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New to the Gym?

Top Exercise Tips for Beginners.

By Joshua Birch

Getting started in the gym can be a daunting task. Without learning proper exercises and proper techniques, you could end up lost or even injured. It’s important to realize when you need help and how to implement that help. Check out our four exercise tips to get your gym-going experience started.

1. PERSONAL TRAINING Personal trainers are professional fitness coaches. They usually carry one or more qualifications that aid in their ability to craft personal workout routines–a perfect fit for your level of experience and training goals. Trainers can be pricey, but most gyms offer a free complimentary training session when you sign up.

What makes personal training so great is the fact you don’t need to use it forever. You can use it for one, two, or three months, get a good feel of how workouts are done and machines are operated and then embark on your fitness journey. Setting exercise goals is something a trainer can assist you with.

2. SETTING ATTAINABLE GOALS Goals are the cornerstone of any endeavor, fitness or not. When setting goals, it is important to break them up into smaller, attainable chunks–with long-term and short-term goals. Your long-term goal may be to gain 10 pounds of muscle in six months, but short-term goals, like eating in a weekly caloric deficit, are the stepping stones that will get you to your overarching goal.

Failure to follow a goal-oriented workout regime can lead to shirking your gym-going duties. So remember, be sure to break your long-term goals into smaller, attainable short-term goals. Reaching short-term goals can be the confidence boost you need to stay on track.

3. WARMING UP Warming up before a workout can save you from injury and get your body ready to begin. Your warm up will depend on what your workout will consist of. If you plan on lifting weights and working out legs, then bodyweight squats can be a great way to get the blood flowing to the legs. The stationary bike or brisk walk on the treadmill can also serve to get your body ready for the shock of working out. Working out is an important part of everybody’s life. Whether you are younger, middle-aged or older, working out is proven to extend life expectancy and overall quality of life. It is also a useful technique for dealing with anxiety, depression and other problems, but be sure to consult with a doctor before beginning new types of exercise. Remember to ask for help when you need it, set achievable goals, stick with your goals, and warm up before you get going.

4. CONSISTENCY Consistency and goals go hand in hand. Without goals, your consistency may fail. Without consistency, you may never achieve your goals. Don’t be fooled into thinking consistency means going to the gym three hours per day, five days per week.

Whether you have time to go to the gym once per week or five times per week, staying consistent will be the reinforcing pillar you need. Setting a “ritual” can aid in sticking to your routine. Some people like to have a coffee before the gym, which can serve as a great all-natural energy booster–rituals can be as simple as that. Setting a specific workout time can also help you to stick to your plan. Well, what are you waiting for? Go have a great workout.

By Christian Dischler Bell Peppers Bell Peppers

The colorful bell pepper is one of the most common food items in households everywhere. They enhance your favorite recipes and will brighten your day once you realize their incredible health benefits. They’re nutrientdense, loaded with vitamins and antioxidants, and versatile in many ways, whether you’re putting them in a salad or stuffing some for a party.

Vitamin Boost Bells

Avoid those end-of-summer blues by loading up on plenty of essential vitamins, some of which occur naturally in bell peppers. Including vitamin A, an antioxidant that helps us with cellular growth, and B6, responsible for ensuring our internal clocks are ticking timely by producing melatonin. B6 also helps produce serotonin and norepinephrine which are integral to mood management. In addition, bell peppers have plenty of vitamin C (one cup is over 150 percent of daily intake) which our body uses to form new blood vessels and actively stay healthy by fighting off illnesses. Ripeness in bell peppers can be determined by their color, with green being the earliest ripeness with the lowest vitamin C levels, and red being the ripest with the most vitamin C and sweeter flavor. See Better, Look Better

Whether you prefer green, red or yellow, the benefits are still bountiful. The colors in bell peppers are produced by an array of carotenoids including alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein and lycopene. More easily described as the nutrients our bodies use to improve eyesight and prevent tricky eye diseases. So you’ll be sure you can always see the bell pepper rainbow at your favorite markets. And while you’re seeing clearly, your skin will also be clear from the vitamin K in bell peppers that helps keep skin rejuvenated and youthful. Multi-Purpose Peppers

By now you might be wondering, “what don’t bell peppers do?” The answer is not much, they are powerhouses in a delicious nutrient-dense package! In addition to everything above, bell peppers are full of capsaicin (the spicier the pepper, the more it has) which helps lower cholesterol. They help reduce inflammation throughout the body which can help ease pain and get you back to a healthy lifestyle faster. Bell peppers are low in calories, which makes them the ideal addition to any plate and also a versatile substitute. All around, there’s a lot to love about the mighty bell pepper. The next time you plan a holiday party, try replacing the grain-heavy chips with some bell pepper slices served with your favorite creamy dip. You’ll like the crunch and the flavor pairing but you’ll love feeling good knowing your body is thanking you for the additional boost!