MAN CBD Guide- Summer 2021

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e: Focus Drops - Lime

CBD Patches (4 x 10mg),

Pure CBD Vegan Gummies

l), £24.99, Active CBD

£9.99, Cannacares

(20mg), £21.99, Iconic CBD

is a range of oils that have

Cannacares patches look like a

Iconic CBD gummies come in a

plaster but are infused with CBD.

variety of fruit flavours including

d vitamins and extracts to

d performance, focus, recovery

elaxation as part of your fitness

e. The lime flavour also contains

Apply the patch to a venous part of

orange, strawberry and pineapple.

the body like the top of your arm,

These vegan sweets provide a

inside of wrist or ankle. The patch

consistent dose of CBD. They are

in A which could help with iron

works by reacting to your body

perfect for anyone who dislikes the

bolism management. Other

heat, releasing a small amount

‘hempy’ taste that you often get

of CBD through the skin and into

with oils and tinctures.

rs in the range include

ins D3 and B12 which are

the bloodstream. Patches provide

ht to reduce tiredness and aid

a continuous release of CBD

e recovery.

throughout the day and are perfect


Mental Health LEGALISATION Public health and user-driven social media campaigns have encouraged

more of us to open up about our mental health in recent years. We talk to one man who conf ronted his mental health issues with CBD. Words by Gordon Stribling.

for the office.

ACTIVE OVER LOCK-DOWN The Centre for Mental Health estimates that around 10 million of us will experience long term mental health problems as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those will likely be men who, true to the stereotype, avoid confronting the issue and suffer in silence.

Running was the absolute key to keeping myself on a good path.


The Pure Sport CBD virtual Run Club has helped more than 800 people stay active

Some of our favourites to boost your mood With little experience of training others, Will brought running

coach Lloyd Kempson on board. Lloyd was inspired by his own experiences in a commercial

run club environment. He found

Confronting mental health issues with CBD

Despite the barriers to discussing

the club-based system could

this taboo subject being slowly

foster a sense of elitism while the

eroded, suicide remains the

commercial world was a lot more accepting. All you need to do is get

biggest killer of men aged under

there, leave your ego at the door

45. There’s still a long way to go.

and have a good time, however

Matthew Whittaker, 29, is a project

hard you go or fast you are.

manager and founder of the

“When anyone is welcome, you gain benef its in physical, mental


Aryeetey uses it, triathletes like

go to the next level while keeping

and social areas, it unlocks doors

the Brownlee Brothers, too. So, the

that spirit of inclusivity and giving

to so many parts of your life

diversity it has is insane. And to be

new runners the social experience

that you may never have come

able to sleep and recover well is

that Lloyd has found so valuable.

across before. So social health

good for anyone.”

“A lot of them may never have had

CBD_UK subreddit from Leeds. He

in a world of my own,” he says. “Then all of a sudden a wave of anxiety just hit me like a tonne of

The Run Club is bringing out

this social side of the sport before

people who haven’t run in a long

and I know how amazing it is,” he

met before. Mentally, you may

time. There are various reasons for

says. “To have that opportunity

f ind so much more conf idence in

this, Lloyd says. Some were bored

to bring it to their doorsteps is

your ability to apply yourself to an

of running, others got injured

the door.

bricks out of nowhere.” He describes the experience as

a condition. To him, it was just an

a ‘chainsaw’ of overwhelming

brain deals with thoughts as they

understandable and short-lived

negative and aggressive thoughts

come in. But eventually, that door

reaction to a stressful event. Until a

and dark subject matter. A

is going to burst open.”

few years ago.

therapist would later use an

Matthew’s natural inclination to

Produced in association with

improvement, you may meet f riends that you would have never

in the right place. You’re just shoving stuff in them and shutting

admits that, for much of life he ‘didn’t really understand’ anxiety as

“I was working like mad, juggling an app start-up, doing all this

a really exciting thing for me. I

volunteer stuff... basically just

activity that you never thought

or pushed themselves too hard

genuinely think just f rom seeing

ploughing away, doing too much

you could before. And then

and some didn’t train properly.

how quickly this has grown online

analogy to describe how he dealt with his problems. “You’re not folding things up neatly and putting them in the cupboard

“I don’t think we consciously know we’re doing it. It’s just how our

rationalise himself back to mental clarity only made things worse. Trying to think about how not to worry only perpetuated a cycle that



Delivered to you door





o, you heard about CBD, and how it comes from cannabis. If you made it past this point, congratulations! You see, many people hear the word ‘cannabis’

and switch off. This is one of the reasons why we, at The CANNAVIST Magazine, teamed up with MAN to bring you this CBD guide. We want to show you why there is nothing to be afraid of when it comes to these three little letters, CBD. As the UK & Ireland’s first ever CBD publication (or cannabis publication come to think of it) we have a responsibility to share with you the facts on this cannabis extract. It’s up to you what you make of them, but we can be very convincing! Here are three things you should know about CBD before you engage in a conversation about cannabis.


CBD will NOT get you high. No, just no. Why? The CBD you get in the UK is derived from hemp. It is non-intoxicating

does not change the way our minds behave or alter our self-control.


CBD is NOT a drug. There is no scientific evidence to suggest that humans can become addicted to this.

So, what is it? It’s a nutraceutical, just like the vitamin D supplement you take every morning.


CBD is legal. As an uncontrolled substance, it is free to sell and purchase as an over-the-counter consumer

product just like any other food supplement. In the pages to follow, we’ll teach you about the benefits of CBD on mental health, fitness and leading an alcohol-free lifestyle. You will hear from qualified experts and first-hand accounts of how this powerful plant extract has changed so many lives. And that’s all it is, a plant extract. See? Nothing to be afraid of. For more on all things CBD and medical cannabis, check out the Cannavist website and social media: & @cannavistmag




THE ABCs OF CBD A glossary of key terms and phrases you need to know to grow your understanding of CBD

CBN Cannabinol is often the result of THC. After exposure to oxygen, UV light, or heat, THC can break down into CBN, which is less psychoactive. There is debate over the legality of CBN as a controlled or uncontrolled substance. Emerging research out of the US appears to show exciting results of CBN in cases of insomnia.

COA Certificate of Analysis. This is a document certified by an independent laboratory which depicts the cannabinoid profile of a CBD product. All CBD products on sale should have an easy to locate COA on their website.

ECS The Endocannabinoid System works



with CBD to help the body find homeostasis. The ECS consists of a chain of two types of receptors;

The proportion or amount of a

Cannabidiol – this major

CB1 found in the brain and many

substance, in this case CBD, that

cannabinoid is known for its

peripheral tissues while CB2 is

reaches circulation in the body’s

anti-inflammatory properties and

primarily found in immune cells.

bloodstream and has an active

plays a role in working with the

The ECS has been shown to play a

effect. Some products claim to have

endocannabinoid system.

role in mood, memory, appetite, pain

a higher bioavailability than others.


and fertility.


The Entourage Effect This is said to happen when a group

A naturally occurring chemical

Cannabidiolic acid is another

of cannabinoids are found together,

found in cannabis plants. There

compound produced by the

enhancing their efficacy and

are more than 100 confirmed

cannabis plant. It is abundantly

absorption by acting in synergy with

cannabinoids identified by scientists

present in live hemp plants.

other compounds of the cannabis

so far, with CBD and THC the most

CBDa is the acid form of CBD, it is

plant. Full spectrum and broad

widely recognised.

decarboxylated as heat expedites

spectrum CBD extracts give the

the conversion of CBDa into CBD.

average end user the best possibility



of experiencing the entourage effect. Medical cannabis patients who take a prescribed whole plant




cannabis-based medicine may



with marijuana. While some full spectrum CBD products may contain micro traces of this taboo cannabinoid, even having trace amounts of THC in a CBD product is forbidden. Hemp plants contain significantly lower proportions of THC than marijuana plants.

Tincture The common name given to CBD oils taken under the tongue. Traditionally, in holistic medicine, benefit from this effect. The term

the effectiveness of CBD-infused

a tincture is a plant extract that

was coined by Israeli scientists Dr

skincare products.

has been soaked in ethanol. A CBD tincture usually comes as a small

Raphael Mechoulam and Dr Shimon Ben-Shabat in the 1990s.


glass bottle in a spray cap or with a glass dropper, known as a pipette.


Usually used in referring to drug substances affecting the mind. THC

A form of cannabis plant, hemp is

is psychoactive.

cultivated to contain very low THC levels, making it the perfect source


Psychotropic This is a term you will often find

of CBD. Until recent years and the rise of CBD, hemp was primarily

An umbrella term for any substance

on the packaging of a tincture.

cultivated for its fibres.

which affects behaviour, mood,

Stemming from the Latin for

thoughts, or perception.

‘under the tongue’, the word refers


to the pharmacological route of


administration by which the active components of a substance are

You may remember this one from biology class. Homeostasis is the

A terpene is an aromatic compound

delivered to the blood stream, via

ability to maintain a relatively

found in leafy green plants. Terpenes

the thin tissue under the tongue.

stable internal state in the body

are organic compounds, produced

that persists despite changes in

by a variety of plants. Christmas trees

the world outside. This is optimal

give off a smell of pine through the

functioning, when everything is

terpene pinene. This is a solvent used in the common

working just as it should, despite external factors.

Supercritical CO2


extraction process where cultivators extract CBD from the hemp plant.


Tetrahydrocannabinol – the primary

Wine makers use Supercritical CO2

psychoactive, mind altering aspect

extraction methods to remove the

Similar to bioavailability but more

of the cannabis plant. THC is

musty taste from cork, for a cork

appropriate for use in explaining

responsible for the high associated

taint-free bottle of vino.




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Ask the SCIENTIST Dr Parveen Bhatarah of the Association for the Cannabinoid Industry and Centre for Medicinal Cannabis breaks down the science on CBD as a future potential lifestyle aid where sleep disorders and mental health intertwine.

• • • •

Reduction of pain and

to their dreams and have a hard

inflammation caused by arthritis

time sleeping. With CBD use, the

The possible shrinkage of

symptoms dramatically improved. In

cancerous tumours

line with the study conducted with

A reduction in cancer-related

RBD, further research published in


Springer Nature concluded that CBD

The prevention of migraines and

intake might help treat the disorder,


as well as daytime sleepiness.

Mood & Drug Dependence The Endocannabinoid System

CBD and Sleep CB1 receptor blockade might be

The endocannabinoid system

Research suggests that CBD can also

associated with anti-depressant

(ECS) is involved in a wide variety

help treat anxiety, which contributes

and anti-stress effects. A potential

of processes, including pain,

to sleeplessness. A study conducted

anti-depressant drug class based on

memory, mood, appetite, stress,

by Scott Shannon, MD et al. involved

this mechanism is supported by the

sleep, metabolism, immune

72 patients, with 47 subjects

neuroanatomical localization of CB1

function and reproductive function.

reporting with anxiety while the

receptors and signal transduction

Endocannabinoids are arguably one

remaining 25 said they experienced

pathways involved in emotional

of the most widespread and versatile

sleep problems.

responses, together with the anti-

signalling molecules known to man.

79.2% of all the participants said that

depressant-like neurochemical and

a 25mg CBD pill resulted in lower

behavioural effects induced by CB1

anxiety levels within a month; and

receptor antagonists.

66.7% of all the participants said

Selective CB1 receptor antagonists

that CBD gave them a better sleep

in development for the treatment of


obesity and tobacco smoking could

Homeostasis Homeostasis is any self-regulating

be tested for anti-depressant efficacy.

process of maintaining an internal balance in an ever-changing external

A study conducted by Frontiers

Research suggests that they would

environment. Recent research has

in Pharmacology reported that

also treat comorbid depression

highlighted the complexity of the

CBD helps to decrease pain, which

symptoms such as cognitive

ECS and suggests it is involved in

ultimately reduces the discomfort felt

deficiencies, weight gain and

managing various homeostatic

when sleeping. In a 2014 University

dependence disorders. CB1 receptor

processes. What’s unique about

of São Paulo study, the subjects had

antagonism might constitute an

CBD is how it interacts with the ECS.

Parkinson’s Disease, which involved a

integrated pharmacotherapeutic

Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive.

disorder in the rapid eye movement

approach that impacts the affective,

Instead, users prefer using CBD

(REM) during sleep. The patients had

cognitive, appetitive and motivational

because of the different health

REM sleep behaviour disorder (RBD)

neuronal networks involved in mood

benefits such as:

wherein they act out in response




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Most British adults would support cannabis being legalised in the UK, according to a new YouGov survey. The poll was commissioned after London mayor Sadiq Khan announced his plans to review decriminalisation in the capital. Words by Gordon Stribling

‘prosecuted many, many cases involving drugs and drug gangs and the criminality that sits behind, and it causes huge issues to vulnerable people across the country.’ This is a view shared by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson. The greatest gulf in opinion from this latest poll can be seen at the two ends of the age spectrum. A total of 66% of 18-24-year-old voters supported legalisation, compared to 40% of those aged 65 and above. Meanwhile, 20% in the youngest age group were opposed with 44% in the oldest group also opposed. The survey results reflect a small


increase in public support for he majority of adults in

and Wales had the most opposition.

cannabis legalisation over the

the UK would support

Support for reform is highly divided

past two years, since the law was

cannabis legalisation,

according to political affiliation,

changed with respect to medicinal

according to a new poll from

with two-thirds of Labour voters

cannabis in November 2018.

YouGov. Of the 3,300 Britons polled,

for legalisation and almost half

In July 2019 another YouGov poll

52% showed their support for

of Conservative voters against.

found that 48% of adults supported

cannabis law reform. The survey

However, Labour leader Keir Starmer

legalisation while 24% opposed it.

was published after London mayor

said in February that he ‘never

In the US, New York’s law makers

Sadiq Khan announced his intent to

subscribed to [the] view’ that the

have signed off on cannabis reform

launch a review into decriminalising

party should pursue a liberalisation

to create a legal adult use market.

the drug. The strongest support for

of drug laws.

In Europe, Luxembourg plans to

the move was in Scotland, followed

The former director of public

become the first nation to roll out

by London itself, while the Midlands

prosecutions said that he

recreational cannabis.




Section title



Dr K CBD – a fresh, honest, scientific approach The earliest record of cannabis can be traced back as far as AD 100, to a document produced in China. It suggests cannabis as a treatment for more than a hundred ailments. After spreading westward into ancient India, its so-called medicinal properties were further realised as it was used to treat pain, inflammation, anxiety and epilepsy Fast forward to 2021, which has seen in the CBD market led to the an explosion in the CBD market, development of Dr K CBD. Both Dr Karunadasa and the with a diverse array of products company’s co-founder, Manish now available. ‘CBD’ stands for ‘cannabidiol’, Patel, believe CBD should be one of the naturally occurring part of a multifaceted holistic cannabinoids, which is found in approach to maintaining a healthy, the hemp variety of the cannabis active lifestyle. The founders are regulars at plant. This is extracted without the inclusion of THC (the psychoactive charity bike rides and the odd component associated with triathlon, while practising yoga, juggling family life and working in ‘getting high’). both the NHS and the FOREX A survey conducted by world respectively. YouGov indicated that 11% of Dr Karunadasa explains, UK adults (approximately “CBD should only be one six million people) have YOUR CHOICE, YOUR BODY — part of an individual’s tried CBD. CBD DONE THE RIGHT WAY attempt to help Worryingly, a report by themselves. For instance, The Centre for Medicinal we advocate exercise, good Cannabis (checking 30 oil nutrition and sleep hygiene for products) showed only 38% of the products tested were within 10% of the advertised CBD content and 38% actually had less than 50% of the advertised CBD content. One product contained 0% CBD. Navigating the veritable minefield of products to find one that has undergone rigorous testing is vital to delivering peace of mind. DR K CBD – CBD DONE THE RIGHT WAY

Dr Karunadasa is an NHS doctor whose interests lie in preventative medicine and the wellbeing sector. His frustration with the constraints of conventional medicine and the lack of clarity and quality assurance

customers struggling with sleep. Our ethos is all about wellbeing, from the way we work to the way we want people to feel. Dr K supports the belief that mind and body are intrinsically linked and we want to help find that balance. We’re more than just a CBD company. As a brand, we respect our customer like a doctor would their patient.” Both co-founders have been involved at every stage of development to ensure a product of the highest quality. The hemp plants from which the CBD oil is derived are cultivated without the use of herbicides or pesticides. The extraction and purification process concentrates a number of powerful plant compounds that work synergistically to produce the beneficial effects. Finally, the product is rigorously tested by an independent ISO accredited testing laboratory. This ensures the final product is organic, toxin free and vegan, as well as being non-GMO and cruelty-free.

instead of choosing a 500mg oil with 50% active CBD, with Dr K CBD, the same effect is available in our 300mg bottle, saving customers money. Not many companies disclose the active levels, but we like to be transparent and highlight this important factor. “As a brand, we strive to behave ethically. We hold our corporate responsibilities seriously while also supporting charitable causes aligned to both the company’s ethos and its customers. We’re committed to putting quality above all else and creating a community that holds its customers at the centre of everything it does.”


Manish Patel explains, “It’s uncommon to find companies showing their ‘active CBD levels’, which are vital in understanding how much CBD is necessary. The higher the active level, the lower the strength needed for the same results. The industry average in the UK ranges between 40% and 60%. Ours is 85%, so

For more information, please visit


CANNA BOOSTERS CBD has found its way into pretty much every consumer product you can imagine. So where do you start? Here are some of our favourites to boost your mood, soothe your soul and help you recover. Words by Caroline Barry

of aching muscles and joints as the

a hard day. They could help with

CBD is absorbed through the skin

skin problems due to the anti-

and into the bloodstream.

inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties of CBD. Canna Magic’s ‘Man’ bath bomb also contains soothing ginger, grapefruit, cypress and lavender.

Boost CBD Oil, £79.99, Pure Sport CBD Pure Sport Boost CBD oil is designed to wake you up. It combines CBD with lion’s mane, ginseng and vitamin C. Ginseng is thought to combat fatigue and stimulate

Gelato Vape E-Liquid, £19.99, Dr Greens

energy levels, vitamin C could help

Vaping offers a fast and effective way

to enhance brain function and

to take CBD on the go. Dr Greens

boost the immune system and

gelato flavour e-liquid also contains

lion’s mane is said to have strong

cannabigerol (CBG) alongside CBD.

anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

This non-intoxicating cannabinoid is

CBD chocolate bars are convenient


a hot topic in 2021 and may provide

and can be eaten discreetly in

unique health benefits.

public, at work or in social settings

CBD Chocolate Bar, £5.98, Melt London

because they resemble a normal chocolate bar. Chocolate is one of the best mood-boosters around so when you pair it with CBD, you get something truly special.

Cooling Menthol CBD Muscle Balm, £39.99, Naturecan Muscle balms are designed to give you a soothing dose of CBD after a workout, helping you to relax and

Man CBD Infused Bath Bomb, £8.40, Canna Magic

wind down. Naturecan combine

Take some time out with a CBD

their high-quality CBD with cooling

bath bomb. Bath bombs are great

menthol crystals for faster relief

for relaxation and unwinding after




Active: Focus Drops - Lime

CBD Patches (4 x 10mg),

Pure CBD Vegan Gummies

(30ml), £24.99, Active CBD

£9.99, Cannacares

(20mg), £21.99, Iconic CBD

Active is a range of oils that have

Cannacares patches look like a

Iconic CBD gummies come in a

added vitamins and extracts to

plaster but are infused with CBD.

variety of fruit flavours including

uphold performance, focus, recovery

Apply the patch to a venous part of

orange, strawberry and pineapple.

and relaxation as part of your fitness

the body like the top of your arm,

These vegan sweets provide a

routine. The lime flavour also contains

inside of wrist or ankle. The patch

consistent dose of CBD. They are

vitamin A which could help with iron

works by reacting to your body

perfect for anyone who dislikes the

metabolism management. Other

heat, releasing a small amount

‘hempy’ taste that you often get

flavours in the range include

of CBD through the skin and into

with oils and tinctures.

vitamins D3 and B12 which are

the bloodstream. Patches provide

thought to reduce tiredness and aid

a continuous release of CBD

muscle recovery.

throughout the day and are perfect for the office.



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MEDICAL CANNABIS CARD IS RIGHT FOR ME? Medical cannabis cards MedCannID and Cancard are helping to legitimise cannabis medicine in the UK. We take a closer look at the benef its to help you decide which card is right for you. Words by Gordon Stribling

Up to 1.4 million people were self-medicating with cannabis in the UK in 2019, according to a YouGov survey. The f indings were published a year after medical cannabis was legalised, shining a light on the fact that only a handful of patients were benef iting at the time f rom the milestone. More than a year on and things are looking a lot more hopeful. Medical cannabis costs have dropped signif icantly, making it more accessible than ever. But how can you prove that you have a valid prescription, and what if you don’t? There are a number of cannabis card schemes in the UK with MedCannID and Cancard leading the charge. Whether you have a prescription or not, signing up to a medical cannabis card scheme can provide you with some level of protection should you be stopped by the police or be involved in a dispute. However, it is important to remember that these are not ‘get out of jail f ree’ cards.



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MedCannID is a tamper-proof cannabis card for patients who have been legally

Cancard is a holographic ID card for individuals who self-medicate with

prescribed medical cannabis.

cannabis. Possession of a valid Cancard demonstrates that the cardholder uses cannabis for a medical reason.

The card validates the holder’s prescription status and can be used in interactions

Cancard does not grant the holder a

with the police, as well as in communication with landlords, employers and so on.

legal right to possess cannabis. Rather, it proves that they are entitled to receive a medical cannabis prescription but are unable to afford one. This can

MedCannID cardholders also have access to pre-legal advice to support them in

be used as a mitigating factor when the Crown Prosecution Service decides

case of unlawful arrest, as well as access to a medical cannabis patient group, the largest of its kind for legal patients.

whether to prosecute an individual for possession of a controlled drug.

An accompanying app acts as a ‘central hub’ for patients and holders where they can upload copies of their prescription documents to further validate their legal status.

Cancard and the accompanying app also come with a stop and search guide, helpline and resources to support your defence if you are stopped by police. Cancard is backed by the Police Federation of England and Wales and

In March, the scheme received the backing of digital prescription service, Dispensary Green. Dispensary Green patients are supported

the National Police Chiefs Council (NPCC). Initial f igures show that 94% of Cancard holders stopped by police in the f irst three months of the scheme faced no further action.

in signing up to the scheme as soon as their medication has been sent.

How much is it? Free (Renewed Annually)

How do I sign up? You must register and verify your identity using the MedCannID app. You can then either upload a copy of your prescription or send it in the post.


How much is it? £20 a year plus a one off £10 admin fee.

How do I sign up? Apply via the app using your passport or driver’s license, NHS number, GP details and Summary Care Record.



‘SPIRITED EUPHORIA’ We sampled this exciting new CBD-infused alcohol-f ree spirit Tried & tested by Gordon Stribling

The UK is emerging out of lockdown and many of us are embracing the idea of physical, Zoom-f ree socialising. Throw in some unseasonably warm weather and outdoor drinks with f riends just has to be done.

def initely had its benef its on my

Spirited Euphoria also contains

physical and mental wellbeing.

adaptogens and nootropics, including vitamin B12, mood-

But I do miss the calming ritual

booster 5-HTP, and stimulants

of kicking back with a drink

guarana and Tyrosine to create the

after a hard day. Could Spirited

‘Edi Effect’.

Euphoria take the mantle?

I’m a notoriously light sleeper and avoid even caffeine after midday,

The recommended daily

so I enjoyed my drink in the early

But what if you want to do

consumption suggests that I drink

evening after I f inished work. This

the ‘drinks’ part without the

one or two 50ml serves a day over

routine def initely worked for me


the course of a week to get the

as it gave me something to look

full functional benef its. I gave it a

forward to as I wound down my

Spirited Euphoria is an alcohol-

test run, neat at f irst, before trying


f ree spirit blended with CBD

their serving suggestion.

Unfortunately, I didn’t experience

isolate and hemp terpenes. The

The label on the beautiful, f rosted

any of the functional effects. I’m

f irst release f rom the Endorphin

glass bottle describes the spirit as

not sure if I gave it enough time

Dealer Institute (Edi), the drink is

‘dry’ and ‘bittersweet’ and I would

in a week to do its thing. But it’s

the brainchild of Formula-E racing

have to agree with both adjectives.

also likely that the effects will vary

development pioneer Alexander

There’s that unmistakable ‘hempy’

considerably person-to-person. As

Jakobi and two-time champion

taste offset by a bittersweet tang,

we know with CBD, no two people

Jean-Éric Vergne.

the latter reminding me of cloudy

are known to experience the exact

The duo came up with the idea


same effect.

while they relaxed by the pool the

Spirited Euphoria def initely works

I really enjoyed making Spirited

night before a race in Santiago,

much better blended with tonic

Euphoria part of my daily routine.

Chile. They wanted to relax but be

water and orange peel or bitters

The taste won’t be for everyone,

at their best the next day. And so,

(I tried both with similar results).

but there are a lot of flavours to

the (hemp) seed was planted.

The tonic helps neutralise the

work with as mixers if you want

I f ind myself in a similar position

peppery hemp flavour and the

to get creative. I look forward to

as the co-founders today, albeit

orange synergises with the green

trying some of these cocktail ideas

without the pool, Chilean sunshine

citrus. But there’s no doubt that

out on my f riends and testing

and glittering motorsport career.

neat or mixed, this will divide a

their feeling of the Edi Effect.

Having neglected my self-care


This is certainly a novel idea for an

during Lockdown 2.0, I spent the

I found that I enjoyed the drink

alcohol-f ree alternative as the bars

last lockdown on a health kick

more and more over the course of

reopen and we get some sense of

trying to undo the damage.

the week as I familiarised myself

a social life back.

Pizza, boxset-bingeing and daily

with the flavours. There was

drinking are out. In their place,

probably some positive association

healthy food, a thrice weekly 5K

too as it began to f ill that role as a

run and tee-total lifestyle, bar

wind-down elixir.

Spirited Euphoria; 70cl;

Zoom drinks with f riends a couple

It’s important here to note that; £39.99

of times a month.

there’s more going on than

10mg CBD isolate per 25ml serving

Steering clear of alcohol has

CBD isolate and hemp terpenes.


Product specs






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Relief & Go CBD Spray combines the known benefits of active ingredients with CBD and magnesium to relieve pain and help relax and recover after performing like professionals.

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After 24 hours 90% noted relief from pain


A MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT The Pure Sport CBD virtual Run Club has helped more than 800 people stay active over lockdown while readying Will Goodge for an epic ultra-running challenge.

Words by Gordon Stribling


he intermittent lockdowns

End to John O’Groats that he saw

like Ultra X involve serious, intense

of the past year have

what it could do.

training. To help him prepare, Will

led millions of people to

“I was taking codeine at the

created the virtual Pure Sport Run

dramatically change their exercise

time which was a terrible idea. I

Club. The club has helped more

routine or take one on for the f irst

redef ined ‘runner's high.’ I started

than 800 people keep f it and


hallucinating, not sleeping at

motivated though lockdown as

Among the legions to have relied

night and seeing a lot of things

they take on challenges and track

upon running for their physical

that weren't there. Swapping f rom

their progress using the popular

and mental health during

codeine to CBD saved my entire

Strava app.

lockdown is 26-year-old model


“I used to be the lonely runner

and head of Running Relations at

On day nine, he was told that

and I never had anyone to look up

Pure Sport CBD, Will Goodge. After

he couldn’t take the codeine

to for guidance and I know how

his mother Amanda sadly passed

anymore. Then he woke up the

much more it would help if I had

away in 2018, running helped him

next morning after having taken

a shared common goal. But now


CBD after his f irst deep, ref reshing

there's something we created that

“I could have gone on a very

sleep of the challenge.

I'm super proud of. Even if it's just

different path. But fortunately, I

“From that point on, I ran 60 plus

a little goal like a 5K, you might

found running-based therapy,”

miles a day, which was more than

f ind it easy, but if you didn't have

Will says.

I had been running other than the

that community there, you might

“Any time I was feeling angry, sad,

f irst day. And I did my best day,

not have done it. So as much

depressed, day or night, I'd go out

which was 72 miles, so I decided to

of a big push that could be for

for a run. And while it wouldn't f ix

get up at 2am to do another 12.”

someone, it could also be a real

my problems, I would feel better

The months leading up to an event


about things afterwards. And I felt a bigger sense of connection to Mum when I was out there.” Every year, Will sets himself gruelling challenges to honour his Mum and raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support. He also competes in brutal running competitions, such as the Ultra X World Championships. In June, he’s set to fly out to Slovenia to take on the 250km mountain course. CBD will be helping him along the way. It was on an 850-mile run f rom Land’s





Running was the absolute key to keeping myself on a good path.

With little experience of training others, Will brought running coach Lloyd Kempson on board. Lloyd was inspired by his own experiences in a commercial run club environment. He found the club-based system could foster a sense of elitism while the commercial world was a lot more accepting. All you need to do is get there, leave your ego at the door and have a good time, however hard you go or fast you are. “When anyone is welcome, you gain benef its in physical, mental

Aryeetey uses it, triathletes like

go to the next level while keeping

and social areas, it unlocks doors

the Brownlee Brothers, too. So, the

that spirit of inclusivity and giving

to so many parts of your life

diversity it has is insane. And to be

new runners the social experience

that you may never have come

able to sleep and recover well is

that Lloyd has found so valuable.

across before. So social health

good for anyone.”

“A lot of them may never have had

improvement, you may meet

The Run Club is bringing out

this social side of the sport before

f riends that you would have never

people who haven’t run in a long

and I know how amazing it is,” he

met before. Mentally, you may

time. There are various reasons for

says. “To have that opportunity

f ind so much more conf idence in

this, Lloyd says. Some were bored

to bring it to their doorsteps is

your ability to apply yourself to an

of running, others got injured

a really exciting thing for me. I

activity that you never thought

or pushed themselves too hard

genuinely think just f rom seeing

you could before. And then

and some didn’t train properly.

how quickly this has grown online

physically, you may f ind yourself

But the Run Club welcomes all

that this will be the biggest run

getting f itter, becoming healthier,


club in London by the end of the

improving your weight.”

“We realise that it doesn't actually


CBD has become a holistic

matter how terrible we are, that

“I'm excited about bringing it

treatment for an increasing

we're all doing the same common

outside,” Will says.

number of athletes, Will explains.

thing and getting the same

“To be honest, I'm sick of virtual

From treating aches and pains

benef its f rom it. That's all that

races, but I still get excited when

with a balm post-race, to drops

is important. We want you to be

I see other people running on

in the morning or at night to aid

able to leave this session and say, ‘I

Strava and you see the outline

recovery or encourage sleep.

really enjoyed that. And I can't wait

of their map. To do it in person

“We work with people across the

for next week.’”

around a park or something… I'm

board and not just in the running

Now the country is starting to

going to be on top of the world.”

world,” Will says. “Harry Aikines-

open up, Run Club is on track to



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“I have started to use CBD and I can feel the difference with aches and pains, as well as playing golf, I seem to have more energy already. Thank you so much.”


The Men in Mental Health

Public health and user-driven social media campaigns have encouraged more of us to open up about our mental health in recent years. We talk to one man who conf ronted his mental health issues with CBD. Words by Gordon Stribling.

The Centre for Mental Health estimates that around 10 million of us will experience long term mental health problems as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. Many of those will likely be men who, true to the stereotype, avoid confronting the issue and suffer in silence.

Despite the barriers to discussing this taboo subject being slowly eroded, suicide remains the biggest killer of men aged under 45. There’s still a long way to go. Matthew Whittaker, 29, is a project manager and founder of the

in a world of my own,” he says. “Then all of a sudden a wave of

CBD_UK subreddit from Leeds. He

anxiety just hit me like a tonne of

admits that, for much of life he

bricks out of nowhere.”

in the right place. You’re just shoving stuff in them and shutting the door. “I don’t think we consciously know

‘didn’t really understand’ anxiety as

He describes the experience as

we’re doing it. It’s just how our

a condition. To him, it was just an

a ‘chainsaw’ of overwhelming

brain deals with thoughts as they

understandable and short-lived

negative and aggressive thoughts

come in. But eventually, that door

reaction to a stressful event. Until a

and dark subject matter. A

is going to burst open.”

few years ago.

therapist would later use an

Matthew’s natural inclination to

“I was working like mad, juggling an app start-up, doing all this volunteer stuff... basically just ploughing away, doing too much


analogy to describe how he dealt

rationalise himself back to mental

with his problems.

clarity only made things worse.

“You’re not folding things up neatly and putting them in the cupboard

Trying to think about how not to worry only perpetuated a cycle that


Our hemp oil and coconut oil based drops contain either pure CBD, CBG, CBD THC Free and Highest quality Reishi Spore Oil. "A healthy outside starts from the inside." "The brain is about a symphony, and CBD can bring the entire symphony into harmony."


about how this is

to face all his battles through a

I might just be

mental fog – but CBD helped clear

in a downward spiral sort of went away,

the clouds. “It was just pivotal for me. It’s something that I like to suggest

because I had a

to people who are going through

glimmer of hope.

issues if they don’t know what to

“I saw very clearly


how useful CBD

The blip which led Matthew to

could be for my

CBD is now thankfully in his past.

own personal

But he still reaches for a tincture

mental health

when he has a stressful event

issues. And

coming up, either as a preventative

it was like a godsend.”

or to mitigate anxiety as it arises. “I want to get the message out

Matthew is

there that I was in a dark place

not alone in

and it really helped me out. It will

experiencing he found increasingly harder to

to address them. He wasn’t trying

permanent, and

something of a psychic shift early

probably help some of the people out there, too. But there may still

escape from.

in his CBD journey.

be stigma preventing people from

But rather than trying to f ight the

As one male Reddit user tells me

fully embracing it.”

thoughts, he eventually realised

privately: “CBD has changed my

that he should take a more

perspective on a lot of things and

mindful approach. “If my brain says to me something

has allowed for more personal growth in that six weeks than I’ve

like, ‘some people get so depressed

managed in what feels like forever.”

and kill themselves, you know,’ it

Research into the use of CBD

doesn’t mean that that’s going to

for anxiety is limited. In a 2019

happen to me.

Brazilian study, a 300-600mg

“It’s just a thought my brain had. And it’s about not taking it seriously and

dose of CBD significantly reduced anxiety symptoms in 57 adult

letting it drift on.”


By now, Matthew had tried just

And a 2015 literature review of

about everything he could to

studies investigating CBD for

quieten his mind, from hypnosis

anxiety disorders concluded that

on YouTube, to running, walking or

the current evidence ‘indicates

sleeping it off.

CBD has considerable potential as

Then he remembered how he’d

a treatment for multiple anxiety

heard that CBD may help some

disorders,’ though further research

If you f ind you are struggling, there are a number of f ree helplines which can

with depression and anxiety. One

is needed.

day, he went to Holland & Barrett

There are also no MHRA or FDA

and picked up a tincture.

approved CBD treatments for

Free phone

anxiety or depression and medical


“I didn’t realise that it helped until hours later. And that’s sort of

cannabis is not currently available

the idea because I wasn’t being

on the NHS for either condition.

bombarded with thoughts.

But it can be prescribed privately.

“So my brain wasn’t going, ‘is the

Matthew is keen to emphasise

CBD helping?’ The CBD was

that CBD didn’t ‘cure’ his problem,

helping. It’s like it gently closed

but it was a starting point that

that door.”

enabled him to see his issues more

“Then all those worrying thoughts


lend a f riendly ear.

on 116 123. Or call mental health charity CALM The Campaign Against Living Miserably, on: 0800 58 58 58

clearly so he was in a better place



Very quick results in

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