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Reasonable interest: With most mortgages, you will be able to get a very affordable interest rate as long with or without a U.S. credit score (FICO). When you get a lowinterest rate like you can with an investment mortgage, it can save you a substantial amount of money. For the cost of the loan, it is usually well worth it to get a mortgage instead of using your funds. Hang on to your cash and use it towards additional investments.

Easy approval: With an investment mortgage, you will usually be able to tell whether you are approved relatively quickly. America Mortgages has pretty cut and dry standards when it comes to getting you approved for an investment mortgage.


America Mortgages has loan programs for U.S. Expats Mortgage with or without U.S. credit. We understand that living abroad often changes factors and your ability to borrow in the U.S. Our loan programs are tailored towards your exact situation.

Increase your reach: With the use of investment mortgages, you can increase your investment power. As you grow, you can keep buying more and more property. In Asia, where property prices have increased, and square footage and yield have decreased, finding an affordable investment outside your home country makes sense.

Many people would not be able to purchase property otherwise as it usually takes a significant investment. You can keep picking up more and more stuff as you go.

Build your net worth: Being able to build your net worth on a global scale gives with a reasonable Foreign Mortgage Loan that eventually you will have all of the property paid off gives you the same opportunity as anyone else regardless of your passport. You are free to do what you want with all of the property. If you had to rely on your funds for all of this, much of it would not be possible.