1 minute read


The Bar Has Been Raised!

By K. E.Heartsong

So, surprises. I have had quite a few surprises in my life, but one that stands out, relative to my writing, takes me to my screenplay writing days and a particular Sci-Fi script. The script had won a number of awards, been placed in the top ten of the Red List’s SciFi Action scripts, and I had just sent it to one of the producers of the Sci-Fi film Arrival, a true favorite and an easy all-time-top-five lister.

I had sent the script via email on a Friday after a final, final rewrite, wherein I felt that the characters were fleshed out, their ‘arcs’ poignant, tragic, redemptive, and that the additional refinements had made the script even better. I did not expect to hear back from the producer for a week, two, months, if ever. That, unfortunately, is the way things ‘roll’ in Hollywood. Well, after a rather euphoric weekend and a great feeling of accomplishment, knowing that the script was indeed in good shape, it was time to refresh/polish that Magical Realism script. And then the unexpected happened. On Monday morning, three days after I had sent the Sci-Fi script, I got the call. They loved it!

Well, not to break the momentum so abruptly, but I have just had another wonderful surprise, though not quite on the level of “We want to option your script”, but an eyeopening surprise nonetheless. It is a surprise of the

The Setup

The usual. My listening room’s dimensions are 15 feet (457.2cm) by 30 feet (914.4cm). My system is placed along the short wall. The left side of the room is open, while on the right side there are two very large, double-paned and fullness of musical reproduction, that I had only believed electrostatic speakers and headphones capable of rendering. And yet, here they were pulling a very compelling electrostatic/open-baffle speaker mimic, with exceptional dynamic speaker capabilities. Much head shaking followed this revelation and a few drops of the jaw as I discovered their other traits, but I’m getting a bit ahead. speakers (and headphones)! And that the Kaya 45s rendered the performances so well and consistently gave immediate insight to their ability to easily reproduce other genres/types of music, which they did. If one can lift the 500 pound weight easily, then lifting any lesser weight should be a breeze.

Well, the proof came in the Kaya 45s’ consistent ability for transparency and resolution and detail, as well to meticulously