Fresh Start Weight Loss Magazine - Issue Seven

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Louise is 2st 5lbs lighter -




ing hear her inspir weight loss stor y inside!



for you with ou

self-care ideas

FOLLOW US Facebook: TheSlimmingClinicUK Twitter: TheSlimClinic Instagram: TheSlimClinic

WELCOME to 2021 and we are sorry to say we find ourselves in another national lockdown for a little while. Whilst it is safe to say many of us are glad to see the back of 2020 and now are looking to the future and what this new year will bring us, we know that we face a few tough months to get through before we are able to get back to some senses of normality. But we also know that with lockdown, can often come a dip in your health, weight loss and wellbeing. But just because we are in a lockdown again, there is no need for any of your aims, goals and wishes for 2021 to be any different. So, what are your health and weight loss goals for 2021? And how will you achieve them? No matter your health or weight loss targets for this year, let us help and guide you on how to begin with our new year’s edition of our magazine, which we hope will provide you some escapism during these hard times. Our winter 2021 issue of Fresh Start contains all you need to get yourself focussed on your goals and ensure you start off the year on the healthiest footing. Alongside our regular testimonials and doctor Q&A session, we have articles that help you leave behind any bad habits (pages 4 & 5), gain back control of your portion sizes (pages 14 & 15) as well as easy swaps to make to help your weight loss (pages 28 & 29). We know all-to-well the effects of a lockdown on our weight, so keep your health a priority with our guide to navigating lockdown on pages 12 & 13. For a lot of us, our health and weight loss took less priority last year due to the incredibly stressful and worrying situation happening around us. But this year can and will be better. Make sure you got one less worry on your plate by looking after your health and weight loss and let us help you.

Wishing you wonderful new year!

h a n n Ha

Editor – Fresh Start Magazine


“I lost

3st 12lbs” Kirsty

Inside this issue PAGE 05






LEAVE YOUR old habits behind and find out how changing common daily habits can help with weight loss.

JOIN OUR EXCLUSIVE Facebook group when you sign up to our i-Change progamme.

HAVE AN HOUR to spare? Find out how to relax and unwind.






HOW LONG does your resolution typically last? We're here to help you achieve your goals.

WHAT HAPPENS IN my remote appointment? Find out more!






LOUISE LOST over two stone! Read more to find out her top tips.

FIND OUT MORE about giving yourself enough time to form better healthy eating and lifestyle habits.

PAGE 10 ASK THE DOCTOR DR CHARLOTTE is here to help answer your most asked questions!

PAGE 12 PRIORITISE YOUR HEALTH THIS LOCKDOWN WE'VE PUT TOGETHER our top tips to look after and prioritise your health during lockdown.

PAGE 14 PORTION CONTROL ARE YOU OVER-EATING? Check out our handy portion size guide to stay in control.

FIND OUT how Linda lost over three stone and improved her confidence with The Slimming Clinic!

DO YOU WANT money off your weight loss programme? Of course you do! Find out how you can refer a friend.

PAGE 24 TRANSFORM AND CHANGE YOUR LIFE WITH OUR EXPERT WEIGHT LOSS PROGRAMMES WE HAVE A VARIETY of different weight loss programmes to choose from. Each one is uniquely tailored to you.



HAVING TROUBLE staying motivated this winter? Don't worry, we're here to guide you through the winter months!



WE OFFER a number of different treatments, depending on your unique requirements.


LITTLE SWAPS = BIG CHANGES TRY OUT THESE few simple swaps to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle.




! 0 2 0 2 N I E V A


YOU'VE JUST survived the hardest dieting season of the year, so how did you get on? Did you stick with your healthy eating as much as possible, or did you let loose and now you’re really feeling the need to undo some damage? You may think that this means putting yourself on an extreme ‘new year diet’, but actually just changing common daily habits can help with weight loss. There is no excuse to avoid these! Unhealthy habits we all do but may not seem bad for us include:


Lack of Sleep You’ve worked so hard to make sure you’ve exercised enough times a week, but how are you supposed to carry out your workout routines when you are constantly tired from not getting a full 8 hours of sleep your body needs? Dieters find themselves not eating proper meals and putting off exercise from lack of sleep. This may seem like a minor habit, but this can actually lead you away from your weight loss goals. The hardest thing for a dieter is the constant cravings and not getting enough sleep can increase them!

Skipping Meals It can be so tempting when you’ve got a busy day to just skip your breakfast or lunch but, in the long run, skipping a meal will make you more hungry, which only leads to more eating and poor food choices. Skipping meals can eventually lead to worse weight gain over time too. Your metabolism gradually slows down, so the food you consume won’t be burned off so easy. This is why at The Slimming Clinic we say a big NO to skipping meals, especially breakfast! Lose weight safely by making sure you eat 3 proper meals a day with a light snack; this will prevent you from binging on junk food!

Not Moving Enough Just simple acts like taking the stairs everyday instead of the lift will make a difference! It gets better, not only are you burning calories going up the stairs but down the stairs too! Moving around more during the day is a great way to maintain a healthy weight. So many of us spent a lot of 2020 being sedentary, working at home, or not being able to be outside or get to the gym as much as we would have wanted to. So 2021 is the year to change that! Why not enjoy a nice breezy walk instead of taking your car? Not only will you burn off calories but you’re saving petrol too! Going for a short walk everyday can be so refreshing but also strengthens your heart and controls your blood pressure.

Mindless Eating This is sadly a common habit that’s hard to avoid. People quickly consume high amounts of calories just because they’re bored. This was a major theme for patients with us in 2020. Lockdown, restrictions and being at home more meant that you were snacking mindlessly, more than ever! When you’ve had a stressful day, one of the easiest things to do is reach for a snack, or alcoholic drink, but when you’re on autopilot, you won’t even realise what you’re doing to yourself and can end up overconsuming. So dear dieters, please stick to your 3 meals a day, with a light snack in between. These meals should be lean, full of protein and veggies and think before you eat – do I need this?

Large Portions Although we may be eating a healthy meal, have you ever considered you are eating too much? Studies have shown that simple tricks like eating off a smaller plate can give you the illusion of feeling fuller. Many people consume more food than their bodies actually need, this also effects things such as recommended fat and sugar intake. Just think, a man and women at a restaurant will be served the same portion, but they require a different set of daily intakes of calories and nutritional needs. A healthier 2021 isn’t just about eating more vegetables and going to the gym. If you can look at the habits that have been causing you to gain weight, then you can begin the process of tackling them and improving your health! Find out more about how you don’t have to do it alone, with help from The Slimming Clinic! Our programme outlines are on page 24 & 25!

“I lost

6st 3lbs” Craig


SLIMMER SUCCESS STORY Name: Louise Proctor s Starting Weight: 12st 4lb s Current Weight: 9st 13lb Weight Loss: 2st 5lbs

AFTER several years of excruciating back pain and several medical procedures to help eradicate the pain, I made the decision that the only option I could physically do to help my current situation was to lose weight.


ver the years, I had tried so many diets in many different forms in my efforts to lose weight, some successful and some not. I have had issues with my weight for long periods of my adult life and combined with health problems, it has made the issues worse. Due to my back pain, every time I had some weight loss success, I would find myself off work with back pain again, meaning I struggled to keep to my diet. >


Before > Looking for a new way to help my weight loss, I was introduced to The Slimming Clinic by my sister. She had also tried a number of diets, but her only true success had been with The Slimming Clinic programme. She looked fantastic in such a short space of time, that it inspired me to lose weight too. My experience with The Slimming Clinic has been absolutely brilliant. The doctor and all the staff are so friendly and approachable and always provide support and motivational comments that really help drive you to succeed and do well each week. Since joining The Slimming Clinic and losing weight, I feel that my health, confidence and well-being have benefitted greatly. I can even exercise now, which in recent years, due to my bad back, I have had extreme difficulty doing.

I feel so happy and confident and truly, finally, feel like the real me again.

What’s more, my friends and family have been so impressed with my weight loss achievements. They are constantly asking me how I have lost the weight have and I always recommend them to The Slimming Clinic.



water. 1. Drink plenty of re plate when you’ 2. Use a smaller ls. serving your mea you f in yourself that 3. Have the belie can do it.

how they lost Hear from more of our testimonials about ointment services! weight with us in 2020, via our remote app


Give Yourself

TIME Have you ever heard the phrase,

‘Rome wasn’t built in a day…’? We bet that most of you have.


But did you know that the English playwright John Heywood continued the phrase – ‘…but they were laying bricks

every day.’ The main point of the phrase insinuates that good things take time, but you have got to make small progress, or ‘lay bricks’, every day to build the bigger picture! We couldn’t help but think that this phrase is incredibly relevant when it comes to your weight loss. You might have heard us say a number of times before that those who commit to a weight loss programme long-term, stand more chance of success, and you know, we’re not just saying it for fun! One of the most crucial parts of weight loss is giving yourself enough time to form new, better lifestyle and healthy eating habits, ‘laying the bricks’, for your weight loss journey. However, because we are all so very different, the time it takes to form and build new habits can range from a few weeks to a few months and thus, you need to commit to a long term programme to ensure you give yourself the best chance of losing weight.

How many diets have you tried over time? How many have you been unsuccessful on? Whatever the reason you were unsuccessful, we can bet it stems back to not allowing yourself the time to build and form the habits you need to successfully drop the pounds for good. With our weight loss programmes at The Slimming Clinic, we spend time with you finding the right balance of lifestyle, diet, movement and mindset to ensure you are on the best, most sustainable weight loss programme for you. We don’t prescribe you restrictive meal plans, or overexerting exercise programmes or tell you what you can and can’t eat, but we do look at you, as a person, and what you want to achieve.

But, like all good things, this takes time! In order to build the very best weight loss programme for you, we need time to work with you, find out what helps you lose weight and is enjoyable and manageable for life.For example, it might be that fasting helps you lose weight, but makes you low in energy, and isn’t sustainable forever. In this instance, we would use our regular 1-to-1 appointments with you and your feedback to the doctor and experts and devise something else that is more sustainable for you. But, we need the time to work with you to find this out! If you try for a month and it doesn’t seem to work and you give up, you will never find out what works for you and you may remain in a constant cycle of gaining and losing weight, which isn’t good for your health. Giving us time to work with you also gives us more of an insight into your eating and movement habits and enables us to work out what might trigger a lapse on a weight loss journey and what keeps you motivated. So whilst we know that there is nothing impressive about ‘laying one brick’, or forming one new positive weight loss habit, we do know that eventually, building the bricks up together does lead to greater things in the long term!The great news is, that we recognise the need to build your weight loss journey brick-bybrick. We know it can take a little while for weight loss results to seem impressive and we are here to support you every step of the way.

What’s more, if you join a weight loss programme in January 2021, you can save 10% on your entire programme price!

There are 100s of different ways to lose weight but working with you and your lifestyle ensures we are able to find the right one that will work and help you lose weight for good.

Find out how

hilst you build w u yo t or pp su ill w d we can an

your ‘Rome’!


Call us on 0800 917 9




MEDICAL DIRECTOR for The Slimming Clinic, Dr Charlotte Norton, answers some of our most asked questions!

MY MINDSET IS NEVER IN THE RIGHT PLACE WHEN I’M LOSING WEIGHT. HOW CAN YOU HELP ME AT THE SLIMMING CLINIC? TO LOSE WEIGHT successfully you need to combine diet, activity and lifestyle changes with being in a positive mindset to implement them. Sometimes our negative thoughts about weight loss, such as previous failed attempts or worries about giving up the food and drink we enjoy, can begin to sabotage our success. It is important to address these thoughts and develop ways to overcome these barriers. Your team at The Slimming Clinic is there to help you explore your worries and concerns to create a positive mindset and give you the support system you need to succeed.

MY BMI SAYS I’M MORBIDLY OBESE AND I AM REALLY EMBARRASSED TO JOIN THE SLIMMING CLINIC. PLEASE NEVER FEEL embarrassed about your weight. At The Slimming Clinic we treat patients of all weights and sizes with the common goal of wanting to lose weight and feel healthier. We are here to give you the advice, support and tools you need to achieve your weight loss goals not to judge your weight or current lifestyle. Whether you have gained weight recently or have struggled with your weight for a long time, our team of experts can help you implement a realistic weight management programme, making changes in sustainable way and pace that suits you.

You may not realise, but by calling us at The Slimming Clinic, you are already taking action and demonstrating you are in the right mindset to lose weight! You have identified that you would like to lose weight and you have taken action to speak to our team. You are already on your way to making the necessary changes to make your goals a reality - so well done to you!

WHAT CAN I EXPECT IN MY INITIAL PHONE CONSULTATION? IF YOU ARE a brand new patient to The Slimming Clinic, or you’ve not had an appointment with us in over 12 months, your weight loss journey with The Slimming Clinic will start with a FREE initial telephone consultation with one of our GMCregistered doctors. During your FREE initial consultation with the doctor, they will talk to you about your goals for weight loss, what you would like to achieve, and how we can help you achieve them! Whilst on the call, the doctor will assess your suitability for our weight loss programmes and ensure that joining with The Slimming Clinic is the appropriate weight loss route for you and your lifestyle requirements.


AND WHAT HAPPENS AT A PRIVATE WEIGHT LOSS AND WELLNESS ASSESSMENT? FOLLOWING YOUR FREE 1-to-1 call with the doctor, you will then book in your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment for £50 that comes in two parts. Our Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment means you can be assured that we will tailor the best weight loss programme and treatments for you and your specific weight loss needs and health requirements. Your weight loss assessments will give us and, more importantly, you, a good picture of your health and your results will be recorded in our Quick Start e-book, which will be available for you to take home with you after your two-part assessment. During the first part of your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment, you will have a 10-minute, non-invasive physical health screening with a Health Assessor at a health assessment centre near you. Your medical practitioner on the day will perform a series of tests to check if your weight is healthy and the impacts it has on your body. Using Biometric and Stethoscope tests, they will be able to monitor and record the following:

Blood pressure

Heart rate


Body Fat %


Muscle Mass

And more

I’M WORRIED ABOUT TAKING PRESCRIBED WEIGHT LOSS MEDICATIONS – I’VE HEARD SOME MIXED THINGS ABOUT THEM. CAN YOU PUT MY MIND EASE? AT THE SLIMMING CLINIC we have helping patients achieve weight loss for over 30 years and have been safely prescribing weight loss medication throughout this time. Your care at The Slimming Clinic is overseen by one of our experienced doctors who will ensure that any medication chosen for you is safe and effective. There is a wealth of information and misinformation available online regarding weight loss medication, often regarding medication that is not prescribed by a doctor. At The Slimming Clinic we have several weight loss medications that we are experienced in prescribing and that will support your dietary changes as part of your weight loss programme. As with any prescription medication, it is important that you only take medication that is prescribed for you by a doctor who has assessed your suitability for it. If you have any questions regarding the medication chosen for you then please ask your doctor for more information at your next consultation.

Your results will then be recorded in the Quick Start e-book and your results will also be sent to the doctor before the second part of your Assessment. The second part of your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment is a remote appointment with our one of our weight loss doctors. Your Slimming Clinic doctor will call you at your appointment time and they will talk you through your BMI and weight health check results. Following on from your discussions during your initial consultation call, the doctor will take more time to discuss your weight or health concerns, your lifestyle and your goals for joining a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic. Following your weight loss diagnosis with the doctor, together, you will design a personalised online weight loss programme to suit your lifestyle and aims. Once you have had both parts of your Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment, you will be able to take away your Quick Start e-book. This not only holds the results from your weight health check, but also contains 7 days’ worth of diet and wellness advice written specifically by our weight loss experts and medical professionals. This is to ensure you have the best tools and advice to begin a weight loss journey.

Got a burning question for Dr Norton? Email us at

and it may be answered in the next magazine!



N W O D K THIS LOC The three lockdowns we have had in the UK have been extremely tough on our weight, health and wellbeing and at The Slimming Clinic we understand that the extra stress that a lockdown causes has meant that often, our health has often not been top priority. Despite the millions of us getting up each morning for PE with Joe, or having good intentions to meal plan and cook, the fact remains that many of us gained weight, or negatively impacted our own health, during the lockdowns we have had in the UK since March 2020. In a study conducted by Covid Sympton Study app in July last year of a whopping 1.6 million participants, a third said they had gained weight since March 2020. That’s about 464,000 people in that survey reporting that they had put on considerable pounds because of lockdown. The survey didn’t just look at the pounds gained either, but also the reasons for people’s weight gain and how much they have put on:

4.5lbs – The average amount of weight gained from April - July by participants who were drinking more alcohol than they normally do.

5.5lbs – The average amount of those who reported doing less physical activity than usual in 3 months

7lbs (half a stone) – The average amount of weight put on since March for those who snacked more when at home between April and July.

8lbs – The average amount of weight gained by those who did not keep a healthy diet during lockdown.

The evidence in that study is also supported by two surveys conducted by Kings College London, of 2250 patients and of 2254 patients. These studies support the idea that during lockdown, people turn to comfort eating and drinking, in order to cope better with the stresses and mental health issues caused by the lockdown. In the study of 2250 patients, it found that


half of the participants felt more anxious or depressed than usual and 38% of them were finding their sleeping was far worse than normal. We know all-too-well that poor sleeping habits cause us to make poorer food choices, and feelings of anxiety or depression can make us choose to mindlessly eat as we let our emotions get the better of us. So it will come as no surprise that 35% of the participants said they weren’t eating the same healthy foods they normally would and 1 in 5 had increased their intake of alcohol to cope with the situation. Interestingly, when Kings College London surveyed patients again in May, the amount of people who said they had increased their alcohol intake had risen from 19% of people, to 29% of people, who were regularly drinking more than they normally would. So with us now in lockdown part 3 and with many of us facing stresses we didn’t think we would have to face again, what can we do to help ourselves this time around? What are the health implications if we treat our health and weight the same way as we did during the last lockdowns? Lead researcher, Professor Tim Spector from King’s College London, says, “The UK already had an obesity problem before the pandemic and what our latest data shows is the lockdown has made it worse. It’s, therefore, really important that we help the public understand the implications this will have on their long-term health… It’s essential that we don’t let this pandemic have an even greater impact on our future.”We know that much evidence now shows that COVID-19 has a much more detrimental effect on our health if we are overweight or obese, as well as increasing the risks of developing obesity related conditions. So, how can we lower our risks, now and in the long term, and help ourselves this time around in lockdown? How can we find, or regain, our healthy habits?



Choose to lose and be mindful:

Use this opportunity to change your lifestyle and use the time wisely to lose weight! When you find yourself stressed out, worried or anxious and you’re considering opening that bottle of wine, or reaching for a snack you don’t NEED - Stop. Think. Are you going to feel better for consuming it or is it adding unnecessary calories?

2 3

Shop sensibly: We’ve all seen those who panic and

buy lots of canned, high-salt, high-calorie, but longlasting foods when lockdown comes. However, in the long run, they are bad for your health and you’re paying for convenience in calories. As shown in the previous lockdown, the supermarkets have plenty of fresh, healthy foods, regularly delivered, so there is no reason not to continue to eat well. When you’ve made your meal plan from the previous point, make a food list and go shopping. Extra tip – don’t go food shopping hungry – it leads to buying unnecessary things that you’re craving because you’re peckish, not because you need it. Stick to your list!


Get support: If you’re still struggling

more and you feel like you need your get to nd rou e tim support this trol, con er und ght wei health and CGM GET HELP! Our experienced loss ght registered doctors and wei and experts are here to support you s ient pat t trea to e are able to continu er ent we as now n eve across the UK, n. the country-wide second lockdow


Make life easier: Even if you’re on furlough, or your office is now your spare bedroom or living room, life at the moment still feels exhausting . It can be so easy to close your lapt op at the end of the day and resi gn yourself to getting a takeawa y to relieve the stress of having to coo k. But take 10 minutes, once a wee k, to make a food plan of healthy, sim ple and QUICK meals. The interne t is rife with thousands if not millions of healthy, speedy meals. Make a plan , print the recipes, get cooking and make meals in minutes. Use your

outside time wisely: This lockdown is a little differe nt to the last in that we aren’t gettin g the nice, long, light evenings we did earlier in the year, so it becomes mu ch easier to ignore getting outside and doing our activities. However, we also have unlimited chances to exe rcise now too, not just one hour. So head out at lunch time or get up a little earlier and head outdoors into the fresh autumn air to start your day . Not only will it help with your act ivity quota, but being outside will also boost serotonin levels and give your mental health a lift too.

Our lockdown protocol procedures and remote weight loss programmes ensure, no matter where you are, you can continue on your weight loss journey safely, in the comfort of your own home, with access to the ongoing support of our team of experts and medical professionals. Whatever your personal needs, The Slimming Clinic is here to help and is committed to supporting you every step of the way.


Portion Control IT’S ONE THING TO SAY “I’LL ONLY HAVE TWO SLICES OF PIZZA” AND ANOTHER TO HAVE THE WILLPOWER TO ACT ON IT AND NOT EAT IT ALL! Portion control can be extremely difficult but eating the right amount of food is incredibly important for good health and maintaining or losing weight. And it applies to healthy food, too! No matter how healthily you eat, you can still put on weight if you’re eating too much. Therefore, portion control is a key factor for weight loss and with so many of us unaware of what a normal portion is, it seems most of us have ‘portion distortion’!

So if you’re worried you’re over-eating, have a look at some of our simple portion control tips: smaller • Eat with smaller plates and bowls. You’ll have a plate ler smal portion but still feel satisfied. Eating from a meal, tricks your brain into thinking you are eating a bigger as the plate looks fuller! of • Fill up on veggies! Having at least two portions thy and heal vegetables on your plate helps to cover it with dients. filling food, leaving less room for higher-calorie ingre down, • Eat slowly. How often have you wolfed your food your only to feel REALLY full half an hour later? Don’t eat your for food too quickly as it takes about 20 minutes ly, stomach to tell your brain you’re full. By eating slow you’re giving your body time to communicate! n you • Turn off the TV. Eating in front of the TV can mea ning mea , food eat more without noticing or enjoying your food you are not taking the time to appreciate the fuel and er dinn you’re adding to your body. Take time to enjoy your time. during • Eat small, regular portions. Don’t starve yourself ing the day as you might end up overindulging in the even and having a larger, calorific dinner. Make sure you eat are regularly, but only eat when you’re body tells you you hungry! Try not to eat for the sake of it.


So, do you think you know your portions? Take a look at these hands and see how much is considered a portion!

For a detailed idea of how much you should be eating, download our Portion Control Guide from


Weight Loss TREATMENTS DEPENDING ON YOUR unique requirements and which weight loss programme you embark on with The Slimming Clinic, we offer a number of different treatments to ensure your weight loss journey remains on track until you reach your goals with us and beyond. Every weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic includes remote appointments with our doctor. With most weight loss programmes, we offer weight loss medication as well as supportive supplements a state-of-the-art Qardio equipment.

Prescription Weight Loss Medication All our weight loss programmes include the option of appetite suppressant medication, which are clinically tested and carefully prescribed by our GMCregistered doctors based on your medical requirements to ensure it is safe for you. Your doctor will explain how the weight loss medication will aid your journey and they will monitor you closely throughout your weight loss journey to ensure you are getting the best and safest results.Our hunger suppressant medications are not prescribed to completely take away your appetite. Instead, they simply suppress/ reduce your appetite, so you have more control of your hunger and begin to adjust to new, healthier eating habits. At The Slimming Clinic, we can prescribe two tablet appetite suppressants Phentermine and Diethylpropion as well as the weight loss injection, Saxenda. During your initial assessments, your doctor will talk to you through all the weight loss medication options and together, you can decide on the best treatment for your needs. loss medication options and together, you can decide on the best treatment for your needs.

Chromium Chromium is a supportive supplement we offer at The Slimming Clinic and is comprised of a mineral that is considered essential, meaning we cannot make it in our bodies so it must be obtained from our diet.Chromium helps the hormone insulin perform its actions in the body. Insulin, a hormone released by the pancreas, is necessary for your body’s metabolism and storage of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.Chromium deficient individuals may crave sweet food, suffer constant hunger pangs due to the fact glucose is being stored as fat.Several studies have indicated that taking chromium supplements can help:


Obesity by reducing food intake, hunger and cravings and reduce the frequency of binge-eating episodes.

Glucose intolerance by improving blood glucose control in those with type 2 diabetes or help control the glucose and insulin responses in those a risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Depression by improving the symptoms of low mood.

GZ12 GZ12 is a combined supplement of Glucomannan, zinc oxide and vitamin B12. It is developed and used EXCLUSIVELY by The Slimming Clinic to help appetite control and weight loss in conjunction with a healthy nutrition and lifestyle programme. Glucomannan is the only herbal ingredient that has proven weight loss attributions with a European Food Standards Agency (EFSA) endorsement. It is a filling agent that absorbs water in the stomach to make your feel fuller and less hungry.Vitamin B12 contributes to normal energy levels which is vital when the patient is on a restricted diet. It is an essential vitamin that your body needs but cannot produce. Zinc contributes to normal carbohydrate metabolism and the normal metabolism of fatty acids.

Qardio Qardio design innovative health monitoring devices that fit the modern lifestyle, to enable you to track your overall health and positive changes to your wellbeing, not just your weight. Fundamental to leading a healthy lifestyle is looking at important health factors and tracking changes in your body composition, so by partnering with Qardio and giving you your own set of Smart Scales and Wireless Blood Pressure Monitor, you can measure your progress in the comfort and safety of your own home. This means you can track not just your weight, but your overall health improvements too on your weight loss journey.

“I lost

2st” Charlene

Using the Qardio devices means you’re getting a more valuable and bespoke service than ever before at The Slimming Clinic, helping you reach your weight loss and health goals quicker. Keep your motivation up and get more in-depth body analysis from our brilliant Qardio products by joining our i-Change or Transform programme. When you sign up to our i-Change and Transform programmes, we will send you a QardioArm – a wireless Blood Pressure Monitor and QardioBase Smart Scales. Together they are worth over £230, but they are included when you sign up!


e g n a i-Ch

p u o r G k o o aceb

part of e b o t t n a w Do you with e v i s u l c x e g somethin linic? C g in m im l S e Th YOU CAN BE, WHEN YOU JOIN OUR FACEBOOK GROUP – EXCLUSIVELY FOR PATIENTS ON OUR I-CHANGE PROGRAMME! Designed to be a safe space to discuss your weight loss journey with others sharing the same programme as you, as well as a place to pick up daily tips and advice from our clinic experts, who will be giving you daily advice and support in the group! 18

Experts Our clinic experts will be sharing motivational messages, videos, articles and recipes for you to use while you are on our i-Change programme.

For more information:

Support We have already been sharing all through December and now they are here to support you through the new year, into spring and beyond, to lose weight and make 2021 as successful as possible for you on your weight loss and health improvement journey.

If you want to join this exclusive group and engage with others just like yourself and highly-trained experts, then join our i-Change programme or contact us for more information!

Share & Inspire

Telephone: 0800 917 9334

It is also a place for you to share your own tips and help others by sharing experiences that you’ve had whilst on your journey to losing weight and improving your health. You never know who you might inspire with your progress, or who might inspire you!

Facebook: theslimmingclinicUK

Website: www.


Sticking to

YOUR RESOLUTION How is your new year’s resolution going? What promises did you make to yourself at the beginning of the year and are you keeping them? ever to stick to the promises we made We know that this year it could be harder than ible to be healthier and lose weight despite ourselves on January 1st, but it is still poss va, after analysing data from 98.3 million lockdown! According to fitness app, Stra January, is ‘Quitter’s Day’ – the day in fitness activities loaded into their app, 19th resolutions. which most people give up their new year’s last? How long does your resolution typically

ing back to poor weather, being exhausted from head A mixture of the lockdown restrictions, to keep ility inab our for ed blam in the way, has been work or just the grind of daily life getting giving like ng feeli e you’r If year. the into ide so early our resolutions from falling by the ways to need you e nudg this new year, let us give you the up on the things you’d promised to try to ed decid you why t abou k lution is motivation. Thin keep going!A key part of keeping any reso quick a it’s if Even it. ed start first you were when you make your resolution and how motivated , try doing or prepping your meal ideas for the week list ping shop a ng maki out, 15-minute work when goal a self motivation again.Did you set your c something small that can help unearth your alisti unre self your g Givin s? realistic with those goal you started your resolution? And were you quick as isn’t ress prog your if cially your journey, espe goals can be sometimes be detrimental to , in the g ‘nothing worth having comes easy’? Well sayin the of d hear Ever be. to it as you expected ries victo little the this can so often be true. Celebrate case of improving your health and fitness, you have along the way.

Get 10% Discount on your weight loss programme during January 2021 when you commit to your weight loss with The Slimming Clinic.* To find out how much you could save, call us on 0800 917 9334! *Ts & Cs apply. Please speak to us for more details.

If you want help with your willpower and advice to keep going – let us support you. We are here, during lockdown and beyond. 20

“I lost

3st 11lbs” Liam

“I lost

4st 7lbs” Erin

“I lost

2st 2lbs” Charlotte

However, that is not to say that hav ing

an ‘ultimate’ goal is a bad thing! Sett in mind what you would like to achi ing eve in the long term, and then putt ing short term goals in place to help get you there, creates focus and motivation.It’s the little step ping stones you take to your ultimate goal that eventual ly add up and before you know it, you’ ll be well on your way to what you want to achieve. If you’ re struggling to stick to eating well and moving more, make a pros and cons list for why you shou ld and shouldn’t carr y on with it. For instance, the pro of exercising could be that it’s great for you and helps release your hap py endorphins, but a con might be that you have an old injury you need to be war y of. More often than not, you’ll find that the pros will outweigh the cons and give you reason to keep going!Rewards are a great way to ince ntivise yourself into keeping your reso lution. That doesn’t necessarily mean tucking into a box of chocolates when you’ve eaten well for a little while, but you can find a reward that won’t dera il your resolution! Of course, the occa sional slip up won’t completely undo all your hard wor k. If you do find your hands slipping into the cookie jar or ordering whatever you want off the menu at a restaurant, don’t beat your self up about it! Take each day as it comes and remember that ever y meal is a new opportunity .But we think the most important part of keeping any reso lution is to keep trying. If you feel yourself giving up – just keep going. There is nothing to say you can’t take a little break and com e back to it a few days later!

Give us a call on 0800 917 9334 to get the support and willpower boost you need!




s Starting Weight: 14st 4lb s Current Weight: 10st 9lb Weight Loss: 3st 9lbs


AFTER struggling with her agility and being diagnosed with diabetes, Linda decided it was time to do something about her weight for good.


aving been diagnosed with diabetes and finding it hard to lose weight in the past, I knew I needed to do something. Previous attempts to lose weight had only seen me lose 7lb in 18 months. I have found that it’s only recently that my weight has become an issue. When I was younger, I was very lucky in that I was always slimmer. My daughter had been coming to the clinic and put me in touch with the lovely staff. I haven't looked back! >


There are so many benefits I’m experiencing since losing weight. I’m rarely tired any more and I just feel a different woman.

> I swim regularly now and my children are wanting me to go away with them to theme parks and on holiday, something I wouldn’t have felt confident doing before! My experience has been an absolute pleasure at The Slimming Clinic! The ladies in the clinic have been friendly, helpful but always totally professional. My friends and family are so amazed by what I have achieved and compliment me all the time. The best part is, my grandson said, “Nanny I can put my arms right around you now!” Easily the best part of losing weight is that I feel like I have my life back. I am able to move better and have more agility and spend more time with my family. I am totally happy again.


st in you want, but ju 1. Eat everything moderation. d gular exercise an 2. Try to get in re swim! activity, I like to water and stay 3. Drink plenty of hydrated.

how they lost Hear from more of our testimonials about ointment services! weight with us in 2020, via our remote app


e g n a h C d n Transform a ur expert o h t i w e f i l r u o y s e m m a r g o r p weight loss

All our online weight loss programmes include regular remote appointments with our specialist team of medical practitioners. Our Pay As You Slim, Transform and iChange programmes feature different benefits and extras to suit your We have a variety of different needs. weight loss and slimming You have the option to receive advice from our knowledgeable online weight loss coaches – dietitians, movement coaches and mind coaches. If you are new to The Slimming Clinic, or you’ve not had an appointment with us in over 1 year, your weight loss journey will begin with a FREE initial telephone consultation with one of our GMC-registered doctors. During your FREE initial consultation with the doctor, they will talk to you about your goals for weight loss, what you would like to achieve, and how we can help you achieve them!Whilst on the call, the doctor will assess your suitability for our weight loss programmes and ensure that joining with The Slimming Clinic is the appropriate weight loss route for you and your lifestyle requirements.


programmes that are selected based on your requirements. With our remote weight loss programmes, no matter where you are in the UK, you can start and continue your weight loss journey safely, from the comfort of your own home, with access to the ongoing support of our team of experts and medical professionals via phone or video consultations and all the fantastic benefits that accompany your weight loss programme. Each programme we offer is uniquely tailored to you, based on your health and weight loss needs and what you would like to achieve. No two programmes we prescribe are the same and we ensure every patient who joins a weight loss programme is equipped with the tools, knowledge and support they need, in order to reach their goals.

AS K Off OU US A er clo R OF BOU T F se dat ERS e3 ! 1.0 1.2 1

Weight Loss Programmes: Overview “I lost


per month. 6-month commitment.

5st 7lbs” Shivon

Our Transform online weight loss programme is our most comprehensive solution for sustainable, safe and guaranteed weight loss. We are so confident in the power of our Transform weight loss programme that we offer a weight loss guarantee to anyone who joins it! With our Transform online weight loss programme, you will get weekly, 1-to-1 appointments with a GMC-registered doctor via telephone, who will be there to support you every step of the way along your weight loss journey. To support your weight loss they may also prescribe weight loss medication, which is safe and effective and tailored to your medical needs and lifestyle. You will also receive specialist and regular 1-to-1 appointments with our online weight loss coaches – Dietitian, Mind and Movement Coaches, Qardio equipment and more. Find out more about our WEIGHT LOSS GUARANTEE programme, Transform, here.


per month. 6-month commitment.

i-Change is a six-month medical weight loss programme aimed at supporting you for a longer period of time, giving more structure to your weight loss goals and giving us time to equip you with the best tools and knowledge to lose weight successfully. Our i-Change online weight loss programme comes with a host of amazing new benefits and support tools to make sure your journey keeps moving forward, as well as ensuring that you are given the expert knowledge to not only lose weight, but learn how to sustain it for life too. Find out more about the incredible benefits of i-Change here.

£125* per month. 1-month commitment.

Pay As You Slim is a monthly online weight loss plan that means you can buy your prescription weight loss medication up to 4 weeks in advance and benefit from regular ongoing support from our professional, caring medical practitioners. Find out more about Pay As You Slim here.


Staying Motivated & Active this Winter WINTER CAN BE A TOUGH TIME ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE TRYING TO STICK TO A NEW, HEALTHIER LIFESTYLE. And now with lockdown meaning most of us are confined to our homes for vast parts of the day, the shorter daylight hours and the cold weather, it can mean we are more tempted to stay inside and hibernate than head out, get active and eat healthier foods. When it’s dark all the time and we’re stuck indoors, it can be harder to stay active and is it just us, or does your appetite seem to double too in the colder weather? Did you know that nearly 50% of all resolutions made are based around eating better or exercising more, but statistics show that only 8% of people stick to their resolutions within January! But how can we stay motivated this winter and this lockdown and ensure we keep on track until spring arrives to liven our spirits again?

Get an Exercise or Diet Buddy Having an exercise or diet buddy is more exciting than doing it all alone. The new lockdown restrictions mean you can still meet with one other from another household to work out outside, so why not find to find someone who has comparable goals so that you can start the journey together?Studies show that working out with a friend makes you push yourself harder and will help to keep each other accountable for doing activity or exercise. Head outside and try something different with someone who you know will encourage and support you on your journey to being healthier. Consider using an exercise tracker to log your daily exercise routine too and before you know it, winter will have come and gone, leaving you feeling good about yourself!

Keep a Food Diary A food diary allows you to keep track of everything that you put into your mouth. If you’re looking to keep some balance across your meals, make sure that 1/3 of your plate is carbohydrates, 1/3 is fruits and vegetables, and the other 1/3 is proteins. By keeping a food diary, you can monitor what you’re eating and when and pick up on where your downfalls might be. Previous lockdowns have seen us pick up some eating habits we might like to leave behind in 2020, so keeping a food diary can be a real eye opener to seeing where you are perhaps overeating! A diary buddy can also help make the journey easier too! Sharing with a friend will prompt you to be more disciplined. Why not start a messaging group where you share what you’ve eaten that day or healthy recipes?


Compare Yourself to YOU Everyone’s weight loss journey is unique and different so comparing yourself to others is natural but can be very unhelpful. Instead, find motivation by looking back and appreciating how far you have come. Dig out old photos and see the difference in yourself, there may be things that you’ve not noticed changing about yourself, for the better! It could be your BMI has decreased, you’re in different sized clothes, or perhaps you’ve found your cheek bones! Praise yourself for the work you have done already and remember why you started your healthy lifestyle in the first place.

Reward Yourself Weight loss can be pretty tough both physically and mentally, and you deserve to reward yourself for all of your hard work. Whilst we don’t encourage you to tuck into a tub of ice cream or bottle of wine, you can set yourself non-edible rewards! Maybe a spa treatments, or a haircut or perhaps a trip that you’ve always wanted to take when these things are available again. Set small achievable milestones and celebrate when you achieve them with your unique rewards! We know that lockdown and the gloomy winter weather can easily tempt you to remain indoors and have a little too much to eat sometimes. And sometimes, that is exactly what we need to feel a little better. However, if you find that comforting yourself with unhealthy habits becomes a frequent thing for you and you need a boost in motivation, let The Slimming Clinic give you a hand. With our wonderful team of weight loss experts and doctors, we are on hand whenever you need us. If its support, advice or more direct help you need, we can help with it all. To get started, you can have a FREE initial consultation call and find out just how we have helped thousands of brilliant patients to successfully lose weight and keep it off.

Give us a call on 0800 917 9334 for more details on how w e can support y ou.


= S P A W S E L T




WHEN IT COMES TO DIETING, IT IS NOT ACTUALLY ABOUT MAKING HUGE CHANGES TO YOUR LIFESTYLE THAT ARE UNSUSTAINABLE AND MAKE YOU FEEL MISERABLE. In fact, often, making small, sustainable changes to your lifestyle can lead to BIG changes, provided you can keep them up! Here are just a few of our favourite simple swaps to try and boost your weight loss and health!

ydrates for Swap white carboh hydrates whole wheat carbo fibre and

ase your crease portions, incre When looking to de ys to do this is wa st sie ea e r, one of th feel fuller for longe their nutrient rich, , bread and rice, for to swap white pasta versions of our rparts. Wholewheat which can wholewheat counte of packed full fibre, are es rat yd oh rb ca e favourit al part of your than one! Fibre is a vit ys wa re mo in u yo help sugar levels, can n, helps control blood tio es dig s aid it as t, die ight loss. se, and assists in we prevent heart disea white pasta or white es, like white bread, Simple carbohydrat rapid blood sugar od sugar spikes and t that long rice, lead to rapid blo ngry and irritable no hu u yo ve lea n ca at rbohydrates, crashes th re food. Complex ca mo g vin cra d an g tin after ea wholemeal rice, wholemeal pasta or d, ea br al me ole wh like blood sugar spikes wly, which prevents slo re mo ch mu rb so ab ger after your you’re satisfied for lon and crashes, meaning ner treats and can the hunt for after din meal and won’t go on r, quicker. rol, as you feel fulle exercise portion cont

Swap fast food fo r quick meals

Fast food or takeaw ays can be oh-so-te mpting when it ha been a long day at s work, or you’re ov ertired, overwork overstressed. But ed or we know that eatin g fatty, greasy food not going to help s is our diet and healt h. So, spend 15 minut es looking on the internet for quick meals that take lit , easy tle effort, time an d coordination to but that are fresh make, , healthy and good for you. Once you found 5-10 meals have that you like, prin t th em off, or write th down, and keep th em em for the days wh en making a compl healthy meal mig ex ht be a bit too muc h to ask of you. W promise, you will e feel much better for eating somethi healthier and you’l ng l notch up some wi llpower points to resisting takeaway o for !


r walking Swap the car fo times have you

many obvious, but how ne on foot, This one is fairly that could be do nd ra er an n ru to r hopped in the ca ? ke bi en ev or way possible, king the easiest ta s ve el rs ou d ditch the car Too often we fin once a week and st ju at th ge an ops, getting to but why not ch popping to the sh s it’ If ? ke bi or ver you can, try for your feet to school, whene ds ki e th ng pi op work or dr e journey! making it an activ

ng for Swap mindless eati a food diary

ekly ve you done your we How many times ha ly to on g, tin ea of healthy weigh in after a week ble? ssi po at th is w ight? Ho see you’ve gained we know ely saintly, right? We You’ve been complet ere in weight without th it is not possible to ga you t ils overeating. So wh being an element of uld co e er th ting healthily, think you might be ea t. no e u’r yo an tors that me be any number of fac on like, over consuming These can be things kes ca or its cu g a few bis your calories, sneakin s ink dr ie lor ca r he ving hig here and there or ha e th r as calories. Whateve that we don’t count weight ur yo r fo e on be to d reason, there is boun is th g tin of mindlessly ea gain and so, instead y wh , hy alt u are being he week and thinking yo at wh ck tra d an ing healthy not know you are be wn do ite wr ry? Simply you eat in a food dia ere is a week and see if th in t ea u yo everything be the n highlight that could anything that you ca weight gain. cause of your pesky

Swap inside t ime

for outside tim e

This might seem like an obviou s one, but mak getting enough e sure you are time outside in the fresh air! A shorter and ou s the days are r precious dayl ight hours are schedule time fewer, make su every day to ge re you t outside. But why should we? How can be ing outside he loss? Fresh air lp out weight has been show n to help you di effectively, im gest food mor prove your bloo e d pressure and strengthen yo heart rate and ur immune syst em, which all le weight loss. So ad to helping find time to sp with end outside, ev minutes a day en if it is for 30 and boost your weight loss jo urney!

Swap depriva tion

for moderatio n

This one is a ke y when it com es to weight lo weight loss pr ss. So many of ogrammes are focussed on de the things that priving you of you enjoy, telli ng you to coun or ‘syn’ your fa t the points, vourite chocol ate bar. Whilst bad foods will cutting out all help you lose weight, it does sustainability n’t teach you and once you reach your wei and go back to ght loss target eating the thin gs you enjoy, yo indulging and u risk overgaining weigh t again. At The we promote m Slimming Clin oderation over ic, deprivation, m still eat everyt eaning, you ca hing you enjoy, n just in moderat teach patients ion! We aim to that even whe n you are trying before you re to lose weight, ach your target , you shouldn’ unable to eat t feel like you and drink the are things you enjo y. You work with our doctors to focus on incorp you love into yo orating all that ur new diet pl an, so it becom If you want m es your lifesty ore help and gu le! idance with di and mindset on et, movement your weight lo ss journey, then at The Slimmin contact us g Clinic today. We have expe loss waiting to rts in weight help from doct ors to dietitian coaches and m s to movemen ind coaches. W t e have helped lose weight in so many peop over 30 years le of operation an and here to he d we are read lp you too. y


F L E S E R A C ime for you t e k a T

WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT SELF-CARE, WHAT DO YOU IMAGINE?? A day spent at a spa? Time spent relaxing and unwinding on holiday? Reading for a few hours? Meditation?

“I lost

1st 4lbs” Stacie

Whatever your ideas are, the truth is, in our busy lives, we don’t often have time for hours spent indulging ourselves with the things we would love to be doing, meaning that our self-care and wellbeing can take a bit of a backseat. But self-care has never been more important, particularly during lockdown where we don’t tend to stop to think about how much we need to look after ourselves, not just physically, but mentally too. At The Slimming Clinic, we think it is really important to take time out for yourself, especially as self-care can benefit you by reducing stress and anxiety, boost energy levels, increase immunity and improve your mood, resilience and well-being. When we find ourselves stressed, our willpower is often tested, and we can find ourselves turning to comfort foods and perhaps eating things we shouldn’t. When we find ourselves stressed, our willpower is often tested, and we can find ourselves turning to comfort foods and perhaps eating things we shouldn’t.


When stress, anxiety and worry takes over, that’s when self-care becomes really important. When it comes to self-care however, there isn’t a one-sizefits-all approach, so to make things easier, we thought we would give you some ideas that you can try, whether you have five, 30 or 60 minutes to yourself to relax and try to unwind, even if just for a few moments. We hope that these ideas will give you some inspiration about how to look after the most important person in your life – you! Self-care doesn’t require hours of free time, just a few moments each day will help keep you boosted and feeling motivated. Remember, The Slimming Clinic Doctors are always on hand in clinic to help you with ways to support your time on our weight loss programmes. Whether you need help with self-care, body image, dietary or activity advice, they are there for YOU! We want to make sure you have all the tools to lose weight and keep it off for good, once you reach your goals.

If you’ve only got 5 minutes: • •

List five things you’re grateful for today. for Breathe in and out deeply – counting in nds. 4 seconds and out for 4 seco

of Wash your face and clean off the stress the day.

Drink a glass of water.

• • • •

Listen to your favourite song (maybe even dance around!). Stretch and walk around.

If you’ve only go t 30 minutes:

Compliment yourself. Send a kind message to someone.

Take a walk (it

Do a more de

• •

doesn’t have to

tailed though

Sketch somet hing


Cuddle your pe

be strenuous!


t journal.


Do a face mas

Give yourself

Have a bath.

Do an online w orkout video.


a manicure.

If you find yourself with an hour to spare: • •

catch up Call that friend you’ve been meaning to with. make a Plan out your meals for the week and shopping list.

Read some chapters of a book. Declutter your living or working space.

Create a vision and goals board.

Listen to a podcast.

• •

and put Write out positive notes to your future self boost. d moo a need you n whe open to them in a jar Go for a coffee with friends.

n call with Call us today for your free initial consultatio how a doctor and try out our programmes to see ing, they can benefit not just your physical well-be . but build your up your mental resilience too


Our REMOTE APPOINTMENT Services Joining a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic has never been more convenient with our remote appointment service. Remote consultations enable us to provide our services nationwide and offer a wider range of appointment times, 6 days a week! And the additional availability means you can get the help and support you need from our weight loss experts whether you are at work, at home or even on holiday and have your treatments delivered safely to your nominated address through our COVID-secure courier partner. If you’ve had an appointment with us in the last 12 months or less, simply give us a call on 0800 917 9334 to get booked in as normal!

New to The Slimming Clinic, or haven’t been to us in over 12 months? Find out more about how you can join a weight loss programme with your FREE initial weight loss consultation phone call and a Private Weight Loss and Wellness Assessment!

How do I book a remote appointment? It couldn’t be simpler! Either click the Book an Appointment button on this page or call our lovely Call Centre team who will get you booked in for our next available remote telephone appointment with a Doctor. Telephone: 0800 917 9334.

What happens in my remote appointment? Once you’ve booked your appointment, the doctor will call you at your appointment time.At your routine appointment, the doctor will talk to you about how you are getting on, ensure the medication is still working and answer any questions you may have. In order to safely prescribe and dispatch your treatments, the doctor will require your weight, and in some instances, blood pressure reading to ensure you are still on the right weight loss medication. If this is the case, we will send you a blood pressure monitor to keep, so you can take you reading and email it to us so the doctor can review and then, if possible, prescribe and send your treatments to you. We kindly request that you have these two pieces of information ready and available for your remote appointment with the Doctor, as we are unable to write your prescription or dispatch your treatments without them. They will offer their usual support and discuss any issues you are facing and give you advice and tips to see you through until your next appointment.

Find out for yourself how the remote appointments are more effective than ever by giving us a call and talking to a member of our Patient Support team!

0800 917 9334 32

REFER A Friend

DO YOU WANT A weight loss boost and some money off your

weight loss programme? Do you know someone, or maybe a few people, who are looking to lose weight? If you know anyone who could benefit from our services, then introduce them to us by recommending them and giving them your unique referral code!

For every person you refer to us, and signs up to one of our weight loss programmes, you will be rewarded with credit added to your account and so does your friend!*

Did you know that slimming with a friend or loved one can increase your chances of losing weight? The support and willpower boost you get from being on the same weight loss journey as someone you know and trust can help speed up the process! There are NO LIMITS to how many people you can refer either, so the discount possibilities are endless! Help your friends or family improve their health and well-being and gain encouragement and support from each other as you navigate your weight loss journeys together.

How can you refer someone? It couldn't be easier to start referring your friends and family to us. Just follow these steps if you are on, or will be joining a weight loss programme with us:

• • • •

Call our Patient Support team on 0800 917 9334. Ask them for your unique referral code. Pass on your unique referral code to your friends, family, colleagues, gym buddies, whoever (!). Get them to give us a call on 0800 917 9334 telling us who has referred them and the unique referral code.

• •

Or get them to fill in the form here: slimming-referral-scheme/ making sure to put in your name and unique referral code. A member of our patient support team will book in their first, FREE weight loss consultation call. When your referral has attended their appointment and joined a weight loss programme with The Slimming Clinic, you will both receive credit on your accounts with us!

It's that simple! So, how many people will you



For more information on how we can help you reach your health and weight loss goals in 2021, or for more details on anything you have read in the magazine,

contact us on 0800 917 9334 or

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