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Love me.

{ I’m FREE }

Stacy w Charlie He is my whole world and I can’t imagine my life without him page 12

Heart N O. 24

{ n. } The vital center and source of one’s being, emotions, and sensibilities.

2 | Heart

Unleash Jacksonville | 3


FIRST COAST FORCE-FREE TRAINERS A Division of Central Florida Force-Free Veterinary Behavior & Trainers Network

WHO ARE WE? First Coast Force Free Trainers was created to help veterinarians and pet owners in the Northeast Florida region choose credentialed and skilled training professionals that are committed to never using fear, force or pain to teach or modify behavior.


WHAT CAN WE OFFER YOU? We offer private in-home training and group classes for everything from puppy skills, home manners and obedience, Canine Good Citizen, therapy dog training, as well as behavior help for fear, anxiety, and aggression.





zoomeezdogtraining@gmail.com ZoomeezDogTraining.com

comprehensivecaninetraining@gmail.com ComprehensiveCanineTraining.com

(904) 930-0331

Private In-home — Obedience, All Behavior Modification, Canine Good Citizen

(904) 236-3780

Private In-home Obedience, All Behavior Modification



(904) 327-2173

(301) 906-6349


stacyluvspups@hotmail.com 12 years Experience — Group Classes

Obedience, Canine Good Citizen, ABC Mentor Trainer


trainfourpaws@gmail.com FourPawsTraining.dog Private In-home Obedience, Mild Behavior Modification


We do not use shock collars (e-collars), prong collars, choke collars, nor any other type of coercion, fear, intimidation, or pain to “educate” an animal. Pain and coercion do not accelerate learning, but rather delay it, nor do they truly change behavior. Our training approach is positive, family-friendly, and rewards-based. This means that we reward the dog for performing the correct behavior, which clearly helps the dog see what is expected, and we redirect unwanted behavior. Positive does not mean permissive. It does mean that we teach, not threaten, with a fair approach so that dogs truly will enjoy learning and form a trusting bond with their owners.





PUBLISHER: Woof Creative, Inc. Atlantic Beach, FL Amy Olivieri | amy@unleashjax.com Director of Sales | Barklie Jayne Needs a Job | Lulu Intern | Blue Is Badass (Adopt me!) CONTRIBUTORS Jessica Caplette Blu Beauregard + Alaina Mitchell Herschel Animal Clinic Rebecca Miller Janice Frank ADVERTISING We distribute to over 80 veterinarian offices from St. Augustine to Amelia Island and many other dog-friendly places all over Jacksonville. If you want to reach Jacksonville’s dog lovers, raise your hand ... and then contact us. woof@unleashjax.com SUBSCRIBE See your cute mail person more often! Subscribe to Unleash Jacksonville unleashjax.com/subscribe




Some scribbles from the publisher...

Hello + woof! Welcome to the HEART issue. It’s like none that Unleash has ever shuffled together—and I love it! The relationship of a human with their heart dog is one of theee most beautiful things in the world to me. So! We did our first model call, working with Woof Creative Photography, to capture that sweetness. If you pay attention, you’ll see it—the mutual adoration and a bond stronger than most. Take some time and really look at the photos of our featured soulmates over a cup of tea (starting on pg. 8). Soak in love. We also celebrate heart dogs that have passed. Dogs don’t live long enough in general, but to lose a heart dog—the pain can be unbearable. My advice is slow down and notice moments now— deeply inhale the back of her neck, trace the intricate bumps on his nose; just be together while you can. And—get good photos with your dog. That’s so important. Photographs are powerful and healing, and may be all we have left of them when they’re gone. If you haven’t met your heart dog yet—worry not, my friend! We have lots of great Free-Agent Sidekicks in the back.

This issue definitely comes from my heart. Please enjoy! Love, Amy

Unleash Jacksonville magazine is available FREE at distribution points. NOTE: Unleash Jacksonville is for entertainment + information purposes only. We do not take responsibility for the content of our contributors, and ask that you always seek professional help when necessary.

kate w apollo

Eileen w Bella

teri w sophia

Janeca w brunello

anna w titan

sarah w rudy

heather w tyni

Jonathan w Mr. Burns

Ashley w simba

You are my heart.

Thank you to everyone who submitted your amazing heart dogs for our model call ... we wish we could’ve met you all! TO HEA R A BOU T F U T U R E M OD E L CA LLS... FOLLOW U S ON S OC IA L M E D IA . D O IT.

Tanner w coco

sarah w duke

lisa w Gylphie

Shelli w reed

Nathan w royal

Jennifer w finn

Jeannette w finnigan

Amanda w hulk

Dione w Naomi

Janelle w remington

Jessie w marley

Hanna w miller

Lynne w mina

Melody w Sir maximus cuteness

Kristi w Sunday

steve w penny

Kate w zen

Laura w leia

Andrea w zoe

Kymberly w bella

kim w opus

kerrie w Bruschi

holly w raidon

< Ellie instantly provided me a sense of calmness and comfort. At the time, I was only 15 and recently had been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. I was struggling to live with this lifetime disease ...Quickly she had my heart and gave me the courage and confidence to stand strong in my fight with diabetes. Ellie was a year and a half when she was rescued and it was obvious she’d been through some rough situations. Animal Care and Protective Services said she wouldn’t get adopted because she was too “shy.” Well I am shy. And if Ellie could overcome and be strong, then so could I. Ellie and I together live every day with my illness. She encourages and loves me. ~ Jacob Luten

Linda w cooper

Carrie w benson

Sara w sheriff

Stacy w sydney

Hillary w woodford

Denise w Gideon

Michelle w pepper

Jessica w pumpkin

Mariah w Gilligan and Chelle

Christina w bear

Jeanette w boomer

Tammy w zoe

Wanda w roscoe

< I adopted Pumpkin as a birthday gift to myself. I saw her on Facebook via post from her foster mama at the time, she was skin and bones.... The bond we share now is like nothing else I’ve ever had and I’d do anything for her.

rebecca w jack


laurie w kylo

m atch m ad e by f u r si st e rs - f u reve r u rs r es cu e

8 | Heart

We were fostering three 7-to-8 week-old puppies for Fur Sisters Rescue for several weeks—two little girls and one boy who were taken from a bad situation. I was personally going through an extremely difficult time and fostering, along with my own pups, just helped ease the pain. The girls were quite hyper and would pick on the little boy. He just wanted to cuddle and be next to someone and usually that was me. He (Kylo) became a huge comfort for me. He helped me through many hard days. Fast forward a few weeks ... we’d pre-planned a vacation so another volunteer was going to take over fostering the puppies. I helped to get the girls get settled but I just couldn’t bring myself to hand Kylo over, so I had my husband do it as I went to sit in the car crying. We had fostered before and, although you love them all, you’re happy for them and their new lives. This time, with him, all I wanted was for his new life to be with us. But I knew my husband didn’t want three dogs. I was just so connected to him, it hurt my heart to let him go. The exchange was over and our drive home was rather quiet, minus the sniffles from my crying. The whole time on vacation, and even when we got back home, I just felt lost. Two days later, I was having a particularly bad day, and it just so happened that my husband told me that he had a meeting and would be coming home late. That just sent me deeper over the edge. I was laying in bed when he got home. I didn’t turn around to acknowledge him, and before he said anything I felt the familiar sensation of excited little feet on the bed. I turned around to see the beautiful little puppy face I missed so much running up to me, ready for snuggles and kisses. Needless to say I bursted out in tears! Once composed, I asked my husband what made him bring him home and he said, “It was more important that you had him, then me not wanting a third dog.” He had planned this the day after our return from vacation to pick him up after we got back. e Laurie Fowler Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Laurie + Kylo’s full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartkylo

Unleash Jacksonville | 9

Gina w Rocco

match made at the jacksonville humane Society It alllll started two years ago in July. Before I met my boyfriend, I was living alone and I missed our family dogs—we’d always had a dog (or three) running around. A house is just not a home to me unless there’s a dog running around! I went to the Jacksonville Humane Society three times in one week. The third time was the charm! I saw Rocco (previously Dixon) posted as a new dog that morning. I walked up to his cage when I got there and he looked completely exhausted. He let out a little tail wag and smile. That was it. I chose him. I brought him home and was completely in love right away. I wanted a dog who would never leave my side—that’s what I got, and so much more! As much as he’s attached to me, I’m just as attached to him. My family calls him Shadow Boy, as I trip over him on a weekly basis. I’ve had six family dogs throughout my life, but never one of my very own—Rocco is my first. I’ve never shared a bond or connection with a dog as I do with Rocco. He’s so special. He truly is my everything and will forever hold a piece of my heart. I honestly can’t put into words how much he means to me. He’s on my mind all day, every day—yes, I’m obsessed! I call him my puppy soulmate ... he’s everything and more I could Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Gina + Rocco’s full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartrocco ever want in a best friend. w Gina Pape

10 | Heart

Unleash Jacksonville | 11

Heart Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Stacy + Charlie’s full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartcharlie

Stacy w Charlie m atch m ad e at t h e a n t i - c ru e lt y so c i e ty o f ch icago

The greatest Valentine’s Day gift I’ve ever received was my Charlie. I was living in Chicago at the time and desperately wanted a dog. My then boyfriend showed up at my work that year with a card saying we were going to pick out a puppy at a shelter in downtown Chicago! Once there, I spotted a fat, roly-poly puppy and started to play with him through the crate. I thought, This could be my dog! But that wasn’t going to be the case. As soon as the volunteer opened the crate, that pup shrunk to the back, and his brother, who looked nothing like him and who’d been asleep, woke up and literally dove into my arms. That was it for me. My dog had picked me out. But, I almost didn’t get him as when the shelter called my landlord (who had said it was fine for me to get a dog), he told them it WAS ok, but I had to have a bark collar. The shelter considered this animal cruelty, as do I. I was sobbing, as another interested family was filling out an application for him. I knew in my heart he belonged with me. Thankfully, my [then] boyfriend was able to convince my landlord that the bark collar wasn’t necessary, and if it became an issue, we’d come up with a more “friendly and safe” alternative. It’s now been fourteen years since I took that little mutt with the giant ears home. I named him Charlie after the main character in one of my favorite movies as a kid, All Dogs Go To Heaven. He’s has been with me through eight moves, three states, boyfriends, break-ups, career highs and lows, buying my first home, and so much more. He is my whole world and I can’t imagine my life without him, but, unfortunately, our dogs can’t live forever. “Chuckles” was diagnosed with Cushing’s disease and cancer about a year and a half ago. While this has resulted in my happy, energetic, active dog slowing down dramatically, he’s still maintaining that twinkle in his eye. I know our days are numbered but I feel so blessed to have gotten the chance to call him mine. I count every day I have with him as a win. When the day comes, at least I can take comfort in knowing that we made the most out of our time together; and also, of course, knowing that all dogs go to heaven. c Stacy Hoag

12 | Heart

Unleash Jacksonville | 13


Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Mariel + Rabbit's full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartrabbit

Mariel w Rabbit Match made at the Jacksonville Humane Society

The perfect dog finds you when you need them. I knew I wanted a dog, spending hours browsing shelter sites where I then lived in Gainesville, Florida. My twin sister moved to Jacksonville and the chihuahua we shared went with her. It was lonely without a happy face to greet me. My sister and her boyfriend took me to Jacksonville Humane Society in April 2016. There she was cowering in the back of her pin. The idea of going home without her physically hurt. Her tail was wagging as we left the shelter. Rabbit was then and is now a dog’s dog. She was immediate best friends with their dogs (the chihuahua tries to protect her at dog parks), and to this day follows the behavior of her fur friends. I like to think that she hears through her love. I didn’t know she was deaf until we got home to Gainesville as she was so attentive to their cues. Being deaf has not held her back. We have taken obedience classes using hand signals to communicate. Rabbit earning her Canine Good Citizen title was the proudest day for us. She has enjoyed beginner’s rally and even some nose work too. Taking care of Rabbit and helping her go from the dog that wouldn’t even walk by a man to the happy and playful social butterfly she is now has been everything I ever wanted and more. Rabbit is my heart. c Mariel Foster 14 | Heart


Madeline w piper m atc h m a d e at c lay to n co u nty a nima l co ntro l

Piper was found as a stray and brought a high-kill shelter in Georgia that sadly doesn’t adopt out pit bulls to the average person. Luckily, my friend and her then boyfriend had pulled “Cookie,” now Piper. Piper was covered in bites, she had kennel cough, and was terrified of everything. But she was also incredibly friendly and determined. She took care of the other foster dogs around her, and just was such a good girl. When I went to pick her up, she was so so sweet and full of kisses. The second I put her in the car she changed. She was so scared and sad. To this day she doesn’t like the car, and that’s what makes me believe someone dumped her after abusing her. She’s scared of the smallest things: Vacuums, cats, fireworks, brooms, fast moving objects. However, she loves to watch TV and loves to “protect us” from any animal on the TV! But, God forbid a real cat looks in her direction! She will refuse to move and pretends to be invisible. Piper has helped me tremendously during the past 5 years. I helped train her to be my emotional support animal—after years of suffering, she was the extra help I needed. I conquered an opiate addiction that I developed after my father passed away from suicide in 2012. I knew that if I didn’t get help I would die, too. I’m proud to say, with Piper by my side, I’ve been clean since 2014, and I’ve since graduated from college. Piper helped me so much by making me love others over being selfish. I’m more considerate because of my dog. I am more patient and loving with myself and to others. I learn so much from Piper every single day, and she ALWAYS MAKES ME LAUGH! She’s the best dog in the world and she feels my energy. She is meant for me and I am meant for her. t Madeline Dennis 16 | Heart

Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Madeline + Piper’s full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartpiper

Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Alan + Zeppelin’s full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartzep

Alan w zeppelin

match made at the jacksonville MEGA adoption event We’d lost a dog to cancer in early 2014, and it was devastating. After several months I knew it was time to bring another member of the family home. July 18th, 2014 there was a Mega adoption and our daughter, Victoria, and I went. As we walked through the facility, we couldn’t help but notice most of the dogs were stressed, frightened, sad, and barking—rightfully so. Then we came across a beautiful brown dog, he was so chill and relaxed, almost like he didn’t care that he was there. I told Victoria we had found our new dog. When we brought him home, he walked into the house and jumped right up on the couch as if he’d always been with us. Five years later, Zeppelin never leaves my side. No matter where we go, he just wants to be there. He loves to ride in the truck, walk on the beach and splash in the waves, or hike in the mountains—he’s always up for adventure. On one of our hikes I took a pretty bad fall. As I lay there, dizzy and disoriented, I felt Zeppelin licking my face, pushing me to get up. He knew I needed help and he was there for me. Zeppelin stayed right by my side the entire hike out and kept watch over me throughout my recovery. I could go on and on with stories about Zeppelin and how he is always there for me, but to sum it all up perfectly—he’s more than a dog, he is my best friend. He is my son. i Alan Castro

Unleash Jacksonville | 17

Photos by Woof Creative Photography See Leah+ Pumpkin’s full gallery: tinyurl.com/heartpumpkin


Leah w Pumpkin m atc h m a d e i n m i d d le b u rg

Pumpkin is the love of my life! She has been by my side through so much heartache and I truly think she saved my life. She was one pound when I got her. I was lonely and just got out of a really toxic relationship where my former boyfriend took the dog we had. I got Pumpkin to love and have by my side and she has been there through it all. She has moved across country with me—she’s been everywhere. She sleeps little spoon next to my side every night. She is the first thing I see when I get home from work. My roommate once said “You say hi to Pumpkin before me!” And he was right. She deserves everything in the world. We had a puppy party for her birthday two years ago. She’s four this year—I would make her live forever if I could. o Leah Young

18 | Heart

Unleash Jacksonville | 19

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Unleash Jacksonville | 21


Photo by Layla Neal Photography

We sent our unruly foster to training the next day at Jet Set Pets. She came home a few weeks later a manageable dog! Luke worked with her every day for a few more weeks and Remi was finally ready for her first adoption event! I vividly remember watching Luke take her into the yard at Brewhound and her looking at him like he was the only one in the park. With the grin on his face, I knew he found his heart dog. When we left that night, he asked if we could talk about keeping Remi. My heart was still shattered from losing Max, I wasn’t ready for a new family member. A week later Remi was headed back down to Brewhound for a meeting with potential adopters. Luke was furious that I wouldn’t even discuss keeping Remi and I was forcing him to participate. “It’s not fair / Jessica Caplette that you’re going to deny me “There will always be that dog that no dog will experiencing with Remi what replace, that dog that will make you cry even when you had with Max!” Words true enough I had to it’s been gone more years than it could have ever choke back tears. I don’t think anyone should be lived.” (MD ‘The gift of a great dog’) denied the privileged experience of a heart dog. I cried when asked to write a story for this issue. We arrived and Kelly from Fur Sisters asked Luke to Just the mention of a heart dog was enough to fill out some information on Remi that might help the flood my face with tears (in public...again). I lost my adopters. He took the pen, likely cussing me out under heart dog after a two-year fight with lymphoma. his breath, and started to read the questions: But this is about beginnings… 1. Would you love Remi forever? Remi was a black dog not doing well in a rural shelter. Fur Sisters stepped up and gave her the break He shot me a dirty look. she needed. She had two failed fosters and was back 2. We hope you answered yes because she is yours in boarding needing a savior. So why not me? forever! Remi was on kitchen counters, sailing over Tears welled up in his eyes as couches, digging, chasing confusion became understanding cars, jumping on people that this “adoption meet and greet” and scaring the crap out of was all for him. Remi knew, because anyone on a bicycle. She was in that moment she jumped on a disaster! There was no way him frantically kissing him...and anyone was going to adopt wouldn’t you know it but there just her! Luke hadn’t been home so happened to be a photographer all week, but Thursday night he handy (thank you Layla Neal)! got to experience our new foster I love dogs. I’ve loved all my first-hand. That night he slept on dogs deeply. But I think you only get one heart dog. And I’m so the couch with her and Remi was grateful that Luke found his. • immediately smitten.

A Gift of the Heart

22 | Heart

ALWAYS IN MY HEART. If love alone could’ve kept you here, you would’ve lived forever. honoring heart dogs that have passed

I’m so grateful for the 5 years of sun rises Cleo and I had together.

Years ago, I went to Atlantic Beach Animal Control with a friend who was wanting to adopt— we walked in and Cleo came RUNNING right to me and jumped on my lap. I knew we were meant to be. She was the first dog I ever adopted, and I promised her she wouldn’t be my last. She was abandoned in a house when the previous tenants moved out—she’d been in a crate without food or water for close to a week. Over time, she trusted I would never abandon her. We watched the sunrise at the beach together at least four days a week .... it was our time, and it seemed in slow motion. She taught me do cherish each moment, the importance of rescue, and that everyone is worth a chance. If it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t be the rescue advocate I am today—I promised her I would always rescue, foster, and donate in her name. She’s a special lady that will always hold a HUGE piece of my heart. d Diana Manzano

Cali was the most amazing best friend.

She was always up for an adventure and we called her our little thrill-seeker. We often joked she had an extreme case of FOMO! Whether riding in my bike basket all over the beach, traveling, kayaking, paddleboarding, or being a therapy dog for Heartland Hospice, she was excited to do it! Cali was by my side for 17 years. We had to say goodbye on June 6, and she took a piece of my heart with her, but I’ll hold the memories close for a lifetime. q Jen Stafford

My heart dog, Precious just walked up on our porch one day!

Precious was our first family pet. She was extremely spoiled and we called her a diva. She was loved by all and could be seen with one of us at all times. w Heather Henderson

Sydney was like my first child.

Sydney was my first dog, I adopted her during college from Ginger was a wonderful dachshund who Jax Animal control (as it was loved everyone she met. She was my son’s called back in the ‘90s). I had dog. When my son’s accident left him in a her while my husband and I wheelchair eight years ago, Ginger was right were dating, marriage, two kids, by his side. She knew his life had changed, and the passing of my father. and she also adapted. Ginger loved riding Such a wonderful dog! She on my son’s lap in the wheelchair. She also loved the babies but also would made sure I was taking care of him correctly. be very protective of our family. I can still see her looking me in the eyes as if She got me through many tragic to say, “Do you know what you’re doing?” She events. I will always miss my lived to be 15 and died on the anniversary of sweet puppers. l Sharon Brown the accident. I still miss her. q Sue Humphrey

Ginger was my son’s guardian.

Unleash Jacksonville | 23


“Once you’ve had a wonderful dog, a life without one is a life diminished.” Dean Koontz W hen I met Auggie at Cuyahoga County Animal She er in Cleveland, OH, it was love at first sight!

He was so sweet and loving and was happy to be my snuggle buddy. He could tell when people needed extra attention and acted as an unofficial therapy dog to many. He was by my side during a bad breakup and a move across the country— letting me cry in his fluff when I needed it. He was also so silly and would make me laugh and forget those bad things bringing me down. I’m so glad my now husband got to know and love him before we lost him to cancer. I had his ashes placed in a cremation crystal so he could be my something blue at our wedding. c Cindy Capell

Laney was there for me every day of her life.

Laney was special to me. I was retired from the marine corps at age 19 due to a traumatic brain injury (TBI). I got home after months of therapy and counseling to find my mother’s dog had had puppies. One of her puppies stood out to me—Little Laney is what I called her. My therapist thought it was good for me to show my ability to care for myself and others. She loved to cuddle. She was a big dog that climbed in laps as if she was a puppy until day she died. Laney was with me when I married my first wife. She was a big part of being the at-home parent with my only son. When the marriage ended, she was there for me as I tried to figure my life out. I have endless memories that are rushing me all as I type this, but there are three memories of her that are always first in my mind: The first day I met her; the day I was crying on my porch and she climbed in my lap to comfort me with her favorite doll in her mouth; and her last moment on earth. That morning I was getting my son ready for school and I gave her her morning dental stick. Something in way she looked at me felt wrong. Just before leaving the house I checked on her. I found her in her bed laying with her favorite doll, but she was no longer there. That day I buried her next to her mother and a sister at my mom’s. It took a long time to recover from the loss of Laney. When she looked at me that morning she was trying to tell me good-bye. I just didn’t know it at that time. l Michael Paul

Bailey was my everything.

Bailey was the first dog that was one-hundred percent mine. I got her in my mid-20’s from [Jacksonville] Animal Care & Protective Services (ACPS). She was with me through break-ups, through depression, and anxiety issues. Bailey got me through days where I wanted to give up. She was an incredible puppy and lived to be the sweetest, most gentle 14-year-old lady. Bailey was just an incredibly amazing dog who will be in my heart forever. FMandy Heaton

Aunt Pitty Pat was brave, beautiful, and fierce her entire life. Pitty Pat was grabbed by a hawk at ten weeks old, resulting in the loss of her eyes. She graced the halls of the schools where I taught as the Captain of “the Polite Pug Patrol,” honoring kids for great behavior. She made an impact on thousands of kids who saw her overcome obstacles with ease. She passed away peacefully next to me one night, and a piece of me went with her. P Rebekah Harp 24 | Heart

It didn’t take long to decide … Nemo wasn’t going anywhere.

He started with us as a foster from Florida Great Pyrenees Rescue ... after about a week, we knew he wasn’t going anywhere. When we dropped him off to be neutered, he looked back at me as if to say, “you’re leaving me here???” He was so happy to see me return the next day to pick him up. Nemo was such a sweet boy ... we had “moon and mommy” time where we’d lay outside by the pool and watch the moon and stars for hours; just him and me. He ended up with a fast moving cancer that no one knew was there and was gone within weeks. I held him in my arms went he went to The Bridge. I miss him each and every day. V Darlene Hannan

Chloe—we didn’t get enough time together, but we sure made every minute count!

Chloe was a sad, neglected senior when she came to my house as a foster from Pit Sisters and never left. Her personality really came out when she finally wasn’t suffering pain from her teeth after they were fixed. Sadly, shortly after that we discovered she had bladder cancer. We took her (my husband and I covered the medical expenses, since a rescue can’t always afford all those specialists) to a oncologist and gave her well-deserved time to really enjoy the rest of her life. To make those eight months as joyful and loving was truly rewording. c Alex Young

I’d seen Trapper’s picture on the rescue website and just knew we were meant to be.

I adopted Trapper from Australian Shepherds Furever Rescue when he was around eight. When I met him he licked me on the nose and that made it official. He had a rough life before me—who knows what he all went through, but he was pretty anxious whenever I’d leave. He “renovated” my condo while I was at work. :) However, whenever I was around he was calm and relaxed. I still remember the first time he got up on the couch with me—it was such a momentous occasion, as he hadn’t really been sure how to show or receive affection up until that point. We developed a really close bond, and he always made sure to know where I was. It took him a while to warm up to my now husband, but the three of us became a pack and went everywhere together. If Trapper couldn’t go somewhere, there’s a good chance we didn’t end up going. He had very expressive eyes and such a unique personality. Trapper passed away this past April. Not a day goes by that I don’t think about him ... he had such a unique personality and was such a great dog. I just wish that I had more time with him! w Sarah

LucyLu was the love of my life dog; my dog-child.

She was just the most attentive and loving, and she knew exactly how to comfort me during all the sad times ... she went everywhere with me for 16.5 years, and she was always by my side, accepting every stray, foster, or foster failure that I brought home. She died two years ago this past Memorial Day, I still miss her like it was yesterday. m Tammy

“To call him a dog hardly seems to do him justice, though inasmuch as he had four legs, a tail, and barked, I admit he was, to all outward appearances. But to those who knew him well, he was a perfect gentleman.” Hermione Gingold Unleash Jacksonville | 25

“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad.” Robert Wagner

Sophie gave me a reason to get up every morning.

I rescued her just as much as she rescued me. Sophie was a 6-month-old gorgeous American Bulldog, found tied up in someone’s backyard, to be used for breeding. A neighbor stepped up and confronted them about not caring for her properly and threatened to call authorities. Long story short, through several people she ended up at my house (supposedly temporarily, until I could find her a home). We immediately bonded and she was home. Sophie came into my life right after my father passed away—it was the most difficult time of my life, and adopting a dog wasn’t even on my radar at the time. But as they say, everything happens for a reason. Sophie gave me a reason to get up every morning and walk on the beach when I might have slept until noon. She made me laugh through tears with her silly antics. Grieving the loss of a parent is hard ... she helped me through that like another human couldn’t. We didn’t need to talk ... although she was the best listener. I swear she understood every word I spoke to her—I could tell from all of her head tilts. Sophie always knew what I needed and gave it to me one-hundred percent of the time. She was smart, loyal, funny, and almost human. She was truly my best friend. I was lucky enough to spend 12 wonderful years with her, but letting her go was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. It was like grieving the loss of my dad all over again. She meant so much to me and helped me through that grief ... who was going to help me grieve her? I have believe she and my dad are together watching over me and taking care of each other. I now have three dogs and love them so much. I have special connections with them all, but Sophie will always be my best girl ... my heart. h Kel Krebiel

26 | Heart

I had an amazing connection to this little ug puppy from the moment I saw him.

Cody was severely underweight and had no hair, as he was a stray baby rescued off the streets. He grew into the most ridiculously gorgeous mutt you’ve ever seen, with long luxurious hair. He went everywhere with our family, but was my dog. He had many adventures in our travels, and was even was chased by a black bear with me, and one time got stuck in a small waterfall where we were afraid he was going to drown at 11 years old—but he got himself out of the rapids. He always came when called, he loved everyone, and was the best boy ever. He was my one. He was my heart dog. Though there have been many before him, and there will be many after him ... he was my special boy and I still miss him dearly. He ended up starting to have seizures at 13 and they believed a brain bleed was the cause. He broke my heart. Cody was so loved, and so healthy in every other way ... and at 13 still walked two miles daily. Love you forever precious boy. P Becky Rosa

We did everything together and he on had eyes for me.

Tyson Jo was my first dog. He moved to Jacksonville with me and we started a new chapter. He helped me make friends by attending dog events wiht me. When I started dating my husband, Tyson Jo gave him a hard time and would sit in between us. Slowly, Tyson warmed up to Steve. He would later be the ring bearer in our wedding. I always told my husband he was a close second to Tyson Jo. When my husband unexpectedly passed away, Tyson seemed to understand what was going on. I needed him more than ever. A few months after Steve’s passing, Tyson underwent routine teeth cleaning and he passed away afterward. My best friend and therapist was gone. He was supposed to live forever and help me through this hard journey. I still need him, but I guess Stevie needed him more. I know my angels are looking down on me everyday. P Amanda F nn •

Unleash Jacksonville | 27

Blu and The City My Favorite “PIT” Stops in Jacksonville’s Best Kept (Dog-Friendly) Secret:

Historic Springfield / Blu Beauregard (with help from Alaina Mitchell) @blu_the_pit_about_town Springfield is one of Jacksonville’s most walkable communities and boy do I know it! With beautiful sidewalk lined streets, gorgeous historic homes, lots of parks to visit, and the friendliest neighbors around, its easy for an energetic pup like myself to stay busy. But what a lot of dog parents don’t know is Springfield is full of amazing restaurants and shops that love to roll the red carpet out for their four-legged guests! Here are a few of my favorites... HYPERION BREWING COMPANY

Bad to the Bone! Hyperion Brewing Company is a familyowned brewery and comes fully-stocked with lots of belly rubs and kisses. Mum and I always feel like family when we visit—I’m always offered a ^ I’m a sucker for places with great live music. seat at the table, a bowl of fresh water, and lots of attention. There’s comfy, shaded seating in the front with a wonderful view of main street, as well as a huge, covered beer garden in the back with lots of room to roam. When mum and I go out for a night on the town it’s important for her to know I’m comfortable and having fun, so she can enjoy herself, too. In that regard, Hyperion scores a 5 out of 5 bones! Be sure to have your PAWrent check out their event calendar on Facebook because there is always something fun brewing! CRISPY’S SPRINGFIELD GALLERY

I’m the kinda pup that likes a seat at the table, and at Crispy’s there’s always a special spot ^ How adorable is my grammy? for us fur-babies! The seating out front is shaded and cooled with fans. They always have bowls full of water for their most important of guests, and the team there stays 28 | Heart

on top of keeping it full, in fact I usually get ice and a lemon in mine—because dogs are people too, right? My favorite part is how special I feel! Everyone swoons over me and makes certain that I am entertained so mum can have a good time. She always orders me the meatballs and I must say they are the best! Mum says “the drinks are generous and the food is to die for!” SOCIAL GROUNDS COFFEE

Us dogs LOVE making our Humans happy, right? Next time you want to make your Mum or Dad smile take them out to Social Grounds!! As soon as you ^ See how happy Mum is? walk in you will find a big bowl of fresh water (because they have their priorities straight) which is fabulous after a stroll in this Summer heat! The team there is always happy to see you and, best of all, they have a treat stash behind the counter! According to Mum, they make the best frapps in town and they have a great assortment of snacks too! Must Attend Event:


This is a fun monthly event, featuring great music, food trucks, local vendors, cocktails and more, is held behind Bobby K Boutique ^ Just me bein’ cute. and Bark on Main! It’s a true “Who Let The Dogs Out” kinda night! (For more info check out the SPAR event calendar on Facebook.) Springfield is a lot like me—fun, friendly, and really good looking! The people of this community are proud of its history and they work hard to make it a beautiful place to visit. From spacious parks to tasty dining and hip breweries, there’s no shortage of things to do with your furry family members. Come enjoy Springfield with me soon! •

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Unleash Jacksonville | 29

Just One Bite. It only takes one bite from an infected mosquito to break your pet’s heart. Most pet owners have heard of heartworms, but are unsure as to what they are, how they are caused, and what happens if your pet gets heartworm disease. We’re going to help clarify this for you! What are heartworms? Heartworms are a serious and potentially fatal disease in pets, particularly in Florida with the prevalence of mosquitoes. Foot-long worms live in the heart, lungs, and blood vessels of infected pets, causing lung disease, heart failure, and organ damage. It can be fatal if untreated. How does my pet get heartworms? Heartworms living in an infected dog, cat, or wildlife produce baby worms that circulate in the bloodstream. When a mosquito bites an infected animal, it picks up these worms and, if the conditions are right and it bites another animal, the worms enter through the bite wound. Heartworms can grow and live for five to seven years in dogs and three years in cats. How prevalent is heartworm disease in Jacksonville? Heartworm disease is a year-

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round problem, and diagnosed all twelve months of the year. In Duval County one in sixty dogs test positive for heartworms. What can I do to protect my pet from heartworms? Heartworm disease is preventable! Dogs should be tested annually by your veterinarians and before starting any heartworm prevention medication. Prevention is the safest and most cost-effective option, but treatment is available for dogs. Cats should be tested before starting prevention and retested as the veterinarian deems appropriate. There is currently NO treatment in cats, so prevention is critical and the only means of protection. Heartworm prevention products must be administered year-round to protect your pet. Make an appointment at Herschel Animal Clinic in Avondale/Riverside for your pet’s heartworm test and to discuss the best prevention options! • / Herschel Animal Clinic 4030 Herschel St., Jacksonville 904-389-0364 • herschelanimalclinic.com

Unleash Jacksonville | 31


My quest to Ditch Heartworms holistically An introduction to nosodes /Janice Frank The word “Heartworm” incites a lot of fear in us pet parents, as well it should. Heartworm is an insidious disease spread by mosquitoes when they bite a dog and inject baby worms, (parasites) called microfilariae into the body. The effects of untreated heartworm disease are devastating. As someone who lives in an endemic area and has taken in, what can arguably be considered a copious number of rescue dogs over the last 15 years, I’ve had substantial experience with varying treatment and prevention protocols of heartworms. Since the 80’s, we’ve relied on conventional methods for parasite prevention. Ivermectin, moxidectin, and milbemycin are some of the more common drugs found in popular brands such as Heartgard and Interceptor. While effective in treating many internal parasites including heartworm, whip worm, roundworm and ear mites, toxicity can occur, and some dogs have even been reported to be genetically hypersensitive to the medication. This genetic sensitivity is due to a mutation known as the MDR1 gene. In these cases, ivermectin can pass the blood/brain barrier and cause lethal toxicity. Breeds which have been more commonly reported to possess the MDR1 gene are Collies, Shelties, Australian shepherds, German shepherds, and other mixed breeds that include herding pedigrees. The only way to determine whether an individual dog does in fact carry the MDR1 gene is through a test in which cells are scraped from the inside of a dog’s cheek and sent off for laboratory genetic testing. Our introduction to heartworm treatment was with Major, a hound mix who was dumped at a local elementary school, and ultimately wound up at the shelter. We were told he tested heartworm positive, 32 | Heart

Hank was adopted from The London Sanctuary and is now heartworm free!

and if we didn’t adopt, he’d likely be euthanized. So we adopted him, and immediately got on the phone with the vet and formulated a treatment plan. Being that Major was a relatively young and otherwise healthy pup, we were advised the most effective approach would be to undergo a series of immiticide injections, which kills the adult worms in a short period of time. Major would endure three of these injections to the muscles along the spine, along with doses of the antibiotic doxycycline, as well as Ivermectin to kill the microfilariae in the bloodstream and stop the ability to spread. These injections were very painful and required almost four months of downtime in which Major was unable to engage in any physical activity that would elevate his heart rate. Doing so could cause an overly rapid dieoff of the worms, which posed the risk of becoming lodged. Although inconvenient and painful, the treatment was a success for Major. Our next dog, Wyatt, was an emaciated sickly hound. With him, we opted for the “slow-kill” method, as he was deemed not healthy enough to endure the immiticide injections. The slow kill method involves an elevated initial dosing of ivermectin, coupled with doxycycline, followed by regular monthly administration. Since this method doesn’t kill adult worms, they continue to live within the host (Wyatt) until they naturally die off which can take up to two years. In the meantime, the adult worms could be causing damage to the heart and lungs. In Wyatt’s case, a heart murmur developed on one side of his heart. After baring witness to the gruelling process of these treatments, when we adopted another heartworm positive dog, Hank the Hound, I found myself contemplating: What do we do when

both a disease and its conventional treatments are undesirable? I became passionate about researching an alternative option—it’s what I’d do for myself or anyone else I loved, so of course I did this for Hank. I poured over medical cases, interviewed herbalists, homeopaths, holistic and allopathic veterinarians. While reading an article written by holistic veterinarian, Dr. Gerald Wessner, I first learned of Nosodes. He discussed the efficacy of nosodes based on anecdotal cases throughout his 30 years of practice, as well as documented incidents from other practitioners. I was compelled to learn more, and thrilled to find his practice was in Summerfield, Florida. I scheduled a visit, and took off on a two-hour road trip with all four of my dogs in tow. While there, Dr. Wessner explained that Nosodes are specialized formulated remedies used in homeopathic medicine since the mid1800’s. They’re prepared by taking actual diseased matter from a sick animal such as diseased tissue or nasal discharge. Prepared through a lengthy process, known as potentization, which is repeated succession and dilution of the original material until no molecules of the crude substance remain, rendering nosode safe for use. Thus creating a potent remedy which serves as an energetic blueprint of the actual disease. Once administered, the body recognizes the cellular structure and disease imprint, producing an immune response similar to actual exposure of the disease itself. 1 The controversy here is that, while scientific studies and research proving their efficacy are lacking, numerous examples exist where nosodes have been used successfully in both prevention and treatment of disease onset. For example, Nosodes have been proven effective for preventing and treating kennel cough, parvo, and canine distemper. Dr. Isaac Golden is an Australian homeopath who’s done extensive research in the field of homeopathic childhood immunizations. He conducted a clinical trial of typical childhood diseases and concluded homeopathic immunizations (nosodes) to be 90.4% effective. (To read more about Dr. Golden’s study, refer to his book, “Homeoprophylaxis: A Ten Year Clinical Study.”)

After all my research and meeting Dr. Wessner, I decided to pursue his heartworm protocol: 1. The heartworm nosode is used on a declining schedule from daily to weekly over a threemonth period. 2. A product called Paratox (a homeopathic complex of several remedies) is given orally or in the drinking water twice daily for 48 days. 3. Diatomaceous earth is fed in moistened food once daily for a month or longer.

There was no downtime required, which was a blessing since Hank was highly energetic and would certainly not take kindly to crate restriction. Admittedly, at first it was a little hard to trust that these “little white pellets” were going to do anything, but four months after initiating treatment, Hank tested heartworm free! I now have all my dogs on the same protocol for preventive care, and they continue to test heartworm free! According to Dr. Wessner’s website, holisticvetclinic.net, regarding the treatment of heartworm with nosodes, “Statistics are not available as to what percentage of treated dogs test negative after six months after completion of the treatment, but the percentage seems to be over 75% ... Of course, I do not attribute the success just to the heartworm nosode, but to the entire holistic protocol of diet, nosodes, lack of use of chemicals, antibiotics, steroids, and other man-made drugs. I also prefer our pets to be watered with a filtered product such as reverse osmosis ...” When it comes to caring for the overall general health of the dogs in our home, we practice a nutrition-based approach feeding only fresh foods—mostly raw—we titer test, as opposed to over vaccination, and we don’t use chemicals for pest control or prevention. We work regularly with our holistic vet to support the body’s homeostasis to run optimally and rely on its own abilities to protect itself, versus continuously compromising the immune system. Unfortunately, there’s no way around it— heartworm is a huge problem in Florida (and almost every other state). You must to take measures to prevent them one way or another. I’m not a veterinarian, but I wanted to share my quest to reduce chemicals ingested by all the dogs in my care—and of curing Hank’s heartworms with an alternative method—in the hope that it might inspire you to research the same. • We’ve learned that Dr. Wessner passed away unexpectedly on July 28, 2019. Our deepest condolences to his friends and family. We offer our gratitude for his contributions to the holistic veterinary field. Dr. Gerald Wessner DVM; Dogs Naturally Magazine; January-February 2011; p.15 Nosodes in Veterinary Practice other sources: William Falconer, DVM—vitalanimal.com; Offers articles, tips and courses on “How to raise wildly healthy animals in tune with natural laws” Dr. Jean Dodds, expert in hematology and immune disease—hemopet.org “Dr Dodds’ General Recommendations For Heartworm Preventatives” Dr. Isaac Golden—Books, “Vaccination and Homeoprophylaxis: A Review of Risks and Alternatives,” and “Homeoprophylaxis: A Ten Year Clinical Study” Dr. Mercola—healthypets.mercola.com “The ABCs of Homeopathic Nosodes”


Unleash Jacksonville | 33

The last time I heard my dad’s voice, it was when I stopped by to bring him a milkshake. He was happy to be home and in good spirits after an unexpected hospital stay. I said, “I love you,” and cracked a smile before leaving. I still remember the way he said, “I love you, too, and tell Davi ‘hello’ and I’ll see him in a few weeks,” with a sweetness in his voice. My dad had an unwonted affection for Davi. My dog is an energetic and enthusiastic little fellow who has a special way about him. Tossing treats was the one ingredient that kept their relationship solid. That ended when my dad became ill.

It’s been unbelievably difficult losing my dad. I feel like someone reached into my body and pulled out a chunk of my soul. But with Davi, the healing process seemed to just happen. When an 11-pound dachshund licks your tears away, then gently rests his head on your lap, it’s hard to feel sad. It sounds so cliché, but Davi also gave me the ability to laugh again— real, pure laughter. When you’re mourning the loss of someone close to you, a lot of pretending happens. Pretending to be ok, pretending to be happy, and pretending to laugh. But when Davi comes along, flapping his ears and rolling over to show his belly, I don’t have a choice. Laughter and joy just happen. He’s ridiculously cute and doesn’t even know it, and I love him for that.

Leaning on Davi

Later that night I received a call from my mom, “You need to come to the hospital now. Your dad is very sick.” It only took two sentences for my world to fall apart. The days that followed are a bit of a blur. Davi was the one constant during my dad’s illness, steady by my side, as my emotions shifted from hope and encouragement to anger and grief. When he sensed my sadness, he grabbed one of his favorite toys, a squeaky squirrel, and put it in my lap, hoping that the toy which makes him happy might somehow help me to feel better.

Whether or not dogs fully sympathize with us, there’s no question that they react to humans’ emotional distress. They may not know exactly how we feel, but they know we’re feeling something, and comfort us because they can tell we feel rotten, even if they don’t entirely understand. 34 | Heart

He has also taught me that

/ Rebecca Miller dogs mourn differently than humans.

They don’t have a sense that a person is never coming back, they just think they’re not there at that moment. It helped me to think like that, too. My dad will always be my dad—he just isn’t here right now.

I think about my dad every day. I want to talk to him, and joke with him, and tell him I met a guy, and he’s Jewish. Knowing he won’t see me get married or see Davi beg for another bite of his tasty cake is a tough pill to swallow. However, I find peace in the fact that I have 40 plus years of unforgettable memories. Grief will come in waves, but when I’m down, Davi is there is comfort me and show me how I can continue to find happiness, even during the dark days, and see the beauty in life again. Sometimes relief doesn’t come in the form of family or friends—but in a long, four-legged companion. •


“FREE AGENTS” Adopt your bestie today!

Max ✓ Senior looking for a senior

Looking for a buddy, best friend, or wingman?

Someone to chill with, exercise with, play with, cuddle with, discuss politics with and not be judged? We’ve found the best free-agents in town! All you have to do is pick the one that fits your lifestyle and sign them to be part of your squad. turn the page for more >>>

Sonya ✓ Dogs ✓ Cats ? Kids

AGE: 11 yrs | ENERGY: Low/Med AGE: 5 yrs | ENERGY: Laid back ABOUT: Max is a sweet senior chocolate ABOUT: Sonya is a beautiful, lab who’d love the company of a senior independent cat looking for a quiet human. He loves to swim and hang out home. She enjoys spending time with with his person. He needs a parent who you on the couch in the evenings. is patient and understands he needs Please give this sweet girl the forever boundaries to be a successful match. home she has been waiting for. Max is looking for unconditional love! Sonya’s adoption fee is sponsored. S.A.F.E. PET RESCUE CONTACT:

beachbarkjax@gmail.com • 904.400.1280



Tiger ✓ Dogs ✓ Cats ✓ All kids

AGE: 2 yrs | ENERGY: Medium ABOUT: ABOUT Tiger is a sweet terrier mix who loves to be close to you. He is playful and snugly—likes to play but will totally chill with you, too! He is very well behaved and house broken. FUR SISTERS - FUREVER URS RESCUE


Unleash Jacksonville | 35

SIDEKICK: A sidekick is a buddy who comes with you


on your adventures. If you’re a superhero, your sidekick helps you fight crime.


Looking for an adventure buddy? Or someone to help you fight crime? Here ya go! Adopt one of these free-agent sidekicks today! Adoption fees vary and sidekicks are worth every penny.


Carter ✓ Dogs ? Cats ✓ Kids

✓ Dogs ✓ Cats ✓ Kids

AGE: 1 yr | ENERGY: Med/High ABOUT: Finn is a gorgeous chocolate lab mix. He’s such a foodie, and waiting for a fellow foodie to adopt and enjoy food together every day! He loves people, kids, and dogs. Potty trained, leash trained, and crate trained. He’s had formal training as well. He really cares about other dogs! POOCHIES PET RESCUE



AGE: 4ish | ENERGY: Medium ABOUT: This 67-pound labrador-golden mix thinks that life is amazing after sitting in a shelter for over six months, he all had but given up. Carter is crate trained, loves other dogs, tennis balls, and frisbee. PAW PAWS PET RESCUE



Rocket ✓ Dogs ? Cats ✓ Kids

AGE: 5 yrs | ENERGY: Low-Med ABOUT Looking for a water dog? ABOUT: Rocket is your boy. He LOVES water!!! And treats, kisses (giving & getting), toys, soft beds, car rides, outdoor adventures, snuggle time, naps, and mostly wants to be someone’s everything. Prefers senior and smaller dogs.


✓ Dogs ✓ Cats ✓ Kids AGE: 6 months | ENERGY: Medium ABOUT: Happy and loving hound mix pups! Buttercup is sweet and shy with so much love to give. She greets you with a gorgeous smile on her face and a wagging tail. Tawny enjoys playing with other dogs and kids, but also makes a great cuddle buddy. Perfect pup! Maisy has a loving personality. She gives the best kisses and cuddles! POOCHIE’S PET RESCUE INC | poochiespetrescue@gmail.com

daphne |

✓ Dogs ? Cats ✓ Kids

AGE: 2ish | ENERGY: Med/High ABOUT: Daphne is the epitome of the perfect dog...has never met a human or animal she doesn’t like and eager to learn and please. She would love a doggie sibling who loves to play! BEACH BARK CARES & PURE BULLIES AT HEART |

BeachBarkJax@gmail.com • 904.400.1280




AGE: 5 yrs ENERGY: Medium ABOUT: Willie insists he’s a puppy. He is a ridiculously sweet guy who loves to play with his toys, adores being on his human’s lap and snuggling ... and let’s face it, he’s cute to boot! CONTACT BRENDA





✓ Dogs ✗ Cats ✓ Older Kids

✓ Dogs ? Cats ✓ Kids

AGE: 3 yrs | ENERGY: Medium ABOUT: Jasper is a very goofy and happy Bulldog mix. He’s is happy to have a cozy bed and chew bone. He loves short walks too!

AGE: 3-4 yrs | ENERGY: Medium ABOUT: Baby is such a sweet and laid back American Bulldog mix looking for her forever family. She is housebroken, crate trained, great with all dogs - loves to play and then snuggle! She is good on leash and enjoys walks. Her smile is the best!



✓ Dogs ✗ Cats ✓ Kids

AGE: 8-10 yrs | ENERGY: Low/Med ABOUT: Scout is a love bug beagle! He loves to be outside exploring. He’d be happiest (and so would you) if he has a doggie door and access to the outside! S.A.F.E. PET RESCUE

beachbarkjax@gmail.com 904.400.1280






Lux ✓ Dogs

? Cats

? Kids

F ACPS STITAEF! FAVOR AGE: 7 yrs ENERGY: Low ABOUT: Lux is a staff and volunteer favorite at the shelter! He’s super potty trained, walks great on leash, and is a relatively calm boy—but also has a silly side and the cutest underbite in town! He’s very smart, knows basic commands—will do anything for a snack, and loves to sunbathe in the grass! Lux is neutered, up to date on vaccines, heartworm negative, and microchipped! ANIMAL CARE & PROTECTIVE SERVICES

2020 Forest St., Jacksonville jaxpets@coj.net coj.net/pets

✗ Dogs ✗ Cats

? Kids

Zorro ✓ Dogs ? Cats ✓ Older Kids



AGE: 7 yrs ENERGY ENERGY: Low AGE: 4 yrs | ENERGY: Med/High ABOUT: Mayweather is a terrific ABOUT: Zorro is a beautiful boy in a compact package! He’s potty Australian Cattle-mix TRIPOD! trained, walks great on leash, knows He’s crate trained, house trained, basic commands, and is super sweet, playful, lovable, and plays well with friendly & affectionate! He’s currently other dogs of medium-to-large size one of our longest shelter residents! (no small dogs). He’s not letting losing Come meet him and make his dreams a leg slow him down. of a forever loving home come true!! Zorro’s adoption fee is sponsored when the right family ANIMAL CARE & PROTECTIVE SERVICES chooses him as their sidekick!

2020 Forest St., Jacksonville jaxpets@coj.net coj.net/pets



Contact: arabbott313@gmail.com Unleash Jacksonville | 37

Unleash Jacksonville | 39

40 | Heart

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