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Police and the community

Demand on Police resources continues to experience significant growth, notably in family harm and mental health incidents.

We are seeing greater reporting in family harm offending and, while we continue to encourage people to report harm, police have to prioritise calls for service and consider risks to public safety.

The safety of our community is always front of mind and the three priorities outlined below will help us achieve our goals, mission, and vision to prevent crime and harm in our communities.

Safe homes – families are free from violence, abuse and neglect homes are safe from burglary and other threats to property that make people feel unsafe.

Safe roads – preventing death and injury resulting from crashes, so that everyone who leaves home to travel on our roads can return home safely.

Safe communities – ensuring people are safe and feel safe wherever they go and whatever they do in public spaces, where businesses, social gatherings and entertainment are enjoyed without fear of crime or harm.

Focused prevention through partnerships will help us to achieve these three goals.

Delivering the services New Zealanders expect and deserve, and understanding and providing what the people of New Zealand want from their Police service.

As members of the public, you can help us - we need you to continue to report all crime with as much information as you can and as quickly as you can, to give officers the best chance at apprehending those who choose to cause harm in our community and to keep our community safe.

Christchurch is a great place to live, filled with people who care about their community and are involved in many events that support our people. Neighbourhood Support Groups, Community Patrols and a large number of other volunteer groups focus on these things too.

There are also measures you can take to help prevent becoming a victim of crime. Always remove valuables from your vehicle, and don’t leave expensive items outside overnight.

Installing security around your home or business such as locks, lights, and cctv can also help to deter thieves and protect you from this type of dishonesty offending.

Please look out for each other as we enter the cooler, darker months. Remember to check on each other and report anything suspicious in your neighbourhood immediately on 111 or 105 if it is after the fact.

Roy Appley Senior Sergeant Community Services