Fresh Start Magazine Issue #9

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EXCLUSIVE Interviews with our Lead Doctors!

FAD DIETS How can we

spot themn?d out!

6 Turn to page 0

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IT'S THE YEAR OF WEDDINGS! Read our top tips to get you in shape for the big day!

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HELLO AND WELCOME TO ISSUE #9 OF FRESH START FROM THE SLIMMING CLINIC. Another year has been and gone and here we are in 2022! How are we all? Surviving or thriving? However 2021 treated you, there is something often refreshing about a new year, a chance to make the most of the next 12 months ahead of us and really stick to the promises we make ourselves. So what are you promising yourself in 2022? At The Slimming Clinic, we promise to have another outstanding year helping patients to lose weight, improve their health and well-being and just feel better. And it starts right here, with this issue of our magazine. With articles on how to spot (and avoid) fad diets (pg 06), tips on how to feel fuller for longer when your appetite seems unquenchable (pg 40) and help on whether you should detox (pg 04) – we are covering it all! As always, we also have more medicalbased information too, about the benefits of working with a dietitian (pg 44), if vitamins can really help with weight loss (pg 52) and more about medical conditions like IBS (pg 62). Or maybe your diary for this year is packed with social events? We’ve got just the read for you if you’re heading to one or two weddings this year (pg 48) and need some support. So, if like us, you find the winter really challenges your weight loss motivation, you’re in the right place. We really hope you enjoy reading and, as always, we look forward to supporting you with reaching your weight loss goals in 2022.

Best wishes,

h a n n Ha

Editor – Fresh Start Magazine


“I lost 6st 2lbs”

Inside this issue PAGE 04

DON'T DETOX! FIND OUT why 99% of detoxes are complete rubbish!


FAD DIETS HOW CAN WE spot them? Turn to page 06 to find out.


THE BENEFITS OF EXERCISE NOT KEEN ON exercise? Let The Slimming Clinic change your mind!





OUR MIND COACH gives advice on how to stay on track this year.

READ ON to find out the best vitamins for weight loss.



NOT SURE what to do with your leftovers from Christmas? We share some healthy recipe ideas!

TRY OUT THESE tasty pancake recipes!







THERE ARE a lot of health benefits of going vegan. Give it a go!

COOK TO IMPRESS this Valentine's Day.






WE REVEAL all about the benefits of eating healthy!


CAN YOU be body positive and still want to lose weight and improve your health?

THE SLIMMING CLINIC offer a range of supportive weight loss supplements.



DR CHARLOTTE NORTON provides us with some top tips!

WEIGHT LOSS PLATEAUS can be really frustrating. Read on to find out more.

I’VE FAILED BEFORE…. 80% OF OUR New Year's Resolutions fail, and we think we know why!


IS ALL BODY FAT BAD FOR US? SHOULD OUR body fat % be 0 to be healthy?






TRY THESE healthier foods that are naturally more filling!

READ ON to discover how our medical weight loss programmes work.



OUR WEIGHT LOSS doctors answer your questions about weight loss medication!

MEET THE TEAM: OUR LEAD DOCTORS EXCLUSIVE interviews with our lead doctors.






HERE ARE some ways to get your nearest and dearest on-board with your new lifestyle!

READ ON to find out the benefits of working with a dietitian.



SHOULD YOU QUIT ALCOHOL FOR JANUARY? WE SHOW YOU how just one month of being alcohol free can make a great impact in your life!




ARE YOU SHOWING SIGNS OF IBS? WE HAVE BEEN helping patients with IBS for many years.


CAN YOUR HORMONES BE THE REASON YOU CAN'T LOSE WEIGHT? SEE HOW your hormones could be effecting your weight loss.


WILL YOU GIVE UP THIS LENT? TRY OUT new and healthier habits!


HAVE YOU got a few big days you’re attending? We've put together some top tips to help you stay in shape.


WHY WE GIVE UP ON OUR RESOLUTIONS WHEN IT comes to resolutions, why do so many of us give up so quickly?


DON'T The dictionary definition of detox is “a process or period of time in which one abstains from or rids the body of toxic or unhealthy substances; detoxification.” And when it comes to the new year – detox is the buzz word for a lot of people. In an attempt to rid your body of the bad food and drink you’ve consumed over Christmas; people turn to all kinds of ‘detoxes’ desperately hoping to lose extra weight and burn off those mince pies. But, some of the claims we see with detoxes are rapid weight loss, better hair or nails or skin, more energy and burning belly fat and unfortunately, 99% of detoxes are complete rubbish!

How do we detox? Many detoxes we undertake are short-term solutions and can include fasting, drinking laxative tea or coffee, cutting out certain food groups or turning to extremely low calories. None of which are healthy at all for our bodies and certainly don’t provide any ‘detoxifying’ properties.

Do we need to detox? Simply put, no, we do not need to detox. If your body needed a detox, you would know, as you would be particularly poorly! Your body naturally ‘detoxes’ itself and if it didn’t, you would become ill. In fact, some of the ways we can detox can actually be more detrimental to us than helpful. Cutting out food groups, taking laxative drinks and eating low calories can all shed your body of energy and starve you of the nutrients you need to keep healthy.

How can we look after ourselves after a heavy Christmas period? It does make sense to support your health by reducing alcohol and caffeine and processed foods. However, it is more important that you opt for a healthy, balanced diet that you can sustain in the long-term, rather than turning to a dangerous short-term fix.


Here are our favourite tips for looking after yourself and losing weight after the festive season!


Aim to eat regpourtilaonrls isymuch better than

gular Eating smaller, re e or two meals er-indulging in on ov en th d fasting an lanced diet ba a you incorporate a day. Make sure vegetables d an it fru suring 5-9 in all your meals en umed a day. portions are cons

3. Replace caffeine

r with Drinking hot wate a instead te n ee gr lemon or coffee will of normal tea and better and el fe help your gut t of your ou s rie lo ca also take you like diet, particularly if inks. dr t sugary, milky ho

6. Tryuarnstdreressdleucevels, yo boredom and anxiety

2. Find a type of exercise to suit you

The best weight shifts are brisk walking, steady jogging, swimming or cyc ling for 20-30 minutes at least 3-4 times a week. Even just putting more effort in walking faster, walkin g more and climbing the stairs faster will shift tho se pounds.

4. Reduce alcohol consumption

Luckily, most of us are sic k of the sight of alcohol in January, so reducing you r intake isn’t too hard. Alc ohol has lots of calories, virt ually no nutrients and only stimulates your appetite so staying away from the booze would do wonders for you weight and health.

5. Keep a food diary

of everything that you eat

This will help you understand your eating patterns and reestablish a sense of control in order for you to change your bad eating habits.

s are often Emotional trigger er-eat or ov to us ds what lea n, try and snack, so if you ca ns. tio ua avoid these sit

7. Get moving a few times a week

Exercise is proven to bo ost our happy hormones and brighten our mood. The happier we are, the mo re likely we are to be able to control our eating. Gettin g out for a heart-beat rai sing walk, jog or swim a few times a week could be all you need.



Your inbox and social media feeds will be inundated with the latest “miracle diet” this time of year and it can be tempting to jump on the latest quick fix diet that makes unrealistic weight loss promises, especially when you’ve gained weight over the festive period and before that.

As most of us well know, there really is no magic solution to losing weight, most of these “diets” are offering a short-term fix to a long-term problem and whilst you might lose weight, you are also likely to regain it very quickly once you stop. So let The Slimming Clinic show you how to spot a fad diet and what are the basic guidelines when trying to lose weight.

So, what is a fad diet? Fad diets tend to be a weight loss plan where you eliminate certain food groups or have extremely restricted food types. They often cause a quick weight loss in the first few weeks but are unsustainable over the long term. The issue is that due to the over restrictions in food or combinations of food they mean you don’t enjoy the diet and it becomes really difficult to maintain the restrictions, resulting in a return to previous eating pattern and the weight generally going back on (and more!)


Typical fad diet promises: • Rapid weight loss

If you are losing weight rapidly it is more likely to be glycogen stores (stored energy in the muscles) or muscle tissue itself. If the diet is promising more than 2lbs a week weight loss, it is likely to be a fad diet.

• Weight loss without changing your lifestyle in anyway

At The Slimming Clinic, we want you to change your lifestyle over the long-term, as this is what will keep the weight off for good, rather than it being a weight loss yo-yo cycle of losing and then gaining again.

• It has ‘Fat Burning’ effects

We have lots of patients who come to us with strange mythical beliefs of certain food i.e hot water and lemon or apple cider vinegar in the morning has more fat burning benefits. This is, unfortunately, not true!

• Eliminating food groups will speed up weight loss

The diet will recommend groups such as dairy and wheat and will tell you to supplement them with a lot of expensive alternative and supplements to make up the difference. Eliminating wheat or dairy themselves should not be the reason you are gaining weight it maybe the portion size but not the food itself!

• Celebrity endorsements

Often these celebrities have been paid to endorse the diet plan. You should be careful of unqualified celebrities who maybe offering unproven techniques for weight loss. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true – it probably is!!

Lose Weight For Good! We’d be lying if we said that weight loss was always easy – but it also doesn’t need to be hard! True weight loss in the long term requires dedication and willpower, but also proves to be sustainable and means you will never have to start a weight loss diet again. When you are desperate to lose weight, it is hard not to be lured by the promises of fad diets. However, remember, weight loss includes lifestyle changes so before starting any weight loss diet, ask yourself: Can you see yourself doing it in 3-6 monthstime? How about in a year? If you answer is no, approach your weight loss differently.


The Benefits of Exercise Dictionary Definition: engage in physical activity to sustain or improve health and fitness. We know that exercise is a fairly key element in a weight loss journey. We know it strengthens and tones our muscles and helps us burn more calories in a day, meaning we are more likely to lose weight (providing we don’t over-eat). However, there are many more benefits to exercise than simply burning calories and toning our bodies. If you’re not keen on exercise, we at The Slimming Clinic want to show you how amazing it is to add exercise to your lifestyle and what brilliant benefits you can expect when you do!

Happiness Exercise is well-known to improve your mood, outlook on life and reduces your feelings of depression and anxiety and can relieve stress. This is because exercise produces endorphins – your happy hormones – which help increase positive feelings in your brain. What is even better, you don’t even need to do super intense workouts to benefit from these happy feelings – it could just be a little walk that helps!

Self-Esteem Boost Exercise has shown to improve people’s perception of themselves and show them how strong they are. Whether it is lifting heavier in the gym, managing one more squat today or running a little further than normal, there is no doubting the incredible feeling and gratitude you show your body when it pushes through just that little harder.


Energy Levels Whilst exercise uses up a lot of your energy to do, it also gives you more in return. In fact, regular exercise can reduce feelings of extreme exhaustion and can help you get over fatigue.

Increases Brain Power

Improves Sleep Exercise can help you get better, deeper sleep, giving you a proper chance to rest and recuperate overnight. Linked with better mood, simple, moderate aerobic exercise helps sleep by reducing your stress and helping you drift off easier. But, make sure you’re not doing exercise too close to bedtime, or it could have the opposite effect!

As we get older, we do find that our brain power decreases. Sad, but true! Exercise has been proven to support the part of your brain that looks after memory and learning and can support cognitive decline that can happen later in life.

Drives Productivity Research has illustrated that those who engage in regular exercise are more productive and have more energy than those who don’t exercise! If you’ve been putting off some work, try exercising and seeing if you can boost your productivity today!

So, why wouldn’t you try exercising? It can take time to find the righ exercise for you. Remember, exercise isn’t punishment tfor wha t you ate , or how much you ate and it should be something you enjo y. If you don’t enjoy the exercise you’re doing – try something else!


The Benefits of Healthy Eating

You Might Not Know About! Supports Your Heart Health Heart conditions such as high blood pressure, heart attack and stroke are becoming increasingly common in the UK and studies show we can reduce our risk of these issues with lifestyle changes like a healthy diet. Limiting your trans fats and salt intake – often found in convenience and fast foods – can support your heart in being much healthier. Eat:

• Lower-fat dairy products • Fish

Better Gut Health A healthy, balanced diet full of vegetables, fruit, wholegrains and fibre helps good bacteria thrive in your gut. A healthy gut ensures a strong immune system, helps with sleep, mood and ensures you have effective digestion!

• Lean poultry

It can also stop instances of uncomfortable bloating, gas and heartburn.

Stronger Bones Eating a nutritious diet supports your bone health and in turn, can prevent osteoporosis and bone conditions. Adding in foods that are rich in calcium and magnesium helps keep your skeleton in tip-top condition! Eat:

• Broccoli • Cauliflower • Tinned Fish • Legumes



• Vegetables • Fruits • Legumes • Yoghurt

A Happier Outlook When you eat a lot of refined carbs, like you’d find in cakes, sweets, white bread and others, you get a big spike in your blood sugars, giving you some quick energy, but unfortunately, you also get an even bigger come-down, which can lead to low mood and depressive symptoms. Feeding your body nutrient-rich foods can stabilise blood sugars, ensure consistent energy throughout the day and less mood swings. Eat:

• Fruits

Shiny, Brighter Skin

• Whole grains

Removing highly processed foods from your diet reduces your risks of dry, sore skin and developing breakouts.

• Dark chocolate

Additionally, natural foods help protect and nourish your skin, leaving it brighter, plumper and smoother and reduces wrinkles and loss of elasticity! Eat:

• Avocados • Dark chocolate • Fish

Saves Money It may be hard to believe, but eating healthy foods is actually cheaper than processed foods. When it comes to fresh food, keep food bills down by buying and freezing, or buying frozen fruit and vegetables and defrosting it when you need to. Additionally, by eating well, the cost to our health services is reduced due to less care costs involved with obesity-related conditions.

What is your favou ri

te healthy eating b e

nefit? 11

I’VE FAILED BEFORE…. 80% of New Year's Resolutions fail, and we think we know why! Find out how to achieve your key goals in 2022.

What New Year’s resolutions have you set yourself this year? Earlier this month, we emailed a quiz to our patients and a whopping 90% of those who answered have set a resolution to begin a weight loss diet, invest in yourself, get fitter and just generally improve your health and well-being. But when we asked why you hadn’t started your weight loss diet sooner, the answer was almost always the same:

“I keep putting it off as I’ve got no motivation.” In 2022, have you set a BIG goal – to reach a certain dress size? To lose a certain amount of weight? To give up a certain food? Or, perhaps, because you know that around 80% of all New Year’s resolutions fail, and you’ve failed before at your resolutions, you’ve not even made one this year, to save yourself the disappointment.


WHY DO WE MAKE RESOLUTIONS? The need to make a resolution comes from our desire to make ourselves better or improve certain aspects of our lives. This idea in itself is really wonderful, but actually, a lot of resolutions are made from negative views of ourselves. Hating the way we look, feeling negatively about ourselves or low self-image. Most of the time, resolutions are made off the back of two highly indulgent weeks of eating and drinking at Christmas and we feel so disgusted with ourselves, that it begins a health kick in us. But the pressure we feel when life returns to it’s new year routine can often lead to our resolutions failing at the first hurdle.

BUT WHY DO 80% OF RESOLUTIONS FAIL? To be honest, most resolutions fail as you aren’t ready to take them on and haven’t got yourself in the right frame of mind. Think about times you have failed at your resolutions before, why didn’t you get to your goals? Recognising that you need to make a change for your health and setting your resolution is the first step.

YOUR MINDSET The next step is perhaps the hardest – being able to implement the changes you have to, in order to reach your resolution. If your mindset and willpower is not strong, you will struggle to make the changes you need to. For example - if you are looking to eat healthier and start a weight loss diet, you know you’ve got to give up the high-fat junk foods. But if you completely eliminate those foods from your diet, you risk binge-eating them when your emotions get the better of you or you get a craving, which can completely throw your resolution off track.

YOUR PLANNING Then once you know what to do to make the healthier changes and begin your weight loss diet, you have to plan! Make a meal plan, plan your exercise for weight loss and plan for when you know you have moments of weakness and reach for the biscuit tin.

YOUR SUPPORT SYSTEM If you don’t have a robust support system around you, you will find it harder to stick to your resolution. Your support system when starting a weight loss diet could be those who live with you, a close friend, family members or colleagues. Or, it could be a weight loss clinic, such as The Slimming Clinic, who specialise in helping our patients to reach their weight loss goals!

HOW CAN A RESOLUTION BE A SUCCESS? So you’ve failed a resolution before. That doesn’t mean your resolution cannot be a success this time! Read more from our Blog earlier this month about how to make your weight loss diet a success this year –

Health Not Habits Blog And remember - every failure is a lesson you can learn from. Don’t think that just because you’ve failed before, you won’t succeed this time. 13 Get in touch today, what is there to lose?

Is All Body Fat Bad For Us?

WHAT IS BODY FAT? Body fat, or adipose tissue, is an important body tissue as it is the main storage site for excess dietary energy that we take in when we take on more calories than our body needs.

We have all heard about body fat and how bad it can be for our health, but is all fat in our bodies bad for us? Should our body fat % be 0 to be healthy? Dr Charlotte Norton, Medical Director of The Slimming Clinic, explores the subject and tells us, body fat isn’t all as bad as it seems!


Contact us today to get a thorough health check by booking

WHAT DOES BODY FAT DO? Your body fat stores energy in the form of triglycerides which can be released into the blood stream when energy levels are low and the body signals to release energy from fat stores. This is what we aim to achieve when we are trying to lose weight and fat mass on a weight loss diet. However, body fat is not simply an energy storage tissue, it has several other important roles: •

It makes the male and female sex hormones, androgens and oestrogens

Releases inflammatory and pro-inflammatory signalling hormones

Releases leptin, a hormone that signals to the brain to reduce hunger

Helps to protect and cushion our vital body organs

Helps us maintain our body temperature

Therefore, body fat is an important tissue and having a normal amount of body fat is vital to health and body function.

ARE THERE DIFFERENT TYPES OF BODY FAT? Body fat can either be stored under the skin called subcutaneous fat or centrally around the abdominal organs called visceral fat. For individuals with a normal BMI approximately 80% of body fat is stored subcutaneously and 5-20% stored viscerally. Medical studies have demonstrated that individuals who have a high level of visceral fat or central fat around the abdomen have a greater risk of developing health issues related to weight. Measuring your waist circumference and waist to hip ratio can help you work out if you have a raised amount of central body fat.

For females, a raised waist circumference is >80cm (31.5in)

For males, a raised waist circumference is >94cm (37in)

To work out your waist to hip ratio, you simply need to measure your waist (just above the belly button) and your hips (at the widest point of your buttocks) and then divide the waist measurement by the hip measurement. •

For females, a raised waist to hip ratio is >0.85

For males, a raised waist to hip ratio is >1.00

HOW CAN I LOSE BODY FAT? When most people say that they want to lose weight, the weight they in fact want to lose is that related to body fat. Not many of us want to lose weight from our muscle or bone mass! To lose body fat, you need to create an energy deficit in the body, which will signal to fat stores to release their energy for us to use in our daily activity. This will deplete and shrink the fat stores over time. We can create an energy deficit in the body but reducing the number of calories we take in from food and using more calories each day in the activity we do.

WHEN DOES BODY FAT BECOME AN ISSUE? As mentioned earlier, having body fat in the right proportion is important to proper body function. Doctors and health professionals worry about patients who accumulate too much body fat as it can lead to the development of other health issues over time. As body fat accumulates, the proinflammatory signalling hormones can begin to rise causing low levels of inflammation in the body and can begin to alter the normal production of hormones that fat tissues make. This low-level of inflammation can lead to the development of health conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

In order to make sure our bodies utilise our fat stores when we create an energy deficit, it is important we eat a well-balanced diet of including whole grain carbohydrates and protein so that our bodies do not break down muscle stores instead of fat stores. You can talk more about this with your Slimming Clinic doctor.

If you want more information about how to reduce your body fat, or the best weight loss diet to get rid of body fat, get in touch with The Slimming Clinic. Our weight loss doctors can work with you to lose weight and look more into where your fat is stored on your body, based on your body

an Initial Video Consultation with a weight loss doctor.


THE DIFFERENCE . .. S E M M A R G O R P IN OUR So you’ve been to the local scout hut on a cold, dark Thursday night. Had a wee, taken off your shoes and socks and stood on the scale in front of 30 other people hoping and praying you’ve lost something this week. But when you’ve not lost weight that week, how disheartening can it be? Especially when you’ve been really good all week? And then to be told by someone who is not a medical professional or expert in nutrition that perhaps this week, you could cut out carbs to see if you lose something? It is enough to put anyone off dieting for life! So, if you are looking for a long-term and sustainable weight management, that is overseen by a GMC-Registered doctor, someone who is trained in the field of medicine and obesity, a medical weight loss programme could be the answer for you! The Slimming Clinic offers Doctor led weight loss plans supported by experienced and motivating clinic teams. Medical weight loss programmes such as those on offer at The Slimming Clinic use medical knowledge backed up by evidencebased research to create a personalised weight loss plans that can be sustained in the long run through maintaining a gradual yet consistent weight management strategy.

How Medical Weight Loss Programmes Work At The Slimming Clinic our medical weight loss programmes incorporate a team of certified and registered Doctors with years of experience in weight and obesity management. We know that everyone is unique, and this makes every weight loss programme we create individual and personalised. The programme starts with a video consultation with one of our licensed Doctors. During the video consultation, the Doctor will find out more about your history of weight loss attempts and discuss your current diet and lifestyle. They will also conduct a comprehensive evaluation of your medical history and current health. This will allow them to design a programme that best fits your needs. The programmes include prescription medications, if medically suitable, supportive supplements and focused advice, tools and resources to aid diet and lifestyle changes. The prescription medications available at The Slimming Clinic include appetite reducing tablets and injections and dietary fat blocker tablets which the doctor will assess your suitability for.

“I lost 3st 9lbs” Linda


Benefits of Medical Weight Loss 1. Personalised Weight Loss When it comes to weight loss, there is not one solution for all. Your body is as unique as your personality, and this means that what worked for your friend is not guaranteed to work for you too. Your body may work differently and need a different approach. The benefit of a medical weight loss programme is that it is based on the creation of an individualised weight loss plan. With personalised weight loss, the Doctor evaluates your medical needs. The evaluation includes your current weight, diet, lifestyle, and activity level. With this information, the Doctor can set realistic weight loss goals for you and follow up during your scheduled check-ins to ensure that you remain on the right path. When traditional approaches such as diet changes and exercise don’t seem to work, your Doctor can include approved and safe medical prescriptions and carefully monitor your progress.

3. Emotional Support Aside from physical support, your weight loss team also offers emotional support to help you through the journey. If you suffer from chronic weight fluctuations, or the weight stubbornly refuses to go away, emotional support can go a long way in making the journey easier. If you have dieted alone before, you may have found you didn’t have the emotional support you needed. Medical weight loss takes care of this issue by offering you a chance to talk to your Doctor and other experienced members of the team and address what’s not working. Tackling your emotional challenges ensure that you don’t resort to overeating when things get complicated.

Bottom Line If you have been struggling with weight loss, and other options you’ve tried don’t seem to work, it may be time to consider a different approach. Choosing a medical weight loss programme can be the start of a successful weight loss journey that ends in you achieving and maintaining your target weight.

2. Focus on Weight Management Rather than Weight Loss

The key is choosing a programme that uses approved medical solutions and one with specialist expertise and thousands of successful patients each year.

Many diets can give you quick results, but they don’t often work in the long run. If you’re lucky enough to lose weight, chances are that you will soon tire of the restrictive diet and go back to your normal eating habits. When this happens, the weight tends to come back, forcing you to start all over again. Medical weight loss programmes help you get out of this cycle. Your weight loss team gives you all the support you need, and even when the results are coming in slowly, there is a high likelihood that the plan will work in the long run. Instead of restricting your diet, you will be offered advice on changes to your diet plan depending on what your needs and preferences are.



What is your name? Dr Charlotte Norton.

What is your job role at The Slimming Clinic? I’m the Medical Director at The Slimming Clinic.

How long have you worked for The Slimming Clinic? I’ve worked for The Slimming Clinic for six years, initially as a consulting doctor and then soon after took the role as the Medical Director.

What inspired you to become a doctor? I didn’t have an epiphany moment that told me that I wanted to be a doctor. I’ve always known that I like talking to people and getting to know people and I like helping people understand how they can help themselves. So medicine felt like a good fit and working at The Slimming Clinic, helping to inform patients about how they can take better care of their diet, their lifestyle and improve their overall health each day, just seemed like the right fit and I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every day working at The Slimming Clinic since.

The best thing about working at The Slimming Clinic? For me, the best thing working at The Slimming Clinic is working with such a fantastic team of doctors, nurses and all the other members of our support team that work hard and tirelessly every day to support our patients and to make sure that they have the best possible experience whilst they try to go through a difficult time of losing weight and changing their lives.

What is your favourite movie? This is a tough question for me because I love movies. I love every genre, action, musicals, comedy, but I guess for me, the time that I tend to enjoy movies the most is the festive season. My vote, at this moment in time, just because I’m a big fan of original British comedy and it’s a fantastic time of year to watch movies is Love Actually.

Tell us your hidden talent or something exciting about you! So, maybe not so much a talent but I brew my own gin so as a hobby at home, I make a little bit of Moonshine gin which is my secret talent.


What is your name? My name’s Dr Jane Glazebrook.

What is your job role at The Slimming Clinic? I am Clinical Lead and Consulting Doctor at The Slimming Clinic.

How long have you worked for The Slimming Clinic? I have worked for The Slimming Clinic for over six years. As well as being a doctor, I have a background as a Personal Trainer and a Nutritional Advisor. So working for The Slimming Clinic, I can bring all my strengths together to improve the health and lifestyle of my patients.

What inspired you to become a doctor? I have always had a desire to help people and when, at the age of sixteen, my best friend passed away with an inoperable brain tumour, I was inspired to go into a medical career.

The best thing about working at The Slimming Clinic? I have a passion to help my patients by giving them the education they require in order to care for themselves. The Slimming Clinic is an excellent service for that. It allows for high quality, medical assisted weight management, allowing me to safely guide patients through a successful weight loss journey while reversing and preventing multiple chronic diseases.

What is your favourite movie? My favourite movie is Forrest Gump.

Tell us your hidden talent or something exciting about you! A hidden talent of mine, is that I can breakdance and I can also do backflips.

What is your name? Hi, my name is Dr Max Richards.

What is your job role at The Slimming Clinic? I work for The Slimming Clinic as a Consulting Doctor and Clinical Team Leader.

How long have you worked for The Slimming Clinic? I’ve worked for The Slimming Clinic for two and a half years now.

What inspired you to become a doctor? I’d been working as an actor for five years and when I realised how little money I’d earned in those five years, I decided it was time to get a proper job and my daughter had just been born and by coincidence, a day later, I saw a documentary on graduate medicine. So getting into medical school later in life and decided that was for me.

The best thing about working at The Slimming Clinic? The best thing about working at The Slimming Clinic is the reward of seeing patients a few weeks down the line a few weeks down the line when they’ve lost so much weight and some of them have actually been moved by the transformation that it’s caused in them.

What is your favourite movie? My favourite movie, this is an easy one, it’s The Shining.

Tell us your hidden talent or something exciting about you! I can hold my breath for three minutes and forty-two seconds and I can play Moonlight Sonata on the piano whilst being held upside down.



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goals and are ready to lose weight and improve your health for good. But, your friends or family who aren’t on the same journey are asking why you’re doing it, or why they have to eat healthy food all of a sudden or where the biscuits have gone from the cupboard? Without the support and understanding of those around you, it can have a negative influence on your weight loss. That’s why it’s important to get the right weight loss support and encouragement you really need from your loved ones. We know that friends and family have great intentions, but sometimes, they can cause unnecessary stress and temptation when we are trying to be good. Your closest network has a big impact on your lifestyle, so if they aren’t following the same plan, it can influence how quickly you achieve your desired results. Whilst you can’t force your friends and family to take up the same journey as you, what you can do is make your intentions clear and ask for their support along the way. Here are some ways to get your nearest and dearest on-board with your new lifestyle!


Have a chat In order to get the weight loss support you really need, start by having a casual chat with your loved ones about your intention to lose weight and explain why you are doing it. Talk about your goals and what you need from them, in order to be successful. They might not join the journey with you, but they will be able to see how much it means to you. Let your friends, family and colleagues know that buying you treats or persuading you to indulge isn’t helpful for your new lifestyle changes. Being open with them will show them how serious you are about your health and well-being.

Avoid temptation Hiding the high calorie, fattening foods is great way to avoid temptation. In order to maintain weight loss motivation, get them to put anything that might cause you to veer off track in a cupboard out of reach. As they say, you often only eat treats simply because you know they’re there!

“I lost 5st 7bs” Shivon

“I lost 3st 11lbs” Liam

Get them involved Involving them in your journey and getting them to come out and about with you during activities will show them the effort you are putting in.

Plan your meals in advance Meal planning is a hugely effective way to stay on track. If you’re not the main chef in the house, creating a meal plan together will ensure you know what you’re having to eat each day. Planning what you’re eating reduces the risk of getting to 5pm each day and wondering what you’re going to have for dinner and the temptation to reach for something easy (and not necessarily nutritious!) Place a chalkboard meal planner in a communal space and plot in the planned meals every day. This means everyone at home always knows what’s on the menu!

Once they see how hard you are working to lose weight, they will feel a newfound appreciation for what it is you want to achieve! What’s more, if friends and family see your weight melting away on your journey, they might even accompany you on it. Having someone by your side allows you to stay motivated and give each other encouragement to carry on losing weight. If they are keen to join you too, you can both get unlimited discounts on your programme too – with our REFER A FRIEND incentive – so you can slim for less!

If you are finding it h ard to stay on track ar ound loved ones, The Slim ming Clinic can help . From our GMC-regis Dr Jane Glazebrook Consulting Doctor

tered weight loss docto rs to our movement coaches and more, yo u’ll gain support from our entire team of experts. The team sp irit and doctor appoint ments will give you the drive to keep going and they can also offer you advice on how to get more supp ort from your networ k around you!


Should You Quit Alcohol For January? Alcohol plays such a large part of our social culture here in the UK and during 2020, many of us admitted to drinking more than we should to cope with the pandemic and the stress, anxiety and boredom it caused us. With one in five of us saying we’re actively taking part in Dry January to reduce our intake, we wanted to take a look at how alcohol affects us, and how just one month of being alcohol free can help you!

How Does Drinking Affect Our Bodies? If you already drink regularly, there is already a chance that you could be doing damage to your body, even if you don’t realise it. Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol brings about many health complications, it may also be the reason for tiredness, depression, poor sleep and memory loss when drinking. Alcohol is linked with more than 60 health conditions, including liver disease, high blood pressure, depression and seven types of cancer. In fact, alcohol is the biggest risk factor for death, ill-health and disability for people aged 15-49 in the UK. Cutting back on alcohol long-term reduces your risk of developing these conditions. After a couple of years where we may have seen our alcohol consumption rise, January is a perfect time to give your body, and even your purse strings a rest for 31 days. To find out just how much alcohol you are consuming each week, you can use a unit calculator here.


As well as this, the calculator also tells you how many calories and ££ you will save over the course of the month, just by going dry!

So what are the day-to-day benefits of going dry for January You will see almost immediate improvements in:

• Your skin getting brighter • Your wallet will be fuller • Feel yourself feeling fresher in the mornings • Your mind will be calmer • You will get more restful sleep

A month alcohol-free has a lot of physical health benefits too! Research conducted by the Royal Free Hospital and published in the British Medical Journal, found that a month off:

• Lowers blood pressure • Reduces diabetes risk • Lowers cholesterol • Reduces levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood Additionally, lots of people who have previously participated in the drink-free month have claimed that the break from alcohol gave them the opportunity to reassess their drinking habits, form a new relationship with alcohol and thus reduce their weekly consumption in the long term.

But can Dry January really help us lose weight? The simple answer is – YES! Simply by removing alcohol from your diet, you are immediately removing empty calories from your lifestyle and giving your health and weight loss the kick start it needs in 2022! Alcohol is known for being high in calories and if you were consuming a bottle of wine a week or more, you would have been adding the equivalent of a medium pizza to your diet each week. Try giving it up this month and see how it could benefit your weight! And if you would like more support in reducing your alcohol consumption and improving your health? Our weight loss Doctors and experts are here to help with just that.

Find out more about how The Slim ming Clinic are encouraging you to invest in your health this January, not you r habits and how small, sustainabl e changes could lead to BIG changes in you r health and weight loss!

0800 917 9334


naelGive NahtiyoW W ess FiptnOn Our U


September sees the UK mark National Fitness Day and at The Slimming Clinic we would love to see you to get active! If you’re finding yourself struggling to plays stick torole your As we all know fitness a large in our health, so making sure you get that 30 minutes of exercise, 5 times a healthy resolution, you’re notfitness day week, is essential to living a healthy life. National encourages the nation to celebrate the fun side of fitness alone! and physical activity, so why not get your families and coworkers too? up all hope by Millionstoofget usinvolved have given

the middle January and we’re Below are justof a few ideas to make sureback you’ll to be getting your dailyways. dose of exercise even if you’re behind an office our old

desk. Don’t forget that exercise isn’t just going to the gym, So, when it comes to ways resolutions, why out. there’s plenty other FUN to enjoy working

do so many of us give up so quickly?

High Expectations

et, that after a Find you’ve set yourself a targ ch, suddenly seems rea to ng tryi of couple of weeks unachievable? an ‘Ultimate goal’ but It’s really important to have looking at the smaller is ant what is equally import we don’t scare steps it takes to get there, so ourselves!



g Circuit inT iv NToryt G a HII Yourself Time

g. These High Intensity Interval Trainin sn’t plateau doe y bod r you e sur ke eks? circuits ma 2 we neseincalo sto 3 t los e hav ries to ing g tho Exp ing exercise, burrnin ling durect fal n’t are s the clo y you ering wh Wond effectivel, y! stuck ing quickly and be te spi de nth mo a off you after healthy lifestyle? religiously to your new weight loss in the tic Often, we see fantas a lifestyle change, of eks we first couple of wn and this is where which can then slow do you need to dig in! ight loss! It is not This is the realism of we lose weight every always easy, you won’t p a dress size every week and you won’t dro ork, willpower and d-w month – but with har ALL of those things see l wil consistency, you over time. Keep going!

Not Having A Plan Fail to prepare, prepare to fail ! Have you spent any time sat down planning how to achieve your goals and how to amend your lifestyle? Simple tasks like, plotting in when you’ll get your 5-10,000 steps a day, writing a meal plan at the start of the week or prepping some healthy lunche s are all ways we can support ourselves. Go on, get planni ng today and tomorrow-you will thank you!

5. Boxing

Lack Of Self-Belief

Try a boxing class this international fitness day. Boxing is a massive stress reliever, not only will you be a sweaty betty but you’ll also be having a stress relief session without realising!


Are you terrib le for telling yourself “I’ll ne ver reach my goals” or simply “I just can’t do it!”? We want to tell you this –

Lacking In vamtiionng im oti M Sw

to how to, but wa,ykno we greartlife is ea you ingng tomcha ’r ntim Wa youwe s Sw a s e ri r to do it? lo lpo a c wil f the r o he t gat t lo no arts. p jusbtucan y rn a d o b r u dedication o y and on ll ati a ut es motiv g sotak los Wewigh orktin perhaps you’re not and if you’ve not got it, r life? ready to really change you e what it takes to Really consider if you hav rney and reach jou s start your weight los your goals.

EVERYONE ca n achieve their weight loss goals. It doesn’t mat ter how much you’ve got to lose, or where you are starting from, you ca n lose weigh t and keep it off for good with the right support, the right prog ramme and the right advi ce for you.

If you’re reading this thinking that some or all of these relate to you, this January, stick with your HEALTH and not your HABITS. The OLD you would have given up when it got a little hard. The OLD you would have let old habits slip back in. The OLD you would have let the negative thoughts get to you. But you left the OLD you in 2021, didn’t you? If you commit to your health this year, you will never regret it!


How To Stick To Your Resolutions Advice from our Mind Coach With a new year also comes enthusiasm for change and a fresh start but it can often be quite hard to shift old habits or patterns of behaviour. So how can we ensure our hopes for the year ahead are fulfilled? To put simply, we need detailed planning, small steps, achievable goals, personal reflection and to know exactly what it is we are trying to accomplish and why. So get a plan together, no matter how small and start with some simple steps for the first week or so. This could be making the decision to cut out or cut back on fried foods and then after a week or so begin to include another step towards a healthier you. If we start small and gradually add, we have a much greater chance of long-term success. Remember we also need to find meaning behind our efforts to sustain a healthier lifestyle so why are you wanting this fresh start and is it because you want to make changes, or because you should make changes? The more we can lean towards wanting to make those changes, the better. So plan ahead, be realistic, know what you are trying to achieve and why and instead of having just great intentions we have created a fantastic action plan which can ensure it’s sustainable. 26


! r e v o t f e L G N I H T O N When you buy a turkey for Christmas, we often have to resign ourselves to the fact that we are going to be eating it until Easter – luckily for us, it’s a pretty lean meat. But if you’re in need of some inspiration, what can you do with all your leftovers from the festive season?

Turkey Soup Serves: 6 Calories per serving: 345 • Spray oil • 100g smoked bacon lardons (or leftover Christmas ham) • 1 onion, finely chopped • 1 carrot, cubed • 1 celery stick, finely chopped • 2 garlic cloves, crushed • 2 bay leaves • 2 thyme sprigs • 300g celeriac or parsnip or turnip, cut into cubes • 200g potato, cut into cubes • 400g can borlotti beans, drained and rinsed • 1 ½l stock (chicken or veg) • 350g cooked turkey • 100g orzo or broken spaghetti

Spray some oil into a large saucepan and add the bacon. Fry for 5 minutes until crispy, then remove from the pan and set aside for later. In the pan, add in onion, carrot, celery and some seasoning and cook slowly on a low heat for about 10 minutes or until the vegetables are soft. Add in the crushed garlic and the fresh herbs and add in your root vegetables, potato, beans and stock. Bring to the boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Then, add the turkey, pasta and the bacon for a further 10 minutes. Serve with wholegrain bread or eat on its own!


Sprout Bubble & Squeak Serves: 8 Calories per serving: 265

Preheat your own to 200C. When hot, liberally spray an oven tray with oil and add into the oven to heat.

• 1kg potatoes, cut into 3cm chunks • Spray oil • 700g brussels sprouts • 200g lardons (optional)

Boil a pan of water and add your potatoes. Par-boil for about 6 minutes and drain. Return to the pan and shake about – as if making roast potatoes. Carefully take the tray out of the oven and add the potatoes, sprouts and bacon, if using. Coat them in the oil and add some seasoning if required. Bake in the oven for about 30 minutes, until everything is crispy!

Spiced Vegetable Soup Serves: 5 Calories per serving: 180 • 1 red onion, cut into big chunks • 300g carrot, cut into small cubes • 300g parsnip, cut into small cubes • 300g butternut squash, cut into cubes • 1 small potato, cut into cubes • 2 garlic cloves • 1 tbsp ras el hanout spicing • 1 ½ tbsp olive oil • 1l vegetable or chicken stock

Heat your oven to 180C and add all the vegetable and garlic to a roasting tin. Sprinkle over the seasoning and the oil and mix well in the tray. Roast well for about 30 minutes, until the veg are soft. To prevent burning, turn the veg over halfway through. In a large pan, bring your stock to the boil and add in the cooked vegetables. Simmer together for about 10 minutes. Using a stick blender or food processor, blend the mixture into a thick soup.


Are you trying



Reducing or removing meat from our diet has become much more popular over the last few years and its now estimated there are over 7 million vegetarians in the UK alone. On top of this, statistics show that there are half a million (and growing!) vegans in the UK and that by 2025, vegans could make up about a quarter of the UK population.


Veganism offers multiple health and environmental benefits over other diets. Let’s look at 5 major benefits:

1. Better weight loss – in studies

(including randomised control trial which are the gold standard level of research) vegan diet have been shown to provide greater weight loss when compared to other diets. In one specific research study a vegan diet was shown to result in greater weight loss than a Mediterranean diet – this is due to a vegan diet naturally resulting in a lower calorie intake than other diets. 30

2. Reduced risk of certain chronic

disease – According to a study published by the National Cancer Institute people on a vegan diet are less likely to develop chronic disease when compared to other dietary groups.

3. A vegan diet is better at providing

certain nutrients than other diets – Studies have shown a vegan diet can result in increased intake of vitamins A, C and E, potassium, folate, magnesium and fibre.

4. It’s better for the

environment – it is now well known that meat farming has a huge impact on the environment. Significantly more carbon dioxide is emitted in meat production in comparison to non-meat farming. Some estimates suggest that 20 times as much CO2 is produced through meat farming versus the cultivation of vegetables.

5. A vegan diet can be

cheaper than other diets – a vegan diet can cost up to 40% less than an omnivore diet. It can also be quicker to prepare a vegan meal. The variety is enormous! People changing to a vegan diet soon discover many foods, including meat and dairy substitutes that they didn’t even know existed. Part of the fun of cooking is trying new things, and new things in combination with old favourites. Animal welfare - this is one of the most important reasons people cite for moving away from dairy and meat products.

If you’re interested in going vegan, or are vegan and want help with weight loss on your diet, get in contact with us at The Slimming Clinic! We have a Patient Pathway through our App that is especially designed for those looking for support with their vegan diet and weight loss.

You can find articles just like this one, plus support on what to eat to lose weight as a vegan, how to ensure we’re getting the right nutrients and how to stick to a vegan diet!

Call: 0800 917 9334 for more info!


BODY POSITIVITY VS WEIGHT LOSS There has been a lot of talk in recent years about body positivity and how we should love and accept ourselves at any weight and in any form we come in.

“I lost 2st”


So if you are on a weight loss diet, does that mean you are not body positive?

What is Body Positivity?

Why is Body Positivity Important?

The body positivity movement encourages us to celebrate our bodies and also makes society take a hard look at the way we view bodies, particularly ones that are at the extreme ends of the BMI scale, big or small.

Body positivity is really important because it plays a key role in how people feel about themselves, accepting themselves as they are and improving their self-worth. It is well know that having a negative body image about yourself can lead to a higher risk of developing serious mental conditions such as:

It aims to help everyone build confidence and accept their own bodies – no matter their shape or size without the necessity to diet, exercise or change themselves to be loved or love themselves. The movement wants to show us how mainstream media has shaped our views of bodies, showing us that you don’t need to be slim or be on a weight loss diet to be loved or to love yourself.



Low Self-Esteem

Eating Disorders

Body Dysmorphia

All of which can lead to weight gain and a lack of care for yourself and your physical health.

Body Positivity and Weight Loss But if the body positivity movement is about accepting yourself as you are, no matter what shape or size, can you be body positive and still want to lose weight and improve your health? Part of the journey to loving and taking care of yourself is accepting yourself and how you look along every step of the way. But we also see a negativity saying you cannot be body positive and want to lose weight and that, actually, the two ideas contradict each other. We think this couldn’t be further from the truth! We think there is room for you to be body positive and still want to improve your health, weight and body and how it feels and moves. In fact, moving more and eating well are amazing ways to be body positive and show just what incredible things your body can do when you look after yourself and work hard for your health. Deciding to lose weight, or add more movement to your routine, or feed your body with healthy, nutritious foods and looking after your mental wellbeing is a form of body positivity and, importantly, self-love!

One Size Does Not Fit All The journey to loving yourself and being body positive is a very individual one. For some, it might be learning to accept yourself at any size and loving yourself as you are, appreciating all your body does for you on a daily basis, no matter what number is on the label in your clothes, or what society tells you you should look like. For others, the path to body positivity might include making more health-based decisions for the well-being of their body and mind. When it comes to how to be body positive, there is no ‘right’ way to approach it. What is right for one person, is wrong for someone else.

How Can You Be Body Positive at Any Size? The best way to be body positive at any size is to start from a neutral place. It is really important that you don’t implement changes in your life because you hate yourself, as any diet or exercise regime you start when you start from a place of hate or disgust will feel like punishment to you. If you’re looking to implement body positivity and lose weight, start with small elements of self-care like:

The Points to Take Away

Eating well and nourishing your body with healthy, delicious, unprocessed foods

Moving more and adding activity to your daily life

We don’t want to be the bearer of bad news, but losing weight, unfortunately, won’t automatically make you happy and body positive.

Taking 30 minutes to yourself to do something that makes you feel better

Showing respect and appreciation to your body and what it does for you every day

Focussing on areas that make you feel good and that you can keep up in the long term will help you on your journey to body positivity and losing weight. It is important to note that by adding smaller, sustainable changes to your life, it may mean that you don’t obviously notice week-to-week that you’re losing weight or shaping up or improving the way you see yourself, but we bet if you look back after a few months, you’ll really see how far you’ve come. This way, you’ll focus less on changing your body and how you look and focus more on maintaining the healthy habits you enjoy. Once your new healthy lifestyle has become second nature, you’ll keep going with it regardless of whether your body is changing and find the body positivity and respect for your body that you deserve to give yourself.

When it comes to losing weight and being body positive – it is important to think healthy, not skinny! Planning your healthy lifestyle and weight loss diet based on how it will make you feel and not how it will make you look is a great way to show respect and appreciation for your body, but will also see you losing weight, if that is your goal. We know that loving yourself isn’t easy and lots of us start losing weight because we don’t like what we see in the mirror. But we think it is important to love and respect yourself, regardless of how you look. If you want more support when it comes to losing weight, finding confidence in yourself and feeling better, let us see how we can help. Our weight loss doctors are here to support you in any way you need them and are able to work on goals that not only incorporate losing weight, but feeling incredible about yourself along the way! Find out how much you can love yourself on the journey to better health with the support of weight loss doctors and experts.



What is it & how can we control it? Dr Charlotte Norton says: Within our body is a complex set of hormone and nervous system signals that travel between the stomach and intestines, the fat tissue in the body and the appetite control centre of the brain, which is what regulates the desire to eat or our appetite. When we eat, our stomach, intestines, and pancreas all release signals that go to the appetite control centre of the brain to indicate that we have taken in energy, we’ve taken in food, and therefore can reduce our appetite. As the food we eat is digested and stored, further signals from the fat tissue go back to the brain to say that we have created energy stores, we’re storing the food that we’ve digested, and furthermore, we can reduce appetite and that we are fill and satisfied. Central in this process of appetite control is the centre in the brain where the appetite control happens, which is called the hypothalamus, and this is one of the older parts of our brain. It receives all the hormone and nervous system signals that come from the body, and it then controls appetite, either through stimulating appetite suppressing signals or appetite stimulating signals. However, it can take up to 20 minutes for our gut to send the signals to our brain to tell us we are full. So when you eat and don’t feel full, before going in for seconds, or pudding, try waiting 20 minutes and seeing if that makes a difference.

Ways to Control Appetite Prep…

t is strong, make sure When the urge to ea d althy soups, stews an you have stock of he r made and frozen fo low-calorie dinners thing satisfying. when we need some

Replace… Try making o r looking for healthier vers of your go-to ions unhealthy co mfort foods that you can enjoy without racking up th calories. e



snacks! But find ones Yes – still enjoy your d gar levels steady an that will keep your su n de r-la ga high-fat, su stop you craving the . ing nt wa treats you’re

Sun… The sun shin es, get outsid e and and expose so me larger area try s of skin, like your legs and sun to keep yo forearms to the ur vitamin D and happy hormone leve ls topped up .


n you can levels up whe ity tiv ac ur yo Keep d and stop ove your moo – as it will impr h. If you can’t uc m g quite so tin ea om fr u yo some home out, try doing get out and ab workouts!

Comfort… If you feel lik e you’re turn ing to food fo comfort, thin r k about other non-food rela things that m ted ake you happ ier. It could b something si e mple like cud dling the dog loved one, or or a goin be planning an g for a coffee. Or it could d going on a day out.

Get Support

And if you’re still not able to control your appetite – get in touch with The Slimming Clinic. We have a range of appetite suppressant medications that can support you when you need it most. Find out more about our medication on pages 38 & 39!


ts n a s s e r p p u S te ti e p p Natural A

Stay Fuller For Longer u can eat a full Ever notice that sometimes, yo u’re hungry again? meal and 20 minutes later, yo mach to signal to

for your sto Whilst it does take 20 minutes true that some foods are just your brain that you are full, it is etimes you are hungry again! not as filling as others and som n to body well and not over-eat, tur r you l fue to nt wa you en wh , So that are naturally more filling! some of these healthier foods


Water Raw vegetables

0 calories, keeps you hydrated and fills you up. Try a glass of water next time you’re hungry for no reason, it could curb that craving!

Almonds naturally increase your feelings of fullness and handful is healthier than turning a sugary snack!

Porridge oats Full of fibre, which is a natural appetite suppressant and the crunch of the veg really makes it feel like a filling snack.

A filling way to start the day is with a bowl of delicious porridge. Top it with delicious fruit to increase fibre and satiety.


Lean protein

Dark Chocolate

Avocado Protein has long been documented as an effective natural appetite suppressant. Try lean meats like chicken or turkey and boiled eggs to fill you up!

Black coffee

When compared to its milky cousin, 70+% cocoa chocolate has shown to provide more filling quality! Plus the bitter taste can signal to your brain that you are no longer hungry.

Full of fibre, minerals and healthy fats, half an avocado can create feelings of fullness. Try replacing a carb source with avocado and see how you get on!


Ginger Try having a black coffee about 1 – 3 hours before your next meal, as it has been shown in some studies to make you feel less hungry. Beware drinking it after 3pm though as it could affect your sleep.

Apples are full of fibre, a natural filling agent, but because they take a little time to eat, they give your tummy time to tell your brain you are full!

Adding ginger to your smoothies or meals improves digestion and acts as a stimulant, therefore potentially helping reduce your appetite!



N O I T A C MEDI ication! t weight loss med ou ab s on ti es qu ctors answer your Our Weight Loss do

Why do you prescribe weight loss medication? Firstly, it is important to say that our hunger suppressant medications are not prescribed to completely take away your appetite. The medications we prescribe, instead, work to suppress/reduce your appetite, so you have more control of your hunger and begin to adjust to new, healthier eating habits. Prescription weight loss medication is a tool to aid behaviour changes to encourage weight loss success alongside help and support from our doctors, Dietitians, Mind Coaches, Movement Coaches and more. We prescribe medication as it allows you to focus on achieving the perfect balance of the health and lifestyle changes needed to keep weight off in the long-term.

Is weight loss medication safe? At The Slimming Clinic we have been helping patients achieve weight loss for over 30 years and have been safely prescribing weight loss medication throughout this time. All our weight loss programmes at The Slimming include the option of appetite suppressing medication, which are clinically tested and carefully prescribed by our GMC-registered doctors and prescribing medical practitioners, based on your medical requirements, to ensure it is safe for you and weight loss treatment at home. If prescription appetite suppressing medication becomes part of your online weight loss programme, they will be prescribed and dispensed to you directly after a thorough medical health review. As with any prescription medication, it is important that only you take medication that is prescribed for you by a doctor or nurse who has assessed that you are medically suitable for it. If you have any questions regarding the medication that you have chosen, please do speak to our medical team, who will be able to give you more information at your consultation.


Dr Max Richards Consulting Doctor

What types of medication do you prescribe? We offer two types of appetite suppressant medication at The Slimming Clinic: tablet and injection medication. The appetite suppressing tablet medication we prescribe works on the appetite suppressing nerves in the hypothalamus of the brain. This causes appetite suppression and reduced hunger perception, giving you more control over your hunger and cravings. In turn, this helps to prevent over-eating, falling back into bad habits, all whilst adapting to a healthier way of living. The injection medication we prescribe works in a similar way, but is administered as an injection, rather than taken as a tablet.

Find out mo re about our w eight loss medica tion by calling:

0800 917 9334!

They are a class of drug called centrally-acting appetite suppressants and we have been prescribing this type of medication at The Slimming Clinic for over 30 years. We do prescribe one other medication, that can be used either alone or in conjunction with appetite suppressing medication, called Xenical. Xenical works to reduce the absorption of 30% of the fat you eat in a meal, so you take Xenical alongside having a meal and by reducing the amount of fat absorbed by the body, it can help you to increase the calorie deficit you have that day. By reducing the amount of fat absorbed within the body, Xenical reduces the number of calories consumed that meal. This helps you to achieve your required calorie deficit to effectively aid your weight loss.

I am worried about taking weight loss medication – should I be? Many individuals are understandably apprehensive about weight loss medication, including whether it is safe to use. All of our prescription weight loss medication is clinically tested and completely safe to use to gradually aid your weight loss. By choosing the medication route with The Slimming Clinic, you can be assured that your fully qualified online weight loss doctor and medical practitioners will carefully guide you through how appetite suppressants work and how they will aid your personal journey. It is important to note that your weight loss doctor will only prescribe medication that is safe and effective for you as a weight loss treatment. This is assessed based on your medical history and existing lifestyle. They will explain how the weight loss medication will aid your journey and any potential side effects you may experience. They will also monitor you closely throughout your weight loss journey to ensure you are getting the best and safest results.


What are the benefits of working with a dietitian?

Dietitians are the gurus behind nutrition and wellbeing – deciphering the science behind food and educating their clients on making smarter and healthier choices to suit their individual needs. Each person is different and therefore not one singular food plan will suit everyone. The dietitian’s job is to create bespoke diet plans and educate clients on nutritional advice to either aid in weight loss or prevent/improve health risks. If this has piqued your interest, then read on to find out more benefits of working with a dietitian.


Experts in Nutrition It goes without saying that dietitians know what they are talking about when it comes to food and nutrition. In order to become a dietitian, individuals have to complete (at a minimum) a BSc Hons in Dietetics, and continue education/research throughout their career as a professional – ensuring to stay abreast of the newest nutrition evidence and information. Therefore, it is safe to say you are in good hands, they have plenty of expert dieting tips too!

Professional and Safe Their expertise comes from studying the fields of biochemistry, physiology and applied sciences; which highlights sustenance and dietetics. During the course of their studies, dietitians must display clinical and proficient capability before being eligible to move into the profession. While many people claim to be nutritionists, it is worth noting that being a dietitian is the only profession within that field which is regulated by law and governed by an ethical code. By adhering to their code of ethics, means that their work will always meet the highest standard. Knowing this information should fill individuals with confidence that no matter which dietitian you work with; they are guaranteed to follow professional, safe and scientificlead practises.

Dietitians are able to take on-board all health factors concerning an individual. Coupling this with their knowledge of nutrition means that they are able to form a tailor-made diet plan to suit your specific needs.

Support / Motivation Often, the biggest roadblock to leading a healthier lifestyle lies with lack of motivation and support. Without an accountability partner, it is easy to slip back into old habits and fall off the wagon when it comes to making sensible choices. Dietitians act as a huge support system for anybody on a weight management journey. While friends and family will typically offer support, it is best to have an expert in the field to help you navigate through the highs and lows that you may come to experience. As well as being able to offer scientific and evidence-based advice to you, dietitians are there for emotional support too. Taking the step to lead a healthier lifestyle can be daunting and people should expect change. While some welcome change, for those people who struggle with this will have the support they need from an expert; who can put a plan in place to make the journey achievable and attainable.

Tailor-made diet plans Each individual is different, and areas of concern will vary from person to person. Whether it’s for physical reasons or psychological, motivations for working with a dietitian will differ each time. With that being said, so many factors contribute to a person’s nutritional needs; some examples of these can be found below:


Chronic diseases such as Diabetes




Eating disorders

The Takeaway As we have established, working with a dietitian comes with its many benefits and can be life-changing. While you may be someone with no underlying health conditions, it is still worth attending regular health screenings by your GP. Another useful metric to check is your BMI (body mass index). This can determine whether your body mass is within a healthy range; and no trip to the GP is necessary.



Weddings After a couple of years of cancelled plans, postponed ceremonies and missing parties, we know that 2022 is likely to be a bumper year for weddings as we catch up on what we missed in 2020 and 2021! Have you got a few big days you’re attending? Or is it YOUR big day in 2022? We know the pressure to lose weight before and look good on the day is real, but just remember, the whole point of a wedding day is to celebrate LOVE and your weight, or the size in your dress does not factor into that at all! However, we wanted to put together some tips for those who will be guests at a number of weddings, and for those who are rapidly heading towards their big day in order to feel your best when you say or see ‘I do’!

Are you off to a number of weddings this year? Or maybe it is your big day in 2022 and you want to look and feel your best for the occasion?


Whatever your needs, we will help you reach your health and weight loss goals with our tailored, 1-to-1 weight loss programmes. Get the support and advice you need from professional, GMC-re gistered doctors and qualified experts in weight loss with The Slimming Clinic.

Hydrate Before the day: Let it be known that you should always remain hydrated, but in the build up to a big day, make sure you are getting at least 2 litres of water. Why? Water is a natural appetite suppressant and stops you reaching for the unnecessary snacks, it also aids with digestion to help stop bloating AND when you’re well hydrated, your skin is plumper, firmer and looks healthier for that much coveted bridal glow! On the day: As far as weight loss tips go, water is proven to speed up metabolism and makes you feel fuller. So before reaching for the canapes, drink a glass of water and see if you still feel hungry. Even if you don’t feel completely full, it might mean you only have a few canapes instead of a whole plate!

On the day: Choose your wedding breakfast courses carefully and opt for the lower-calorie options, like chicken breast or fish, where possible. Be sure to look for dishes with veggies and try to avoid anything with a creamy or heavy sauce. When it comes to the buffet, one of our weight loss tips at The Slimming Clinic is to head for the chopped vegetables and fresh foods first. Load your plate with these items and try to steer clear of heavy cheeses or beige, stodgy foods that lack in nutrients and can leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. Practising moderation is one of the best weight loss tips out there. If you want a slice of cake, don’t deny yourself, simply practice your portion control and go for a smaller slice.

Also, another one of our weight loss tips at The Slimming Clinic is to try to make at least every other drink a glass of water or decaffeinated drink – this will slow down your alcohol consumption and help with consuming fewer ‘empty calories’.

Minimise your instances of drinking alcohol and caffeine, that can cause gut upsets and dehydrate you, making your skin tighter and dryer as well as adding extra empty calories to your diet, which could see you gain a few pesky pounds before the day. Try and avoid gassy drinks like fizzy pop too as this will increase your chances of bloating. If you need a flavour in your drink, try adding fruit to water. Reduce your salt intake, again, as this can cause your body to bloat and retain water.

Moderate dancing burns roughly 7 calories a minute meaning 30 minutes on the floor bopping can shed about 210 calories – enough to counteract a large glass of wine. So effective is dancing for weight loss that there is even a dance diet proving that you can still lose weight while having fun.

Before the day:

Before the day:

Before the day:

Dancing is a fantastic way to get your activity up having sat through a ceremony and a long meal.




activity levels to make weight loss achievable and sustainable.

Make sure you are getting some kind of activity in every day in the build up to the wedding. It doesn’t have to be vigorous or too strenuous, but make sure you are moving for about 30 minutes, 5 times a week and getting your heart rate up a little.

Remember to celebrate all that is coming and don’t get too bogged down in reaching a certain weight for the big day. Celebrate the amazing work you have put in to get to this point with your health and take a moment to look back at how far you’ve come. On the day: Finally, weddings are such happy occasions – weight loss diet aside, make sure to enjoy yourself and have fun! Celebrate the love that surrounds you and have a wonderful day!

Not only will it help firm up your muscles and help lose weight, it will also help you to leave any wedding stresses behind and get the feel good endorphins pumping around your body! On the day: When the evening rolls around – get on the dancefloor and move like no-one is watching! Weight loss programmes such as the one offered by The Slimming Clinic incorporate a healthy weight loss diet and higher





Good nutrition is linked to good health. Most people tend to forget that in order to lose weight, this not only includes diet and exercise, but vitamins and supplements too. Ensuring your body is receiving the proper nutrients is important in supporting the efficiency of your bodily functions. Adding a few vitamin supplements to your lifestyle can in fact boost energy and aid weight loss. Read on to find out the best vitamins for weight loss.

B Vitamins This one might seem obvious, but when we first begin a weight loss diet, we are really good at measuring, counting calories and making sure we’re not over-eating. Did you know that there are actually 8 B Vitamins? These include: • B1 (thiamin) • B2 (riboflavin) • B3 (niacin) • B5 (pantothenic acid) • B6 (pyridoxine) • B7 (biotin) • B9 (folate [folic acid]) • B12 (cobalamin) B Vitamins are essential in promoting and supporting a healthy metabolism and can be found in many foods we eat on a daily basis; such as, milk, cheese, eggs and green vegetables (to name a few). These vitamins are essential in breaking down the carbohydrates, fats and protein in your diet; turning that food into energy for the body to use. If you’re feeling tired and fatigued for no reason, causing you to exercise less, it could be down to a Vitamin B deficiency.



If you consume a lot of nuts, dried fruits, beans, shellfish and red meat (to name a few), then you’re in luck – these are all great sources of iron! Iron is important for the body’s development and is largely involved in creating haemoglobin that carries oxygen from the lungs to tissues. Iron also plays a vital role in metabolism and in aiding your body to create energy from nutrients.

Vitamin D Are your muscles aching and feeling weak? Feeling fatigued? Suffering from a low mood? These are all tell-tale signs that you may be lacking in Vitamin D! This vitamin is essential in maintaining your body’s overall health and wellbeing. While our body naturally creates vitamin D from direct sunlight, the pandemic and culture of working from home means that you may be getting less of it.

If your body doesn’t have enough red blood cells, oxygen is then not able to travel where needed. This can result in extreme fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath, which make physical activity harder. In some cases, a lack of iron can result in iron deficiency anaemia. While iron is a key supplement we recommend including in your diet, consuming too much can lead to some unpleasant side effects such as nausea, vomiting and stomach pain. Be sure to take advice from healthcare professionals when taking weight loss supplements.

While the relationship between vitamin D and weight loss is unclear, a study found that overweight individuals taking vitamin D supplements lost more stomach fat than people not taking any supplements. By taking vitamin D, your immune system stays strong and insulin levels will become regulated. You’ll also notice energy levels increase and an improvement in heart health and muscle health. Although nothing beats going outdoors, there are a few good sources of vitamin D which can be added to your diet; these include oily fish (such as salmon), red meat, egg yolks and fortified foods.

Green tea extract Although this may not be a vitamin, it is a supplement worth learning about if you’re actively on a weight loss journey! Green tea extract has been known to improve health and overall wellbeing due to its high antioxidant content. Made from dried green tea leaves, green tea extract includes caffeine as well as plant compounds called catechins. It is commonly said that green tea extract can encourage weight loss, blood sugar management and exercise recovery.

Iodine With iodine being added to table salt in the 1920’s and available in other commonly consumed foods such as milk, tuna and cheese, it is not often you know of anyone who has an iodine deficiency. With that being said, for those people suffering with an underactive thyroid, weight loss can be an area of concern. If this sounds like you, then it may be worth checking with your GP whether iodine is something you’re lacking. One of the main symptoms of iodine deficiency is having a slow metabolism. Food is essentially stored as fat rather than being burned through energy; inevitably leading to weight gain. By taking iodine supplements, slow metabolism can be reversed, and thyroid hormones can be stimulated – boosting the body’s overall immune system. A well-functioning thyroid often results in weight loss.

Still struggling with weight loss? While supplements and vitamins can certainly aid weight loss, it is importa nt to lead an overall healthy lifestyle to achieve your desired results. By implementing exercise and a healthy , balanced diet into your daily life, means that your chances of success will be greater. If you struggle with accountability, then having a mindset coach to help guide you could be beneficial.


Flipping GREAT

Pancake Recipes ry Banana & Blueber Serves: 2 Calories per serving: 243 Ready in: 10 minutes • 1 banana • 2 beaten eggs • Vanilla extract • Baking powder • 25g chopped nuts (your choice) • 125g blueberries • Low calorie spray oil


Pancakes e. Mash your banana in a bowl into a thick pure Stir in the beaten eggs and add a pinch of baking powder a small drizzle of vanilla extract. Add in 1/3 of the blueberries to the batter. Heat a frying pan and spray with the low calorie oil and ladle half the mixture into the pan to create two pancakes and cook for 1-2 minutes on each side. Repeat until you have used up all the batter. Then top the pancakes with the nuts and remaining blueberries.

Healthy, Fluffy Pancakes Sift both flours into a bowl.

Makes: 10 Calories per pancake: 53 • 50g self-raising flour • 50g wholemeal or wholegrain flour • 2 small eggs, separated • 150ml skimmed milk • Fruit and low-fat yogurt or fromage frais to serve

Add in the egg yolks and a splash of milk and mix well until a thick paste has formed. Add the remaining milk, whisking as you add to ensure there are no lumps. Next, in another bowl, with an electric whisk, whisk up the egg whites until they are stiff peaks. Carefully transfer them to the batter and fold in very gently, trying not to take all the air out. Heat a non-stick pan and pour in a little batter. Once bubbles start forming in the batt er, it is time to flip them. Repeat until you have 10 pancakes. Serve with low fat yogurt and fruit of your


Basic Pancake mix

Combine the milk and water.

Makes: 10 Calories per pancake: 66 • 4oz/112g plain flour • 2 med eggs • 7fl oz/210 ml semi skimmed milk • 3fl oz/90 ml water • 20 sprays low cal olive oil spray

Sift the flour into a bowl. Make a well in the middle and break the eggs Begin whisking the eggs incorporating flour

into it.

as you do so.

whisking, until all the liquid has been Gradually add the milk and water mixture, still and you have formed a smooth batter.


Heat a frying pan over a high heat until hot. batter into a ladle ready for making your first While the pan is heating, measure 2 tbsp of to re-measure for further pancakes). having pancake (note how full the ladle is to avoid Once the pan is hot, reduce heat to medium. Spray pan with 2 spray of oil per pancake. Add the pre measured batter mix to centre the bottom.

of pan, and tip from side to side to evenly coat

seconds) and the batter has solidified, then Check when edges become loose (about 20 with a pan slice, turn the pancake over. Cook the second side for few seconds. whilst Remove from pan onto a plate and keep warm

you make remaining pancakes.


Low Calorie Fine Dining! Valentine’s Day – whether you love it or hate it, you can’t ignore it! If this year, you want to do something a bit special for the one you love (or just yourself) and don’t want to dine out on calorific meals, then try our three-course menu! Coming in at under 1100 calories for the whole lot per person, you can feast and not miss out! But don’t be fooled, it’s sure to impress!

Starter Greek salad with homemade tzatziki Serves: 2 Cook time: 30 minutes Calories per serving: 300 For the salad • 1 large tomato • ½ red pepper • ½ cucumber • ½ red onion • 10 black pitted olives, halved • 60g feta cheese

For the tzatziki • 100g 0% fat Greek yoghurt • ¼ grated cucumber • 1 minced garlic clove • 1tsp dried dill • 1/2tbsp lemon juice • Pinch of salt and pepper

Cut all the salad ingredients up into cubes and throw into a mixing bowl. Combine well together. Then, in another bowl, do the same with all the ingredients for the tzatziki and mix well to ensure all the ingredients are thoroughly combined. Serve the salad in a bowl and drizzle with the tzatziki. For best results, make the tzatziki a few hours before serving.


Main Spaghetti and Meatballs Go full lady and the tramp with this delicious and low-calorie spaghetti and meatball recipe, with sauce made from scratch! Serves: 2 Cook time: 60 minutes Calories per serving: 300 For the sauce • 1 tbsp rapeseed oil • 1 diced onion • 1 diced carrot • 1 diced celery stick

• • • •

2 minced garlic cloves 250g tomato passata 250ml reduced-salt stock 1 tbsp chopped parsley

For the meatballs • 250g pack less than 5% fat mince • 4 tbsp porridge oats • (beef, 1 garlic clove, crushed pork or turkey)

& • low calorie oil • Spaghetti to serve Heat the oil in a large frying pan and add in the onion, carrots, celery and garlic and stir well. Cover the pan and cook gently for about 10 minutes, stirring every now and then to avoid burning. Pour in the passata and stock, cover and leave to simmer and reduce down for about 20 minutes. (Top Tip: If you have the time, for a really flavourful sauce, leave on a low heat to reduce for up to one hour) Tip the mince into a bowl and add in the oats and garlic. Add a little seasoning if desired. Shape into approximately 12 meatballs, about the size of apricots. Spray a frying pan with low calorie spray oil and cook the meatballs until they brown on the outside. Once brown and sealed, place the meatballs in the tomato sauce and pop the lid back on to allow them to cook all the way through. Cook the spaghetti following the instructions and serve into bowls. Spoon over the meatballs and sauce and sprinkle with a little chopped parsley.

Desert Low-Fat Sticky Toffee Puddings Serves: 4 Cook time: 90 minutes Calories per serving: 350 • 175g pitted dried dates • 175ml water • 150ml maple syrup • 1 tbsp vanilla extract

• 2 large eggs, separated • 85g self-raising flour • 0% Greek yogurt to serve (opt ional)

Preheat the oven to 180C. Put the dates and water into a pan, bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour into a food mixer and add 6 extract and blend until smooth. tablespoons of maple syrup and the vanilla Transfer into a mixing bow and mix in the egg yolks, then flour and combine. Whisk up the egg whites into stiff peaks and fold into the date mixt ure. In a muffin baking tin, pour a table spoo n of map le syru p into the and then pour the mixture evenly base of 4 over the top.

Sticky toffee pudding is a firm favourite of ours here at The Slimming Clinic, but with the average portion coming it at 550 calories and then adding ice cream or custard, it can rapidly increase our fat content for the day. Try this lowerfat version, made with maple syrup instead of sugar and top with a dollop of Greek yoghurt.

Cover with foil and place in an oven up the sides of the baking tin and -proof dish. Pour boiling water half-way cook in the oven until a skewer com clean (about one hour). es out Leave to cool a little and when read y to serve, run a knife around the edges and turn the pudding out onto a plate.


What are

? s t n e m e l p p Supportive Su

You might have heard that The Slimming Clinic offer a range of supportive weight loss supplements, some exclusive to The Slimming Clinic, as part of our weight loss programmes to complement your new diet and lifestyle changes. These supportive supplements are designed to be taken alongside your weight loss medication and, in some cases, can be taken instead of your weight loss medication. But what are the supportive supplements, and how do they work? If you can’t find a programme to suit you here, then speak to our team who can talk to you about our bespoke weight loss plans – tailored for you!

GZ12 GZ12 is developed and prescribed EXCLUSIVELY by The Slimming Clinic and is a combination of Glucomannan, Zinc Oxide and Vitamin B12. Glucomannan is the only herbal ingredient that has proven weight loss results supported by the European Food Standards Agency (EFSA). It is a type of natural dietary fibre that works as a filling agent, that acts like a sponge in your stomach, absorbing water in the stomach and intestines to make your feel fuller and less hungry naturally. Vitamin B12 contributes and supports you to have normal energy levels, which is vital when you are on a restricted diet. It is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce naturally. Zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism and the normal metabolism of fatty acids. This unique combination of natural supplements have been really popular with patients, who are looking for that extra level of support with their weight loss and appetite.


CHROMIUM Chromium is a mineral that is considered essential, meaning we cannot make it in our bodies so it must be obtained from our diet. Chromium can be found in many foods including meat, potatoes (especially the skins), egg yolk, lentils, wholegrain bread, fresh fruit and vegetables especially broccoli and green beans. However, it is only found in very small amounts, can easily be affected by agricultural and manufacturing processes and is poorly absorbed in our digestive tract. Chromium helps the hormone insulin perform its actions in the body. Insulin, a hormone released by the pancreas, is necessary for your body’s metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Chromium deficient individuals may crave sweet food, suffer constant hunger pangs due to the fact glucose is being stored as fat. Several studies have indicated that taking chromium supplements can help:

Obesity by reducing food intake, hunger and cravings and reduce the frequency of binge-eating episodes

Glucose intolerance by improving blood glucose control in those with type 2 diabetes or help control the glucose and insulin responses in those a risk of developing type 2 diabetes

Depression by improving the symptoms of low mood

If you’re interested in trying our supportive supplements, you can! Call a member of the team and ask how you can try GZ12 and Chromium on your weight loss journey!


S S O L T WEIGH ? t u R a n Stuck i WHAT IS A PLATEAU? Weight loss plateaus can be really frustrating. So much so that many individuals who reach a weight loss plateau tend to throw in the towel of their weight loss journey and quit their diet. This ultimately leads to them regaining all the weight they have lost and more. A weight loss plateau is considered to be any point our weight loss stops i.e. our weight maintains. If this occurs for a period of only days this could be considered a natural part of weight loss. However, if this occurs for more than a couple of weeks to months, we would consider this to


be a genuine weight loss plateau and that something may need to change in order to continue further weight loss.

Genuine Weight Loss Plateau? So, something to consider is - are you actually at a genuine weight loss plateau? How long have you been at a plateau? If it is less than a week, you have probably been weighing yourself too frequently. We advise weighing yourself no more frequently than twice weekly. If you weight yourself too frequently you will capture the natural fluctuations in our weight caused by fluid retention, hormonal changes, bowel movements, water and food intake.

If your weight has not changed or you have even gained weight over a period of more than a week, you need to ask yourself if there have been any changes to that time period that are out of your normal routine?

Are You Being Consistent? Look back and be honest with yourself, have you been implementing the lifestyle changes you were when you had been actively losing weight? If you feel that these lifestyle changes are unsustainable long term you have a bigger problem on your hands. For maintainable weight loss to be successful you need to be able to implement changes you feel can be lifelong because the minute you stop the changes that are causing weight loss and you return to your ‘old eating habits’ your weight loss will stop or more likely you will regain the weight you have lost.

Our Advice At The Slimming Clinic our ethos is to support you in making diet and lifestyle changes that are going to be achievable and maintainable to give you a healthy weight for life. It is looking at your long term goal of sustained weight loss and being realistic of what diet and lifestyle changes you can maintain life long. This way you can maintain the changes you make and continue to lose weight at a regular rate. An example of this may be cutting out snacks and just sticking to three main meals per week for a couple of weeks, then reducing the portions of those main meals for a couple of weeks, then increasing your daily activity so you walk at least 10,000 steps per day for a couple of weeks and then build on this increase in activity by adding in a 40-minute swimming session and so on.

The Bottom Line

which caused them to gain the weight in the first place. Neither of these approaches we would recommend. It is important to realise that weight loss plateaus or even small weight gains can be a completely normal part of a weight loss journey. They can show you are on a sustainable and realistic weight loss plan and allow our bodies time to reset and then, after some time, begin to lose weight again. Plateaus aren't forever and if you're struggling, look at the weight you have already lost and the improvements you have already made, even at your plateau weight! This is an extract from our Patient Pathway all about weight loss plateaus. If you need more support getting through your weight loss plateau, contact us today to find out how you can get more advice and support on the following issues in our Plateau Patient Pathway:

• Revaluate your daily calorie target • Macronutrient goals

We need to remind ourselves that weight loss is not a straightforward process. It is important not to go into panic mode if you are at a plateau that you ‘will no longer lose weight’. This train of thought can lead individuals to either turn to extreme weight loss measures or throw in the towel and go back to their previous eating habits

• Change Exercise Strategy • Managing your stress and optimising your sleep • Planning to progress

0800 917 9334 53

Are you showing signs of IBS?

What is IBS? Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a chronic disorder in the function of the bowel (intestines) with no structural abnormalities. Therefore, to look at your bowel there are no structural problems with it but the way it is working is abnormal. The cause of IBS is unknown, although onset can sometimes be traced to infections of the gut. Many patients and clinicians link that the onset of symptoms can be related to life events or periods of stress.


Who gets IBS? It is a common disorder and presents mainly in adults between 20 and 40 years old. When we look at the UK population, the average percentage of people that have IBS is round about 15%. It’s twice as common in women as it is in men.

What are the symptoms of IBS? The most common symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome are abdominal pain or discomfort which can be described as colicky in nature or as spasms of pain. The pain can occur in different parts of the abdomen and can be relieved by opening bowels or passing wind.

A diagnosis is usually considered if the symptoms have been occurring for at least 6 months and are accompanied by at least 2 of the following 4 symptoms •

Straining, urgency or incomplete evacuation of stool (when you go to pass a motion but you don’t feel that you get rid of it all)

Abdominal bloating, distension or hardness

Symptoms made worse by eating

Passage of mucus

Other symptoms associated with IBS are lethargy, nausea, backache and bladder symptoms. If you are experiencing the symptoms associated with IBS seek the advice of your GP. They may want to rule out more serious causes of your symptoms.

How can we lose weight with IBS? Avoiding IBS symptom flares as well as remaining in a calorie deficit is the mainstay of a weight loss diet with IBS. When you want to start a weight loss diet with IBS, what we’re looking for is for you to achieve satiety without causing IBS flare-ups. We’re looking for you to feel full and satisfied. This means obtaining enough protein and the appropriate amount of fibre. By basing your meals around good quality protein and vegetables that don’t flare your IBS you should sustain good weight loss results but not exacerbate your IBS. Some IBS symptoms can be triggered off by dehydration. It’s paramount if you are trying to lose weight that you are hydrate and getting enough fluid. Aim for 2-3L of water intake a day. If you are worried that you are experiencing symptoms of IBS, it is vital you speak to your Slimming Clinic doctor and GP.

We have been helping patients with IBS for many years... ...and can support you with the right balance of diet, exercise and lifestyle advice to ensure you are able to lose weight and keep your IBS symptoms under control. This is an extract from our IBS Patient Pathway. If you want further diet and medical support on your IBS and weight loss journey – you can download our Slimming Clinic App to access this Patient Pathway. For more information, contact us on

0800 917 9334


Can your hormones be th e r e a s o n y o u c a n 't

? t h g i e w e los

What do you think of, when you hear the word ‘hormones’? When we mention the word hormones, we wonder what image many of us would think of? Whatever thoughts we have towards hormones, they are not often met with love for them but rather absolute dread of the inevitable rollercoaster we face at various points in our own life, or of those close to us that we also have to endure. Let’s look a little further into the hidden menace behind our moods, the facts and symptoms, what to expect with some common hormone conditions and a few self-help measures.

HOW CAN WE HELP OURSELVES, IF OUR HORMONES ARE TAKING OVER? , rather than Ensuring that we focus on our own symptoms happen, may that catastrophising on the possible problems we are what of we can build a better understanding ledge, know that in obta to experiencing. Once we are able rience expe we when of note al whilst keeping a diary or ment to ion posit r bette much a in are we certain symptoms, if so rts expe pinpoint the cause. We are our own best ing rienc expe something doesn’t feel quite right or we are is due directly to changes in our mood that we don’t believe we could be ible poss our mental well-being then it is very . cause the being s looking at hormonal influence some medical Although some disorders may need , many can toms symp our intervention to ease and manage measures. are self-c easy ively be treated with some relat health, gut your after ng looki diet, These include exercise, ng getti s, stres of toms symp the ease magnesium to and e intak ral enough sleep and rest, vitamins and mine lves when ourse to tion atten and care extra some ensuring lves to ourse allow we we aren’t feeling the best. Often, we that , much so feel we let our hormones control how our as food use and eat lly’ allow ourselves to ‘emotiona out of balance. emotional crutch, when our hormones are


WHAT EXACTLY ARE HORMON ES AND WHY DO THEY IMPACT US AT VARIOUS POINTS IN OUR LIF E? LOOKING BRIEFLY AT the bio logy behind this, hormones are produced by the endocrine sys help regulate processes that tem to occur in the body, like hunger , blood pressure, movement desire. They are essential to and sexual reproduction and fundament al to all systems in the body. include adrenaline; insulin, Hormones cortisol and thyroid hormones but the ones that seem to notable when out of balance be most are the sex hormones oestro gen, progesterone and testos terone. The most noticeable, natural changes for the female body are during the onset of our rep years – puberty to when we leav roductive e this stage – menopause. It is at theses stages that hormo likely to affect us the most, nes are physically, mentally and emotio nally.The ‘mood swings’ exp are caused by fluctuations in erienced oestrogen and progesterone levels and can cause anythin anxiety and fear to sadness, g from anger, irritability and poor con centration whilst we transiti one stage to another. Howeve on from r, as hormonal influences are so fundamental to the functio of the human body, we can ning experience many other hormo ne fluctuations and conditions needing interventions to con , often trol or manage – like weight gain. The thyroid makes hormones that tell the body how fast or slow to work. If it makes too these, overactive thyroid (hy many of perthyroidism), we can feel like we are going at 100 mil You might be irritable, anxiou es an hour. s, suffer from palpitations and have mood swings for examp the body isn’t making enough le. When of those hormones, (hypothyr oidism), you may suffer dep feel tired, suffer from muscle ression, ache and weight gain. Polycy stic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) hormonal disorder, which can is another cause bloating, fatigue, irrit ability, hair loss or excessive growth, mood swings, weight hair gain, problems with blood sug ar, trouble concentrating and infertility. There are, in fact, possible so many hormonal disorders and conditions affecting the system that there would be endocrine too many to list, so this is wh ere we move onto our best measures to ease the discom self-help fort and misery of hormonal fluctuations and disturbances.

DO YOU FIND YOU WANT TO EAT MORE AT CERTAIN TIMES OF THE MONTH? can affect nearly AS WE HAVE seen at a glimpse, our hormones but with awareness all aspects of our health and well-being well-being we can and attention to our physical and emotional symptoms of the the ease address, correct or at the very least menace behind our moods. causing havoc with If you’re concerned your hormones might be Slimming Clinic your to k your life and well-being balance, spea how changing on ns estio sugg doctor. They could have some ones out. horm your ce balan help your diet, or lifestyle could


Will You Give Up this Lent? WHETHER YOU ARE religious or not, many of us find that we decide to give something up for lent. The idea is to go for the 40 days before Easter giving up something you love, to show discipline and sacrifice. Often, this time sees us giving up unhealthy foods we love in a bid to break bad habits and lose a few pounds. And there is great merit in giving up that which is unhealthy for us for 40 days! In fact, it can even teach you new, healthier habits that you can take past the 40 days and into your life! But if you find giving up the usual chocolate, crisps, cakes etc, a bit hard, or are in need of some new inspiration, here are our favourite, less traditional things you can give up for lent this year!



Streaming Services A great way to save money and develop better habits – use the time you would spend streaming films and tv shows and maybe go for a walk, get a workout in or do some meal prepping for the week!

2. 3.

Missing workouts Not feeling the gym today? Can’t be bothered to get your 10,000 steps in? We know it can be hard to find motivation in winter, but if you can get a form of physical exercise in 5 days a week, it will really boost your mood and help your health.

Being SelfDeprecating One of the best things we can ever give up for ourselves is our negative self-image. When you don’t like what you see in the mirror, it can be tricky to see the positives about yourself, but start with just finding one thing you like about yourself today and write it down. Make a note of the things you like about yourself every day in lent and look back on the things you liked!

4. Alcohol 6.


Failed, or didn’t try Dry January? For our health, alcohol is one of the best things we can give up. In 40 days of being alcoholfree, you could do wonders for your health. Try it and see how you feel!

5. Meat

Try going veggie for lent! Kinder to the environment and, if done right, being a vegetarian can help you lose weight, by cutting out high-calorie meats. Look for lean sources of vegetarian protein to replace your meat, or turn to page 30 and find out more about how you can become vegan!

Mindlessly Scrolling Social media can be a wonderful thing, but it can also perpetuate negative self-image, can waste time and often, become addictive. If you have an iPhone, you will get ‘Screen Time’ notifications. Try reducing the time you see spent on social media this week by 30 minutes or so and see if it makes a difference.

Mindless Snacking Whilst you may not want to give up one particular snack, you could try giving up snacking when you don’t need to eat. Mindless snacking often causes weight gain in people, as we don’t realise those little treats we allow ourselves here and there each day really top up our calories. Allow yourself a couple of healthy snacks a day and stick to that!


Poor Sleeping Habits


Buying Lunches/ Dinners

If you’re finding yourself tired and in poor sleeping habits, use the 40 days of lent to practice sleep hygiene. Going to bed earlier, turning off electronic devices, trying relaxing ways to help you get better sleep.

Not just a money saver, but a waistline saver too. Prepping your meals, or simply planning what you’re going to eat for each meal every week is a proven way to help you stick to your weight loss diet.


Look out for issue 10 of Fresh Start, coming in the spring. In the meantime, if you need health, wellness and weight loss support – get it from the experts. We have some brilliant weight loss offers that could see you saving up to 33% on your weight loss programme. Find out more by contacting us today:

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