Find purpose and transform your life

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Find Purpose And Transform Your Life

Kathryn Marker - Women Seeking Wisdom

Find Purpose And Transform Your Life Find Purpose And Transform Your Life If you are like me, then nothing is more important to you than your family and giving back to the world. In my life, I try to balance them both – by working in a job that helps people (Remedial Massage) – as well as not working full time, so I can be there for my loved ones. But it’s tough. Fulfilment comes from a lot of things, but I believe giving to the world is a huge part of it. The problem I found, is I never have enough time for everything and I have come close to burn out many times over the years.

We Put Ourselves Last Usually I’m the one left on the back burner and I put everything else first. Every night I flop onto the bed and drool all over the pillow because I’m so exhausted. The thing is, I know that if I didn’t feel I was there for my family and making a difference in other people’s lives, life would just feel meaningless. It’s such a deeply embedded core belief – to make a difference in the world somehow, starting with my family. And it is kind of depressing, feeling out of control with your time and money. Exhausted, with hairy legs and eyebrows and struggling to get to the gym.

What You Really Need Though… Is to have more time for you. You need to feel like you are recharging, have time for hobbies, take care of yourself as well as those around you and just really enjoy every day of your life with the people you love – not on some stressed-out triage-like daily grind. And there is nothing wrong with wanting money too. Money is power, it gives you much needed R&R time, and if you are an introvert like me, you need ways to recharge – and this doesn’t involve ironing.

Find Purpose And Transform Your Life

Find Purpose And Transform Your Life Yes it’s important to take care of others and to find fulfillment, but you only have so much petrol in the tank.

So What’s The Solution? The solution for this came to me when I met My Business Mentors actually, who are teaching me right now, how I can make an impact on the world, make a difference in other people’s lives, and still have time to shave my legs, as well as money to hire a cleaner and go on some nice holidays (woot!). I’m passionate about helping people, but if you have anything you are passionate about, maybe Health and Fitness, Dogs, Gardening, Home Decorations, Cooking or even Worms, I don’t know, anything. You can take that experience and use it to create an online business you love and learn how to leverage the internet. I’m passionate about My Mentors because I know how much THEY CAN HELP YOU. If you are struggling because you are disenchanted with your own life, you can’t find the time to be with your family more and pursuit the things that are important to you, and you don’t have the money to live at least comfortably, then this is something that at the very least is worth spending some time looking into.

Find Purpose And Transform Your Life

Find Purpose And Transform Your Life It’s Your Time To End The Chaos You’re not stupid, you know what works best for you. And what if this is the solution you have been looking for like me? What if they can help you like they are helping me? You can find out for yourself easy peasy and risk free. Just click here, enter your email on the next page and start getting some videos sent to your email box over the next 7 days, meet My Mentors and decide for yourself. Gosh it’s your time to finally start giving back to yourself as well as giving to others. It’s your time now. Click here and enter your email on the next page. Take Care, Kathryn.

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Find Purpose And Transform Your Life

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