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blogzine joyfully live an inspiring, rich, happy, artsy and colorful good life!

it’s all about you! readers share their secrets of getting and staying inspired. how you can, too.





HELLO! AMRETASGRAPHICS BLOGZINE IS BACK! YIPPEEE!! How wonderful it feels that finally it’s up again online, as colourful as the previous three issues, plus happy, tweaked contents that is all about you, from you. I’m so excited to team up with you to create this blogzine, dear friends! Isn’t that lovely? :-) I hope what you find here will help you get inspired, get energized, get creative, get ahead, and love your life! I appreciate very very much your contribution and participation to keep this blogzine up. Everyone is welcome! If you’re interested in taking part in this project, visit and you can submit your comment to the related post. I might not be able to include all comments to the blogzine, but there will always be a link from the blogzine to the post - your comment will always be published! This month’s theme is.... Get Inspired. On the next many pages I believe you will enjoy tips and stories shared by Amretasgraphics friends all over the globe about getting and staying inspired. A must read for you all creative souls :-)


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The Secrets of Getting and Staying Inspired

the secrets of getting and staying


Do you wake up every morning feeling fresh, joyful and inspired? Especially if you are an artsy type, oh dear, inspiration is your best friend. I would love to have that feeling all through the day and night. Curious I am, I’ve now compiled lovely stories shared by amretasgraphics friends around the globe on how they get and stay inspired, packed with time-tested personal tips, creative ideas and recommendations to inspire and help you feel happy and good. Life is colorful and good. Join us in this inspiring journey!


Amreta for more stories, visit

Amreta | Amretasgraphics

Jakarta, Indonesia

My thoughts about getting and staying inspired Like it or not, getting and staying inspired is a habit. Inspiration doesn’t always come ‘just like that’ (though sometimes it does!). We do it over and over and over again until the process becomes effortless. I feel most inspired when I feel healthy and good about myself, when I walk in the nature, when I work alot, when my body is moving. I found that getting inspired is about taking good care of yourself by nourishing your mind and soul with beautiful, delightful images and ideas, and your body with all that it takes (exercises, rest, good food) to be ready to process all those images and ideas and take creative actions. Getting & staying inspired is about honoring the happy soul and the creativity you are blessed with. I love being an inspired person! :o)

Amreta’s getting and staying inspired list

(must-have’s, must-do’s, must-read’s, must-visit’s, must-listen’s, must-see’s, etc, your personal tips to get and stay inspired) MY THANK YOU BOOK journaling with colourful pens and pencils, outside in the nature under a tree, or in a nice cafe. Veggie sandwich or just bread + cheese. Coffee or rooibos tea latte . Photo hunting in the nature or in the old town. When time allows, I love taking the bus or train and going to the mountains or botanical garden outside Jakarta. There I do some walks then sit to doodle or write in my journal while sipping hot tea. Browsing bookstores! Especially the illustrated children books, graphics, designs, home-decor, cookbooks, self-help, business books, magazine and stationery sections. Listening to inspiring audiobooks ( while on the road. Daydreaming while leafing decorating, lifestyle, scrapbooking, or National Geographic magazines. Watching ‘Charlie and Lola’ videos. over and over and over again. repeating the character Lola’s talking. I loooove this lil’ girl! And I’m inspired by the illustrator Lauren Child’s artwork in the video. Surfing the internet, of course. There are so many fun, beautiful blogs and websites out there! My first destinations are mostly: | | | | and from there...more readings, eye candies and links to follow! Enrolling to self-paced inspiring courses at and . Reading inspiring posts on and and having armchair adventures through books: the classics Peter Mayle’s Provence trilogy and Josh Bernstein’s Digging for the Truth.


THANK YOU Amretasgraphics

would like to thank you all contributors and readers.


therwise stated, all graphics and pictures in the blogzine are by Amreta.

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- Alexandria


onts used in this issue are: - Ronita - Love Ya Like A Sister - Rage

- Stencil

sources: | | | |

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