Where is Mrs. Bird?

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Where is Mrs. Bird? By: Ken Morales


First and foremost, this book is for God ~ Through Whom all things are possible. For Bridgette ~ Thank you for helping me come up with the title! We couldn’t very well keep calling it Children’s Book. Your input was greatly needed and appreciated. Most of all, thank you for my grandchildren, my first audience. For My parents ~ Thank you for believing in me and helping to bring this story to life. For the children ~ I hope you enjoy this story and maybe even learn a thing or two! Special thanks to Kids_designerr@Fiverr for bringing Mr. & Mrs. Bird and their friends to life with your wonderful illustrations. Your patience and attention to detail were much appreciated.



On a cold and misty day When I took my morning run Clouds were everywhere With no hint of the sun I saw a little lovebird Sitting all alone Waiting for his lady bird To find her way back home She is out there nursing Her broken little wing And all that he can do Is sit alone and sing It’s a happy little tune To anyone who’s near But he wishes for the notes That only he can’t hear. . .



Once upon a time on a cold and misty day Mr. Squirrel was out about and on his way to play He saw his friend Mr. Bird on a fence alone and Stopped to ask if Mrs. Bird decided to stay home.



Mr. Bird turned to his friend with sadness in his eyes. “Mrs. Bird needs help. I saw her falling from the skies. I think she hurt her wing. Of that I can’t be sure. I looked all that I could, but there’s no sign of her. So I sit here all alone. I sing her favorite song. I only wish I knew exactly what went wrong.”



Mr. Squirrel then said, “Don’t worry, I am here! I will help you find her, no matter far or near.” Mr. Bird flew down, and for a moment, oh so brief Mr. Squirrel thought he saw a twinkle of relief.



So off they went to find her. She couldn’t be that far. And as the moon appeared, Mr. Bird wished on star. “I wish upon a star tonight, the first star that I see. I ask that you bring Mrs. Bird safely back to me.”



Then all of a sudden as quickly as can be, Out darted Mrs. Skunk and said, “Hey there it’s me! Where are you two going at this hour in the dark? It’s getting very late. What brings you to the park?”



Mr. Bird had to pause before he could reply. And there was no mistaking the teardrop in his eye. “Mrs. Bird is hurt you see. I saw her falling down. I looked for her as best I could, but she could not be found. Mr. Squirrel said he’d help bring her safely home When he saw me on a fence singing all alone. So now our search begins. The stars will guide our way. Then the rising sun will come to light the day.”



Mrs. Skunk sat very still. Then loudly she declared, “Let’s find Mrs. Bird! The poor dear must be scared! There’s no time to waste. Mrs. Bird might be in need. She might be trapped in mud and waiting to be freed.” Mr. Bird was touched, and to the pair he said, “How fortunate am I to have such loyal friends . . .”



Let us leave our friends in search of Mrs. Bird To see what wasn’t seen and hear what wasn’t heard . . At the playground on the day that Mrs. Bird was hurt Some kids were throwing rocks that they found in the dirt.



One of them threw low. One of them threw high. That’s the one that hit the bird flying in the sky. That is when Mrs. Bird lost her gift of flight. And that is when she fell, out of her husband’s sight.



To the little boy Mrs. Bird began to sing, “Young man, that rock you threw just hit my little wing!” When the boy had seen the harm that he had done He began to cry. This was no longer fun.



His mother hurried over to her crying little boy. Then she calmly said, “A rock is not a toy. You will take this bird and nurse her back to health, And maybe you will learn a thing or two about yourself.”



Back we go to Mr. Bird siting all alone. “She is out there somewhere. I can feel it in my bones . . .”



By now all of their friends had heard about the Birds.’ And once the word got out, they all showed up in herds. “We’re here to help our friend find his long-lost bride. We’ll climb the highest mountain. We’ll cross the widest tide.”



Mr. Bird was overjoyed and shouted happily, “You are not just friends. You’re all like family! Spotted, feathered, striped, the wild and the tame We love those dear to us. So, you see we’re all the same. Now, let’s go find my wife. The park is where she fell. She is out there waiting, but she’s alive and well. Don’t ask me how I know. I couldn’t tell you how. I just know we need to go and find her now!”



Back again to Mrs. Bird, her wing now fully healed. The little boy who threw the rock approached her cage and kneeled. “Can you please forgive me? I’ve done a terrible thing. I’m sorry for the carelessness that hurt your tiny wing.”



Mrs. Bird sat quietly until the boy was near. Then she sang a song that only he could hear. “Hush now little boy. I see your heart is true. You helped to heal my wing, so of course I forgive you. Just remember that you humans aren’t alone. We animals also call this lovely world our home . . .”



Mr. Bird had quite a crew, and they searched everywhere Racoon, fox, beaver, mole, and cotton tail hare. Birds searched in the sky. Snakes searched down below. If she was there nearby, they would surely know. They paid close attention to the park she was last seen. Mr. Bird watched in awe as this was happening.



Then he heard the song that he’d longed to hear A faint familiar chirping that sounded very near! He quickly flew up high to se what he could see. That is when he saw a family of three A mom, a dad, a little boy walking side by side. And the little one held a cage with Mrs. Bird inside!



Mr. Bird could not believe his tired little eyes. He knew that it was her. What a wonderful surprise! The boy unlocked the cage as happy as could be And said to Mrs. Bird, “Fly away; you’re free.”



The Birds were overjoyed. Their hearts were full of love. All at once they took to flight, soaring high above. The animals all cheered! This was like a dream! But good things often happen when we all work as a team.

The End



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