HealthSpectra Magazine April 2019

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APRIL 2019










HERGAMUT All about her..

Hergamut is all about providing valid information about women and works to spread happiness in women and guide them in various tasks through informative and interesting articles.




Editor Note Greeting everyone with a very warm welcome. We have brought along the next edition of the HealthSpectra magazine for you to learn and enjoy. Health is important to look out for and we most definitely understand that which is why we target to provide the best of the information in a fun and interactive way. In this edition of the magazine, we are blazing our main focus on the hidden facts that sleeping can bring forth. Our magazine swerves through the various natural process of treatment for PCOS and even highlights the importance of artificial intelligence in one’s day to day life. Learn what it takes to accept a proposal and even delve into the key researches going on around Type-1 Diabetes. We have a little bit of everything to share with you and we most definitely hope that the same help guides you to the path of healthy living. Happy reading and do reach out to use with queries or suggestions.

Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible. PUBLICATION BROUGHT TO YOU BY Wishesh Digital Media Pvt. Ltd.


CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Somapika, Soumya, Lopa, Ramya, Neha


Special thanks to contributors, our advertisers and readers for making this magazine possible.


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The information hereby is given to educate you about the subject. Get in touch with your physician in case you want to make use of 3any of the article contents. Please note that no liabilities can be charged on the author, magazine, site operator and site owners.


Contents 06

06 HEALTH These signal a much bigger health problem. Did you know?

10 BEAUTY Tips For Pretty Eye Makeup - Hypnotize Every Look!

14 WOMEN HEALTH Ayurveda’s Role in PCOS Treatment




Drinking More Water Can Make You Gain Weight

24 COVER STORY Artificial Intelligence Can Detect Premature Death

28 DIABETES A New Break through For Type-1 Diabetes Medication


Is Ballet Dancing Worth A Fitness Workout? Know Why And How!

34 NUTRITION & DIET how To Keep Your Body Cool! Stay Chilled?



How heavenly is it to lead a life of a minimalist?



Role Of Ayurveda To Avoid Eye Problems - Know It All!




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APRIL 2019


This is how you know when someone else touches you


Ask Your Inner-Self These Questions Before Saying Yes!


Chemical House Cleaning Products Alters Fertility In Men



Vegetable Mix Dal Khichdi Recipe


Saral Hasta Bhujangasana (Straight Arm Cobra Pose)



Do These Little Things To Keep Your Family Bond Intact


Sleep Can Prevent Cardiovascular Diseases, Study Suggests!




Why Is Sleep Essential?



These signal a much bigger health problem.

Did you know? Our body is adaptive of a number of conditions and is good at signaling when something is off. But, is it possible to do so when you are sleeping? Do you realize the kind of problems your body undergoes when you are asleep? Possibly not, right? Given the fact that sleep does have such an important impact on our life, it is not necessarily surprising that even your state of sleep can give you quite a lot of clues as to what is wrong with your body.






You keep snoring

You wake up soaked

We don’t necessarily realize we are snoring but the person next to us does. While snoring at night doesn’t necessarily mean anything but the way you are snoring can. If your snores are more like snorts or gasping sounds or you are finding yourself feeling sleepy during the day time, chances are that you are suffering from sleep apnea.

And no, we aren’t talking about water and someone soaking you with it. The one we are trying to say is the condition of you waking up sweaty. While our body does have the mode of thermoregulation during the night, if you are finding yourself waking up soaked completely in sweat, chances are that your hormonal levels are not normal at all. If you are experiencing excessive nighttime sweating, don’t forget to consult your doctor about the same.

You grind your teeth persistently

You are waking up with muscle cramps

Medically known as Bruxism, grinding your teeth does happen whenever you are sliding your teeth back and forth. While the condition can mean a number of things, if you are finding yourself doing this during the night and that too persistently, chances are that there could be something even harder to control. There could be a number of factors that could be causing this problem altogether, stress and anxiety being the most common reasons. Consult a doctor if you are doing it on a regular basis.

Painful, absolutely painful. How often has it happened that you ended up crying out in pain because of the muscle cramp? Quite a common scenario, right? While having cramps once in a while can be pretty chill and common, if you are having them on a regular basis, chances are that you could either be dehydrated, anemic or even short on electrolytes. Some experts even suggest that the problem could even insinuate arthritis or other problems like flat feet.



You are doing something weird in sleep

Have you ever had someone say to you, “Did you know you do this while you are asleep?” While doctors tend to brush these happenstances as common and “not that serious”, the consistent happening of this can actually insinuate an underlying condition. Parasomnia is a very common happenstance that ends up causing unwanted experiences while one is sleeping.

You are getting up to pee frequently

Facing a situation of increased and frequent urination during the night time can be a problem. Not only does it end up disrupting one’s sleep, the same can even refer to a number of other health conditions too. Overactive bladder during the night can be a symptom of sleep apnea. People suffering from this condition often tend to face situations concerning their arousal for peeing during the night. 9



Tips For Pretty

Eye Makeup

- Hypnotize Every Look! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


Your eyes speak a lot and you definitely want your eyes to talk well about you. Besides this, you want to look presentable when you are looked at, isn’t it?

Makeup is as vast as an ocean, one can do a great detailing in terms of eye makeup. Eye make up adds beauty to your entire face and it is not just about sprinkling shades, it is far beyond just that. Get creative and learn these tips of doing an immaculate eye make up.

Make a note of these points to do a great eye make up. Give your eyes a good base. Make it bold with a kohl pencil and eyeliner. Highlight your eyelashes and eyebrows. Add a vibrant shade to your eyes.




Here is how you can get started off with these tips TIP 1


Talking of giving your eyes a good base. Just as how a great sketch would reveal its true beauty on a white paper. Similarly, give your eyes a good base so that you can step ahead and do a good eye make up. You must begin with cleaning your eyes with cotton dipped in water and then apply a good concealer around your eyes to get rid off dark circles and spots if any. Eye concealers work like the concealers on your face. Some of the best concealers to use are Bye Bye under eye concealer, NYX Professional Makeup HD Concealer, and Tarte Shape Tape Concealer Note: Always apply the concealer first before you continue with the eye makeup. TIP 2

goes well when you have applied a thick eyeliner. 2. TIGHTLINE - When you choose on not applying an eyeliner then this method of applying the kohl pencil will work well. All you have to do is apply the kohl pencil on the upper waterline. 3. SEMI THICK - This is another new way of applying kajal. Make a thin line when you begin applying the kajal and when you reach in between until the end of the waterline, darken the kohl pencil. Refer to this image and get to know of the best ways to apply an eyeliner : You must try all the methods of applying an eyeliner because be it any method, the captivating look on your eyes would make a huge difference on your face. Just know the


Your eyes must look bold if you want to reveal the real beauty in your eyes. A Kohl pencil and an eyeliner will do that task well. Here are some of the best ways to apply a kohl pencil on your eyes : 1. LITTLE STROKES - Apply little strokes of kajal on your water line. When you do not want to highlight your lower water line too much, this method of applying a kohl pencil WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


shape and type of your eye and accordingly apply the eyeliner. TIP 3


Eyelashes are like the pretty sleek feathers around the eye and highlighting your eyebrows makes your eye make up complete, can you imagine how essential these two aspects are?

Eye shadows or of various kinds, powder, liquid, cream, crayon, and pigments. How you apply eye shadows is what matters the most. Here are some ways of applying eye shadow.


Here are some good to know tips about applying an eye shadow

Few people are naturally blessed with thick eyelashes while few have thin eyelashes. Whether thin or thick, highlighting your eyelashes is a part of the eye makeup and it cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, you need a mascara to do this job for your eyes, see to it that you evenly spread out the mascara on your eyelashes and do not let thick liquid stay on your lashes. DARKEN YOUR EYEBROWS When you darken your eyebrows automatically all the attention falls on your eyes. To do this task you need an eyebrow pencil so that you can slightly stroke lines on your eyebrows. Do not make it too dark that the eyebrows loses its innate look, do it gracefully. Preferably go for a shade that I darker than the color of your eyebrow. TIP 4


Yes, you got it right, in the end, it is all about the shimmers and glimmers on the eyes. The eye shadow shade need not necessarily 13

match with your dress. It could be a contrast eye shadow shade, a double shaded eye shadow or a glittery eye shadow. Try on anything that you think is charming at that moment.

TIP 1 - Begin with using a Primer that will help the eye shadow stay for long TIP 2 - To give your eyelids a good start, begin with coloring your eyes with a light eye shadow shade TIP 3 - Then get on to a little darker shade and then the actual shade that you intend to use and make your eyes glimmer. One of the best ways to exhibit an excellent shade on your eye is by giving it a smokey effect. Make your eyes look attractive by giving it the right base, a good outline, and pretty shades to make it look complete and colorful. Doing great eye makeup will complete half the task of making you look beautiful.

Do a great eye makeup whenever you feel like but do not forget to do an excellent eye make up when you go to work, for a party or a date. Follow the eye makeup tips and make yourself look super charming. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


Ayurveda’s Role in PCOS Treatment A traditional healing technique - An anatomization of finding out the reason and possible measures to cure a disease.





Female reproductive organs comprise the ovaries, fallopian tube, uterus, cervix, and vagina. When there is an imbalance in any of these organs it is a sign of PCOS(Polycystic ovary syndrome). Precisely, a woman is affected by PCOS if there is an imbalance in the ovaries, if there are fluid like sappy structures known as cysts formed in the uterus, they become a hindrance in the menstrual cycle. In the ovaries there are follicles and inside the follicles there are eggs. If follicles do not break open and stop to release eggs, the follicles remain as structured fluids known as cysts in the uterus. Apart from this, a woman suffers from PCOS also because of abnormal secretion of the LH hormone that is responsible to release estrogen is abnormal.





Causes of PCOS as per Ayurveda As per the ayurvedic point of view, the foremost reason for any problem in the body is because of an imbalance in the doshas. In the context of PCOS, one of the dhatus responsible to take care of the reproductive tissues is not able to sustain the right balance. Disturbance in Shukra Dhatu can be the reason for causing infertility and the Shukra Dhatu is affected if one of the doshas is not well balanced.

Ayurveda style of treating PCOS From the ayurvedic standpoint, the ways of treating any disease are through medicines made out of herbs, effective therapies, thorough and beneficial exercises and a correction in the lifestyle. A collective effort of all these factors is an ayurvedic style of getting treated. Ayurveda Therapies Talking of therapies, here is a list of therapies that are adapted to treat PCOS.


Panchakarma is a motivating form of treating a person who is feeling at their lowest and is suffering from PCOS. In this method of treatment, the main focus is to release all the toxins and develop the immune system of the body through healing techniques. Panchakarma – to break it down and understand the entire meaning. Pancha



means ‘five’ and ‘karma means treatment. In the case of some bodies, it becomes a huddle to be able to release all the excess waste out of the body because of reasons like the inability to fight against diseases, due to genetic factors, an abnormal rate of metabolism, a disturbed pattern in their sleeping and eating habits etc. This is where Panchakarma comes into the picture and removes all the unwanted waste and toxins from the body through every possible channel such as the sweat glands, lungs, bladder, colon, intestine, urinary tract etc. It washes away all the toxins from every corner of the body by purifying all the tissues. The Panchakarma style of treatment involves oil and herbs massage to the entire body. Here is a detail of what happens in Panchakarma.

2. Abhyanga

This is an Ayurveda style of treatment where hot oil is mixed with herbs. This method of hot oil treatment is believed to be good for a healthy living and good well-being. Abhyanga is useful because it balances the imbalance in the tissues, strengthens the joints and makes the bodies tissues healthy. The main focus of abhyanga here is to remove the toxins and fat from the body through 17

the skin by moisturizing and cleansing the skin. Apart from this, abhyanga is powerful in healing the body and relaxing the mind.

3. Swedana

Swedana is a system of herbal therapy. The common practice of Swedana is to give out heat to the body, by inducing sweat in the body. The idea of this treatment is to eliminate toxins and doshas in the body. There are two ways of performing Swedana and they are Nirangi and Saangi. In Nirangi the body is made warm and not heated. For instance, the body gets warm when you wear heavy clothing or you perform an exercise. In Saangi, the body is heated up directly by providing moist or dry heat to the body, by giving heat therapies to the body. In swedana, a person lies down in a wooden chamber and the entire body beginning from the neck to the toes is covered with a lid. Apart from PCOS, this treatment is recommended to cure health issues such as osteoarthritis, joint pains, lower back pain etc. A person who gets treated through Swedana is de-stressed and rejuvenated, there is a balance in the blood circulation and a person is relieved from pain in the body.



Ayurveda Herbs 1. Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia)

One of the major reasons for a woman to have PCOS is because of having excessive levels of insulin in the body. Cinnamon, honey and lemon juice must be boiled well in water and one should have that water in bringing down the levels of PCOS in the body.

3.Vibhitaki (Terminalia Belercia) Guduchi is a herb that helps in eliminating stress, anxiety and any illness. Its other name is Amrit and it is existing for thousands of years now. Its roots stems and leaves are used to cure diseases. Guduchi is a powdered bitter and pungent form of the herb, it can be combined with aloe vera or mixed in warm water to gulp it down. Guduchi assists the body in controlling all the doshas as well.

2. Cinnamon


From the Ayurveda standpoint, this is a medicinal fruit and it caters to improved metabolism and works on removing all the kapha(waste) from the body. This fruit can be digested easily and it cures other illness such as cough, cold, helps in losing weight, helps in curing Erectile dysfunction etc.


Habits to take care of as per Ayurveda 1. A person undergoing treatment for PCOS through Ayurveda should strictly avoid taking any dairy products. 2. One should sleep well in the night.

3. One should keep away from meat. Fish can be consumed once a way. 4. White food should be avoided.

Yoga Asanas as per Ayurveda Yoga asanas is an art of living that help in keeping the mind and body peaceful. It is assumed to be exercised. But it is beyond just exercising when a person practices yoga half of their health-related ailments are taken care of. Here are some of the best asanas to cure PCOS.

2. Butterfly Pose

1. Boat Pose This asana is good for your hips and eradicates all the issues in your abdomen. The position of this asana is as such that you get to stretch your thighs which in turn helps in overcoming urinary issues, pain, and heaviness and all the issues with childbirth. This asana is beneficial in balancing many ailments in your body such as keeps a check on your blood pressure, relaxes your muscles and spines, helps in curing PCOS. How is boat pose useful? This asana is useful because you are stretching your lower body, keeping your upper body firm. Focusing on your lower body fights a lot of problems.


How is butterfly pose useful? This asana gives energy to your reproductive organs, improves the sciatica pain and gives strength t your heart and betters the blood circulation. Ayurveda has a different approach unlike allopathy or homeopathy but the results derived through Ayurveda has cured millions of people till date. The primary focus in Ayurveda is to keep the doshas and dhatus in synch to sustain the right health for your body.




More Water Can Make You



You will often come across articles and such that state how amazing water is for health and especially for weight loss.

Several people get deterred with the same thinking that drinking and living off of water can be the key to their weight loss goals. That is anything but true. The same does have the possibility of imposing negative impacts on the body altogether and that too, for a plethora of reasons altogether.




Water is a quintessential part of our diet and our life. Hydration is important for the proper and seamless functioning of the body but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you gunk down uncontrolled amount of water on a daily basis. It is necessary to have an optimal levels and balance of the electrolytes in the body and water does help maintain that. When you are on a weight loss regime, it is completely understandable and good enough to lose drink optimal levels of water to keep the body functioning without imposing any kind of negative impacts on the body. Water is actually important to ensure smooth transportation of the nutrients and the essential ions throughout the body which is key to an effective metabolism altogether.



Enhanced water retention When we say that excess of water isn’t good for you if you are trying to lose weight is an actual fact. Let’s take a scenario for better understanding, shall we? Say, you are trying to lose weight and you heard from someone that drinking water in good amount is very beneficial in boosting the overall metabolism of the body by getting rid of the toxins. You end up drinking more water than you are supposed to. You will often find that instead of losing weight, you end up gaining a layer of fat around your abdomen. Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? When you drink water in an unprecedented

manner, it is actually hard for your kidney to function at that similar pace which is what ends up being a problem altogether. When the pressure exerted on the kidneys increase, it has been witnessed for the body to start retaining more and more water. Water retention is often one of the most common reasons behind the weight gain. The heightened intake of fluid has also been found to have impacts on the electrolyte balance in the body. Additionally, consuming high sodium and low potassium diet further causes disturbances to the homeostasis of the body.

Water pollutants Additionally, the water we are consuming isn’t the healthiest in the lot. If you are one who is drinking their water without purifying it, chances are that the same is going to end up causing a problem for your body as well.

In a conducted study published in 2010, it was found that the presence of some of the persistent organic pollutants in the water have the capability of inducing weight gain by hampering the overall metabolism of the body.

How Much Water Consumption Is Optimal For The Body? With everything said, it is not surprising that more and more people often have this question of how much water is actually optimal for their body and well being. Given the fact that 60% of our body is water, it is not surprising that maintaining that balance is key for a healthier well being. If you are here wondering how can one do


so, the best way is to consume the optimal amount of water on a daily basis. It is best suggested to drink 8 glasses of water every day for not just better hydration but to also ensure that you don’t enhance your body’s risk of developing diseases because of the lack of it.



Artificial Intelligence Can Detect Premature Death WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


The emerging importance of artificial intelligence is raging a storm in our day to day lives and the same is believed to impact our prospect of health too. While machine learning is rapidly gaining momentum, studies conducted have found a working algorithm with artificial intelligence that does help in bringing about accurate results to detect premature death in individuals with respect to certain chronic illnesses. Artificial intelligence is taking the world over by a storm. This doesn’t necessarily require a separate introduction, now, does it? The impacts of these are believed to have proper impacts in emerging fields of medical science too. A new study conducted by the researchers from the University of Nottingham has found that the computers which do possess the capability of teaching themselves to predict the premature death using artificial intelligence could have an amazing impact in improving the preventative healthcare in the future. The experienced team of researchers, data scientists as well as doctors have not just developed but also tested out a system of computer-based machine learning algorithms to predict the risk of early death due to chronic diseases in the population mainly comprising of people in their middle ages. Upon conducting a few test runs with this 25


COVER STORY specific Artificial Intelligence system, the doctors and the data scientists did find that this specific AI system was very accurate in its predictions and assumptions and was found to perform quite better in comparison to the current approach to the prediction developed by the human experts. The study was conducted on an extensive scale with the collection of medical data of over half a million people between the ages of 40 to 69 who were recruited to the UK Biobank between 2006 and 2010 and then followed up till 2016.

Dr Stephen Weng, Assistant Professor of Epidemiology and Data Science, who is also the lead author of the study stated that the importance of preventative healthcare is a growing priority in the fight against serious diseases which is why they have been working dedicatedly throughout the years to improve the overall accuracy of the computerized health risks assessment in the general population. He further stated that while the majority of the currently available applications do focus on just one chronic disease, it is not enough to detect the possibility of premature WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019

death. But, predicting the process of early death owing to the varying number of diseases altogether is a highly complex process, especially with the combination of the environmental and individual factors influencing the condition altogether. According to Dr Weng, they have actually taken quite a major step in this process in the field of developing a holistic approach to detecting the premature death with the help of machine learning. The process does use the computers help build new risk models dependent that is not just focused around just one model but focuses on varying models like demographics, clinical as well as lifestyle factors along with the kind of diet that one adheres to on a daily basis. The researchers then went on to map the resulting predictions to the mortality data from the cohort combining the data recorded from the Office of National Statistics death records as well as the UK Cancer registry along with the hospital episodes statistics. Upon assessment, they found that the algorithms did work better and more efficiently to produce with better and much more accurate results in comparison to the standard prediction models developed by the human

expert altogether. The AI machine learning models that were used in the study have been labeled as “random forest” and “deep learning”. The principles and the objectives of this model was what were pitched against the traditionally used Cox model which conducted its prediction based on just the age and gender. 26

Addressing it all, Professor Joe Kai, who is also a contributing author to this study did state that with the overwhelming growth and need of the intense interest in the usage of artificial intelligence and machine learning to help predict the health outcomes; this is definitely a breakthrough in this. In some instances, these predictions 27

may work and in some others, it might not. This particular study has shown that these subjectives can easily be changed with careful tuning when it comes to the use of the algorithms. According to Kai, it is important to indulge in better transparency in the process is what can prove out to be beneficial and

helpful in aiding the scientific verification and impose better future development in this field of health care. The process of inclusion of artificial intelligence in this field of work might be and sound a little hectic but the process is most definitely one of the best when it comes down to assessing the risks of premature death.



A New Break through For

Type-1 Diabetes Medication



The administration of insulin is predominantly done via intravenous ways to ensure the maximum bioavailability of the same in the body. While the process isn’t necessarily rocket science, it is not a tough nut to crack as well. A new study has paved way for a new milestone in the field of treatment. A new study conducted by the researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a drug capsule which is believed to help administer the insulin in a much more efficient way, replacing the use of insulin injections that majority of the Type-1 Diabetic patients tend to use on a daily basis.

A new study conducted by the researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have developed a drug capsule which is believed to help administer the insulin in a much more efficient way, replacing the use of insulin injections that majority of the Type-1 Diabetic patients tend to use on a daily basis. 29

The capsule is about the size of a blueberry and does contain a compressed insulin needle which is injected into the stomach once it reaches the stomach. In the conducted pre-clinical trials, they found that capsule did deliver enough insulin to lower the levels of elevated blood sugar levels in the body effectively. The study did further find that the study could successfully be used to deliver other protein drugs as well. Robert Langer, the David H. Koch Institute Professor, a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, who is also one of the senior authors of the study would be helpful in helping the diabetic patients in the near future without having to worry about the injections and infusions altogether. In a few prior studies conducted before, Traverso, Langer and few of the other colleagues did develop a WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


pill with multiple needles around it that could be used to administer the necessary drugs into the lining of the stomach. For this new capsule form, the researchers worked on inducing just one needle to ensure that the drug is administered carefully into the lining and not into the interior of the stomach where it has the potency to be digested around with the gastric acids. The tip of the needle is made of over 100 percent compressed and freeze dried insulin much like the process we do use while making the medicine. The shaft of the needle which doesn’t enter the stomach lining is made of a biodegradable compound which meshes around into the body and doesn’t imply negative impacts. Inside the capsule, the needle is attached to a compressed spring which is held in its place with a disc of sugar. When the patient consumes the capsule, the water in the stomach dissolves the sugar disc and the spring is released which caused the needle to inject the medication into the stomach lining. The stomach doesn’t contain


any kind of pain receptors which is why the researchers believe that the patients won’t be able to feel any form of pain once the needle is injected. Additionally, the researchers have also designed the capsule in a way to ensure that no matter how the capsule lands in the stomach, it will have the capability to orient itself in a way to ensure that the same is in contact with the lining of the stomach.

Traverso suggested that it is important to ensure that as soon as you take the medicine, you want it to self right so as to ensure that it has contact with the tissue of the stomach. Another researcher, Abramson suggested saying that what was important in this is to ensure that the needle is in contact with the tissue just after it reaches its destination. He further suggested that the capsules have been designed in a ways to ensure that even if the patient moves or their stomach growls; the same won’t impact the orientation of the capsule. Easy administration of insulin In




with pigs, the researchers started off with the successful administration of 300 micrograms of insulin with these capsules. They were later able to increase the dosage to 5 milligrams which is typically the dosage that a type-1 diabetic patient requires for their health. Following the work of the injection is done, the researchers also found that the remaining of the capsule is easily digested because of the fact that it is made out of a biodegradable polymer and stainless steel compounds together. Maria José Alonso, a professor of biopharmaceutics and pharmaceutical technology at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain did describe this specific one as a rapidly evolving technology which could benefit a plethora of patients suffering from Type-1 diabetes. Traverso stated saying that their main goal in this is to make the process of administration of insulin a lot easier and more streamlined for the patients. This will not just prove beneficial for the patients but will also cut down the associated risks that often meddle with the lives of several people alothether. 30

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Ballet is a creative form of working out. If you are bored of your regular exercises or other workouts, it is a fantastic idea to get into learning ballet dancing. Ballet is a great workout to improve the posture and flexibility in your body. The feeling of knowing ballet is electrifying because it is a distinctive and inspiring dance form. If ballet dancing is your ‘kind’ then you are not too far away from being like Anna Pavlova.



BALLET? Ballet is an Italian dance form that is a combination of delicate body movements and expressive facial gestures dancing to the lovely music. In this dance form, the toes are reinforced and this form of dance is performed with the help of pointe shoes. There are different types of ballet such as classical, romantic, neoclassical and contemporary ballet. It all comes down to tuning the upper and lower body to flawless and flexible movements.



KNOW WHY BALLET IS A GOOD CHOICE! REASON NO 1 YOU ‘CAN’ DO IT What’s special about ballet is that no matter how thin, plump, tall or short you are. One can just get into the groove of learning and doing great at ballet. You need not be great with flexibility or your physique, all you need is the zeal and passion to learn the dance form. REASON NO 2 AGE HAS NO PLACE IN BALLET This means that no matter how old or young you are, you can never get too old to learn ballet. You can learn and practice ballet to improve the strength in your lower as well as upper body. It does not matter if you are 50 now and regret to have learned ballet dancing when you were twenty, as it is not too late still. You are free to learn it later on too. REASON NO 3 BALLET IS ENGAGING Ballet is an engaging exercise because its chief focus is on teaching the body on how to focus and balance. Therefore, anyone looking at learning ballet just for fitness is assured to extract maximum benefits to the arms and lower body as well.


Here are the wow points about learning ballet dancing as a source to be able to gain strength. Before a person begins to do ballet, he/she

THERE IS VIGOUR IN BALLET If you get acquainted with learning and practicing ballet, it is equivalent to lifting weights and doing regular cardio. This is because there are tremendous movements that have to be done in this dance and after a while of practicing ballet, a person would gain more endurance towards lifting weights.

TEACHES TO EFFORTLESSLY ENDURE Constant practice paves way for perfection in case of ballet. In ballet, it is certain that you get to build on your stamina, sideways you would realize in time that your level of enduring capacity is hiked. One learns to endure pain while doing ballet because he/ she would have never done a workout on toes. While you workout on your toes, in the beginning, it is a tough task. However, later one gets used to it.

AIDS BODY CONTROL When you learn ballet, your body gains control as well because of the posture and strength your body gets while swaying 34

around. As ballet focuses on the shoulders, arms, legs, glutes and the lower back. When there is strength and flexibility in the body, control follows the body as well.

IMPROVED FLEXIBILITY The reason ballet is a great dance to improve your flexibility is because there are moves where you have to extensively stretch our your hands and legs in different directions. Repeatedly performing these stretches would make your body elastic even beyond your imagination.

DRILLS POSITIVE ENERGY Ballet dancing is an artistic dance form which not only makes your body expressive but your smile and facial expressions too matter the most. Indirectly or directly, good facial expressions have a direct impact on your mental health. Ballet teaches you to become expressive on your face and that, in turn, makes your mood and fills positiveness in life.


The moves and music in ballet are DEstressing in a way that it helps to develop a students ability to think and absorb knowledge. A physical workout is any day a great way to feel mentally relieved as well. Besides this, few studies proved that ballet dancing is a way to prevent Alzheimer disease.

AIDS WEIGHT LOSS AND CARVES THE BODY Ballet is said to be a fitness workout that helps in burning down all the excess fat hid in the body and that’s how it tones and makes your entire body flexible. When the body is in the right posture and having good flexibility it automatically makes the shape of the body perfect.

BOOSTS YOUR CONFIDENCE Fitness is about being mentally as well as physically fit. Once you start to practice ballet, it would not alone physically benefit you but it would also help build your confidence and this will benefit you mentally too. Therefore, try ballet and become a fitness freak with graceful moves.



how To Keep Your Body Cool! Stay Chilled?




There are several factors that influence the temperature of your body such as exercising, hormonal activity, conditions during pregnancy, your body weight etc. Here are some of the internal as well as external factors that cause heat in the body.



Your activities lead to internal heat

The external temperature affecting the body

Rigorous exercising leads to muscles getting activated and activity of intense blood circulation can cause heat to the body Thyroxine also increases body heat( because of an increase in the metabolism) Not drinking enough water

Weather In order to take measures from your end to stabilize the heat in your body to avoid health complications, here are the foods you should eat to keep your body cool. Do your best to eat these foods in the summer season in order to protect your body from heat.

Constantly eating foods that produce body heat





Buttermilk aids better digestion and the presence of calcium, vitamin B12, zinc, riboflavin and protein help in keeping the body cool by conserving the energy in your body.

KOKUM(GARCINIA INDICA FRUIT-BEARING TREE) WHAT IS SATTU Sattu is a dry powder that is mixed in water and consumed as a porridge. It is a blend of gram flour as well as toasted barley. In North Indian states people drink this to get rid of dehydration. HEALTH BENEFIT OF SATTU Sattu enhances the health of your skin by maintaining its shine and keeping the hair follicles firm. The presence of nutrients such as vitamins and minerals helps in sustaining the temperature in your body.


Kokum is similar to tamarind, the juice is made out of this dry fruit after crushing it. It is a healthy drink to consume in summer. HEALTH BENEFITS OF KOKUM Keeps the body refreshed Rids you off dehydration Rids you off diarrhea and constipation Heals infections in the ears and stomach

RAGI(FINGER MILLET) WHAT IS BUTTERMILK? It is a healthy and mild drink that helps in keeping your body cool. It keeps the body cool because curd is mixed with water. HEALTH BENEFIT OF BUTTERMILK


WHAT IS RAGI? The process of soaking, drying and roasting millets is known as Ragi. Ragi is a drink 38

mixed in water, milk or curd and had as a dish for breakfast as it is quite filling and the best cooling drink HEALTH BENEFITS OF RAGI Gluten-free

Helps in forming collagen Repairs the ruptured tissues


Rich in fiber High in carbs, amino acids, and Vitamin D A good source of antioxidant - helps in healing infections An effective food that improves the health of your heart and toddlers Strengthens the bones and a great source to improve red blood cells


Watermelon is a source of Vitamin B6 and a rich electrolyte, it constitutes magnesium, niacin, riboflavin, potassium and zinc. The best fruit to have on sunny days as it has high water content. HEALTH BENEFITS OF WATERMELON Keeps the insulin resistance in check Keeps the muscles good after exercising Helps in keeping control of the blood pressure

The role of Vitamin-C is that it takes care of the immune system and it is water-soluble. All the foods that are rich in Vitamin C help in keeping the body cool. Those foods are, broccoli, sprouts, cauliflower, lemon, cucumber, green and red peppers, radish, spinach, cabbage, and tomato. HEALTH BENEFITS OF VITAMIN C FOODS Helps in keeping the blood pressure in control Battles against heart diseases Keeps the uric acid in control



Tender coconut water boosts the energy in your body by hydrating it and keeping it cool. It is good to drink a glass of coconut water every day in summer. HEALTH BENEFITS OF COCONUT WATER No risk of having kidney stones in your body if you drink coconut water


NUTRITION & DIET It keeps you away from acidity and heartburn

Takes good care of the health of your heart

It helps you get rid of cough and cold


Aids weight loss Sabja seeds do good to the body when they are soaked overnight.

When your body has to digest food, the intake of ginger helps in a better digestion process. It is said by medical experts that drinking a glass of water with ginger in it helps in the best digestion. HEALTH BENEFITS OF GINGER Gingerol is an eminent substance that has medicinal properties to take care of your body Ginger heals morning sickness


Barley grass has a high amount of chlorophyll and keeps the body clean. It has the power to remove all the toxins from your body and give energy to your body. HEALTH BENEFITS OF BARLEY GRASS Presence of Arginine in barley grass ensures good blood circulation in the body

Brings down discomfort and heals sore muscles


Helps in keeping the sugar levels of the body in control Aids better digestion The presence of fiber in barley grass helps in keeping the weight loss in control

These seeds are soft tiny seeds that are used in sweet drinks. This is the best drink to have in summer as it helps in bringing down the body heat. Benefits of having Sabja seeds Rids you off constipation and bloating

To summarize it all, eating the above-mentioned foods is good to keep the body cool and should certainly be eaten in summers to maintain the right temperature in your body.








HOW HEAVENLY IS IT TO LEAD A LIFE OF A MINIMALIST? The meaning of the word minimalism lies in the very word, it means living a simple life with simple things leaving you with the most content feeling at the end of the day. This concept of minimalism has been there for a long time know, but its eminence has come up in recent times. It is obvious that a minimalist is someone who is a believer and a follower of minimalism.



To broaden this understanding of minimalism Here is an example! Living in a room that has few things for your survival, the lesser you have the lesser things you are stressed about. Think about it? To go back in times immemorial, there are great legends and talented people who followed the minimalist philosophy even before this word found its eminence. This was rightly nailed by Brendon Burchard ‘With wisdom comes the desire for simplicity’. You are wise only when you know the meaning of being simple and we all want to be wise, don’t we? Everlasting is the beauty and grace of finding joy in simpler things and simple living. Initially, for those of us who have never understood the ‘WOW’ in living a life of a minimalist, it can seem like a blessing in disguise, to begin with. In time, when you get to experience minimalism you will see yourself no less than a monk. Here’s how minimalism can make a heavenly change in your life. Before getting to the wows in minimalism, we all need to understand that there is no wrong in being an anti-minimalist. Minimalism is any other way of living life but it is more a happy living because it stands best for the good it can do to your attitude and mental health.




Understood the ‘WOW’ in living a life of a minimalist WOW 1

Innovation is your zeal This philosophy of discovering more with the less is not just a mere saying but it has its impact. Here’s how, when you have lesser things you try to experiment on the best you can and you never know you may get really lucky in finding a new theory or discovering a new recipe that is all reliant on how you make use of the less.

WOW 2 -

No More On The Night Owls Mode This means when a person has lot son their plate, a lot of possessions to worry about and a lot of things to still achieve usually cannot catch up with a night of good sleep. But when you are a minimalist, you have nothing huge to take care of in your possession, all you have is not expensive and you would not feel the pinch of losing what you have. Being a minimalist, you are no more awake or active all night, you sleep in bliss and you are a log at the end of the day.

WOW 3 -

Discover More In The Less The lesser you have the more you learn, the more you encounter and there are a lot of episodes in your own life. Living with the less not only teaches you but you are ready to survive in a place that has nothing at all too. So you get to be on a discovery with the little.



WOW 4 -

Get a hold on spending Being a minimalist you do not need much because you are happy living a life managing with the minimum you have. Hence, you are cautious about how much money you spend. Even if you have never known how to get a hold on your spending pattern, living the life of a minimalist you anyhow get a hold on spending. It gets easy to get a hold of it because you barely have much to buy or invest in.

WOW 5 -

Wasting is no more a part of your dictionary Living a lifestyle of a minimalist you use what comes to you and you are happy adjusting with what you have. As you live in the little, there is no chance that you would waste any resource, be it food, be it water or be it what you use at home. The little teaches you the art of conserving a lot.

WOW 6 -

Stress is miles away from you When you have nothing much, what would you stress over? Being a minimalist you are assured of being stress-free from material things at least. You would have your ups and downs and sail through those waves may be in terms of self-development and with your relationships. But nothing material would worry you unless you mentally also accept that you have adopted to minimalism. Happy with the little!




Joy is your jewel There is utmost joy in little things, when you walk the path of a minimalist you sober down and yet you are happy. In little things you find joy and when there is joy filled in your life, you pass that aura to whoever crosses your path as well. You may not have assets to boast about. The greatest of all assets is the joyous life you are leading.

WOW 8 -

Your living is worth it! Often we find ourselves engrossed in stressing over things that are of no use. For instance, we whine over silly things either because we are regretting or we are never satisfied with life. Minimalism changes the way you perceive life and you are living a worthy life because you are happy, you are not excessively using things, you value what you have. When you have achieved so much in your living, your life is nothing but worthy!


You discover what you really want There is utmost joy in little things, when you walk the path of a minimalist you sober down and yet you are happy. In little things you find joy and when there is joy filled in your life, you pass that aura to whoever crosses your path as well. You may not have assets to boast about. The greatest of all assets is the joyous life you are leading.



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| APRIL 2019


Role Of AYURVEDA To Avoid

Eye- Problems Know It All!

Vision and everything that revolves around vision is sensitive and needs utmost care, as we see the world with our eyes. Your eyes play a key role in your stable physical being. Therefore, you must see to it that you take all the safety precautions to keep them safe and give it the right care at the right time when it is need of it. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


Ayurvedic medicines are doing great in the world and the nature of the treatment is innate. Having said, as per Ayurveda, one of the most sensitive organs to be taken

care of is the eyes among all and this can be done with the ayurvedic philosophy of the five elements

Role Of Four Elements In Nurturing The Eyes

Prithvi(Earth) looks after the eye muscles


supervises the blood vessels in and around the eyes Eyes should be given importance throughout your life and when you stop at old age chances of Alochaka Pitta, one of the doshas of Pitta goes down as you grow old. Do all that it takes for good eye care than suffering later on.


is in charge of color


governs the white area in the eyes, that includes the tear ducts and other channels. There are always going to be ways to treat all your eye-related problems form the Ayurveda standpoint. Here is what Ayurveda suggests

Do It Right For Your Eyes Suggests Ayurveda As per Ayurveda you need to follow healthy eye habits and what you can do right is as follows: 1. Avoid straining your eyes by staring at something for too long, keep blinking as much as you can in between. One of the ways to avoid Myopia is by avoiding staring at the idiot box from close, always sit ten feet away from the TV. 2. Ensure to have proper lighting when


you are reading. 3. Protect your eyes from the sunlight by wearing sunglasses, you do not want to strain them. Do you? 4. Do not sleep too late because that can cause a major strain to your eyes. These are common things we are aware of, plus these are some of the ways for good eye care even as per Ayurveda.



Health Morning Tip As Per Ayurveda Wash your eyes when you wake up in the morning and when you are back home after being exposed to the external environment. The best way to get rid of all the dirt and tiredness from your eyes is by collecting water in your mouth and splashing water into your eyes about 8-10 times.

KEEP IN MIND Never use too cold or steaming hot water on your eyes because it can cause damage. Always prefer using lukewarm or mild cold water for your eyes. The variation in temperature does play a role in eye care.

Soothing Eye Care Tips Rub both your palms by making them warm. Place your warm hands on your eyelids to feel a soothing effect on your eyes Take two pieces of cotton and dip them in rose water, place these cotton pieces on your eyes for about ten minutes before you go to bed every night and all the heat piled up in your eyes will feel like it is released from your eyes It is believed that one gets tense and bloodshot eyes because of an improper balance in the Pitta. This usually happens


when the eyes are exposed to excessive pollution, stress, and lack of sleep. One of the best ways to cure this is to just use an organic eye gel that will add to soma and keep the Agni in balance. This will help you remove all the dark circles around your eyes If you think that your eyes are too dry and tired then the best way to deal with it is by doing a good herbal oil massage around your eyes once you are back home after your schedule. This lubrication to your eyes is needed


Yoga Asanas For Eye Care Sit on the ground with your legs folded joining your thumb and pointer finger and your hands placed on your knees. Then, close your eyes and open them and look up at the ceiling and again look down and close it back, repeat this for about ten times twice a day.

Right Food For The Eyes As Per Ayurveda If you want to make your vision superb then you should eat foods such as stewed apples, sprouted chickpeas, leafy vegetables, nuts, and carrots. Drinking fennel seeds water each day of about 1/2 a boil can help.

The other asanas that will work their way out for you is Bhujang asana, Shavasana and Surya Namaskar.




This is how you know when someone else TOUCHES YOU It is not uncommon for you to recognize and distinguish your own touch with that from others. But, have you ever wondered how we distinguish self touch from that of the touch of a stranger? While you might know that it is the job of the brain to get the problems sorted, but did you know how? A new study conducted by the researchers LinkÜping University have found the mechanism by which the brain functions to help us distinguish self touch from other proprioceptive touches. It has been concluded in the study that the brain works around to reduce the sensory perception from site of the touch when it’s done by us. This new finding is believed to be a breakthrough in establishing how and WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


why we are able to exactly distinguish between the self touch and being touched by any other person, for that matter. The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, PNAS. While it is not uncommon to not be well aware with the difference when you are touching yourself, the ability to successfully be able to distinguish the touches is what is intriguing. If the life of a new born is considered, they spend the initial days of their lives learning about their own body mainly via being touched and cuddled by the people who care for them. You would necessarily be astounded to know for a fact that while majority of the people can’t tickle themselves, some schizophrenic patients can. This indicates that the mode of perception of the touch is perceived different by some people suffering from mental health disabilities. The scientists who worked on this new study did a comparative analysis. They first recorded the changes in the nervous system when the subjects were being touched by someone else. The recorded data from the sensory perception during that time was then compared with that of a similar recorded data from the same subjects 53

when it was self touch. The scientists found that the brain restricts down the processing of the sensory perception when it comes down to the self touch. If you weren’t aware, our skin has scattered presence of several sensory receptors which respond to heat, pressure, cold and touch as well. Any kind of proprioceptive signal is passed on by these sensory nerves through the spinal cord and then relayed on to the brain via several nervous pathways where they are processed to revert with the motor functions to that signal. In this new conducted study, the researchers worked around to perform a number of experiments on some healthy individuals in a magnet resonance camera. This was used to record the activity of the brain with the fMRI technology. These individuals were then asked to stroke their own arms following which the researchers were the ones stroking the arms in the similar manner. Once done, the recording from the used camera was seen. The main objective of the researchers was to find how these changes in the touches affected the brain or were linked to the brain activity. Rebecca Böhme, postdoc in

the Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine and the Center for Social and Affective Neuroscience, CSAN, at Linköping University who is also the principal author of the study stated that their results clearly indicated a reduction in the brain activity when it came down to self touch while the same was not the case when the touch was initiated by someone else. She further went on to clarify that these changes and differences start out as early as in the spinal cord before it is finally relayed to the brain for further processing. There has a prior conducted brain research study which insinuates a similar conclusion stating that the brain predicts the sensory consequences of each and every activity we indulge in. What it means is that the sensory outputs are not that drastic when it is self touch because we expect that already. Dr Rebecca further went on to state that as the findings suggest, the differences stem from the spinal cord stage itself. While it might not trigger the interest in some, it is actually quite interesting to note how self touch and being touched by someone else has different perceptions in the brain. This is especially very interesting when it comes down to the visual system which the researchers are going to further work into. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019



can be the reason behind your happiness, new study suggests We are often said to smile more because not only does it radiate positive energy and vibes, the same has also been found to be quite effective in handling the condition associated with better physical and psychological health of an individual. Smiling is what your life needs.



A new study conducted by a dedicated team of psychologists from University of Tennessee at Knoxville has found that smiling can make people happier in their lives. The group of researchers behind the study did combine all the data from around 138 studies including more than 11,000 participants and did find that the facial expressions does have the smallest of impacts on our feelings altogether. The study and the salient research has been coauthored by a few researchers from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Texas A&M. It did look into over 50 years of data testing to find whether or not people’s facial expression can lead to the people actually feeling the said emotions. Nicholas Coles, UT PhD student in social psychology, who is also the lead author of the study stated saying that the conventional wisdom does tell us that the simple act of smiling does have the potential to help people feel a little happier. Not just that, it is also believed that scowling can project you into having a foul mood altogether. This ideology has been proposed before but the psychologists have been against that ideology for the past 100 years. These strings of disagreements did heighten more in the year of 2016 when 17 teams of researchers failed to replicate one of the well known experiments demonstrating the physical act of smiling and its impacts in actually making someone happy. Coles further emphasized stating that some of the conducted studies have failed to find the evidence based on the facial expressions


and how the same does influence one’s emotional feelings. He further claimed that every single one of this can’t just be based around the findings from one study. The psychologists themselves have been testing out this specific idea since the 1970s which is why the researchers wanted to look more into the results. It was a conducted Meta analysis that helped the researchers reaches to the conclusion that they did for this specific one. Coles and his team combined data from over 138 studies testing out over 11,000 participants from all across the globe. Upon the completion of the meta-analysis, they did conclude for a fact that the facial expressions do have small impact on the feelings. Wrapping everything up, Cole suggested saying that it is not necessarily possible for people to find their way to happiness by just smiling. But, these specific findings do help understand and provide with better clue on how the mind and the body interacts along to shape our conscious experience of emotion. There are a lot more that needs to be looked into and learnt. There are also requirements to learn more about the facial feedback effects but the Meta analysis is what is going to help get a little better insight into this. Smiling more can actually be of benefit not just for your physical but mental well being as well. If you have been struggling to find your inner peace and happiness, chances are that this can change that for you for good.



Ask Your Inner-Self These Questions Before Saying



Do we ever question our emotions or do we just flow with them? Do we let our logic intervene our emotions or we ‘go it blind’ when it comes to our feelings? Probe these questions to your mind without allowing a trespasser(your emotions) tress pass your mind. Talking of emotions, how many of us think and question ourselves before we say a final yes to become one with someone? Logically as well as for the good, it is of paramount that before you get into a relationship or say a yes to a proposal you must ask certain questions to yourself in order to know what you want from the relationship, where you stand in that relationship and to be assured of the fact that you are taking the right decision or not. Do not be in a haste to say yes although you are heels over in love with someone, these are some of those questions you should certainly ask yourself.




1 Will both of your wants and needs synch in? This can be a tricky one to understand and to make it simpler it means you should know what is it that you want from life and what is it that he/she wants from life. One has to have a clarity of each other’s priorities so that both of you know how to accept and respect them. It is not important that what the two of you want from life have to be the same things, but the two of you must be able to sync those things that are not similar as well and see if you are cool with them. FOR INSTANCE: during the weekends one of you may like to go and play a sport whereas one of you may like staying back at home and chilling. The two of you look at doing different things but syncing your dissimilar interests is the question here, you must see if the two of you are compatible enough to sink in.

2 5 years From Now, Where Do You See The Two Of You? You need to know how far do you want to take the relationship. Likewise, know from the opposite person too. Where the two of you want to head in life has to be on the same track, to avoid heartbreaks and healing phases. FOR INSTANCE: If you both want to just hang around for the moment or you want to be life partners.

3 Do You Know The Person Inside Out? Saying a ‘yes’ to someone is not a decision like choosing to eat a chocolate mousse or dark chocolate, you have to see the real person and know the real person if not 100% at least 70% on an average. Ask yourself if you really know how he thinks, how he reacts to what he feels and if you are compatible enough or not to make the final decision of saying a yes to him.



4 Are You An Option Or Choice To Him/Her? It is natural to feel happy that someone has asked you out. Especially if that person turns to be someone you can relate with. Having said, just feeling happy about it cannot be the basis for you to be able to decide that the person wants to be with you because the person has no one else or he/she genuinely wants to choose you to be with. It often happens that certain people either get into someone to get over someone and you will know about this only when you observe how the person behaves with you. It is your choice whether you want to be an option or a real choice to someone. However, it is important that you have clarity on it.

5 Has Infatuation Taken A Toll On You (Or) Is It, Love? It is not an answer that Google can give you or even your mind for that matter. This is a primary question to ask yourself if you are just infatuated for the moment or are you in love. Here are ways to help you find clues and get your answer. Know if you are physically attracted or even mentally connected? Are you still attracted to him/her knowing of flaws? How much of the good and bad time have you spent with each other and how cool are you with accepting the person for who he/she is Do you feel the butterflies in your stomach for the man or woman?

6 What does your intuition say? We are all blessed with a natural instinct of being able to get a clue of what we feel is right for us and what is not. Always hear to what your heart is trying to tell you. Our intuitions always give us a signal even before we could start to think of anything. Before even thinking on other lines, seek for a positive signal from your intuitions about the person. Only if you get a positive signal only then proceed on thinking further on whether or not to say a yes. 59



7 Are you even mentally ready for a commitment? Do not jump into a boat that you do not even have an idea about. When you are about to say a yes to someone, you should know if you are prepared to get committed to a new person, are you ready to share your time with that person, are you up for growing in a bond with that person. Only when you are confident that you are mentally prepared can you even think of saying a yes.

9 Are you 100% certain that you can count on that person? Knowing someone, being friends with someone, having a liking for someone and being able to rely on them without any second thoughts are two different things. Ask yourself if you are sure that he/she is someone you can lean on in times of distress and when you want that person to be there as a guide, are you sure that the person won’t mislead you and will understand your point of view as well.not to make the final decision of saying a yes to him.


8 Have you known yourself well enough? Although we say yes to someone we should all have our own space too and know what do we like and dislike in life. See to it that you have had your bit of fun, you are getting your space in life and when you have seen what you are from within. Knowing yourself is a must before you think of getting to know someone else.

10 What If He Is The One? The universe always has something planned for us and we never know who is the one for us. You will know if someone is meant for you or not at the right time. Think about this, you never know but he could be that one person you were looking for. Do keep this in mind and listen to what your gut has to tell you.

A thought before action is always a good option. Think and think as much as you can before you say a yes to the person. Your one decision will have an impact on you mentally and emotionally. Make a thoughtful choice ! 60




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| APRIL 2019





In a world with so much pollution, it is not surprising that every single object we come in contact with might have potent contaminants on them. While you might limit your thoughts and adversities to a simple cold and cough, a new study seems to state otherwise. A new study conducted by the researchers from the University of Nottingham state that the natural environmental contaminants that we often do come across in our homes do have negative impacts on the fertility in men as well as the domestic dogs.

If the statistics are to be believed, they do suggest that there has been a rapid decline in the sperm quality in men by 50% in the last 80 years all across the globe. There have been prior studies conducted by the researchers from the Nottingham University also provided evidence in the decline of the sperm quality in domestic dogs as well. This was what ended up causing an intriguing possibility of whether or not the modern day chemicals used in the home could be a contributing factor for the same. In this conducted study, the researchers worked around to test two of the most commonly used human made 63

chemicals used in homes, namely common plasticizer DEHP which is used in the cleaning of the carpets, upholstery, wires, toys etc. along with the polychlorinated biphenyl 153. The researchers conducted a similar test for both the chemicals in which they collected the sperm samples from men and dogs from the similar bout of UK. Upon getting the results, the researchers found that at concentrations meant at the environmental exposure, there were significant damaging impacts on the sperm of both the men as well as the dogs. Richard Lea, Associate Professor and Reader in Reproductive Biology at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Science, who also led the work, did suggest that this was a supportive explanation for their findings concerning the fact that dogs are “sentinel� for the decline in the men reproductive life. He further suggests that the study also affirms the fact that the chemicals used in the home cleaning and hygiene could very well be a contributing factor to the sperm quality in both men as well as dogs. In previous studies, it has been found that the chemical pollutants which were priorly found in the sperm of the adult dogs along with that

in some of the pet foods did have quite a negative impact on the sperm function of the male reproductive tract. This study is the very first to test out two of the potent chemical messengers that have been found to have negative impacts on the sperm quality in both men and dogs.

Rebecca Summer, who carried out a similar research for her PhD paper did suggest something similar. She found in her studies that for both men and dogs, the impact did conduct around a reduced amount of sperm motility as well as increased fragmentation of the DNA. It is not surprising to know and understand for a fact that when the human sperm motility is poor, DNA fragmentation is increased accordingly. Additionally, the affected male fertility is often associated with the constant DNA damage in the sperm. Currently, the researchers also do believe that similar impacts are drawn to the pet dogs as well owing to the fact that they are exposed to the similar household chemical pollutants altogether. They further believe that dogs could actually be a potent model for further future studies in this regard to find the negative impacts imposed by these household contaminants on the declining fertility in men. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


Vegetable Mix Dal Khichdi Recipe Mix Dal is like giving your body every nutrient it requires. Mix dal recipe is a combination of different dals and grabbing all every bit of strength it gives to the body. Try this mix dal khichdi recipe, as it is simple to prepare and you are giving your body all that it needs at one go. Take a look at what you need and how to make the recipe. Before that look at the health benefits of all the dals that go into the making of this khichdi.



What Do You Need? 1/2 a cup of rice 1 handful of all the dals 1 tomato(chopped) Ghee(2 tbsp) Mustard seeds(1 tsp) Cumin seeds(1 tsp) Red Chillies(2) Green Chillies( 3) Curry leaves(4-5) Asafetida(1/2 tsp) Carrot(1/2 - chopped) Beans(5-6 - chopped) Potato(1/2 a piece - chopped) Water(based on the quantity of dal and rice) Salt(as per your taste) Haldi powder(1/2 a tsp) Dhania powder(1/2 a tsp) Red chili powder(1/2 a tsp) Optional(cardamom, cinnamon and pepper cons - 3 each, to add flavor to the khichdi) Coriander(optional)




How To Make It? Procedure No 1 Take a pressure cooker and drop into it 2 tbsps ghee. Procedure No 2 To this add, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, curry leaves, green chilies, red chilies, and all the spices. Saute this mixture for a minute or two. Procedure No 3 Add chopped tomatoes, carrots, beans and potato to this and mix it well. Once it is mixed well, add salt, turmeric powder, dhania powder, and red chili powder. Saute this entire mixture for about a minute or two. Procedure No 4 Once this mixture is sauteed well and the vegetables get softer, add all the dals and rice and add so much water that is a level above the dal and rice mixture. Procedure No 5 Before you close the cooker to give it a whistle, make sure to taste salt and add if required add more salt before giving it a whistle. Procedure No 6 Give this entire mixture of khichdi and dals 2 whistles, lower the flame and let it stay on the flame for about 2 minutes after the whistle. Procedure No 7 Once you open WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019

the cooker and can smell the yummy khichdi, mash the khichdi and make it soft and if you wish to, you can garnish the khichdi with fresh coriander. You can have the hot yummy khichdi with curds and relish this healthy taste!

5 Types of Dal and their Benefits To The Body! For this khichdi, we need five dals. Each of these fruitfully benefits the body.

Moong(Green gram)

Benefits of MOONG DAL Great source of nutrients Rich in antioxidants Helps in better digestion Lowers cholesterol Keeps blood pressure and sugar in control Can save you against heat stroke 66

Tuvar Dal(Split chickpeas)

and isovitexin helps in keeping the body away from a stroke It is rich in nutrients such as magnesium, fiber, and potassium

Benefits of TUVAR DAL This dal is a part of the legume family and it is rich in the following things :

Lowers the risk of heart diseases and cholesterol

Masoor Dal(Red lentils) Benefits of



It is a source of strength for the teeth and bones

Proteins Folic acid It keeps the body away from cholesterol They have immense plant nutrients It is a rich source of carbohydrates that gives the body that energy which is required to nourish the body

Moong dal(Yellow Dal)

Nourishes the skin and also contributes to keeping the skin young and fresh One of the best for weight loss Keeps vision intact

Urad Dal(Black gram) Benefits of URAD DAL Urad dal keeps the skin away from getting fine lines Keeps the skin fresh and good It is a rich source of Iron

Benefits of


A great source of food to keep you healthy and active

The presence of two antioxidants named vitexin 67



How to do

Saral Hasta Bhujangasana (Straight Arm Cobra Pose)

Cobra pose is one of the very powerful backward bending asana in Hatha Yoga. It has a huge amount of benefits which cover all the body systems. In this position the body takes the position of cobra, raising its body and preparing to strike. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


How to do 1. Bring both the hands near the chest and place the palms on the ground with the fingers together pointing forward and thumbs pointed towards the body. 2. The elbows should be raised towards the ceiling close to the body. 3. Place the forehead on the ground. 4. While inhaling slowly raise the forehead, bend the neck backwards and then slowly raising the shoulders, chest and abdomen from the ground until the arms are straight, very slowly, vertebrae by vertebrae, stretching backwards. 5. Continue to maintain the asana, breath normally. 6. Inhale and while exhaling slowly lower the abdomen, chest and finally the forehead on the ground using the support of the arms. 7. Place the chin on the floor and return the arms back to the prone position.


In this position the pressure is felt on the arms and hands as well as the lower back. Over time this pressure can gradually be placed more on to the lower back. One should try to raise the body up with the help of the spine. Once the final position is attained the arms are straight, the chest is forward and open, the shoulders and neck are back and the heels are together. The neck is compressed and the throat is stretched. The facial muscles should be relaxed. The breathing should be normal. The lower back and stretch on the front side of the body. The arch of the back, relaxing the lower back and normal breathing. Also on abdomen and chest while breathing in a relaxed way through chest. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019



Do’s Try and keep the arms straight, palms on the ground. Try and keep the knees and ankles together, toes pointed. Gaze towards the ceiling. You can lift the hips and thighs if the back is not flexible. Open the chest; pull the shoulders backwards and downwards. Relax the lower-back and raise the hips if you experience pain in lowerback.

Don’ts Have any distance between the legs. Let the shoulders hunch upwards towards the ears.


Benefits Helps to remove backache and neckache as well as keeping the spine supple and healthy. By arching the spine blood circulation is increased to that region toning the nerves along the spinal column and improving the communication between the brain and the rest of the body. 70

Strengthens the adrenal glands, which is responsible for secretions of adrenaline, cortisol and othe stress hormones, the balancing effect on the hormone secretions is the benefit of asanas. Tones the liver, making it beneficial for those with a sluggish liver. Helps the functioning of thethyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolic activities. Expands and opens the chest, which encourages deep breathing as well as helping to correct rounded shoulders. Useful for slipped disc and sciatica as it relieves the pain and can also relocate the slipped disc.

The pressure on the abdomen is also beneficial to the abdominal organs and in particular the digestive organs, it stimulates the appetite, relieves flatulence and constipation. Tones the kidneys, which help with purification of blood, removing any stagnant blood and improving the health of the whole body. 71



Do These Little Things To Keep Your Family BOND INTACT



Do you think we all make the right efforts to keep our bond with our family intact? What’s your thought? Think about it and in the meanwhile read through this article and tally the points mentioned in this article to your thoughts and get to know all the little things you can do to keep your family bond intact.

Home is where the heart is! Primarily for all of us the moment we open our eyes to the world, we see our mother, father, sibling or a family member. We grow up and are taken care of in the shelter of our elders. A family is an asset to most of us and that’s where our world begins. In times of pain and in times of gain, moments of celebrating victory to the moments of crying over defeat, living life with hope or living it hopeless through all the trials and error it’s our family who is thereby us, around us and who stands for us.


Having known the fact that a family is a place where we resort to for mental, emotional and physical comfort. It is essential that we give into our family and do all that it takes to make it a happy place to be in for ourselves and for the other family members we are associated with. Not necessary that we plant orchids on a mountain to keep that bond in our family intact. Little things have a bigger impact on each of us. Therefore, let’s look into the little things we can do to keep our family bond strong and everlasting.



ay no 1 Kindness Costs Nothing

ay no 3 Always Make Noise

We all want to be treated well and all we expect from anyone is just a few kind words which are basic around the world. When kindness costs nothing, then why not begin with it at home with our family members? Be kind to one and other, it is okay to fight and have a difference in opinions but the end goal is to treat each other well.

What’s the point of living in a home where the home is a mere house and deadly with no noise of a home. Having said, make sure to pull each others leg, talk to each other and do not let each other be alone. A house is alive only when the people living in that house live in the true sense not just by themselves, but with each other.

ay no 2 Do Not Give Preference To Your Ego

Hence, making noise in the family is going to add life to your home.



We are all having a hidden ego in us. Some of us express it while some of us do not express it often. One of the best ways to keep a bond going is by forgetting this line ‘why me?’ instead, replace it to ‘why not me?’. In short, when you have had a tiff with someone at home. One of the best ways to move on from that phase of being angry is to let go of your anger and if required be the first one to apologize as well. Choose your family members over ego because silly ego issues can lead to spoiling a relationship. It is easy said than done. Therefore, one of the ways you can keep aside your ego is by telling yourself that you are helping your own self improve by letting go of your ego. Thus, you would at least keep aside your ego if you have a goal in mind that you want to be a better person.



ay no 4 Make Each Others Day W

It is solely reliant on you about how would you want to take this step. It is simple to make each other’s day. Appreciate one another for all the things that went well or just give a hug to each other with a wide smile. What else would one expect from their family members? Make each others day and this will not just make you happy but the aura at home will be positive.

ay no 5 Be Each Others Pillars W

Everyone has their part of disappointments and confusion phases in life. Generally, 74

we would look up to our family members for support and a source to vent out. We should be all ears at all times for our family members as we can never predict what our family member is going through. It could be confusion about career, could be a disappointment because of a fight with a friend, so on and so forth. We as family members should be approachable and friendly so that we can help each other find solutions or give our best suggestions for the betterment of our family members. End of the day, it is all about being each others support system.

ay no 6 Make Time For Each Other W

A bond between people grows over time when we give ’time’ to each other. It is true that in this busy world we are all stuck with our own schedules. To have said that, we are all not so busy that we cannot sacrifice or invest at least half an hour for our family members. We all can and we should. Plan to have a meal with each other every day or make sure to go for an outing once a month with your family, the other option is you can plan a travel trip together too. Making time is essential because you are all each other’s world a the end of the day.

ay no 7 Be As Transparent As You Can W

One of the best ways to deal with a problem is to talk about it and clarify misunderstandings. Therefore, the best way to avoid being a victim of bigger problems is by being transparent with your family members about anything and everything. When there is transparency there is a lesser scope for problems to sprout up. See to it that you do not hide things from each other or hold on to any feelings in your heart for each other. Be as clear as you can with one another and you see what a world of a difference that would make in life.

Pick on the tips that interest you and build a strong family bond ever after. 75





With the onslaught of stress that we struggle along with on a daily basis, it is not surprising that sleep has become a secondary factor in our life. In the United States itself, statistics suggest that 1 in every 4 deaths is caused because of cardiovascular diseases. Isn’t it alarming enough for you to ponder on the prevention methods?



A new study conducted by the researchers from the Massachusetts General Hospital has found correlations between proper sleep with the reduced risks of cardiovascular diseases. Studies have priorly shown how the lack of sleep has the possibility of impacting one’s overall health, especially increasing the risks of heart diseases. In this new conducted study, the researchers have successfully deduced that one way dependant on getting rid of the risks of cardiovascular diseases, especially like that of atherosclerosis.


Atherosclerosis is one of the most common types of cardiovascular threats that claim lives every single year. The accumulation of plaques in the arteries is what ends up obstructing seamless blood flow through them and imposes risks of development of clots that can induce heart attacks and such. The researchers in the study have found that the lack of proper sleep often tends to contribute to the increased production of the inflammatory white blood cells which is believed to be a contributing factor to the condition of atherosclerosis.



Filip Swirski, PhD, of the MGH Center for Systems Biology, who is also the senior author of the study, stated that they have discovered the potency of sleep in the regulation of the production of bone marrow of the inflammatory white blood cells. On the contrary, the lack of proper sleep has been found to end up disrupting of the control on the inflammatory cell production which further ends up causing more inflammation and associated risks of heart diseases. Furthermore, the researchers have also found a specific hormone in the brain which is believed to control the wakefulness cycle and is associated with the control of the processes of the bone marrow and in turn, contributes to reducing the risks of cardiovascular diseases. In order to associate and find the impacts of insufficient sleep on the development of atherosclerosis, Swirski and his team genetically modified mice to induce atherosclerosis to repeated interruptions of their sleep. Upon conducting this for an extended period of time, the researchers then recorded the observations. They observed that there was no substantial change in the weight, cholesterol levels or even the glucose tolerance in the mice subjected to insufficient sleep in comparison to the normal one which slept well. The only difference was witnessed in the fact that the mice developed more arterial plaques in their body with enhanced levels of monocytes, neutrophils and several inflammatory cells in the body.



With the primary conclusion drawn, the researchers wanted to indulge in some further study of the same. Further conducted experiments found that the mice which didn’t get sufficient sleep had around twofold increase of their bone marrow of the stem cells that contribute to the production of white blood cells. The researchers further found that the hormone influencing the heightened production of the white blood cells was found to be hypocretin which is secreted from the hypothalamus. This hormone does have a role in inducing proper sleep. It is secreted in high levels in the normal states; the same did have an obstructed production in a sleep deprived state. The team of researchers from the Massachusetts Medical School that hypocretin was involved in regulating the production of the white blood cells through effective interaction with that of the neutrophil progenitors in the bone marrow. They further discovered that hypocretin is associated with the regulation of the production of the factor CSF-1 expression along with the production of monocyte along with the development of the arterial plaques that results in atherosclerosis. In the sleep deprived mice, the sudden drop in the levels of hypocretin paved ways for the increased production of the CSF-1, neutrophiles, monocytes and in turn, in the development of atherosclerosis. Wrapping everything up, Swirski did state that this is an indication enough for the fact that hypocretin is a very important inflammatory mediator. In order to read more into the risks of cardiovascular diseases associated with the lack of sleep, the researchers do need to study more into the pathways and the mechanisms involved. 79



Why Is

Sleep Essential?



We are all designed in such a way that sleep is a must to live a healthy and stress-free life. Rather, sleeping well is like a stress buster for all the stress. Inadequate sleep leads to a stressed mind and body and none of us want that. A good night’s sleep or a power nap for that matter contributes to a better living and each of us should work on it.




Here is why sleeping well is important Better Weight Management

Keeps Your Mind Fresh

When you sleep, all the tiredness present in your mind and body disappears because your mind and body is in no conscious movement, your energy is rejuvenated and you have got enough rest to get on track for the next day.

To Let Your Appetite Stay In Place

Sleep has a direct link with your appetite as well. If you sleep well all the hormones related to your appetite function in the way they are supposed to and it does not affect your appetite, because of sleeping less there are chances you might end up craving more of food or not crave anything at all because the ghrelin and leptin start having a reversed reaction.

Sleeping adequately is important to manage weight. When a person oversleeps, it can push a person to put on weight and this is scientifically proved that sleeping too much can make one obese because not waking up on time can lead to not eating meals on time or overeating by staying up late. Therefore, if you want to have better weight management it is important that one sleeps on time or ensures to sleep for the right no of hours.

When you sleep well your body does not have unnecessary cravings and it does not disturb your appetite

To Have A Productive Day

When you sleep well, your ability to perform the next day is good because you do not have any tiredness left, your brain is no more feeling dead and your brain gets recharged with adequate rest. It is easier for your body to concentrate better and do well when you have had adequate sleep.

Free from diseases

When you do not sleep well there is a risk that you can get affected with diseases such as heart attack, heart failure, irregular heartbeat, stroke, and diabetes. WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019


Your hair and skin are doing well

Just as how your brain and body work well when you catch up on your sleep. Likewise, the next day your skin gets well moisturized, your beauty is well maintained, the damaged cells on your skin are refreshed and your skin’s health is taken care of with good sleep.the right no of hours.

Your Quality Of Life Is Brilliant

No doubt that sleeping well can magnificently work wonders in your life. For evident reasons like your body and mind gets rest, the cytokines function well, your mood and energy levels are always refreshed and good, your performance at work does not get affected with lack of sleep. On a whole, when everything is going right then you are assured of having a quality life.the right no of hours.

Boosts Your Immune System

If you want to keep your immune system intact, you must ensure to sleep well. Scientifically, when a person is sleeping, the body helps in releasing a protein called Cytokines and to ease out the stress from your body Cytokines have to be produced throughout.

Improved Efficiency While Exercising

Make a keen observation of how effectively is your body performing while exercising when you get a good night’s sleep and when you do not get a good night’s sleep. Quality sleep helps the body perform well while exercising, playing a sport or during a rigorous workout. The longer you sleep the better is your physical performance.

Therefore, knowing the depth of how sleep concentrates on every aspect of our mind and body by displaying its benefits on our health and well being. One should sleep well, sleep on time and not oversleep.


Sleep well to live healthily! WWW.HEALTHSPECTRA.COM | APRIL 2019



















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