Share magazine April 2017

Page 1 Endurance and Then Enthronement

“Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” Hebrews 12:2 REFLECTION Having a certain and fixed goal in life will order to bring us salvation. Jesus did not merely Who ishardships, this God that we and worship? Well, Jonah supplies usthe withhuman a basicfamily answer. is “the God of for make trials various challenges, enter byHe His incarnation, heaven” and as such, He is the exalted One. He is the Ruler of the universe. His sovereignty is not in conquerable. The vexations, the pains, the that was necessary if salvation was to be made the arena of the dispute norrecede His power ability. He is the God of heaven. shame and agony intoor nothingness a possibility. Being here, He did not malinger, try The earth is not exempt from His control and rule. Political power in His He does whatto as set goals loom larger and with more luster to sidestep orisuse anyhands otherand devious means He pleases in the affairs men. He establishes or removes them fromresponsibility office. Authority and a and brilliance. Jesus wasofmotivated by the joy ofrulers escape the tremendous of saving might are in His hands and there is no power that can withstand His will. His fixed goal and did not flinch when the path lost world. He willingly gave up His precious life Despite His greatstruck mightHim and with power, He is merciful and forgiving. He most keepstesting His promises and Histhat to achievement great violence. for us, under the circumstances covenants. And He has appointed Christians to be His special servants, to magnify His name and He did not call upon twelve legions of angels to this life could ever offer. to do His will. Partthe of Cross. that will is to share the knowledge of His salvation through Christ with lost rescue Him from Today, the glorified Christ is enthroned in humanity - lost in sin. To the prize, Hehates had to endure the dreadful Heaven, our praises ascend. Meanwhile Heobtain loves sinners but sin. Sin angers the God of heaven.where Therefore, He has provided the agony of the cross. The path to the exalted throne let us endure as good soldiers means whereby sins can be forgiven. Furthermore, to encourage us to appropriate all thehardships, means, Hefor would not be deterred by shameful exposure. shall crowned if we abide faithful in Him. has provided through His Son, He has sent theHe Holywe Spirit tobe convict us and urge us unto salvation. also scorned the shame that He endured at the Are your eyes fixed on Jesus? The God of heaven hears and answers prayer. He is the God of mighty deeds and wonderful works. hands vile sinners and being rejected God in When of in difficulty, call upon Him and Heofwill provide the guidance in your crisis. It is this God who has promised to establish an eternal kingdom of righteousness on this earth. PRAYER: Lord, help me to fix my eyes on Jesus. Amen

Devotion For April 1, 2017

WISDOM: Christ must be Lord of all or not Lord at all.

by Winston Wilson






FEATURE ARTICLES Return to the Garden Pt 2 6 Discussing the benefits of: Returning to the Garden of God’s Presence. The Subtle Deception of Power 8 Deception has led the nation to question God’s existence. Facing The Giants of Life 10 Applying examples of Biblical heroes who overcame great obstacles through faith in God. World In View 12 Discussing the volatile tensions in the Northeast Asia: is this the epicentre of a nuclear war? By Faith We Overcome 14 What is the point of worrying, getting anxious and stressed out? It is a useless thing. What Kind of Love is This? 17 Reflections on the acts of love and devotion Jesus exemplified. No Fear - Free Fall 18 I looked for anything that could cover the sadness and the shame. TESTIMONY


#youthSHARE 22 Youth views on topical issues: Is it Cool To Be A Christian? The Mother Of All Fears 24 Spiritual death is not fully experienced until one dies; then hell starts. Did You Know? Unbelievable Fears - Discussing weird phobias


The Story Teller I’ve Got Trust Issues



From Fear to Faith 30 For God did not give us a spirit of fear. Jargon Buster Understanding Religious Terminologies.


Note To Self By Angela Slack


Screaming Into The Wind Poem by Angela Slack


In Praise Of Hymn 34 Reviewing Great Christian Hymns: – Him Who Would Valiant Be

I was a very unhappy lady and emotionally imbalanced because of being involved with the occult...






18 April - June 2017




SHARE|MAGAZINE Vo l u m e 5 - I s s u e 2

About Us



Fear, what is fear? According to the Oxford Online Dictionary, fear is “an unpleasant emotion or thought that you have when you are frightened or worried by something dangerous, painful, or bad that is happening or might happen:” (Oxford online dictionary). We all experience it at one time or another. There is healthy fear that is designed to keep us safe from real danger like avoiding an oncoming vehicle. There is also unhealthy fear or phobia that is triggered because of an associated traumatic experience one might have had in the past. It appears irrational but is very real to the person with the phobia. For example a fear of rain or cats. Contemporary life is increasingly filled with fear both real and imagined as we immerse ourselves increasingly into a virtual reality we struggle to discern between reality and fantasy, fact and fiction, lies and truth. The media does a fantastic job of intensifying people’s fear with fear mongering in its reporting and we now have “fake news” to add to the list of silent terrors out there. So then who do we trust? Who is a terrorist? What is safe to eat? Where can we live in peace? Will our banks and institutions defraud us? Is our privacy being invaded by hackers? Oh, so much to fear! 4



April - June 2017


What are we really afraid of ? Ultimately of death. We have good reason to fear death it is the unknown and we love life as we know it. However, Christians believe that this life is transient it is not final there was an abundant/eternal life that was formerly ours, which we lost when our fore parents Adam and Eve fell from God’s grace through disobedience, that will be restored to us through Jesus Christ. We look forward to eternal life after death. Sin, entered the world and time began counting down and life began degenerating until the time set for our judgement. If we do not have this hope then we cannot look fear in the face and say, “hello fear”. Without the assurance of eternal life in Jesus Christ, we cannot free fall in life, contentedly trusting God to catch us and sustain us throughout adversity and challenges. Jesus Christ is the believer’s hope in turbulent times. A fearless future In Genesis, who planted the tree, in the middle of the garden of Eden, from which God told Adam not to eat? You could not miss it but if eating of this tree meant sure death wouldn’t it be best to remove it? No tree, no temptation, simple! It would be even better to not plant it there in the first place. Whoever planted this tree and in such a precarious

SHARE MAGAZINE is a FREE Christian quarterly that deals with challenging Christian topics that have been mostly ignored or left unanswered. The magazine includes written articles, poems and thoughts etc. Read our online version at www. where you can go to our blog to discuss articles or order a printed version. If you would like to submit articles, join our writers group, or to get involved in any other way kindly email us. SHARE MAGAZINE is produced by Select Arrow, the publishing arm of United In Christ charity number 1140448.


Throughout this magazine the editor & contributors seek to present a balanced and accurate view of Scripture’s teaching. We are all on a journey of studying and understanding God’s Word. Because of this, all we can offer is as balanced an understanding as the Holy Spirit has offered us at this time. The views or opinions represented in this publication are personal to each of our contributors and may not fully represent those of any other contributor or editor. Scriptures quoted are from the Contemporary English Version (CEV) unless otherwise stated.

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position must have known that it could be a temptation to Adam and Eve. So who planted the tree? God did, so there must be a very important lesson to learn as God does everything deliberately. God did not want man to sin but man himself needed to develop a distaste for sin. Moving the temptation away from us would remove the opportunity to overcome the desire for that thing. Even Jesus learnt obedience through the things He suffered, we must face the realities of temptations in this life and learn to overcome the fear of them. When a child is shielded from

QA &

the realities of life, never taking the public bus or attending a public school etc... we say they grew up sheltered. God is not like that, He wants us to face the realities and difficulties of a fallen world and develop the character to overcome. Jesus when praying for us said this, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.” John 17:15 He will protect us but He will not remove us. Why? It is because God is building an army of battle hardened people who have overcome the fears and intimidations of the enemy. Place

yourself in God’s hands today. He will raise you up from your self pity and self doubt and enable you to fight fear through the power of the His Holy Spirit. In Jesus’ strength you can have the courage to have, no fear but to free fall to a safe landing in life! Lets hail the day when you can boldly say, “Hello fear!” I remain in Jesus’ Service. Love as always

Angela Slack

Editor and Co-founder

You have questions we’ve got answers This issue’s question taken from Accessed August 27, 2016.

Question: What is the real meaning of the rainbow?

Answer: Biblically speaking, the rainbow is the sign of a covenant that God made with the whole earth: He will never destroy the earth again with a flood. The rainbow is literally correlated to rainfall. God made this covenant, with the rainbow as the token, after the waters of the flood receded and Noah and his family exited the ark. God said, “I establish My covenant with you: Never again will all life be destroyed by the waters of a flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the earth... This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come: I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring clouds over the earth and the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will remember my covenant between me and you and all living creatures of every kind. Never again will the waters become a flood to destroy all life. Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds,

I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth”. (Genesis 9:11–15) God made this promise, signified by the rainbow, not only to mankind but to “every living creature . . . the birds, the livestock and all the wild animals, all those that came out of the ark . . . every living creature on earth” (Genesis 9:9–10). The covenant is perpetual, enduring to all generations. Never again will there be a worldwide flood. The colors of the rainbow are sometimes used as a symbol of “gay pride.” This began in the 1978 when an artist named Gilbert Baker designed and made a flag for the homosexual community in San Francisco. Baker’s original design had eight colors, and he assigned a meaning to each one: hot pink (sexuality), red (life), orange (healing), yellow (the sun), green (nature), turquoise (art), indigo (harmony), and violet (spirit). Subsequent designs sported seven and then six colors. Rainbow flags and banners, as used by the LGBTI

community, represent hope, and social action.


There are other rainbow flags and banners that have nothing to do with the homosexual culture. For example, the Hawaii Ko Aloha Flag has nine colored stripes representing the islands that were inhabited before Western civilization arrived. Another example is the flag of the International Order of the Rainbow for Girls, a Masonic organization whose banner represents seven different virtues. The rainbow is God’s creation. We naturally delight in it. There is something awe-inspiring in the appearance of a rainbow after a storm. It is good and right that we rejoice in the rainbow as a God-ordained symbol of God’s faithfulness and mercy. The attempt of some to co-opt the colors for their own purposes does not diminish the beauty and wonder of what God has made. p Recommended Resource:

The Genesis Flood: The Biblical Record and Its Scientific Implications, 50th Anniversary Edition by Morris & Whitcomb

April - June 2017




Return to the

Garden Part two

In my last article, I wrote about some of the basic steps that must be taken to walk back into the garden, the Kingdom of God. What most have not understood is that we are also called to walk back into the same dynamic relationship that Adam and Eve once enjoyed. Just as Adam and Eve walked in the cool of the day with the Lord, it is also our destiny and is also what Jesus died and gave His blood for.




April - June 2017

Conclusions in the Christian life are coming, and quickly. Everyone on this planet is looking at the consequences to our actions and the conclusions that are upon us are, global warming, tainted or inadequate water supplies, food and

shelter, to wars and rumors of them. Therefore, our actions either bring good or bad conclusions. To narrow it down there are conclusions to what we choose, to what we take action toward. This of course becomes more

noticeable as the years go by and we see the fruit that is being produced from the choices we’ve given our time and effort to. We can also see this in our lives in the condition of our body as to how we have taken care of it. For many, the body has never become the temple but something to make happy and over the years the physical condition becomes our conclusion. Therefore, in the end we must live a life that is not just given over to today but how well we will feel and be able to enjoy ourselves later in life. Therefore, our choices in what we eat, how active we are become beneficial or detrimental and this too reveals our weight, how strong or weak our immune system is. Conclusions to our choices come in all shapes and sizes. This paradigm is of course one of the natural nature but it brings about a picture we must look at that is of greater importance regarding our spiritual condition as God’s children. As God’s children, we should grow up to become mature people of God. As we become the fathers and mothers of faith, we’ve become those who have also learned to trust and obey because as children we have also learned to hear and heed the voice of the Lord and follow. “My sheep know My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me. John 10:27. As we move into the time that is called harvest, so we should come to understand that it is a time of maturity, a time when all things planted since the beginning become mature. Which is why in our day it is clear to see that the fruit being produced is either good, or bad. However, as it is with our loving Father, there is never failure but

only the grace to get back up and learn to follow Him closer still. Due to God’s goodness in love, He has plans for us, which are to prepare us as His bride. A people who walk back into realms of purity, holiness, love and peace, which conclusively is a life filled with the best fruit. We are told in Daniel, other minor prophets and in the New Testament writings and teachings of Jesus to His disciples, that God’s word will become flesh and we are seeing the end results in the seeds they have planted in the hearts and lives of His people. God Has Planned A Party For Us Let it be known that God is planning a comeback party for all those who are willing to follow Him back into the place of surrender, which is the garden where we find rest. It is a party made up of His love, peace and joy, which are only a few of the different fragrances of heaven that we can live in, each and every day. In fact, these fragrances represented are a part of experiencing the Lord in walking with Him in the cool of the day, which is what is on the heart of God in planning a wedding for His Son. We first read about this in Matthew 22, when Jesus tells us the parable of the wedding feast. Then John the beloved writes to us about the bride in Revelation 21, which is prophetically sequential in “our day.” It is the bride of Christ, the virgin of sin that we read about in Revelation 14:1-5. The New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven after being redeemed. See Revelation 21:2. This is the conclusion Jesus has been waiting for and she’s beginning to be revealed by those who have overcome, by the blood of the Lamb of God. She is the pure and spotless bride that we once new in Genesis but left God’s side when

man chose Lucifer’s fallen realm. Truly, only Jesus could make a way for us to come back to our original status as the virgin Bride. Therefore, the conclusion is this; that the second Adam became the sacrificial Lamb and paid the price for us. Truly, there is no greater love than a Father giving up His only Son to come and die, so that we can once again have the relationship that He so desires to have with each of us. The time has come, the bride who knows the Lord’s voice has been following and through God’s love man is coming full circle by coming back into place with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit of God to become one. A marriage made in heaven, that is beginning to show herself after removing the final veil of fallen man’s’ love for the world and all its influences that has kept our relationship from becoming the bride. What we’ve been shown in Scripture becomes the paradigm of God’s love in leading us back into becoming virgins, which can only occur by way of Jesus leading us out of the world and its influences. It is in our everyday life that the Lord calls us all into intimacy, which begins by our drawing close to the Lord in prayer, reading the word and most importantly allowing the Lord the place to break fresh bread in which He speaks to us daily. As He invites us into a deeper relationship through His spoken word which always leads us deeper, a path where all curses and fallen realms are broken, removed and we are restored back into the promises of God. p Lyle McTeer, of CFC Ministries He is available upon request for teaching/conferences etc. Website:

April - June 2017




The Subtle Deception of Power


In his play “Macbeth,” William Shakespeare, the famous English playwright, excellently depicted the serious consequences of deception and the lust for power. One day, three witches tell Macbeth, a successful soldier, that he is to become king of Scotland, but that future kings will descend from his fellow army captain, Banquo. When King Duncan nominates his son, Malcolm, to be his heir, Macbeth’s ambition causes him to be persuaded by Lady Macbeth that murdering the king is the swiftest way to become king. When Duncan visits Macbeth’s castle, Macbeth is unwilling to murder him for fear of divine judgment. However, following revelry at the castle, his wife drugs the guards of the king’s bedchamber, then at a given signal, Macbeth enters the room and murders the sleeping king. After Macbeth becomes king, he arranges the murder of Banquo and his son Fleance, both of whom, according to the witches’ prophecy, could one day become king. Later, he plots the murder of one, Macduff, his wife and children. But the play ends as Macbeth meets Macduff on the battlefield, and Macbeth is slain. Deception had led to gradual moral decline, which led Macbeth to his death. The gradual decline of religion in America ought to awaken us to the subtle erosion of morals taking place, and how deception has stealthily led the nation to question God’s existence.




Before 1662, full membership in the Congregational Church required a testimony of salvation. However, because of declining attendance, in order to increase membership, the Church invented the “halfway Covenant.” By 1770, non-believers were being accepted as full and active members, as long as they were respected in the community. A creeping compromise had entered, which weakened the spiritual power of the Body of Christ. In 1859, when Charles Darwin published, “The Origin of Species,” the foundation for corruption was laid through the theory of evolution. Since then, more intelligent people have begun to doubt God’s existence, and to accept that nature’s complexities evolved from a single cell through gradual mutations over thousands of years. Therefore, for people who believe that God exists, science began to pose the greatest challenge. However, God’s existence was not the only battle field. In 1878, Julius Wellhausen, a German scholar, stirred up a revolution against the Church, when he suggested in his book, “Prolegomena to the History of Israel,” that Moses did not write the Torah, but that various writers compiled the stories after they had occurred. Once the reliability of the Bible was questioned, it became easier to accept Darwin’s theory of evolution. Sigmund Freud’s books published between 1895 to 1905 added to the moral dilemma. He taught that

April - June 2017

we should do what makes us feel good. Soon unbelieving members warmly welcomed this concept into the Church’s shaky foundation. The forces of evil were determined to establish a fragmented foundation upon the above three deceptions.

the 1960s, the seeds of various “movements” and “revolutions” began to sprout.

Firstly, when the theory of evolution questioned the biblical account of creation, many began to ask, “Is the Bible really the Word of God?” Secondly, since the Bible was based upon the first five books of the Bible, faith in the Torah had to be torn down. Thirdly, as in the time when Moses had been away from the Israelites for so long, people began to worship foreign gods, who satisfied their fleshly lusts. Thus, Freudian psychology approved human lusts. In 1925, the “Scopes Monkey Trial,” became a turning point in America’s spiritual history. From its birth the United States of America had built its constitution upon the idea that God was the Creator of the universe, and its citizens’ sovereign king. The Scopes trial in a Tennessee court highlighted this nation’s foundational philosophy. State law at that time prescribed that only “the story of the Creation as taught in the Bible” could be taught in public schools. Those who held the literal interpretation of the Bible were struggling against modern ideas that were creeping into theology and science. The nation watched as John T. Scopes was convicted of teaching evolution. Soon, however, on a small legal detail the verdict was overturned, and Bible believers were mercilessly ridiculed. Prior to that, after World War 1, from the 1920s and into the 1930s, a subtle revolution had begun in the behavior of women, both in dress and manners. The gradual decline of American culture saw women begin to dress like some of the actresses and prostitutes of those years. By

In the 1920s and 1930s also, John Dewey vigorously opposed authoritarian, strict pre-ordained structures in modern traditional education. As an educator, he led the revolution against God in the school system, proposing that children should be removed from the traditional setting of home schooling and Church schools and placed in the care of a state that rejected God. This subtle move supported humanism, a philosophy based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved not by religious faith, but by human reason. In this way, children would develop a self-confident view of the world. This move directly opposed the injunction of Scripture that a child should be taught to “remember its Creator in the days of its youth.” Therefore, a fourth outcome of the decline of religion in America was the targeting of the next generation. Is there ever a time when God is not aware of everything taking place both in heaven and on earth? The prophet, Isaiah, once asked, “Do you not know? Have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and His understanding no one can fathom.” And Scripture declares, “For every matter there is a time and judgment, though the misery of man increases greatly” and “God will bring every work into judgment, including every secret thing, whether good or evil.” Yes, America’s judgment has begun. A more dreadful one now awaits. p

April - June 2017

By C Richard McCaw author, music teacher and many years as a Bible teacher








April - June 2017


Can you begin to imagine this handsome young man, with beautiful eyes armed only with his sling and his stones in his pocket, a shepherd boy called David in front of Goliath the Philistine, a mountain of a man, said to be 9 foot tall, who was dressed in his bronze armour, his massive heavy shield and sword. It must have been a sight! 1 Samuel 17 All those soldiers, including 3 of David’s older brothers, had quaked in their boots for 40 days, terrified of Goliath and his threats. Morning and evening that giant shouted, challenging them to a fight. They were all watching on as David took up the challenge for them. Goliath must have looked and sounded scary and impressive with all that heavy armour, arrogance and attitude but this also hampered him. I believe that David was scared but he knew that if he ran from the problem it would still be there. It took a courageous boy from Bethlehem to remind them that their God was bigger than Goliath and his threats, they had forgotten they were the armies of the Living God. No-one realised Goliath had a weakness but David spotted it, weighed down with all that armour and protection Goliath was a target too big to miss! Now envisage another couple of young men, Caleb and Joshua (Numbers 13) They spoke up against the other 10 men that had entered the promised land with them. The rest of the group said, that the promised land was full of giants that could not be beaten. Yet Joshua and Caleb knew that their God would not have sent them there unless He would protect them; their God was bigger than the giants. It must have been very daunting when the furious crowd didn’t believe them and wanted to stone them. God was enraged, He showed up threatening to get rid of all of those who could

not believe that He alone would protect them. He wanted to start again with a new people but Moses and Aaron managed to persuade God to allow them to live, those doubting Israelites had to live with the consequences of their mistrust: their punishment was they had to wander in the desert for 40 years until they died; a year for every day the group of men had explored that land initially. They wandered in the desert until all that generation was dead except Joshua and Caleb, they and the children of that disobedient generation were the ones that entered the promised land.

Their God would not have sent them there unless He would protect them; their God was bigger than the giants. With Joshua as their leader, Israel remained faithful to God throughout Joshua’s lifetime because he listened and obeyed. He was a man who knew His God. What do these men have in common? Joshua as his name suggests in Hebrew, Yahweh is salvation or Yeshua, Joshua has pictures of Christ in his life story just as David did. They were men who truly loved God and had a very good relationship with Him, they absolutely knew that God would protect the people of Israel if they trusted Him. Joshua led

God’s people into the promised land, just as Jesus, the Saviour of the New Covenant people will. Jesus goes before His people to bring them to the true inheritance. David, even though not perfect as Jesus was, was known as the mighty warrior king, the Shepherd king, who was chosen by God to rule His people in perfect covenantal faithfulness, the king of Israel. Doesn’t that sound familiar? There were many other things about David’s circumstances that foreshadowed the coming of Christ. Are you facing your giants now? Have you got circumstances right now that feel as if they are insurmountable? Just like David, Joshua and Caleb can you trust God with your life? Your God is bigger than any of your circumstances. Do you have that close relationship with God and Jesus? It’s not how good you are, it’s not what you have or what you do but how much time do you spend in God’s company, what is your heart condition? Your identity is in Him. Our blessings come from Him so we do not have to worry about what is going to happen, do not burden yourself unnecessarily with worries about the giants we face. Trust in Him, our mighty provider, our mighty God, surrender to Him, surrender your problems to Him. Try to remember this ditty when you are facing doubts: When a Christian is in a fix, remember Proverbs 3: 5 & 6. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. (N.I.V) p

By Teresa L. Randle Missionary, Preacher and Bible Teacher

April - June 2017





Tensions, Territory, Trade, T


What an eventful quarter? We picked the most volatile issues to watch. If the following 5 Northeast Asian countries get trigger happy, we could be shifting attention away from the Middle East to the Far East, as the new epicentre of a global nuclear meltdown. We advise you to prayerfully follow the links and read the backstories. Naughty North Korea Leader Kim Jong-un, Initiates new tensions in Northeast Asian fall out by pursuing aggressive nuclear missile testing in the region. This reckless policy makes him appear as a petulant child playing with dangerous toys. As he makes his bold show of force the USA have responded by testing *THAAD in South Korea and Japan has followed by sending troops to join in these peremptory military exercises with the view to suring up their defences in the case of a North Korean nuclear attack. What does he expect to achieve by triggering a nuclear war in the region? *Terminal High Altitude Area Defense Wikipedia Altitude_Area_Defense

Contrary China China has begun pursuing retaliatory trade policy on South Korea, aimed at disrupting its trade into China, for preparing a defence against North Korean Missiles (THAAD). Lotte Group a S. Korean company did a land swap of a golf course with the S. Korean government to facilitate an area to test THAAD. China’s response was to punish them by subsequently




April - June 2017

closing down all Lotte stores in China for “failing to meet safety standards” customs regulations were levied on K- Cosmetics, also K- pop artists, K-drama actors are banned from performing and filming in China. Another blow was to South Korean tourism industry, all charted/packaged tours to S. Korean destinations were banned. Chinese Anti-Korean sentiment also spilled over into the public arena where stores in the Korean quarter of China are vandalized and left like ghost towns as they have been abandoned by Chinese customers. Korean flags have also been publicly torn and Koreans physically assaulted. The Chinese Ministry of National Defense has warned South Korea that its opposition to THAAD won’t end with just words.[1] In spite of S.Korea’s plea for China to cease its retaliation China is planning to send warplanes to the Spratly Islands as further response to THAAD. Is S. Korea not expected to defend itself against unprovoked threats? China is the keycard holder in this diplomatic standoff. Only China has the clout to convince N. Korea to give up its nuclear weapons. Can China not see the mutual benefits in a unified Korea? Instead China uses N. Korea as leverage, placing its own ideology above the welfare of the surrounding people? Communism is supposed to be an improvement on democracy; the realisation of egalitarian, enlightenment; it is meant to banish authoritarian monarchical regimes of the past lifting the oppression

of Tyrants from off of the people. How are Communists countries today any better off than what they supposedly stepped away from? How contrary then, is the One China policy? In pursuance of this policy China refuses to give Hong Kong Independence and still criminalises any sentiment of self rule in Taiwan. Proverbially, Orwell’s observation of communism that “All Pigs are equal but some pigs are more equal than others” still rings true today. How are all people not worthy of self determination? What makes the Chinese Communist Party the arbitrator of other people’s destinies? [1] asp?nseq=202377 asp?nseq=202284

Mysterious Murder in Malaysia The older Brother of North Korean Communist Party leader Kim JongNam was found to have succumbed to an alleged poison attack by N. Korean operatives whilst preparing to board a flight in the airport. Malaysian Police investigations suggest that this is an order of assassination from N. Korean leader Kim Jong Un on his half brother. Kim Jong Nam the late, eldest son was the expected heir to the Communist Party. After his younger brother Kim Jong-Un out of nowhere succeed him instead. Kim jung Nam fled to Macau part of China and had been in exile since his untimely death. This doesn’t argue well for how family


THAAD & Nuclear Threats? matters are handled within the Kim family and it questions his legitimacy as leader of the Communist Party. A most disgraceful turn of family affairs, as if the killing of his uncle and the exile of his brother was not enough, the deceased lost all human dignity lying unclaimed and unofficially identified for weeks in a Malaysian morgue. The fear of reprisal being ever present the deceased’s next of kin dared not come forward for weeks until a clandestine meeting was arranged by Malaysian police.

The North Korean government are denying that the death of Kim Jong Un had anything to do with their leader and have consequently fallen out with Malaysia, their only other ally in the region. Furthermore they have detained 11 Malaysian diplomats and their families in a spat over who should claim the body, an unprecedented disregard for diplomatic immunity. Subsequently, Malaysia released the body to N. Korea. What Is Kim Jong Un thinking by pursuing this isolationist policy? Political analysts in Asia describe it as, a panic killing, signaling to the rest of the world that his leadership is unchallenged and only the family can touch him as a member of the Kim ruling family. Malaysia was suitable as it was the least risky place for an assassination politically. This killing is a message to potential defectors of N. Korea who use Malaysia as a transit point into S. Korea. Kim Jong Un is in the final stage of consolidating his power but is it a sign of Political instability in North Korea? Why is Kim Jong-un

so insecure to still be using violence to control the nation? The silence in North Korea may not necessarily mean consent. If these allegations are true this would mark Kim Jong Un, not only as a terrorist dictator but as an instigator of war in the region. It is equally interesting that the defection of former N. Korean Deputy Ambassador to London, Thae Yong Ho has not been mentioned or reported in N. Korean news. He defected to South Korea in 2016. h tt p : / / w w w. a r i r a n g . c o m / p l a y e r / c l i p s . asp?vSeq=123151

Squabbling Neighbours Tensions are at an all time high between Japan and S.Korea over a long standing and sensitive issue of the Korean Comfort women (sex slaves) abducted by the Japanese Army and forced into prostitution during the second world war. The issue is in deadlock after Tokyo recalled its Ambassador to S. Korea when an organization supporting the issue of Comfort women in S.Korea placed a statue outside a Japanese Embassy in Busan. Japan feels this issue was resolved in past legislature where an agreement and settlement for compensation of the remaining women was made. The comfort women support group do not recognise this agreement as it was not negotiated with any consultation with the victims or their families. They feel it is not about monetary compensation but more to do with the fact that Japan has never publicly, apologised sincerely, for their actions and have further

added insult to injury by excluding it from their history. Were it not for recent developments, contemporary Japanese would be ignorant of this episode of their history. Further adding to tensions Japan has recently published school textbooks that claim Dokdo Island as Japanese territory; the Koreans see this as really throwing down the gauntlet as they claim the islands going back to ancient times. Meanwhile the Japanese Government faces public demonstrations against its decision to send it SDF to join S.Korea and the United States military in preemptive exercises in case things escalate with North Korea. asp?nseq=202227

Political Tension in S. Korea S. Korean president Park Geun Hae, has just been impeached and they are embroiled in Geopolitical struggles within the region with no President at the helm; they are in the throws of of their presidential primaries and it remains to be seen who emerges as the new president and where the new leadership will take them as the former president now faces criminal prosecution on 13 counts of bribery and abuse of the executive power. Japan anxiously awaits a new president in S.Korea to reopen diplomatic negotiations especially as they now have a common enemy on their doorstep with nuclear weapons. p

April - June 2017




B t a Fi h y

Jesus gave us a totally different way of looking at things so that we can conquer the habit of worry, fear and stress ..




April - June 2017


“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1

Faith is belief, our confidence in the one and only true God because with Him all things are possible. It is a gift from God and we must use it because without faith we cannot please Him. Think about it.

We have been given the gift of faith from a sovereign God and if we choose not to use it how can we please Him; if we treat it as a rejection of such Divine power? “By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible.” Hebrews 11:3 Here we read that God created the universe He created all things. We can’t see what He created them out of but we can see the evidence of the things He created. He created us and we believe by faith it is the truth. lt was His will that it was so. When we pray it must be in the will of God. “Your will be done.” If the answer is no we must not be disappointed because it is counterproductive. If we have said, “Your will be done.” we must exercise our faith, trusting God that He knows what is best for us. We may have to wait sometimes for the answer; so have faith that He is working it out and He knows the best way of doing it. Faith is needed in all circumstances, it is the opposite of fear. Not trusting God is disobedience and rejecting the gift of faith He gave us. How can He act on our behalf if we don’t trust Him? He won’t even hear us! If we feel faint hearted in circumstances we must ask the Holy Spirit to come and help and strengthen us. To help us know what to pray and find out what is in God’s heart for us. When trials come along and we turn immediately to the One who has all the answers we are learning to grow in faith. It is a journey. Whatever our position is in life we have a greater position in Jesus our

Lord and Saviour. “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead. I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:12-14 Paul here has grown in spiritual maturity. He has asked God to forgive him, he did not dwell on all his past mistakes or failures he knew all now was covered with the blood of Jesus, he moved on. His heart was now on the great prize — Jesus. That was it. He had many, many trials but knowing who he was in Jesus his faith must have soared like an eagle. He pressed on. We may not rejoice in our trials but we can most certainly rejoice in Jesus. Think about how God may be changing us in our trials; we gain so much more when our faith and trust is in Him who controls everything. Paul did not look back he knew Jesus had dealt with his past, God was his future and he trusted God in faith that whatever came God would help him through. “But seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall he added unto you. Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day the evil thereof.” Matt. 6:33-34 What is getting out? It achieves

the point of anxious and is a useless absolutely no

circumstances, it’s like sitting in a rocking chair going backwards and forwards and getting nowhere. We all do it but if we first seek God, as hard as it might be in some trials, He will hear us. Jesus gave us a totally different way of looking at things so that we can conquer the habit of worry, fear and stress. In Matthew 6:25-26 Jesus told us not to worry. Look at nature, birds and animals. He told folks look how God takes care of them. He told them to have divine outlook on all things because God is more than able to take care of us. Seek God and His Kingdom He knows what we need and when we will need it. So don’t worry. Let us use the wonderful and precious gift of faith from the wonderful, Creator of all things, God Almighty. Prayer Father God thank you for Your wonderful gift of faith. We are so blessed that we have been forgiven because of the blood of Jesus. That with confidence we can come to You in times of trials and in times of joy knowing that You hear us. We ask that Your Holy Spirit helps us to pray in Your will because You always know what we need and what is best for us and when we pray for others. Thank you. Amen. p

worrying, stressed thing. It results in

By Lynda K Smith writer, proof reader, poet and Evangelist

April - June 2017





“There is no fear in love; but perfect love cast: out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fear: has not been made perfect in love.” 1 John 4:18


Fear can be so bad it can bring us to a standstill. Fear, dread and terror are horrible to experience. We cannot deny that it happens to us so let us see what the word of God has to say about it. Fear entered into man’s mind in the Garden of Eden when disobedience came into play. But praise God He had a plan, His name was Jesus. Fear is the opposite of faith. We can be built up in the power of the Holy Spirit, grow in maturity and the more we love Jesus we begin to realize we do not have to fear. The perfect love our heavenly Father has for us tells us we are safe in His more than capable hands and that dispels our fear. His love for us has been shed abroad in our hearts and when we allow His promises to manifest in us it drives out fear. “For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7 A knowing of who we are in Jesus, all that He has done for us and that He is seated at the right hand of the Father interceding for us gives us a sound mind that is settled on Jesus through 16



April - June 2017

the Holy Spirit. We are not ruled by fear, anxiety, stress, panic attacks or anything that will put us in fear. We must stay steadfast in reading God’s word because it renews our mind and we can function more clearly and be a people of power not fear. “Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” John 14:27 How wonderful are these words of our Lord. The peace of the world is fleeting. Jesus also said, “let not your heart be troubled or afraid.” We should allow the supernatural peace of Jesus to rule our hearts and minds. Is our heavenly Father not able to bring us through what ails us or has come against us? He is all powerful and more than able to do it. Jesus died for us that we may be set free from so much. How can we allow fear to rule us and get us into such a mess when the one who died for us told us not to fear? Look to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith who will never leave us or forsake us. He said, He would always be with us

and never leave us. He also sent us the Holy Spirit to teach and guide us. There is so much we have to be thankful for because of what Jesus did on the cross for us. Let us set our face like a flint to Jesus. Why fear when He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world? He is the lover of our soul. Trust Him.

Prayer Heavenly Father thank you for sending Your beloved Son to die for us. Thank you Jesus that all fear, terror, anxiety, stress, worry, fretting and being scared was nailed to the cross 2000 years ago. Forgive us Lord for the times we have allowed these things to carry us away on winds of despair. Helps us Lord through the Holy Spirit to grow deeper in what You have promised in Your word. That our utter dependence is on You and not on circumstances. Thank you. Amen. p

What kind of


On reading about the night of the Passover in John chapter 13:1 states, “Having loved his own who were in the world he now showed them the full extent of his love.” As we look in Scripture prophets sometime used to demonstrate what was to happen, a sort of ‘show and tell’. Let’s not forget that Jesus who was Prophet, is now our High Priest and soon coming King. What more love could Jesus show? Had He not fed them when they were hungry? Had He not led them to the knowledge of the love of God their great deliverer? Had He not healed Peter’s sick mother, raised the dead and encouraged them that they would do greater things than He? How much more love does Jesus have to give? Jesus knew His time had come but the disciples did not understand a word of what He meant. He knew one of His friends was going to betray Him. Jesus knew what He had to go through and yet was more concerned for the disciples. He wrapped a towel around His waist like a servant and began washing the disciple’s feet. He did not have another towel ready to wipe their feet nor did He ask them to wipe their

e v o l is this?

own feet. When Jesus washed their feet it was His hands that touched them and rolled the dirt away. When He gently took their feet, He placed them onto Himself onto the towel that was around His waist. As He knelt before them the dirt ended up on Him. (verse 5) I believe He was demonstrating to His disciples the sin that would be laid upon Him that He would take it all, not asking anyone else to do it or to do it halfheartedly. He would take it all. When Jesus came to Peter, Peter said, “you shall never wash my feet.” Jesus replies; “unless I wash you, you will have no part of Me”. He was saying to Peter unless I take ‘your dirt’ (sin) you can have no part in Me, meaning he couldn’t receive the salvation Jesus came to give him. We must allow Jesus to rid is of our sin nature. If we do not allow Jesus to wash away our dirt (sin) how can we be clean, how can we have a part with Him? It is a very humbling thing to allow someone to wash your feet let alone the Son of Man, especially when they are so dirty. Oh you feel so clean and refreshed afterwards. That is what happens when we come to Jesus and allow Him to touch our lives, we will feel clean and refreshed as well as have new eyes (spiritually

speaking) to see Him. I used to sing this beautiful song way back and I love it. Its truth still stands today.

What Kind of Love is This? What kind of love is this that gave itself for me? I am the guilty one yet I go free. What kind of love is this a love I’ve never known? I didn’t even know His name. What kind of love is this? What kind of man is this who died in agony? He who had done no wrong was crucified for me. What kind of man is this who laid aside His throne? That I might know the love of God. What kind of man is this ? By faith I have been saved; It is the gift of God. He destined me to be His son such is His love. No eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, nor has the heart of men conceived. What kind of love is this? Music and Lyric by Bryn and Sally Hayworth: © 1983 Kingsway Thankyou Music: Rights in the western hemisphere administered by EMI Christian Music Pub By Barbara Payne intercessor, worship leader, retired minister and Divorce Care counsellor

What kind of love is this? ‘God is love’, is so easy to say but one night during a dark period of my life I sensed a whisper from the Holy Spirit that brought me to tears and it is this: “There was enough love that saved past generations, enough love for this generation, enough love for future generations and enough love to last throughout eternity”... Wow that is God’s Love for you and me. Think about God’s Love and find peace in Him! p April - June 2017




This week’s writing challenge is to write in the adventure genre. I’m having a little trouble getting motivated to come up with anything for it, however. Not feeling very “adventuresome” today. I used to be an extremely adventurous person. At one time, I’d probably have tried anything ... at least once. In fact, there are very few things I have not already at least tried. I love to fly. I could spend days in/on the water. I love to play music on a variety of wind instruments and I could dance before the Lord for hours. The best way I know to spend my free time, when I can afford to do so, is to drive up to the mountains in southeast Oklahoma and hike around until it gets dark. I love horseback riding and fishing, photography, painting and many other forms of art. I suppose I can make an adventure out of just about anything. But my adventures have not all been as picturesque or as peaceful. My foundation, now solid in Christ, has not always been so. I came from a shaky foundation, one marked with rage and disappointments and a rather dysfunctional lifestyle. I could tell a few stories that would raise the hair on the back of your neck or bring you to your knees in tears. But what’s the purpose? The past is just that ... the past. I looked for anything and everything to cover the sadness and the shame and the tragedies in my life. But most things hurt more than they helped and I still had to wake up with ME come dawn. Even when I was not alone, I found that I was very alone. And one day, a day when I least expected it, the dawn came and I woke up to a voice as clear as though someone were standing right next to me: “Clean house. You have company.” He’s been my Guest of Honor ever since and my life since then, has been a series of rather interesting adventures. I have to admit that it’s not all been a bed of roses. As I dug into the Word of God and found promises of healing and restoration and salvation, the Words “I will never leave you nor forsake you” took hold of my heart and they were the same Words that would hold me up through tragedies yet 18



April - June 2017

No F Free

Fear e Fall

to come; and come they did. But I had a strong Tower to lean on. I still do. He’s my Always Tower, my Strength and my Shield, my Comforter, my God. He’s my Best Friend. I’m going through some pretty rough trials at the moment. And I don’t know what tomorrow is going to look like. I know that today it is raining hard outside. My lawn needs to be mowed badly but I’m sure my plants are loving every drop. I choose to be thankful for God’s perfect plans. Though I oftentimes don’t understand them. Maybe we’re not always supposed to understand. That’s where trust comes in. I trust Him in the midst of these storms. Whatever damage is done, I know that He always works all things together for my good. I love Him and I know that despite the suffering I must endure in this world, I am called according to His purpose. Also, He will never leave me, nor will He ever forsake me. Revelation 17:14 says, “These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for He is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with Him are

called, and chosen, and faithful.” I place my suffering and its outcome in the hands of the Lord of lords and the King of kings, the Lamb of God, the Great Overcomer. In the midst of it all, though my weeping may endure for a night, I stand on the promise that joy will always come in the morning. John 16:33 says, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” p Originally published as “All to Jesus, Blessed Saviour” In Faith Writers by Joyce Poet.

April - June 2017





Jesus, A Life Time Adventure

Christ found me on Good Friday afternoon at 2-30pm in 1970. I was a very unhappy lady and emotionally imbalanced because of being involved with the occult. Having been married since 1964 I was still childless and constantly in stress about that fact. It was an issue of unhappiness in our marriage. I had married a man who had no faith in God because of his upbringing he was deeply against religion. I had for some months battled against conviction about the darkness in my life and this was the day that Jesus came to find me as a lost sheep who believed in Him but didn’t know how to live for Him. That afternoon the Jesus film spoke to my heart while I was all alone and I shed buckets of tears as the walk of the Saviour up to Calvary became so very real to me. I just could not bear the heartbreak of it. The more I wept the more I felt clean and light inside, yet since no one had shared the gospel with me I was unaware fully of what was going on in my heart. Suddenly, the tears turned off like a tap and I was at peace with myself as I went through my home drawing all the curtains out of respect for my saviour’s death on the cross. My neighbour was washing and I remember how upset I felt to see it for, I wanted so badly to tell her not to do such a thing on the crucifixion day of the Lord. When my husband Jim arrived home, the first thing I asked him was, if he would take me to Church on Sunday. He felt it strange but out of love he agreed. From then on God began to rearrange our lives for the Church we went to had a born again Vicar and some young couples in it who had passed through similar experiences to me. It would be another year before Jim found Jesus for himself and during that year God used the Vicar to set me gloriously free from a demon that was tormenting me whenever I was in the Church service. I was *anointed by the reverend in his study after confessing all my demonic activity of the past and all my fears also tumbled out. When the mark of the cross was placed on my forehead I felt the heat of it and knew deep inside I was different to when I had entered. The Bible became my constant companion and I spent more than a year repeatedly going 20



April - June 2017

through Christ’s life in the four gospels. We moved out of the area and the Lord arranged another Church for us to go to with a *saved Vicar so we continued to grow and within two years were baptised in the Holy Spirit and in water. Meanwhile, God taught me how to write devotional poetry. Then God began to speak to me about becoming a preacher and would get me up out of bed to write 500 word sermons. Being filled with the Spirit and getting water baptism it began to be evident that the Church we were in was not meant to be our resting place. We prayed to the Lord about the right time and sure enough the day came when He used a Pentecostal Pastor’s visit to lead us out and into the Full Gospel Church he ran. There I took classes for preaching for three and a half years and God began to use both of us in the *gifts. My poetic ministry also increased until I had books full of poems worshipping and praising the Lord Jesus. God used this period to put us into a faith class for provision and we saw Him wonderfully provide often in astonishing ways. I had at that time also become involved as a Church singer and learned also the importance of intercession for souls. The day came though, when God called us on missions to Scotland, where we took part in open air ministry while living in the beautiful country cottage that the Lord provided, with a job for both of us. More lessons were learnt there, before coming home a year later to Wigan, where once again we had to lean on God for our provision. He didn’t let us down in our desperate moments as we trusted Him. He also used our flat to gather friends together for Saturday night meetings where we saw wondrous things happen by the Holy Spirit moving. He healed me fully of the hurt of childlessness and has used me in many ways, including as part of an evangelistic choir going round both Churches and prisons. I look back on that as a truly great part of my life. Eventually we would move again to Southend on Sea where I became a care assistant in a Care Home. Evangelism had to be part of


ESTIMONY by June Ritchie Wigan

I was a very unhappy lady and emotionally imbalanced because of being involved with the occult.

my work there as I met death close up. The years there were years of affluence and we learnt how empty that could be. Four years later we would move again to Grimsby before returning home to Wigan but by this time I had become a writer of spiritual books and with God’s help, learned how to produce them from my computer. Life once again became very busy and fruitful though I had become disabled by the pain of Arthritis. We learnt that when you need a car God can provide one and when you need a new home, that can come too as an answer to prayer and be exactly what you desire. This then is our powerful God, we truly cannot live without the Holy Spirit’s guidance and help, also we are very grateful for our salvation as well as every God adventure we have had. Both of us are happy in the Lord and thankful to be called and equipped by Him as we follow Christ to the end. p

* See Jargon Buster for explanation.

April - June 2017




# youth SHARE Is It Cool 2B a Christian?

How Do Christian Youths Live Out Their Faith Questionnaire 1.

Do you feel confident to express your Christianity? Yes/No please say why?

2. Is the Bible relevant today? Yes/No…. Please say why? 3. Would you under any circumstance denounce Christianity? Yes/No and please explain why? 4. Do feel comfortable discussing The Bible with your friends. Please say why/ why not? 5. Would you say that you are the influenced in your social groupings/ or do they influence you? Yes/No ….. Please say why? 6. Do you feel free enough to talk to God out loud other than in clasped hand prayer? Please say why/why not? 7. Does Christianity in your life feel free or limited? Please say why/why not? 8.

Does being a Christian affect how you make major decisions? Yes/No… please say why?

9. Have you ever been mistreated because of your Christian faith? Yes/No… Please say why/why not? 10. Have you ever said you were not a Christian to avoid ridicule or being persecuted? Please say why/why not?




April - June 2017


This survey was done in Jamaica, USA and the UK via printed questionnaires and our online form respectively. The intention was to measure how youth ages 16-35 year old, feel about being a Christian. In keeping with the focus of this issue, I wanted to know if the fear of persecution/ ridicule was a significant factor in how Christian youth conducted themselves. The questionnaire was formatted to look simple but if answered thoughtfully; would have deep connotations. All respondents were anonymous. Summary of Results - JA At the locations where the interviews took place I could see them deliberating over what to answer. I worried if the respondents would be honest with themselves, or to me? My findings led to the conclusion that; Jamaica is a free country, with little or no restriction on religious beliefs. The youth are allowed to thrive in a seemingly open environment. With a small foundation of Church going doctrines; the youth feel comfortable in a world where belief in Christ is not shunned. They can praise Jesus out in the open. It is almost easier to find a friend that is born again/saved, as opposed to an unbeliever. They all think that the Bible is relevant although it doesn’t completely shape their personal world. However, when it comes to denouncing Christ; more people would do it than you would think, possibly they have portrayed their answers otherwise. It is not unheard of to discuss the Bible with friends but how many of these actually do it often? Answers were bold and to the point. They are not too influenced

by their peers, they are the main sources of learnt behaviour in their social groupings. This lead to the freedom of loud prayer (This question receiving a straightforward yes) but two individuals expressed a feeling of insecurity towards talking to God out loud, I found this refreshing as a seemingly crazy demeanour is off putting to most people who are not in your circle. Jamaica is a gem among the masses but have we lost our sense of purpose and gotten comfortable in a religious faith? Christianity on the whole in this Jamaica is not very limited, so youth can claim that their beliefs affect their actions. Unless they are over twenty-five or a youth leader; they have not experienced an iota of mistreatment because of their faith, so saying they have also been shielded from ridicule. Summary of Results - USA Generally, peer pressure is still a strong influencer of youth behaviour in the USA where confidence to express Christianity outside of Christian peer circles is low because the No Bible in schools policy makes it a very personal matter. They still believe and follow its teachings but pray and practice privately, also the degree of uncertainty surrounding possible persecution in a very litigant society, makes many unsure if they would not denounce their beliefs under some circumstances. It was interesting that being picked on for their faith was true for almost half of the respondents. They need wisdom to not appear as Bible bashers in expressing their faith.

All agreed that the Bible is still relevant but were not confident in their application of it to their everyday lives. However, here again it seems that persecution would be the leveller of the truly faith believers. They have low confidence in taking the initiative among their peers but interestingly will express their faith even though they may be ridiculed for it. These youth seem only to need confidence to stand their ground. Conclusions What we can draw from here is that Jamaican youths are living a sheltered life, free from any real persecution that could test their faith. The questionnaire may have been the biggest challenge that most may have received to their Christian walk. They live in paradise, they should prepare themselves for what is to come, and enjoy the peace while they can. The youth in the USA and UK already have a challenge against their faith to cope with and it is the fear of state persecution and to some extent peer bullying that have the potential to make them denounce their faith. What can we do to prepare these youth to withstand the persecution that will inevitably come their way? How can we build their confidence and arm them with wisdom? Send me your suggestions, email me at: youth@thesharemagazine. com p By Petra Imani Nicholas High School Graduate, Creative Writer, Poet and Blogger on SHARE XTRA

Summary of Results - UK April - June 2017





There are healthy and unhealthy fears. God designed us to have healthy fear so we would stay safe. It is this fear that stops us walking out into the path of oncoming vehicles. When sin entered this world it deformed fear and introduced an unhealthy strain that infected mankind like a disease. It takes the form of illogical phobias that eventually hurt or diminish the life of people. The fear of making new friends for example, or the fear of socialising with others. Such fears are not constructive or helpful but will causes one to become isolated, lonely and cut of from well needed help and support. All fears are somehow related to the fear of suffering and dying. A person may fear failure because they do not want to suffer the embarrassment or the inconvenience that may follow. Another may fear spiders because of the fear of dying from its bite. Unhealthy fears are from the devil who wants to take people captive and keep them in bondage. He tells us lies to keep us away from the truth that will liberate and set us free.




April - June 2017

What/who we should fear

We should have a healthy fear of things that will truly harm us but not for those things that are harmless. There is no need to fear spiders when in a country that does not have harmful spiders. There is no need to fear failure when all it will hurt is our pride. So what should we really fear? Jesus says, “ not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.� Matthew 10:28 Jesus here, downplays the death of just our natural bodies and tells us that the real tragedy and loss is when the soul is also destroyed along with it. There is a death that is far worst than natural death and therein lies the true terror. Only God in heaven has the power to destroy our souls so He is the one we should truly fear. No need to fear man or the devil as they can only destroy the physical. So what is spiritual death or destruction of the soul? In Genesis 2:15-17 God told Adam that he would die in the day he ate the fruit of the

The reality of spiritual death is not fully experienced until the sinner physically dies; then hell starts knowledge of good and evil yet the Scripture says “all the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; and he died.” Genesis 5:5 How was it then, that Adam went on to live and have children for many years after he sinned? It is in this seeming contradiction that we get to understand that true death is not a physical experience. God was right, Adam did die the very day he sinned for that very day he was put out of the garden and fellowship with God was cut off. He experienced spiritual death while still physically alive. True death is separation from God. On the surface it doesn’t sound all that bad especially since we know so many who are living and loving their lives even though they are not in union with God. The truth about being separated from God is not fully experienced until one physically dies; then hell starts. Dead men walking around in living bodies fail to realise that things will drastically change after physical death. A person who is separated from God has no clue the terror that awaits them when they die. There will be “... indignation and wrath, tribulation and anguish, on every soul of man who does evil.” Romans 2:89 In light of this, understand that the fear of God is the healthiest of all healthy fears as it will save us from eternal terror. Fear God, please!

“Inasmuch then as the children have partaken of flesh and blood, He Himself likewise shared in the same, that through death He might destroy him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Hebrews 2:14-15 Jesus destroyed the devil and released us who believe from the bondage that resulted from the fear of death. Fear of the devil is unhealthy and unnecessary and is the seed bed of superstitions that enslave people for generations. Our God assures us through Isaiah, “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 Why fear when God is with us and for us? Paul reminds us, “If God is for us, who can be against us?” Romans 8:31 The Psalmist says, “You shall not be afraid of the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.” Psalm 91:5-6 Why should we fear them if they can only kill our bodies but cannot touch our souls that are safely hidden in Christ in God? p

Deliverance from Fear

By Homer Slack author, preacher, Bible teacher, IT tutor, programmer & graphic designer

Fear of the devil is a wasted emotion for the keys of hell and death have been taken from him. April - June 2017






FEAR Truth About The Things People

Did you know that there are over 100 Phobias in the world? Who knew that they were so many people so afraid of so many bizarre things? According to: The Nursing Degree Guide, there are over 100 medically proven to exist. http://www.

However, The Telegraph’s Lucy Kinder looked at 13 and we will look at 12 of these: science/10289366/13-of-the-most-unusualphobias.html Sunday 29 January 2017. Accessed 02/02/17 26



April - June 2017

Turophobia - fear of cheese. Sufferers of Turophobia usually associate cheese with a traumatic

memory. From cheddar to mozzarella turophobes often have to run away if they so much as see a slice of cheese. Some may fear one type of cheese while others may fear cheese altogether.

Somniphobia - fear of falling asleep. Somniphobia comprises often irrational and excessive

fear of sleep. Somniphobes may fear falling asleep because they associate going to bed with dying. It may also result from a feeling of lack of control or from suffering repeated nightmares. Somniphobics may also fear losing time while sleeping.

Coulrophobia – fear of clowns. Coulrophobia is a relatively common phobia, and usually present in children according to various surveys.

Hylophobia - fear of trees. Hylophobia involves an irrational fear of wood, forest, or trees. It is

often caused by exposure to films and fairy tales which involve scary woods in childhood. Many sufferers don’t grow out of the phobia and any walk in a scenic setting can trigger anxiety. Hylophobes suffer extreme anxiety when they simply think about a wood.

Omphalophobia - fear of the navel. Omphalophobia is the fear of belly buttons. Sufferers are

afraid to have their belly buttons touched, or to touch another person’s belly button. The fear is often linked with the belly button’s association to the umbilical cord and a mother’s womb. Omphalophobes can be repulsed just by seeing or thinking about a belly button.

Nomophobia - fear of being without mobile phone coverage. The name for the phobia of being

without mobile phone coverage was coined five years ago after researchers discovered the phenomenon. According to recent surveys, more than half of people in the UK suffer from it. The phobia is brought on by the fear of losing signal, running out of battery or even losing sight of a mobile phone.

Ombrophobia - fear of rain. Ombrophobes have an abnormal fear of rain which can cause severe

anxiety attacks. It is thought to be triggered by a number of factors, including the fact that children are often told not to go out in the rain because it will make them ill. Rain is also often associated with depression.

Papaphobia - fear of the pope. The fear of the pope or the papacy is uncommon. It is closely

related to Hierophobia (the fear of holy individuals or sacred things). It is also related to hagiophobia which is an exaggerated or irrational fear or dislike of saints and holy things. The fear is often triggered by a trauma associated with the pope.

Uranophobia - fear of heaven. Sufferers of uranophobia fear the sky and the afterlife. It can be triggered in religious believers who fear the idea that they will be judged after life.

Pogonophobia - fear of beards. The term pogonophobia has been used since the 1850s to describe a strong fear of beards.

Trypophobia - fear of holes. Sufferers of trypophobia fear objects with small holes. It is not yet

considered an official phobia, although thousands of people are reported to suffer from it. According to new research trypophobia associate holes with danger. Examples of feared objects include honeycomb, sponges and any plant with small holes in it. Symptoms of Trypophobia range from nausea and itchy skin to full blown panic attacks.

Triskaidekaphobia - fear of the number 13. Many people are superstitious about the number 13 but few have a fully fledged phobia. It is closely associated with the fear of Friday 13. Sufferers take great care to avoid using, or doing anything related to the number. April - June 2017




I've Got



STORY TELLER To book the story teller email: 28




Having heard so much for so long about trusting God with my tithes and offering one night at a Christian meeting I decided to give all the money I had on me. I mean, why not? So much was being said by ministers about God opening the windows of heaven and

April - June 2017

pouring out a blessing and returning to us many times what we give to the Church. I am a very straightforward and uncomplicated person so something either works or not. They say give my money and God will not put me to shame but will look after me, so that’s

what I did. I gave everything, including the money I needed to take the bus home. After the meeting I told no one what I did or about my lacking the means to get home but instead walked confidently to the bus station. I lived many miles away so walking home was out the question. I was convinced God would cause a friend to drive by, recognise me standing at the bus stop and offer me a ride home or something like that. I waited until the final bus for the night pulled up. This was my last hope of getting home and not sleeping on the streets of one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Oh, and we had no mobile/ cell phones back then so I couldn’t at this time just ring up a friend. And why would I, seeing I was so confident that God would provide. I jumped onto this bus thinking maybe it’s here that God will work His miracle and maybe let some stranger for no foreseen reason offer to pay my way or something similar. I thought of the great testimony I would have to tell the following day, of how God provided because I trusted Him. One was not required to pay as you entered but would get seated and wait for the conductor to get to you so I took a seat and waited as the bus sped on its way in the direction of my home. The conductor began to collect fairs at the front of the bus and I was a little way down so I watched and waited as he drew closer to me. By this time I began to feel a bit uncomfortable as I wondered why God was delaying. I heard people speak of how God would wait until the nick of time before He acted, maybe this was one such time. The conductor was now at the row before mine and I am sweating like crazy. “God act now, act now!” I prayed frantically. The conductor now turned to me and asked for my

fare. “I have none”, I said to him honestly. My answer made him very upset and asked me why I got onto the bus knowing I had no means to pay. With that he asked the driver to stop and ordered me off. Everyone stared at me as I hung my head in shame and exited the bus. It was dark, lonely and cold but by this time I was at least two thirds of the way home so I walked the rest of the way. I was terribly embarrassed. Now you can understand, when I say I have trust issues. How can I trust a God who failed and embarrassed me so terribly? Or maybe the question I should first ask is, “Did God fail me or was it the teachings of men that failed me?” After years of contemplating my unfortunate experience I have now concluded that it was not God who failed me. I failed myself by blindly following what men taught. Greedy, insincere men who cared nothing of the flock. Men who misrepresented God by teaching heresies as a means to their own ends. They tell us to give, give, give and not to the poor as the Bible teaches but to their ministry or Church. Our giving only results in them enlarging their material heaven down here. We are living in a time when people cannot be trusted and more so now than maybe any other time in history. It is common place for manufacturers, advertising agencies, politicians, employers and now preachers to promise what they do not intend to or cannot deliver. I was recently speaking to a childhood friend of mine who is now a pastor in another country when he admitted that he trusts no one. He was not here speaking of the ungodly but of fellow ministers and Christians that he deals with on a daily basis who lack integrity. Yes, I have trust issues and no doubt you have too. It’s the time for

it (See 2 Timothy 3:1-9). I am sure you have at some time or the other experienced hurt caused by the deception of others you trusted. However, while we may have issues trusting men we cannot allow such issues to stop us trusting God. Don’t take anyone’s word for it but prove Him for yourself. Faith is often taught today as mind over matter endorsed by the words, ‘you can do it, only believe’. Faith is not us doing our thing and expecting God to endorse it but is relationship based. We believe in someone whom we happen to know and trust. The scriptures say, “Today if you hear His voice harden not your hearts.” When making decisions that could have such negative consequences we MUST first hear God Himself speak to our hearts. There is a need, even when reading or hearing others preach, for God by His Spirit to speak His words directly to us. It is the living word Himself only who has the ability to work great wonders and it is in Him alone we have faith. The key is to not take what man says about God but to get to know God for yourself. To know God’s voice we must grow to know and understand Him. This cannot be done simply by listening to preachers or even reading the Bible. The written Word all by itself is nothing more than a dead text on dead paper. We must spend time with Him in prayer and meditation in His Word. It is a most wonderful experience to hear Him speak, feel His touch and be bathed in the glory of His presence. There is a difference between faith and foolishness. The person who trust in men will do foolishness and be ashamed but the person who grows in relationship and maintains a close, personal fellowship with God will know His voice and not believe false prophets or follow their own vain imaginations. p April - June 2017






In Paul’s two letters to Timothy he longs to see him, as a father would a son, in the faith. Paul really wanted him to succeed in spreading the gospel as a travelling evangelist. Paul gives him specific instructions regarding his responsibilities in case he is delayed on his journey. He explains the need for teaching and how to emphasise faith in Jesus Christ. He also instructs him to set right the false teachings being preached by certain men who have crept in and distorted the faith. Furthermore, he was told to command the rich not to be arrogant and to share with those without and be rich in good deeds. Paul gives Timothy some real tall orders in these letters. We need to take into consideration that Timothy was quite a young and often sickly man. In both letters Paul encourages Timothy by saying, “Do not neglect the gift that was given you by the 30



April - June 2017

laying on of hands by the body of elders through a prophetic message,” also: “To fan into flame the gift of God which is in you by the laying on of my hands”. 1 Timothy 4:14. Paul also reminds Timothy of his faith and the faith of his mother and grandmother. How do you think you and I would have felt with all these instructions, commands, doctrines and issues to think about? We most likely would be wanting to do what Paul says and yet be fearful. There were no mobile phones, email or text so they could keep in contact. Paul could not ring him up daily just to hear his voice and clear up some doctrinal issue he would have been having. All timothy had was snail mail. This suggests that he would have to

diligently commit everything to memory; his faith had to come alive inside of him. Paul encouraged Timothy not to allow anyone to look down upon him because of his youth. Perhaps Timothy grew weary, tired, felt lonely, persecuted and misunderstood? I don’t know but in Paul’s second letter to Timothy he really encouraged him tearfully, prayed for him and then let him know who he is in Christ. “For God did not give us a spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind So do not be ashamed to testify about our lord.” 2 Timothy 1:7 When we read ‘God has not given us a spirit of fear’ what comes into our minds? In this instance it is the only place where fear is described as ‘timidity’. So then,

God has not given us a spirit of Timidity but love power and a sound mind. Now let’s look at the word power. The original word is dunamis/ dynamis (Greek) meaning power or Force. This can aslo mean Ability, Might, Miracle, Strength, Violence, Virtue, Wonderful, Worker of Miracles. (The Index lexicon). Dunamis is sometimes used in conjunction with the Holy Spirit. It describes the activities of the Holy Spirit as believers receive Him (Acts 1:8, 10:38) Let’s remind ourselves that this is the power that GOD has given us. SOUND MIND means prudence (virtue which is good moral behaviour) and wisdom. As for LOVE, you can read all about that in, 1 Corinthians 13. So God has not given us a spirit of Timidity but of Ability, Wisdom and love. When I first met Jesus, I had no idea of the journey I would embark on nor the things He would show me along the way. He taught me the persecution, rejection, joy and above all, faith that I would feel as a human being. I had many problems for Him to deal with (like us all no doubt) and I am sure there are still things about me God wants to change but I want to tell you that I know a little bit about the spirit of fear/timidity which was brought on through *sexual abuse. However, I have found a key to growth in Him; growth to a place where fear does not live any more where I find release from the many things that bound me. That place is called complete submission/obedience to the Word of God. This submission brings freedom from fear and places us on a journey of Faith. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

Fear Freezes Faith So He (Jesus) said, “Come.” When Peter had come out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. But when he saw that the wind was boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink he cried out, saying, “Lord, save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” And when they got into the boat, the wind ceased. Matthew 14:29 This is bold Peter, a true disciple of Jesus, but even he was afraid and that fear caused him to freeze, even at the command of Jesus to come. It took Jesus to hold out His hand, to save Peter and reduce his fear as he doubted during his walk on the water. For us to make any kind of impact on the world and any kind of progress in our walk with Jesus we need to take stock of where our faith is and if there are any fears in our lives. Are you still wrapped up in the fears you had when you first came to Jesus, why? He holds out His hand to you and says, come. God has not given us a spirit of fear but love, power and a sound mind. Where there is fear faith cannot live: and where there is faith fear cannot live. p Remember Fear Freezes Faith Fear sees the obstacles, Faith sees the way. Fear sees the darkest night, Faith sees the day. Fear dreads to take a step, Faith soars on high. Fear questions “Who believes?” While faith answers, “I” * Read more about how to be freed from the effects of such abuse in my book Reach for your Miracle (Search Amazon) By Barbara Payne intercessor, worship leader, retired minister and Divorce Care counsellor


An extreme fear or dislike of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained. dictionary/english/especially


Pouring oil that has been prayed over and therefore blessed by faith. It’s usually poured on the head and allowed to run down the face and body symbolic of God’s anointing Spirit. When the Spirit of God is poured upon someone He gives them the ability to perform the job for which God has appointed them. In the Old Testament kings and priest etc. were symbolically anointed with oil but in the New Testament all God’s saints ought to be anointed by His Spirit.


Everyone who comes to Christ is saved from some things. We are saved from the corruption that is in the world, from the wrath of God and from an eternity in hell. As Noah was saved from the flood and Lot from the fires of Sodom so every born again believer in Christ is ‘saved’.


God is a giver and to commemorate the triumphal ascension of Jesus after conquering hell and death gifts were given to men for the Church. These are Spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit to individuals as custodians who will use them for the benefit of the whole body of Christ. April - June 2017




Note To Self... Live beyond your comfort zone - Give up the excuses - Change/move forward. Go against the current tide - Go God’s way.


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? rt ncome i h g u o een hu n b e e d v n a Ih ba vers? ady jo e e li t e s b a re ing they a cla im. ot hav y t a N a s ? h t o 1. Jesus made se wh n o e o h v t y a ll h g who who rustin nding eople e p p 2. T e y d b nd es ny tim y life a a m m f o o s ? ist. ins believe the re or Chr f I o t t g u a o h g w ing Lettin ed for ll speak e d b 3. n la a or up alised n i anding t g r S a dying? ,m d d e 4. n t a u ’ c , ‘C erse he big t eing p f B o y iall 5. espec ? , ll i g n ttacks a tti e r G o ? r r ing 6. ension to Te p e u d /tra in d o n o g g io n t i a ll a e c du rav ving und, e o not ha 7. T r d g k n c a ba ld tatus, tting o s e , G s ? n 8. onality raditio s t r , e e p r u y h ? y cult g my s diculed n i i r s u g 9. M n s i se be e excu hnicity k t a e m d I n a ge, /chan s g n i h New t 10.

“Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:13-14 (NIV) 32



April - June 2017

Screaming into the Wind On the edge of this blissful shore I stand resolute and self willed; The sands beneath my feet are reseeding and all nature is very still; Everything that is within me is screaming into the wind; I see the billows rolling, folding, piling and climbing ever still; Turquoise towers terrify me; They advance skimming the sky; My ant-like form is confounded, transfixed, convinced I am going to die; Then in that moment of stark reality my mortality finds peace; In the sweet surrender that nullifies retreat; So I dig my toes more firmly into the sand beneath my feet; And screamed as loudly as ever one could

ever scream; “TO LIVE IS CHRIST AND TO DIE IS GAIN!” Fear flees as praise and worship comes flooding in; Carried away by the backwash of the tempest; To the sweet Rock of Ages I cling; My anchor holds secure; My soul unites with it’s creator on the mountain top of revelation; The battering storm is no more; The spirit is but a whisper; The welcome embrace of a faithful friend; New life in me is beginning where I once thought it would end. © Angela B. Slack

April - June 2017




He Who Would Valiant Be

In Praise of Hymn

1 2 3

He who would valiant be ’gainst all disaster, Let him in constancy follow the Master. There’s no discouragement shall make him once relent His first avowed intent to be a pilgrim.

Who so beset him round with dismal stories Do but themselves confound - his strength the more is. No foes shall stay his might; though he with giants fight, He will make good his right to be a pilgrim.

Since, Lord, Thou dost defend us with Thy Spirit, We know we at the end, shall life inherit. Then fancies flee away! I’ll fear not what men say, I’ll labor night and day to be a pilgrim.

Reviewing Great Christian Hymns John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress 1684; modified by Percy Dearmer in The English Hymnal (London: Oxford University Press, 1906). Bunyan wrote these words during his 12-year prison sentence for refusing to conform to the official state church. “To Be a Pilgrim” (also commonly known as “He who would Valiant be”) is the only hymn John Bunyan is credited with writing, and is indelibly associated with him. ... The hymn recalls the words of Hebrews 11:13: “...and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.” 34



April - June 2017

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