Behind the Scenes

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behind the scenes

In the final few weeks of the Spring Term 2024 we were transported to the dark side of Victorian London for the sensationalist revenge tragedy set to challenging music that is Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street (School Edition). Here is a snapshot into what it takes to put such a gigantic performance together…

45 sets of costumes

80 hours of rehearsals

8 hours spent on make up over the run of the show

50 students and staff involved both on stage and in technical production

9 people doing the casts’ hair and make-up

140 pages of lines learned

258 pages of music learned

8 microphones used each night

1 amazing student technician operating sound

1 Musical Director, making most things happen

staging, prop and costume changes masterminded by 1 Stage Manager

lighting cues

20 musical numbers involving the lead part

40 blood ribbons as props

40 pairs of shoes

17 talented band members
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