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SRC President'sReport

I firstly want to congratulate On Dit and the Guest Editors, Talara and Kanisha, on their production of the first ever First Nations edition of our student magazine. Amplifying the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students is more important than ever, and this edition of On Dit is an opportunity to engage with and listen to the stories and experiences of those around us. Thank you to everyone who took the time to contribute.

We still have lots of work to do to support Indigenous students on our own campus. On a university level, Indigenous students remain underrepresented - estimated to still represent less than 1% of Australian university enrolments. Whilst enrolment rates have steadily increased over the past decade, they are not the be-all-end-all. Support during the university experience is more integral than enrolment statistics, and it is the responsibility of the University to ensure we are providing resources to help First Nations people thrive at uni. Wirltu Yarlu is an excellent support at the University of Adelaide. They provide education programs and wellbeing support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students - you can visit them on Level 1 of the Schultz Building.

The SRC Education Officer, Grace Franco, and myself have written to the Vice-Chancellor calling on the University to affirm their commitment to achieving social justice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians by publicly supporting a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum. At the time of writing, we are yet to receive a response. This is a step the University can take right now to prove its commitment to reconciliation and advocacy for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

The SRC have established a University of Adelaide branch of the Students for Yes campaign. Through this action group, we will advocate for a Yes vote in the upcoming referendum to recognise Indigenous Australians in the Constitution and establish a Voice to Parliament.

The national Students for the Yes Campaign is headed up by National Union of Students First Nations Officer Patrick Taylor, and we’re excited to work with him to educate and activate students in Adelaide. We are committed to Voice, Treaty and Truth, and affirm our dedication to listening and advocating alongside Indigenous Australians. We hope you will join us in bringing our nation together and making history.

If you would like to be involved with this action group, please reach out via Facebook or email srcpresident@adelaide.edu.au.

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