Ulica Wolności

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ʹ Ulica Wolnosci Patrycja Paryz

Since the earliest days of my childhood I travelled to Zabrze, an industrial city in the south of Poland. It is a run down place with dusty grey air, where my parents where born and spent their juvenile days. A long time passed since they left this city and moved to the west. But I remember the days when we visited Zabrze and I got lots of memories from this time. I am now the age of my parents when they left their homes more than 30 years ago, I got my own problems in a diffrent country 800 kilometers from Zabrze. I am not thinking anymore about what could have been and what I have missed. But the thought of all those friendships never made is still on my mind. This is why I decided to walk the the Ulica Wolnosci and stay for a while with the teenagers I would meet. Just to remake memories I never actually had.

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