Portfolio Anna Hervas Vilalta

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Motivational Letter 2014

ABOUT ME I am a final-year graphic design student and I am really interested in everything related to different areas of the world of design. Concretely I am passionate in branding and identity, typography, editorial design, packaging and illustration.

much time as is necessary, because I always try my best to achieve my goals. I like working in a team, and I find very important to hear different opinions and complement the knowledge of different people in order to find the best result.

Personally I consider myself as a responsible, perfectionist and strict person. I have always been characterized for being very reliable, persistent and hard-working person in work issues. I like the well-done work and I spend as

I would like to find a job that allows me to expand and enhance my education and background. To start, I would love to work in a graphic design studio that introduced me to this whole world that really interests me.

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This is My Work

SUMMARY 01 Vapor Nou


Corporate Identity

02 Fahreneit


Corporate Identity

03 Clarés Comprime


Typography and Identity

04 Primavera Sound


Publicity Design

05 CFL Energy Saving Bulb


Web, App and Packaging Design

06 Arròs Delta


Packaging Design

07 Caligrafía


Writing and calligraphy

08 Asturiana


Packaging Design

09 Tòcton Ong


Identity and Packaging

10 Revista Hogares


Editorial Design

11 Dibujo y Sketching Illustration and Drawing



Corporate Identity

VAPOR NOU Restaurant Identity 2012 - 2013 This project is about the creation of a new restaurant located in an industrial area, reusing the space of an old textile factory. Vapor Nou intends to convey through its image, an aesthetic based on the Industrial Revolution. Therefore, we have used characteristic materials, textures and colours of this period of time, in which the atmosphere is inspired. Graphica-

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lly, it looks for a continuity of the established visual style. It consists of a graphic system composed by the combination of large-scale fonts, generating compositions that transmit different messages. The logo itself is intended to remind the texture of a material such as iron, in black on white or kraft, colour range of the brand.

Business cards, menu and coasters.

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Corporate Identity

Graphics, packaging and promotion.

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Corporate Identity

FAHRENHEIT ICE CREAM Ice-Cream Shop Identity 2012 - 2013 This project is about the development of the identity of an ice cream shop based on the concept: Art Gallery. Starting from this concept, to generate its own language and a brand image I based on the contemporary style. It will use various images such as visual system, pictures of different ice creams, emphasizing its texture, shape and colour. These images make

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reference to different painting styles of the nineteenth century, such as Expressionism or Action Painting. These photographs are implemented through different supports of the brand. For the different applications on stationery or publicity, it is used a fine and subtle graphics typical of an art gallery, which will contrast the images, whether pictorial works or ice cream photographs.

Stationery and graphic system.

Ice cream Gallery

C/ Àngels 12, Ciutat Vella 28006 Barcelona. Espanya

Ice cream Gallery

Ice cream Gallery

Sanchez Pozuelo Sr. Miguel Sánchez Muntaner 300, 1º2º 08006 Barcelona x x 3 de marzo de 2013 x x x Apreciado Sr. Miguel Sanchez, x Ibust, ut eum verchilla discipsam, quam verum que lam fugia es sae od quae sundusti ium alis atat. Que sum quo ea velendic tem nonsequibus, optum iunt dempos am suntiatios aut que magnimi. x Tus ea dolestecatur minvend igenim aut fugitatem endigen dellori busam, qui restorestemo exernat empori sed quid mo occus vercia vit ent autatem aut ipitia di rest excea atibus quia voluptae volorest, quatus. Officim illuptatem aut voluptatures anihicil es res dolorit ataturitat. Ellanda ndebisci ullorec uptiam illaciissi dolo tori alias dolor moluptam, qui sit quamenia vid ut et doluptas am rernam, qui aliquae cusdae es nosanis magnis dolorecusam utemqui reprem dolum, nem. Ro mod millend ucidemp eliquas ex ea se quiatenimus ea et excepra sus, cum cus ernam qui suntectat. x Nume laudaer uptatquiam ea ate volorer spitation pe doloremque rerunt ant omnihil ipis et illam rem res pere alit omnis auta vendit venimus, qui que nonem natiat que perunt magnatioria dollaccus ipisquature ex evendunt quam eossus, quameniatior sequature pra dolum explaudis volor adigent vollorem hari dit mo derspere, qui dita con exceati odis di omnis esti cumquidemped quo ea doluptatene nonsed quaturios veliciam aut omnis reius re sitatur alicabo. x Ut eum sanist rerspit eturiantio. Duntis dolupta delesequos debit fugiae evenem voluptatiis voluptis endandit aut re, omnitiis min cus, volore, nit voluptaest, earis qui tem doloria arum voluptat dolo magnihiliti te sequasit rem aceaquo te ni bea volore nos ditionseque sitatium accus sere vere x x x José Martínez Director

I N A U G U R A C I Ó N 2 013


Àngels 12, Ciutat Vella Barcelona 28006 España


press@fahrenheit.com info@fahrenheit.com

Ice cream Gallery


+34 93 200 45 45


E XPOSI CI ÓN ACT I ON PAI N T I N G Ice cream Gallery


Àngels 12, Ciutat Vella Barcelona 28006 España


Ice cream Gallery


José Martínez / Director

Inauguración Jueves 3 de mayo a las 19h. Exposición del 3 de mayo al 4 de julio de 2013.


Àngels 12, Ciutat Vella Barcelona 28006 España

press@fahrenheit.com info@fahrenheit.com






+34 93 200 45 45

jose@fahrenheit.com +34 93 200 45 45


Àngels 12, Ciutat Vella Barcelona 28006 España

Email Àngels 12, Ciutat Vella, 28006 Barcelona. España Tel. 93 200 45 45 - info@fahrenheit.com - www.fahrenheit.com De lunes a viernes de 10h. a 14h. y de 16h. a 20h. Sábados y festivos de 11h. a 13.30h.

press@fahrenheit.com info@fahrenheit.com


+34 93 200 45 45


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Corporate Identity

Stationery, packaging and web. Fahrenheit


Ice cream Gallery EN ES CA

Home Quienes somos Nuestros helados Galeria de ar tistas Exposicione s Novedades Contact o HELADOS Y AR TE CONTEMPORÁNEO

Nuestros helado sQ

uienes somos

< >

Novedade s

© 2013 Fahrenheit Ice cream Gallery.



Ice cream Gallery EN ES CA





Quienes somos Nuestros helados Galeria de artistas Exposiciones

01/ JACKSON POLLOCK Nata y chocolate

04/ FRANZ KLINE Vanilla y frambuesa Fahrenheit

02/ MARK ROTHKO Mango y chocolate

05/ SAM FRANCIS Vanilla y chocolate

07/ NORMAN BLUHM Vanilla y caramelo

10/JOAN MITCHELL Crujiente de nata, chocolate y caramelo

08/ ALBERT KOTIN Pistacho crujiente

11/ JACK TWORKOV Crujiente de macadamia y caramelo

09/ LEE KRASNER Nata, chocolate y plátano

12/ ESTEBAN VICENTE Frutas del bosque

Novedades Contacto Fahrenheit





03/ WILLEM DE KOONING Menta y chocolate

06/ GEORGE MATHIEU Nata y fresa



13/ WASSILY KANDINSKY Multi frutas

16/ ROBERT DELAURAY Cheese Cake con arándanos

19/ JEAN FAUTIER Leche merengada

22/ PIERRE SOULAGES Chocolate puro

14/ YVES KLEIN Café y chocolate

17/ ASGER JORN Vanilla y café

20/ MICHAEL TAPIÉ Sorbete de limón

23/ ANTONI TÀPIES Textura de fresa

15/ PIET MONDRIAN Nata y café

18/ GIACOMO BALA Sorbete de fresa

21/ ANTONIO SAURA Textura de mandarina

24/ JEAN DEOTTEX Textura de moras

© 2013 Fahrenheit Ice cream Gallery.

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Corporate Identity

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Typography and Identity

CLARÉS COMPRIME Typography and identity 2012 - 2013 This project is about the design of a new typeface for a particular brand. Clarés Comprime is a compressed and stylized sansserif typeface, for the new brand Café Clarés. In the next page we can see the different characters that comprise the typeface and some applications to some elements of the brand.

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ClarĂŠs Comprime

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Typography and Identity

Applications for the brand Café Clarés.

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Publicity Design

PRIMAVERA SOUND Posters and Panel Design 2011 - 2012 This project is about the design of some posters and a large format panel for Primavera Sound concerts cycle. I have focused exclusively on typography, in order to obtain completely typographical posters, playing with changes

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in size, direction and weight of the chosen font. In order to complement the main typography, I have used different thick of lines as a graphic element to create a direction and to give more dynamism and rhythm to the poster.

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Publicity Design

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Web, App and Packaging Design

CFL ENERGY SAVING Web, App and Packaging 2012 - 2013 This project is about the design of a packaging, a website and an iPhone app, based on a primary object; a CFL energy saving light bulb. The project briefing said that through design, to create a human connection between the target or people who would use the product, and those people who are behind the creation

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of the product. Awareness and impart knowledge about what’s behind a simple object. On the other hand, we had to convey the sustainability concept, knowledge about the life cycle of the product, their process and recycling, and provide information to encourage the consumer to collaborate for sustainability.

Different sections of the web.

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Web, App and Packaging Design

Different sections of the web.

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Web, App and Packaging Design

Iphone Application and packaging.

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Packaging Design

ARRĂ’S DELTA Range of rice with sauces 2012 - 2013 This project is about the design of a new packaging for a new range of rice with sauces. It is a natural and artisan rice from Delta del Ebro, served with a range of traditional sauces. The idea of this pack is to offer a good combination of ready to cook homemade food.

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Packs models, printed in Serigraphy.

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Writting and Calligraphy

CALLIGRAPHY Textos caligrรกficos 2011 - 2013 The following are some calligraphic texts written by different thickness pens with ink or gouache. In the different compositions I used ancient calligraphy of the twelfth century, specifically, the Carolina calligraphy, the Italic and the English Copperplate calligraphy.

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Carolina Calligraphy

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07 Carolina Calligraphy

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Writting and Calligraphy

English Copperplate Calligraphy

Italic Calligraphy

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Packaging Design

YOGURTS ASTURIANA New range of yogurts 2012 - 2013 This project is about the design of a new range of yogurts for Asturiana brand. It is a more quality range regarding the other yoghurts of the brand; a premium line. It contains yogurts of different flavours, prepared exclusively. The package intended to mark an aesthetic diffe-

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rence, using a transparent plastic that allows the consumer to see the content of the yogurt and the placement of its ingredients. Aesthetically, It has remained the white corporate colour. White conveys quality, and therefore, it will be the main colour of the new range of premium products.

Packaging printed with serigraphy on glass.

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Identity and Packaging

TÒCTON ONG Supermarket - ONG 2012 - 2013 This project is about the development of an identity for a supermarket ONG. It is an establishment in which the solidarity cooperative sold their own and natural products. The products are offered in a similar price to any other organic supermarket but, in this case, the benefits would go directly for ONGs. This project aims to promote and sensitize consumers to collabo-

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rate with those people who have no resources. The graphic image chosen is mainly focused on the logo “Tòcton”, which is intended to represent the fields in which the activity that makes possible the business is developed. This same visual system is used for different illustrations to create the graphic identity of the brand. It uses organic earth colours, as well as organic materials.

Laser engraving on DM

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Identity and Packaging

Logo and applications.

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Editorial Design

MAGAZINE HOGARES Redesign magazine Hogares This project is about the redesign of the magazine “Hogares�. It is a semi-radical redesign because it maintains the same format of the original magazine, the same size and reticular structure established. The typography is one of the main changes, made by removing all those manual typefaces or these fonts that are difficult to read, and choosing two main typefaces; one serif font and one

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sans serif font for the body text, reinforced with a more expressive typography for the headlines. The palette of colours varies depending on the section, and the pictures will take more importance. It also gives much importance to the blanks, to simplify the pages and give a more modern, clean and relaxed aspect to the magazine.

Sections redesigned. Matte coated paper.

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Illustration and Drawing

DRAWING SKETCHING Spaces and human body 2010 - 2011 The following are some of my drawings made by pencil or pilot marker. Some of them are drawings of spaces, made from direct observation of the outside. The others include analytical drawings of the human body, made from direct observation of nude models, and finally a portrait of a face.

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The project on the right was about a narrative that happens in a chosen place. It consists in capture the atmosphere and the essence of one place and to translate it by illustrations. The idea was to identify human feelings and emotions in the same park elements to transmit sensations immersed in it.

Narrative of a place, Ciutadella Park.

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Illustration and Drawing

Spaces and human body

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Anna HervĂ s Vilalta www.issuu.com/annahervas

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