5 minute read


Soon-to-be mother of two Katherine Schwarzenegger dove into clean medicine after the birth of her daughter.

MINI | Can you share when you adopted a clean living philosophy and what changes you made first in your home?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | I was really mindful of everything I was putting on my body and into my body while I was pregnant with my daughter, and in this pregnancy, and because of that, I learned a lot about all that we use in a day. I am for sure not perfect when it comes to clean living and I know that I have so much to learn always, but I think I have a good idea of what works for me and my family and am always interested in learning more and ways to be better. My sister, Christina, is a total expert in this space so when she comes over she always gives me tons of tips. MINI | How about your pregnancy? How are you bringing clean living into this phase of your life?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | Routine wise, I just try to be as active as possible. I feel really blessed that I feel so great in this pregnancy so I try to work out daily. Running after a toddler this pregnancy has been different than the first time around but I love it. Again, I am mindful about the products I am using and what I am putting in my body. I feel super lucky to have found [clean medicine brand] Genexa in my last pregnancy and have been able to use it now too, especially for those heartburn moments. I keep the antacid Genexa by my bedside table!

MINI | One of the many ways parents can tackle clean living in their home is in their medicine cabinet. Tell us which Genexa products you use most often or were most excited about?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | I use the pain and fever reducer the most for my daughter. I use it when she is having painful teething moments and it has been a total game changer. I have also used the immunity one for her and it’s great. For me personally, the Genexa antacid is what I have been using the most while pregnant. MINI | What initially drew you to Genexa?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | Everything about it! Just knowing how much unnecessary filler ingredients are in other products I had been using for years really was eye opening for me. Then when I had my daughter, I wanted to be prepared and have everything I might need for her on hand at our house. I was able to learn so much about what was in the children’s medicine I was given as a kid and to know that now there is a clean alternative is really exciting and why I love sharing that knowledge with other parents.

MINI | If there was one product you think every parent should have on hand, what would it be?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | Kids’ Pain and Fever Reducer.

MINI | Let’s talk motherhood! What has surprised you most about motherhood?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | All there is to learn and how much multi-tasking is involved. I always watched my mom multi-task so effortlessly with four kids, several full-time jobs, her marriage, her family, and I always had so much respect for her. Since becoming a

parent, I have even more respect for all that she did and continues to do as our mom.

MINI | Since you’re expecting your second baby, let’s talk about preparation! How are you preparing your daughter for a new little one?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | She is luckily going through a moment where she is obsessed with all things babies. She has a few different baby dolls and she loves bringing them with her everywhere and sleeping with them, so that’s encouraging to me. I also have a pretty similar age difference with my sister that my daughter will have with this baby, so I feel excited about that for her. I know there will be an adjustment and I am so grateful, once again, to be able to ask my parents for their wisdom and guidance in this journey.

MINI | How is this pregnancy similar or different to your first?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | I was fortunate that I felt pretty good when I was pregnant with my daughter and I feel similar in this pregnancy too, and I never take that for granted as I know that’s not always common. I was playing tennis the week before I gave birth to my daughter and was walking the day before, and I hope to be able to do that again in this pregnancy as I think it helped me. I would say the biggest difference is the state of the world now compared to when I had my daughter

during Covid. Now that the world has opened, I feel lucky that I am able to see my friends and family more than I did with my first pregnancy, but since there are still cases around, there is always a concern for us pregnant mamas, so I just try and take caution. I am glad there is more of a balance now though as seeing my family and very close friends is helpful for our wellbeing. I also feel like I have an extra layer of support and preparation since I’ve been doing my Instagram series, BDA Baby. I have been able to gather so much information over the past year and I’m looking forward to being able to apply it throughout this pregnancy and postpartum.

MINI | If you could give your children one piece of advice, what would it be?

KATHERINE SCHWARZENEGGER | Your family is everything and the biggest gift. MOM MUSTHAVES


“String cheese.”


“Baby monitor and water, always.”

NOW LISTENING “Kira Rappaport.”

KIDS MOVIE “Any Disney Princess movie.”

FAVE KIDS BOOK “Goodnight, Moon.”

COFFEE ORDER “Oat milk latte.”

DATE NIGHT “Ordering in and watching a movie!”

FAVE RESTAURANT “Cafe Vida.” 9755 Culver Blvd, Culver City, CA