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Advanced Sea Survival Course

A comprehensive theoretical and practical course for crew requiring an offshore, category 1 certificate.


11-12 February 2023 - two day course SOLD OUT

11 - 12 March - two day course

1 April - 1 day refresher

14 - 15 April - two day course


18 - 19 February - two day course


22-23 April 2023 - two day course

Or contact us for more dates.

(please use the discount code in the members newsletter)

Upcoming Dates 20 - 24 March 2023 - Nelson 1 - 5 May 2023 - Nelson


This is a week-long hands-on small group intensive course covering:


Electrics (DC)

240/110AC & Electronics

Boat Building


Top tips for dealing with garbage when cruising:

Remove as much packaging from everything before you leave the dock and while you're close to bins & recycling

Get meat from the butcher in flat bags - i.e. no plastic trays

Separate and flatten cardboard boxes - or avoid keeping on the boat as cardboard can harbour bugs

Wash any rubbish before putting it in the bin to avoid nasty smells - use salt water if you've got a salt water tap

Fill any containers before putting them in the bin

Cut up other things like plastic bottles in to small pieces and put them in the containers.

Pouched goods can mean less rubbish than cans

Crush cans and tins and have a seperate bag for recycling

Wash glass bottles and stow for recycling

Only dispose of organic waste when well offshore - have a sealable container you can use to keep it until you're in a suitable spot.

Smaller rubbish bags are easier to dispose of and carry around than large bin bags

Aim to keep rubbish on board until you get to a marina with proper disposal facilities (often in the islands they have no waste management systems and they just burn everything)

I have been based in New Zealand for the past 5 years after cruising on and off for 8 years, having sailed the East Coast of Africa, the West and East Coasts of Australia as well as Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. My wife and I live on our boat and are still fully involved in the cruising lifestyle. I am a Licensed Immigration Adviser for New Zealand and, as a yachtie, have a particular interest in helping yachties with their immigration issues. Island Cruising NZ Members get a 30% discount