Valuable online dating tips that are specially created for men (1)

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Valuable online dating tips that are specially created for men Books were written about the fact that men and women are different, not only in their way of thinking but also in the way they are dating, in how they see things and approaches they use in their personal life. Things are no different in the case of online dating as well, so regardless if one is using an online dating service in India or opt for traditional dating, men and women will always do things differently. Because men are not aware of these differences between them and the women they try to date, success may fail to appear. So, do know that not managing to get a woman’s attention is not because of the online dating app in India you are using, but of the faulty strategy, you may have adopted. To help you, we composed a set of valuable tips that will turn in odds in their favor, so check and see how they can help. •

Why are you present online?

While it may not seem that relevant, it is very important for a man to know why he is present online. Why are you using the best dating app in India? Are you looking just to have fun or you would like to find someone for a long-term relationship? Knowing what you want will help you connect with women that have the same goals and desires. So don’t claim to want something you don’t because that will never work out. Be honest with yourself and the women you meet and the desired results won’t fail to appear. •

Never forget about the importance of photos

Believe it or not, your profile photos are more important than the written content. You should provide photos that represent who you are in the best way possible, photos of both who you are and of your favorite activities and hobbies. Take plenty of photos and only choose those that are of good quality and fit your personality. Having your best friends helping with the photo selection may help a lot. •

A playful profile can work wonders

The profile used for online dating should be both playful and provide relevant info about you. So, spend some time in writing real facts about yourself, like your values, but don’t forget to spice everything with something fun here and there. A funny profile that will make a woman smile will definitely capture her attention. •

Your first move would be to “like” her

You don’t have the time or don’t know what to say to a woman you consider interesting? Then just pick one of her photos and “like” it. This way, you will show your interest with diplomacy and will indirectly invite her to check you out as well. It is like allowing things to warm up slightly, making her become familiar with you before actually making contact through messages. You see, women are more likely to react in a positive manner to something that looks familiar to them, so this strategy does exactly this part, so when you decide to send the first message you won’t be a complete stranger. •

Your first message should send a real message while being playful

So you think that the moment arrived to initiate the first message and connect with the woman that got your attention. Be playful in the message by mentioning something about her photos or profile, like a funny detailed you notice or making a playful remark on her personality. But, at the same time, keep it real, in a balanced and brief message, if you want to get some results out of it.

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