Asian Express Yorkshire - December 4th Edition 2013

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December 2013 - 4th Edition






Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our readers ASIAN EXPRESS




FRIDAY 27TH DECEMBER 2013 CEDAR COURT HOTEL, BRADFORD Earlier this year, the Asian Express broke the news about how Bradford’s diverse religious community had come together to save a historic place of worship and now, almost 12 months on, the story has gone viral. The Bradford Reform Synagogue had looked like closing its doors for good after damage to the roof required more than £100,000 to repair, a sum which the Jewish worshippers could not raise

FRIENDS: Zulfi Karim, Secretary of Bradford Council of Mosques, and Rudi Leavor, chairman of the Bradford Reform Synagogue, have been building up interfaith relations over the past 12 months

single-handedly. Step in the Islamic community, which outnumbers their Jewish counterparts by more than 400 to one in Bradford, to help with the fundraising efforts. Now, the Synagogue has a prosperous future ahead of it, with £103,000 recently secured in grant money for restoration costs. It is a story which has seen religions unite and share in some of the most significant traditions in each other’s faiths. Jewish,

Bradford’s religions unite

Christian and Islamic leaders, as well as politicians and civic leaders have all united for a Jewish Oneg, the breaking of fast during Ramadan, and a harvest supper over the past six months as interfaith dialogue takes centre stage in the city. It is a story which represents the real Bradford, one which has gone on to make headlines all around the world, and one which has helped build a community to be proud of.

Interfaith dialogue leads the way for a unified city



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December 2013 - 4th Edition

Merry “We are really pleased to be partnering with a local charity (JOY) this winter. I was delighted to see students from the Foundation Learning Group coordinating this project.”

A time to celebrate, regardless of religion Christmas may have originally been a concept born from Christian faith yet that doesn’t seem to have deterred Leeds’ array of religious believers from getting in the festive spirit. Thousands of shoppers have been lining the streets over the past couple of weeks as they try to find the last minute treats that will make their’s, or somebody else’s, Christmas that extra bit special. We visited Leeds Trinity shopping centre to see what the big day means to different people and to find out what they do to mark the annual occasion. Saima and Subhana are big shopping fans and although they don’t celebrate Christmas religiously, they still exchange gifts on the 25th December. “It’s a good time for people to give and receive gifts,” they said. “We mark the occasion with this kind of thing but we don’t believe in it as such.” Mohammed Yusuf is a Muslim who doesn’t celebrate Christmas and was visiting Leeds from Wigan to receive an optical exam. Despite not partaking in the festivities, he was still happy to be able to enjoy the day off. “It doesn’t really mean anything to me, it is just another month,” he said, before adding, “I guess the only benefit really is that everybody has a day off so you get to see some family and friends.” Shereen Bano and Kahraman Ramazan are friends who were just having a look around the centre. Miss Bano has a mixed heritage and explained what Christmas means to her, saying: “It is a time to get together with family.

December 2013 - 4th Edition


Christmas “We don’t particularly celebrate it but it is one of the only times what we all get off together so it’s just nice to get in a load of snacks, watch TV, all the old favourites and just have a laugh really.” Roman Catholic, Abigail Jean-Baptiste added why the holidays are important to her: “We certainly do celebrate it. It means a time of getting together, a time of family, enjoying presents, giving and receiving them that is. I enjoy giving them more but that’s just me.” In Schools, as well as the nativity productions, a number of events have been held from Christmas jumper days, to food drives, to the classic school discos. Trude Feiweles, Associate Head teacher at Tong High school explained just one of the things her school has been doing in build up to the holidays – a food drive for the less fortunate. She said; “We are really pleased to be partnering with a local charity (JOY) this winter. I was delighted to see students from the Foundation Learning Group coordinating this project and encouraging staff to take part, as a result we had a fabulous response and the generosity of staff was fantastic. “We all hope that these shoeboxes will make a small difference to families who are in desperate need this Christmas.” From everybody at the Asian Express, we wish you a joyful festive period and a Happy New Year.

“We certainly do celebrate it. It means a time of getting together, a time of family, enjoying presents, giving and receiving them.”

“It’s a good time for people to give and receive gifts. We mark the occasion with this kind of thing but we don’t believe in it as such.” “We don’t particularly celebrate it but it is one of the only times what we all get off together so it’s just nice to get in a load of snacks, watch TV, all the old favourites and just have a laugh really.”

“It doesn’t really mean anything to me really, it is just another month. I guess the only benefit really is that everybody has a day off so you get to see some family and friends.”




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Cleaning up

Bin crews from Bradford Council have been putting out information about Christmas alterations from the beginning of December. Households whose bins are due to be emptied on Christmas Day, Wednesday 25th December, will have their bins emptied two days earlier, on Monday, 23rd December instead. Likewise, households with a collection day of Thursday, 26th December, will be collected two days later, on Saturday, 28th December. Those households who were due to have their domestic waste picked up on New Year’s Day, Wednesday, 1 January, will be collected two days earlier on Monday, 30th December. For more information on all waste collections over the Christmas period and beyond, please go to our website,

“I specialise in specially gifted children but when I tested Sherwyn I knew I had come across something very special.”

Affordable fitness

Council bosses in Leeds have announced a New Year price freeze at the city’s leisure centres in a bid to encourage even more people to get active. Prices for Bodyline membership as well as casual prices for swimming, gym and fitness classes will not be going up in January 2014. Leeds City Council hope the price freeze will encourage more residents and families to use the facilities on offer at the city’s 17 leisure centres, 14 pools and 11 gyms as well as helping them to take part in some of the 400 plus classes available. Premier members can also claim free junior membership for children aged eight and older living at the same address. Councillor Lucinda Yeadon, Leeds City Council’s executive member for leisure and skills, said: “Traditionally, we know that January is one of the busiest times for the city’s leisure centres, with more and more people wanting to come and get fit and active after the Christmas break.

Bird smugglers

Two people from West Yorkshire have been found guilty of attempting to smuggle live birds into the country through Leeds Bradford Airport. Fiaz Shah, of Flaxston Place, Bradford and Sobia Bibi, of Newbern Road, Bradford were both were charged with bringing birds into the country illegally, without an appropriate licence. The attempts to bring the Franklin Partidges – also known as Grey Francolin birds – into the country were thwarted by Border Force officers earlier this year. On the 4th May, officers found four birds concealed inside a suitcase, and another five were detected on the 11th May also in wooden cages hidden inside luggage. All were found on passenger flights arriving at Leeds Bradford Airport from Islamabad. Both parties pleaded guilty with Shah sentenced to 40 hours unpaid community work, ordered to pay a £60 victim surcharge and £150 towards costs, whilst Bibi was fined £305, and ordered to pay a further £30 victim surcharge and £1,000 towards costs.

GIFTED: Sherwyn has been attending Rastrick Independent School for the past 12 months, pictured here with headteacher Mrs Susan Vaughey

Child Genius Four-year-old with same IQ as Einstein By Ashley Grint

Sherwyn Sarabi is not like other children – he is a genius. At the age of just four-years-old, the Rastrick Independent school pupil has the same IQ as some of the greatest minds in history. Scoring a perfect 160 on his latest IQ test ranks him amongst the elite, and reaffirms his right to a position in MENSA, which he joined at the age of three. Sherwyn, from Royston, Barnsley, has always been an extremely fast developer and could read and count to 200 on his second birthday. Moreover, he could name countries from their

flags, planets in the solar system, and parts of the body and internal organs. Beginning school two years early, the pupil is already studying work for eight and nine-year-olds, whilst children of his age are still waiting to begin their education. Last month the young mastermind’s IQ was tested by consultant educational psychologist Dr Peter Congdon, who was astounded by the results of the youngster. In his report, he said: “Sherwyn has a very superior level of intelligence, he is incredibly gifted and his vocabulary is out of this world. “His intellect reaches the highest possible levels of reason and when he talks to you he has the social

skills of a much older child. “His mental age is measured at eight years and nine months, more than twice his actual age. It is very unusual for a child to have this type of intelligence; he came out at the very top on the tests. “I specialise in specially gifted children but when I tested Sherwyn I knew I had come across something very special.” Sherwyn’s ‘superior’ score of 160 is identical to that of Stephen Hawking and Bill Gates, as well as being the same as what Albert Einstein’s is believed to have been. His parents, Davoud and Amanda Sarabi, are ‘extremely proud’ of their son adding that he has the potential to do whatever he wants. “Every parent thinks their child

is special so for the first few months I didn’t even mention it to anyone,” Mrs Sarabi said. “It was after about 18 months that we knew he was really special and he was developing so much faster than other children his age. “He questions everything and I do my best to answer his questions to the best of my knowledge.” Mr Sarabi added: “I am so proud of Sherwyn and we are a very happy family. Obviously with a child like Sherwyn he requires a lot of attention and we have had to put a lot of effort into seeing that his full potential is met.” Mrs Susan Vaughey, Headteacher and owner of Rastrick Independent School, said she welcomed the pupil with open arms. “When Sherwyn first came to the school he was clearly gifted but his actual understanding of information was not necessarily there, obviously because he was only three. “That is one of the main things he has been developing here and it is great to see; he is beginning to understand more of what he reads, rather than just seeing the words. “Perhaps most pleasing as well is to see how far he has come in his personal development, he is a lot more interactive with other pupils and his enthusiasm at the school is fantastic.”

December 2013 - 4th Edition


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‘Graduated’ Husband and wife team celebrate degree success

By Ashley Grint

A married couple from Bradford had double the reasons to celebrate earlier this month as they both received their honorary degrees from Bradford College on the same day. Salhia Ahmed, and her husband Sohail Mayat, graduated from the higher education establishment on the 11th December in front of friends and family at St George’s Hall. The couple received their accolades after studying for a total of three years each, with Mr Mayat receiving a First class degree in Marketing and Sales, and Mrs Ahmed, being awarded a SecondClass First Division degree in Law. It was a proud day for the whole family when the couple accepted the certificates and both partners

December 2013 - 4th Edition

said the success would not have been possible without their ‘other half’. “If it wasn’t for Salhia then I wouldn’t have taken up education again,” Mr Mayat said. “I had all but given up on college when she started studying and it got me interested in following up on my degree so I did just that. “Because of her I came back to my work and, with more appreciation of the actual workplace, I was able to focus more and topped all my modules in the final two years.” Mr Mayat had started his degree seven years ago yet dropped out after his first year to focus on a self-employed career. Despite some success, the father of two opted to take up his studies once more after his wife began her course at Bradford College, studying law. “It was her enthusiasm towards

gaining her qualification that ultimately made me think it’s time for another go at this. I even gave her a mention in my acknowledgements in the final dissertation because without her I wouldn’t have gone back.” Mrs Ahmed began her course later than most students, as she cared for her two twin boys until they were 18 months before returning to education. Taking up a law degree at Bradford College was a tough decision for the 26year-old but one she is happy to have made. “I am really happy that I did the course and even though it was hard to balance at times in regard to family, it is something I am really proud to have done,” she said. The couple’s achievements also act as a reminder to all aspiring

students that it is never too late to begin studying. “You are never too old to take it up,” Mr Mayat said. “We were fortunate in a way that we had each other to lean on but I really do recommend it to everyone. At the end of the day, it is often only 13 hours a week, and perhaps only five weeks in the year which require complete dedication.” Mrs Ahmed added: “I have a lot of friends who have now gone into studying because of our example. There was this one mum in particular that started recently because she wasn’t even aware of the option which would allow her to balance education with her family life. “The fact we could influence somebody this way was amazing and we always say that we recommend it.” GRADUATION: Husband and wife team, Sohail Mayat and Salhia Ahmed, received their degrees earlier this month from Bradford College after completing their honours degrees

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December 2013 - 4th Edition





Christmassy Meals on Wheels

Hundreds of elderly, disabled and vulnerable residents across Leeds will get a Christmas dinner with all the trimmings delivered to their door this year. A dedicated team from Leeds City Council’s Community Meals Leeds service will be working on Christmas Day, going on their rounds across the city. Around 20 staff will be out on the road, delivering an estimated 220 festive lunches including turkey and Christmas pudding. For many customers the person who delivers their meal may be the only contact they have on Christmas Day. Community Meals Leeds, run by Leeds City Council, delivers an estimated 124,000 meals every year to more than 500 people around the city, and has been delivering hot meals for more than 30 years.

December 2013 - 4th Edition

SUPPORT: Remploy employment advisor, Abdul Quddus, hands over a sleeping bag to 62-year-old Roger Copley


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By Ashley Grint

100 ‘Bags of Happiness’ were handed out to Bradford’s homeless and disadvantaged population last week as the first of many distributions were held in the city centre. On Wednesday 18th December, tens of winter warmer kits were

issued outside Bradford City Hall in Centenary Square, in a joint operation by local organisations, the Faith Centre and Remploy. As the cold nights draw in, there are many people across the county who do not have the luxury of warmth this winter and as such struggle to survive in the harsh conditions. The winter packs are an essential lifeline for those who need it and were delivered in hope of providing that extra bit of support when needed most. The Bradford Faith Centre, a new initiative from the international charity, Mercy Mission, provided the essential winter kits after fundraising efforts had allowed the charity

to purchase the supplies. Azim Kidwai, Chief Marketing Officer at Mercy Mission, explained how last week’s event was just the first of many to be held across the city as the temperatures drop. “Wednesday’s event was a great start to the initiative,” he said. “As the weather gets colder throughout the winter period it is crucial that these supplies are available to Bradford’s homeless population. “Throughout winter we will continue to visit different shelters across the city to provide more essentials and help ensure that nobody is left out in the cold.” The ‘Bags of Happiness’ included things such as sleeping bags and warm clothing

Winter warmers

accessories, such as gloves and hats. Remploy, the UK’s leading provider of specialist employment services for people with disabilities and health conditions, supported the initiative by helping coordinate the day. Abdul Quddus, Employment advisor at Remploy, was delighted with the launch event and explained how the initiative came about. He said: “It is something both parties (Remploy and the Faith Centre) really wanted to do in a way to help the community. “Some people are in the unfortunate position whereby they don’t have any other option but to sleep on the street so the least we could do is try and make their experience a bit more comfortable. “Whilst we understand that we cannot solve the issues for these people, we would at least like to make life a little easier and warmer for them.” He added: “It is an inclusive project which doesn’t focus on a particular faith, religion or race, rather just on helping out some fellow Bradfordians who face some difficult times during the cold nights.”

Helping Bradford’s homeless this winter

TEAM: (l-r) Brendon O’Doherty, of Remploy; Azim Kidwai, of Mercy Mission; Abdul Quddus, of Remploy; Osman Gondal, from Intouch foundation; and Roger Copley, receiver of a winter essential kit

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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A total of 23 people now risk being on Santa’s naughty list having been called to appear before Leeds magistrates for Blue Badge offences. The 23 men and women have faced magistrates throughout December for mis-using the scheme designed to make it easier for disabled people to park and get to where they need to be easily. The offences date back to May, and up to October this year, with people using badges in pay and display bays and disabled bays. The guilty parties used badges belonging to people who have died, thus they were expired, without the badge holder being present. The majority of cheats caught came from Leeds, but some offenders came from Doncaster, Harrogate, Knottingley and Sheffield. All the cases against the Blue Badge fraudsters were found proved and while some were given a conditional discharge, the fines and costs awarded total over £5,000.

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Teenage bakers find magic touch in fundraising efforts

Piece of Cake By Ashley Grint

A team of fundraising teenagers took to the stalls of Dewsbury market last weekend as hundreds of pounds were raised for a local children’s hospice. As part of the National Citizen Service (NCS) scheme, girls from across Dewsbury, Batley and Mirfield sold cakes, buns and all sorts of confectionery as money was raised for the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice. The NCS was set up two years ago by Prime Minister David Cameron as a way of engaging young people with their communities. Working in coordination with their local area, school leavers take part in a physical, team building challenge before getting hands on with a project which will help benefit the local community. This year, the Kirklees group, guided by Team Leader Sofia Buncy, opted to raise money for the Huddersfield-based hospice,

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YUM: The Kirklees girls group, partaking in the National Citizen Service, raised more than £400 for the Forget Me Not Children’s Hospice, through a bun sale on Dewsbury Market

which supports children with life limiting conditions and their families in West Yorkshire. Previously, teams have helped run summer schools and also worked in coordination with the LGBT community but this term, Ms Buncy explained how the girls wanted to help a cause closer to their hearts. “This year was really special,” she explained. “We had Romaine [Maret] come in from Forget Me Not Children’s hospice to speak to the girls about the work that the hospice does and they all wanted to support it in any way they could. “The girls decided that they wanted to help a cause that can affect anybody and one of our team members was actually battling a long-term illness so by

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helping this cause in particular it really is close to home.” After a freezing cold 6am start, the girls soon found their entrepreneurial skills and helped raise a total of £423 by selling their baked goods. Ms Buncy added: “At first the girls were quite shy and just stayed behind the stall because it was all

new to them yet once it got going there was no stopping them. “They were approaching people, and other traders, with the buns and explaining what the money was being raised for. It was really nice to see them develop their techniques throughout the day and it captured exactly what this program is all about.”

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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Meat factory put on hold

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Judicial Review set to examine proposed trading site

Qari Asim:

CONFLICT: The development of the Pakeezah meat factory next to the Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara in Bradford has caused a large debate in the community

By Ashley Grint

Plans to build a meat factory next to a Bradford – based Sikh Gurdwara have had to be put on hold until the new year after a judicial review was lodged by objectors. The Pakeezah meats division site was set to be opened next to the Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara on Leeds Road yet had been criticised by members of the Sikh temple. The plans have now been put on hold until the row is settled at the High Court next year, despite originally being passed for approval by the Bradford council members. It was lawyers, acting on behalf of the Sikhs, that lodged the application for a judicial review yet the High Court's decision on whether to grant it is not expected before summer 2014.

Amjad Pervez:

Barrister Kuljeet Dobe, who is representing the Sikh objectors, said: “A decision won't be reached soon, but at the very least we have delayed Pakeezah’s meat plant by at least 12 months. “Bradford council have told the company not to start work until the judicial review decision is made.” Pakeezah owner, Tariq Haq, was not overly-fazed by the review believing there is nothing wrong with building the unit in its proposed location. He said: “As far as I am aware we are just carrying on as normal. We are not slaughtering animals and there is nothing that can be deemed offensive happening at the site. “We are simply just trading as we have been for the past 20 years and will continue to do so to serve our customers. This site won’t be offensive and I hope that is realised.”

“I am neither on one side or the other as I see why both parties are so concerned with the site. “It is a very emotional subject for the people of the faith but what we have to realise is that Bradford isn’t economically thriving at the minute and as such if a particular company is doing well and wants to expand their wishes have to be understood. “If it were a slaughterhouse it would be a completely different matter. The fact is that at this site no animals will actually be killed, it is just a cutting plant where meat and carcasses will be cut into the different shapes. “Also, the issue that people say it is next to the Gurdwara is not completely true as the building is a detached property on its own site so there is some space separating the two. “Muslims happily shop in Tesco, Asda and Morrison’s where halal produce is sold near bacon yet they don’t complain but rather just ignore it as they don’t want that particular product. We don’t live in Pakistan or India, it is the UK and we have our own democracy which has to be respected. “What really needs to happen is both parties come together to agree on certain ways to go forward. If the Sikh community’s main prayer time is on a Sunday for example, I’m sure that, if they asked, Pakeezah would perhaps stop their activity during this time. It is communication which is needed.”

“I think that people’s sensitivity should be taken into account when such an establishment is built however, at the end of the day it isn’t doing any actual harm to any party. “If there were other options available then perhaps they should have been considered. Building the factory where it is threatens to cause frictions in the community which is not wanted.”

Mr Singh:

“Sikhs and Muslims have been living beside each other in the city for more than 50 years in a diverse community so I would believe that we are educated enough to know what may cause offence. Muslim’s understand a lot of the Sikh beliefs and it is the same the other way around. “In this instance I think there is a clear lack of communication between the parties as Pakeezah and the Gurdwara should have been speaking in-depth about the issue.”

December 2013 - 4th Edition





December 2013 - 4th Edition

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BME communities get active this year PROMOTER: Naz Ali is delighted with the figures which rank cycling as the number one participation sport in the UK, overtaking football for top spot


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It’s a record! It has been another year to remember for British sport, with records being broke in every direction by individuals and teams in 2013. Andy Murray made history as he became the first Brit to clinch the illusive Wimbledon title for more than 70 years, whilst the unstoppable Chris Froome bagged the Tour de France title just 12 months after fellow Brit, Sir Bradley Wiggins, completed an identical feat. Yet it isn’t only on the main stage where sport is blossoming in the country with latest figures, released by Sport England via the Active People Survey (APS), highlighting a rise in participation across the whole country. In Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities in particular, record figures have been registered with 2.7million people from the demographic, aged 16 or over, playing sport at least once a week. The figure is a huge rise of 570,200 since the first recordings were taken in October 2006, and 45,000 higher than April 2013, making it the highest number ever recorded by the APS. Naz Ali, cycle enthusiast and Bradford Council Youth service worker, has seen an ‘amazing increase’ in people taking up his sport of choice and welcomes the latest figures.

“It is obviously great to see so many people from minority backgrounds getting involved as sport really is inclusive to everybody,” he said. “I work a lot with people from minority backgrounds, be that race, or gender, and the increase we have seen is just as amazing as that of the latest figures published.” The latest APS figures have also taken into account members of the BME community aged 14-16, a previously unaccounted for age group, meaning in total 2.84million people aged 14 and over take part in sport for at least an hour a week. Naz Ali, who is based at Toller Youth Café, and works both in his own time and as part of his job to promote cycling amongst young people and local communities added his excitement about the chance to build on these figures. “The statistics are brilliant for everybody but especially for cycling,” he said. “The sport is now recognised as the most participated in the whole country, overtaking football, and is something that could not have been dreamt of just five years ago. “In our cycling courses, we have had a large rise in attendees with more than 90 bikes now in our hub for people, who can’t necessarily afford their own bike, to come and have a ride. “Next year will be another great year for sport, with the Tour [de France] coming to the country, and we are expecting the rise in numbers to just keep going.”




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Professional? We debate whether Asian taxi drivers should ditch the traditional salwar kameez whilst at work The salwar kameez is a traditional South Asian dress and will have at some stage, been worn by countless British Pakistanis up and down the country. One group of people who this dress has become linked to, arguably more than any other, are taxi drivers. In part two of Asian Express’s ‘Great Big Taxi Debate’ we ask what the consensus is about drivers wearing salwar kameez or whether a uniform would be a more professional alternative. Around Yorkshire, in particular, there is an abundance of Pakistani taxi drivers, many of whom started their trade decades ago. However, there are a large number of cabbies who will opt to wear traditional clothing while on the job and this has caused a flurry of mixed comments from the Asian community itself over the years. Whether it is for convenience or

other reasons, there’s growing debate on whether Asians need to change their ways. Mafooz Hussain, a taxi driver working with a Leeds private car hire firm, agreed there needed to be a stricter dress code to ensure more professionalism from taxi drivers. He considers them as one on the frontline of representing the South Asian communities. “I think many Asians don’t take the job seriously enough to be honest, and it’s a hell of an important job. “I think we need more professional-looking drivers. If we wear uniforms for example people respect you a lot more, whereas you see many who put their salwar kameez on, which they’ve probably had on while a sleep, and then just jump into their taxis and turn up to work. “Many of them don’t even leave


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CULTURAL:There’s a lot of heritage attached to the salwar kameez

their cabs because they don’t want anyone to see what they’re wearing. I’d say that if they’re embarrassed themselves, then it’s a good indicator that they need to wear something decent. If you have respect for how you look then others will treat you with some respect in return. “I really do think customers who are seeing Asian taxi drivers in salwar kameez, all the old stereotypes come flooding back.” The 48-year-old of Leeds said Asians needed to move on with the times. He argues it’s not really a religious thing and was more of a cultural tradition so didn’t see what the problem was in changing it. He added: “Yes I understand a lot of them went into the trade when they first came into this country, but things were different then. Things have changed now and we have to change as well. “It definitely puts people off. If you give off a good image then people are going to respect you. “If I wasn’t Asian and got into a cab with a driver who had a full length beard, oily hair and salwar kameez on, I would feel a bit weird as well.” Mafooz said everybody must work harder to look after their customers and feel safe and comfortable in their presence. He added: “A lot of drivers don’t even speak to their passengers, sometimes because they can’t speak English too well, but also because they can’t be bothered – that can come across as being rude. “I just hope that we wake up as a community and start moving with the times, because what we do is very difficult and the hours are long. We want to reverse the negative stereotypes that have been created.” There was an outcry last year in Pendle after a council proposed a dress code that outlawed traditional Asian clothing. Taxi drivers claimed racial discrimination. The borough council wanted a stricter dress code to smarten up the drivers. Tracksuits, shorts, football and rugby tops, beachwear, short skirts, short dresses and flip flops were due to be banned, as well as dirty or

ripped clothing, and items with “offensive” or “suggestive” words or graphics. The majority of Pendle's taxi drivers are Asian men, and many felt the rules discriminated against them. In a report to a meeting considering the plans, the council said: “Whilst Pendle council does not wish to impose such standards by way of conditions to any licence, we expect, however, that such standards will be maintained at all times." Mr *********of Bradford who thinks drivers should be able to wear what they want, said: “A lot of taxi drivers around here are Asian and you can't force Asian people to adhere to a code that doesn't include their national

She added: “I don’t really see it as a big problem, I don’t really look at what people are wearing when I’m in a taxi, I just want to get to wherever I’m going.” However, 23-year-old Ismail Basharat added the trade could do with being improved: “I think it would be much more professional if we had a uniform of some kind, everyone would benefit. “There’s nothing wrong with salwar kameez, but I think people will think someone is unapproachable in the dress, whereas a suit looks a bit more professional.” Miss Khan from Leeds said: “I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask taxi drivers to smarten up. I do however believe that negative stereotypes of people wearing

ALIENATED?: Some claim traditional attire segregates the community

dress. “As long as the taxi drivers look smart and presentable there shouldn't be a problem. “It’s ridiculous to suggest imposing a dress code. “Some people do wear the salwar kameez because they are in and out of mosque quite a lot. So this means that you are stopping people from adequately practicing their faith which I definitely do not agree with.” Mohammed Shafiq, chief executive of the Ramadhan Foundation, said taxi drivers could look smart in traditional dress. He said that it would not be acceptable to tell people to change clothing they wore for religious requirements or duties. “People spend more time tackling real issues such as the safety of taxi drivers instead of pointing the finger,” he said. Helen Whitecroft a 21-year-old university student said she regularly used taxis after going out with her friends.

salwar kameez kick in more regularly. “The generic view of non-Asian people is that if you wear salwar kameez, you’re a bit dumb. I know that’s wrong, but that’s the way it is. “If taxi drivers respected this country and earn a living here, there’s absolutely no harm in requesting for them to dress in smart trousers and shirt. Men in Pakistan don’t have a problem wearing trousers and shirts, so what’s the big problem? “Has anyone considered that by ditching the salwar kameez at work in the UK is a positive step in changing the image of integration from the community? “I read somewhere that 60 per cent of white people in this country felt that Muslims are not part of British life. “We have to change as a community and all do our part to integrate as much as we can each allow to change racism and prejudices in Britain.”

December 2013 - 4th Edition





A huge Christmas bonus

Hard-working Neighbourhood Networks across Leeds have been given a festive funding boost of more than £366,000. The early Christmas present will see nine Neighbourhood Network projects each given a share of £366,826 after they were invited to apply for the money by Leeds City Council’s Adult Social Care team. The extra funding will be used to help the Neighbourhood Networks provide support and day opportunities for local older people and their carers. It will also be used to expand projects to combat poverty, isolation and loneliness and help forge closer links with GP’s as well as helping to develop a volunteer driver scheme in the Wetherby area. Among those being given funding are West Park-based Supporting the Elderly People (STEP) who have been awarded £65,650 and Action for Gipton Elderly, who will receive £54,000.

Final Chance

Calderdale residents have one last chance to sign up to volunteer at the Tour de France when it comes to England next July, as part of the first ever Tour Maker programme. The deadline is Tuesday 31st December 2013. Up to 10,000 volunteering roles are up for grabs during the three days the race is in England. The roles include everything from welcoming visitors at major transport hubs, to supporting National Park rangers and stewards. Anyone interested in volunteering for any of the three stages of the race while it is in England can register at before 31st December.

Solo mission By Ashley Grint

Cakes and buns have never tasted so sweet for a local school pupil whose magic baking skills have helped raise more than £100 for charity. Hadeeqah Akhtar, from Bradford Girls’ Grammar School, raised the fantastic sum of money in support of the Philippines following the disaster caused by Typhoon Haiyan. Millions were left homeless, with more than 5,000 people dying as a result of the devastating winds which reached up to 235mph in certain parts of the islands. 11-year-old Hadeeqah first heard about the crisis during a school assembly and was so moved on the subject that she took it upon herself to start her own fundraising campaign to help in whatever way she could. The young baker decided to make cakes in her own time and sell them at school, as well as at her parent’s café to raise money for Shelterbox, an international charity that raises funds for families made homeless by natural disasters.

Using her baking talents to make an assortment of small cakes and buns, as well as her IT skills to design campaign posters, the young fundraiser enlisted the help of school friends and family to raise over £100. Customers to her parent’s café, the Café Patisserie, were particularly interested to learn about the campaign and delighted to make donations towards the cause. Hadeeqah’s mother, Mrs Shagufta Shaheen, said she was extremely proud of her daughter’s efforts and hoped that the funds would help play a role in

helping some of the most vulnerable in the South Asian country. “At this special time of year, when everyone is thinking about family and friends, it is so wonderful that Hadeeqah has chosen to help others that are less fortunate,” she said. “All of her family and friends are extremely proud of her.”

Bradford pupil raises vital funds for Philippines

FUNDRAISER: 11-year-old Hadeeqah Akhtar, pictured outside the Café Patisserie, raised more than £100 by baking and selling cakes

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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WINNERS: Frizinghall Girls Group, made up of girls from across Bradford, picked up the £1,000 top prize for their work on crime prevention in the community

Community Spirit

By Ashley Grint

Teenagers in West Yorkshire scooped a number of awards last week after taking part in a summer scheme which saw them helping to make a positive impact in their communities. Three teams received prizes for their participation in the i13 Project, which saw 11-18 year olds devise creative and innovative projects that address the concerns and issues raised in local neighbourhoods. Young people are asked to get together with a few friends and think of a project they can run which will address a problem or concern in their own communities. Topping the competition was ‘The High School Crime Fighters’ from Frizinghall Girls Group. The team of volunteers was awarded first prize of £1,000 for their work on crime prevention in their local area. The girls initially produced a crime awareness film, and accompanying materials which would be aimed at communities in the Heaton and Frizinghall

West Yorkshire teenagers receive police praise

areas. Meanwhile, a second project, which interlinked with the previous, was also launched whereby crime prevention meetings were held to canvas local residents with a view to working with Trading Standards to create ‘no cold calling zones’. Girls from the Kumon Y’All youth organisation in Dewsbury came in second and were awarded £750 for their work on building bridges between Muslim and nonMuslim communities in the area, whilst third place, and £500, was awarded to students from Thornhill Academy for a project aiming to educate the community on different cultures. All three groups were presented with their certificates and prize money by the Chief Constable of West Yorkshire Police, Mr Mark Gilmore, and the Police and Crime Commissioner

for West Yorkshire, Mr Mark Burns-Williamson at an Awards Event at Yorkshire and the Humber Scientific Support Services, Calder Park. Simon Phillips, Community Engagement Officer at West Yorkshire Police, was extremely proud of all the work done and commemorated the three teams. He said: “We were extremely impressed by the quality of i13 entries, all of which reflected West Yorkshire Police's key strategic priorities. “It is pleasing to see young people displaying a concern for issues that affect their own neighbourhoods. Whilst the three shortlisted projects received recognition at the Awards Evening, all of the projects testify to the fact that community problems can be solved by the communities themselves.”

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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Tong’s poets take centre stage RHYME: Tong High School students recited poems based on Martin Luther King’s iconic ‘I have a dream’ speech

Madni Primary and Secondary School endeavour to provide an Islamic education, which is based upon spiritual, moral, social and cultural values by maintaining a secure, healthy and stimulating environment.

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Madni is a purpose built nursery, primary and secondary school serving Dewsbury and the surrounding areas. Our learning environment is of exceptional quality and we are at the forefront of educational innovation.


HOW TO APPLY: Please email cv’s to Marked for the attention of: Mrs S Mirza, Madni Muslim Girls School, 40-42 Scarborough St, Dewsbury, WF12 9AY Tel (01924) 468516 Closing date - End of December The successful candidate will be required to undertake a DBS check. Section 7 (2) (E) of the Sex Discrimination Act applies.

• A competitive salary • Flexible hours • An excellent platform for enhanced career developmemnt • Welcome NQT and PGCE trainees • Friendly, supportive and enthusiastic colleagues The candidates appointed must have a high level of teaching standards and sound subject knowledge, enabling them to teach the subject throughout the School. A willingness to contribute positively to the school, both within and beyond the classroom, is essential.

Time for a

Rhyme Over 30 students from a local Bradford High School were invited by the University of Bradford last week to exhibit poetry at the Ninth Rosa Parks Symposium. As guests arrived in the Great Hall Richmond Building, on Friday 13th December, they were greeted by a poetic display from Tong High School Bradford Students. The poems were based on sentiments of Martin Luther King Jr’s iconic speech. Poems were also displayed and presented during the lunch and networking sessions in the afternoon. This year the symposium was entitled ‘Continuing the Dream: Transformation into an Oasis of Freedom and Justice’. It has been 50 years since the iconic ‘I Have a Dream’ speech by civil rights activist and equality champion Martin Luther King Jr and the symposium commemorated the speech’s 50th anniversary, seeking to provide a platform for exploring the achievements thus far and emerging themes on equality, diversity, and inclusion in the UK and across the world. Stephen Curran, Head teacher at Tong High School said he is

‘proud’ of the ‘diverse community’ at the school, adding that the establishment always ‘endeavours, continuously, to ensure that all students are safe and happy’. He said: “Every student at the school belongs to a smaller community; we encourage and provide opportunities for students to work together with older and younger year groups. This results in students supporting, mentoring and ‘looking out’ for each other. “We know that our students will eventually become independent POETS: Tong school pupils, Hollie Farmer, citizens in, what is now from Year 9; Owais Siddique, from Year 8; very much a global world, and Jadina Brissett, also of Year 8; were just where their success and a handful of the poets selected to recite their happiness depend on their writings at the University of Bradford ability to mix with people from differing backgrounds on incredibly impressed with the both a social and professional students and their poems. As a result Mr Woolley has vowed to level.” Key note speaker on the day, publish a selection of the scripts Mr Simon Woolley, Director of on the organisations website at Operation Black Vote, was

December 2013 - 4th Edition





December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition It’s not every day you stumble upon a disabled parking spot which seems so inappropriately placed that it requires a photo but this is exactly what is found outside the Lidl supermarket on Barkerend Road. This snap was taken by a shopper who shared the same opinion that something wasn’t quite right here. The actual dimension of the spot would not be able to fit a car in, whilst the added obstacle of the raised curb only raises more questions. If, somehow, you did manage to mount the curb, no doubt causing substantial damage to your bumper, then you would be left balancing the car on a ramp-like spot. One thing is for sure though, no blue badge holders will be pulling up into this spot any time soon. A Lidl spokesperson has now clarified the matter, explaining how the space was painted by the contractors in error. It has since been arranged to be removed.


Family What kind of Mediation parking is that?

CRAZY: It is often hard to find a car park spot at peak times yet this example really does question people’s thinking

It’s a sad fact of life that relationships break down. This can be emotional and upsetting, often becoming acrimonious with lengthy and expensive court proceedings. Figures suggest that, for publicly funded (legal aid) cases: • The average cost of resolving property/financial disputes through court is £4,000 • The average time to resolve a case through court is 435 days However, recent changes have resulted in legal aid being withdrawn for many family matters. Now, separating couples may be required to pay the costs themselves. Happily, there is an alternative – Mediation. Mediation brings couples together to explore issues in an open and nonconfrontational environment. The role of the mediator is to listen and facilitate agreement between the parties allowing them to resolve their dispute and get on with their lives. It is also flexible e.g. it can include grandparents who may wish to ensure contact with grandchildren. Helping you find the best solution is one of the reasons why I qualified as a family mediator.


As a mediator I’m not allowed to give practical legal advice, even though, as a solicitor, I am fully qualified to do so. Instead, in mediation, I point the parties in the right direction to allow them to understand what the law says about their situation. Resolving unhappy situations in this more dignified manner brings obvious benefits including: • Reduces tension and hostility • Enables communication channels to remain open • Helps you make informed decisions that are right for you • Helps children, who see parents working together Mediation can also reduce costs as those same statistics show that: • The average cost of resolving property/financial disputes through mediation is £500 • The average time to resolve a case through mediation is 110 days If you feel mediation is right for you, you can contact me directly at Pudsey Legal, without going through a solicitor, although solicitors can also refer their clients to Pudsey Legal for mediation.

Farzana Ishaq


Asian female solicitor


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December 2013 - 4th Edition IMPACT: Four-year-old Munatazir Mahdi was knocked out of his pushchair by the car, suffering injuries to both legs

Hit and run By Ashley Grint

A four-year-old boy who was knocked out of his pushchair in a hit and run incident, suffering severe bruising to both legs, has been left traumatised to just walk down the street. Munatazir Mahdi, from Ringwood Road, Bradford, was on his way to the Mosque with his mother, Assiya Bibi, and sister, Haseena Batool, last month when the collision occurred on Horton Park Avenue. A car, believed to be a small silver Ford, with four doors, was seen driving down the wrong side of the road as the driver swerved directly towards the family as they prepared to cross. Knocking Munatazir out of his pushchair, and causing injuries to the mother as well, Ms Bibi, who is also deaf, recalls the moment that she first saw the ‘would-be’ hit and run driver whilst walking down the street. “It was horrible,” she said. “We saw somebody watching us in his car through some trees as we walked down the road towards the crossing. “As soon as I stepped one foot off the curb, this car just came straight towards us, there was nothing we could do. I just pulled Muna back trying to save him yet the car hit the pushchair so hard that he fell out and a wheel flew off. “We were all just in shock after that. My daughter was in tears and an ambulance was called to the scene by some people who had seen the incident and come over to help.” Since the event, four-year-old Munatazir Mahdi has been scared of crossing the road and is uncomfortable

Four-year-old knocked out of pushchair as Bradfo rd family targeted by ‘crazed driver’

just walking down the street. His sister, 14year-old Haseena Batool, was also present at the time of the incident and said she was concerned for the wellbeing of her brother as she saw him fall to the ground. “I was scared for Muna and my Mum because it just all happened so fast,” she said. “We didn’t know the guy and that is what I was telling people who came to help so I don’t know why anybody would do something like this.” Ms Bibi added that two witnesses to the crime, a pair of young men, rushed to the scene as the car sped away, to aid the family. Suffering from shock, she was unable to take the details of the

men and would like to appeal for their help in the investigation in hope of tracking down the driver. “The two boys came over straight away,” she explained. “I didn’t get any of their information as I was too scared at the time and just wasn’t thinking. If they could come forward and help with the investigation in any way, whether they saw the driver or registration plate, we would be very grateful.” The hit and run was reported to police yet no persons have been arrested to date as enquiries continue.

TARGETED: (l-r) Assiya Bibi and her children, Munatazir Mahdi and Haseena Batool, were in shock after the car came down the wrong side of the road in a hit and run incident

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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There’s never been a more important time to offer your views on the best use of Calderdale’s budget and next year, faced with ever declining funds, the Council is asking you to help decide which services are vital and must be protected at three open meetings in the borough. Following on from Ambition Calderdale – a conversation about our future, the recent unique start to discussions on next year’s budget for Calderdale, there will soon be an opportunity for you to give your views in person. The initial event gave you the chance to give your comments on how the Calderdale budget is spent via social media and by posting your thoughts on the website. Now you have a chance to come and tell the Council what you think in person. Residents are welcome to attend any of the public meetings which all run from 7pm through to 9pm, with doors opening at 6.30pm. The meetings are scheduled as follows: Thursday 16th January, at Halifax Town Hall; Wednesday 29th January, at Brighouse Civic Hall; and Tuesday 4th February, at Hebden Bridge Town Hall.

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27 years for ‘utterly evil’ pair Two men, branded as ‘utterly evil’ by a Crown Court judge last week have been sentenced to more than 50 years in prison for crimes described as ‘chilling, terrifying and callous’. 21-year-old Hasnain Raja, and 28-year-old Najeeb Aslam, both from Bradford, were sentenced at the city’s Crown Court after a string of raids, targeted at women, children and the elderly. The pair were twice involved in a sickening raid on family homes in Bradford which saw naked images of children and their mothers taken which would later be used in blackmail attempts. Phone calls were made to the families following the incidents, demanding tens of thousands of pounds be handed over or the images would be distributed online. Other extremely serious crimes included threatening to throw babies ‘out of the window’ and beatings of children as young as two-years-old, as the pair continued to demand cash and items of value from the homes targeted. An elderly couple was also tied up with cable ties in their family home as the two robbers stole more than £25,000 worth of

Victim’s relief at unprecedented sentence

EVIL: Najeed Aslam (left), of Hudson Crescent, Great Horton, Bradford, and Hasnain Raja, of of Arncliffe Terrace, Lidget Green, Bradford, pleaded guilty to a total of 11 charges

jewellery and cash. Richard Wright QC, for Raja, conceded the offences were wicked, but said he was of a young age, had pleaded guilty and had done what he could to make

amends. Peter Moulson QC, for Aslam, added that he had no previous convictions and had pleaded guilty. Speaking during the trial, Judge Durham Hall QC said: “It was evil,

utterly evil, and that’s what you are. “You preyed deliberately on the most decent examples of a very decent community. “You caused terror and shame and desperate fear in each case. Those victims have been hurt for life.” One victim of the ‘evil’ pair, who wishes to remain anonymous, told the Asian Express that she was relieved that the two men were now behind bars. “I was one of the victims and I feel disgusted by these sick individuals as do all the community,” she said. “They are worse than animals because to call them animals would be an insult to animals. “I would like to thank the police in apprehending the evil pair and the ground breaking techniques they were able to use, to capture them. “Their crimes were so sick in which they completely destroyed and changed their victim’s lives. The judge took this into account when he sentenced them. The length of their sentences is unprecedented. “It is rare a criminal gets 27 years for murder and this reflects the seriousness of the offences.”

December 2013 - 4th Edition





December 2013 - 4th Edition

Huddersfield woman posed as an available bride on Asian marriage website and pleaded guilty to conning seven different men

Serial bride in £35,000 fake wedding scam (left) HONEYTRAP: 33-year-old Sidra Fatima swindled men during pre-nuptials in fake marriage scam

(right) CON: Sidra Fatima’s ex-husband Raja Haider Ali posed as a cousin or brother in law

By Anush Ansari

A Huddersfield mother-of-two and her ex-husband pleaded guilty at Bradford Crown Court, of swindling would-be husbands out of around £35,000 in wedding gifts as part of an arranged marriage scam. Sidra Fatima, 33, had posed as an available and willing bride on an Asian marriage website and admitted to a series of fraud charges involving seven different men. Her former husband Raja Haider Ali, 45, also admitted being involved in six of the wedding cons, which were committed between May 2009 and January 2011. After their arrests Fatima claimed that she had been forced to take part in the offending by her husband while Ali suggested he was being blackmailed by his wife and had pretended to be her brother-in-law during some of the wedding scams. A jury at Bradford Crown Court heard last week that the scams were part of a variety of fraud offences committed by the couple to fund their dishonest lifestyle. In addition to the wedding deceptions Fatima also admitted giving false details about her employment and income in relation to a £171,000 mortgage fraud involving a former home in Coppice Drive, Netherton, back in 2007. The pair also pleaded guilty on the

third day of their trial to charges involving insurance claims for three ‘staged burglaries’ at the same address and Ali admitted fraud charges in relation to money he obtained from a man who thought he would be able to buy their house. The jury heard that Fatima had not worked since the couple settled in the Huddersfield area in 1999 while Ali had earned a modest declared income as a taxi driver between 1999 and 2009. Fatima, who now lives in Dewsbury, had described herself on the internet wedding site as being ‘simple and sincere’ and claimed to be looking for someone who could ‘touch my soul’. But after the would-be suitors had spent around £5000 each on wedding gifts and dowries she ended the relationships After the defendants entered their guilty pleas to the various fraud charges Judge Colin Burn agreed to adjourn their sentence hearing until 10th January. Fatima and Ali, now of Springbank Road, Bradley Mills, were granted bail, but the judge said they must live and sleep at their home addresses and they must also surrender their passports. Before Fatima entered her guilty pleas Judge Burn indicated that the maximum prison sentence she would face would be 13 months and today he warned both defendants that the offences would almost inevitably result in custodial sentences.

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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Parents and carers of disabled children in Calderdale now have a state of the art respite centre, after the final touches were added to the Linden Brook centre’s recent makeover. The Linden Brook centre offers short stays for disabled children, to give parents and carers the opportunity to rest, assured that their child is in a safe and secure environment. The centre has recently undergone a massive transformation, with new multi-sensory equipment, a large touch screen computer that fits over wheelchairs, an update of the decor and improvements to the outdoor equipment. The finishing touches were added to the makeover, as the centre opened a new summer house with ramp access, sensory touch/feel walls and electricity.

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On Tuesday 10th and Wednesday 11th December, hundreds of Bradford College students officially graduated from the higher education establishment. Graduation Ceremonies took place at the historic and picturesque St George's Hall in Bradford City Centre, with Gowning and Photography taking place at

the luxury Hilton Hotel. The special day is one of celebration where friends and family gather to acknowledge the achievements of students from the college which offers university degrees. With five different ceremonies, and more than 15 subjects represented, the days were a huge success for all participants.

In an official statement from Bradford College a spokesperson said: “Congratulations to all of our graduating students. We are proud of you and wish you every success with your future study and career, enjoy your graduation. “Your Graduation is a day of celebration for you and your family and it is a fantastic sight to see you all thoroughly enjoy your special

Asian Express day with friends and family and acknowledging all the hard work you have with Bradford College.” “We are now accepting applications for January and September 2014. Places are available on our undergraduate degrees, master degrees and professional qualifications Visit to find the perfect course for you.”

AWARDS: Students, friends and family celebrate the achievements of Bradford College’s latest graduates

A penny for a bag

The leader of Kirklees Council has called for a charge to be placed on carrier bags – with the revenue being held locally to boost environmental schemes. Cllr Mehboob Khan said that charging shoppers a few pence could make a huge difference locally. As well as reducing the number of bags in circulation and improving the environmental impact of production and disposal, the money collected could be used to improve the local town environment. Single use carrier bags already incur a similar charge in Wales, with usage dropping by 75 per cent.

Congratulations to all Bradford College Graduates

December 2013 - 4th Edition

A sweet taste

Leeds City College students have turned their hand to trading for the festive period on the new Winter WonderLeeds market. The college’s Hospitality and Food Manufacture Faculty has set up shop as part of the 17-day festival which has been organised by Leeds City Council. On sale at the college stall is everything from artisan breads, Christmas cakes, puddings, mince pies and chocolates to viennoiserie, patisserie and chutneys – all made on-site at the college’s new Printworks Campus on Hunslet Road. Visitors can also tuck into pie and peas or some warming soup also being served up from the stalls. For more information on the festival which runs from Saturday 7 December for 17 days, visit winterwonderleeds

Christmas in Sheffield

The Woodhouse community celebrated Christmas in style with a special lantern parade this week. More than 100 people gathered in Tannery Park for the festive walk around Woodhouse on Monday 16 December. Father and Mother Christmas, their elves, children from Twinkles Day Nursery, a Christmas fairy and a tinsel-laden pony called Raisin led the procession to Woodhouse Salvation Army church, much to the enjoyment of local passers-by. Father Christmas explained: “My reindeer are all in intensive training getting ready for 24th December so I thought I’d bring my Christmas pony

along for a ride instead.” A church hall bursting with members of the Woodhouse community were treated to a Yorkshire-style nativity play, a performance from Twinkles Day Nursery and rousing Christmas carols led by the Salvation Army band. Asian

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#Christmas4All Islamic leaders unite to spread message of support for Christmas celebrations

As Christmas draws closer, the Mosques Judge Khurshid Drabu CBE, Chairman of and Imams National Advisory Board Southampton Medina Mosque Trust Ltd (MINAB) has urged its members and and Advisor to the MINAB Board of British Muslim institutions more widely, to Trustees said: “Our Mosque's social action reach out to their non groups in these difficult Muslim neighbours and economic times will be friends. working with the wider The MINAB has been community to support encouraging all its vulnerable residents. members to mobilise “This includes helping volunteering at various the elderly and tackling centres for social action, homelessness in our local helping those most communities. Many of vulnerable during the our congregation will be Christmas and New Year participating in holidays. At the end of the programmes with local day, Christmas is churches to rejoice in the conceived as a time of commonality of our giving, and this message scriptures as well as our has respectfully been values. reiterated by Islamic “Christmas is a time leaders. that we spend with our Through a growing families and neighbours. social media presence, on My wife and I have both Facebook and always used this Twitter, the initiative is opportunity to remind already gathering pace ourselves and to teach and has been backed by a our children about how number of leading bodies Jesus (peace and across the country. blessings on him) did not Maulana Safraz Madni, judge people, that Chairman of MINAB recognising his great explained: “I will for sure mission and be sending out messages Prophethood is integral to my friends and to Islam, and that he neighbours wishing them reached out to all, be a Happy Christmas. I'd they the sick, encourage my colleagues marginalised, or the in all British mosques to destitute.” also do so. Maulana Ahmed Nisar “This is what many of us Begg Qadri, Secretary of already do, so in one MINAB added: “For respect this is not those who are something new. But at celebrating the festive times when communities and auspicious occasion COMMITTED: Chairman of MINAB, feel the pinch of tensions, of Christmas, on behalf of Maulana Safraz Madni, is proudly as we've experienced this backing the initiative as it binds MINAB, I take this year, it's doubly important communities together opportunity to felicitate to restate our the entire community on commitment to values this happy occasion.” that bind. Christmas is a touch-point The campaign's social media presence between Christians and Muslims and includes the Twitter hashtag #Christmas4All therefore a great opportunity to whilst a dedicated Facebook page is found demonstrate this commitment.” at





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Blown Away Leeds Mosque appeals for help with restoration of roof

DESTROYED: The Leeds Grand Mosque roof was literally ‘blown away’ by the strong winds last week

Gale force winds battered the country last week and caused devastation to a number of local buildings and properties. In Leeds, a woman was blown off her feet and required 15 stitches in her head, whilst the Leeds Grand Mosque suffered substantial damage as the roof was literally blown away. Insurance will cover the cost of replacing the roof with an identical copy yet to ensure no such incident occurs again, the buildings occupants INSIDE: Water leaked through the roof are appealing for help in building a causing damage to the interior of the building new, state-of-the-art ceiling. The roof was completely only partially operational at this destroyed by the extreme weather off due to fallen debris. The main prayer hall at the moment. The water is currently conditions with firefighters called to the scene as the area was cordoned premises on Woodsley Road was leaking heavily in the main hall and also closed after suffering water the extension on both levels and is damage following the destruction of causing extensive damage. Some glass panels in the ceiling. glass panels have already collapsed More than 2,500 people can be from the ceiling. accommodated in the building at any “Our builders are currently one time and office manager, Bilal estimating the cost of the damage Salameh, explained how the local will run into tens of thousands of community has rallied around to pounds. The mosque urgently needs help with the restoration. your…donations and is launching an A spokesperson for the mosque emergency appeal to help at this issued the following statement last critical time.” week following the incident: “Due to A temporary cover is currently in the recent gale force winds that have place on top of the building yet with swept the country, the Leeds Grand the unpredictable weather in the Mosque has suffered substantial winter months, construction of a new damage to its roof this morning (5th permanent roof is critical. December). If you would like to make a “The mosque currently has little donation to the appeal please visit protection from the weather and is to find suffering severely from many leaks the best way for you to donate. throughout the mosque and thus is


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By Ashley Grint



December 2013 - 4th Edition

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More information available at

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follow us on twitter: Range Rovers are some of the most customised vehicles you will see on the road, yet only one of them is being driven by singing sensation Nafees. His black Range Rover Vogue certainly stands out in the crowd and with latest upgrades coming courtesy of Bradford-based Enkahnz last week; the powerful vehicle is likely to have heads turning for a long time to come. Enkahnz offers a unique modification service that no other car customisation company can live up to. Serving stars from all sectors, including musicians: RDB, Imran Khan, Bonafide and Mumzy Stranger, as well as a host of sports professionals such as former world champion Amir Khan, and Manchester United ace, Danny Welbeck. Enkahnz is a hotspot for celebs. Director of Enkahnz, Naveed Khan, has worked with all the biggest names in the past and explained how everybody is different in their approach to the customisations. “Some people come in and just say do your thing, so it is all up to us to decide what will work and what won’t to ultimately give the customers the best service,” he said. “Others will want to be much more hands on and will be involved in every stage of the work from the design stage through to the final modifications. Nafees was one of these people.” Overall, Nafees saw his car receive the ultimate upgrade package with a new body kit added for the exterior image, as well as modern interior which complements the vehicle. Likewise, a banging new sound system was installed. “Nafees was great to work with because he was very enthusiastic,” Naveed added. “He is a creative individual, as can be seen from his music, and it showed when he was talking about what he wants doing to his vehicle.” Enkahnz offer bespoke styling’s to all clients, with design and customisations all taking place in-house.

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Pimp my ride

SUPERSTAR: Nafees brought his Range Rover Vogue to Enkahnz last week for an ultimate upgrade

Superstar Nafees pulls up in Bradford

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‘Be proud to represent your country’

War veteran’s son calls for support for our troops By Ashley Grint

It has been one month since British Prime Minister David Cameron sent a Navy warship to the Philippines to aid with the typhoon disaster yet more support is still needed for the South Asian islands. HMS Daring was launched in November, with more than 200

military personnel involved in the relief operation, in the country which already has more than 10,000 pronounced dead since Typhoon Haiyan. Local Leeds resident, Mohammed Saddique, whose father served in the Merchant Navy between 1903 and 1949, believes the aid is crucial for the Asian country and said it is something his father would have been proud to be involved with.

He said: “My father, Goolam Hussein Bawa, was so dedicated to the Merchant Navy and eventually died during service in Karachi in 1949. “He never cared about the long hours and money – he just wanted to serve in the Merchant Navy. This is what the current troops are doing and we can be very proud of that, I know my father would be.” Mr Hussain survived at least one sinking during the Second World

War and was even involved in recruiting soldiers from his homeland in Karachi, Pakistan. Mr Saddique says he is very proud of his father’s service and hopes the example that was set by him throughout the beginning of the 20th century lasts long in the memories of current recruits. He said: “If he was alive today, he would have constantly spoken about his pride in serving the British Armed Forces and how

PROUD: Mohammed Saddique with a collection of his father’s medals

important it is for all servicemen to lead by example in the role. “I told him that I will try my best to make him proud through telling his story and informing younger generations of the love they should have for each other. Regardless of backgrounds, regardless of where it is in the world, we should always be willing to help those less fortunate than ourselves.”

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Beauty Top Tips Dry Skin

Dry skin is a very common problem that afflicts almost everyone especially in the winter months when the moisture of our skin is very minimum. This makes our face appear dull and dry. There are a number of things you can use to treat this problem. Just as we need protection, our skin needs care as well. The kind of care that our skin needs is determined by the type of skin we have. There are four types of skin - normal, oily, dry and sensitive and each type of skin has its own complications. Having a dry skin means experiencing tightness due to lack of moisture and a need for a proper lubricant to rehydrate it. Many home remedies can help improve your dry flaky skin on your face.

Face Packs

You can try a number of homemade simple face packs too which can help really well. The best one is the lemon pack.The lemon pack is stunningly effective and it is simple to make. Here is how you make it: Mix one tea spoon of lemon juice, half a spoon of honey and a few drops of almond. Mix and stir these well. Dip a cotton bud and apply all over the face. Leave for 15 minutes and then wash away. Voila you get a great glowing skin!

City Centre Branch, Kirkgate (Next to McDonald’s) 14 Legrams Lane, Bradford BD7 1ND

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At Prity, we get a lot of customers during these months complaining about dry and itchy skin and we present them with our LUXURIOUS SPA SKIN POLISHER. This Luxurious Spa Skin Polisher removes dead skin cells and prevents blemishes, evens out dull, patchy and damaged skin, leaving your skin so soft and silky throughout the day. This is a unique skin polisher with key ingredients such as, Botanical Extracts, Rose Dama, Scina. Use this Skin Polisher every day and achieve smooth and radiant skin that oozes freshness.

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Spreading some Christmas cheer Bradford businesses unite to bring festivities to the most vulnerable Every year JCI Bradford gets together with local businesses to collect Christmas presents for disadvantaged and needy children from all over the Bradford area. The appeal has been running since 1989. It is a very worthwhile project bringing happiness to disadvantaged children at Christmas. JCI Bradford members run this appeal on a volunteer basis. Philip Cavalier-Lumley, of JCI Bradford, said: “It is once again a privilege and honour to be involved in such an amazing community project that touches the lives of the very youngest people in our community who desperately need to know that other people care about them and will support them through the tough times. “JCI Bradford is so grateful to the companies, individuals and members of the public who give whatever they can afford to help

us reach our goal ever year.” This appeal was supported by various local people, organisations and companies. Bradford based Multibrands International Limited supported this appeal by donating three hundred teddy bears and three hundred Fluorodine toothbrushes and toothpastes. Fluorodine is the oral care range from Multibrands International Limited. Multibrands International Limited shares a commitment to create and supply a range of everyday, fast moving consumer brands which continually exceed expectations in the three core corporate values: quality, price and performance. These values are reflected not just in the quality of the products and the reputation of the Company, but also in the dedication to serving the communities in which they do business.

December 2013 - 4th Edition

Operation Viper success

Officers from Operation Viper arrested three people and seized 90 suspected stolen mobile phones in Leeds last week during morning raids on Thursday 19th December. A team of officers put a ring of steel around the centre of Leeds and used specialist technology to hunt for stolen goods, with officers visiting shops selling phones to identify if the phone was being legitimately sold. The operation bore fruit as 90 suspected stolen phones were taken away. Chief Superintendent Dave Oldroyd said: “Mobile phones are a vital part of modern life for a lot of people but their value makes them attractive items to steal for criminals. “The aim of Operation Viper is to get stuck into criminals and to make sure they have no place to hide. So anyone stealing a mobile phone or then selling it on better be looking over their shoulder as we will be running more operations like this in the future.”

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December 2013 - 4th Edition

SCENE: Seemberjeet’s body was found in the River Aire near Leeds Train Station

Missing Bradford mother’s body found in River Aire By Ashley Grint

Police have confirmed that the body pulled from the River Aire last week was that of missing Bradford mother, Seemberjeet Kaur. The 35-year-old was last seen taking a taxi from her home in East Bowling on the 23rd October and a number of public appeals were made for information regarding her whereabouts. Police were called to the River Aire on Thursday 5th December at approximately 1.35pm after a report from a member of the public that there was a body in the water. Underwater teams had been searching along the river, between Saltaire and Leeds, over the past weeks. A post-mortem examination was carried out the following day with the death not being treated as suspicious. Ms Kaur’s disappearance was described as ‘out of character’ by her family after she failed to collect her three-yearold child from nursery. Officers were increasingly concerned for her welfare as the mother of one had been suffering from depression and it was unclear whether she had taken her

medication before taking a taxi from her home on the day she went missing. A fortnight after she was reported as missing, officers carried out an ‘information seek’ operation in the park, where residents were shown a photograph of Mrs Kaur to jog their memories and asked to fill out questionnaires to establish whether they might have seen her.

Her family had previously spoken out about their hope of finding Ms Kaur alive. The Coroner has been informed and an inquest will be held in Mrs Kaur’s death. SAD: The Bradford Mother had been missing since the 23rd October

December 2013 - 4th Edition


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Hundreds raised during anniversary celebrations

Celebrating 88 years of wedded bliss

By Ashley Grint

After meeting in India as teenagers in the 1920s, Mr Karam Chand and his wife, Kartari, were celebrating again last week as they reached the amazing milestone of 88 years of marriage. A special celebration evening was held at The Castle pub, in Bradford, last week to commemorate the latest anniversary whilst also raising money for the Clutha Appeal fund, for victims and family members of the recent Glasgow Helicopter crash, in which 10 people were killed and more injured. Mr and Mrs Chand have been inseparable since meeting in their homeland and moved to Bradford more than 40 years ago. The couple have eight children, 27 grand children and more than ten greatgrandchildren, many of whom made the journey to the West Yorkshire establishment to celebrate the momentous occasion. The pub, which is run by youngest son, Paul Chand,

played host to a number of live acts on Sunday 15th December. Paul Chand, along with fellow members of the Punjabi Folk band ‘Anjaana’, got celebrations under way with a special performance before a number of artists stepped up to the stage, including Phil Cockerham, Big Red, Muppett, Eddie Lawler, Liz Neary, Den Miller, Karl Dallas, and Keystone Acoustics. Alongside the acts, an auction and raffle were also held which helped raise a total of £204.29 for the chosen charity. The couple are still awaiting confirmation from Guinness World Records to confirm that theirs truly is the longest marriage in the world.

ANNIVERSARY: Karam and Kartari Chand were celebrating 88 years of marriage last weekend at a special reception in Bradford



Asian Express Christmas carolling

York’s Civic Party are inviting residents and visitors to its annual Christmas Carol Service which takes place on Christmas Eve and encourages participants to be part of the service. The event which starts at 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th December is supported by the Salvation Army whose band will be playing a wide array of festive songs in St Helen’s Square with the audience encouraged to form the choir. The Rt Hon The Lord Mayor of York, Cllr Gunnell said: “I am very much looking forward to this festive concert event which epitomises Christmas in the way that it brings people together to have fun. What better way to start the festive celebrations than to spend time in the wonderful St Helens Square with residents and visitors in York? “The voices of the public with the beautiful music from the Salvation Army will make for a truly magical evening which I would encourage all to attend.”

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Burberry sign up first British Asian modelNee MODELS: Neelam Johal (fifth from the left) pictured here at the launch of the 2014 Burberry S/S campaign MANUFACTURED AND MARKETED BY PRITY


LUXURIOUS SPA SKIN POLISHER (Solution for dry skin)

The Problem

On a daily basis our skin is exposed to many challenges, such as sun rays, dust and pollution.These can cause damage the way your skin looks and feels. Dead skin and impurities abound on your face leaving it lifeless and unattractive.

The Solution

The Luxurious Spa Skin Polisher is a sure shot method of exfoliating your skin and allowing newer cells to replace the dead ones.This skin polisher is just a great polisher that makes your skin come alive and with a brighter complexion.

Benefits of this Cream

For brighter, ultra smooth skin that gives you youthful complexion, use this Polisher. Velvety smooth skin that is clean and full of life is a joy to have and a joy to look at.

Directions for Use

Clean face with Prity Pure Rose and Gold Toner.Take a sufficient quantity of the Polisher into your palm and apply on your face. Sprinkle water on your face and gently massage in an upward circular motion for a few minutes.Take hot steam, rinse with water and pat dry. Follow up with Prity 24x7 Intensive Rich Moisturising Cream.

Key Ingredients

Highly developed Botanical Extracts, Rose Dama Scina, Aloe Barba Denis, Apricot Kernel Oil, Pure Vitamin Kokum Butter, Organic and Wheat Germ Oil.

07462 556 956

City Centre Branch, Kirkgate - Next to McDonald’s

01274 307 040

14 Legrams Lane, Bradford BD7 1ND

December 2013 - 4th Edition

PIONEER: Neelam Johal’s contract with Burberry signals the first ever British-Asian model to be signed by a major modelling agency

lam Johal The hottest name in modelling

By Ashley Grint

At just 18-years-old Neelam Johal has had her name firmly stitched into history as she became the first ever British Asian model to be signed up by a leading agency. Burberry roped in the Coventry girl last week as they launched their S/S 2014 campaign, with fellow models: Malaika Firth, Jean Campbell, Matilda Lowther, Callum Ball and musician Leo Dobson alongside her. The first sneak peak at the New Year collection came courtesy of a slow motion advert, launched by the fashion giants, which sees the ravishing Neelam pose in a classic trench coat and Burberry crosshatch designs, shot by the legendary Mario Testino. Neelam was signed from English modeling agency Models 1, in what is regarded as one of the most pioneering moves by a major agency in history. The teen’s leading example could now open the door for more aspiring models from British Asian backgrounds as other labels take note of the pioneering steps of Burberry. Tweeting after her first photoshoot, Neelam wrote: “I feel like I'm dreaming! I'm so happy that I can finally say my first EVER campaign is for @Burberry and shot by the legendary Mario Testino.” Before later adding: “Wow...Just realised I'm the first Indian model to be used in a Burberry campaign.”

Asian Express

December 2013 - 4th Edition





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December 2013 - 4th Edition




Your National and Local Business Round-up

Business news

Highest Honour for Aagrah’s Aslam

AWARD: Mohammed Aslam MBE was awarded an Honorary Fellowship from Bradford College last week


agrah’s Managing Director Mohammed Aslam MBE, better known as Aslam to his family and friends had the highest honour bestowed upon him last week, receiving an Honorary Fellowship by Bradford College. The youngest of three brothers, Aslam came to the UK in 1967. After a short spell working for London Transport as a Bus Driver, he moved to Bradford to join his brother Mohammed Sabir, now Aagrah Chairman to work in the family business. Building on the foundations laid by Sabir and other family members, his entrepreneurial skills, coupled with a desire to succeed played a key role in the business as it began to show signs of growth in the early eighties. Widely acknowledged as putting Kashmiri cuisine on the UK map, Aagrah Restaurants continued to develop and promote their homeland cooking as a distinct cuisine in its own right as its popularity grew. This inspired Aslam to train and become a professional chef learning

how to cook authentic Kashmiri family recipes on a commercial level. More than 3 decades on, Aagrah and Aslam have won some of the industry’s highest accolades, with the most recent being Special Recognition Award presented by Prime Minister David Cameron at the British Curry Awards 2013 for which he received a long standing ovation. Aagrah’s landmark in the company’s journey came in the acquisition of a piece of land on the border of Leeds and Bradford to build The Midpoint Suite in 2009, a conference and banqueting venue with a capacity of 450 people. Now a highly successful centre, the Midpoint suite hosts over 500 hundreds event every year. The company now has 16 branches across Yorkshire and a highly successful outdoor catering division. Aslam is also the vision behind Aagrah’s home dining venture. In 2011 Aagrah branched out into the home dining market by successfully launching a range of Tarka Cooking sauces, available in Asda

and Tesco. A recent addition has seen chutneys, pickles and marinades added to their home dining experience. Aslam’s formula for success is employing the right staff and personally being involved in their training and development of all the company’s chefs . He firmly believes the success of the business is underpinned with family values, teamwork and consistently serving the highest quality food with professional and friendly service. Accepting the award Mr Aslam thanked his wife, children, his brothers Mohammed Sabir, Zaffar Iqbal and Nephew Arshad Mahmood for their ‘unstinting support’ and encouragement saying this year has been ‘very special’. Adding: “We opened two new branches, one in Ilkley, a 90 seat fine dining restaurant and our second Sheffield branch at Crystal Peaks with 275 seats. On a personal level receiving the Honorary Fellowship has been humbling. I am truly grateful to everyone concerned with it all.”




December 2013 - 4th Edition

It is the most fashionable month of the year, it's official! J

A distressing time for Landlords? he remedy of Distress for Rent allows a landlord to enter a tenanted property and seize goods until any outstanding rent is paid. If the rent is not paid, then the landlord is entitled to sell the goods and use the proceeds to discharge the unpaid rent. This ancient remedy is frequently used by landlords to apply effective pressure on tenants where rent is unpaid. However, in order to address the perceived imbalance between the rights of landlords and tenants, a new statutory regime known as Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) will come into force on 6 April 2014. The major changes to the existing regime are as follows:• CRAR can only be undertaken by certificated enforcement agents (bailiffs). • The tenant must be given 7 days’ notice in writing before the bailiff takes control of any goods. • The notice must be hand-delivered to the tenant. • The 7 days notice period does not include Sundays, Bank Holidays, Good Friday and Christmas Day. • The written notice must contain details of the debt, the amount outstanding including interest and enforcement fees plus any additional costs of enforcement in the event that the outstanding amount remains unpaid. • The bailiff can attend at the property to take control of goods on any day of the week between the hours of 6am and 9pm.


Please contact Luke Patel on 0113 227 9316 or by email at

• If the tenant’s business operates outside the hours of 6am and 9pm then the bailiff can attend at any time when the business is in operation. • CRAR only applies to commercial rent and cannot be used if any part of the property is residential. • Only rent arrears can be recovered as part of CRAR. • In order to use CRAR, a minimum of 7 days’ unpaid rent will be necessary The main point of concern for landlords is the requirement to give 7 days’ notice before any action can be taken to secure the tenant’s goods. If it is likely that the tenant will remove goods from the premises, the landlord can first seek an order from the Court dispensing with the requirement to provide notice to the tenant. In the event that obtaining such an Order is not possible, there is a significant risk that an unscrupulous tenant would deliberately remove items from the premises in order to frustrate the process. Whilst the new regime provides greater protection to tenants, it does significantly weaken the position of landlords, to whom the current regime of Distress of Rent can be a useful and effective mechanism of obtaining payment of outstanding rents. We at Blacks deal with all aspects of Commercial Property law, to include the drafting of leases and advising on any disputes which may arise including unpaid rent.

anan luxury outlet in Bradford is hosting their Winter season sale on Wednesday 25th December 2013 and doors will open from 10 am to 8 pm, where you will be able to buy this season’s must have designer pieces, with up to 70% off! Janan invites you to this season’s exclusive sale event where designer brands such as Junaid Jamshed, Almirah, Five Star, Needlez, Gul Ahmed, Hina Mirza, Maria B and many more will be available on offer! Embellish any outfit with an aura of elegance with American Diamond jewellery and accessories also up for grabs in the sale! Modern glamour steps out of the shadows as the evening will be packed with fantastic offers which you wouldn't want to miss! Janan also has a range of fantastic gift ideas ranging from Islamic pendants

through to this season’s RED HOT Hina Mirza kurtis all available in the sale. Make sure to visit the fashion house’s luxury shoe room which will have up to 70% off on all Winter heels and flats. The men's footwear will also be in the sale, so that the gentlemen can add some traditional drama to their wardrobes! If you haven't already done so make sure you register yourself for Janan's loyalty customer card to enjoy extra perks and offers that will be available on the sale day. More reasons to come and join Janan in their Winter season sale on the 25th December 2013! The Janan Team looks forward to seeing you there! #Love fashion #shopJanan Follow Janan on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter for sale and the latest fashion trend updates.

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Mosque bombers sentenced

Two former soldiers who firebombed a mosque following the murder of soldier Lee Rigby have each been jailed for six years. Stuart Harness, 34, and Gavin Humphries, 37, made petrol bombs and threw them at the Grimsby Islamic Cultural Centre while being filmed on CCTV cameras they thought were turned off. They were jailed today by Judge Mark Bury at Hull Crown Court after admitting arson being reckless as to whether life was endangered at an earlier hearing. Judge Bury told the pair: “This was a crime of violence where a particular religious group was deliberately targeted in an act of retribution.” He added: “This kind of attack cannot be tolerated. A severe sentence is required to punish but, more importantly, to deter." A third defendant, Daniel Cressey, was also jailed. Cressey denied aiding and abetting the other two assailants but was found guilty by a jury and sentenced to three years. DIED: Dr Abbas Khan, a father of two from London, died last week after being detained, without charge, in a Syrian prison for 13 months

Detained British doctor dies in Syrian jail

Dr Abbas Khan died just days before he was set to be released

By Ashley Grint

The family of a British doctor, who died in a Syrian jail last week, have said they are devastated by their loss and are angry at the Foreign Office for ‘dragging their feet’. Dr Abbas Khan travelled to Syria last year to aid the country’s civilians who had been affected by the ongoing dispute in the country. Within 48 hours of landing, the 32-year-old orthopedic surgeon had been detained by government forces. Dr Khan was due to be released just three days after he died, and was set to be handed over to Bradford West Respect MP George Galloway. His brother, Afroze Khan, was ‘distraught’ after hearing the news of his sibling’s death and said the family had still not been provided with any answers in regard to how Dr Khan died. He said: “My brother was going to be released at the end of the week. We were given assurance by the Syrian government. “My brother knew that. He was ready to come back home. He was happy and looking forward to being released.” He added: “We are devastated, distraught and we are angry at the Foreign Office for dragging their feet for 13 months.” Dr Khan had earlier claimed that he had been tortured whilst being held in

the Syrian jail without charge and was, for much of the time, on his own. During a recent visit from his mother, the father of two weighed just five stone and struggled to walk after being forced to live in the extreme conditions. A spokesperson for the Foreign Office said they are ‘extremely concerned’ by the reports of Dr Khan’s death and urged against any sort of travel to Syria. A spokesperson said: “We are urgently seeking clarification of this from the Syrian authorities. If these tragic reports are true, responsibility for Dr Khan's death lies with them and we will be pressing for answers about what happened. “We have consistently sought consular access to Dr Khan and information on his detention, directly and through the Russians, Czechs and others. “In November, Minister [Hugh] Robertson wrote making clear our concerns about his welfare and treatment, stressing that the regime's failure to provide any information that would indicate Dr Khan's continued detention is legitimate meant his position should be reviewed immediately. These requests have consistently been ignored. “All UK consular services in Syria were suspended some time ago and we continue to advise against all travel to Syria.”

Curtain and roof comes down

Emergency services said nearly 90 people were injured on Thursday when part of the ceiling collapsed during a performance at a packed London theatre, bringing the city's West End entertainment district to a standstill. The audience was showered with masonry and debris following the incident at the Apollo Theatre, where about 720 people including many families were watching the hugely popular play "The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time". Emergency services said 88 people were injured. They described 81 as "walking wounded", many with head injuries, while seven others were taken to hospital with more serious injuries. A spokesperson for London Fire Brigade said a section of ornate plaster ceiling, measuring about 10 meters by 10 meters, had fallen onto the audience watching the evening show.

BBC criticised for giving Anjem Choudary airtime

Radical Islamist preacher Anjem Choudary has declined to condemn the killing of Drummer Lee Rigby, insisting Prime Minister David Cameron and British foreign policy were to blame for the murder. The former leading member of banned extremist organisation Al-Muhajiroun said he was "very proud" of killer Michael Adebolajo as ‘a practising Muslim and a family man’, but ‘differed’ with him about the interpretation of Islam which he used to justify the murder. Formerly a Christian, Adebolajo converted to Islam and became a member of Al-Muhajiroun, taking on the name Brother Mujahid. Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner Cressida Dick told Panorama that the police regard Mr Choudary as ‘a very bad influence on people’ and looked forward to the day when he could be successfully prosecuted.




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STUNNED MEAT: RIGHT OR WRONG? Under proposed EU legislation, the meat sold in this country in the future could be labelled as either un-stunned halal and kosher meat. Asian Express delves deep into how this would affect the Muslim community in Yorkshire and the religous dilemma of eating stunned meat. All meat and meat products “derived from animals that have not been stunned prior to slaughter i.e have been ritually slaughtered,” would have to be specified as such under amendment 205 to the EU food information regulations. Although the aim is to allow consumers to make an informed choice, opponents argue it is discriminatory. “If you are only labelling meat provided for Muslims and Jews, you are discriminating against Muslims and Jews,” said Shimon Cohen, campaign

We can save you Money!

director for Shechita UK. “There is no conclusive evidence to show our method of animal slaughter is anything but humane.” Some people fear labelling would cut demand for ritually slaughtered meat, causing producers to pull out and forcing prices higher for remaining consumers. One Bradford meat trader, whose stock was all ritually slaughtered, said the Islamic method was fine and this was another attack on the religion. “It’s just another way for right wing extremists to have a go. There’s no evidence that the animal is actually in pain when not stunning. “I think labelling would just add more confusion to the consumer. “Plus I think it would turn a large part of the Muslim community away from eating it as some don’t believe in having stunned meat.”

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Compassion in World Farming (CIWF), which backed the amendment, cited a report by the UK Farm Animal Welfare Council which claimed cutting the throat without stunning, caused “significant pain and distress” to make its case. “We don’t have a problem with religious slaughter, we have a problem with any kind of slaughter that is inhumane,” said Phil Brooke, welfare development manager at CIWF. Yunus Dudhwala, chairman of the Halal Monitoring Committee (HMC), which certifies halal products in the UK, said animal welfare was a “red herring”, adding that there was a relative lack of interest in factory farming and animal transportation conditions. “If people are really concerned about animal welfare the rest of the journey of the animal [before slaughter] really needs to be looked at,” he said. Dudhwala said he would be happy for unstunned meat to be labelled if other meat carried the method of stunning used, such as gassing or electrocution, but believed that would never happen because it would be unpalatable for consumers. “We want to label fairly across the board,” he added. “It’s very dangerous how the EU tries to bring legislation through the back door which will make it hard for Muslims to practice their religion. “The premise that they use is that halal is cruel, but there’s no proof whatsoever that it hurts the animal. “As a Muslim community we need to know this is happening. The whole halal argument is hidden unlike minarets and hijabs, this will not come in the media unless someone voices up.” The Association of Non Stun Abattoirs (ANSA), an industry body representing traditional UK halal slaughterhouses, welcomed the news that the proposed parliamentary bill to ban religious slaughter of animals in the Netherlands had been withdrawn. It was reported earlier that the bill was withdrawn after a majority of Dutch senators expressed their reservations to the ban on halal and Kosher slaughter. ANSA spokesperson Mohammed Saleem said: “This is a positive, sensible and welcome step. “We are glad they have finally

Asian Express

Muslim and Jewish groups stand united

seen sense. The initial movement to ban religious slaughter was based on misconceptions and some political motives. “The welfare of animals is a primary concern for Muslims and Jews, and kosher and halal methods are both designed to be most compassionate to the animal. It is entirely incorrect to equate religious slaughter with cruelty to animals. “The fact is there are countless other real acts of cruelty being carried out on animals daily in industrial slaughterhouses, including under the guise of socalled ‘merciful’ methods of stunning, which merit proper scrutiny and attention. We would advise proponents of animal welfare to turn their focus to where the evidence actually leads them.” An agreement could be made with Jewish and Muslim slaughterhouses regarding the length of time that an animal is conscious before dying and the number of animals to be ritually slaughtered. The other UK halal regulator, the Halal Food Authority (HFA), which approves of stunning before slaughter providing it does not kill the animal (the HMC argues it is impossible to guarantee this), supports labelling of unstunned meat. HFA president Masood Khawaja said: “The labelling must be done, simply so people can differentiate between different schools of thought and different beliefs.” Anti-labelling campaigners won the latest round of the battle earlier this month when a council of ministers’ committee did not vote through amendment 205. It could be re-introduced in the European parliament when the second reading of the bill takes place and be enshrined in law by the middle of the next year, although producers would be given a period to comply. Agriculture food minister James Paice said last year “the government would like all animals to be properly stunned before they are bled to

slaughter” but that labelling should be addressed as part of next year’s consultation of European animal welfare regulations rather than within food information regulations. Maulana Fazal Dade, the Imam at the Abu Bakar Mosque on Leeds Road took part in a study a few years ago. It involved going to a slaughter house which stunned chickens before killing them, and assessing whether they regained consciousness after stunning, therefore determining if they were dead before slaughter or not. Out of a sample of 10 chickens two did not regain consciousness. “The practice of rendering animals unconscious before slaughtering, which is carried out in different ways, consists of a number of objectionable elements, for example. “If this act is such that it causes the animal to lose all its senses and consciousness completely, then there is a risk that it will have caused the animal’s death before slaughter, especially if the animal was weak or ill. “If this act is such that it does not cause the animal to lose all its senses and consciousness completely (such as a mild electrical shock that merely immobilizes the animal), then there is a strong possibility that the animal’s pain and suffering will have been unnecessarily increased, since the pain of slaughter remains due to its not being unconscious, and the pain and stress of the electrical shock will have been administered additionally without any need. “My view is that Non-Stunned Slaughter of animals is the Sunnah method of the Prophet Muhammad (May Peace be upon him) and is the correct method. If an animal is Stunned and is still alive before the actual slaughter, then it will be classed as Halaal, and if it dies before the actual slaughter, then it will not be Halaal.”

Apology The Asian Express would like to apologise to Mr Maulana Fazal Dade, Imam at the Abu Bakar Mosque, for the misquotation in the previous issue. Mr Dade did not say ‘it is Islamically fine to eat stunned meat’ and the previously printed statement should be considered untrue.

December 2013 - 4th Edition


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December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition

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Backed down M&S reverse decision to allow Muslim staff to refuse service due to religious beliefs


APOLOGY: Marks and Spencer officials have apologised after allowing Muslim staff to refuse service of customers with pork or alcohol

By Ashley Grint

Supermarket giants Marks and Spencer have apologised to customers after Muslim employees had been given permission to decline service to customers purchasing alcohol or pork because of their religious beliefs. The news resulted in a huge backlash from angry customers who threatened to boycott the store should the policy remain in place, with more than 9,000 people joining a ‘Boycott M&S’ page on Facebook in response to the news. The news first came to light after customers in a London store were told that they would have to use another til because the cashier was of Islamic faith and they did not want to handle such products as pork and alcohol. On Sunday 22nd December, Marks and Spencer apologised to customers and said that the rule had gone against the companies own policy, adding that no such matter will arise again. In a statement, Marks and Spencer said: “Where we have an employee whose religious beliefs restrict food or drink they can handle, we work closely with our member of staff to place them in suitable

role, such as in our clothing department or bakery in foods. “We regret that in the case highlighted today we were not following our own internal policy.” Despite the apology angry consumers took to social media sites to vent their frustration at the store. Robin Smith said on Facebook: “M&S has just lost a valuable customer. I used to buy perfumes there, but it is made of alcohol. So I will have to find somewhere else. Never again shopping there!!! “Let's teach them to respect customers!!! Stop buying anything there. Soon, whatever we will buy, we will be refused to be served, because someone is offended.” Meanwhile, Ankit Bajpai added: “I am a Hindu…and I don't eat beef. Doesn't mean, if I do a job at store, I will refuse customers due to my belief system. Otherwise I wouldn't have taken the job in the first place. “But in this case, M&S allowed certain privileges so I would assume it’s their fault.” With the festive period being the busiest time for retailers nationwide, M&S will be hoping that their controversial decision does not result in a major setback in their Christmas sales.

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Asian Express Dog theft on the rise

The organized theft of dogs is on the rise in Britain and MPs have appealed to the government to do more to tackle the menace. The Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare plans to put its concerns to the department for environment, food and rural affairs (DEFRA) in the New Year. “People are stealing dogs with a criminal element,” said group chairman Neil Parish. Parish believes more action is needed to reduce the number of pets being taken. “I think government is becoming aware of it but probably needs to become much more aware of it. The government have got to make sure that the public are also more aware of it,” he said. Criminologists from Loughborough University have been analysing figures from the Dog Lost website — an organization which, over the past 10 years, has helped to reunite more than 30,000 missing dogs with their owners. Of those, 457 were identified as being stolen during that period, the report said.

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December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition

enjoyed. With more than 700 eateries operating across more than 70 Withers family were a pleasure to work countries, the franchise, currently alongside and are a credit to the fast headed by Mr Andrew Withers, has become a truly global brand. food industry. It was the vision of just one man, Mr Withers initially founded Southern Fried Chicken in the 1970s after initially who grew up in a single-bedroom experiencing the delectable flavour home in East-London alongside four siblings, which eventually saw during a trip to the US. His passion for bringing the Southern Fried Chicken blossom into previously unknown tastes to British the company it is today. Asian Express Managing Director, shores saw him spend hours upon hours in his family garage skilfully Nadim Hanif, and all staff at the mastering the recognisable taste which newspaper offer their deepest so many people worldwide have sympathies.

Remembering Arthur Withers

Upon the passing of Mr Arthur Withers earlier this week, the whole team at the Asian Express would like to offer their deepest condolences to the family. The newspaper worked closely with Southern Fried Chicken team during an Undercover Bosses episode on Channel 4 in 2011. Covering the shocking revelations, as well as post-programme events, such as the cleanup of the stores and rebuilding of the proud image, the


stars Week starting 20/12/13




ARIES March 21st - April 20th The flow of good energy this week makes you want to be responsible which can benefit you socially and personally. Financially, you have everything going for you. Be prudent and do not fritter away your good fortune. You should avoid using credit, simply because your spending habits may be excessive and impulsive. TAURUS

April 21st - May 21th The Sun energises your sector of change, transformation and regeneration. On a more practical level, you may be dealing with joint finances and shared resources now more than usual. You should also make sure that your tax affairs are in order. You are more willing than usual to explore and delve deeper into life's secrets and arrive at meaningful conclusions.

GEMINI May 22nd - June 21st A blast of personal energy comes your way, and showing your leadership skills works for you now. Romance and pleasure are highlighted this week. The flowing, expressive, and spontaneous energy surrounding you attracts like-minded people. Be sure to take time to enjoy yourself, preferably around others! CANCER June 22nd - July 22st The domestic scene may prove to be active and harmonious as long as you use tact and diplomacy. Intense focus is what is needed now so do not let yourself be distracted by non-essentials. The gentle influence of Venus ensures that most things run smoothly and that your cash-flow remains viable. LEO July 23st - August 23rd Don't be afraid to act forcefully if your instinct tells you it's time for change. This week the focus is your house of family and home. Besides spending more time tending to domestic affairs, the focus can be on cultivating and nourishing your inner foundations, so to speak. VIRGO August 24th - September 23rd More than any other time of the year, your focus is drawn to your career and standing in the society. This is the time when you are more interested in, and focused on, accomplishing something important. Contact with authority figures is more likely during this period. Recognition will come your way whether you ask for it or not, and the responsibility that goes with it. LIBRA September 24th - October 23rd The fiery planet Mars, continues to occupy your sign for some time to come. Its influence will help you to maintain a high energy level and achieve positive results in anything that requires drive and initiative. If you are involved in a fairly competitive field of activity, you will be the one who comes out on top. SCORPIO October 24th - November 22nd Mercury and Sun transit your solar second house. During this cycle, you are likely to see and enjoy benefits to your earning power and this will boost your own sense of security and wealth. Money problems from the past may clear up, if you manage your resources properly. SAGITTARIUS November 23rd - December 21st This is a good time to cut back on extravagant spending and consolidate your finances. Your social calendar is likely to keep you very busy and you will have lots of opportunities to promote yourself. For some of you this is also a good time to meet like-minded people which could lead to romantic liaisons. CAPRICORN December 22nd - January 20th There may be a certain amount of unfinished business to be dealt with. Therefore you will need to adopt a fairly flexible policy in order to accommodate the odd twists and turns of everyday life. There are planetary energies firing you up preventing you from sleeping properly. Give yourself plenty of physical outlets to calm you down mentally. AQUARIUS

January 21st - February 19th The focus is on finances this week, but that doesn’t mean you should worry yourself sick. Rather, it is about finding new and improved ways to boost your earnings potential. Don’t let nebulous tendencies interfere with your plans. It’s fine to consider several options but don’t get caught up in indecision. Schedule networking opportunities later this week.

PISCES February 20th - March 20th You have everything to gain by following your creative inclinations. If you have new ideas, now is the time to put them into practice. Whatever your present interests you are likely to find that new doors open and the way ahead offers increased scope for expressing your real self. A great time to meet and interact with people.


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December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition



Divorcee woman jailed for fatal house blaze A resentful divorcee from Birmingham who set fire to her exhusbands house, killing a sleeping woman, has been jailed for 14 years. Nussrat Khatoon, aged 39 from Cheshunt Place in Kings Heath, was sentenced after admitting to manslaughter and reckless arson. Her accomplice, Tina Andrews, 30, from Camelot Way, Small Heath, was sentenced to 10 years on the same charges. The deceased, Nusrat Begum, 36, had died from smoke inhalation and burns after the arson attack in November 2012. Police said Khatoon, in a grudge against her ex-husband, had also damaged cars and thrown paint at the house in the weeks following her divorce in September. Khatoon married in August 2012 divorcing just four weeks later. She then set about a catalogue of events where she damaged cars and threw paint at the house in Speedwell Road as well as making offensive phone calls. On one occasion, Khatoon had also followed the pair and assaulted her ex-husband. On 5th November, Khatoon decided with her best friend and codefendant Tina Andrews, to drive to a nearby road where the house could be seen, driving deliberately without their lights on so they wouldn’t draw attention to themselves. They walked across a park area and approached the house where they set fire to a plant pot outside the front door whilst there were four occupants in the house. Three of the people could not get

Ex-wife, Nussrat Khatoon (above), 39, was sentenced to 14 years after she pleaded guilty to manslaughter and reckless arson. Tina Andrews (left) was found guilty of the same charges and has now been jailed for 10 years

downstairs but managed to jump from the first floor into the garden causing serious injuries and broken bones. Nusrat Begum, aged 36, was asleep in one of the front bedrooms but was found in the rear bedroom by fire fighters. She had tried to escape but was trapped inside the property; she died as a result of smoke inhalation and burns. Nusrat had only been in the country for four months after travelling from Pakistan where her marriage had failed. Following a disagreement with her family she had gone to stay with her friend at Speedwell Road. Khatoon and Andrews made no attempt to call emergency services

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and watched as the fire took hold of the house. The two women watched from down the road for a minute and a half before they left in Khatoon’s black BMW Coupe, which had been parked some way from the property. A passing cyclist called the fire service and took a photo of the blaze on his phone, which enabled detectives to piece together the exact timings of when the fire was started and where the two women were. Further investigation into the BMW showed the vehicle had made a short journey around the time the fire was set. Khatoon was arrested later the

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same day and subsequently charged with manslaughter and reckless arson. Following her arrest, officers found key items in her car - paper rolls with cotton on it like a taper (thin candle), a fuel can and a lighter. The BMW ran on diesel but tests on the fuel can showed that it had petrol in it. Detective Chief Inspector Sarbjit Johal, from the homicide investigation team, said: “Today’s sentences will hopefully provide some sense of closure for Nusrat’s family. “Sadly Nusrat was caught up in circumstances totally unconnected to her and was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.


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“The fire, set by Khatoon and Andrews who knew people would have been trapped upstairs, turned into an impenetrable inferno. “Khatoon was very resentful and angry and as a result of her and Andrews’ actions, a completely innocent woman died.” Nusrat’s brother Gulfraz Ahmed said: “We had only recently been reunited with Nusrat as she had been estranged from us living in Pakistan. Only recently had we started to rebuild our relationship with her. “The reason the fire was started had nothing to do with my sister so it is terrible that she has to pay the ultimate price.”

Ca l in l & 15 C o M lle ins ct



‘Islam is not on trial’

Jurors in the case of two men accused of murdering soldier Lee Rigby have been told ‘Islam, one of the world's great religions, is not on trial’. Muslim converts Michael Adebolajo, 29, and Michael Adebowale, 22, are accused of running Fusilier Rigby down with a car and then hacking him to death with a meat cleaver and knives near Woolwich barracks in south east London on 22nd May. Prosecutor Richard Whittam QC told the jury at the Old Bailey what the men did was ‘indefensible in the law of this country’. But Adebolajo's defending counsel, David Gottlieb, said a proper charge for his client would have been ‘treason, terrorism, or maybe manslaughter’. Earlier in the day, Mr Justice Sweeney told the jury that nothing said by Adebolajo in his evidence amounts in law to a defence to the charge of murder. He also told jurors that they were discharged from any further consideration of a count of conspiracy to murder a police officer. Both men deny remaining counts of murder and attempted murder of a police officer.

Muslims act on climate change The British charity MADE in Europe launched its eco-award scheme for mosques earlier this month, the first initiative of its kind, with an event featuring some of the country’s most influential Muslims. More than 150 people gathered at the Ecology Pavilion, Mile End, to hear a host of esteemed speakers discuss the importance of environmentalism in Islam, and what British Muslims can do to reduce their carbon footprint. The event, titled ‘Signs For Those Who Reflect; The Forgotten Sunnah’, is the latest step in the Green up My Community! campaign which MADE in Europe is running with FEMYSO across Europe. The campaign is aimed specifically at educating and


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December 2013 - 4th Edition

JOURNALIST: Myriam FrancoisCerrah spoke about how protecting the environment should be a priority in all people’s minds (Images courtesy of Rufal Ali)

More than 100 gather as Mosque eco-award scheme launched

galvanising Muslims to become more eco-friendly in their choices of food, transport, and clothing. Given the risk of extreme weather conditions in homelands including flooding, droughts and typhoons, British Muslims of Asian and African descent have a close connection with climate change and the current environmental crisis. MADE in Europe’s eco award scheme, developed with the support of the City Bridge Trust, provides a framework for mosques in the UK to work towards becoming more environmentally sustainable. Several mosques have already started taking action including East London Mosque, Palmers Green Mosque and Al Manar Mosque. At the launch event, journalist Myriam Francois-Cerrah said: “We do get overly focused on minor issues and have not been concerned with the greater priority of protecting the environment. We see in the Qu’ran how elevated the natural world is, compared to our traditional cost-profit conceptions of it, and this awareness of the divine nature of creation implies that we should protect it.” Shaykh Shams, an expert in Islamic Law, and one of the founders of Ebrahim College,

PARTICIPATION: Audience members were encouraged to share their views on how to better the Mosque’s eco intiatives

offered a theological point of view on the importance of mosques taking action on the environment. “Islamic principles teach us to shun the idea of living a life defined by materialism, in favour of one where we are less interested in the trappings of wealth, and more interested in moderation in every aspect of our lives,” he said. Each of the attendees received a free copy of the “Green Up My Community!” Campaign Toolkit an in-depth booklet that expands on the event’s key issues of local environmentalism, and contains the eco award scheme - and many

were vocal in their support for the ideas raised by the panel. Others discussed methods of raising further awareness in their own communities, and expressing their wholehearted support of the eco-award scheme for mosques. Other highlights of the event included a short animation detailing the direct environmental and ethical impact of consumerist lifestyle choices – such as eating factory-farmed meat or buying from retailers tied to sweatshop labour - as well as spoken word poetry from MADE in Europe’s Shehroze Khan.

December 2013 - 4th Edition





December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition




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GOT A 08703 STORY? 608 606 Al-Qaeda apologise

Al-Qaeda is considered as one of the most violent terrorist groups in the world yetthat didn’t stop their leader making a public apology last week following a bombing. Qassim Al-Raimi released a video to apologise for a hospital attack in Sanaa, Yemen, earlier this month which left dozens of people dead. The attackers were directed not to assault the hospital or mosque in an attack against a Yemeni

Ministry of Defense compound on the 5th December, but one fighter made a mistake and attacked the hospital, AlRaimi says in the video. “We confess to this mistake and fault. We offer our apologies and condolences to the families of the victims,” he said in the video, published by al Qaeda media outlet Al-Malahim. “We did not want your lost ones; we did not target them on purpose. This is not of our religion or our morals.”

13 months on, 13 charged

Hrithik Roshan and wife Sussanne Khan announce split

Well, it’s officially been confirmed, Hrithik and Sussanne are separated. The news sent shockwaves throughout tinsel town, as many deemed Hrithik and Sussanne’s marriage, as a happy and stable one. Earlier this year, there had been many reports alleging that Hrithik Roshan was having an affair with actress and model Barbara Mori. This sparked rumours that the actor and his wife were to divorce. Apparently the ‘Krrish’ star is still in regular contact with Barbara. Hrithik has now left for a vacation in the U.S. without his wife. There has also been news that the couple have been living separately for a few weeks now. Talking on the announcement of the spilt, actress Preity Zinta and filmmaker Karan Johar have urged the media to respect the privacy of their friends, Hrithik and Sussanne. The couples relationship has lasted 17 years and they had dated for four years prior to their marriage in 2000. They have two sons Hrehaan and Hridhaan. Karan, who shares a friendly bond with Hrithik and has worked with him in films like Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and Agneepath, refrained from saying too much: “It is too personal to them and, therefore, personal to us. So, I feel very uncomfortable talking about, especially anything too personal to close friends on a national platform.” However, actor Anil Kapoor is hopeful about the couple's re-union in future.

Bangladeshi police have charged 13 people after a deadly apparel factory fire left 112 dead last year, authorities said Sunday. Most of the fatalities in the fire in the outskirts of Dhaka were female workers. More than 200 people were injured in the blaze. “The Criminal Investigation Department has submitted the charges to the court,” inspector Mohammad Assaduzzaman said.

Hunger strike

A Sikh farmer in India has surpassed a month on a hunger strike, demanding the release of six men from his community jailed since the 1990s during a period of a deadly Sikh separatist movement in the country. Gurbaksh Singh Khalsa, 48, began his protest on November 14, his aide, Harpal Singh Cheema, told CNN. His hunger strike brings attention to the fates of Sikhs who were arrested and convicted for their

Suspects include the owner of the company Tazreen Fashion and his wife, who is the chairwoman. Following the report by police, court officials will hold a hearing before bringing formal charges against the suspects. Others accused are top factory officials as well as security guards. Earlier, a government committee had said the factory fire on November 24 last year was an ‘act of sabotage’.

actions during the separatist movement, but who, unlike others, have not had their sentences shortened. The fact that other Indians sentenced to life have been released earlier, but not the Sikhs, has some accusing the justice system of discrimination against the group. Those who support Khalsa's hunger strike say it is long overdue that the cases of those Sikhs be reviewed.

Improving relations

Iran wants to improve bilateral relations with the United States and other Western powers, President Hassan Rouhani said in an editorial published in a German newspaper on Monday, broaching an issue he has so far avoided since he took office. Rouhani won a landslide election victory in June promising a policy of engagement with the West and has had regular diplomatic contacts with the United States, but they have been limited to negotiations over Tehran's

nuclear program. “We want to rebuild and improve our relations to European and North American countries on a basis of mutual respect," he wrote in a contribution for the Sueddeutsche Zeitung newspaper. “We are striving to avoid new burdens on relations between Iran and the United States and also to remove the tensions that we have inherited,” said Rouhani, who has promised to reduce Tehran's isolation and to win an easing of sanctions.



December 2013 - 4th Edition

• INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS RESPONSE: North Korea leader, Kim Jong Un, has threatened to launch missile strikes at South Korea if protests against him continue in the capital of Seoul

North Korea threaten to ‘strike’ their Southern neighbours

Retaliation to Kim Jong Un protests

and US. In response to the latest threats, the South Korea's Ministry of National Defense issued a response statement, warning the North that they will Korean leader, Kim Jong By Ashley Grint Il, conservative protesters retaliate. “The reply was sent rallied in Seoul, burning through wired message effigies of the country's and in the fax message, we leaders as well as its flag. Just days after the Such protests are common warned that if North execution of one of the Korea is to carry out during North Korean country’s formerly most festivals and anniversaries. provocation, we will firmly powerful figures, North retaliate,” said Kim MinPyongyang, the capital Korea have once again Seok, the spokesman for city of North Korea, demonstrated their South Korea's Ministry of routinely threatens to volatile state after National Defense. retaliate after what it threatening to strike He added that there considers ‘provocations’ South Korea ‘mercilessly have been no significant including protests or without notice’. military movements in balloon launches to the On Thursday 19th North Korea. north by South Korean December, the Northern Relations between the country warned their near groups. Koreas have seesawed this There is no email neighbours via a fax that if year, verging on hostile communication between protests against the earlier this year amid a the two countries and no country’s ruling were not nuclear test in February. Cold War style military stopped there would be Less than a fortnight hotline between the two; severe consequences. only one fax machine used ago, the execution of Jang It said that strikes to contact each side of the Song Thaek, an advisor would occur ‘[If] the border from Pyongyang to and uncle of North provocation against our Korea's current leader, highest dignity (Kim Jong Seoul. Kim Jong Un, brought the Earlier this year in Un) is to be repeated in March the final telephone country’s stability back the downtown of Seoul’. Earlier this week, on the link was shut down by the into question by many second anniversary of the North, in response to joint countries around the military drills by the South world. death of former North

December 2013 - 4th Edition


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December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition



• INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS • INTERNATIONAL NEWS After the controversial upholding of a law earlier this month, criminalizing gay sex in India, the country’s government has now filed a petition to the Supreme Court asking it to review the ruling. The law, known simply as Section 377, was initially passed in 1860 meaning anybody who committed gay sex could face life imprisonment. The extremely harsh ruling was eliminated in 2009 after the Delhi High Court ruled that a section of the penal code prohibiting ‘carnal intercourse against the order of nature’ was an infringement of fundamental rights. However, earlier this month, on the 11th December, a panel of two Supreme Court Judges ruled that the High Court did not have the power to make such a ruling and in turn reinstated the ‘archaic’ section 377. The government on Friday, asked in its plea for the top court to reconsider the judgement which was handed down, saying it believed the ruling was in ‘violation of the principle of equality’. The Congress-led government told the court in its so-called ‘review petition’ that it wanted an ‘open hearing on the matter’. Adding: “The position of the central government on this issue has been that the Delhi High Court verdict... is correct.” The 2009 High Court ruling was strongly opposed by religious groups, particularly leaders of India's Muslim and Christian communities, who appealed to the Supreme Court. Following the Supreme Court decision which triggered wide shock and protests, Law Minister Kapil Sibal had pledged the government would take ‘firm and quick action’ to alter what he called an anachronistic law. The Supreme Court will now consider the merits of the government's request and decide whether to re-examine the judgement.

‘Retract Section 377’ Calls for India to remove law criminalising homosexual relations

PROTEST: Many people in the country want to see the law abolished for one final time, whilst some religious groups have also backed the ruling



December 2013 - 4th Edition


200,000 protest in Thai capital

The Thai baht plumbed its lowest in almost four years on Monday as a political crisis grew more intractable, with antigovernment protesters trying to block candidates registering for a February election that is looking increasingly uncertain. Police estimated more than 200,000 protesters rallied across the capital on Sunday to demand Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra resign. She has called a snap election

for February 2 to defuse tension but the opposition Democrat Party will boycott the poll and demonstrators are determined to scuttle it. The stalemate is all too familiar after eight years of deadlock broadly between supporters and opponents of Yingluck's brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, a tycoon whose populist political machine has won every election since 2001 with millions of votes from the rural poor in the north and northeast.

A bumpy take-off?

A British Airways plane bound for London clipped its wing on a nearby building as it was preparing to take off from Johannesburg on Sunday, South Africa's airports authority said. The Boeing 747-400 carrying about 180 passengers was taxiing on the runway at O.R. Tambo International when its wing hit the building, the Airports Company South Africa (ACSA) said in a statement on

Monday. No one on the plane was hurt, but four ground employees who were in the building sustained minor injuries, ACSA said. The aircraft has been since moved and operations have not been disrupted, ACSA said, adding an investigation was underway. Photos posted on social media site Twitter showed a brick building with what appeared to be an aircraft wing lodged in its top floor.

Nuclear Weapons

WEAPONS: The Institute for Science and International Security believe that nuclear weapons are the main concern for Pakistan now

Fourth Nuclear Reactor close to completion A US think tank has reported that Pakistan has nearly completed the external construction of a fourth reactor building at the Khushab nuclear complex, which produces plutonium for the country's nuclear weapons programme. The Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), which has used commercial satellite imagery to monitor developments at the Khushab complex for years, said in a report that images from November clearly show that ‘the external construction of the fourth reactor building appears to be

nearly complete’. The Khushab complex, located 125 miles south of Islamabad, is dedicated to the production of plutonium for nuclear weapons, ISIS said. Pakistan is working to ramp up production at the complex so that it can build more miniaturized plutoniumbased nuclear weapons, it said. The report further said that Pakistan is ‘believed to have depended on illicit procurements’ for the four reactors at Khushab. According to an ISIS report of April 2011, Pakistan was allegedly operating an illegal network in the US to

procure goods, including switching and radiation detection equipment and nuclear-grade resin, for its Chashma plant and possibly other reactors including those at Khushab. Another recent ISIS report on the ‘The Future World of Illicit Nuclear Trade’ stated Pakistan is expected to ‘maintain or improve its nuclear arsenal via illicit nuclear trade’. The Khushab site originally had one heavy water reactor in the 1990s and Pakistan began work on a second reactor during 2000-02, a third one in 2006 and the

fourth one in 2011. “The expansion of the Khushab nuclear site with the addition of reactors 2, 3 and 4 appears to be part of a strategic effort by Pakistan to boost weapon-grade plutonium production,” ISIS said in its latest report. Though the work on the fourth reactor proceeded at a relatively slower pace than predicted by the ISIS, the ‘reactor stack and four of the six auxiliary buildings...appear complete’. Two support buildings located to the west of the reactor building are still under construction.

December 2013 - 4th Edition


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December 2013 - 4th Edition


There’s no stopping him A civil war, use of chemical weapons, and more than 100,000 deaths in three years are just some of the issues currently being faced by controversial Syrian President, Bashar al-Assad, yet that doesn’t seem to deter the country’s leader from standing for re-election next year. Mr Assad has been at the centre of some of the biggest debates of the year, yet a senior Syrian official has now warned that nobody has the right to stand in the way of a second term in office for the 48-year-old. In an interview with AFP, Syria Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad was responding to comments made from allied Russian officials criticising another term in office for the current leader. “Nobody has the right to interfere and say he must run or he should not run,” Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad said. “President Assad in my opinion should be a candidate but he will decide when the time comes for him to decide. “I shall ask the opposition: why a Syrian national does not have the right to be a candidate? Who can prevent him? Any Syrian national can be candidate. The ballot boxes

will decide who will lead Syria.” Russia earlier on Thursday issued rare criticism of its ally Assad over the presidential election scheduled for next year. “Exchanging such rhetorical statements just makes the atmosphere heavier and does not make the situation calmer,” Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said.

supported by five advisers to take part in the so-called Geneva-2 peace talks brokered by the United States and Russia. “We are ready by all means and will announce the names of our delegation very quickly,” he said. “We shall see the results of the discussions because the Americans are given the task of establishing an opposition delegation. The Americans are expected to give the names tomorrow.” Muqdad also had harsh words for Saudi Arabia, which has supported rebels fighting to oust Assad. “I think that if the world wants to avoid another 11 September incident, they must start telling Saudi Arabia ‘enough is enough’,” he said. “Saudi Arabia should be put on the list of countries supporting terrorism,” said Muqdad, while rejecting opposition to the participation at the peace talks for Syria's ally Iran. Mr Muqdad said: “It’s a tragedy that the French and the Americans are insisting that Iran will not attend while Saudi Arabia which is destroying Syria will attend...It is absolutely unacceptable.” The peace talks are set to begin on the 22nd January 2014.

Assad could return for a second term in office Mr Bogdanov added that Mr Assad, and all parties, should not do anything hasty before peace talks in Switzerland in January are commenced, which are aimed at ending the conflict which has been raging in Syria since 2011. Mr Muqdad responded by explaining how his country has formed a nine-member delegation

LEADER: President Bashar al-Assad will hold peace talks with a host of delegates in January 2014

SUPPORT: Syria Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad spoke of his belief that President Assad should stand for another term in office

December 2013 - 4th Edition


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December 2013 - 4th Edition

December 2013 - 4th Edition







December 2013 - 4th Edition

Asian Express gives you a sneak peak


a force to be reckoned with… DCS has been shaking the Bhangra industry and the world's Asian population ever since they formed in 1983. For many years DCS have scooped the award for "Best Live Band" at all the major award presentations, and Shin has been recognised numerous times for his vocal ability and prowess as the most versatile Punjabi singer. They have a remarkable, innovative ability to adapt to changing trends. They also play a major part in creating trends and being a role model for up and coming bands. They were the first band to utilise the modern creative sounds of the synthesizers in the production of the late 80's Bhangra. This influenced all the Bhangra bands in the competitive market to change their style of music. The entrepreneurial strategies of DCS have become the main trend to

follow, and hence why they have earned an extensive list of awards. In the 80's, DCS followed the demands of public research and began adding the traditional Bhangra patterns, those commonly found in the music of renowned artists such as Kuldip Manak, Gurdas Mann, K. Deep and Jagmohan Kaur. In this age of copy, mix and match, DCS has managed to endeavour originality. Because of this, DCS have earned their respect in the Bhangra industry and have attracted a global following that has been reflected in the outcome of tours worldwide. DCS is certainly a powerhouse of production, creativity, innovation and talent. Shin will be performing live at the Year End Bash – don’t miss it!

Bouncing to the tunes of

Bonafide Maz and Ziggy, the two best friends who have grown up together, are a household name, known as ‘Bonafide’. The pair who sing, compose and produce their own tracks have had smash hits over the last few years, hence creating a bit of a frenzy across the UK, but particularly up here in the North. The Lancashire-based duo shared the same passion for music when they lived on the same street whilst growing up and before you knew it, the two friends were ‘chilling’ on the streets singing accapella to the latest RnB tracks or beatboxing and rapping to the freshest hip hop tunes they could find. As their skills increased so did their enjoyment of this noble art. They loved writing lyrics and putting songs together. Bonafide have been performing at highly publicised gigs and concerts up and down the country and have shared

The King of Fusion

British singer and composer Taz, of Stereo Nation, to perform at Asian Express ‘Year End Bash’ on 27th December He’s charming, he’s captivating and he’s certainly entertaining… British singer, Taz of Stereo Nation needs little introduction. Formerly known as Johnny Zee, he is credited and described as the ‘Pioneer of Pop Fusion’ and ‘King of Fusion’. As a lyricist, composer and producer, Taz quickly became the embodiment of cross-cultural music in the 90s, having won numerous international accolades over the years. His music is best described as a hybrid of traditional Asian fused with Western pop sensibility, infectious melodies and dynamic dance grooves. Some of Taz’s influences are George Michael, Prince, Jam & Lewis, Babyface, Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan, R D Burman, Gurdas Maan, Kuldip Manak and Zapp, just to name a few. Having made his break into Bollywood well over a decade ago, Taz is very much the global phenomenon, having performed to


diverse audiences all over the world. He first hit the charts in 1989 with the album "Hit the Deck" which spent over 36 weeks on the UK Asian pop charts at number one. He went on to produce many albums in the 1990s and early 2000s, which were hugely successful and to date, all but two of his albums have received gold platinum and multiplatinum discs. His most successful album to date is ‘Slave II Fusion’, released in 2000, which includes many of his most well-known hit songs including ‘Pyar Ho Gaya’, ‘Nachange Saari Raat’, and ‘Gallan Goriyan’. Don’t miss Taz’s live performance at the Asian Express Year End Bash on 27th December at Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford. To book Tickets call 07800 778 089.

the smooth yet edgy artist stages with the likes of Raghav, Steve Sutherland, Stereo Nation, Juggy D, Veronica, Zeus and many more. Not only are Maz and Ziggy vocalists and songwriters, they also showcase their fluency in Hindi and Punjabi in their music. Maz raps fluently in Punjabi as well as English whilst Ziggy has the ability to sing in Hindi and Punjabi as well as English. They’ve just released their latest track ‘Mahi Ve’ which has had over 90,000 hits on YouTube in two weeks.

As time moves ahead, new tastes develop – the artist meets another opportunity to step outside of their comfort zone and to cater for a new generation, entering a fresh playing ground that evolves them to the next stage of their delivery. ‘Sunn Dilruba’ recently released by Nabz, captures the journey of his career from being an aspiring artist, to a thriving band member, to a solo artist ready to launch. Smooth yet edgy, gentle

yet urban, romantic yet hard-hitting – all of these elements effortlessly blend together to encapsulate the essence of Nabz. Nabz is warming up well as a solo artist, after formerly being a member of British Asian pop band NRG produced by their longstanding collaborator Kami K. He said: “After being part of a successful band for over a decade, going solo is a big shift, both in terms of mindset and responsibility. “I have learnt a lot from the transition and I’m looking forward to this next stage of my career. I am working harder than ever because I have a lot more to prove – let’s just hope the audiences stay with me on this one!”


PARTY OF THE SEASON? December 2013 - 4th Edition


into an EPIC night of entertainment Angelic Avina’s voice set to entertain at Asian Express ‘Year End Bash’


British-born Hindi singer Avina Shah from London, has been making headlines in the UK Asian Music scene since her debut with ‘Tere Bina’, which supported the fight against domestic violence and touched many hearts. Having taken intense voice culture and classical vocal training in India, Avina carries the charm of captivating the crowds with her infectious stage presence and angelic voice. Her speciality is delivering bollywood hits and has performed in various locations within the US, Canada, Europe, Africa and Middle East. Asian Express catches up with Avina as she prepares to dazzle audiences at the Asian Express ‘Year End Bash’ on 27th December, Cedar Court Hotel in Bradford. Q. Tell us about what you've been doing over the last year. A. 2013 has certainly been a very hectic year. I released my latest single ‘Aao Na’ in August and earlier in the year shot the video for it in a stunning beach called El Matador in Malibu (LA), where many music videos have been shot by some of my favourite artists like Beyonce, Mariah Carey, etc. The live performances have been very busy this year – across the UK, Europe, Thailand and the US. This year I have continued my charity work supporting women’s empowerment and also recently got involved with Sewa Day, which involved spending quality time at a Midlands based care home. Q. What genre of music do you enjoy listening to the most? A. I’ve been exposed to so many different genres of music throughout my life. As a child, I used to listen to all the old classic songs by Lata Mangeshkar, Kishore Kumar and Mohammad Rafi – they were always my favourite. Apart from that, I’ve grown up listening to Pop, RnB, Bollywood, Classical music and I’d like to take an element of all these different styles into the music that I release. Q. When did you begin your singing career? A. I actually started out as a dancer before I decided to pursue singing… my first stage performance was when I was only three-years-old! I've been singing professionally since I was 16 and have been able to get lots of experience performing all over the world. Q. Biggest opportunity to date with your singing career? A. I was invited to perform at Manish Malhotra’s first fashion launch in London earlier this year and other events in the presence of high profile personalities such as Shahrukh Khan, Arjun

Rampal, Jaya Bachchan, Laxmi Mittal and other dignitaries. The Royal Family of Oman also invited me to sing in a huge open-air concert in Muscat, which was such a memorable and exciting moment. Now my most recent performance at a Global Afghan Awards Ceremony in the world’s entertainment capital Las Vegas has certainly made a mark on my singing career! Q. Favourite drink and favourite food? A. I certainly am a lover of food and everyone around me tells me I’m a big ‘foody’! Although I love all cuisines across the world, nothing beats a good paneer with naan meal… Indian food will always be my favourite! Favourite drink is a five-aday fresh juice – it feels good if I know I’m drinking something healthy! Q. Your favourite bollywood hero of all time and also one currently on the scene? A. It’s got to be Aamir Khan – his fame is more understated and I respect him thoroughly for the beautiful films he’s created that have an underlying message behind them – such as ‘Tare Zameen Par’ and ‘3 Idiots’. That’s what makes him a true ‘hero’ in my opinion. Q. Your favourite bollywood heroine of all time and also one currently on the scene? A. No-one beats Madhuri! She has always been my childhood heroine and I can watch her movies over & over again… her beauty and charisma is simply evergreen. Q. Best and worst chat up lines that you've had? A. Being an artist, I admit you do hear a large collection of strange pickup lines – some are hilarious! A recent funny one was amidst a conversation where he pointed to the clothes he was wearing ‘Feel my shirt… that’s boyfriend material!’ (it is certainly cheesy but it made me laugh!).




December 2013 - 4th Edition

Maz and Ziggy of Bonafide reveal all about their dynamic relationship Hi guys, what's been happening since the release of 'Mahi Ve'? What's the response from your fans been like? Ziggy: The response has been phenomenal, it seems everyone has the ‘Mahi Ve’ fever all of a sudden and this was clear as the track got to number one in the iTunes world charts within 20 minutes of its release. Good music builds a good fan base but it’s the fan base itself that builds the artist so we are lucky and humbled to have such a fantastic following. Who wrote the lyrics and who compiled the music for the track?

Maz: Lyrics are always a joint venture from both of us as we feel we bounce off each other’s ideas as we write. It’s not always an easy task to put onto paper what you feel inside but with ‘Mahi Ve’ it was different. We knew we had something special on our hands so the inspiration was there. The music was produced by Mr Vee the younger brother of Hunterz who produced one of our biggest hits including ‘Feel It Sohniye’, so it was only right that we got back together to create another Bonafide anthem. How do you feel you stand apart from other artists?

Ziggy: We have our own sound and never jump on the bandwagon and try to do what others are doing. Bonafide cannot really be compared to other artist as we do something totally fresh to the scene and always have done. To start with we are a duo (something that’s not very common in our industry), and we both sing/rap/compose/write our own material not only in Punjabi but in English too. This comes across clearly in our music as you always get a fusion, a Bonafide mix that only we can provide. Do you have any 'spoof' moments whilst shooting videos? (what was

the funniest thing you guys got up to - ever) Maz: Hahaha just the thought of spoof moments and Bonafide videos makes me laugh. All our previous videos have always been about good times and party vibes so it’s a mad laugh from start to finish with people playing pranks on each other. Some of this is caught on camera but its not always suitable for public viewing! One of the funniest times ever was at the ‘Feel It Sohniye’ shoot because we had Hamza (Diary of a Bad Man) on the set and it was very hard to do a single shot without crying out with

laughter as he is a very, very funny guy. ‘Mahi Ve’ was a little different; we concentrated on letting the song push the video as appose to using pranks and props. When was the most 'defining' moment of your careers as music artists? Ziggy: Working with the likes of the legend Rahat Fateh Ali Khan has to be one of our best and most trusted moments and we really can’t wait for all our fans to hear what we have created with him. On the other hand being music artist and in the public eye has given us an opportunity to raise awareness for the less fortunate as charity is a big part of our lives. In 2010, we were able to raise around £100,000 for the flood appeal in Pakistan with the release of our charity single 'Jeevay Pakistan' as we managed to get a

December 2013 - 4th Edition

major sponsor on board. Apart from that Ziggy’s family run an orphanage in Uganda so we are constantly organising money raising events and ideas. Its moments like this that give us the most satisfaction and it’s because of our music that people take notice! What can we look forward to next? Maz: We have been constantly working on new and exciting material so there is so much more to come from Bonafide. Releasing a collaboration with Rahat Fateh Ali Khan, songs produced by the super talented Bilal Saeed, a collaboration with the lovely Miss Pooja and amazing solo material we have ready to unleash. What comes next you will just have to wait and see… What's the strangest thing anyone has ever said to you? Ziggy: Someone sent me a Facebook message saying


they loved me, and asked if they could name their dog after me. Didn’t know if I should laugh or cry. Was it a compliment? I don’t know! What's been the most interesting object given to you by a fan? Ziggy: A hair brush! Seriously a group of girls came up to me in the Trafford Centre and gave me a hair brush. I have a bold head for God sake! (Laughs) The world's hottest looking car in your opinions? Maz: The 3 wheeler from 'only fools and horses'! What is the master plan from here for Bonafide? Ziggy: This is just the beginning for Bonafide… you haven’t heard anything yet. We are working on some big projects, super collaborations as well as some solo stuff. The next few months will see the release of some big tunes from camp Bonafide, so watch this space. Maz: The overall plan is to create music, but we also like to give something back and will always do charity work whenever we can. We

believe that if you can make a difference to someone who is less fortunate than yourself, that is a blessing and you shouldn’t waste the opportunity to help out. If you could dedicate ‘Mahi Ve’ to anyone, who would it be? Ziggy: This song is dedicated to our special and loving fans all over the world. It’s because of our fans we are here today and everything we do is with their love and blessing. Tell us something funny about each other that not many people know? Ziggy: Maz talks to himself, like a full-on conversation sometimes. He tells me he’s thinking of lyrics and talking out loud, but I think he has an imaginary friend to whom he chats to every day. Maz: Ziggy is an absolutely huge fan of Peter Andre. Growing up, his favourite song was Mysterious Girl. I think he’s still got that big poster of Peter Andre in his room. He spends ages on his hair in front of the mirror – I am not sure what that is all about!

Book now to see Bonafide perform live at the Asian Express ‘Year End Bash’. Call 07800 778 089 for tickets. You can follow Maz and Ziggy on Twitter and Instagram @MazBonafide and @BonafideZiggy DISCOVER YOUR CONFIDENCE Professional Laser Teeth Whitening

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December 2013 - 4th Edition

FILM: Dhoom 3 DIRECTED BY: Vijay Krishna Acharya GENRE: Action, Drama STAR CAST: Abhishek Bachchan, Uday Chopra, Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif


Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan plays the bad guy in the third incredible, stuntfilled 'Dhoom' movie. In Chicago, police are baffled by two daring bank robberies. In each case, a message is left in Hindi along with an image of a smiling clown face. No-nonsense cop ACP Jai Dixit (Abhishek Bachchan) and his comedy sidekick Ali

FILM: Bullett Raja DIRECTED BY: Tigmanshu Dhulia GENRE: Action, Drama STAR CAST: Saif Ali Khan, Sonakshi Sinha, Jimmy Shergil, Vidyuth Jamwal This latest Bollywood blockbuster sees Saif Ali Khan essay the role of Raja Mishra, a commoner who gets transformed into Bullett Raja - a notorious, care-a-damn attitude gangster. A faithful friend and a loyal lover, living life on his own terms, setting his own rules, commanding respect and fearing no one, Bullett Raja in his true inimitable style takes on the system that creates people

like him in a compelling struggle for power and ambition. Bringing together two powerhouses, director Tigmanshu Dhulia and Saif Ali Khan, supported by a multi-star cast led by Sonakshi Sinha, Jimmy Shergil, Vidyuth Jamwal, Chunkey Pandey, Gulshan Grover, Ravi Kishan and Raj Babbar, Bullett Raja has huge universal appeal and is sure to strike

RELEASE DATE: 20/12/2013

Akbar (Uday Chopra) figure that they need to make the clown thief rob again in order to catch him. But devious and resourceful gymnast Sahir (Aamir Khan) is a master of disguise and deception. He's also accompanied by sexy acrobat diva Aaliya (Katrina Kaif). Vijay Krishna Acharya, writer of the first two 'Dhoom' films, makes his directorial

debut with this eagerly anticipated third instalment. He fills the screen with breathtaking high-speed chases and astonishing stunts. Such was Aamir Khan's commitment to his amazing athletic role that the megastar went on a strict diet for two years and underwent rigorous circus training!


RELEASE DATE: 29/11/2013 a chord with all audiences. The music has also been directed by hit musicduo Sajid-Wajid. With an engaging story full of twists, turns and tantalising action sequences, the film promises edge-ofyour-seat entertainment with a generous helping of tongue-in-cheek humour and romance as Saif Ali Khan stars in and as the formidable Bullett Raja.

U FILM: Vaalu RELEASE DATE: DIRECTED BY: Vijay Chandar 20/12/2013 GENRE: Comedy, Drama STAR CAST: Santhanam, Brahmanandam, Hansika Motwani, Simbu

relief as an unforgettable double act, glamour is added by the radiant Hansika Motwani in the role of the love interest. Fresh from his success in the hit Podaa Podi (2012), Sambu Tamil superstar duo Simbu our screens in Valuu. brings effortless star appeal and Santhanam reunite for The directorial debut of to his leading role with more memorable escapades Vijay Chandar, Vaalu is the in this energetic comedy funny and uplifting story of a priceless comedy support from Brahmanandam, while romance. Following their youngster who lives in the collaboration in the critically railway quarters in Chennai. S. Thaman's beautiful acclaimed Vanaam (2011), With Sambu and Santhanam musical score plays on the heartstrings. the dynamic duo return to providing excellent comic

December 2013 - 4th Edition



FILM: Kochadaiiyaan (also in 3D) 24/01/2014 DIRECTED BY: Soundarya Rajnikanth Ashwin GENRE: Action, Drama STAR CAST: Rajinikanth, Deepika Padukone, R. Sarathkumar, Jackie Shroff

RELEASE DATE: 07/01/2014 FILM: Madha Gaja Raja DIRECTED BY: Sundar C GENRE: Comedy, Thriller STAR CAST: Vishal, Anjali, Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, Prakash Raj



Rajinikanth showcases a stunning new avatar as a fierce warrior bent on revenge in India's first performance capture movie. Rana (Rajinikanth) is a mighty, ruthless warrior who returns to his homeland on a very personal mission. He intends to avenge the death of his father Kochadaiiyaan, who was unjustly executed on the orders of the king of Kotaipattinam. But fulfilling his destiny will

Tamil film-making legend Sundar C. returns with a crowd-pleasing masala comedy. Having taken a brief break from directing, the multi-talented Tamil returns with a bang with last year's hit 'Kalakalappu'. Now he delivers another of his trademark crowd-pleasing family comedies. Versatile Vishal is the male lead, while accomplished actress and model Anjali takes the leading female role. They're joined by Varalaxmi Sarathkumar, who builds upon her award-winning debut in Podaa Podi. The antagonist is Sonu Sood, who's fast becoming the go-to bad boy of Tamil cinema after 'Osthe'. He plays a scheming industrialist who attempts a move into politics both to further his business interests and also to get his hands on the reins of power.


take Rana down a treacherous path of love and war, filled with conflicting emotions. First-time director Soundarya Rajnikanth Ashwin directs her own father Rajinikanth in this epic historical spectacle. It's the first Indian film to make use of the photorealistic performance capture technology that James Cameron deployed so effectively on 'Avatar'.

FILM: Dedh Ishqiya DIRECTED BY: Abhishek Chaubey GENRE: Romance, Thriller STAR CAST: Arshad Warsi, Naseeruddin Shah, Madhuri Dixit


Khalujaan (Naseeruddin Shah)and Babban (Arshad Warsi), the two romantic thieves are back in Dedh Ishqiya, sequel to the acclaimed and successful Ishqiya with their romantic

RELEASE DATE: 10/01/2014

adventures. And this time love will take them through the SEVEN STAGES OF LOVE... with the beautiful and dangerous Madhuri Dixit as Begum Para and Huma Qureshi as Munniya.



December 2013 - 4th Edition


FROZEN ALSO IN 3D STARRING: KRISTEN BELL, IDINA MENZEL, JONATHAN GROFF DIRECTOR: CHRIS BUCK & JENNIFER LEE PG GENRE: ACTION, COMEDY, FAMILY CERT Walt Disney Animation UK RELE Studios, the ASE 6/12/20DATE: studio behind 13 "Tangled" and "Wreck-It Ralph," presents "Frozen," a stunning big-screen comedy adventure. Fearless optimist Anna (voice of Kristen Bell) sets off on an epic journey teaming up with rugged mountain man Kristoff (voice of Jonathan Groff) and his loyal reindeer Sven - to find her sister Elsa (voice of Idina Menzel), whose icy powers have trapped the kingdom of Arendelle in eternal winter. Encountering Everest-like conditions, mystical trolls and a hilarious snowman named Olaf, Anna and Kristoff battle the elements in a race to save the kingdom.


13/12/2E DATE: 013



The second in a trilogy of films adapting the enduringly popular masterpiece The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug continues the adventures of the title character Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freeman) as he journeys with the Wizard Gandalf (Ian McKellen)


and thirteen Dwarves, led by Thorin Oakenshield (Richard Armitage) on an epic quest to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. The second part of Peter Jackson's awesome trilogy expanded from the much-loved Tolkien classic takes us deeper


CERT into Middle-earth. New characters include the Silvan elf Tauriel (Evangeline Lilly), the shape-shifting Beorn (Mikael Persbrandt) and woodland elf leader Thranduil (Lee Pace). And, yes, we do finally get to see the dragon Smaug in all his malevolent glory!


CERT STARRING: MICHAEL DOUGLAS, ROBERT DE NIRO, MORGAN FREEMAN, KEVIN KLINE DIRECTOR: JON TURTELTAUB GENRE: COMEDY Billy (Michael Douglas), Paddy (Robert De Niro), Archie (Morgan Freeman) and Sam (Kevin Kline) have been best friends since childhood. So when Billy, the group's sworn bachelor, finally proposes to his thirty-something (of course) girlfriend, the four head to Las Vegas with a plan to stop acting their age and relive their glory days. However, upon


20/12/2E DATE: 013 arriving, the four quickly realize that the decades have transformed Sin City and tested their friendship in ways they never imagined. The Rat Pack may have once played the Sands and Cirque du Soleil may now rule the Strip, but it’s these four who are taking over Vegas.


ANCHORMAN: THE LEGEND CONTINUES STARRING: STEVE CARELL, WILL FERRELL, PAUL RUDD, DAVID KOECHNER DIRECTOR: ADAM MCKAY GENRE: COMEDY Outrageous moustachioed newsman Ron Burgundy is back on the big screen with his cohorts in the long-awaited comedy sequel 'Anchorman: The Legend Continues'. It's the 1980s and the



broadcasting gang are back on set and as classy as ever! But, this time round, the former Channel 4 team are facing a new challenge as they are offered a gig on a 24-hour news channel in New York. Kristen Wiig joins the returning


18/12/2E DATE: 013 cast members in 'Anchorman: The Legend Continues', which will also features an extensive line-up of Alist cameos from the likes of Harrison Ford and Nicole Kidman.

December 2013 - 4th Edition



SDEEPCT 2013 THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY STARRING: BEN STILLER, KRISTEN WIIG, SEAN PENN, SHIRLEY MACLAINE DIRECTOR: BEN STILLER GENRE: COMEDY, DRAMA Ben Stiller directs and stars in a inspirational fable about a daydreaming everyman who goes on an incredible adventure. Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) works in the photographic department of the legendary 'Life' magazine, whose iconic covers feed his rich fantasy life. This lonely singleton is attracted to recently separated co-worker Cheryl (Kristen Wiig), but too withdrawn to express his feelings. Now both their jobs are threatened as the magazine


26/12/2E DATE: 013



CERT prepares to cease publication and become a digital product. When Walter loses an image from star photographer Sean O'Connell (Sean Penn) that was to grace the cover of the last issue, he is finally forced to act. Embarking on a breathtaking journey to track down the elusive snapper, Walter learns to live the dream as he travels as far COMING SOON afield as Volcanic Iceland and the Himalayas.



STARRING: CHRISTIAN BALE, AMY ADAMS, JENNIFER LAWRENCE, BRADLEY COOPER, ROBERT DE NIRO DIRECTOR: DAVID O. RUSSEL UK RELE ASE DAT GENRE: THRILLER E: 3 Drama TBC 'American Hustle' CERT is a fast-paced thrill ride through the 1970s FBI sting operation known as Abscam, following a conman forced to assist the feds in snaring corrupt public officials. In this fictionalised account of the famous scandal, Bradley Cooper


013 stars as FBI agent Richie DiMaso, who enlists con artist Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale) and his partner Sydney Prosser (Amy Adams) to help him uncover a tangled web of crime and track down the mobsters and corrupt politicians behind it.

Keanu Reeves stars in an epic fantasy reworking of the incredible true story of 47 brave samurai who face impossible odds. When evil Lord Kira (Tadanobu Asano) slaughters their master and banishes them, 47 samurai warriors are dispersed across the land. In order to exact revenge and restore honour, their leader Oishi (Hiroyuki Sanada) recognises that they will need the


help of exiled and enslaved outcast halfbreed Kai (Keanu Reeves). But even with Kai's inspirational heroics, this determined band of rebels are massively outnumbered. As they battle their way across a hostile world, they also face many supernatural foes.



26/12/2E DATE: 013






STARRING: IDRIS ELBA, NAOMIE HARRIS, TONY KGOROGE, RIAAD MOOSA DIRECTOR: JUSTIN CHADWICK GENRE: DRAMA, DOCUMENTARY This epic motion picture spans UK RELE ASE Mandela's 0 3/01/20DATE: extraordinary life, 14 from his childhood in a rural village through to his inauguration as the first democratically elected President of South Africa. MANDELA is the thrilling story of an ordinary man who rose to the challenge of his times and triumphed an intimate portrait of the making of a modern icon.

THE RAILWAY MAN STARRING: COLIN FIRTH, NICOLE KIDMAN, STELLAN SKARSGARD, JEREMY IRVINE TBC DIRECTOR: JONATHAN TEPLITZKY CERT GENRE: DRAMA Adapted from the bestselling autobiography by Eric Lomax, 'The Railway Man' tells the story of a British soldier haunted by his experience as a prisoner of war during WWII. Colin Firth takes the

lead as Lt. Eric Lomax, a former prisoner of war scarred by his memories of working on the ThaiBurma Railway (a.k.a. the Death Railway). Many years after the end of the conflict, Lomax is still tortured by these


01/01/2E DATE: 014

traumatic events and under the guidance of his wife - he decides to face up to his Japanese tormentor. 'The Railway Man' also stars Nicole Kidman and Stellan Skarsgard.



December 2013 - 4th Edition





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December 2013 - 4th Edition

Vivacious Volante Aston Martin’s open-top motor makes an entry into the super GT class

By Anush Ansari

In case you’re wondering what this blue beauty is… … it’s the Aston Martin’s Vanquish Volante – a stunning-looking new luxury sports car that brings a thrill to open-top motoring to the super GT class. Releasing early in 2014, it replaces the existing DBS Volante and is packed with some superb not so little fine details. ‘Such as what?’ I hear you call. Well, to begin with, it boasts a new AM11 6.0litre V12 engine and some blistering performance figures, meaning the 0-62 mph sprint is despatched in just 4.1 seconds while the top speed stands at 183 mph. The car is also the first fully carbon fibre-skinned Volante in the brand’s 100-year history, while also being the stiffest Volante body structure yet created by the engineering team at Aston Martin’s global HQ in Warwickshire, not to mention the new car’s triple-skin lightweight fabric roof takes just 14 seconds to fold. The design of Vanquish Volante represents the latest take on Aston Martin’s iconic visual language. Styling cues such as the elegant waist, elongated side strakes and LED rear light blades are derived from the One77 supercar while the folding fabric roof sits beneath a tonneau and decklid that have been aerodynamically tuned for optimum performance. The windscreen, meanwhile, is now full height – a first for Aston Martin – which means that the glass runs up to meet the fabric roof, thereby achieving


a particularly clean transition. The 2+2 cabin is elegantly attired in authentic and luxurious materials: full grain Luxmil leather with optional quilting, metal controls and satin chrome trim underscore the car’s wellappointed nature. As practical as it is well-dressed, the Vanquish Volante boasts a boot that’s fully 50% larger than that of the previous DBS Volante. It measures 279 litres – roof up or down. Perhaps one of the most striking interior design elements is the centre stack with refinements providing a more elegant form that is also more intuitive and accessible for both driver and front seat passenger. Under its curvaceous carbon fibre bonnet the Vanquish Volante comprises the latest generation AM11 naturally aspirated 6.0-litre V12 petrol engine which drives the rear wheels via a Touchtronic 2 six-speed automatic gearbox. The V12’s power peak of 573 PS (565 bhp) arrives at 6,750 rpm while the torque peak of 620 Nm (457 lb ft) is available at 5,500 rpm. These numbers translate into performance that matches the Vanquish coupe’s and ensures the new car supports its Super GT billing. Steering, too, is crisp, precise and communicative. The rack’s quick 15:1 ratio – 2.6 turns lock-to-lock – is allied to speed-sensitive power assistance that’s tuned to deliver optimum assistance. Priced from £199,995 RRP in the UK, first deliveries of the new sports car are expected to begin in the UK and Continental Europe in the next few weeks.

The Aston Martin’s Vanquish Volante boasts a new AM11 6.0-litre V12 engine

The first Volante to feature a full carbon fibre body 6.0-litre V12 engine produces 573 PS; 0-62 mph in 4.1 seconds Multi-layer lightweight fabric roof folds in 14 seconds




December 2013 - 4th Edition

Monsterous 576bhp

By Tanya Shah

If you’re a power-crazy lunatic who has a manic love of V8 engines and have the urging need of owning no less than 500bhp, then we may have good news for you. Vauxhall will begin to deliver first orders of its monsterous 576bhp supercharged VXR8 GTS in the next couple of weeks. What’s more appealing is its price. It’s around £20k less than its main rivals – the M5 and E63 AMG – yet has more power than either and is priced at £54,999. Vauxhall say that the Eaton supercharger bolted to the 6.2-litre V8 has a soundtrack guaranteed to make your hairs stand on end. Based on sister company HSV’s new GEN-F GTS, the VXR8 GTS is the most powerful production car ever to emerge from Australia; and with an on the road price of under £55k, allows owners the least expensive membership into the 500bhp+ club.

The Vauxhall VXR8 GTS is cheaper than a BMW M5 but packs more power

revolution. Unlike a turbocharged car, the Eaton supercharger provides the VXR8 with stronger and more linear performance across its entire rev-range. Other LSA features include: • Stand-alone water to air charge cooling system • Separate transmission and differential cooling system • Water to oil engine cooling system • Bi-modal air-intake system • High-flow exhaust manifolds and exhaust system with Bi-modal silencers Delivering drive to the rear axle is the latest MG9 spec 6-speed manual transmission with oil cooler and twinplate clutch (an optional 6-speed automatic transmission is also At the heart of the VXR8 GTS is a available). new supercharged LSA V8 (identical to that used in the recently launched Chevrolet Camaro ZL1), delivering The new front-end design of the 576bhp and 545lb ft of torque, an VXR8 GTS has bold graphics and increase of 150bhp and 140lb ft shallow ramp angles that emphasise respectively over the outgoing, LS3- width and stance. The focal point of engined VXR8. Performance figures the new look is a ‘twin-nostril’ grille will be released soon, but bear in and an all-new fascia that helps to mind that even the naturally- deliver both an aggressive look and aspirated VXR8 achieved a 0-60mph an air intake surface large enough to time in 4.9 seconds and a limited top cool the LSA V8. speed of 155mph… In fact, a total of 130,000 square The new VXR8’s Eaton millimetres of open frontal surface supercharger has 4-lobe rotors, 9psi was needed to deliver the cooling boost and 1.9 litres of air per required for the new engine – 75 per



cent more than the outgoing LS3engined car. Daytime running lights – which can now operate when the headlights are turned on – and 20-inch ‘Blade’ forged alloy wheels complete the front-end design. At the rear, the VXR8 GTS has distinctive LED tail lamps, while the ‘diffuser’ rear fascia houses quad exhaust outlets finished in shadow chrome. A unique body-coloured performance rear spoiler with black accents helps set the GTS apart still further. Inside, the VXR8’s cabin design has undergone a raft of design changes. An upgraded instrument panel with suede-style inserts, a new instrument cluster, gauges, centre console, appliques and door trims combine to deliver a more premium look and feel. Standard in the VXR8 GTS, allnew VXR Performance Seats are wrapped in Onyx leather trim and feature 8-way electric adjustment and seat heaters for both the driver and front passenger.


To cater for the extra performance offered by the LSA engine, the VXR8 GTS is fitted with an all-new Brake Torque Vectoring technology. Brake Torque Vectoring helps reduce understeer by generating a ‘rotational

moment’ in the rear axle while the car is under power. The Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system detects the understeer, applies braking to the inside rear wheel and transfers torque to the outside rear wheel, preventing the front end from washing wide. The VXR8 GTS also receives thirdgeneration Magnetic Ride Control (MRC) with three independent settings: Touring, Sport and Track. Hardware and software improvements combine to deliver greater body control, sharper handling and a significantly more pliant ride quality, compared with the outgoing model. Wider tyres also offer drivers more grip. Continental 255/35 R20 (front) and 275/35 R20 (rear) were chosen as standard equipment, due to their exceptional performance in both wet and dry conditions. To assist drivers in manipulating the various electronic vehicle performance systems, a new Driver Preference Dial has been developed. Located behind the gear lever, the Driver Preference Dial adjusts settings to one of four modes: Touring, Sport, Performance and Track. The vehicle’s ESC, Traction Control, Launch Control (manual transmission only), and Bi-Modal Exhaust, as well as its Brake Torque Vectoring and new Electronic Power

Steering, are then adjusted accordingly. The VXR8 GTS’s braking capacity has been dramatically increased with the fitment of AP forged 6-piston calipers with two-piece discs front and rear. Combined with the increased disc diameters, the calipers – forged from 6061 T6 aluminium – offer a vastly improved strength-toweight ratio and deliver noticeable improvements in brake modulation and feel. The rear brake pad size has also been increased by 12 per cent. ‘With our new forged calipers, larger rotors and increased pad size, we’re confident that the GTS brake package is the equal of anything in the world,’ said HSV’s Chief Engineer, Joel Stoddart.


The VXR8 has now come of age, and features an array of technologies never seen before in this model. In addition to the Side Blind Zone Alert with Reverse Traffic Alert, Automatic Park Assist, Front and Rear Park Assist, Reversing Camera and Passive Entry/Push Button Start, the GTS also picks up a number of additional driver convenience and safety technologies. Head Up Display is standard and shows a raft of driver information on the windscreen, such as vehicle speed, engine temperature, and even Gforces! Forward Collision Alert is another technology fitted standard to the GTS, and is the first system of its kind to be available in a Vauxhall product. A camera, located above the rearview mirror scans the road ahead up to 14 times per second. When a crash is predicted, the driver is alerted with an audible tone and a visible alert on the car’s HUD. Anticipating hard braking, the system applies sufficient brake pressure to close the space between the brake pads and discs, thus delivering a quicker brake response time. Using the same camera technology, the VXR8 GTS also has Lane Departure Warning. Designed to combat driver fatigue, a warning indicator and audible sound alerts the driver to any unintentional lane departures.

December 2013 - 4th Edition



lls it s e l i t un VAT +



£5,000 (0011 ASH) TEL. 07985 455 057


£8,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£39,000 (ASHLEE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (BEHOLD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (D YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (F AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07973 165 474

£100,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£7,000 (MONTY P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (N AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (O YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£1,275 ONO TEL. 07852 290 229

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£8,000 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (F AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,550 TEL. 07867 861 193


£10,000 (M OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NAIMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (O YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (R DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 ONO TEL. 07764 656 667

OFFERS OVER £10,000 TEL. 07889 184 532

£5,500 TEL. 07947 979 777

£4,500 (ASH RAJ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£16,000 (HEAVEN-HAVEN) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 TEL. 07867 861 193


£20,000 (MR HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£3,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£2,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

OFFERS OVER £35,000 TEL. 07971 827 913

£1200 ONO TEL. 07884 115 115

£2,500 (ASHRAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (BISSMILA) TEL. 07971 732 789

£15,000 (E AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (HELEN H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 ONO (KAABAH) TEL. 07779 300 128

£650 ONO (MUNAWAR) TEL. 07597 572 045

£13,250 ONO TEL. 07837 867 868

£OFFERS (TEXT ONLY) TEL. 07884 064 015

£3,000 (PAAYJA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£29,000 (R GIGGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO TEL. 07828 695 464

£4,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO (ALI HASSAN) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,500 (ASH 222) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO (BUSTED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 (HELEN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07907 318 666

£10,000 TEL. 07779 117 865

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,000+ (NAIWAAB) TEL. 07973 165 474

£1350 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,500 (R JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£25,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07976 024 735

£10,000 (B VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

OVER £10,000 TEL. 07765 555 786

£15,000 (HELEN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

£850 TEL: 07977 118 134 no withheld numbers

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,500 (P ALLANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07887 690 098

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07539 976 158

£70,000+ TEL. 07854 012 093

£15,400 (B YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (F BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07958 000 480

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL JR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£8,500 ONO NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07768 686 842

£15,000 (B YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (HELEN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07764 511 955

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£7,495 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£11,000 (PAUL SG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (R YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 ONO (AMJED) TEL. 07971 732 789

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (A VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,500 (E BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£1,500 ONO (HELLO X) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07980 802 471

£15,000 ONO (MAWLA) TEL. 07842 955 147

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£75,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£11,000 (PAUL SR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£1,499 ONO TEL. 07875 337 224

£2,500 (AMIR) TEL. 07843 161 969

£10,000 (AWESOME) TEL. 07985 254 294

£9,000 (C AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£4,999 TEL. 07846 480 112

£7,000 (H DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£19,000 (MAHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (MR SINGH) TEL: 07731 464002

£8,500 (N BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (P AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (SOULJA) TEL. 07803 526 898

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07817 615 022

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (A YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (C AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £4,000 TEL. 07513 257 029

£6,995 (F GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (H KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (SHAB) TEL. 07977 348 295

£1,500 ONO (MAIDA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,000 (N CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (P AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (A YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,500 (E JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,500 ONO (MAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£5,000 TEL. 07900 895 552

£15,000 (SHIPER) TEL. 07985 455 057

123 YKP



786 KAM 786 MAK 82 GK






















































no withheld numbers







M0 51DDK M111 NWR









MR 54BAR MR 5 5K0L MR5 5P0K

£5,000 (MR SPOK)


































no withheld numbers



no withheld numbers


no withheld numbers







£15,000 (A AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (A YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (E KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (F LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07523 264 595 no withheld numbers

£1,500 ONO (MALEK) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (MS HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (P DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07545 218 365

£10,000 TEL. 07969 914 041

£20,000 (AALIYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (ANSAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (E LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,900 TEL. 07867 861 193

£21,000 (HUNTER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (K DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (M AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HALY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (NEIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (POSSESS) TEL. 07971 732 789

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£15,000 (ARJAN) TEL. 07731 464002

£1,000 TEL. 07983 480 777

£OFFERS TEL. 07971 850 490

£7,000 (C DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (ELISA A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (F SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 T: 07740 784 983

£9,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£29,000 (M AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MS HAWK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 ONO (NKHANZ) TEL. 07946 162 099

£29,000 (PHIL FOX) TEL. 07985 455 057

£775 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,000 ONO TEL. 07870 993 553

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£4,995 TEL. 07867 861 193


£8,000 (EMILY C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (F YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (HUZAIFAH) TEL. 07737 071 097

£10,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£1500 (MAHMUD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£9,500 (MS HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (N LUCAS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£14,000 (P KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,495 (SHOYB/SAQYB K) TEL. 07768 686 842

£5,000+ (SHIMMLA) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (ANWAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS TEL. 07557 472 855

£7,000 (C BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (EMILY D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (F YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (H VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057


£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444


£10,000+ (CHOWDRY) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY E) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 802 112

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£2,500 TEL. 07405 763 319

£10,000+ (CHILLER) TEL. 07973 165 474

£8,000 (EMILY F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£OFFERS TEL. 07977 612 479

£9,500 (ASHOK B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07866 860 894

£OFFERS NO WITHHELD No TEL. 07754 852 402

£9,500 (ASHOK C) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,250 ONO (ABID SAB) TEL. 07773 995 142








B055 KHN

B055Y B0

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

B111 NAA

















£10,000 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141
















MON - FRI: 9-5.30

MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (MS HUGH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£7,500 (P MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,725 TEL. 07802 183 450

£9,500 (H YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£18,000 (M AHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (M SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (P SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£25,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£10,000 (G AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (H YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£10,000 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£7,500 (N SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£8,000 (EMILY M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (H YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (P WILSON) TEL. 07985 455 057

£999 ONO TEL. 07773 339 595

£15,000 (SPORTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (C SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (EMILY S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (G AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£20,000 (JOHNTY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07970 281 994

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£1,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£10,000 (N VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (P YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,200 ONO TEL. 07791 919 237

£20,000 ONO TEL. 07786 510 000

£3,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (C YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (ERNEST) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (G DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (K KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 595 760

£10,000 (M VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (N YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (P YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL. 07508 341 074

£1,500 (SURBJIT) TEL. 07985 589 631

£9,500 (ASHOK D) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 (BIG FRR) TEL. 07971 850 490

£1,495 ONO TEL. 07832 302 222

£7,500 (E SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£15,000 (K SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1400 (M DAWOOD) TEL. 07428 657 147

£9,500 (M YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (N YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ROHAN G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50 TEL. 07932 410 393

£15,400 (S YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (A BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07764 656 667

£8,000 TEL. 07921 576 971

£8,500 (ETHAN A) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (G SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£900 ONO (JAT OK) TEL. 07581 423 143

£2,445 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,000 (M DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (MY IPOD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,695 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£9,500 (ROHAN K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,295 ONO TEL. 07949 891 313

£15,000 (S YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 146 047

£9,500 (ASHOK G) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (BILAL) TEL. 07808 950 492

£10,000 (D AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN B) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (GUIDES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1500 ONO TEL. 07774 246 877

£10,000 (K VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (MOHAMMAD) TEL. 07867 886 786

£4,995 ONO (MYSISHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£1,395 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (ROHAN P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07973 787 934

£3,500 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK H) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 TEL. 07891 217 880

£1200 TEL. 07947 979 777

£8,500 (ETHAN F) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 ONO (GULLFAM) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,400 (K YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£19,000 (MEHBUB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£20,000 (OO LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£12,500 (ROHAN X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (SHEETAL) TEL. 07786 510 000

£OFFERS TEL. 07581 169 231

£10,000 ONO (ABDUL) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK J) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,500 TEL. 07838 130 681

£7,000 (D DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN M) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £5,000 TEL. 07597 629 845

£15,000 (JALLALS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£19,000 (MEHMUD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 T: 07740 784 983

£15,000 (OO HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07816 488 420

£1,500 ONO (SAIDAH) TEL. 07946 162 099

£OFFERS (TARIQ) TEL. 07887 693 228

£10,000 ONO (ABRAAR) TEL. 07946 162 099

£9,500 (ASHOK K) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07812 728 079

£7,500 (D MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN R) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (G VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£18,000 (MEHTAB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07870 696 399

£10,000 (O AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

OFFERS OVER £400 TEL. 07866 992 500

£1,500 ONO (SALIHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£1,500 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£7,000 (A DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK L) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,495 ONO TEL. 07957 429 964

£8,000 (DR HOPE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN T) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (G YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 (U 4 USY / LUSY) TEL. 07768 686 842

£25,000 (M JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07846 016 228

£5,000 ONO (QASSER) TEL. 07967 350 957

£3,000 ONO (RIZWANA) TEL. 07779 300 128

£1,500 ONO (SAIKA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£2,200 ONO TEL. 07926 095 168

£OFFERS TEL. 07867 861 193

£9,500 (ASHOK M) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (B AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 (DR HORN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,500 (ETHAN W) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (G YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,895 TEL. 07779 324 610

£10,000 ONO (IMRAN) TEL. 07759 097 070

£20,000 (M KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL. 07969 914 041

£8,500 (O BLACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 QUICK SALE TEL. 07814 071 397

£15,000 (S AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£995 ONO TEL. 07886 606 431

£2,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK N) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (B AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (DR IANS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (E VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,950 ONO (HUSSAIN) TEL. 07956 214 163

£5,500 TEL. 07867 861 193

£7,000 (L DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£OFFERS TEL. 07751 427 106

£9,000 (O CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£3,500 ONO (SAIMA/SALMA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£15,000 (TAWHEED) TEL. 07842 955 147

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK O) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 T: 07740 784 983

£12,000 (DR HARY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£650 ONO (EVIL CAR) TEL. 07411 953 337

£8,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£7,000 (J DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 ( L JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,900 ONO (MR D ALLY) TEL. 07774 246 877

£600 ONO TEL. 07836 221 302

£7,000 (O DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07779 675 730

£OFFERS TEL. 07983 104 538

£OFFERS TEL. 07863 289 625

£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (ASHOK P) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,000 TEL. 07740 784 983

£8,000 (DR HAYS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (E YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (H OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (L LUONG) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£5,500 ONO TEL. 07766 645 325

£6,995 (O GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07868 572 069

£2,995 ONO TEL. 07729 288 346

£1,500 (TALLAT) TEL. 07867 886 786

£5,000 (AHMADS) TEL. 07846 269 808

£15,000 (ASHOK S) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 TEL. 07530 612 171

£OFFERS TEL. 07720 376 861

£15,000 (E YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057


£7,500 (J SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (L SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOOK) TEL. 07985 455 057

SERIOUS OFFERS TEL. 07969 914 041

£15,000 (O JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,800 ONO TEL. 07974 179 156

£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£3,000 ONO (TALHA) TEL. 07946 162 099

£25,000 (A JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (ASHOK V) TEL. 07985 455 057

£13,000 ONO TEL. 07879 230 103

£5,995 ONO (DR SISHA) TEL. 07834 531 683

£2,500 (F1 GUJR) TEL. 07867 886 786

£950 ONO TEL. 07968 642 402

£15,000 (J SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (L VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (MR HOBB) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£15,000 (O KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07968 163 510

£7,000 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (T AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£12,500 (ASHOK X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (B CLARK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£8,000 T: 07740 784 983

£2,999 ONO TEL. 07904 018 063

£12,000 (HAILEE X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (J VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (L YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (MR HOWE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£950 TEL. 07896 699 241

£7,500 (O MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 (RAJHA) TEL. 07768 686 842

£2,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£1,500 (TAHYRS) TEL. 07867 886 786

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£9,500 (ASHOK Y) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (B DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (D SHAUN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£12,000 (HAILEY X) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,500 (J YUNUS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (L YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£29,000 (MR LLOYD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (NAWED, NAWEED) TEL. 07731 464002

£3,500 ONO TEL. 07962 394 890

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07969 914 041

£12,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£1,600 ONO TEL. 07557 387 547

£20,000 (A KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (ASHESH) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 ONO TEL. 077970 914 137

£7,500 (D SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 TEL. 07825 040 037

£10,000 (H AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (J YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HACK) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (NAHEED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (O SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (R AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (S DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£5,895 ONO TEL. 07779 324 610

£25,000 (ASHFAQ) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,495 TEL. 07954 389 874

£10,000 (D VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,000 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,000 (H AHMED) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (J YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07787 334 567

£9,500 (MR HALE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£10,000 (O VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (R AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 ONO TEL. 07706 216 060


AAL115 AAZ15


























B166 BOB B17SH U B19 ALY















































































MR10 JAT MR1100K MR110BB









£1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 £1,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30 MON - FRI: 9-5.30















NY55 HAA 00110YD OO11ARY






0 M11RZA 0S11SAN


































T1L1 786









£5,000 T: 07740 784 983








£5,000 T: 07740 784 983

£6,500 (V OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£9,000 (W AISHA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,700 TEL. 07786 087 155

£100,000 (TAHIR) TEL. 07403 302 725

£1,000 TEL. 07967 193 033

£4,500 (WANTED) TEL. 07516 111 755

£15,000 (X KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£850 ONO TEL. 07803 012 253

£2,500 (WAHEED K) TEL. 07973 199 979

£7,500 (X MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (T DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (V AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (R YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,500 (X SHAKS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,500 (T JUDGE) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V BHATT) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,995 TEL. 07793 628 670

£OFFERS TEL. 07928 473 771

£14,000 (T KINGS) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (V DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 TEL. 07867 861 193

£15,400 (X YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (T MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (V SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (W DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS (YOUNAS) TEL. 07834 016 393

£2,500 TEL: 01274 414141 MON - FRI: 9-5.30

£15,400 (V YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,995 (W GUPTA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£4,000 ONO (SALMA) TEL. 07969 598 969

£7,500 (T SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£15,000 (W KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07835 316 786

£10,000 (T VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057

£3,745 ONO TEL. 07588 326 444

£7,500 (W MILES) TEL. 07985 455 057

£30,000 TEL. 07525 817 453

£15,400 (T YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£6,500 (W OLIVER) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,500 (W SUSAN) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (Y AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (T YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,400 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,000 (YAYYAA) TEL. 07985 455 057

£10,000 (U AHMAD) TEL. 07985 455 057

£5,000 ONO TEL. 07779 994 695

£15,000 (W YUSUF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£49,000 (YELL COM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£7,000 (U DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£1,800 (WANTED) TEL. 01202 877 038

£3,500 (SINGHS) TEL. 07833 333 870

£7,000 (Y DILEEP) TEL. 07985 455 057

£OFFERS TEL. 07707 747 776

£1,995 TEL. 07954 389 874

£1,500 TEL. 07767 778 798

£15,000 (Y KUMAR) TEL. 07985 455 057

£15,400 (U YUSAF) TEL. 07985 455 057

£2,000 TEL. 07854 435 656

£15,000 TEL. 07733 244 444

£OFFERS T: 07754 852 402

£2,000 (VOHRA) TEL. 07867 886 786

£15,000 (WAHEEM) TEL. 07985 455 057

£50,000 TEL. 07947 979 777

£10,000 (Y VIJAY) TEL. 07985 455 057




















K7 PPA £3,995 ONO TEL. 07890 201 854

N002HAT £2,000 ONO (NUZHAT) TEL. 07813 011 702










X3 51NGS X 7BY X XAL 11X










no withheld numbers


L99HOR £10,000 TEL. 07850 706 930

YA55EEM £75,000 ONO TEL. 07887 837 553



£OFFERS TEL. 07522 173 297

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December 2013 - 4th Edition














BMW M4: The new engine is smaller than the 4.0-litre V8 that powered the outgoing BMW M3, but the new twin-turbo motor is more powerful and fuel efficient

2014 BMW M4 and M3 pics leaked










BMW M3: The cars will be launched summer 2014

By Anush Ansari

Pictures of the BMW M3 and M4 have leaked online prior to the cars' official unveiling. The images reveal the final production version of both models, which will make their world debuts at the Detroit Motor Show in January. An official teaser video was released this week but revealed nothing more than the profile of both the M3 and M4 highlighted by neon lights, now we can see the models in final production trim. We already know the M4 Coupe will replace the two-door version of the of M3, but both will be powered by the same 424bhp 3.0-litre twin-turbo engine. Coupled with the 80kg weight reduction, the M3 and M4 should hit 62mph in around 4.5 seconds - but no official performance figures have been released as yet. The new M models will be launched in the summer and pricing is expected to be announced closer to that date. But you can expect to pay around £57,000 for the M4 and slightly less for the M3.


December 2013 - 4th Edition


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December 2013 - 4th Edition




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December 2013 - 4th Edition



So close for Leeds lads Bacca fall at semi’s as

The FA Fives is the largest, most prestigious five-aside tournament in the country and from thousands of entries, only 16 teams made it to the finals last week in the capital. Playing at the home of English football, Wembley Stadium, teams from across the nation arrived to battle it out for the title and the right to be called the ‘best of the best’. Representing Yorkshire was Leedsbased Bacca FC who, after qualifying from the regional heats, was competing in their second finals having previously appeared in 2007. The local team, captained by 22year-old Ismail Malik, made the long journey down south on Saturday 14th

so confident going into the final four because we had eliminated one of our biggest rivals for the title.” Bacca went on to lose their semifinal game by the single goal and ultimately leave the annual competition empty handed. Yet, as Malik explains, the experience of ‘walking out at Wembley’ is something which every member of the team can cherish. against an unknown London outfit. “It was one of the best moments of “After that we really had to win our next game,” club captain, Ismail Malik my life playing on that pitch,” he said. said. “Thankfully, we did, edging a five “For all of us, we will never forget the goal game 3-2 to advance into the experience and look forward to next quarter finals where we drew previous year’s tournament where we will be back better than ever.” champions MDU. “We won that on penalties and felt

Wembley dreams crumble

December. After an official draw, teams were separated into groups of four with the top two advancing into the quarter finals. Bacca were drawn against two London outfits as well as the old rivals, Halifax-based Springbank

The ever-competitive Celtic. encounter came in the second match up after the Leeds team drew their opener. Despite a number of chances, the local side succumbed to a 1-0 defeat and were staring elimination directly in the face going into their final game

ALL-ROUNDER: Ben Stokes was the stand-out performer for the Three Lions, scoring the visitor’s only century of the series, pictured here with Kevin Pietersen

Australia regain The Ashes and look for series whitewash

All out

Three tests, three defeats and three below-par performances sums up England’s Winter Ashes Tour, as Australia reclaimed the prestigious accolade on home soil. Leading by two games going into the third test, the hosts once again made light work of the visitors to clinch the match by 150 runs, in turn taking an unassailable 3-0 lead in the series. The only highlight of the day came courtesy of a maiden Test century, and England’s only hundred of the series, from Ben Stokes (120), yet the visitors were all out for 353 on the final day in what has been an ultimately disappointing tour. Stokes and Matt Prior had offered glimmers of hope coming into the second innings, registering a partnership of 76 yet the dismissal of the latter quashed all such optimism. Prior was caught behind off the red hot Mitchell Johnson for 26 before Stokes followed suit after lunch, caught behind off a ball from Nathan Lyon. The final three wickets fell in just 30 balls as Australia cruised to victory at the WACA and reclaimed the Ashes trophy for the first time since 2006. Speaking after the third test, England head coach, Andy Flower said the whole team was ‘very disappointed’ with the result but are focused on finishing strongly in the series. “I think it is fair to say with the bat we have underperformed badly. We've only got one Test century to six or seven of theirs and that's from a young allrounder playing in his second Test match,” he said. “We haven't handled the pace that well and I think the pace of (Mitchell) Johnson has been really well backed up by (Ryan) Harris and (Peter) Siddle. They've been very accurate and skilful. And their off-spinner has bowled nicely, too.” The 45-year-old’s position has come into question over the past 12 months, yet Flower remains defiant that his immediate goal is solely to focus on the final two tests down under. “We've got two Test matches left in the series and I am absolutely hungry to do well in those games,” he said. “That is as far as I'm looking at the minute.” Next up in the series is the iconic Boxing Day test in Melbourne, followed by the final match at the Sydney Cricket Ground in the New Year. England will be playing only for pride in the final two tests, whilst Australia will be looking to make history by recording the third ever 5-0 series whitewash.



Manners’ Corner Christmas special - The highs and lows

December 2013 - 4th Edition

of 2013 and what’s to come in 2014 KID GALAHAD ON THE RISE


What a fantastic year 2013 has been for Barry Awad aka Kid Galahad! British super bantamweight champion Kid Galahad is on the rise. Rumours are rife that he will be fighting for the European super bantamweight title in 2014. Winning that, which to me is a sure fire thing, will put him in the mix for the world title fights with the likes of Carl Frampton and Scott Quigg. Watch this space - this kid just keeps on riding higher and higher.

Poor Tyson Fury was led a merry dance by David Haye this year. Tyson, the heavyweight sensation, talked himself into a multi million dollar showdown only for David Haye to bottle out at the eleventh hour due to sustaining a cut during training. Then the week before the rescheduled fight he received another injury which occurred again during training. What a farce, what a waste of time. Hopefully team Fury will not entertain the likes of David Haye again and will all move on with their careers. The heavyweight future seems quite bright now however, as a recent newsflash has stated that champion Vitali Klitschko has given up his WBC title. This now opens up opportunities for all the heavyweight contenders that are in the mix to fight for the green world championship belt. So Tyson if you are out there go get it son!


2014 is definitely the big year for the British World Welterweight star contender Kell Brook “the special one” after a punch perfect performance and knockout victory over Ricky Hatton killer Viacheslav Senchenko back in October 2013. But any lapse of concentration could be Brook’s down fall. As in the 4th round the gutsy Russian hit Kell with a terrific clean shot on the jaw that nearly took the special one out. Brook turned on the heat in the same round and knocked Senchenko spark out to clinch his world title shot. With the recent demise of former IBF champion Devon Alexander losing to the newly


crowned hungry challenger champion Shaun Porter, surely now this must be the clearest path to date for Brook to achieve his ultimate goal and truly be that special one. Only time will tell. I am licking my lips for that encounter. I can’t wait.

World super middleweight champion Carl Froch was well and truly beaten up. He was out boxed, out punched, out worked, some would say well schooled in the art of boxing by the young and hungry up and coming contender George Groves. The highlight was Froch being sent flat on his back in round 1 and that’s a fact. One would think with those facts Carl had lost the contest, no you guessed wrong. Unbelievably, behind on points on all judges’ scorecards Carl Froch retained his belts controversially as the referee jumped in to stop the fight in round 9 giving Froch the TKO victory. Some would say that the referee Howard Foster robbed the boxing fans and British public of a fair conclusion. In my view George Groves deserved the benefit of the doubt. To be knocked either clean out or to recover from a tricky situation and then move on to be able to win convincingly as afforded Froch in round 1. Is this a case of one rule for one and one rule for another? Howard Foster made a pivotal

decision that made the whole matter stink. It still, for me smells of a rematch, even for the sake of pro boxing. And if there was a rematch the way I see it Groves is way younger, fresher and can only get better. As for warrior Froch, he is older still tough but stagnant in progression. At his age Carl could just not get any better than he is right now and he would definitely lose if they should ever meet again, which is highly unlikely with bigger matches with the likes of Andre Ward and other big money contenders for Carl to go back to

rematch with George Groves. It would not make financial sense just moral sense. Froch should consider himself quite fortunate. He got the win that’s for sure. As for Groves, he is young enough and will learn from this and he can definitely come again, that’s for sure. George, ‘what a fantastic performance’. You have truly proved that you are genuine world class. For a fighter to be booed into the ring and cheered as a hero out it definitely tells a story. The nation salutes you.

December 2013 - 4th Edition

KHAN v MAYWEATHER MISSION IMPOSSIBLE? HE KHAN’T BEAT HIM Yes, yes, yes the rumours are true, it is almost signed, sealed and delivered; Amir King Khan v Floyd Money Mayweather Jnr super fight. Khan is probably the most undeserved of fighters to get a shot at Mayweather. But they say it makes sense. Khan’s speed versus the power of the most gifted unbeaten fighter of our generation Mayweather Jnr. The bookies odds are heavily stacked against Amir Khan of securing a victory over pound for pound the best fighter on the planet. I’m an Amir Khan fan but I just can’t see how he can possibly beat Floyd judging from his last performances against Danny Garcia, Marcos Maidanna and Julio Diaz. However this payday will be his best ever that is for sure.

What Khan brings to the table is excitement and the unknown like in all his pay per view fights. If this fight comes off, check out my big fight analysis in the New Year.

Back page story continued world champion only for him to jump ship at the first opportunity and join rival Sky promoter Eddie Hearn which to me I think was a bit disloyal considering Hobson bank rolled the whole affair and was then left holding the whole bill. It should be noted that McDonnell has since been stripped of the IBF title due to not defending it within the time limit specified. And rightly so. This is karma at its best. Vali and Hobson Jnr are truly what I call the nice guys of professional boxing and well deserve a break in this business. God must have heard my call! Not only did these two guys get together but also they worked out a deal with Darlington’s bantamweight Stuart Hall and Vusi Malinga of South Africa (a two time world title challenger) so that they could fight for the vacant IBF championship which was staged on 21st December 2013 in the new state of the art Leeds First Direct Arena. This included a collaboration with Frank Warren’s Queensbury Promotions and also with the BoxNation TV network. And boy what a night that was. In front of a packed crowd of 7000 alongside a UK boxing star studded cast which included Frankie Gavin, Paul McCloskey, Gary Sykes and top prospect Justin Newell, Stuart Hall fought the fight of his life in a 12 round gruelling battle to

him a bit more grounded. A bit of humble pie will not do Broner any harm whatsoever. The question is, after this defeat, will AB be the same fighter?? I think his handlers, Golden Boy Promotions, moved him just a

Newell’s the first

little bit too quickly on this fight and it backfired on them big time just like the Amir Khan v Lamont Peterson affair in Washington DC a few years back. Yeah, Broner is a gifted and talented fighter, that is for sure, but let’s not forget Marcos Maidanna. He fought a great fight against the odds. His punches did all the talking and more. So he beat Broner and won the championship belt like a true warrior. And that’s a fact!



MAIDANNA SHOCKS BRONER WOW WHAT A SHOCK!!! Self proclaimed golden boy super star fighter American Adrien Broner suffered a major setback as new WBA Welterweight champion Marcos Maidanna beat him over 12 one sided ferocious rounds and bust the script of the boxing media hype. Broner known as ‘The Problem’ was as normal, flash crass and all of that, not to mention the demeaning manner of his opponent. I personally was not sold on him being the next heir apparent to Floyd Mayweather Jnr after his last showing against non-punching boxing stylist Paulie Malignaggi who he couldn’t knock out; very disappointing. Coming back to the Maidanna fight, let’s face it Broner got battered because he was no way focussed nor conditioned for the fight. It seemed to me it was a pure case of believing in your own hype. He deserved to get beat judging from all his antics outside the ring. This defeat for Adrien ‘The Problem’ Broner (trust me this kid has problems), can only make him think, make him focussed on the boxing, make him a better fighter and make


Justin Newell, the popular Leeds lightweight boxer, made history by being the first professional boxer to compete in the First Direct Arena winning his contest over six rounds, beating tough Manchester fighter, William Warburton on points. Justin said: “It’s a great feeling to know your boxing in your home town anyway but the icing on the cake for me is being the first to box at this fantastic First Direct Leeds Arena. “I may not be the main event, like IBF champ Stuart Hall, but the history books will always say Justin Newell was the first to box in the great venue. It is something to tell my baby son Franklin when he grows up.” Also on the bill from Rotherham was Asian sensation Atif Shafiq who knocked out his opponent, Ibrar Riyaz in all but one round.

MEN OF THE MOMENT: (l-r) Dennis Hobson Jnr, Asif Vali and James Powell

Vali and Hobson Jnr make return with new world champ become Britain’s newest world champion. It is stories like these that make you think that through all adversity there is always light at the end of the tunnel and that good guys don’t always come last. Newly crowned champ Stuey Hall’s Leeds trainer Michael Marsden, also got the plaudits for becoming one of the country’s newest world championship coaches which is quite an achievement in itself. This is also good news for Leeds as it puts the city on the map for further championship events, which are sure to

follow. But, and this is a big but, Vali and Hobson Jnr should not rest on their laurels too long as this business is quite ruthless and unforgiving and rivals will be only too quick to pull them back down again. But you have to take your hats off to them for being fair, honest and loyal to the people they work and deal with. This is a rarity in this profession, trust me. The benefits are starting to come through so they must be doing something right. Dennis and Asif, congratulations are in order.




December 2013 - 4th Edition



DREAM TEAM: (starting 2nd from left) Hobson Jnr, IBF Champion Stuart Hall, Michael Marsden and John Murray

WARRIOR SLUG FEST: Stuart Hall and Vusi Malinga

PROMOTERS BOUNCE BACK IN STYLE Vali and Hobson Jnr make return with new world champ By Rick Manners

Promoters Asif Vali and Dennis Hobson Jnr have had a turbulent two years between them. Vali, having left Amir Khan Promotions, set up on his own. And Hobson Jnr invested in former IBF champ Andy McDonnell from the start, making him into a IBF

Continued on page 91

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