How facebook showed me my future career

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How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

Kathryn Marker

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

Do you know how they say you sometimes find answers in unexpected places? Yeah that happens to me A LOT haha! Are you one of those people who seems to have the answer on the tip of your tongue, everyone else seems to see it, but you don’t. Yeah that’s me too! Facebook showing me my future career kind of happened in a weird way though, and if you are not familiar with advertising and marketing on Facebook, don’t despair! I shall explain! So what might Facebook be telling you about your future? Let me share my story with you so you can have a look at your own News Feed!

So How Is This Possible? It’s actually more simple than you think really. So let’s say you like dogs (like me). Every time there is a video or a picture of a dog in your feed, naturally, you are going to like that picture or comment/tag someone in it.

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career So as a result, Facebook goes “aha! She likes dogs! I will show her more dogs!” and then if you’re like me, all you get is freaken dog videos in your news feed so you have to stop liking them. This is because of Facebook’s Algorithms. It’s designed to filter out what you don’t like, and give you more of what you do – so your News Feed is personalised just for you! Now an algorithm sounds fancy, but according to Google, all an Algorithm is, a process or set of rules to be followed in calculations or other problem-solving operations, especially by a computer.

Google, Pinterest, Twitter etc. They all have algorithms, or rules, so they give you the most relevant content that you are going to like the best – which is awesome, because the internet is HUGE and you are special

Where Are You Going With This Lady? So for anyone who doesn’t know, I am an Online Marketer as well as I love Personal Development and Inspiration (check out my Facebook Page and Instagram and you’ll see it’s full of it… and follow me while you are there ) which is why I created this website. Facebook caught on. All of a sudden I am getting all of these ads to help Life Coaches get clients. Products for Life Coaches, resources etc, in my advertising. Naturally, I was confused haha. It wasn’t until one of my Mentors pointed out to me in a coaching call that I would be good as a coach in the future, that I caught on!

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career “I've learned that making a 'living' is not the same thing as 'making a life'.” ― Maya AngelouClick To Tweet

But I Never Looked Up Anything To Do With Life Coaching! No – but I like the same things that life coaches like, I follow similar pages and so forth. It’s very interesting (and kind of creepy to be honest) what marketers can learn about people in Facebook. Not so much you specifically, but the information is about what kind of people may like a special page. Here – don’t freak out – let me show you. Here is what I’m talking about in Audience Insights – a feature available to anyone who owns a Facebook Page (which is free and accessible to anyone).

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career I research and target particularly women who want to change their lives by starting an online business based around their passion so they can do what I’m doing (as it’s my personal belief that business is one way we can really empower our lives – click here to learn more). And look at this screenshot – women who like Success Magazine like some very interesting things. I was surprised the first time to see the page “Reflections Of A Good Woman” come up a lot in di erent searches relating to Entrepreneurship. This is just a simple search, but it’s interesting. So marketers can use this information to target the person who is most likely going to benefit from their product (which is a good thing). You can actually click on the top of an ad in the right corner as you can see here and click “why am I seeing this?” – depending on your interests etc – which is pretty interesting.This example I have isn’t great, others will have the specific page that I have liked – though their targeting is much more complicated than just one page. Anyways, this is what marketers did to me – they targeted me according to my likes and thought that I was a Life Coach as I have all of the same interests as other Life Coaches – I just didn’t know that!

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career Sooo… So I’m very curious, have you had this happen to you? Or maybe it wasn’t Facebook, maybe it was somewhere else? What do you think your Facebook might be trying to tell you about your life? Take Care, Kathryn.

How Facebook Showed Me My Future Career

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