Insomnia Adventures Information Book

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INSOMNIA ADVENTURES Sara Swarlis 2020-2021 Senior thesis Insomnia Adventures follows the story of Sam Lichery, a girl who has trouble sleeping because of the Insomnia Monster. With her teddy bear, Mr. Fluffy by her side, Sam navigates the inner workings of her mind to escape the Insomnia Monster and get back to sleep.

Sam Lichery Played by Sara Swarlis Sam Lichery is a girl who has trouble sleeping at night. With her active imagination, she goes on "adventures" in her mind while being hunted by the Insomnia Monster, who she so lovingly calls "Frank." She is sarcastic and witty, but when around Frank, her weakness is revealed. It's all fun and games until your sleep schedule is threatened.

Mr. Fluffy Played by Charles Fluffy Mr. Fluffy is the "sidekick" and voice of reason to Sam. While Sam is able to handle problems on her own, Mr. Fluffy is there to keep her grounded and keep her thoughts from going out of control. He also acts as a protector to Sam, often saving her from the Insomnia Monster in the nick of time.

The Insomnia Monster Played by Frank "Frank" the Insomnia Monster is a being manifested from the thoughts that Sam has when she is unable to sleep. His quiet and sneaky demeanor makes it easy for him to jump out at Sam at any moment. When he's near, Sam wakes up. If he were to touch her, she would never sleep again. There are no known weaknesses to destroy him.

A marionette puppet of Sam, featured in Episode 3.

Closeups of the writing on Frank's head

Frank's torso and feet. He has writing all over his body.

Silkscreen poster print

Woodblock poster print


Insomnia Adventures in Photos

Insomnia Adventures in Photos

Insomnia Adventures in Photos

Insomnia Adventures in Photos

Insomnia Adventures in Photos

Insomnia Adventures in Photos

Insomnia Adventures in Photos

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