said that they would not attempt a controlled detonation on site. Such a discovery isn't unheard of, and unexploded bombs from World War II raids have been found in Hong Kong hillsides and construction sites.

Bahraini lawyer, Jalila Sayed, told news agency Reuters the new law stipulated a tougher prison sentence of one to seven years as well as a fine of 1,000 to 10,000 dinars (Bahraini currency) for insulting the king. The Gulf Arab Island has faced increasing criticism over its human rights record in the past three years with the Sunni Muslim-ruled nation being shaken by persistent unrest since mostly Shi'ite Muslim demonstrators took to the streets in February 2011 to call for greater democracy. Stalled reconciliation talks between the Sunni ruling family and the Shi'ite opposition were recently revived after the intervention of Crown Prince Salman bin Hamad al-Khalifa, seen as a relative moderate in the royal family. But mistrust between the Shi'ite opposition and the Saudi-backed al-Khalifa family remains high three years after the authorities quelled the initial wave of protests. Demonstrators still frequently clash with police in Bahrain, which is caught up in a regional struggle for influence between Shi'ite power Iran and Sunni heavyweight Saudi Arabia.

APPROVED: King Hamad of Bahrain has agreed to pass a law which would see anybody who offends him jailed for up to seven years

The King of Bahrain has gone to extreme lengths to assure his name is not insulted, approving a law which would see anybody who publicly offended him, jailed for up to seven years and fined more than £16,000. King Hamad's somewhat extensive measure highlights the sensitivity of Bahrain and other Gulf Arab states to criticism of senior officials and ruling family members as well as to political dissent. Courts in Kuwait and Qatar have imposed jail terms on several nationals for insulting their rulers in past years. The new law, reported by the state Bahrain News Agency last week, says the penalties apply to ‘whoever has insulted, in any kind of public manner, the king of Bahrain, or its flag, or its national emblem’. A previous law stipulated that anyone who ‘offends the Emir of the country, the national flag or emblem’ would be jailed, but did not set a term. Under the penal code, any prison term must last 10 days to three years unless otherwise specified.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition


Afghan assistants assassinated Presidential candidate’s right hand men shot dead in build up to elections

With the first ever democratic elections taking place in Afghanistan in April, Presidential campaigns finally began last week. However, with a rising threat coming from Taliban insurgents which threatens to disrupt the proceedings, turnouts are expected to be low in many areas of the country, whilst the campaign will be a major test for the 350,000-strong Afghan security forces. Just last weekend, two assistants of presidential candidate, Abdullah Abdullah, were shot dead in Herat in build up to the official election campaign. “I can confirm that armed men killed Dr Hamdard who was to lead our election campaign team in Herat, along with another team member in Herat city this evening,” Sayed Fazel Sangcharaki, a spokesman for Mr Abdullah said. Abdul Rauf Ahmadi, a police spokesman in the western city of Heart also confirmed the incident. “Unfortunately two people, namely Ahmad Hamdard and Shujahideen were killed in the fourth district of Herat city this evening. Unidentified gunmen

opened fire on them in the middle of the street,” he said. The police spokesman only gave one name for the second victim. Sangcharaki said Hamdard had worked with Abdullah during the last presidential campaign in 2009, and lamented the lack of security given to his campaign by the government. “This incident at the beginning of the election campaign is a bad sign as either the security forces are incapable of providing security for the election campaign or they do not take their job seriously,” he said. Taliban insurgents have threatened to target the campaign, and the Afghan police and army face a major challenge with little support from the dwindling number of NATO troops. The interior ministry hopes to open 6,431 of the 6,845 polling centres, though fear of insurgent violence could keep turnout low. Only about one-third of registered voters cast their ballots last time — significantly lower than previous elections — and the turnout may decline further.

ELECTIONS: Abdullah Abdullah will have to prepare for his campaign without two of his assistants after they were shot last weekend

February 2014 - 1st Edition



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February 2014 - 1st Edition

• INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS RECORD HOLDER: Israeli Prime Minister, Shimon Peres, entered the Guinness World Records Book last week after hosting the largest ‘online’ civic class

Israel's 90-year-old president, a Nobel Peace Prize winner, added another title to his extensive repertoire last week as he became holder of a Guinness World Record. Guinness official, Marco Frigatti, says President Shimon Peres won the record when he taught the largest online civics class in the world on Thursday 6th February. Frigatti says Guinness liked the idea ‘because it combines civics, technology and a teacher who has seen the country from its origins to today’. Peres reached out to 9,000 students nationwide. He gave the class from the office of Cisco Systems Inc. in the northern city of Netanya. Despite his age, Peres has a busy daily schedule. He has kept on top of the latest technology, embracing social media and backing high-tech industries. Initially, it was thought that some 6,500 students would participate in the project, but greater interest was kindled after the spokesperson’s department in the President’s Office put out an advance press release.

It’s a Record!

Government involvement Evidence may have in war crimes been destroyed in Sri

Lanka’s mass killings

SUPPORT: The Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam have had widespread support across the world following their 26-year civil war

‘Government forces were behind most of the alleged war crimes in the final bloody months of Sri Lanka's 26-year civil war and may have systematically destroyed evidence of mass killings’, an Australian report released last week stated. The report, published by Australia's Public Interest Advocacy Centre Ltd, included detailed witness accounts of potential war crimes ranging from deliberate artillery attacks on hospitals, to rape, torture, sexual violence and the murder of, already surrendered, Tamil Tiger fighters. More than 100,000 people were killed throughout the civil war which spanned through three decades between the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) and government troops in the 1983-2009 conflict. Thousands, mainly from the Tamil ethnic minority, are still unaccounted for or missing. “Although violations were committed by both sides, the evidentiary material indicates that members of the Sri Lankan Security

Forces (SFs) perpetrated the vast majority of alleged crimes during the investigation period,” the report said. The new report comes as the United States plans to table a U.N. human rights resolution in March against Sri Lanka, putting new pressure on Colombo to address war crimes allegations. Sri Lanka's military spokesman, Ruwan Wanigasooriya, said from Colombo that the report was baseless. He also cast doubts about the accuracy of the document's eyewitness accounts, and claims that the military removed evidence of war crimes such as mass graves. “Do you think we could have unearthed skeletal remains which are in the villages where people are also resettled now and destroy the evidence?” Wanigasooriya told Reuters. The ‘Island of Impunity’ report, under the Public Interest Advocacy Centre's International Crimes Evidence Project (ICEP), cited witness accounts that torture, sexual violence and enforced disappearance continue in part today. It said Sri Lankan command and control structures were so well-established that, if the charges were proven in a court, it could lead to the conviction of senior military commanders and Sri Lankan government officials. Sri Lanka has previously said that it rejects an international inquiry into the war.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition




TaZzZ & Immi -

Arguably, two of the newest hardest rappers have now teamed up with the acclaimed DJ Surinder Rattan (The Lick, OMG, Has Has & many more) to give us a mind-blowing track. Taken from TaZzZ's forthcoming mixtape TaZzZMania 2, ‘Shutdown’ is the brand new single that is sure to set the tone for an exciting 2014. London-based producer TaZzZ and his protégé, Immi, from Leeds, both lace the high-octane musical soundscape with clever punch lines and lyrical supremacy. TaZzZ, who has been steadily building up his team since 2007, has been immensely encouraged by his growing fan-base. He launched Leeds lad Immi last year with ‘Jhoom’ which was a fresh new mind-twisting entry into this genre of music. With a passion for delivering ‘East meets West’ vibes, TaZzZ has cracked it once again in unleashing a raw, gritty and modern sensation for the ears with ‘Shutdown’. Shutdown will be released on 23rd February and will be available as a free download… watch this space…


DJ Surinder Rattan

Overwhelmed to be on world’s most desirable list



An American website has announced that Aishwarya RaiBachchan has been voted as the 4th “Most Desirable Woman in the World”. Deepika Padukone came in at number 29, out of a total of 30 women. The survey was based on how people scored female celebrities based on: intelligence, desirability, popularity, attractiveness, beauty and success. The poll drew in some four million people to

partake. Aishwarya commented: “The results of this poll was brought to my notice in fact by my well-wishers. “I must admit its overwhelming to hear that over four million people across the globe have voted and listed me amongst their top choices with such beautiful and talented women.

February 2014 - 1st Edition

“I say a huge loving thank you to all my well-wishers (fans) for making me smile and always being there for me… more power to our love,” she added. While Aishwarya has been off the silver screen, Deepika has been a busy girl – she delivered four back-to-back hits last year.

Here’s the rest of the list: 3. Angelina Jolie

6. Meryem Uzerli 7. Charlize Theron 8. Amber Heard 9. Rihanna 10. Scarlet Johansson 11. Megan Fox 12. Adriana Lima 13. Halle Berry 14. Eva Mendes 15. Miranda Kerr 16. Katy Perry 17. Amanda Seyfried 18. Olivia Wilde

19. Mila Kunis 20. Kristen Stewart 21. Kim Kardashian 22. Jennifer Lawrence 23. Taylor Swift 24. Haifa Wehbe 25. Beyonce 26. Candice Swanepoel 27. Jessica Alba 28. Anne Hathaway 29. Deepika Padukone 30. Fan Bingbing

4. Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

5. Irina Shayk 1. Monica Bellucci

2. Kate Upton

February 2014 - 1st Edition


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Do Bobby and Sunny still carry resentment of Dharmendra’s relationship with Hema Malini after all these years?

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Gasps as fans see SRK on crutches There was a moment’s stunned silence, and a few women close by even gasped, as Shah Rukh Khan walked out of the Udaipur airport with a supporting crutch held in his left hand. Looking a bit tired, he had a woollen hairband on the head, and wore black trousers and a white shirt. This was perhaps SRK’s first outing after he was hurt on the sets of Farah Khan’s Happy New Year, when a door fell on him. The injury was such that he had been advised bed rest by the doctors, but it seems that he really wanted to attend a wedding in Udaipur, India. Twitter soon exploded with ‘get well

soon, SRK’ messages, as this picture went viral. Many other stars also made it to the wedding functions of the NRI couple, Heena and Gaurav. Alia Bhatt, Karan Johar, Malaika Arora Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Terence Lewis and Sonu Nigam were among those present at the sangeet ceremony. The actors danced till the wee hours. Malaika and Karan, who were hosting the sangeet ceremony, reached the venue together. Johar wrote on a microblogging site, “Just landed in Udaipur for a friend’s wedding!!! Lovely weather…”

Kajol gets slammed for her outfit Many love and appreciate Kajol for her natural acting style and, oh… let’s not forget the mono-brow situation, however at the recent Filmfare awards she turned up in… well.. lets call it a bed sheet.

As the ‘who’s who’ of the film fraternity came together for veteran Bollywood actors Hema Malini and Dharmendra’s younger daughter Ahana, the bride’s half brothers Sunny and Bobby were mysteriously absent at all the celebrations. They had also been absent at eldest daughter of Dharmendra and Hema Malini Esha’s wedding in 2012. With this being the first big Bollywood

wedding of the year, it was attended by business biggies and politicians including Anil Ambani, who was accompanied by mother Kokilaben and wife Tina. Yoga guru Baba Ramdev was also present on this occasion. Politician Amar Singh, Shiv Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray with wife Rashmi also attended the wedding reception. Whist Bollywood royalty, including Shah Rukh Khan, the

India’s media has not let this one go unnoticed and have slammed her dress sense saying that she “looks old and she definitely looks like an aged mother of two big kids”. A bit harsh? Leave us your comments on what you think.

Spreading the

love A bunch of security men on night watch have thanked Shahid Kapoor for handing out blankets when temperatures dropped in Mumbai a couple of weeks ago. Shahid had seen the watchmen outside his building complex and as lighting outdoor fires is not allowed, went out and bought blankets for them all the following morning. Currently Shahid himself is

bracing sub-zero temperatures in Kashmir for Vishal Bhardwaj’s upcoming film ‘Haider’. He returned this week for the final schedule of the film. The actor was spotted in Anantnag district of Kashmir. The film is Bollywood adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play ‘Hamlet’. Shahid Kapoor has decided to go bald for the film.

Bachchans, Rekha, Shabana Azmi, Jeetendra, Deepika Padukone, Ranveer Singh, Juhi Chawla, Dia Mirza and Asha Bhosale (just to name a few) were present to bless the newly wed couple, whispers did the rounds as to why the brothers were absent. Ahana got married to Delhi-based businessman Vaibhav

Vora in a part-South Indian, part-Punjabi ceremony. The wedding was preceded by an intimate ‘mehndi’ and ‘sangeet’ function. Ahana and Vaibhav met at the wedding of elder sister Esha and Mumbai-based businessman Bharat Takhtani two years ago and got engaged in June 2013.

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition

FILM: Dedh Ishqiya RELEASE DATE: DIRECTED BY: Abhishek Chaubey 15/01/2014 GENRE: Comedy & Thriller STAR CAST: Madhuri Dixit-Nene, Naseeruddin Shah, Arshad Warsi, Huma Qureshi, Vijay Raaz

Serving up an intriguing tale of romance, the sequel to the award-winning Indian romantic-thriller 'Ishqiya',

which was released on 15th January. The film follows events after 'Ishqiya' where Khalujan (Naseeruddin Shah) and Babban (Arshad Warsi) become involved in another escapade. The widowed Begum of Mahmudabad (Madhuri DixitNene) has announced a festival of poetry at her 12A mansion. The grapevine suggests she's looking for a Madhuri talks to the Asian new husband - preferably Express about her role in one literary and poetic talents. ‘Dedh Isqshiya’ - a movie So, in the hope of catching filled with deception and rage, the Begum’s eye, Khalujan


RELEASE DATE: 21/01/2014 FILM: Josh DIRECTED BY: Iram Parveen Bilal GENRE: Social/Drama STAR CAST: Aamina Sheikh, Mohib Mirza, Khalid Malik, Adnan Shah Tipu, Nyla Jafri Josh (English Title: Against the Grain) is the story of a privileged woman whose life is shattered in a single moment. Fatima, a committed schoolteacher living the cosmopolitan high life in Karachi, is devastated when her nanny, Nusrat, inexplicably disappears. Though her friends and family beg her not to disturb the status quo and confront the powerful feudals in Nusrat’s village, Fatima travels there to investigate. Will the trials and tribulations deter Fatima's resolve? Will the quest challenge an

already complicated romantic relationship? What all shall Fatima have to sacrifice in the search for answers? Based on a true story this is a film that tackles issues such as feudalism, poverty and schooling. A gripping tale that has its fair share of twists and turns but which ultimately sends out both a powerful and positive message. To date the film has received great acclaim and has picked up numerous awards along the way. The film is being screen at Odeon Cinemas across the country for one week only.

poses as a poet and begins his antics. When Babban arrives at the mansion in the hope of cajoling Khalujan out of the place, his plans soon change as he sets eyes on the Begum's maid - the lovely, sexy Muniraalias Muniya (Huma Qureshi). However, Muniya is up to no good. Every so often, she sneaks off in disguise to meet with gangsters, as a dangerous kidnap plot is hatched! The tale is filled with twists, mysterious turns and revenge.

RELEASE DATE: 14/02/2014

FILM: Gunday DIRECTED BY: Ali Abbas Zafar GENRE: Action/Romance STAR CAST: Ranveer Singh, Arjun Kapoor, Priyanka Chopra, Irrfan Khan, Sushant Singh When they ran TBC to save their lives for the first time, they were mere 12year-old boys, and the world called them 'refugees'. The war of 1971 gave birth to a new country Bangladesh. It also gave birth to two young orphans Bikram and Bala ((Ranveer Singh)and Arjun Kapoor). They witnessed the war and its aftermath, where the world tried to trample over them. Fighting for survival, they clung to each other and escaped to Calcutta. Before they knew the world, they knew each other. Such was their bond, such was their friendship. Each time they sought new beginnings, each time they would rise, the world would crush them down. So, they fought again... and again. Together they were unbeatable. They were unstoppable. They were inseparable. In the years that passed, Bikram and Bala, became Calcutta's most

loved, most celebrated, most reckless, most fearless and most powerful “Gunday”! They had everything... then, one fine day, bells rang... Nandita (Priyanka Chopra), the most beautiful cabaret dancer, walked into their lives, and they lost everything to her. Their murky world turned magical and colourful. They fell head over heels in love with her. But that was only a blissful lull before an impending storm... and then entered ACP Satyajeet Sarkar (Irrfan Khan- the right for every wrong, a law for every outlaw and a counter-force for Bikram and Bala. What follows from here is the most sensational-most thrillingmost dramatic story ever told!

E: RELEASE DAT 24/01/2014


FILM: Jai Ho DIRECTED BY: Sohail Khan GENRE: Action/ Drama STAR CAST: Salman Khan, Tabu, Danny Denzongpa, Daisy Shah, Nadira Babbar Jai (Salman Khan) is an upright common man is fighting a solitary war against corruption and injustice. Honest and incorruptible, he has made it his mission to help as many people as he can. His mantra is quite simple - help somebody and then request that person to lend a helping hand to somebody else - thus forming an ever growing circle of people helping each other. In a strange twist of fate, he finds himself pitted against a powerful politician and his vile family. Jai who is an ex army officer, will not shy away from a battle, however bloody it may get, and firmly believes that you do not have to wear an uniform to serve

FILM: Highway RELEASE DATE: DIRECTED BY: Imtiaz Ali 21/02/2014 GENRE: Drama STAR CAST: Randeep Hooda, Alia Bhat

TB C A kidnapped rich girl forms an unexpected bond with her captor in this Bollywood romantic drama from the director of 'Jab We Met'. A carefree young city girl (Alia Bhat) is driving along the highway with her fiance. But her life changes in an instant when she's abducted by a rough gang of rural criminals.

The kidnappers quickly discover that their hostage is the daughter of a prominent industrialist with powerful political friends. But their leader (Randeep Hooda) is undeterred, insisting that they go ahead with their plan. As their van continues on its lengthy journey, passing through some spectacular landscapes, the girl begins to

your country. As the politician unleashes his violent goons on brave heart Jai, Geeta, Jai's sister, realises the horrific consequences this can have on her brother and the rest of their family. She persuades a reluctant Jai to make peace with the politician. When events lead Jai to humiliation, Jai loses his cool and declares all out war. It is an unequal war on side stand the politician with his numerous henchmen and on one side is Jai - alone. But unknown to him, a silent revolution is taking place. The voiceless public, he has helped in the past, is gathering force. It finally has a voice and this voice cannot...will not be silenced.

feels more free than she ever did before. Indian writer/director Imtiaz Ali made his name with the hit 'Jab We Met'. He casts Randeep Hooda of 'Once upon a Time in Mumbaai' fame opposite rising star Alia Bhat in this romantic exploration of Stockholm Syndrome. Music is by A.R. Rahman.

February 2014 - 1st Edition






24/01/2E DATE: 014

STARRING: CHRIS PINE, KEIRA KNIGHTLEY, 12A KEVIN COSTNER CERT DIRECTOR: KENNETH BRANAGH GENRE: ACTION, DRAMA, THRILLER Based on the CIA analyst created by espionage master Tom Clancy, ‘Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit’ is a blistering action thriller that follows Ryan (Chris Pine, "Star Trek") from his quiet double-life as a veteran-turnedWall Street executive to his all-out initiation as a hunted American agent on the trail of a massive terrorist plot in Moscow. Ryan appears to be just another New York executive to his friends and loved ones, but his enlistment into the CIA secretly goes back years. He was brought in as a brainy Ph.D. who crunches global data but when Ryan ferrets out a meticulously planned scheme to collapse the U.S. economy and spark global chaos, he becomes the only man with the skills to stop it.


Now, he's gone fully operational, thrust into a world of mounting suspicion, deception and deadly force. Caught between his tight-lipped handler Harper (Academy Awardwinner Kevin Costner), his in-thedark fiancee Cathy (Keira Knightley) and a brilliant Russian oligarch (Kenneth Branagh), Jack must confront a new reality where no one can seem to be trusted, yet the fate of millions rests on his finding the truth. With the urgency of a lit fuse, he's in a race to stay one step ahead of everyone around him.



In “Grudge Match,” De Niro and Stallone play Billy “The Kid” McDonnen and Henry “Razor” OUT NOW Sharp, two local Pittsburgh UK RELE fighters whose AS fierce rivalry knock-out 24/01/2E DATE: 014 put them in the punch to both national their careers. spotlight. Thirty years Each had scored a victory later, boxing against the other during promoter Dante their heyday, but in 1983, on Slate Jr., seeing big dollar the eve of their decisive signs, makes them an offer third match, Razor suddenly they can’t refuse: to re-enter announced his retirement, the ring and settle the score refusing to explain why but once and for all. effectively delivering a



07/02/2E DATE: 014

STARRING: GARY OLDMAN, MICHAEL KEATON, ABBIE CORNISH, SAMUEL L. JACKSON DIRECTOR: JOSE PADILHA GENRE: ACTION, SCI-FI, THRILLER In RoboCop, the year is 2028 and multinational conglomerate OmniCorp is at the centre of robot technology. Their drones are winning American wars around the globe and now they want to bring this technology to the home front. Alex Murphyis a loving husband, father and good cop doing his best to stem the tide of crime and corruption in Detroit. After he is critically injured in the line of duty, OmniCorp utilizes their remarkable science of robotics to save Alex's life.







He returns to the streets of his beloved city with amazing new abilities, but with issues a regular man has never had to face before.



STARRING: MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY, JARED LETO, JENNIFER GARNER, STEVE ZAHN DIRECTOR: JEAN-MARC VALLEE GENRE: DRAMA Matthew McConaughey stars in the incredible true CERT story of a man who takes on the medical establishment after being given 30 days to live. Texan electrician and rodeo cowboy Ron Woodroof (Matthew McConaughey) certainly grabs life by the horns. But in 1985, this hedonistic

31/01/2E DATE: 014

Set during the war on Afghanistan, gritty drama 'Lone Survivor' follows a specialist team of Navy SEALs who clash with Taliban forces in the remote Afghan mountains. The film focuses on an elite army unit who are tasked with tracking down and killing a Taliban


07/02/2 014


(and homophobic) hell-raiser is abruptly stopped in his tracks. Dr. Eve Saks (Jennifer Garner) delivers an HIV positive diagnosis that gives him just a month to live. Macho Ron refuses to accept his death sentence and embarks



official. But as they venture into hostile territory, the operation takes a dangerous turn and tragedy is close at hand… 'Lone Survivor' is based on the incredible true story of former Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell, who wrote an eyewitness account of the high-stakes mission.

on an extraordinary entrepreneurial journey. Investigating alternative treatments, he begins to smuggle unapproved anti-viral drugs from Mexico to help others as well as himself. This incurs the wrath of the government and pharmaceutical companies, but Ron acquires a surprise ally in the form of a selfdestructive transsexual named Rayon (Jared Leto).




STARRING: CHRISTIAN BALE, ZOE SALDANA, WOODY HARRELSON DIRECTOR: SCOTT COOPER GENRE: THRILLER UK RELE Acclaimed director AS Scott Cooper takes 29/01/2E DATE: 014 audiences on a vivid and intense journey into the heart of a fading American Dream in Out of the Furnace, as fate, family and loyalty drive an ordinary man to take heroic measures to fight for those he loves. Russell Baze (Christian Bale) and his younger brother Rodney (Casey Affleck) were born and raised in Braddock, Pennsylvania, a hardscrabble Rust Belt hamlet that has been home to generations of American steel workers. Russell followed their father into the mills, while Rodney took the only other option open to young men like him and enlisted in the Army, hoping to find a better life outside of Braddock. But after four brutal tours of duty in Iraq, an emotionally and physically depleted Rodney returns to a recession-weary town that offers even fewer options than before he left. When a cruel twist of fate lands Russell in prison, his younger brother tries to make ends meet by betting on horses and competing as a bare-knuckle boxer.



14/02/2E DATE: 014 yellow LEGO man who - in a bad case of mistaken identity - is called upon to save the LEGO universe from President Business (Will Ferrell). Emmet has no U CERT idea what he is doing, but luckily The beloved there are some build-it-yourself toy is superheroes on hand to brought to life in 'The help, including LEGO Movie', which Superman (Channing sees an evil oppressor threaten to glue the tiny Tatum), Batman (Will Arnett), Wonder LEGO universe Woman (Cobie together. Smulders) and Green Emmet (voiced by Lantern (Jonah Hill). Chris Pratt) is a little



February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition

With motoring journalists claiming that this is the best Bentley Continental yet, with minor tweaks, it has actually transformed the GT into a far more exciting and rewarding car to drive. The Continental GT remains a top choice for Bentley lovers as a well-heeled, striking-looking, mostly bespoke, exceedingly comfortable two-door sport coupe. Hand-built in Crewe, England, the recently refreshed GT and its more powerful GT Speed sibling are just about guaranteed to get their drivers pole position at any valet.


The V8 of Bentley’s Continental GT S gives its W12 a run for its money The base Coupe is offered with two powertrain options: a 500horsepower 4.0-liter twin-turbo V8 or a 567-horsepower 6.0-liter twin-turbo W-12. Where around 65% of Bentley Continental GT buyers would opt for the ‘bigger is better’ mindset and go with the 6.0-litre W12 model rather than the newer, more efficient. But that could change with the arrival of the new V8 S model.

The V8 S Bentley Continental GT lifts performance of the 8cylinder car to pretty much the same level of the flagship 12cylinder version, but adds more sporting intent. Bentley has upped the power of the twin-turbo V8 by 21bhp to 521bhp, so the 0-62mph time drops from 5.0seconds to a W12 matching 4.7 seconds, while top speed rises from 187mph to 191mph. The stats may not seem

jaw-droppingly quicker, but it’s the manner in which the S goes about its business that makes this yet another brilliant new Bentley. As well as the increase in power, torque is up to 680Nm, while the car sits 10mm lower on a chassis tweaked for greater agility, with steering adjusted for greater feel. Visual tweaks are subtle with a black composite front splitter, side skirts and rear diffuser, gloss black

for the grille and a V8 S badge on the front wing. Spending an extra £9000 on the GT gives a worthwhile aural thrill as it delivers a very confident roar under full acceleration that will have you scouring the landscape for tunnels just to hear the noise echo back at you. The standard four-wheel drive provides immense security with huge reserves of grip, while the revised steering is more responsive than ever. This isn’t a car with the reactions of a Porsche 911 Turbo, but certainly is fit for everyday driving with a hint of naughtiness when needs be.


but nice…

POWER: The V8 Bentley Continental GT Sport delivers 521 bhp




New C-Class pricing and spec announced By Anush Ansari

The new C-Class takes a step closer to its arrival in the UK today as prices and specifications are announced. Available with a choice of two engines and three comprehensively specified model lines, prices for the new C-Class range start from £26,855 OTR. The first examples of the new C-Class are set to be delivered to customers in June. At launch, a choice of a 1,991 cc, four-cylinder petrol engine and a 2,143 cc, four-cylinder diesel engine will be offered, each available with a choice of six-speed manual or seven-speed automatic gearboxes. A further three engine variants the C 200 BlueTEC, C 250 BlueTEC and C 300 BlueTEC HYBRID will follow during the course of the year. Three model lines will make up the new C-Class range - SE, Sport and the AMG Line.

Among the equipment highlights, the Sport model adds 17-inch alloy wheels (up from 16-inch on the SE), LED headlights, lowered comfort suspension, chrome exterior trim and Garmin® Map Pilot Navigation. The AMG Line adds 18-inch AMG wheels, AMG bodystyling and steering wheel, sports suspension and an Artico finish to the upper dashboard. The new C-Class is set to be among the best-equipped cars in its class. Standard equipment fitted to every new C-Class will include an advanced and intuitive touchpad to control the entertainment functions via the centrally-mounted seveninch colour display. Enhancing comfort, Artico upholstery will be fitted as standard along with twozone air conditioning and a media interface located in the central storage between the front seats. Practical technologies are also fitted as standard - with a reversing camera, rain sensing wipers, Attention Assist, Speedtronic cruise control, heated windscreen wiper

washers, a tyre pressure monitoring system and Collision Prevention Assist Plus all appearing on the new C-Class. The comfort and safety systems are joined by the Agility Select system - a rocker switch allowing the driver to choose between Comfort, Eco, Sport, Sport+ and Individual modes (the latter allowing a bespoke setup) each affecting the vehicle’s behaviour. In Eco mode, for example, the car will be set-up to be as efficient as possible, lowering the shift point of the gear changes, softening the throttle response and even reducing power to the heated seats and rear window and the air conditioning system to focus on economy. Conversely, Sport mode will sharpen the throttle response as well as firming up the suspension on cars equipped with the optional ‘Airmatic’ system. Customers wishing to tailor their car to their specific requirements can select from a series of option packs

Limited edition

Nissan has launched a special version of the New Micra - called the Limited Edition. Based on the midrange Acenta model, the Limited Edition New Micra features a host of visual changes that add an extra layer of style to the recently revised and updated supermini. On the outside, the most obvious change is the contrasting roof. Matched to the door mirror caps, this is available in three colour combinations: Pacific Blue with a White roof/mirror caps, Shiraz Red with a Black roof/mirror caps and Alabaster White with a Red roof/mirror caps. In addition, the Limited Edition New Micra has contrasting side sills and centre

caps, a ‘Limited Edition’ badge and a chrome exhaust finisher. On the inside, there’s plenty more detailing to catch the eye; the roof colour is echoed on the air vents and lower part of the gearshift column together with coloured mats. Based on the Acenta trim, the Limited Edition New Micra comes with 15-inch alloy wheels, airconditioning, cruise control, roof spoiler and many more features. On sale now, it is priced from £12,300.

• The Limited Edition features a contrasting roof colour together with interior and exterior detailing • Based on high value mid-range Acenta trim level • Priced from £12,300 and on sale now

February 2014 - 1st Edition

February 2014 - 1st Edition





February 2014 - 1st Edition


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£19,000 (BEHOLD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (D YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (F AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07973 165 474

£100,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£7,000 (MONTY P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (N AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (O YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£1,275 ONO TEL. 07852 290 229

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£8,000 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (F AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,550 TEL. 07867 861 193


£10,000 (M OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NAIMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (O YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (R DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 ONO TEL. 07764 656 667

OFFERS OVER £10,000 TEL. 07889 184 532

£5,500 TEL. 07947 979 777

£4,500 (ASH RAJ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£16,000 (HEAVEN-HAVEN) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 TEL. 07867 861 193


£20,000 (MR HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£3,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

OFFERS OVER £35,000 TEL. 07971 827 913

£1200 ONO TEL. 07884 115 115

£2,500 (ASHRAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (BISSMILA) TEL. 07971 732 789

£15,000 (E AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (HELEN H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 ONO (KAABAH) TEL. 07779 300 128

£650 ONO (MUNAWAR) TEL. 07597 572 045

£13,250 ONO TEL. 07837 867 868

£OFFERS (TEXT ONLY) TEL. 07884 064 015

£3,000 (PAAYJA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£29,000 (R GIGGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO TEL. 07828 695 464

£4,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO (ALI HASSAN) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,500 (ASH 222) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO (BUSTED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 (HELEN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07907 318 666

£10,000 TEL. 07779 117 865

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,000+ (NAIWAAB) TEL. 07973 165 474

£1350 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,500 (R JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£25,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07976 024 735

£10,000 (B VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

OVER £10,000 TEL. 07765 555 786

£15,000 (HELEN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

£850 TEL: 07977 118 134 no withheld numbers

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,500 (P ALLANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07887 690 098

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£70,000+ TEL. 07854 012 093

£15,400 (B YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (F BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07958 000 480

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL JR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£8,500 ONO NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07768 686 842

£15,000 (B YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07764 511 955

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£7,495 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL SG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (R YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 ONO (AMJED) TEL. 07971 732 789

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (A VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£1,500 ONO (HELLO X) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07980 802 471

£15,000 ONO (MAWLA) TEL. 07842 955 147

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£75,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£11,000 (PAUL SR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07875 337 224

£2,500 (AMIR) TEL. 07843 161 969

£10,000 (AWESOME) TEL. 07985 254 294

£9,000 (C AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£4,999 TEL. 07846 480 112

£7,000 (H DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£19,000 (MAHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (MR SINGH) TEL: 07731 464002

£8,500 (N BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (P AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (SOULJA) TEL. 07803 526 898

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07817 615 022

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (A YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (C AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £4,000 TEL. 07513 257 029

£6,995 (F GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (H KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (SHAB) TEL. 07977 348 295

£1,500 ONO (MAIDA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,000 (N CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (P AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (A YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,500 (E JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,500 ONO (MAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 TEL. 07900 895 552

£15,000 (SHIPER) TEL. 07985 455 057

123 YKP



786 KAM 786 MAK 82 GK

















































no withheld numbers







M0 51DDK M111 NWR








MR 54BAR MR 5 5K0L MR5 5P0K

£5,000 (MR SPOK)































no withheld numbers



no withheld numbers


no withheld numbers








£15,000 (A AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (A YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (E KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07523 264 595 no withheld numbers

£1,500 ONO (MALEK) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (P DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07545 218 365

£10,000 TEL. 07969 914 041

£20,000 (AALIYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (ANSAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,900 TEL. 07867 861 193

£21,000 (HUNTER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (K DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (M AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HALY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (NEIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (POSSESS) TEL. 07971 732 789

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£15,000 (ARJAN) TEL. 07731 464002

£1,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£OFFERS TEL. 07971 850 490

£7,000 (C DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (ELISA A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (F SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£9,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£29,000 (M AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HAWK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NKHANZ) TEL. 07946 162 099

£29,000 (PHIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£775 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£4,995 TEL. 07867 861 193



£8,000 (EMILY C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (F YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (HUZAIFAH) TEL. 07737 071 097

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£1500 (MAHMUD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£9,500 (MS HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (P KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,495 (SHOYB/SAQYB K) TEL. 07768 686 842

£5,000+ (SHIMMLA) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (ANWAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (EMILY D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (H VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057


£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444


£10,000+ (CHOWDRY) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY E) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 802 112

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£2,500 TEL. 07405 763 319

£10,000+ (CHILLER) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£9,500 (ASHOK B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07866 860 894

£OFFERS NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07754 852 402

£9,500 (ASHOK C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,250 ONO (ABID SAB) TEL. 07773 995 142








B055 KHN

B055Y B0

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

B111 NAA




















£10,000 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141



















MON - FRI: 9-5.30

MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (MS HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,500 (P MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,725 TEL. 07802 183 450

£9,500 (H YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£18,000 (M AHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (M SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (P SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£25,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£10,000 (G AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (H YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£10,000 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£7,500 (N SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£8,000 (EMILY M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30



£15,000 (P WILSON) TEL. 07985 455 057

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£15,000 (SPORTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (C SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (EMILY S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (G AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (JOHNTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07970 281 994

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£10,000 (N VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (P YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£20,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£3,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (C YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (ERNEST) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (G DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (K KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 595 760

£10,000 (M VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (N YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (P YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL. 07508 341 074

£1,500 (SURBJIT) TEL. 07985 589 631

£9,500 (ASHOK D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 (BIG FRR) TEL. 07971 850 490

£1,495 ONO TEL. 07832 302 222

£7,500 (E SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (K SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1400 (M DAWOOD) TEL. 07428 657 147

£9,500 (M YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ROHAN G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50 TEL. 07932 410 393

£15,400 (S YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (A BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£8,500 (ETHAN A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£900 ONO (JAT OK) TEL. 07581 423 143

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,000 (M DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (MY IPOD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£9,500 (ROHAN K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,295 ONO TEL. 07949 891 313

£15,000 (S YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£9,500 (ASHOK G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (BILAL) TEL. 07808 950 492

£10,000 (D AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (GUIDES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1500 ONO TEL. 07774 246 877

£10,000 (K VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£995 (MY SHISHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£1,395 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (ROHAN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07973 787 934

£3,500 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 TEL. 07891 217 880

£1200 TEL. 07947 979 777

£8,500 (ETHAN F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 ONO (GULLFAM) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (K YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (MEHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£20,000 (OO LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 (ROHAN X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (SHEETAL) TEL. 07786 510 000

£OFFERS TEL. 07581 169 231

£10,000 ONO (ABDUL) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK J) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL. 07838 130 681

£7,000 (D DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07597 629 845

£15,000 (JALLALS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£19,000 (MEHMUD) TEL. 07985 455 057


£7,500 T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (OO HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07816 488 420

£1,500 ONO (SAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS (TARIQ) TEL. 07887 693 228

£10,000 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07812 728 079

£7,500 (D MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (G VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£18,000 (MEHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07870 696 399

£10,000 (O AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £400 TEL. 07866 992 500

£1,500 ONO (SALIHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£1,500 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£7,000 (A DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK L) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,495 ONO TEL. 07957 429 964

£8,000 (DR HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (G YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (U 4 USY / LUSY) TEL. 07768 686 842

£25,000 (M JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07846 016 228

£5,000 ONO (QASSER) TEL. 07967 350 957

£3,000 ONO (RIZWANA) TEL. 07779 300 128

£1,500 ONO (SAIKA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,200 ONO TEL. 07926 095 168

£OFFERS TEL. 07867 861 193

£9,500 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (B AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (DR HORN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN W) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,895 TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (IMRAN) TEL. 07759 097 070

£20,000 (M KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07969 914 041

£8,500 (O BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 QUICK SALE TEL. 07814 071 397

£15,000 (S AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 ONO TEL. 07886 606 431

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK N) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (DR IANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,950 ONO (HUSSAIN) TEL. 07956 214 163

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (L DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07751 427 106

£9,000 (O CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£3,500 ONO (SAIMA/SALMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (TAWHEED) TEL. 07842 955 147

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK O) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 T: 07740 784 983

£12,000 (DR HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£650 ONO (EVIL CAR) TEL. 07411 953 337

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£7,000 (J DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 ( L JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,900 ONO (MR D ALLY) TEL. 07774 246 877

£600 ONO TEL. 07836 221 302

£7,000 (O DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07779 675 730

£OFFERS TEL. 07983 104 538

£OFFERS TEL. 07863 289 625

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (ASHOK P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07740 784 983

£8,000 (DR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (E YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (L LUONG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£5,500 ONO TEL. 07766 645 325

£6,995 (O GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07868 572 069

£2,995 ONO TEL. 07729 288 346

£1,500 (TALLAT) TEL. 07867 886 786

£4,000 (AHMADS) TEL. 07846 269 808

£15,000 (ASHOK S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07720 376 861

£15,000 (E YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057


£7,500 (J SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (L SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOOK) TEL. 07985 455 057

SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07969 914 041

£15,000 (O JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,800 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,000 ONO (TALHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£25,000 (A JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK V) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 ONO TEL. 07879 230 103

£995 (DR. SHISHA / SHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£2,500 (F1 GUJR) TEL. 07867 886 786

£950 ONO TEL. 07968 642 402

£15,000 (J SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (L VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOBB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,000 (O KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07968 163 510

£7,000 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (T AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£12,500 (ASHOK X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (B CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 T: 07740 784 983

£2,999 ONO TEL. 07904 018 063

£12,000 (HAILEE X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (L YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (MR HOWE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£950 TEL. 07896 699 241

£7,500 (O MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (RAJHA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£2,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£1,500 (TAHYRS) TEL. 07867 886 786

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK Y) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (B DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£12,000 (HAILEY X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (J YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (L YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (MR LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (NAWED, NAWEED) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 ONO TEL. 07962 394 890

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£12,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,600 ONO TEL. 07557 387 547

£20,000 (A KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (ASHESH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 ONO TEL. 077970 914 137

£7,500 (D SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (H AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (J YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (NAHEED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (O SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (S DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£25,000 (ASHFAQ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£10,000 (D VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (H AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (O VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (R AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07706 216 060


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B166 BOB B17SH U B19 ALY















































































MR10 JAT MR1100K MR110BB






















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T1L1 786









£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

February 2014 - 1st Edition TA55TYE




£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£6,500 (V OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (W AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,700 TEL. 07786 087 155

£100,000 (TAHIR) TEL. 07403 302 725

£1,000 TEL. 07967 193 033

£4,500 (WANTED) TEL. 07516 111 755

£15,000 (X KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£850 ONO TEL. 07803 012 253

£2,500 (WAHEED K) TEL. 07973 199 979

£7,500 (X MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (V AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (X SHAKS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 (T JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£14,000 (T KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,400 (X YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (T MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (V SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (W DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (YOUNAS) TEL. 07834 016 393

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (V YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 (W GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO (SALMA) TEL. 07969 598 969

£7,500 (T SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (W KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07835 316 786

£10,000 (T VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,500 (W MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£30,000 TEL. 07525 817 453

£15,400 (T YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,500 (W OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (W SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (Y AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (T YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,400 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (YAYYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (U AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,000 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (YELL COM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (U DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,800 (WANTED) TEL. 01202 877 038

£3,500 (SINGHS) TEL. 07833 333 870

£7,000 (Y DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 747 776

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£1,500 TEL. 07767 778 798

£15,000 (Y KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (U YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL. 07854 435 656

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£2,000 (VOHRA) TEL. 07867 886 786

£15,000 (WAHEEM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£10,000 (Y VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057




















K7 PPA £3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

N002HAT £2,000 ONO (NUZHAT) TEL. 07813 011 702








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L99HOR £10,000 TEL. 07850 706 930

YA55EEM £75,000 ONO TEL. 07887 837 553




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Nissan unveils revolutionary petrol engine The Nissan ZEOD RC will become the first entry at Le Mans to complete a lap of the Circuit de la Sarthe under nothing but electric power in June. A single lap of each stint (a fuel “stint” lasts approximately one hour) will be electric powered, then the new Nissan DIG-T R 1.5 litre threecylinder turbo engine will take

over. The incredibly small engine weighs only 40 kilograms (88 pounds) but produces an astonishing 400hp. The base engine is only 500mm tall x 400mm long x 200mm wide (19.68” x 15.74” x 7.78”). While the engine is technically too heavy to take as carry-on luggage on a plane – it would easily fit inside the luggage

A fantastic 1992 Honda NSX, owned by legendary three times Formula One World Champion Ayrton Senna, is set to go under the hammer at Silverstone Auctions’ Race Retro & Classic Car Sale on the 22nd and 23rd February. The car was originally purchased by Antonio Carlos de Almeida Braga, close personal friend, manager and mentor of Senna, for the driver to use when he visited his home in Portugal. Following Senna’s tragic death at Imola in 1994, the car remained in the garage at Braga’s home where it was not allowed to be touched or driven by anyone. After two years it was eventually sold to a buyer who kept it only a short time before being purchased by the current owner seventeen years ago. Nick Whale, managing director, Silverstone Auctions, said: “Very rarely does a car with such pedigree and provenance come to market, especially with such a powerful and personal link to arguably the greatest F1 driver of all time, and as such, we’re incredibly excited to offer it for auction.” The car, offered with an estimate of between £75,000 to £85,000, is presented in black with a black leather interior, manual gearbox and has covered just 31,800 miles. When choosing the car Braga made sure it was set to the same specification that Senna chose for his own NSX and is regarded as the ultimate combination for the car. This year sees the 20th anniversary of the death of the racing icon and the car could prove a great investment for buyers with heightened interest in the much admired model as the 25th anniversary of its introduction approaches next year.

guides seen at major airports around the world. Revving to 7,500rpm, the Nissan DIG-T R produces 380Nm of torque. At a ratio of 10 horsepower per kilogram the new engine actually has a better power-to-weight ratio than the new engines to be used in the FIA Formula 1 World Championship this year. “Our engine team has done a truly remarkable job with the internal combustion engine,” said Darren Cox, Nissan’s Global Motorsport Director. “We knew the electric

component of the Nissan ZEOD RC was certainly going to turn heads at Le Mans but our combined zero emission on-demand electric/petrol power plant is quite a stunning piece of engineering. “Nissan will become the first major manufacturer to use a three-cylinder engine in major international motorsport. We’re aiming to maintain our position as industry leaders in focussing on downsizing. Lessons learned from the development of the engine will be seen in Nissan road cars of the future.”

Ayrton Senna supercar sprints to auction

Senna was personally involved in the development of the NSX due to Honda supplying engines to the McLaren F1 team, a partnership which is set to resume again for the 2015 season. Nick added: “We’re extremely pleased to be able to offer another item so closely

linked to Aryton Senna. Over the past few years we’ve been privileged to offer race suits, helmets and signed photographs amongst other pieces connected to him as well as other F1 drivers such as Fangio and James Hunt.”





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February 2014 - 1st Edition

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Intake in Progress

a priceN


February 2014 - 1st Edition



Muslim Jewish Forum tackle the Quenelle DISMISSED: Ravi Bopara can only shake his head after seeing one bail fall as he was bowled out by Nathan Coulter-Nile

Walkover Same old story as England slump to Twenty20 defeat

By Ashley Grint

England’s winter tour of Australia finally came to an end last weekend, as the visitors once again did what they seem to do best, succumbing to yet another thumping defeat at the hands of their hosts. All out for 111, Stuart Broad and his not so merry men fell 84 runs short of their opponents in their final outing down under, as Australia claimed a series whitewash in the Twenty20 format. The Lions never looked likely to match the Aussies score, with Eoin Morgan the only player hitting more than 15 runs (34) on the final day as they chased down a target of 195. George Bailey led by a captain’s example for the

Australian side, who have now won 12 of their last 13 encounters with England, as he was 49 not out off just 20 balls. Taking 24 runs off the final Jade Dernbach over, the skipper rounded off an all round dominant series for his side. In comparison, seven of England’s batsmen failed to reach double figures: Alex Hales (six), Luke Wright (eight), Ben Stokes (five), Jos Buttler (eight), Ravi Bopara (four), Stuart Broad (two) and Jade Dernbach (two), totaling just 34 runs between them. Bopara's somewhat amusing dismissal summed up the tour, as the ball trickled into his stumps, following a huge swipe which hit his pads and eventually removed one bail, whilst the final wicket came following a mix-up in communication, seeing Dernbach run out. Former head coach, Andy

Flower, who resigned on the Friday before the final Twenty20 international, said: “Following the recent very disappointing Ashes defeat it is clear to me that this is now time for England cricket, led by Alastair Cook, to rebuild with a new set of values and goals. “The opportunity to start with a clean slate and begin to instill methods to ensure England cricket is moving in the right direction will be an incredibly exciting challenge for someone but I do not feel I am in a position to undertake that challenge. “In order for England cricket to make significant progress, I believe that the team director, together with the respective captains, needs to be responsible across all formats in order to positively influence the rebuilding process.”

The Muslim Jewish Forum has released a statement in response to the 'quenelle gesture' made by West Bromwich Albion footballer Nicolas Anelka. In a statement the forum said that the gesture is associated with anti-Semitic hatred and urge the Football Association to take harsh measures, should the striker be found guilty of using an ‘abusive sign’. The statement reads: “The encyclopedia Wikipedia describes the quenelle as ‘a gesture which is performed by pointing one arm diagonally downwards palm down, while touching the shoulder with the opposite hand’. “Since M. M’bala (French political activist and comedian Dieudonné M'bala M'bala) invented the quenelle, the gesture has been performed on many occasions by people who can only have intended to give offense to Jews. “Locations where it has been performed include outside Auschwitz, synagogues, Jewish cemeteries, and even the Ozar Hatorah School in Toulouse where in 2012 Mohammed Merah murdered a rabbi and three schoolchildren. “Accordingly the quenelle is now compellingly associated with antiSemitic hatred. “Accordingly the Muslim Jewish Forum of Greater Manchester is horrified that West Bromwich Albion footballer Nicolas Anelka made the quenelle gesture on 28

December 2013 to celebrate scoring a goal. “We note that he has been charged with misconduct. “We await the Football Association’s disciplinary process taking its course. If Mr Anelka is found guilty of the charges, we call for the FA to impose the severest possible penalty.” Anelka has argued that the sign represents anti-establishment, rather than anti-Semitism, and has said he remains available for selection at this club, despite not appearing in the Baggies last outing against Liverpool. The hearing, which will determine the Frenchman’s future, is likely to take place at the end of February.

CONTROVERSY: West Bromwich Albion forward, Nicolas Anelka, will have to wait until the end of the month before a decision is made about a possible domestic ban following the quenelle gesture

Anelka faces wait over controversial gesture



February 2014 - 1st Edition


Here is my list of fights the British public want to see. With so many boxing world titles and organisations, squabbling managers and promoters, the fights I am suggesting could happen, but I doubt they will this year. We will be lucky if some of the listed come off yet I remain quietly optimistic. NATIONALLY Carl Froch (Nottingham) v George Groves 2 (Hammersmith) Scott Quigg (Bury) v Carl Frampton (Belfast) Amir Khan (Bolton) v Kell Brook (Sheffield) Tyson Fury (Wilmslow) v Derek Chisora (Finchley) Martin Murray (St Helens) v Andy Lee (Limerick) Chris Eubank Jnr (Brighton) v Billy Joe Saunders (Hatfield) Nathan Cleverly (Cefn Fforest) v Tony Bellew 2 (Liverpool) INTERNATIONALLY Floyd Mayweather (USA) v Manny Pacquiao (Philippines) Andre Ward (USA) v Gennady Golovkin (Kazakhstan) Floyd Mayweather (USA) v Timothy Bradley (USA) Wladimir Klitschko (Ukraine) v Anybody (in the heavy weight division who can fight back) Adonis Stevenson (Canada) v Sergey ‘KO’ King Kovalev (Russia) Guillermo Rigondeaux (Cuba) v Anybody (who is good enough in the superbantam weight division)

Saul Alvarez (Mexico) v Miguel Cott (Puerto Rico)

European title shot for Kid Galahad The amazing Kid Galahad, British and WBC International Champ, is set to return to the ring on 22nd March, as he goes toe-to-toe with Sergio Prado, contesting for the vacant European Super-

bantamweight Championship. A win over the Spaniard would see the Sheffield fighter break into the world top ten, and move one step closer to getting his shot at the world title.

Mayweather Jnr chants to boxing fans worldwide


Atif Shafiq

Whether we like it or not, 2014 is here and upon us and this is the year of the new big things to come in the boxing industry, professional and amateur. As per usual I will be keeping it real and yes, you guessed it right, telling you as it is. Everybody knows who the good and the great fighters are. But wouldn’t you like to get to know the next generation of up and coming fighters. Well in the up and coming weeks Manner’s corner will be doing just that. Introducing you to the various young and talented stars of the future. These will not only be Asian fighters, professional and amateur,

which there are plenty of, but an array of local, national and international, these are all powerful and skilled boxers/fighters who are just on, or just on the verge of, making/breaking into the big time. The ones you should be looking out for, or should I say worth buying a ticket or subscription to see live. It will also give you an insight and allow you to interact with these special fighters via Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets. So you can follow these fighters from the beginning and all the way to the big time meaning you too can become a true fight fan.

Current Record With a string of eight victories on the trot, this flash switch hitter is slowly but surely making waves and pushing himself into contention. He may need a few more fights and then I believe he has the ability to follow in the footsteps of stable-mate Kid Galahad. He is quite entertaining but a move up in opposition should do the trick and there is no doubt that the best is still to come from this young boxing talent.

Birth place: D.O.B: 01/15/1994 (age 20) Manager: Dominic Ingle Rotherham, Yorkshire, UK Record: Fights 8: Won 8 Division: Lightweight (KO 1) Lost 0 Drawn 0 93 / 38 g: National Rankin Stance: Orthodox Facebook: Height: 5” 8 / 173cm Atif ‘Unique’ Shafiq Nickname: Unique Twitter: @uniqueshafiq

February 2014 - 1st Edition

Mayweather has always been known for his flamboyant stunts and his crazy rich living lifestyle being the world’s richest sportsman and now he has taken to the social media networks to get a feel of what the fans really want. With a perfect record of 45 victories and no defeats, alongside the fact that no one has even come close to beating him, everybody is expecting him to fight the best opposition possible. In all honesty, the fight the fans really crave is a fight with the Filipino punching sensation, Manny ‘Pac Man’ Pacquiao. The only problem is that this super-fight may never happen due to the politics of boxing and also a number of specific factors. Firstly, the Filipino’s promoter, Bob Arum, and their desired 50/50 split of the multi-million dollar fight purse, which would be the highest grossing purse of all time for a prize fight, is one factor which is likely to put off the unbeaten American. That, alongside the Olympic style drug testing ,which would be carried out over the period before the fight, including random and mandatory blood testing after previous allegations of doping issues. Mayweather Jnr’s negotiators, the money team, want full control of the super fight so it is not surprising that both teams are nowhere close to meeting in the middle. This super-fight may just pass us all by, I live in hope. Coming back to Khan Vs Maidana, Floyd Mayweather Jnr wrote on his Twitter account: ‘I am going to let all the fans vote’. ‘Tell me who I should fight next? Khan or Maidana?’

‘I am going to let all the fans vote’. ‘Tell me who I should fight next? Khan or Maidana?’ Everybody thought the Bolton boxer was in pole position and the fight was 100 per cent on, as he had already signed in December for this fight. But due to a massive outcry from the fans, many thinking Khan was the most opponent to fight undeserving Mayweather, as opposed to Maidana, who was recently crowned WBA champ, beating top golden boy prospect Adrian ‘The Problem’ Broner, the question of who should face Mayweather arose once again. Maidana, in fact, battered the loud and foul mouthed Broner braggart over 12 furious rounds. Meanwhile, Amir Khan struggled with


the limited Mexican, Julio Diaz, who, on paper, was judged an easy opponent. Khan got knocked down in the process but got up to win on points over 12 dubious rounds. So I can really relate to the fan’s displeasure and point of view. But Amir Khan always brings his trademark excitement to the table and I want to see it. So get Tweeting and vote, because I have. And yes I have voted for Amir ‘King’ Khan because a fight between him and Floyd Mayweather Jnr serves the British interest best.

SPEED KING: Can exciting Khan’s speed give Mayweather problems?

PUNCH POWER: Maidana’s ferocious punching power dispatched superstar Adrian Broner now he’s hungry for Mayweather showdown

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TOUCHDOWN: Seattle Seahawks thrashed the Denver Broncos 43-8, to clinch their first Super Bowl title

Sensational Seahawks

It was supposed to be a close affair between American Football’s two top sides, yet Super Bowl XLVIII was anything but that. Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos both had reasons to believe the 2014 crown would be theirs, yet it was ultimately the prior whose, ‘Legion of Boom’ proved too strong for their counterparts, as they clinched a thumping 43-8 win. Marshawn Lynch’s one-yard touchdown, alongside Malcolm Smith’s 69-yard interception return gave the Seahawks a huge 22-0 lead at the half-way point. The Bronco’s replied with eight points in the third quarter, yet with Percy Harvin returning the secondhalf kick-off 87 yards for another

Seahawks touchdown the game was all but finished before the final quarter in New Jersey. It is the third biggest Super Bowl final score in history, and the first time the Seahawks have managed to claim the sport’s top prize. With Denver Broncos star quarter-back, Peyton Manning, picking up the Most Valuable Player award for an unprecedented fifth time before the game, many had expected a close encounter. Yet it was the 37-year-old’s wobbly arm which cost his side a number of points throughout the game. Under pressure from the blitzing Seattle defence, his wild pass sailed straight into the grateful hands of Kam Chancellor. Beast mode then

kicked in as Lynch ran in a one-yard touchdown to give his side the lead. Under huge pressure once again, Manning failed to pick out one of his men as the veteran's throwing arm was hit as he released his pass, allowing linebacker Malcolm Smith to intercept the ball and return it 69 yards for a touchdown. “This is an amazing team,” said Seahawks coach Pete Carroll at the Lombardi Trophy presentation on the MetLife Stadium field. “These guys would not take anything but winning this ballgame.” Peyton Manning, whose amazing career will always have at least one nasty blemish on it, added: “We knew they were fast [but] it was still a matter of us doing our jobs better and we didn't do that. “I think we played a great football team. We needed to play really well in order to win and we didn't come anywhere close to that.”

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February 2014 - 1st Edition

SPORT Superstar Floyd Mayweather Jnr chants to boxing fans worldwide GOT A SPORTS STORY? NO MATTER PROFESSIONAL OR AMATEUR GET IN TOUCH AT



By Rick Manners

Pound-for-pound, the greatest boxer of our modern day era, USA’s Floyd ‘Money’ Mayweather Jnr surprised everybody by announcing he would fight either the ‘Argentinian Puncher’ Marcos Maidana or Britain’s Amir ‘King’ Khan in a fight which is expected to be in Las Vegas in May.

Continued on page 83

DECISIONS: Floyd Mayweather Jnr wants to hear your opinion on who he should face next

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