Women Seeking Wisdom: Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself mind part 2 of 4

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Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? MIND (Part 2 of 4) kathryns-blog.com /what-petrol-mind/ Kathryn

Ladies what petrol are you putting into yourself? MIND (Part 2 of 4) Our mind is intricately connected to our bodies and spirit. It’s important what we feed our minds, not just for the same reasons as our bodies, but also because our subconscious minds can really direct us where we will end up – in success or self-destructing. Obviously it’s more complicated than that, but certainly “if you don’t use it, you lose it” applies to both our physical muscles, but also our mental muscles too. Here is some mind food for thought.

Stay Sharp Anything that encourages creative thinking is really good in our modern world. Information is easily accessible these days so there isn’t much need or memorising (which is irritating because I spent a lot of time as a child learning my times tables!). According to Kent University, Lateral Thinking is, “the ability to think creatively, or “outside the box”… to use your inspiration and imagination to solve problems by looking at them from unexpected perspectives… discarding the obvious, leaving behind traditional Credit: http://www.crosswordman.com/ modes of thought, and throwing away preconceptions.” (click here). Crosswords are great, but if you want to exercise your brain, some lateral thinking puzzles are great, or anything that gets those creative juices flowing, like art, language, music and so forth. It’s like eating and exercising, you should do it often.

Create a growth environment So this is your home, your work, the people you surround yourself with and so forth. Keeping spaces decluttered is very important for mental clarity. Having stimulating conversations about ideas gets you thinking too. Obviously you are going to need to rest your brain,


Credit: http://www.ballnroll.com/ so feel free to watch something mind numbing every so often too (I prefer humour to rest my poor brain). There is over-stimulation and under-stimulation so be mindful of both. I love listening to podcasts and audio books. It’s a bit more restful than actually reading, and there is some really great inspiration out there too to help keep you motivated if you are having a downer, which we all do some days.

Master Skills and Challenge Yourself It’s nice to dabble in things here and there, but why not actually take the time to be really good at something you love. It can take years to be a master, so be patient with yourself. It’s something you can really be proud of. Why create a pretty picture when you can create a masterpiece? Life is short, live it well.

Subconscious Suggestion Now I know this can make you a little skeptical but there is more scientific backing for all of this. Even when our conscious mind is not listening, our subconscious mind is. It can hear things that our conscious mind cannot. This is why some people have had success with listening to suggestions in their sleep. It’s really turned me off listening to modern music actually. I don’t want that constant drone about sex, drugs and clubbing in my subconscious. As a side note, what happened to making beautiful artistic music? Credit: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ Hypnotherapy and daily affirmations have been recorded to change our subconscious patterns to direct our minds away from self-destructive behaviours, into things that our conscious minds truly desire so that they work together. If you find that you keep repeating the same mistakes or are self-sabotaging, it’s something you may want to look into more. I sure am!

Sooo… Feeding our minds is just as important as feeding our bodies. Future employment is going to be largely based around problem solving and thinking creatively, so it’s best to work on it now. It’s like exercising muscles, you need to spend time doing a little every day – and it can be fun! Create an environment of growth and enjoy some casual intellectual sparring with some friends to see each other’s perspectives. Get a great hobby and become a master in it and if you find yourself following self-destructive patterns in your life, have a look into your subconscious re-wiring with hypnotherapy. If you like this article, make sure you read my previous one about Putting the right Petrol into your body too. Tomorrow I will be looking into the Spirit.


Take Care. Digital Marketer and Entrepreneur You can find me on Facebook Email me at: Kathryn@WomenSeekWisdom.com Check out my Home Page


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