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The Motability Scheme


here’s nothing worse than the sensation of feeling trapped, or knowing how much easier your life would be if you had means of getting around more easily. That’s what makes the Motability Scheme so important - it provides people with the means to travel independently. The sense of freedom a car provides is unparalleled, and having a car which has been adapted to your needs, allowing you to safely get wherever you need or want to be, is vitally important. The Motability Scheme supports disabled people and their families who are looking to lease a car, a WAV, a scooter, or a powered wheelchair. If you currently receive the Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance, you can use part or all of your mobility allowance to lease the vehicle you need. You make the choice of the vehicle that suits your needs, and the payments are deducted from your higher rate mobility allowance every four weeks. You don’t need to worry about staying on top of this, as the payments are made directly by the Department for Work and Pensions to Motability. You can also apply for the Motability Scheme if you receive the Enhanced Rate of Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment (ERMC PIP), the War Pensioners’ Mobility Supplement (WPMS), or the Armed Forces Independent Payment (AFIP). Motability doesn’t just provide vehicles - it also covers insurance, MOTABILITY Scheme servicing your vehicle, maintenance, adaptations, full breakdown assistance, and the inclusion of up to two named drivers for cars and WAVs. If need be, you’ll have access to tyre repair and replacement services, and windscreen repair. The Scheme will also look after your MOTs and road tax, and Motability offer millages of 60,000 miles over three years for cars, and 100,000 miles for five years over WAVs. If you’ve opted for a scooter, they’ll replace batteries for no extra cost, and support customers via their UK-based services team. The Motability Scheme offers over 2000 vehicles, 350 of which have no advance payment, and offer a massive array of adaptations which are made at no additional cost. Leases are offered on a three or five year basis, dependent on the type of vehicle you choose. Any vehicles which do have an upfront cost usually do so as they’re premium models. They also offer a £250 good condition bonus at the end of the lease, so if you keep your car in tip-top shape, they’ll reward you. The Scheme also enjoys a 98% customer satisfaction rate for their car scheme, and a 95% rating for their powered wheelchair and scooter scheme. Motability also offers opportunities to receive charitable grants which help people who may have complex needs and require a vehicle with a large number of modifications - which can constitute either a car or a WAV. For these vehicles, they offer a five year lease. T
