Keeping your Dating Messages Short and Sweet

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Keeping your Dating Messages Short and Sweet

If we are to think of the first days of online dating app, things were rather simple. There were no messaging services or options, so people had one chance at contacting their date, and that was through e-mails. And because everybody cared about making a good first impression, these first e-mails were a bit too long, containing an introduction and a ton of details about the person itself. Just try using such a technique while using an online dating app in India and you’ll never find a date. Things obviously evolved since then and messages took the place of the old boring long e-mails. But, even when messaging, many people wonder what the ideal length of a first message is? When is it too short and evasive and when is it too long and boring? While just sending a message containing the word “hello� when trying to contact someone on a free online dating site may be too short and shallow, the ideal length of a first message is not that far away. A recent study on the users of an online dating service

revealed the fact that the ideal message is actually shorter than a tweet. So, people like it short and sweet, at least when it come to dating messages. If you can, try keeping your first dating message somewhere in the range of 61 and 69 characters. This means to seriously select the information you are about to send through that messages. Do your best to be creative and stir the curiosity of that person to meet you, because 69 characters are actually not very much and you might squeeze your brain until putting together a decent message. The information you just found out may explain why you didn’t manage to get any answers to the messages you sent before. They were probably too long and the recipient didn’t have the patience to go through the entire message. So, adopt this new technique and go for shorter messages, because it may definitely improve the success of your first dating messages when using the best dating app in India. At least, this is what millions of people using dating apps recommend. So, do your best and pass the “hi” or “hello” kind of messages if you want to increase your chances. Not even “Hi, how are you doing?” will not do much. If you really want to land a date and capture the attention of the person you like, your first dating messages should be slightly more than that. But, at the same time, try not to make it too long. According to statistics, messages that are longer than 17 characters have 17% more chances to get a response than messages that have a shorter number of characters. Use this information on your behalf and send short and sweet messages to get the attention of your potential date. is an online dating app and launching soon their online dating mobile app for the iOS users, Android users and singles in India. So, singles get ready to mingle in the new way to find your perfect match.

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