P23H1 - Hawkes Bay/Gisborne Plus Living

Page 1

out Why you shouldn’t worry about worrying Bang for your buck Getting more out of your money
essential mindset to help you navigate modern life Making the most of every day
tips which involve doing surprisingly little
to suit any chef

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We can offer you a complete service from design right through to project management but we are also happy to work in a more specified role if you prefer.

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Our experienced and caring team use the latest technology and the best international products available to provide you with a superior and tailored personal service. Come relax in our comfortable surroundings and allow our award-winning team to pamper you.

Firstly, I would like to thank you all, as this journey has me celebrating my 41st year in the business of looking after clients and bringing the best of beauty therapy to your world, right here in Havelock North, Hawke’s Bay.

We have been market leaders along this journey, making sure we could continue the highest standards to share with you. Today we have a full team, again with a vast range of skills within.

In 1990 we added the hairdressing side, being the first in Hawke’s Bay to have professional hairdressing and beauty therapy under one roof; a great success, so much so, others copied the recipe.

I am truly proud of the great values we have as a passionate and energetic team along with the world class products and services we offer. Our beauty therapy team have skills in the top French brands of Thalgo and Sothys along with the local homeopathic Weleda products and Mineral make up by Curtis. Our hairdressing team are Redken colourists and work also with Kerastase and Pureology, a vegan brand.

Our service menu is extensive; we cover almost all aspects of beauty therapy and hairdressing. Consider us your top to toe one stop shop.

We look forward to continuing to look after all our clients in the years to come, bringing you the best our industry has to offer with consistent new technology and techniques.

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The freedom a little organisation offers

This issue of Plusliving takes a practical look at how impactful even a modicum of self-organisation can be. The good news is getting more organised doesn’t need to be difficult. The piece ‘Making the most of every day’ includes productivity tips which involve doing surprisingly little, and ‘Keeping time on your side’ has simple ideas to help you stay on track time-wise.

We also look at how to make better decisions, delve into the benefits of being financially organised, and even if you’re concerned that you’re chronically unorganised, talk about why you shouldn’t really worry about it. No matter how well planned your days may or may not be, our lead story ‘The power of gratitude’ can benefit anyone by reminding us all of an essential mindset perhaps needed now more than ever.



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Contents 4 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Does your company have any information or products you would like to feature in an upcoming edition of Plusliving+? Please contact us to discuss getting your business in print Welcome to Plusliving – the magazine dedicated to living well and ageing gracefully in modern society. Aimed at the 50+ age group, you’ll find articles covering all aspects of contemporary life, including physical health and wellbeing, mental health and acuity, home life, working life and finances, technology, travel, self-improvement and more. Our aim is to provide information anyone can use, on any given day, so you can get more out of life. Disclaimer This publication is provided on the basis that The Job Agency Ltd is not responsible for the results of any actions taken on the basis of information in these articles, nor for any error or omission from these articles and that the firm is not hereby engaged in rendering advice or services. The Job Agency Ltd expressly disclaim all and any liability and responsibility to any person in respect of anything and of the consequences of anything done, or omitted to be done, by any such a person in reliance, whether wholly or partially upon the whole or any part of the contents of this publication. Advertising feature articles are classified as advertising content and as such, information contained in them is subject to the Advertising Standards Authority Codes of Practice. Contents Copyright 2020 by The Job Agency Ltd. All rights reserved. No article or advertisement may be reproduced without written permission. You can read the full list of terms and conditions on: www.markat.co.nz/terms-conditions | www.markat.co.nz/competition-terms/
Inside thisissue REF#P23H1 HAWKES BAY / GISBORNE REGIONS EDITION: 3 | 2024
the most of every
time on your side 6 8
day Keeping
worrying 10
power of gratitude 12
online scams 16
more out of your money 19 Mind Games 22 Sustainable bathroom products 26
to make better decisions 14

Wraparound service for denture support

In January 2023, the Gisborne Denture Clinic was lucky enough to open its doors at its new premises on 468 Gladstone Road in Te Hapara. With the troubles of lockdowns, supply chain issues and historic housing consents, the clinic was able to move into a restored villa with a warm and sunny feel. The villa is located on a large-off street with a large car parking area and an accessible ramp for those who use wheelchairs or need walking assistance.

The clinic has a purpose-built clinical and laboratory area where the staff build all high-quality products on-site. This includes products including full and partial dentures, immediate and implant retained dentures, mouth guards, teeth bleaching and night guards.

“It was definitely a challenging time to gain full access to the property before moving in. However, it was worth the wait and the local trades teams were amazing with the renovations,” says owner and operator Simone O’Connell.

“The interior was very much open plan, so walls have been put up to create consulting rooms as well as a clinical and laboratory area for the denture work to take place.”

Being the only denture clinic in the Gisborne region, the denture clinic provides services including consultations, relines, remodelling, repairs and denture cleaning, for all residents residing from Wairoa to the East Cape.

To book an appointment at the Gisborne Denture Clinic call the team on 06 867 4823, or pop into the clinic on 468 Gladstone Road.

Opening Hours:

Monday - Thursday: 8am till 4pm Friday: 8am till 12pm

Weinspecialise dental prosthetics OPEN: Monday-Thursday | 8-4pm ● Friday | 8-12 noon PH 06 867 4823 468 Gladstone Road | E: info@gisdent.co.nz
• Full Denture Repairs • Partial Dentures • Denture Repairs • Hygienic Workmanship • Mouthguards • Goldwork • Quality Materials • Personal Service • Teeth Bleaching • Guaranteed Expertise • WINZ Quotes • Free Consultation

Making the most of every day

Eight productivity tips which involve little

In today’s fast-paced world, everyone appears to be action-orientated and being “busy” is worn like a badge of honour.

It’s easy to assume that doing as much as possible and filling every hour of the day is the best way to be productive. In fact, sometimes the opposite is true.

Robert Half New Zealand general manager Megan Alexander says “It’s not always about pushing ourselves to do more and more. Rather, global perceptions of productivity are changing to favour more flexible and people-centred work styles.

By encouraging rest periods and more flexible work options, people actually focused their attention more effectively. “They could produce just as much, often to a higher quality, and were more loyal to the organisations that gave them the flexibility to care about life outside of work.”

Finding yourself in a productivity rut? Megan shares eight productivity tips that everyone can adopt which involve doing surprisingly little.

1. A tired brain is a useless brain

When considering how to be productive, think about how you can boost your energy levels. Rest plays a key part in this.

To give your brain a chance to recharge and avoid burnout and fatigue,

try some age-old resting techniques. Some people love daytime naps (which may be restricted to weekends, depending on how progressive your workplace is), and others practice guided meditation on a daily basis.

2. Make switching off part of your daily routine

Switching off from the online world sounds impossible these days, but it’s worth considering – at least in short bursts. We consume more information now than ever before simply because it’s right at our fingertips. However, this can mess with our brains.

Set some time aside at night to deliberately wind down and switch off, perhaps starting with a technology-free hour before bed. This has been proven to increase the quality of sleep and reduce insomnia, which in turn will do wonders for your productivity during the workday.

3. Manage email overkill

That familiar pinging sound goes off and you feel the tension rise. You can no longer concentrate on the task at hand, instead you feel the pressure to reply to every email that’s beeped at you – and quickly. It’s time to manage your email program (and its incessant notifications), but if you think lessening your email time sounds unrealistic or unproductive, then think again.

6 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Self-Improvement

When thinking about time management tips and improving productivity, research has shown that establishing boundaries between emails, concentrating on other work and work-free time is a lesson in how to be productive.

Then you can set designated time to respond to emails when you’re in the right frame of mind, making better use of your time and creating more considered replies.

4. Hold off on making rush decisions

At times it may feel like you are under pressure to make an immediate decision, like giving feedback on a piece of work or responding to a colleague about an internal situation.

Taking a bit of extra time to think about the solution and next steps can prevent a lot of back and forth in the long run. Assess the urgency of a situation and then decide appropriately.

5. Step back from technology frustration

Technology is great when it works, yet there’s nothing more frustrating than a computer that’s frozen up or a software system that refuses to behave itself. Let alone someone suggesting that you “try turning it off and on again”.

Instead of getting wound up, try taking a few minutes to think calmly through a solution and take some deep breaths. It can save time and energy in the long run.

6. Don’t let emotions get the better of you

It’s easy to act defensively when you receive an inquisitive email or when a colleague seems to be coming across offensively. Instead of reacting immediately, it’s wiser to step back and cool off. You’ll come back to it with a clearer and calmer head, which will only have a positive effect on your productivity levels.

7. Take advantage of the wealth of fantastic apps now available

While technology can be a huge distraction during the day, it can help boost your productivity. It’s worth trying some productivity-boosting apps.

A couple of the most popular include Wunderlist (a new take on the old-fashioned to-do list) and Pomodoro (a timer to help you focus on one task at a time). And in keeping with the meditation suggestion, Headspace is a great resource to use to help make this a daily practice.

8. Use designated breaks to get out and exercise

Getting angry, frustrated or overwhelmed by work or colleagues? It’s time to run or walk it out. Even half an hour of exercise a day, which can be done before or after work or during your lunch break, is great for your mind and motivation.

Getting outside is the best option if you can: fresh air boosts your mood and energy levels, which can be a great productivity boost during your workday.

“Doing nothing might sound like the fast track to wasting time, but it could be the answer to getting through that ever-growing to-do list. It’s worth a shot. After all, it won’t take much effort,” Megan says.

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Keeping ontimeyour side

Most people have experienced “time regret” – that feeling of frustration over yet another day passing by without having made a significant dent in the ‘to do’ list.

Both work and home life are easily derailed by time-eaters such as meetings, ad hoc requests and the distractions enabled by technology – including email and mobile phones.

Having difficulty meeting goals is a common problem both professionally and personally.

The situation can be greatly improved however, by making some simple adjustments.

The real secret to time management – and accomplishing objectives – is better self-management. Here are six tips that can help you take control of your day.

Analyse your schedule

Where does your time really go? For the next week, make a point to write down what you do and when during either the work day, or when you have a lot of errands to run.

Examining how you spend a typical day will help you to identify when you are most productive and in what ways (or by whom) you are most often interrupted or distracted.

Create ‘time windows’

After you’ve determined what can be changed in your current schedule, develop an action plan.

Think about setting aside “time windows” for specific tasks, such as reviewing emails, making and returning phone calls, or doing those daily things the just need to be done.

Also, create a regular schedule that takes advantage of your body clock – if you are sharpest before lunchtime, schedule more difficult tasks for completion in the morning hours.

Let messages wait

Keeping a constant vigil on your email and voicemail can distract you from more demanding tasks and can end up occupying lots of time.

Schedule times throughout the day when you focus exclusively on messages. You’ll cut down on ongoing anxiety while making your responses less hasty and more useful.

Rediscover single-tasking

You can’t solve a technical challenge while talking on the phone, filing paperwork or planning for an upcoming event.

When you’re occupied with something important, give the issue at hand your undivided attention so you do it right the first time. Fight the urge to multitask, which often impedes your ability to get already started tasks finished.

Give yourself permission to ‘check out’

This is a good one for work, be it at an office or working from home.

If unnecessary interruptions tend to prevent you from completing important tasks, don’t be afraid to close the door, or advise your colleagues that you are off limits for the next few hours, so you can focus on your work.

Reward yourself

Keeping to a schedule, no matter how personalised or flexible, is challenging because it takes discipline.

Give yourself credit for adhering to your agenda and accomplishing all “must-do-today” items.

Be realistic too – some days you will be more productive than others, so don’t worry if you get off track temporarily.

Ensure you also create a balanced schedule that makes the most effective use of your time while allowing you to do things for yourself.

8 Daily Life
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I work hard with your input to achieve aesthetically pleasing functional dentures by selecting the right teeth for you in shade, tone and size and designing the “right look” for you. These factors make a huge difference.

The choice of teeth that match and suit your smile is crucial. Together both you and I will achieve a result that you will be happy with and you will be smiling again.

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Stress out

Why you shouldn’t worry about worrying

History is full of poets, philosophers and sages espousing the benefits of a positive disposition.

But it seems scientists disagree.

Why? Because it pays to worry a little bit - literally.

A study published in the Journal of Behavioural Decision Making in 2012 monitored 213 people’s behaviour in relation to a simulated gambling game.

The study found participants in a sad or worrisome mood were more likely to make logical bets they knew had a higher likelihood of winning, even after a series of losses.

Whereas positive, happy bettors were quicker and more likely to play what they knew was a riskier move. Their jovial outlook influenced them to make unpredictable decisions on gut feelings, despite the opportunity to play a logical bet.

The study shows you are more likely to make winning decisions while you are in an anxious, worried state of mind.

But these findings don’t just apply to gambling.

The positive effect of this negative feeling can impact all aspects of your life and in moderation, worry can work wonders.

Sometimes a negative attitude is actually beneficial trait to have because it allows you to look at a situation in a more realistic light.

Feeling worried means you are more likely to make a logical decision with a higher outcome of success, compared with your cheerful counterpart in the same situation.

Worry can be the side effect of a strong desire to achieve perfection. And in the pursuit of perfection worry can prompt you to double check and even triple check your work.

Without worry there is a risk you can become complacent, a little too relaxed and more likely to make a mistake.

Under a moderate amount of worry you are capable of learning and remembering new information more effectively.

This is because the primary stress hormone, cortisol, improves learning and memory at moderate concentrations compared to low or high concentrations.

People who are more susceptible to worry consequently exhibit the following personality traits:


• More attentive to detail

• More motivated to work

• More polite and attentive to others

• Vigilant for risks and threats.


• Overcautious

• Less creative

• At risk of becoming too stressed

• More closed minded.

In comparison, worry-free people exhibit these contrasting behaviours:


• More creative

• Form better relationships

• Healthier

• Willing to explore.


• Prone to overlooking threats and dangers

• Open to unwise risks

• More gullible

• Lacking appropriate embarrassment or guilt.

10 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Behaviour

Caring for your loved ones

Care on Call provides high quality and personalised home care support services for people of all ages throughout New Zealand.

Whether you live in your own home, a retirement village or a rest home; their highly trained staff are provided with the latest available technology to ensure that you or your loved ones have the best support available. Care on Call focuses on training, care and client compatibility, best practice and clinical oversight. It’s your life and they want to help you live it to its potential!

In 2009, Care on Call was founded on the North Shore in Auckland. The company started with a very small client base, which has increased consistently over the

last decade as more offices were opened around the country.

In 2012, they brought their business to Palmerston North, and Wellington, then multiple other regions in the following years. Now, Care on Call supports over 1000 clients nationwide, a large network achieved through their client-first philosophy, local presence and highly trained workforce.

Where Care on Call provides home care, Medcall, their sister company, provides Healthcare

assistants and Registered Nurses to the aged care sector and the DHBs. Together, the two organisations cover all areas of caregiving across the country.

Care on Call is large enough to provide safe and structured support, while remaining small enough to be flexible, proactive and personalised at every point.

Their Values

• Caring - they approach each client in a compassionate and understanding way

• Ethical - they are principled,

honest and operate with the highest levels of integrity at all times

• Reliable - they build relationships with a foundation of trust

• Responsive- they are proactive, flexible and available whenever you need them

• Individual - they acknowledge and respect each client’s unique needs and circumstances.

Contact the friendly Care on Call team today on 0800 66 44 22 or visit their website for more information: www.careoncall.nz.

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 11 Care On Call provides: Home help & companionship Personal Care Overnight & 24-hour care Respite Care Serious Injury Support Dementia Care Palliative Care

The power of gratitude

An essential mindset to help you navigate modern life

Four years ago, the whole of Aotearoa (and indeed the wider world) stepped up for the first big Covid lockdown. Together our nation united to face the largest health challenge facing the country since the First World War.

Everyone has their own memories of getting through that first Level four Lockdown and for so many it marked a period of terrible change, even an end of an era.

While we never want to belittle the myriad challenges people around the globe have faced since, we are forever aware of the large body of scientific research demonstrating the psychological benefits of gratitude.

Tuning into what’s still good in our world (cognitive reappraisal) is a foundational skill for resilience.

Multiple studies have demonstrated the psychological benefits of noticing positive events, gratitude, mindful awareness, positive reappraisal, the use of personal strengths and acts of kindness during times of significant stress, and suggested the importance of these strategies for supporting people through the ongoing challenges of the pandemic (Waters et al, 2021).

Gratitude is just one positive emotion that serves to buffer and bolster mental health in times of adversity and stress, aiding recovery from loss and trauma via widening perceptual field and allowing people to see the big picture (Vernon et al., 2009).

Kim Tay, director of online training from the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience says, “There’s no doubt the past year has been tough, and we don’t want to diminish that, but wherever you are on the spectrum of how the pandemic has impacted you, taking a moment to notice what’s still good in your world, and particularly who you are

grateful for, is such a powerful way of broadening our perspective and enabling us to cope in the face of uncertainty, challenge and change.

“The benefits of a grateful mindset and grateful orientation toward life would appear to be especially valuable in the midst of uncontrollable stress, such as that engendered by the coronavirus crisis,” reports Professor Lea Waters and colleagues from around the world in their paper on psychological strategies for ‘buffering, bolstering and building’ psychological health.

And so, we encourage you, your colleagues, your teams, families, whānau and communities to make an intentional effort to tune into the good at this time.

To pause and reflect, for a moment, on the magnificent job done by all the people involved with delivering essential services, on the extraordinary ways families coped with homeschooling, and the businesses and organisations of all shapes and sizes doing their utmost to keep going.

Consider all those behind-the-scenes legends who keep New Zealand moving through adversity, never seeking the limelight or praise, and the massive contribution they make every day of the year.

We encourage you to take a moment to ponder, who is essential to you and your way of life?

It could be anyone involved in keeping your whānau safe and healthy, the food flowing, the power on, the rubbish collected. Or simply someone you can’t imagine facing the tough times without.

Questions you can ask yourself:

• Who are you grateful for?

• Who wouldn’t you want to live without?

• Who stood up for you last year – at work or home?

• Who are you most proud of?

• Have you ever thought of thanking the people behind the essential services in some way?

12 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz

Unichem Waipukurau

Charles and Shelley returned to Central Hawke’s Bay some years ago to raise their children and to give back to the community that Charles grew up in.

As a locally owned pharmacy, Charles and our team live in the community and are invested in ensuring that the community is looked after.

As part of this focus the opportunity to purpose build a pharmacy came up and the planning began.

With the aim of future-proofing the pharmacy for the community for the future, the plans include three consulting rooms, a space for an audiologist and ear nurse to operate from, a waiting area, as well as providing a space big enough that no matter how you get here, there is space for the pram, walker or even scooter!

At Unichem Waipukurau our focus is on making sure that the care and advice that you receive is outstanding.

Our team of friendly caring professionals are fully trained and can provide you with the advice and information that you need.

They are also specialist trained in all pharmacy services including:

• Vaccinations (both in the pharmacy and community)

• Pharmacist only medications and treatments such as:

- Sildenafil

- Trimethoprim (for urinary tract infections)

- Emergency contraceptive pill (ECP)

- Oral contraceptives

- Eye infections

- Medication dose packaging

- Under 18 prescriptions are fully subsidised from eligible prescribers

• Tests and Monitoring:

- Warfarin testing

- Blood pressure checks

- B12 injections

- Compression stocking fittings

• Ear and Nose piercing

• Vitamins and supplements

• Over the counter medication

• Makeup and skin care

• An outstanding photo service, be it restoration, posters, calendars, or even film processing, we can help you

• Passport photos (digital and printed)

• We also give back to the community by providing sponsorship to sports teams, awards, prizes and fundraisers.

Our Services

• Vaccinations

• Pharmacist Only Medications & Treatments

• Tests & Monitoring

• Cosmetics

• Ear & Nose Piercing & Aftercare

• Photo Printing & Services

• Body & Hair Care

• Products, Treatments & Ointments

• Vitamins & Mineral Supplements

• Mens & Womens Health •

Opening Hours

Mon - Thur: 8:30am - 5:30pm

Fri : 8:30am - 6:00pm Sat: 9:00am - 1:00pm Sun: Closed

Public Holidays: Closed

125 Ruataniwha Street, Waipukurau, Hawkes Bay

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 13
Living Rewards P: (06) 858 8060 E: unichemwpk@xtra.co.nz www.waipukuraupharmacy.co.nz

How to make better decisions

Consider both costs and benefits

One factor we often forget is the 'opportunity cost'. When we do one thing, we can't be doing something else at the same time. It’s either or. When you watch TV, the benefits are relaxation and enjoyment – but the cost is that you can't use that same time to read a business book. Therefore, force yourself to list the pros and cons.

Justify yourself

When we think someone will check up on us, we make more mental effort, leading to better decision-making. Imagine you have to justify your decision to someone else. Would you still make that decision?

Distance yourself from the issue

Our brains are influenced by our current emotions, which can impair rationality. Big decisions are better made after a good night's sleep. Step back and consider the likely chain of events. What are the future implications of this decision?

Don't believe the hype

It's easy to be persuaded by vivid stories and ignore scientific evidence. Look carefully at the information source and sample size – are you being manipulated?

Make fewer decisions

Peter Drucker said effective executives do not make many decisions, they concentrate on making a few important ones. Make the big strategic decisions, rather than try to solve lots of little problems.

Do not make fast decisions. Make the right decisions that have the biggest impact.

What would Spock do?

Just reminding ourselves to think rationally helps us make better decisions. Consciously trying to think rationally will also help activate all the other techniques described here.

Accurate legal help

Created by lawyer Cheryl Simes, Kiwilaw’s probate services are accurate, excellent, and affordable –and accessible online, nationwide.

lawyer’s office – Kiwilaw’s online services make the paperwork less expensive and easily accessible.

Whenever someone dies and leaves more than $15,000 in the bank or Kiwisaver, the High Court has to approve the will (probate) or issue letters of administration (if no will) before the funds can be released.

there to help you at a difficult time

• Probate documents to you directly (usually $490) or to your lawyer (usually $390)

• Get a free copy of the 40-page Kiwilaw Guide to Estate Administration with your SuperGold card when you get probate through Kiwilaw (usually $49)



03 312 1508 www.kiwilaw.co.nz

Cheryl started developing this online legal solution as it was the natural next step. She had a lifetime of interest in computers, the law, and communication, and wanted to help ordinary people with paperwork. It came after years of challenges in the legal system and the desire to do better. It came from a belief that legal fees shouldn’t be exorbitant and should be transparent.

Kiwilaw takes the hassle out of accessing essential legal services after a loved one dies. Families don’t need to visit a

Instead of paying perhaps $2,000 or more, most families can get the High Court approval they need for less than $1000 (including the $200 High Court fee), or even less with a valid will. Then they can use Kiwilaw’s online resources to choose whether to pay professionals for the rest of the estate work, or do it themselves.

For accurate help at a confusing and difficult time, enquire online via www.kiwilaw.co.nz or reach Cheryl at probate@kiwilaw.co.nz, or phone 03 312 1508.

14 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Behaviour

Delivering an exceptional standard of care

Our vision is simple: we want to set the new standard in surgical care. Since opening in August of 2022, in the beautiful Hawke’s Bay, we’re well on our way to that vision having performed over 3,000 surgical procedures in our first year of opening.

Here are some reasons you should choose Kaweka Hospital for your healthcare needs:

• Exceptional quality of care: We have highly skilled and specialised healthcare professionals who are leaders in their respective fields. With their expertise, we provide a level of care that is unparalleled, ensuring that you receive the best possible treatment and outcomes.

• Advanced technology and innovation: Kaweka Hospital has invested heavily in state-of-the-art equipment. This integration of cutting-edge technology allows our healthcare professionals to provide you with the most effective and innovative treatments available.

• Personalised and patient-centric approach: Kaweka Hospital prioritises personalised care, we tailor treatment plans to meet your specific needs. We place you at the centre of our care model, ensuring that you feel valued, respected, and involved in your healthcare decisions.

• Comprehensive range of services: Kaweka Hospital offers a comprehensive range of specialties and services under one roof. From routine to complex surgeries, we have the expertise and resources to address a wide range of needs.

• Privacy and comfort: We prioritise your privacy and comfort. We have well-appointed rooms, amenities, and services that create a serene and calming environment for your recovery. Kaweka Hospital staff understand the importance of a healing space and strive to provide a comfortable and stress-free experience during your healthcare journey.

With our focus on your well-being, Kaweka Hospital goes above and beyond to provide the best possible healthcare experience. It’s your health, and your choice!

Talk to your GP about a referral to one of our specialists!

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 15 Te taumata tautiaki pokanga hou The new standard in surgical care 209 Canning Road, Hastings, Hawke’s Bay www.kawekahospital.nz 06 241 4100 hello@kawekahealth.nz Kaweka Hospital is Hawke’s Bay’s newest private surgical hospital. We provide exceptional surgical and post-operative care, using the latest technology in a luxury private facility.
specialists and surgical care, to both adults and children, results in far better health outcomes for our patients.
Being able to provide faster

Recognising online scams




16 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Technology
– what to watch out for
the 2019
Annual Report from Netsafe, nearly $23
as lost to
were 16,355 scam reports with 2,343 scams involving financial losses. The best way to protect yourself is to be aware that scams exist and understand the common tactics used to open up your wallet and
are some of the most common types of scams on the internet? You may have encountered some without even realising it.

Phishing scams

Phishing, or the fraudulent practice of posing as a reputable company to obtain personal information like passwords and credit card numbers, can happen to anyone. It can be someone posing as your bank, your Netflix account, or even an alternative email of yours.

Example: You open your emails to see your bank requesting you log in to check on suspicious activity on your account. The log in page looks exactly like it does on your online banking app!

However, when you click on the email sender, the email looks a little bit strange. When you look at the domain name (the part of the email address after the @ symbol), it misspelled the name of the bank.

If this is the case, contact your bank independently from details on the back of your card or from an independent search you can trust.

Romance scams

Through dating websites, apps, and even social media, dating scammers reach out pretending to be prospective partners. They take advantage of people using emotions to lure you in to giving them money, gifts or personal details.

A lot of romance scammers catfish people, or use fake pictures and details, and make up online profiles to lull people into a false sense of security.

The scammer will go to great lengths to gain their victim’s trust and to keep them romantically interested, from professing their love and even

sending gifts. A lot of times they can take months to establish this trust and may even pretend to book flights to come visit but don’t actually come because of some excuse or another.

Example: One of the most common romance scams is pretending to have a personal emergency that requires a lot of money, like an ill family member or that the scammer is stranded somewhere without credit cards. They’ll then ask for money (or even manipulate the victim into offering it).

Shopping scams

A lot of online sellers are legitimate, but some scammers set up fake websites to rip off shoppers trying to find the best bargains. These websites can use modern layouts and designs, even having a “.co. nz” domain name to make it seem like an actual New Zealand business.

Other times, the business even advertises on your Facebook or Instagram page, giving it an extra air of legitimacy.

Often, the fake website’s biggest draw are really discounted prices. The victim can either receive a knock off item or no item will ever come through the mail.

One of the biggest giveaways of a shopping scam website is they ask the customer to pay via money order or wire transfer. Legitimate companies will offer a secure payment option like credit/debit card, PayPal, and POLi payments.

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56 Heads Rd Gonville Whanganui Contact us today Ph: 06 345 8209 Whanganui’s Best Value for Money Motel Fiesta Court 06 835 7777 0800 627 437 hawkesbaytaxis.co.nz NEXT TO YOU IN MINUTES Riding with us isn’t just a journey; it’s an experience in motion!

Your will should not be a document which you write once and never look at again. As life changes, your will may need to reflect this.

Wills should be reviewed every three to four years, so that you ensure you have included, or in some instances excluded, benefactors.

For instance, if a spouse dies or more grandchildren have been born, these are times to take another look at your will to make sure it is a true reflection of the legacy you want to leave.

Remember, that your last will and testament is the legal document that has your final wishes. It is the instructions that will be left for your executor to carry out and really needs to accurately reflect what you have and who you want to leave it to.

There have been instances where an ex-spouse has forgotten to remove their former husband or wife from the will. This has resulted in shock and anger from children at an already stressful time and lengthy and costly court battles to rectify the situation.

If you have inherited money or assets, gone into or sold a business or your financial situation has drastically changed, these are times when you should review your will.

You may have inherited heirlooms from a family member since writing your original will and you may want to make sure you leave those precious family keepsakes are passed on to a member of your family.

It can also include such things as funeral arrangements including burial wishes, so it is important to get them on the will so there is no confusion.

A living will

The Public Trust website also advises that if your medical situation changes then it is a good time to consider a living will.

“A living will, also called an “advance directive”, states what medical care you should be given if you become physically or mentally unable to decide. You might want to make a living will saying you should or shouldn’t be resuscitated or that you want life support turned off in certain circumstances.

“Medical professionals can’t ignore an advance directive unless there are reasonable grounds to doubt its validity.”

It is relatively easy to update your will. Your lawyer or a Public Trust representative can assist you with this process.

or spouse dies

benefactors have passed away

• The birth or adoption of a family member

• The acquisition or sale of a significant asset

• Children reach 18 years

• If you have come into an inheritance.

18 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Legalities
Times when you should update your will
Change of marital status
When your financial
situation changes
Your partner
health changes
Keeping your will up to date WYNANDS MASONRY LTD � Bricklaying � Blocklaying � Stone Masonry � Tiling � Solid Plastering � 100% Acrylic Plaster Systems � Plumbing & Garden Concrete Products WHAT WE DO : Covering all trades with expert workmanship and service. www.wynandsmasonry.com PHONE 06 843 5773 MOBILE021 450 732

Bang for your buck Getting more out of your money

Should you live for today or for tomorrow? Should you take a holiday on a Pacific Island or pay off the car loan?

When it comes to managing your money, it is hard to find the right balance and there is no absolutely right or wrong answer. The right answer for you depends primarily on what your priorities are.

Most people earn between $1 million and $2 million in their lifetime, but manage to save very little of what they earn. The problem is not our income, it’s what we spend.

So how can we make the most of what we earn?

Five key principles to stick to:

• Take control of your money and control your life

• Spend less than you earn

• Set aside a percentage of every dollar of your income and live off the rest

• Let time and compound interest work for you

• Invest in yourself — especially your skills and qualifications.

In practice, this means paying off debt and focusing on saving.

According to the IFA, this includes joining a subsidised superannuation scheme such as KiwiSaver, paying off high-cost short term debt, creating

an emergency cash fund, paying off your home mortgage as soon as possible and establishing a long-term savings plan.

That may sound difficult right now, but the best way to start managing your money is to draw up a budget. Your budget will consist of your income, your expenses including fixed and variable costs, and discretionary spending.

Remember that in the long run even the fixed costs like your house and car are choices that you make and if they cost too much, you can change that. How much you spend on the discretionary items is also your choice, which means that how much you have left over for saving is entirely your decision.

Money management tips:

• Watch your cash expenses — cash from ATMs can add up very quickly

• Beware of luxuries dressed as necessities

• How much you buy is a choice; e.g., clothing

• Aim to spend no more than 90 percent of your income – this allows you to pay for some of the big-ticket items

• Beware of spending creep as your income rises

• Give yourself a credit card haircut

• Never spend more than $100 on anything without taking 48 hours to think about it.

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 19 Money Matters
SCAFFOLDING EXPERTS CALL US! 0800 11 22 39 Delivering top quality, efficient and reliable safety solutions in Hawke’s Bay & East Coast. 609 Orchard Road, Camberley, Hastings sales@protrade.net.nz www.protrade.net.nz Leaders in Scaffolding, Edge Protection, and Safety Nets.

Totally Dependable

Laser Electrical Hastings have long established themselves as a leading electrical contractor in the local area, servicing the Hawke's Bay region.

Their successful operation is due to their dedicated team of electricians who strive to provide their customers with a totally dependable service with a strong focus on customer satisfaction.

Laser Electrical Hastings have expertise in a wide range of electrical services from residential to commercial and industrial.

Services provided by the Hastings team include a number of new home energy repairs, from designing electrical requirements throughout your home to installing all of your electrical wiring and large appliances.

Having a preventative maintenance schedule for your

home or business will help you to reduce any expensive repair costs down the line. Using a Laser Electrical electrician from Hastings to do an electrical health check up on your home or business will help to prevent these unfortunate events from occurring. Other home maintenance electrical services include repairs and other jobs such as supplying and installing a heated towel timer to help reduce your power bill.

Electrical repair services are available for any job, big or small, in any kind of home or business. If you have a problem that needs fixing, one of Laser Electrical’s experienced electricians in

Hastings will come and service your needs. If you have an electrical emergency, they can organise a member of their team to get to you urgently, day or night.

When you hire a Laser Electrician, you’ll receive their ‘Totally Dependable’ customer services that includes:

• Timely delivery

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have long established themselves as a leading electrical contractor in the local area, servicing the Hawke's Bay region.

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Jack Dining Table

The Jack Dining Table- Round effortlessly marries a contemporary metal leg base with the inviting charm of a natural oak veneer tabletop. Gather four to six of your nearest and dearest around this chic dining table.

RRP $1,799



Base Sofa

The mid-grey upholstery of the Base Sofa takes its inspiration from the natural world, while the plush pillows provide support from every angle. The oak legs are coated in a matte black finish, enhancing the sofa's relaxed charm and sleek design.

RRP $3,449 - $3,659 www.dawsonandco.nz

A delicate, hand-painted watercolour, Chiara’s blossoming floral design is a modern classic. Adorning a soft cotton sateen base, Chiara features a warm, earthy palette of browns, burgundy, creamy white and pops of toasty orange, upon a muted green ground.

RRP $199


Nespresso Creatista Plus Coffee Machine by Breville

The new Nespresso Creatista Plus lets you enjoy cafe style quality coffee, whatever your personal coffee preference. With a fully automatic steam wand, you can now create perfectly textured milk set to your preferred temperature for your coffee at home. To add a barista's touch to your coffee, you can use Creatista Plus frothy milk to create your own latte art.

RRP $949


Oslo Queen Bed Frame

Made from robust timber with its clean, sleek lines and a stylish geometric frame, this collection has a striking tactile quality that's bound to catch your eye. The distinctive character and charm of the Oslo range inject a hint of personality into any room.

RRP $1,299


DISCLAIMER: Please note prices listed here are recommended retail pricing. Prices are subject to change at the discretion of the seller. The information on this page is for information purposes only. The Job Agency Ltd T|A Markat assumes no liability or responsibility for any inaccurate, delayed or incomplete information, nor for any actions taken in reliance thereon.

Plusliving+ | 21
Chiara Duvet Covet Set

Find the words in the grid and cross out from the list below.

Words go horzintaly and vertically (not diagonally) they may intersect .

Dont ‘s : no bending, overlapping or going backwards

Note: Ignore spaces, dashes and diacritics, if any. There will be no unused letters left on the grid at upon completion

Word Search

22 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Mind Games

Satay chicken wrap

Super tasty and a great source of protein, fibre and vegetables.


• 1 wholegrain or natural wrap

• 50g shredded chicken

• ¼ carrot, grated

• ½ courgette, grated

Satay sauce

3/4 TBSP peanut butter

1/2 tsp chilli sauce

• ¼ capsicum diced

• ¼ red onion, diced

• 1 handful baby spinach

1/2 tsp honey, 1/2 tsp reduced salt soy sauce, 1/2 tsp sesame oil


1. Mix together the chicken, carrot, courgette, capsicum, red onion and baby spinach, plus any other desired vegetables.

2. In a pot, gently heat the satay sauce ingredients until combined, adding water as needed.

3. Allow the sauce to cool and then mix into the chicken and vegetables.

4. Place down the middle of the wrap. Fold the bottom of the wrap then the sides and eat fresh or for lunch the next day.

Nutritional value

One serving contains: Calories: 228, Protein: 24g, Fat: 9g, Carbohydrates: 13g, Fibre: 2g, Sugar: 6g

Allergies: Gluten, Sesame, Peanut, Nuts.

Study shows these hobbies can increase IQ

Of the hobbies studied, learning a new instrument proves to be the hobby which increases IQ the most.

In second place, knitting improved participants’ IQ by 9.68 percent. Exercising and reading rank third and fourth respectively. However, volunteers in the category ‘joining an online gaming group’ commenced with the highest average IQ (104 to 109).

IQ tests are a tool to measure a range of cognitive reasoning skills such as problem-solving and logic. According to VeryWellMind, an average IQ test score is around 100, with different countries around the world varying between 59 and 108.

In first place is learning a new instrument with an IQ score increase of 9.71% with volunteers’ IQ before the study averaging 103 and averaging 113 after the study.

DIYS.com reveals that the most popular instrument to pick up was the guitar with 31 percent of participants favouring it.

Knitting takes second place with an increase of 9.68 percent with average IQ scores of 93 before and 102 after the six-month period. Not only is knitting a stress-reducing activity but it also engages cognitive stimulation.

Exercising ranks third with an IQ amelioration of 7.37 percent (95-102). Playing sports and exercising is a popular activity to increase happiness via the release of chemicals known as endorphins, in addition to dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin.

According to Harvard Medical School, people who exercise have a larger brain volume in the memory and control-thinking areas.

Following in fourth place is reading as volunteers responded to a 7.07 percent IQ score increase. Participants were asked to read a new book every week and subsequently showed an average IQ increase score from 99 to 106.

Not only does reading improve vocabulary range, but it can also develop analytical and critical thinking as the constant stimulation trains the brain to problem-solve. Moreover, participants in the study commented that they felt more relaxed after a few weeks.

Meditating takes fifth place with an IQ improvement of 6.38 percent (94100). Pilates (23 percent), yoga (21 percent) and mindful breathing (17 percent) were the most popular practices.

With constant distractions, meditation exercises our attention spans with evidence suggesting that long-term meditators are shown to have faster reaction times.

The following activities are ranked according to their average IQ increase after volunteers completed the activity:

Learning a new instrument - 9.71 percent

Knitting - 9.68 percent

Exercising - 7.37 percent

Reading - 7.07 percent

Practising meditation - 6.38 percent

Learning a new language - 5.88 percent

Gardening - 5.10 percent

Joining an online video game group - 4.81 percent

Making and editing videos - 4.26 percent

Trying new recipes every week - 4.17 percent

Starting to write/blog - 4.12 percent

Colouring in an art book - 3.96 percent

Daily journaling - 3.26 percent

Playing a new board game - 2.00 percent

Sewing - 1.03 percent.

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 23 Food for Thought
Serves 1

Wall to wall choices

For many homeowners, the different walls that make up their homes are blank canvases used to create a sense of familiarity.

There are many ways to fill these vertical spaces, but before you pick out your photos and wall décor, how are you going to surface the walls?

The first instinct for many of us in New Zealand is to reach for the white paint. Using the same white paint throughout a rental property is expected, but it’s a bit drab when a house is absentmindedly doused in it.

It says: ‘yeah, this place is just one rung on my way up the property ladder’. Even if it’s true, that doesn’t really translate to ‘home sweet home’ does it?

Plus, it’s a shame to leave so much potential untapped. Sometimes we go for the safe choice because we don’t want to have to think about all of the possibilities.

Brainstorming, however, is half the fun. With new technologies available to us the options are practically endless. Of course, it doesn't stop with paint, there’s wallpaper too.

Playing with paint

A bucket of paint is a portal to colours galore. Paint can be altered to match or complement the statement piece in your room, whether it’s a bold, hot pink couch or the intricate pattern of a family heirloom, faded with time.

Paint doesn’t have to be applied in any one way either. Different techniques, patterns and finishes can add visual interest as well.

On the flip side, it’s important to remember that painting is a process. There’s the prep work, primer and dry times to consider before applying your new paint colour.

Overenthusiastic and eager to get their colour choices on the wall, DIYers often have their bubbles burst when their paint job doesn’t turn out the way they’d hoped after skipping necessary preparations.

Wondering about wallpaper

Gone are the days of pasting wallpaper onto the wall. Nowadays DIYers have the choice between pasting wallpaper or adhesive wallpapers. Also, homeowners can further personalise their wallpaper choice with high resolution photos which can be blown up to fit the wall space. Patterns and textures are easily integrated into a space with wallpaper available in a variety of colours and materials like paper, vinyl, fabric and more.

Nevertheless, whether pasting or adhering wallpaper, wrinkles and misalignment show up easily. Also, hanging photos and wall décor is a bigger decision since holes aren’t patched in the same way as paint. Also, wallpaper, like paint, requires proper preparation before application.

Decisions, decisions

It’s not so much about which one is superior, but which is right for the space you’re creating. Both have their pros and cons, but who said you had to choose one or the other?

With the use of paint and wallpaper samples, you can really make a statement by using a bold wallpaper for a feature wall and then paint the other walls with a colour found in the wallpaper to create a cohesive look.

24 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Home Improvement
Linen Wildflower wallpaper by Carol Robinson at Wallsauce. Photo by Wallsauce.com.

Professional plumbing services

Regardless of your plumbing problems, rest assured the highly proficient team at MEP Plumbing can repair, replace, or unblock it.

Proudly servicing the Hastings, Napier and Havelock area for the past two decades and with over 30 years of industry experience, you can trust us to get the job done well, and get it done right.

Indeed, our fully licensed, insured, and certified technicians possess the tools and experience to approach any plumbing project with confidence.

We provide a wide range of residential and commercial plumbing services, and our technicians can be relied upon 24/7 in the event of a plumbing emergency. We also offer a wide range of hot water cylinder services – whether it’s an installation, repair, or maintenance.

At MEP Plumbing, we always go the extra mile to ensure our service is friendly, reliable, and consistent. We look forward to continuing to deliver the best possible customer experience – exactly like we’ve done for the past two decades.

Spouting and down-pipes - Talk to our guttering experts to find out the best drainage application for your needs.

Kitchen plumbing - Whether you need new piping and fixtures maintained and repaired, or you’re interested in brandnew ones being installed, our plumbers are ready to assist you.

Water leak detection - If you’ve noticed that your water bill has been creeping up over the past while, give our technicians a call.

Commercial plumbing - We offer professional plumbing services for businesses both large and small; whether you need reliable servicing for your apartment complex, or own a commercial building or restaurant, you can always depend on our efficient and cost-effective service technicians.

Burst pipe repair - A burst pipe requires professional repair and servicing. Call us for speedy, expert service now.

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In need of an experienced and reliable plumber at any time of the day or night? Then be sure to call MEP Plumbing today! Drainlaying • Repairs • Maintenance Septic Services • Replacement Installation 06 878 9207 www.mepplumbing.co.nz ALL OUR WORK IS PERSONALLY GUARANTEED FOR YOUR PEACE OF MIND VOTED #1 IN NEW ZEALAND SINCE 2008

Clean and green Sustainable bathroom products

Shampoo and conditioner bars

The effort to reduce plastic waste has brought a wave of people “ditching the bottle”. Instead of buying shampoo and conditioner in plastic bottles, you can switch to a bar which is essentially like a bar of soap but for your hair. Ethique offer some excellent hair care products and ship them to you in sustainable packaging. You can also purchase some in your local supermarket.


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Your passport to stress-free travel

Since 2005 Dave Leary has been a leading travel manager, with thousands of trips booked for happy clients and businesses.

Dave Leary

He recognises and values his clients' needs, be it a family holiday, a business trip, a bucket list trip, or anything in between. Dave does this through his connections domestically and internationally, as well as researching thoroughly, and using his attention to detail which gets you the right flight connections, the best airline, the best seats, and the best hotels for your budget.

For the last 15 years Dave Leary has been under a large agency umbrella, but now he has gone out on his own with the professional backing of NZ Travel Brokers.

The difference is, that you get Dave, and only him, acting like your travel PA; your guide to your destination. Dave will look after all the boring stuff and you can look forward to your trip or get on with your business needs, with the reassurance that all the boxes have been ticked in the background.

Travel Broker

Havelock North

I recognise and value my client’s needs, be it a family holiday, a business trip, a bucket list trip, or anything in between. I do this through my connections Domestically and Internationally, my research, and my attention to detail, to get you the right flight connections, the best airline, the best seats, and the best hotels for your budget.

For the last 15 years I have been under a large agency umbrella, but now I have gone out on my own with the professional backup of NZ Travel Brokers.

The difference is you get me, and only me. I am like your Travel PA, your Guide to your destination. I look after all the boring stuff and you can look forward to your trip or get on with your business needs, with the reassurance that all the boxes have been ticked in the background.

+64 21 140 1150


Why use Dave as your travel broker?

• He has access to a huge range of travel specials and deals

• He is a one-stop-shop for all travel, flights, cruises, tours, rental cars, he can book anything for you

• Dave is your travel troubleshooter. If you run into the unexpected, call Dave, as he’ll get it sorted

• No need to meet Dave at an office, a friendly chat at your favourite cafe about your plans will do the job

• Dave is local, even though you may be going overseas, Dave can help you sort your international travels locally.

What are you waiting for?

Contact Dave today to book your dream holiday or to take your employees on a work getaway! Call him now on 021 140 1150.

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 27





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Kitchen kit Tools to suit any chef

Here are tools for the modern kitchen that will elevate people’s chef skills, simply, yet efficiently.

The top New Zealand culinary masters have revealed their kitchen tools and which tools are the best to use when cooking at home in a new cookbook - Lodge Cast Iron New Zealand’s favourite recipes book. Tools include a Lodge cast iron.

According to Lodge Cast Iron New Zealand, Lodge Cast Iron has been making prime cookware and accessories since it was established in Tennessee, the US, in 1896, which has also been very popular in New Zealand.

The cookbook was written by Kiwis for Kiwis. It features the country’s most notable chefs and home cooks to show all the awesome recipes people can cook easily in their homes using the product.

A featured New Zealand chef, Sam Mannering, thinks people need only a few tools and the more adaptable it is, the better, so people can get a lot of use out of the product when they’re cooking.

Another featured New Zealand chef and Cazador delicatessen co-restaurateur, Dariush Lolaiy, also believes people only need a few kitchen tools to master their chef skills and create a wonderful dish.

“I don’t think a whole lot of cooking tools are necessary. If you’ve got good quality basics - a cast iron pan, a quality chef’s knife, and the digital probe thermometer, that’s pretty much all you need to master a good meal. Sometimes less is more if you’re using things properly.”

A modern kitchen tool Dariush recommends people use at home is a digital probe thermometer because it helps people cook meat to their liking, so they can “nail it every time”.

He says, “While actually a classic kitchen tool, a cast iron 30cm skillet is a must for any modern kitchen. It’s versatile for every heat source and can be used for intense cooking at high temperatures, or for low gentle cookery - in either context, the heat is always even.

“I use my grandmother’s cast iron that was passed down to my mother who then passed it on to me and it’s still good as new, so that’s a sign of durability and reliability.”

Digital probe thermometers can be bought at most decent homeware stores, he says. “Look for an instant-read variety with a fine tip.”

He also believes these kitchen tools help people feel more confident in the kitchen because it’s simple to use and makes cooking feel like it can’t go wrong.

A cast iron works for hot and fast cooking and can work well with cooking slow dishes that people can leave in the oven for a while, “so it’s hard to really stuff it up!”

A tip Dariush recommends people do to make a great dish simple yet efficient is to cook a slow-cooked dish.

“Something that you can prep in the morning like a braised lamb shank dish. Brown everything off and put all your ingredients in the cast iron and leave it in a low oven while you concentrate on other things. It’s a fail-proof and delicious dish.”

Why not give these tools in the kitchen a go? And remember, less is better if it’s done right.

32 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Home Life
Lodge Cast Iron Skillet 30cm, RRP$129.99. Photo supplied by Lodge Cast Iron.


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Green with envy

If you haven’t begun preparing your lawn for the cooler months, now is the time to start. The experts from Kennards Hire have produced 10 handy tips to make sure that your lawn leaves your neighbours green with envy.

1. Do a good scan of your yard and remove any sticks. Rake up any leftover autumn leaves so that your lawn is receiving maximum sunlight and oxygen.

2. Make sure all of your lawn care equipment is in good working order.

3. Aerating your lawn will reduce soil compaction and increase air circulation. A well aerated lawn will become more efficient in absorbing rain and irrigation water, instead of it just running off the surface.

4. Testing your lawn’s pH levels will establish how acidic or alkaline your soil is. This will help you to determine the condition of your soil, and what your soil may require to nourish and sustain a healthy lawn.

5. If your lawn is suffering from any dead patches or is a bit sparse in some areas, this is the perfect time to sow some new seed for spring. Remove dead grass and fill with loose soil, then sow your seed. Make sure you use the same seed as the rest of your lawn.

6. Until spring really starts to kick in, keep your cutting height high and begin evening the length out. Make sure that you don’t cut

your lawn more than one third of its height, as this may expose your lawn to disease and the weather extremes of winter.

7. Grass clippings are a form of organic fertiliser and a great way to keep your lawn healthy. By using a mulching mower and returning the grass clippings to your lawn you are essentially retuning 15 percent more nutrients back into your soil.

8. The key to a healthy lawn in summer is a deep root system. To create a deep lawn root system, you need to train the grass roots of the lawn to search deeper for water. This is done by reducing the time between watering, and increasing the duration that you irrigate.

9. There is nothing worse than a patchy lawn that is riddled with weeds. Hire a spray unit and use a Bindii and broad leaf herbicide to apply directly to the weeds.

10. Grass grows fastest in the warmer months, so decreasing your cutting height down to 2.5cm won’t affect it too much. During cooler months, grass grows much slower so it’s a good idea to raise your cutting height a little so as not to damage it.

Painters Limited

Welcome to Oexo Painters Ltd- Your Painting Solution for Commercial and Residential Spaces Established in 2021, Oexo Painters Ltd with ten years of experience delivers top-notch painting services for both commercial and residential needs. We keep it simple and effective - turning your vision into reality with precision and expertise.

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34 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Garden Life
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Home hacks

A life hack is a clever technique adopted in order to manage life’s tasks in a more efficient way. Below are some life hacks for your home to give you some much-needed short cuts to free up your time.

Remove small furniture scratches with toothpaste

Instead of getting your couch refinished, try using toothpaste to get the marks out. Use a pea-sized amount of non-gel toothpaste and rub the scratch in a circular motion until buffed out. Clean the remainder up with a damp towel.

Polish copper with tomato sauce

When your copper is looking tarnished, put some tomato sauce on a

rag with some salt on top. Rub it on your copper item and repeat until you’ve covered the whole surface. Rinse it off and it’ll look brand new!

Flip your wine glasses for more space

Some people like their wine glasses face up, while others like theirs facedown. Why not both? By alternating your glasses by top and bottom, you can nestle a lot more wine glasses closer together.

Clean HVAC vent registers in dishwasher

To keep your ventilation and air conditioning fresh and clean, put your HVAC vent registers in the dishwasher. Put them through a quick rinse cycle and then dry them thoroughly before reinstalling.

Suspenders to keep a fitted sheet in place

Your fitted sheet slipping off the corners of your bed is an annoyance that can be perplexing to fix. An easy way to solve the problem is to take a pair of braces for your trousers and clip each end to each corner under the mattress. That way, you sheet will definitely stay put.

Wasteless ways

Did you know that every Kiwi produces 3,200kg of waste per year? In total, that’s 12.5 million tonnes of waste each year, according to Recycle NZ. As a nation, we only recycle 28 percent of this waste.

One of the biggest ways you can lessen your impact on the planet is reducing your waste and reusing – or upcycling – the things in your home. With that, we can minimise our impact on the planet and keep New Zealand beautiful, especially as China stopped accepting our recycling in 2018 due to China’s National Sword policy banning the import of most plastics and materials heading for recycling processors.

Bring your own containers

All the supermarkets in New Zealand have moved to a zero plastic bag policy, reminding shoppers to bring their own reusable bags to take their groceries home.

However, there is still a lot of plastic waste from the way meat is packaged to the way we bring home vegetables in little plastic bags. Did you know you can also bring your own containers?

When you visit the deli or butcher’s, bring your own containers to take your meat home in. That way, you can drastically reduce the amount of plastic you’re collecting from the supermarket alone.

Repair your things

Back in the good ol’ days, our parents would make sure they got the most use out of something before throwing it away.

In the era of the disposable, we’ve lost this way of thinking and instead have been throwing out things that could be easily fixed instead of repairing them.

Be it your clothes – a hole in your pants, a button pops off – or your clock stops working, spend a few minutes checking to see if you can fix it rather than throwing it straight in the bin.

Remaining conscientious and aware of the waste you create every day is the best way to reduce your waste and impact on this place we call home.

This paradigm shift can take a bit to get used to, but being mindful of how we interact with objects and waste is the best way to keep New Zealand green.

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Ensuring a smooth first-time selling experience

Selling a first home can be an exciting yet daunting prospect with several factors to consider — and its normal to not be entirely sure about the process. The best way to start is to get clear about what you want to achieve from your selling journey.

Understanding the ‘why’

Everyone’s circumstances are different — there are many reasons for selling a house, from family circumstances or lifestyle changes to downsizing or upsizing. You may need to move for a new job or want to live closer to your family. Or perhaps you are thinking about financial goals and would like to cash in your property and fund a new venture.

Figuring out your selling needs and goals will help form a better idea of the timeframe you’ll need to get your house market ready.

Do you need extensive renovations or minor touch ups? A simple marketing campaign, or a more extensive one? Your why will also help your real estate profession deliver in a way that works for you.

What is your property worth?

A home is as much an emotional asset as it is a capital one, and it can be difficult to see it objectively, let alone put a price on it. There are several ways to get a precise idea of your property’s market value. You can pay for a registered valuation or get a current market

appraisal from a licensed real estate agent. Free online tools can give you a rough estimate, largely based on clever calculations using recent sale comparisons.

It is vital you have in depth conversations with your real estate professional. Automated tools and valuations are a great starting point, but your agent will know what’s happening in the market right now, what is impacting market values and the best approach to take to get a sale.

Consider any changes you can make to increase your property’s value, such as landscaping or fixing a broken fence.

Look at your property through a critical eye. First impressions can make a big difference in real estate: from curb appeal through to repainting the walls, some cosmetic changes inside and out may go a long way to attracting buyers and increasing the sale price.

For more targeted renovations, kitchens and bathrooms are usually key rooms to focus on. Although the most expensive rooms to remodel, if you have the time and budget, a well-planned renovation tends to add the most value.

The magic of marketing

Marketing is fundamental to reaching and attracting buyers and making your property stand out from the rest. Experienced real estate agents know the impact continuous and omnichannel promotion can have on a property’s sale.

High-quality imagery and videos are more important than ever for online listings that enable potential buyers to get a feel for the property and decide whether they are interested in taking their buying journey to the next step.

38 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Real Estate

Your top sales consultant

Tremains Real Estate in Havelock North and Hastings are committed to top service and premium results throughout the Hawke’s Bay area.

Professional and proactive after six years in the industry, sales consultant Andrew Clark is recognised in the real estate market for his knowledge and outstanding results. He has a strong background in business and understands the importance of clear and honest communication. His enthusiasm and strong work ethic has seen him receive multiple awards including Number One Agent for 2020, Top Three for 2019, Top Ten for 2018 and Rookie of the Year in 2017.

Property development runs in Andrew’s family which brings experience and knowledge above and beyond real estate sales, including renovations, subdivisions, and new build projects. Giving back to the community is very important to Andrew which is why he is the major sponsor for Clive Rugby for the past five years, and supports Te Mata Primary School and Hastings East Ross Shield Rugby.

It is not just about numbers for Andrew, he finds immense personal satisfaction in achieving top results for his vendors and his buyers. There is nothing more satisfying for him than getting good people into good homes, and this has proven to be a driver for Andrew’s business. You won’t be disappointed when choosing Andrew to sell your property.

Why should you list your home with Andrew?

• He believes in giving back to the community by supporting local clubs and events

• Benchmarks his performance against world leading real estate agencies

• Offers the personal guarantee of the owner.

For a top quality sales consultant in the Havelock North and Hastings area, Andrew Clark is the best choice for you! Contact Andrew today on 027 524 3504 or email him at andrew.clark@tremains.co.nz. Alternatively you can view his listings on www.tremains.co.nz.

I find immense personal satisfaction in achieving top results for my vendors and my buyers. There is nothing more satisfying for me than getting good people into good homes, and this has proven to be a driver for my business.
524 1504 • 06 876 2442
www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 39

Thinking of selling? Think Gabby Morris.

We Are Stoked!

“Gabby helped us so much throughout the whole process with her caring and professional support, along with keeping us well-informed.”

Excellent Agent

“She has always been great through the whole process. She always keeps us updated and always tries to find best for us. Thank you Gabby ”

Excellent Service and Result

“Gabby worked hard to secure a good price on a unique property. She worked very well with all parties and definitely went the ‘extra mile’ with her service. Highly recommended. ”

Gabby Morris | 027 228 7900 gabby.morris@tremains.co.nz
Tremain Real Estate (2012) Ltd Licensed Real Estate Agent REAA 2008 Real Estate

Revolutionising Hawke’s Bay Real Estate: a journey in living colour

With Elanor MacDonald’s family ties to Hawke’s Bay and nearly 30 years real estate experience starting in project management, moving to residential sales and then business ownership 18 years ago.

A significant moment for her was introducing the first property colour magazine - a thrill similar to the excitement around their latest technological advancements.

When Elanor arrived in Hawke’s Bay, real estate ads were all the sameblack and white, with fixed commissions and no competition. With experience and inspiration from Wellington’s marketing scene, Elanor set out to make changes, wanting to showcase properties better. She pushed for property guides to shift from dull prints to glossy, vibrant magazines. But it wasn’t easy; there was resistance before locals agreed.

Moving from print to digital media took time. Her agency adapted, recognising the importance of both. Staying updated with client needs, her team embraced the digital shift, connecting with buyers online.

Looking ahead, Elanor sees less desk work and more client interaction as technology takes over routine tasks. Embracing innovation is crucial, and her agency works hard to stay ahead.

In short, Elanor MacDonald’s journey in Hawke’s Bay real estate is about adapting to change, embracing technology, and meeting market demands, all to paint the real estate landscape in bright, vivid colours.

If you would like to talk with Elanor about a potential house sale, contact her by phone at 021 749 477 or 06 833 8500, or send her an email at emacdonald@raywhite.com.


• 2023/2024 - Premier Business Leader of Ray White Napier

• 2022/2023 - Elite Business Leader of Ray White Hastings | Napier

• 2021/2022 - Chairman’s Elite Business Leader of Ray White Hastings | Napier

• 2020/2021 - Chairman’s Elite Business Leader of Ray White Hastings

• 2019/2020 - Chairman’s Elite Business Leader of Ray White Hastings

• 2018/2019 - Chairman’s Elite Business Leader of Ray White Napier

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Hawke’s Bay HAS BEEN RECOGNISED AGAIN AS AN International Clients’ Choice Top 5 Office for Customer Experience Hastings 06 872 7200 Napier 06 833 8500 www.rwhawkesbay.co.nz New Zealand Leaders Hawke's Bay Limited Licensed REAA (2008).
Ray White

Your partnertrusted in real estate

The Agency - All Things Property proudly stands as Gisborne’s largest independent agency, renowned for consistently delivering exceptional results in the realm of real estate.

Their commitment to excellence has driven them to expand their range of services, with a strong desire to offer all clients a comprehensive spectrum of real estate-related solutions.

Their agency specialises in several critical areas of the real estate industry:

• Residential Sales: Backed by an intimate understanding of the local market, they have built an impressive track record of successful residential property transactions

• Coastal Homes: They extend their expertise to the captivating world of coastal properties, serving those seeking idyllic waterfront homes

• Property Management: Their property management services are designed to protect your investments and maximise returns, ensuring that your properties are in capable hands

• Property Maintenance: Their dedicated team takes care of property upkeep and maintenance, preserving value and functionality for property owners

• Building Services: They offer a comprehensive suite of building services, simplifying property improvements and upkeep.

Their experienced team is renowned for its deep local knowledge and a remarkable ability to achieve favourable outcomes for their clients. Whether you require a casual conversation for real estate advice, guidance on selling or buying property, or assistance in setting clear expectations for transactions, they’re here to assist.

The Agency is dedicated to helping you find the perfect real estate fit, aligning your dreams and aspirations with your financial objectives. They bring creativity, innovation, and unwavering honesty to every real estate endeavour.

Discover the difference with The Agency - All Things Property, where the world of real estate meets exceptional service and dedication. Trust them to turn your real estate aspirations into reality.

Contact The Agency - All Things Property for all your property needs today on 06 869 0088.

42 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Real Estate BUYING, SELLING OR RENTING YOUR PROPERTY? Contact Us Today! Our agency specialises in residential sales, coastal homes, property management, property maintenance and building services. 06 869 0088 | info@theagencynz.com 5 Ballance Street Whataupoko, Gisborne www.theagencynz.com

Perfect joinery for any place

Toop Aluminium 2020 Ltd has a long outstanding history within the Hawke’s Bay region with more than 30 years combined experience in aluminum joinery and technical support.

Our team is passionate about windows and doors, offering top quality service along with design, knowledge and innovation in designs of aluminium joinery.

We are suppliers of Fisher Windows and Doors systems, offering a variety of styles, colors and hardware to suite all types of design requirements. And being licensed Dual Glaze agents we offer replacement of old single glazed glass with new double-glazed glass to provide solutions towards a warmer healthier home.

Our joinery is designed to meet the demands of the New Zealand environment and Kiwi lifestyle. One of our most common suites is Pacific Residential, which offers performance in high wind zones and boasts modern aesthetics and practical functionality. It provides windows and doors fit for purpose, presenting quality solutions and cost-efficient ways to achieve increased indoor/outdoor flow.

The window unit sizes for the Pacific Residential suite can be up to 2.4mm high and robust sliding panels weighing up to 150kg. It accommodates up to 25mm double glazed unit capacity and has a sleek flush profile.

Need to go bigger? We can do that with

our Pacific Architectural suite. This suite is the preferred for larger homes, exhibiting high quality and architectural design.

Our most common door is the Euroslider. The best feature about the Euroslider is its ease of opening. Unlike traditional sliding doors, the Euroslider has no lower channels or cavities to collect unsightly dirt and debris and thanks to the chevron shaped track and wheels, this makes opening the door almost effortless.

Toop Aluminum 2020 Ltd proudly has a passionate sales team who work closely with customers to provide the joinery they want and need for their home. We pride ourselves in coming up with solutions and designs for all aluminium joinery needs.



www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 43
CONTACT US ! 06-879 9900 www.fisherwindows.co.nz
have over 30 years of combined knowledge and experience
manufacturing of Aluminium Windows and Doors from renovations through to high end commercial products. Our Windows and Doors are designed to make the most of what comes naturally, seeking to make the best use of light and the natural environment, while also providing the practical benefits of lower maintenance, longer life and better security.
in and see the team for your free measure and quote.

Should I use a property management company for my rental investment?

For many Kiwis, owning a rental property is a key investment, often a component of retirement savings plans that generates a steady and passive income. However, it does come with great responsibility.

As the Government introduces more regulations, adding to the list of landlords’ responsibilities, a reputable property management company can add great value to your rental investment and ensure that your tenants and property are handled reliably and fairly, in line with your obligations.

Ensuring suitable tenants

A property management company will help find ideal tenants for your property. This can be a complex job, particularly if you do not have extensive experience in the property management profession.

Having a tenant-screening process that is compliant with the recently changed Privacy Act 2020, and facilitated by a property management professional, will enable you to find tenants who are reliable, longterm and with a mutually beneficial respect for the landlord and tenant relationship.

Managing all legal matters

Property management companies oversee all legal aspects of maintaining a property and working with tenants.

They are fully informed on the legal responsibilities and up to date with complex legislative changes — giving you one less thing to worry about.

They help manage risk by ensuring landlords do not accidentally get themselves into a difficult situation that may result in a Tenancy Tribunal hearing or financial penalties.

The new Healthy Homes Standards, which became law on 1 July 2019, can be a challenge for real estate investors, as landlords are responsible for maintaining and improving the quality of their rental properties to meet the standards.

While it ensures the landlords provide healthier and safer properties to tenants and have lower maintenance costs, it can be time-consuming for people with already busy lives — particularly for those living in different cities or regions than their investment property.

Lower repair and maintenance costs

Property management companies have experience dealing with the various issues that can arise with maintenance and generally have trusted contacts for various service providers, such as plumbers, builders, and electricians.

They’ll also have access to comparative data about the market, ensuring that the rent a property investor is charging aligns with the market rate.

Identifying and repairing any maintenance issues early on will avoid larger and more expensive problems. Experienced property managers will inform you that keeping on top of maintenance and repairs will increase the value of your property and often the length of tenancy.

This will involve regular inspections and detailed documentation. A property management agency may also give you valuable feedback and suggestions on upgrades and modifications that tenants prefer, which benefit both parties.

Personal benefits — peace of mind

An underrated benefit of using a property management company is the alleviation of stress. Being a landlord can be a full-time job.

By engaging someone to care of this for you, you’ll be free from after hours emergencies, following up rent payments, repairing any damages, paperwork, finding maintenance contractors and other tasks that require a lot of time and thought.

As you may not live where you invest, working with a property manager means that you will meet your obligations and rest assured that someone is undertaking regular inspections of your rental property and supporting your tenants as required.

With an expert tending to the day to day management of your investment property, you’ll win back some precious time.

Managing and trusting your relationship with a property management company

It is clear that utilising the skills of a property management company is highly beneficial however, it is important to recognise that this will not remove all of your responsibilities.

As a landlord, you will need to manage and trust in your relationship with your property management company.

REINZ recommends doing your due diligence when choosing your property management company — have broad conversations, ask questions and seek legal advice to ensure you are choosing the right company for you, your wants and your needs.

Choosing a REINZ Property Management member is recommended as they are supported to excel in the profession, provide excellence in customer care, and uphold the best standards of practice.

44 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Property Management

Empowering DIY landlords

Setting Higher Standards

At Ray White Hawke’s Bay, they aim to revolutionise property management to help address industry knowledge compliance gaps. In an unregulated field of competitors, they are a brand committed to excellence by reshaping property management standards across New Zealand.

Why Ray White?

• Educational Excellence: All offices hold NZQA level four certificate experience, backed by a minimum required 20 hours of annual training for all staff

• Financial Integrity: They manage funds through trust accounts, undergo independent audits, and carry public indemnity insurance

• Customer-Centric Approach: Tailored products and services for all landlords, even those managing tenancies themselves.

Ray White Choice

DIY Landlord Services - Customer Choice Redefined

At Ray White Hawke’s Bay, they can see that DIY Kiwi landlords now face increasing compliance standards and risks, so Ray White has introduced ‘Ray White Choice’ - their suite of pay-as-you-go property management services for those who choose to do it themselves.

Services Include

• Casual Letting: Hassle-free advertising, tenant screening, and lease preparation for a seamless tenancy

• Rent Management and Arrears Support: Timely rent collection, detailed ledgers, and arrears management support

• Routine Tenancy Inspections: Regular property inspections to ensure compliance with landlord regulations and insurance requirements

• Initial Tenancy Inspection: Thorough pre-tenancy property inspection with photographic evidence and maintenance advice

• General Consulting and Advice: Expert guidance on rental reviews, documentation, tenancy rules, and more.

Experience the difference with Ray White Choice - a new range of industry-exclusive services helping empower DIY landlords with flexibility, convenience, and support.

Contact the team at Ray White Hawke’s Bay today on 06 833 8508

Alternatively, you can visit their website for more information at www.rwhawkesbay.co.nz.

www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 45 Property Management

Your premier property management partner

Gisborne’s premier independent agency, The Agency - All Things Property, stands out for its exceptional track record and unwavering commitment to delivering outstanding results.

As part of their continuous evolution, they have broadened their range of services, aiming to provide their valued customers with a comprehensive suite of property management related services.

The Agency - All Things Property can help you by taking over these key areas when you rent out your home:

• Property Management: Managing all the paperwork, finding the perfect tenants and understanding your boundaries when renting out your home, building or land

• Property Maintenance: When you put your property in the hands of The Agency, they can take care of all maintenance that is required when needed.

Owning real estate can be a rewarding investment, but it comes with its fair share of challenges. That’s where The Agency’s property management steps in to make your life easier. Whether you own residential or commercial properties, The Agency’s property managers can handle the day-to-day tasks, from tenant screening and rent collection to maintenance and repairs. With their expertise, you can enjoy the benefits of property ownership without the headaches. Trust in property management to maximise your investment’s potential while ensuring peace of mind.

The Agency’s experienced team boasts profound local knowledge and a remarkable ability to deliver the best outcomes for all parties involved. You will be assigned with a property manager who will take care of everything for you when you sign up your property for rent, saving you the hassle of handling everything yourself. Experience the difference with The Agency - All Things Property, where property management meets exceptional service and dedication. Trust them to assist you in optimising the value of your property.

Contact The Agency - All Things Property for all your property management needs today on 06 869 0088.

46 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Property Management Contact Us Today! Our agency specialises in residential sales, coastal homes, property management, property maintenance and building services. 06 869 0088 | info@theagencynz.com 5 Ballance Street Whataupoko, Gisborne www.theagencynz.com

Keep your home warm and snug

Snug Insulation is a locally owned and operated company based out of Waipukurau, running since 2014.

Blair Smith, director and creator of Snug Insulation, has been in the industry since 2012 and has a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Snug is the most recommended installer for Eliment Insulation products in Hawke's Bay and the surrounding areas areas for their expertise in delivering a quality install with knowledge of what they are installing. They install in retrofitted homes, renovations, new builds and commercial sites. Snug mostly uses Eliment Insulation, however, they can supply and/or install any product you prefer such as Bradford Gold and PinkBatts.

Eliment Insulation is compliant with New Zealand standards, codes and regulations, and is manufactured to provide the ideal performance to suit climates in different parts of the country. Eliment primarily consists of up to 80 percent of recycled glass that would otherwise end up in landfill. Glasswool is infinitely recyclable. It can be made into new glasswool or used in a secondary application.


Snug Insulation has a highly skilled team that can insulate residential homes and commercial businesses. Insulating your home or new buisness is the single most effective measure you can take to keep your home warm and to save money on energy bills. This means your home or building heats up quicker and requires less energy to stay warm, as a result, saving you money. A poorly insulated home uses up to 30 percent more energy to heat than one with insulation installed correctly. This makes insulation one of the smartest investments you can make in your home.

A poorly insulated home uses up to 30 percent more energy to heat than one with insulation installed correctly.

For your next insulation, don’t hesitate to use Snug Insulation, give the team a call today on 0800 Snuggy (0800 768 449) or for more information visit their website at www.snuggy.co.nz.

• Monday – Thursday

• Friday 9am – 4pm


www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 47 Installer of Eliment Insulation - a new generation thermal and acoustic glasswool insulation. Designed for a wide range of wall and ceiling applications.
0800 768 449 | A: 18 Cook Street, Waipukurau 4200 snuggy.co.nz RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL
Eliment insulation range encompasses multiple densities, thicknesses and dimensions to suit typical timber or steel framed constructions and to satisfy a broad spectrum of building requirements.
9am –

Homoeopathy is an extraordinary holistic system of medicine. It is gentle, tailored and successful. It may be used alongside conventional medicine and other natural therapies.

Angela Hair offers Homoeopathic support for a wide range of health and wellbeing issues.

027 443 6737


500 Nelson Street North Hastings


Helping you Recover

Concordia Health, based in the Hastings area, is a homeopathy business run by Angela Hair. Angela offers homeopathic support for a wide range of health and wellbeing issues.

Concordia Health uses an innovative way of restoring your health through the Universal Energy Field to which we are all connected. Angela is trained in psychology and practised classical homeopathy for 10 years before learning Intentional Grace and adapting this system to find effective solutions for a wide range of physical, emotional, and spiritual health issues. She has worked with this system for over 12 years and was a pioneer in its development. Acute illnesses, emotional stress, injuries and toxicity issues may be identified. By removing the ‘memory’ of past trauma and toxins the development of chronic diseases may be reduced.

Angela provides online and face-to-face consultations at 500 Nelson Street North in the Rudolf Steiner Centre Hastings. Contact Angela today on 027 4436 737.

“In my experience, Angela always goes the extra mile to provide healing. She is always understanding, patient and caring, making appointment times during her busy schedule and often at late notice. Angela is a great credit to herself, to homoeopathy and we are very fortunate to have her in Hawkes Bay. I thoroughly recommend the services to everyone who is in need of them.”

48 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz DENTURE CLINIC FULL SERVICE LABORATORY DENTURES Designed to match your unique personality, we can offer you a range of high quality full dentures, partial dentures & metal partial dentures. We also offer implant retained dentures in conjunction with oral surgeons and dentists. RELINES • FREE CONSULTATION • SAME DAY REPAIR • DENTURES DIRECT TO PUBLIC WINZ & Insurance Quotes Available DENTURES • DENTURE REPAIR 120 Shakespeare Road, Napier • artisandentalstudio.nz@gmail.com 06 650 7368 • 022 368 1052 • /denturesnapier
www.plusliving.co.nz Plusliving+ | 49 06 368 4941 | hydrabadcamp@gmail.com Forest Road, Waitarere Beach www.waitarerebeachcamps.co.nz PROUDLY SUPPORTING EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT LOCALLY • SWIMMING POOL • TRAMPOLINES • CAMP HALL • SWINGS & SLIDE • TENNIS COURT • TAKEAWAY SHOP • RESTAURANT • DAIRY & CAFÉ • BOWLING CLUB 3 5-min walk to Waitarere Beach 3 Near Matariki Forest Roseanne Retirement Home We are a small family orientated home. We encourage residents to be themselves. Family are encouraged to visit at any time and are invited to join activities and outings if they choose. We want our residents to view Roseanne as their home and we are sensitive to their personal space, needs, and desires. A commitment to provide the highest quality and professional standards in meeting the residents individual, psychological, cultural and spiritual needs within a safe, warm, caring, friendly, family orientated environment. 06 8430 250 • 25 Taradale Road, Marewa Napier 4110 LOCALLY OWNED & OPERATED Monday - Friday | 8:00am - 5:00pm Saturday | 8:30am - 12:00pm OPEN 9 Dunlop Road, Onekawa, Napier Onekawa Metal Recyclers 06 843 8862 0800 486 329 Thousands of jobs ready & waiting for you! Change your job Change your life! Register now and receive FREE email alerts Never miss an opportunity Post your CV and get head hunted This is your job space, provided by kiwis, for the benefit of all kiwis.

Are funerals still relevant?

Over the last few years many more people are choosing direct cremations – a form of unattended cremation where family and friends don’t have a funeral at all.

Often this can be about cost, although if the family chooses to have a memorial after there may not be a lot of saving.

So in defence of a full funeral, with a body present and managed by a professional funeral director, we’ve explored whether a full funeral is relevant today.

Who is the funeral for?

Often our members hear “Oh I don’t want a fuss”. Gently, they must remind families that the funeral is not just for them.

Funerals provide a socially acceptable and safe setting for the open expression of personal grief. They provide a focus for the expression of loss by individuals and by their communities. This latter can go beyond wider friends for many and so often we have seen people want to be celebrated and acknowledged by those who’s lives they have touched.

Funerals are also a vehicle for the support of the bereaved. The hugs, the kind words, the caring actions of those supporting the bereaved reinforce the important social ties that reflect what it is to be human.

Order and meaning

Most of us don’t deal with death frequently. Even if expected, the grief associated with death affects our thinking and decision-making abilities. Death is also a bit complicated. There is paperwork to be done. Laws to be followed. An event to be created – all in the space of a few days.

A big part of the value of working wth a funeral director is helping put some order into what might seem a chaotic time. A good funeral director will not only manage the physical activities and logistics, but will point the family in the direction of what might be most meaningful for them.

Increasingly these events are as different and unique as we are. Funeral directors are experts in creating unique and special experiences, and as New Zealand society continues to change and grow so too will the end-of-life experiences they need to create.

Telling a personalised story

Funeral celebrants are the ceremony specialists who can help bring the ‘event’ the funeral director has created to life.

Celebrants are curators – sifting through the information shared by a family to create a ceremony that truly reflects the personality of the individual being honoured.

Whether its through laughter, heart-warming recollections, the right music, or the opening of a beer at dad’s normal drinking hour, a celebrant will control the content for the family and ensure the farewell remains respectful of their wishes.

More relevant than ever

With the pain of the Covid-affected funerals still in our rear-view mirror those dreadful months where funeral gatherings were not allowed reinforced more than ever the relevance and value of a funeral.

So yes, we believe funerals are still relevant. Talk to a member of the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand for your assurance of a meaningful farewell. Find a funeral director here: www.funeraldirectors.co.nz.

50 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Funeral Directors


Our funeral home offers dignity, efficiency, and trust. Our team is here for you and your loved one.


• Funeral Arrangements

• Burial or cremation

• Care & presentation or embalming

• Casket selection

• Floral tributes

• Service sheets

• Newspaper notices

• Venue hire

• Funeral Celebrant

• Catering

“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal ”

• Video

• DVD photo montage

• Portable live streaming system

• Organists, pipers or bugler

• Donations

• Repatriation

• Arranging all documentation

• Death Certificate

• Providing guidance with ACC & WINZ applications

920 Heretaunga St West, St Leonards, Hastings

06 8767942 | staff@GentleTouch.co.nz


The changing face of Hawke’s Bay funerals

In his new role as the Branch Manager of Tong & Peryer Funeral Directors in Hastings, Steve finds himself grappling with a certain degree of apprehension.

The weight of preserving the funeral home’s rich 143 year history supporting our Hawke’s Bay families, while also adapting to the changing dynamics within the death care industry and evolving public perceptions and expectations regarding death and dying.

When we typically envision funerals, our minds conjure sombre scenes: mournful faces, muted colours, melancholic music, and hushed conversations, all seemingly designed for a more conservative and introspective atmosphere. Steve believes our society has increasingly disconnected from the realities of death. Many of us have grown accustomed to entrusting professionals to discreetly handle the deceased to where they need to go and orchestrate funerals that guide the living

towards ‘closure’ in an orderly fashion. In this experience, Steve observes a profound absence of something more dynamic and representative of the expressive, multicultural tapestry that defines Hawke’s Bay today.

Steve’s own upbringing in Hastings, influenced by a blend of Scottish and Māori heritage, instilled in him an active participation and perspective on the process of death. Often his people returned home to pass away or came home for the final time surrounded by family and friends who openly mourned and celebrated their lives through song, storytelling, and often physical touch. He recalls the unexpected retrieval of knucklebones inadvertently launched into his grandfather’s casket as his 20 plus cousins played boisterously around

Steve believes that every life lived, deserves a special and thoughtful farewell, and is looking forward to working with families and communities to discover what that means to them.

him. His experience created an acceptance of death as a natural part of life.

Recognising that his experience may not resonate with everyone, Steve aspires to bridge the gap that exists and initiate a dialogue about death and dying within our community. He emphasises the importance of celebrating an individual’s life, acknowledging that even with the sorrow, there’s room to create cherished memories through a personalised experience of saying the ‘last goodbye’.

Every day, we hear variations of the sentiment, “they didn’t want a fuss". Yet Steve understands that no matter how simple a funeral, it’s the smallest of rituals and ceremonies that leave an enduring impact. We want our families to feel it’s not solely about the funeral day, but an integrated (yet gentle),

journey leading up to it and the subsequent path toward healing and closure.

By embracing a more inclusive approach, opening up the funeral home (guided by Tong & Peryer’s hugely passionate Family Care Team), offers a meaningful starting point. Within its walls, there are purpose-designed spaces where families are invited to participate in the process on their terms. Dedicated viewing rooms provide privacy for loved ones to sit in quiet contemplation with the deceased, enveloped by their favourite music, surrounded by photos, the scent of their favourite perfume or flowers, and mementos that are uniquely theirs—all contributing to the collective tapestry of cherished memories that come with a loved one’s history and, also in their passing.

52 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz Funeral Directors

The Gift of Love that lasts forever PRE-PLANNING


Over the 143 years we have been supporting Hawke's Bay families, we have seen the power of pre-planning a funeral. Life is a journey, and as we cherish the moments that make it special, we should also prepare for the inevitable by giving it the respect of time it deserves.

Hundreds of people have trusted Tong & Peryer Funeral Directors with their preplanning needs. They’ve found great solace in knowing that their final goodbye is a meaningful farewell, not a burden to their family when they are feeling the immediacy of a loved ones passing.


Imagine protecting your family from the difficult decisions that need to be made during their time of grief.


You decide on a unique and meaningful farewell that reflects your values, beliefs and personality.


You can fill out our online resources and preplanning form or have our family care team guide you through the process at your place or ours.

Your legacy deserves to be celebrated with love, dignity and respect. Preplan your funeral because, in the end, it’s a simple gift of love that lasts forever.

Washing for you

Wash Rite Hawkes Bay is a family-owned and operated business run by Anthony and Kim who have lived and worked in the Hawkes Bay region for many years.

Anthony and his team offer a full range of exterior cleaning services to both residential and commercial clients. Regardless if you need a soft house wash, gutter clean, packhouse washed or even a commercial building wash, Wash Rite Hawkes Bay can help you out. They prides themselves on providing the highest level of service and a quality job you can rely upon.

Wash Rite Hawkes Bay may be the largest exterior cleaning company in New Zealand but with locally owned franchises like Wash Rite Hawkes Bay, you will always get a local owner like Anthony to come and shake your hand and provide a free quote and a friendly smile.

Anthony and his team offer their clients a full range of exterior cleaning services including:

• Low-Pressure House Washing

• Moss and Mould Roof Treatments

• Roof Washing

• Gutter Cleaning

• Commercial Building Washing

• Fence and Deck Cleaning

• Pathway and Driveway Cleaning

• Pest and Spider Control

• Dairy Shed and Farm Building Washing

• Pre-sale Makeover

• Pre-paint Wash

• Window Cleaning

• Solar Panel Cleaning.

Q. What region does Wash Rite Hawkes Bay cover?

A. They will complete jobs in Mahia, Wairoa, Napier, Hastings, Havelock North, Waipawa and Waipukurau to the Takapau Plains and everywhere in between.

Q. What size building can they service?

A. They can clean the smallest residential house to the largest

commercial building. Nothing is too big or too small for their purpose-built trucks.

“Our house is now so sparkly and clean! They even cleaned out under the steps that have been accumulating leaves for the last 5 or so years. Highly recommend!”

Contact Anthony and the team today in Hawkes Bay for your next wash on 027 406 7264.

3 Eglinton

54 | Plusliving+ www.plusliving.co.nz
Contact Anthony Today! 027 406 7264 WASH RITE HAWKES BAY • Low-Pressure House Washing • Moss & Mould Roof Treatments • Roof Washing • Gutter Cleaning • Commercial Building Washing • Fence & Deck Cleaning • Pathway & Driveway Cleaning • Pest & Spider Control • Dairy Shed & Farm Building Washing • Pre-sale Makeover • Pre-paint Wash • Window Cleaning • Solar Panel Cleaning RESIDENTIAL | COMMERCIAL SERVICES
Havelock North
Before After

Worried about a mole or changes to your skin?

Don’t delay, book a skin check today

The first sign of skin cancer is either a new growth or a change in the size, shape or colour of an existing mole or lesion. Dermatology Hawke’s Bay, led by internationally-qualified specialist dermatologist and dermatologic surgeon Dr Juber Hafiji, offers a comprehensive skin check service with no GP referral required. Regular skin checks are the most effective way of ensuring early diagnosis and timely treatment for skin cancer.

Hawke’s Bay’s only provider of Mohs micrographic surgery

Dermatology Hawke’s Bay is the region’s only provider of Mohs micrographic surgery, a highly specialised surgical technique for removing certain types of skin cancer. Mohs surgery is considered to be the ‘gold standard’ treatment for non-melanoma skin cancer as it ensures complete clearance of a cancer with minimal removal of healthy tissue and thereby minimising scarring.

Only dermatologists with advanced surgical training can perform Mohs micrographic surgery. Dr Juber Hafiji completed his international fellowship surgical training in Mohs micrographic surgery, dermatopathology, and complex facial reconstruction. He is only one of a handful of American College of Mohs Surgeryaccredited surgeons in New Zealand.

“Mohs micrographic surgery is incredibly effective as it evaluates the tissue surrounding the cancer more thoroughly than traditional skin cancer surgery techniques, ” explains Dr Juber. “The procedure takes place on one day, so there are no long waits for results, giving my patients greater peace of mind.”

Our state-of-the-art clinic is located in the heart of Havelock North Village. With dedicated underground parking and discreet internal access, you’ll be able to access our clinic with ease and privacy. dermatologyhb.nz Contact us (GP referral not required) 06 877 1855 / 0800 DERMHB (0800 337 642) Level 2, The Village Exchange 1 Havelock Road, Havelock North ®
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