Your Future In Arts 2022

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o you have a passion for theater but a horrible

a career in music, theater, dance or more, there’s probably

case of stage fright? Love music but can’t carry

more options out there than you think.

a tune with a bucket? Do you want the arts in

Check out the career options below, and reach out to the

your life after high school, but aren’t quite sold

programs in this guide for an inside look at all the different

yet on the idea of the so-called starving artist?

art careers that await you!

If so, then this is the list for you! We know that sometimes it feels like the only jobs out


there are for the hyper-talented, high-profile performers

Art conservationists focus their work on the discovery,

and visual artists. However, there are actually hundreds of

repair, storage and preservation of art and other objects of

careers that touch the arts directly that aren’t necessarily

cultural heritage or significance. Picture someone carefully

based in performance or raw artistic skill. If you’re looking for

handling and cleaning an ancient document. Requiring a

2022 TeenLife Guide to Your Future In Arts


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