2 minute read


Happily Busy KEEP TO YOUR DIET BY KEEPING By Liza Williams

If you’re trying to lose weight, chances are temptation and hunger pangs get in the way. When food is on your mind and hunger is nagging you, it can be a struggle to stick to a diet. But when your mind is absorbed in other matters, that yearning for food will fade. You may have noticed this before but the trick is to extend those times of reduced hunger from one meal time to the next, by filling spare time between with activities that hold your attention. Try these activities to keep you happily busy.: KEEP BUSY WITH AN ART OR CRAFT If you enjoy working with your hands, now is the time to unleash your talents. You might work with pen and paper, wool or wood, or build collages with assorted fabrics. How about taking up a new instrument or composing tunes for your local band or choir? Choose an art form that excites you, give it your all, and the subject of food will slip out of focus before you’ve even noticed. KEEP BUSY WITH CHARITY WORK Charity work can be fun and sociable as well as rewarding, and when your mind is on the needs of others, your personal wants will take a back seat. As you become more involved and committed, you’ll also find there’s less time in the day for preparing and eating food. KEEP BUSY WITH HOME IMPROVEMENTS Painting, decorating, and other home improvement work can be both physically and mentally demanding, as well as enjoyable. If you have a snacking habit, you’ll have to drop it when you have a paint pot in one hand and a brush in the other. The inconvenience of eating while working on your property will help distract your thoughts from nibbles. Other kinds of DIY or decorating will support your dieting drive in similar ways. KEEP BUSY GARDENING Gardening can be a very pleasing and therapeutic activity, and the combination of work and pleasure can keep your attention safely away from food between meals. Throw new energy and ideas into your green space, adding new features or adjusting it to the changing seasons, so you never run out of tasks to keep you occupied. KEEP BUSY STUDYING When your brain is fully engaged with higher matters, it can’t be dwelling on food. Feed your mind with interesting thoughts, puzzling questions and fascinating facts, and those snack cravings will dwindle. You can find any number of quizzes, puzzles and conundrums online. Pick a subject of your choice to study online or in a local class. Board game contests, such as checkers and Scrabble, will also keep you gripped, with the extra attraction of a social element. Many people find it absorbing to explore their family tree. Language learning is also popular. Whichever direction you take, you’ll be putting mind over matter.

Whatever pastime you pick, let it draw you in like never before. As for hunger, you’ll be far too engrossed for that. But when you do look up you’ll see how your hobby has helped you.