Seacoast Bark Magazine Aug/Sept 2020

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publisher ’s note

publisher Nancy Dewar - 603.498.3237

Some good, happy news! Pet adoptions have been up around the country, with many people looking for a pet to keep them company during these trying times. Two kittens at a shelter in Los Angeles were adopted as a pair as their new owners loved their names: Baby Girl Fauci & Cuomo!

design Mrs. and Mr. Design

director of sales & marketing BlakeLee Greene - 978.317.5846

thanks to our contributors… JoAnn Actis-Grande - Sara Coppola - Dawn Price Cover photo


By Kelly & Jeff Donatello Photo of Gracie – Their English Cream Golden Retriever

Cosmo Loved by Anne & Chris Nettleton

Published by Bark Media Group LLC six times a year. Hampton, NH Copyright © 2020 Bark Media Group LLC

One of our local COVID pups is Cosmo. Realtors Anne & Chris Nettleton of North Hampton simply couldn’t resist his precious face when they saw him on the Rescue Dogs Rock NYC website. “With two dogs in our home, what’s one more?” How wonderful so many creatures have found new loving homes. There’s a silver lining in most everything.

Cheers, Chow + With Love…

Seacoast Bark is distributed at stores & businesses in: Portsmouth, Exeter, Rye, North Hampton, Hampton, Hampton Falls, Greenland, Stratham, Seabrook, Kittery, Newburyport, Rowley, Ipswich & everywhere in between!

Interested in advertising with us? Have a good story idea or a suggestion on a great animal or person to feature? Please email Nancy Dewar/Publisher (603) 498-3237

We’d love to have you start following us on Instagram! (






words of wisdom


fun things to bark about


work like a dog


animal lover's profile


k9's + wines


let's pawty

weddings to woof about


local tails


flips + flops


Bob Fitzmaurice

Peter and Diana Merriam


Ristorante Massimo 5

words of wisdom

Walter’s Words of Wisdom By Walter Eugene Davis Senior Helpers – Stratham, NH

Take Good Care of Yourself

So, you made it through the first two months of the summer of 2020. A little different than years past. This sure is a year that we won’t forget! With no vaccine for COVID-19 immediately available, we need to continue to be vigilant. I thought I would share some of the tips that I have heard around the office. Walter at Moody Beach

Vitamin D – With the warm days and cool nights on the horizon in New England, it is a good time to store up on the much needed sunshine. Although you can take supplements, the best source of the “sunshine vitamin” is the sun! Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium and phosphate from our diet. These minerals help to maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles. (I personally love laying in the sun and having it beat on my black fur, it makes my inners sing! Just a Southern boy at heart.) Boost Your Immune System - There is evidence that nutrition and other lifestyle measures influence immune strength and susceptibility to infectious diseases, especially COVID-19. Maintaining a low-fat, plant-based diet may help boost your immune system. Our immune system relies on white blood cells that produce antibodies to combat bacteria, viruses and other invaders. Studies have shown that fruits and vegetables provide nutrients—like beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E—that can boost immune function. Because many vegetables, fruits and other plant-based foods are also rich in antioxidants, they help reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress can cause chronic inflammation; these infections and injuries may trigger the body's immune response. Breathe – We need to keep those lungs healthy, my friends. The best way to ward off any lung/breathing complications is to exercise your respiratory system with exercising daily. To maintain the health of your lungs, it is suggested that you walk between 15-30 minutes a day. You don’t even have to do it all at once. (I have availability for walks Monday-Friday. Give the office a call.) Prepare Early - With the change of seasons from summer to fall comes the onset of the flu and cold season (upper respiratory infections). Since the symptoms of these common enemies are also similar to COVID-19, it will be difficult to know what you are fighting in the beginning. Suggestion – get your flu shot in September or October so that it has time to get into your system. If you are over 65 and have not had a pneumonia vaccine before, you may want to consider speaking with your Primary Care Physician. As they say, “Be prepared for the worst and hope for the best.” Don’t Let Your Guard Down – I was on a call the other day with Dr. Neil Meehan, the Chief Physician Executive at Exeter Hospital and he said that we should not be surprised to see COVID-19 around until November 2021 – January 2022. We will need to remain vigilant – wearing masks, washing our hands, and continue to social distance. (Check out my mask picture! I am doing my part. Please do yours.) Here at Senior Helpers we have a favorite phrase. You can make it yours too!!! UNITED WE STAND Wear a Mask Wash Your Hands

Until next time my friends, be safe…Walter Eugene

A big thanks to Dwight & Gayle Davis,

owners of Senior Helpers, for encouraging Walter Eugene to write this new column! Walter is a 6-year-old Lab mix rescue. They all found each other via New England Lab Rescue. Walter came from Hartsville, SC, and ended up hitting the jackpot with his new family! He participates in the family business providing love and comfort to many, with his official title being “Director of Security & Pet Relations.” Walter is also an active member of the welcoming committee! Senior Helpers provides in-home, non-medical care offering tailored services ranging from companion care for those who need daily assistance to in-depth specialized care for those with Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s and other chronic diseases. They’ve worked with clients ranging in age from 25 to 104. Senior Helpers was voted “Best of the Seacoast” in home health care and received the “Business Excellence Award” and “Top 200 Most Influential Business Leaders in New Hampshire” from the New Hampshire Business Review. Stratham, NH – (603) 583-4580

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animal lover's profile


Dog Dad By Nancy Dewar

Other than a dog becoming ill, having them disappear is an animal lover’s worst nightmare. What an awful feeling not to know where your beloved dog is. Rye resident Bob Fitzmaurice knows this feeling all too well. Bob and his dog Bos’n had a routine of walking a loop in their neighborhood every evening. They had the route down pat, and Bos’n knew it well. The duo would head down beautiful tree-lined Sea Road to Ocean Boulevard where they’d then walk on the sidewalk along the ocean. At Central Road, they would head back inland to their home. However, a few years ago their 1.5-mile walk was disrupted by a herd of deer that were grazing on the open land at the corner of Ocean Boulevard and Central.

Bos’n was trained to walk off-leash and always stuck right by his Dad. “He always stays right with me,” Bob said, “but can be distracted by squirrels or deer.” Since deer aren’t normally hanging out by the ocean, he always felt confident walking Bos’n without a leash. However, on this fateful night Bos’n sensed the herd of deer behind the high hedge and took off like a bat out of hell. Bob called and called to no avail. Bos’n was gone. It was getting dark so Bob, filled with a sense of panic, went home to get his car to look for his dog. He spotted Bos’n on the sidewalk and felt a huge sense of relief until his dog walked onto the road. A car was approaching, and Bob kept saying, “Go back, go back,” but Bos’n just froze; and Bob’s heart sunk with fear. “It was awful. The car hit him, and all I could see was a black shadow thrown over the hood of my car. He was thrown into the marsh, and I just assumed he was dead,” Bob shared. The driver hopped out of his car and immediately joined Bob in searching for Bos’n. Soaking wet, they dug through the thick, tall reeds for about 20

minutes. Bob then said to the driver, “This is ridiculous. We’re looking for a black dog in the dark. I’ll go home and get some flashlights.” The man said he’d wait, and when Bob pulled into his driveway Bos’n was waiting for him. “I simply burst into tears.” In spite of being stiff, banged up and some raw skin in places; Bos’n had found his way home. What a miracle that he wasn’t seriously injured. Bob quickly raced back to the accident scene where the kind driver was still pawing through the reeds. “I don’t believe it. He found his way home.” The two men hugged each other with joy in the middle of Ocean Boulevard.

Bob always knew he loved his pal immensely but said that this experience solidified this love beyond words. Interestingly, Bob wasn’t really a big dog lover before Bos’n. I asked him if he grew up with dogs, and he replied, “We had three dogs when I was young, a Saint Bernard and two poodles. They were dumb as rocks, but that’s because we were dumb as rocks. We didn’t know how to train them.” Bos’n came to the Fitzmaurice family nine


years ago when they decided it would be nice to have a dog. The family had recently moved to the Seacoast from New York City where it was difficult to have a dog. Also, dogs in the city were, perhaps, one of the reasons they decided to leave New York. Bob explained, “We lived on the 21st floor. I would get home from work and see dogs racing to the elevator to get outside. They would relieve themselves as soon as they hit the sidewalk, which was saturated with the smell of urine. And I’d think to myself…I’m paying all of this money for a New York apartment to live like this.” He also said it was time for a change, as New York was just “too much, too fast, too constant.” After deciding to move, Bob’s research narrowed their choice down to five possible states, including New Hampshire. Serendipitously, he met a man at a conference from Rye who invited the family to visit any time. They headed to New Hampshire that Easter, spent two weeks here that summer and moved permanently the following June. Bob’s penchant for research also led him to Portuguese Water

animal lover's profile “He came over to me and looked me in the eye. He was calm. He was cool. That was it,” Bob said with a chuckle. “I want this one. I want Bos’n. I’d already picked his name!”

Dogs. Why this breed? “They are very intelligent. They have hair, not fur; so they don’t shed or smell. I can dry Bos’n with a white towel and there won’t be one hair on it.”

After looking at many breeders, they settled on Sea Dog Kennel in Scranton, Pennsylvania whose breeding stock has direct lineage to one of the most renowned kennels in Portugal. There were puppies from three litters available when they were ready to get a dog. “We want a smart and calm one,” Bob told the breeder. She replied, “I’ve one left from a litter that you might like. His mother is a therapy dog and his dad is ‘this and that.’ I think his personality is just what you’re looking for.” Upon arriving at the breeder’s home after the six-hour drive, they were greeted by four dogs in her home plus a little puppy. “He (the puppy) came over to me and looked me in the eye. He was calm. He was cool. That was it,” Bob said with a chuckle. “I want this one. I want Bos’n. I’d already picked his name!”

Bos’n definitely is a calm and loving guy. His temperament is exactly as the breeder described. When I met with Bob, Bos’n looked directly into my eyes with his soulful brown eyes and a beautiful smile. Yes, dogs DO smile! He’s also a “leaner” and snuggled hard into my legs as I chatted with Bob and his lovely 19-year-old daughter Nora. Their love for this wonderful canine was so apparent as they shared many comments on Bos’n. “He loves to swim. He doesn’t like car rides. Bos’n holds his head up a little higher after being groomed.” And on and on. But what struck me most was Bob’s first comment when we first sat down. “Bos’n is the greatest dog in the world, if you ask me!” If that doesn’t say it all from a first-time dog-Dad…I don’t know what does! 9

weddings to woof about

Meet Brandon & Mariah… and Dozer & Tonka

Who are you? We are Brandon Parsons and Mariah Eaton- soon to be Parsons, with our 2 fur children…Dozer, our 4-year-old hound mix and Tonka, our 2-year-old longhaired miniature Dachshund. We both work in Newburyport. Brandon is a pool service technician. I work at The Beach Dog Daycare as an animal caretaker, taking care of any and all dog breeds. When we are not working, we are usually at our camp in New Hampshire exploring the mountains or relaxing by the lake with the pups!

How did you meet? I met Brandon when we were both 12 years old when I moved into the house next door from his! I always had a huge crush on him, but high school took us separate ways. A year after we both graduated, mutual friends brought us back together. It only took one first date for both of us to know he/she was the one! From that day on we were inseparable. Shortly after, we moved in together, which brought us our first companion, Dozer. The proposal? We had just arrived at our Airbnb in Kissimmee, Florida after a 20-hour road trip. Brandon called me out to the pool for a family picture with the dogs. As soon as my sister went to take the picture, he got down on one knee asking me to be his future wife! It was very special because he made sure our dogs, friends and family were all there to be able to share that moment with us!

Wedding plans? We are having a rustic themed wedding located in the mountains of New Hampshire in the Fall of 2021. We have rented an old ski house that is able to sleep all our friends and family for the weekend. Dozer and Tonka will be walking down the aisle accompanying Brandon’s brother and my sister as best man and maid of honor. We are very lucky that we did not have to postpone anything due to COVID! What is love? Love to us is about always being there for one another through the best and the worst of times. To us, it is not always about being 50/50, but putting in that little extra on the days when the other person needs it most.


Anything else you’d like to add? Our dogs are a VERY big part of our lives. We rescued Dozer, then lost our home a couple weeks later. It was very hard finding a new place to rent being so young and having a bigger dog, but we loved him too much to give up on him! For a year we lived in a camper, stayed with friends and family, and even spent a couple nights in our vehicles. Through it all, Dozer was there making us the happiest we have ever been. Brandon and I managed to find ourselves new and better jobs which brought us great opportunities and a stable place to live. Shortly after, we got Dozer a baby sister, Tonka! What we love most about our dogs is that no matter what is going on in life, they are always there to put a smile on our faces.

weddings to woof about


Wedding Ideas

Weddings With Meaning

Weddings certainly have gone to the dogs! Not only are they often part their parents’ wedding, they also are included in other unique ways. A few years ago, Erika and Kyle Cherry of Dover and their wedding party carried rescue puppies in their ceremony in lieu of flowers! Six adorable puppies from 3 Dogs Rescue in Berwick, Maine (all from the same litter and all in need of a new home) joined the bride, groom and wedding party as a prominent and loved part of their glorious day.

Photo by Jennifer Mooney

Molly Wogan & Othella

Photo by Seacoast Online

In 2016 13-year-old Molly Wogan of Middleton, Massachusetts decided to raise money for rescue dogs as part of her good deed for her Bat Mitzvah project. She exceeded her initial goal of $2,500 and raised $28,000 in one year and garnered over $40,000 worth of donated products. Molly’s endeavor evolved in the formation of the PAWS Project Foundation, and to date they have saved over 550 dogs and have raised about $190,000. Molly recently created another fun way to increase donations; “Weddings with Meaning.” In lieu of traditional wedding party favors, couples may donate to save a specific dog or cat, and a card highlighting the special creature is given to all guests. This “experiential” gift is sure to cherished much more than a picture frame, charm or any innate object ever could be! ( Other ideas to make one’s special day more paw-fect than ever? You can get customized wedding cake pup-toppers on lots of Etsy sites. Many florists will create custom neck bouquets for your dogs. Hire a “pet attendant” to coordinate your dog’s participation in the wedding and reception. Yes, there really are such services! provides event specialists for New Hampshire and Massachusetts. And, if you happen to be a horse lover, why not have a wedding to HOOF about? 11

out and about

B ella Dogs Named After Kids

Custom Face Masks

fun things to


About Breweries & Beers Named After Dogs

Custom Face Masks

Are you in need of the perfect mask to match your outfit? Well, Lionel Loveless of Officially Knotted Bowties is the guy to contact! He’s the co-owner of Route 1 Antiques, the proud Dad of three wonderful pups…and also keeps busy designing and sewing stylish bowties and face masks. In addition to filling custom orders, Lionel has also been generously donating masks to many medical and hospice organizations to help keep our frontline workers safe. To place an order, contact Lionel via Facebook. (

Dogs Named After Kids

So many of us feel that our pups truly are our kids, and this is often reflected in their names. Many of the top-10 names for dogs in 2019 are also popular names for children! The top-10 names, ranked in order, were Bella, Charlie, Luna, Lucy, Max, Bailey, Cooper,

Daisy, Sadie and Molly. The top 2020 names should be out soon, so we’ll be sure to share them asap.

Breweries & Beers Named After Dogs

Humans are crazy about their canine pals. Not only are dogs named after kids these days, but beer is named after dogs! Locally, we have Sea Dog Brewing Company which is known for their delicious craft beers and their great restaurant overlooking the river in Exeter. The company recently launched a line of small-batch Sea Dog Hard Seltzers in three flavors. Another favorite local beer with a bark is Old Brown Dog, a classic ale from Smuttynose named after Olive, their original brewery-dog. If you’re a Lab-lover, we think you’ll love visiting the Bad Lab Brew Pub in Somersworth. Head north a bit to South Portland, and you can enjoy a tasty selection of beers at Island Dog Brewing. This family business is a small-batch craft brewery that uses


locally sourced Maine ingredients. Though not local, a few of our other favorite dogthemed brews include Chasing Tail Golden Ale crafted by Squatters Craft Beer, Laughing Dog Brewing (whose tagline is “Fetchingly good beer”) and Oregon-based Rougue’s Yellow Snow IPA (no explanation needed!).

Dogs Named After Beers

And speaking about names, beer and dogs, we came upon a list of fun dog names for beer lovers on the PetHelpful website. A few of our favorites for gals include Amber, Honey and Blondie! The guy names were a bit more brand-oriented and included Heineken, Foster, Guinness, Miller and Molson!

Life in the Day of a Senior Dog

This is sweet. Tennessee-based Old Friends Senior Dogs Sanctuary offers a live web cam

out and about

The Dogs of Dunbarton

A Freebie From PAW-tners Bank

Photographer Karyn Marquis

Dunrovin Ranch

Old Friends Senior Dogs Sanctuary

of the day to day life of their very special dogs. It’s a bit slow moving, but hey…they are seniors and enjoying the slow-moving days of their golden years surrounded by many friends. The web cam focuses on the “Gathering Room” where the pups eat their meals, play and snuggle together. If you feel the need to slow down and chill out a bit, watch this web cam and take a few cues from these loved canines. It’s very tender and is sure to bring a smile to your face. Talk about learning how to live in the moment, this is it! (explore. org/livecams/old-friends-senior-dog-sanctuary) (

The Dogs of Dunbarton

Pet photographer Karyn Marquis of Dunbarton, New Hampshire recently did a different take on the popular COVID “Front Porch Project.” During the big shut-down she saw many dogs being walked around her neighborhood; dogs she hadn’t seen before as their owners were now home and spending more time with their pups. So instead of a local Front Porch Project like many photographers around the country were doing, she decided to focus on

local people and their dogs. Hence, the beginning of The Dunbarton Project, a series of photos of local dogs. Karyn’s comment about her project is wonderful. “There’s a silver lining in the wag of a tail. The dogs had no idea that the world was falling apart. They only knew that the people they love were with them more!”

A Freebie From PAW-tners Bank

Partners Bank recently opened a beautiful new branch on Central Road in Rye; with another branch nearby in Portsmouth and eight more in Southern Maine. Their tagline “The Bank That Listens” should also include “The Bank That Gives,” as they are extremely community focused and donate 10% of their annual revenue to assist a variety of causes including animal rescue groups. The new Rye location also has a gorgeous community room available for groups and businesses to use at no charge. To learn more, stop in to meet Market Manager Karen Andronaco and Michaela Clancy, Assistant Branch Manager. 13

In addition to a tour, they’ll have a freebie for you and your pup…a clip-on poo bag dispenser filled with ready-to-use bags! That’s good community service too! (

Virtual Travel

With travel being difficult these days, one can still visit a ranch in Montana…virtually! Dunrovin Ranch has a web cam that provides live streaming of what’s happening on their gorgeous property. It all began in 2011 when ranch owner SuzAnne Miller collaborated with the University of Montana to install a web cam above an osprey’s nest to watch “Harriet the Osprey” as she faced the many challenges of nest building, laying eggs, raising chicks, losing her long-time mate (Ozzie) and meeting her new mate, Hal. This led to installing more web cams and creating a “cyber front porch” where people across the globe may visit the authentic ranch via their computer by joining the “Days at Dunrovin” online community. There’s a free 14-day trial membership. So, head to Montana today without even leaving your house! ( ( 14


k9's + wines

Peter & Diana Merriam… Dog-Lovers, Wine-Lovers & A Wonderful Vineyard By JoAnn Actis-Grande – Portsmouth, NH

Seacoast locals and native New Englanders, Peter and Diana Merriam, share a great passion for K9’s and wine. Peter, born and raised in Livermore Falls, a small town near Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine, had a German Shepherd mix growing up; while Diana, from Dracut, Massachusetts had a full bred German Shepherd. The Merriam’s met at New England College in New Hampshire. They married shortly after graduating and then enjoyed a lovely honeymoon in France. During stops to Bordeaux and Burgundy, two of the finest wine regions in the world, they realized wine would play a part of their life together. They already knew dogs would play a part of their family.

Peter, Diana & Cooper

Peter and Diana are blessed with four beautiful children - 3 sons and a daughter - and two very cute dogs. When deciding what breed to bring into their home, important traits included affection, companionship, size and cuteness. They chose Springer Spaniels and have loved five Springers over the years! Neko was their first, named after Diana’s Greek heritage. The second was Oken, which is Neko spelled backwards. Then came Molly, and now there’s Cooper and Yogi – the puppy!

Special Release for Wine Club Members

Cooper looks and acts regal living his best life right now at Peter and Diana’s beautiful oceanfront home in Cape Neddick, Maine. He lives in a big house with lots of green grass and his own beach to run around. If he gets too hot, Cooper has the luxury of jumping in a fresh saltwater pool – so good for his coat! But some days he has to work with dad at the office and family’s main residence in


Boxford, Massachusetts where they tend to the operations of Merriam Vineyards. After all, running a winery is a lot of ruff work.

Yogi, the puppy, a tri-color Springer, is 6 months old and keeps busy ruffing it as a winery dog at Merriam Vineyards. The winery is in Sonoma, on the Northern Coast of California. Yogi is living his best life right now with his human brother and sister, Evan and Danielle Merriam. Yogi greets visitors in the wine tasting areas, and when he gets the zoomies, which is often, he runs through the vineyards, especially loving the new chardonnay plantings. Peter and Diana purchased their first vineyard in Sonoma in 2000 and named it “Windacre” after their Maine beach house. Merriam Vineyards are located on the edge of the beautiful Russian River Valley. The climate and soil con-

k9's + wines

Merriam Vineyards

Evan and Yogi

ditions are much like the Bordeaux region in France - well suited for growing merlot, cabernet sauvignon and other Bordeauxstyle grapes. The 2000 Windacre Merlot, their first wine, won a silver medal in the esteemed San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. For twenty years now, Merriam Vineyards wines consistently win numerous awards and gold medals.

In 2008 Merriam Vineyards completed and opened the winery and visitor’s center named Los Amigos - a state-ofthe-art “green” building with the look and feel of a traditional New England style farmhouse. They increased their acreage for planting to produce a larger selection of estate wines - pinot noir, sauvignon blanc, rosé, chardonnay and Miktos – a stunning red blend. Total production is 2,000 cases per year.

All Merriam Vineyards wines are made from grapes grown on their own estate. The merlot, cabernet sauvignon, cabernet franc, malbec, petit verdot and chardonnay are from single vineyards (meaning all the grapes are from one vineyard, which is unique as many


wines are made with grapes from multiple vineyards; think of this as a pure bred vs. a mutt!) and made in the traditional Bordeaux style — handcrafted and using only the finest French oak barrels. Harvest is done by hand and all farming is sustainable. In addition to wine, Merriam Vineyards also produces delicious estate olive oil. And now beehives can be found around the property for their own honey – Yogi’s Honey Pot! Peter spends a lot of time at the winery, traveling back and forth between California and New England. He checks on the vineyards and works closely with winemaker William Woese. He makes plenty of time to play with Yogi and spend time with his kids Evan and Danielle, who have top positions at the winery. When he’s not at the winery, you can find him working with distributors, attending wine events and hosting Merriam wine dinners, many times with Diana by his side. Merriam wines are easy to find here on the Seacoast at restaurants, your local wine retailer and the New Hampshire State Liquor and Wine Outlets. To celebrate the NH State Liquor and Wine Outlets’ 85th anniversary, Merriam Vineyards created a special bottling of their Estate Pinot Noir. 17

When we feel safe and ready to travel again, consider a trip to Northern California to visit the winery. For now, while you’re safe at home, consider joining their wine club. It’s easy to do online! Merriam Vineyards are certainly some of the finest wines produced by our neighbors and fellow dog lovers! Cheers! (

Portsmouth resident JoAnn Actis-Grande is the wine editor for Taste of the Seacoast, writes on wine & travel for Coastal Home and writes the ‘Let’s Talk Wine’ – a weekly column for Seacoast Media Group. JoAnn is an avid Angelina & JoAnn traveler who visits wine regions all over the world. You may read many of her great articles on her blog: She can be reached at

Photo by Michael Marzelli


local tails

Meet Some Special Seacoast Pups… Here are some of our readers’ adorable dogs. Though they are different sizes, colors, shapes and breeds; they all have one thing in common…the gift of unconditional love. And that, indeed, is a great gift! P.S. If you’d like your pup’s picture in an upcoming issue, send an email with “Local Tails” in the subject line to: All breeds welcome!

Hayden & Folsom - North Hampton

Bailey - New Castle

Earl - Newburyport

Cain - Plum Island

Sherlock - Hampton

Hudson - Hampton

Pippa - Rye

George - Exeter

Sir Winston & Ethel Murmer - Springfield, MA

Rodney Joseph - North Hampton

Willy - Rye


Ranger - Kingston

work like a dog

Finding Purpose in Service By Sara Coppola – Sandown, NH

Meet Dobby. He likes to sit in chairs, lick our daughters’ faces all over, nibble on our Boxer’s neck and eat a duck-flavored cookie before bed. You might peek in our windows and see him playing tug-of-war with Winslow or lying at my feet while I cook dinner and assume he’s a family pet. If you look a little closer though, you’ll see him getting ready for work. My husband Paul slips Dobby’s vest over his head and suddenly there’s a different dog in the house. Instead of bouncing around the kitchen like a young pup, he lies patiently by the door, watching his human and waiting for his mission.

Dobby joined our family last December, an answered prayer after years of mulling over getting a service dog and then months of waiting once we made the decision to apply for a dog. A Marine combat engineer, Paul deployed to Afghanistan in 2011, where he tested fate and the limits of his body on a daily basis for seven months. While each day presented challenges, there were two days that were particularly life changing. First, Paul was within close range of a suicide bomber, and then the next month, an IED detonated in a compound he was sweeping— the latter for which he was awarded the Purple Heart medal. He returned home that fall with a traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress.

Being Dobby’s handler gives him something to focus on and something to work toward. When he’s tempted to slump into the couch and check out from the world, he’ll instead put on Dobby’s vest and work on tasks around the house with him.

We saw the MRI, he went through different rehabilitations for months after coming home, and I watched him suffer with debilitating headaches all too often; but we still didn’t realize the extent of his injuries. Paul is exceptionally resilient and has maintained a successful life despite his wounds. He finished his business degree at Merrimack College where he was consistently on the dean’s list, and he was quickly promoted to a supervisor position at his current job. Over the years though, we have progressively noticed his limitations; and Paul is slowly becoming able to accept them. I officially became his caregiver in 2015 and took


some of the weight off his shoulders but it wasn’t until early 2019 that Paul decided it was time to apply for a service dog, to be there when I can’t. Enter Operation Delta Dog, a New Hampshire-based organization whose mission is two-fold: to save shelter dogs and help alleviate the effects of PTSD and TBI (traumatic brain injury) on our veterans. We were overjoyed to learn that Paul was accepted into their program, which relies upon generous donors to cover the expenses for a fully trained service dog and supporting services, unlike many other programs that require the veteran to raise at least half of the cost before starting a program. We would like to extend our sincere gratitude to Santa’s Magic, Inc., who sponsored Paul and Dobby in honor of Karl J. Moksvold. Thanks to their sponsorship and Operation Delta Dog’s unique methods, Paul was able to start training last summer before he and Dobby ever met. While most other organizations fully train their dogs before handing them off, Operation Delta Dog involves the veteran early in the training process, both sealing the dog/veteran bond and allowing the veteran to heal through the interactive training process. According to Charlotte Troddyn, Executive Director for Operation Delta Dog, there is significant anecdotal evi-

work like a dog

He’s just there with a wagging tail, a hug and a whole lot of kisses, and a willing spirit that’s ready to do whatever his human needs, allowing Paul to switch gears and focus on something positive. dence that the act of training service dogs reduces the symptoms of TBI and PTSD, including an increase in patience and emotional regulation; a decrease in emotional numbness, depression, and use of medication; improved sleep, parenting skills, and family dynamics; and lower stress levels. I have seen this first-hand in the past year that Paul has been involved with the program.

Oftentimes when veterans return from combat and are discharged or retired due to injuries, there is a sense of lost purpose. Their duties and their sense of service are rooted so deeply that they feel as if their life’s purpose has been stripped away, especially if their military jobs don’t translate

well in the civilian world. In Paul’s life, I’ve seen how attending weekly training sessions and working one-on-one with Dobby have given him an important job to do—a new purpose in life. Being Dobby’s handler gives him something to focus on and something to work toward. When he’s tempted to slump into the couch and check out from the world, he’ll instead put on Dobby’s vest and work on tasks around the house with him. Right now, Paul is unable to bring Dobby with him to work at the nuclear power plant (though we hope for a career change in the future that would allow them to stay together as a team all day). He can come home from a stressful day and he is first 21

greeted by Dobby, who is unconditionally joyful and loving and will never vent his own stresses of the day (like I do!). He’s just there with a wagging tail, a hug and a whole lot of kisses, and a willing spirit that’s ready to do whatever his human needs, allowing Paul to switch gears and focus on something positive. These days, Dobby helps Paul to stay focused and calm while running errands, feel secure in public, and retrieve items off the floor on days he’s having a lot of back pain. Dobby has so much potential, and we’re looking forward to discovering new tasks that will give Paul greater freedom going forward.

It’s a beautiful thing to watch the pair working together. Once Dobby suits up, he becomes fervently focused on his human--a faithful servant, constantly surveying Paul for any need that he can meet. Is he feeling safe, anxious or in pain? You can almost see the questions flickering past his intense golden eyes. The stray dog who was once wandering the streets of Georgia has found a home and a purpose in service to the human who honorably served our country and now finds his purpose in the rescued dog. Their relationship gives deeper meaning to the question, “Who rescued who?”

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Doggone Grrrrr…eat Entertaining Sponsored by Ristorante Massimo

Easy Prep-At-Home Pasta Kits You can now prepare pasta dinner at home with new take-out ingredients from Ristorante Massimo! Enjoy fresh pasta topped with mouthwatering sauces made by Chef Jethro Loichle. What a brilliant idea…Prep-At-Home Pasta Kits! For complete info visit:



Super Easy Dog Chews Sweet Potato Dog Treats

Ingredients 1-2 Large Sweet Potatoes Olive or Vegetable Oil Directions Pre-heat oven to 175 or lowest temperature. Slice off tops of potatoes to make it easier to balance when slicing. Cut lengthwise slices approximately 1/3” thick. Place slices on greased baking sheet. Bake slowly for 6-8 hours.

Lovely Cobblestone Dining Once again Massimo has outdone himself! You can now enjoy his wonderful cuisine under the stars in the restaurant’s lovely new outside dining area.

59 Penhallow – Portsmouth (603) 436-4000

Photo & Recipe Credit:

World Class Cuisine

Massimo’s love-bugs, Mia & Logan, haven’t seen enough of their Dad lately as he’s been busy. Ristorante Massimo is now OPEN FOR INSIDE DINING and they also are offering Curbside Cuisine every Wednesday through Sunday from 3:00 to 8:00 pm. Choose from a selection of appetizers, pastas, main courses, desserts and more. Adhering to the highest standards in health and safety protocol, orders are delivered right to your car. A big WOOF to Massimo and his team for their innovative spirit…and absolutely amazing cuisine!



let's pawty

Photography by Jasmine Inglesmith Photography

doggy thoughts

flips + flops By Flip-Flop

Editor’s Note: These are simply musings from Flip-Flop, an exuberant & opinionated shaggy dog. They are not any sort of product endorsement or “dis” by this publication or any member of our editorial team. Just a bit about stuff she likes (Flips) and stuff she doesn’t (Flops)!

Flip -Flop A Not-So-Good Birthday

Celebrating our special day with a birthday cake is good. But please, please, please…don’t dress us up as a birthday cake! Peeps may find this funny. We canines find it mortifying. Yikes…this is flop in my book.

A Good Birthday

I think one of the best ways to celebrate your pup’s birthday is to give them their very own cake and ice cream. You can easily whip up a cake with the Puppy Cake mix available in five great flavors. Top it off with some special ice cream for dogs. My favorite is Hoggin’ Dogs Banana Ice Cream. These cake and ice cream mixes are available at Just Dogs in Newburyport. Believe me…your dogs will lap them up!

A Really Silly Walk

A Good Healthy Walk

Here’s another human invention for dogs that most dogs think is a real flop. People may love treadmills, especially in the winter. But a treadmill for dogs??? No thanks! I hope I never see a dogPACER treadmill in my house. Talk about running around and getting nowhere.

There is nothing better for our souls than a nice long walk. It clears our heads and, as a dog, awakens our noses with all the great whiffs along the way. If you want to make your pup really happy, be sure to take at least one walk a day…and let us stop whenever we want so we can smell the roses!

Cool for Cats

If you read my column, you’ll know that cats really crack me up. And I find many cat products pretty amusing…especially this Feline Ruff TV Cat House. Your cat can be the star of their own show, which they usually are, right in the comfort of their own home. 23

Not Cool for Cats

Uh-oh, what will humans think of next? You can find these Coolrunner Cat Sunglasses on Amazon, where they tout them for cats and small dogs. It’s worth visiting this page just to read the reviews! “Great for rabbits.” "It fit my cat & he is looking like one snazzy puss.” “More reasons for cats to hate us LOL.” No cool cat would be caught dead in these shades!

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