Omaha Star Newspaper, No. 84, vol 31, Omaha, Nebraska

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The Omaha Star is a weekly paper Next edition: January 6, 2023 Vol. 84 - No. 31 Omaha, Nebraska

Friday, December 30, 2022

75 cents

Family of the Week: The Johnson Family

Aaron, Amira and Nicka Johnson Married for five years and together for twelve years since they met while attending Creighton University’s Classic Upward Bound Program, The Johnson family is a model of how to live your best life as a family. This family loves to travel. Amira has had a passport since she was 5 years old, and is now 11 years old and is an international traveler. Nicka had her first job at Hewitt Jackson when she was 15 years old and has always been an entrepreneur. Aaron and Nicka believe that you do not have to be a product of your environment. Never give up. You can do more with hard work that is not in vain. Her entrepreneurial spirit is with Budget to Success which is seven years old and she has run this business for two years full time. They eat in, (Nicka is a great chef), follow a budget, and plan, plan, plan for their success. Their fondest travel memory was their trip to Thailand: lodging in an Air BnB, eating street food and being in another culture. The Johnson family is always working toward goals. Recently they purchased a new home and closing on that house was a goal realized. They could have purchased a house before now but theirs is not one to settle but to get what they desire, the way they planned for. Thank you Aaron, Amira and Nicka for sharing and being The Omaha Star family of the week.

Publisher’s Pen Terri D. Sanders

Covid, RSV and all the other viruses are still with us, even in the holiday season. This is the last publication for 2022! Next year is a special year because the Omaha Star will be celebrating 85 years going strong bringing the GOOD NEWS about people, places, and things in and around the Omaha area and our world. We have events planned all year long to celebrate 85 years and looking toward

the future. If you are not a subscriber to our paper please go to and get your subscription before December 31, 2022. In 2023 while we will have specials on the subscription rates, the base price is going up to $60.00 per year. That equals $1.15 per week to have the latest news delivered to your home or office. Our digital subscription will be $55.00 annual rate. You can also get a single digital copy of the newspaper for $1.25/paper. Use the QRCode at the bottom of the paper to subscribe for the current rate. You can even renew your subscription to extend your current subscription. Our goal in our 85th year of publication is to have 2000 new subscribers by year end 2023.

Do not miss a single issue, subscribe today. Are you a small business? You can have a 1.5” X 2” ad in our Business Connection for $200/year. Did you know that on average ONE newspaper is read by SIX people. Talk about spreading the word and sharing the services you provide. How do employees find jobs? We have special rates for your outreach to potential employees for your business or corporation. Contact: publisher@ to get our rates. We also have digital opportunities for your outreach information, including podcast sponsorships, social media posts, website advertising and business “shout outs”. See you in the NEW YEAR, 2023…Happiest New Year!

No More Empty Pots Leadership Program Spotlight: Latisha Rankin By Elisabeth Thompson (Creighton University) Amy Zeller worked for several years as a travel therapist before ultimately returning to Omaha and working at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Within her career of occupational therapy, Latisha is a lifelong learner and continuously aims to be the best she can be. The Leadership Program provided an outlet for Latisha to celebrate and promote this mentality with No More Empty Pots other women. celebrated the five graduates Latisha is a wife and mother of its inaugural six- to her two daughters, ages month Emerging Leaders six and eight. Latisha says Experience Leadership being a mom is one of Program. The spotlight this the most challenging yet week is on graduate Latisha fulfilling roles she has held Rankin. yet. She reflects that there is Latisha is an accredited never a dull moment with occupational therapist her family, and although life serving the Omaha becomes difficult to balance community with a passion at times, her unwavering for helping others. Growing faith and commitment to up in Omaha, Latisha’s service remain at the center grandparents instilled the of her universe. value of gratitude in her Giving back through from a young age. Today, volunteering is an extension being a leader in her of Latisha’s gratefulness community is a way for and calling to serve. She her to remain thankful and volunteers weekly in the grounded. media department at her Latisha is inspired by church; helping with things No More Empty Pots’ like streaming, social commitment to uplift and media, and more. She promote entrepreneurship was also first introduced and self-sufficiency, to No More Empty Pots particularly for Black through a volunteer day women. This solidified at work. Latisha believes Latisha’s desire to apply volunteering is never and participate in the a burden but rather an Leadership Program this opportunity. year. Latisha is a world-traveler, After moving to Washington occupational therapist, for graduate school, Latisha

volunteer, wife, mother and leader with the utmost dedication to serving and helping others. Each of these characteristics work together to make her the impactful individual she is. Latisha will undoubtedly continue to cultivate change in the Omaha community. As Latisha looks toward her future after the Leadership Program, she hopes to continue her involvement by expanding the program’s scope and reach so more individuals from a variety of career and cultural backgrounds in Omaha have the same opportunity to advance their leadership potential. No More Empty Pots is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that connects individuals and groups to improve selfsufficiency, regional food security and economic resilience of urban and rural communities through advocacy and action. The Leadership Program amplifies leadership and professional development opportunities for emerging leaders. The six-month cohort in 2022 is made possible through the P.E.A.R.L. Pledge Grant funded by the Pearl Milling Company to champion the success of Black women and girls. Learn more at

Legacy Crossing Apartments Mass Eviction Asia Nared buyer backed out due to “accelerated deterioration of the property.”

On Monday December 19, 2022, the tenants of Legacy Crossing Apartment were given 24 hours to vacate the premises. The complex was purchased by Vukota Real Estate, a business based in Colorado, in 2018. Vukota attempted to sell the complex but the

Vukota landed a $28.4 million loan to refinance debt and upgrade the apartments, according to But the Colorado-based company’s ownership snowballed into the city’s announcement on Monday December 19 — ordering residents to vacate for their safety. (KETV)

The complex was built in the 1970’s. With any building, as time passes, it needs to be updated. The conditions of the apartments and the extreme inattentiveness from the leasing office, the word “slumlord” is the exact description of Vukota Real Estate’s management

Legacy Crossing continued on Page 2

“Have a vision. Be demanding.” –Colin Powell

There are times in life when, instead of complaining, you do something about your complaints.” –Rita Dove

Page Two



Navigating Job Loss

Naomi Hattaway

Navigating the loss of a job, being fired from employment, being laid off, or in any way suddenly dealing with the loss of income (and benefits) can bring up an immense spectrum of emotions. Because we don’t normalize talking about these emotions, we perpetuate and further harm from the experience. You may feel depressed and disappointed. You may have intense worry, fear, or grief. You may also feel a sense of failure, confusion, and anger. All of them are valid! In addition to the emotions, it’s common and normal to experience a loss of defining traits and identity you associated with your job or role.

DISCLAIMER The United States provides opportunities for free expression of ideas. The Omaha Star has its views, but others may differ. Therefore the Omaha Star ownership reserves the right to publish views and opinions by syndicated and local columnists, professional writers and other writers whose opinions are solely their own. Those views do not necessarily reflect the policies and position of the staff and management of the Omaha Star newspaper. Readers are encouraged to email letters to the editor commenting on current events as well as what they would like to see included in the paper. Those emails should be sent to: and must include the writer’s name, address, email address and telephone number. The ownership has editorial rights and does not guarantee that all submissions will be published. Please be advised that the Omaha Star ownership does not employ staff writers who charge for preparing and submitting articles for the general public. Should you encounter such, please advise Terri D. Sanders at 402-3464041.

December 30, 2022

Use the following list as a set of riverbanks to help you navigate through this period in your life, and also to assist you in communicating this situation with your family and those who love you. Expect: • That it will feel strange to talk about what happened, and may take some time to put words to your experience. • It may feel like a loss that you feel grief over • Disruption to your routine (especially if sharing living space with others) as you shift temporarily to not keeping the same schedule. • That some days you will feel better than others. • To feel conflicted about how you feel about your former employer. Do: • Take every opportunity (as long as you have the energy for it) to network and place yourself in situations where you might meet people outside your typical groups and networks. • If you feel safe doing so, be encouraged to share your situation with everyone you can think of! When you #LeaveWell, it’s encouraged to let folks know that you are in the market to look for new opportunities. • Suit up! You may not feel like doing basic things such as taking a shower or eating well, but notice how you may feel different when you choose to “dress for the day” as you used to. • Rituals are healing. Give yourself as many days as you need, to process the loss of your job. When you’re ready, mimic and recreate your typical pre-work rituals. Make coffee, or listen to a podcast episode as you get dressed. Mark the halfway point in your day, by breaking for a

meal, etc. • Exercise, Food, and Fresh Air. This seems obvious, but don’t forget to eat, move your body and get as much fresh air as possible while you’re navigating this next phase in your life. • Pause and affirm the amazing accomplishments you had from your job and role. Note them down. Capture the things you are proud of from your time there. Write a list of the things you achieved and the impact you had. Do not: • Stay quiet about how you are feeling. Utilize your EAP benefits to invite support from professionals, or choose a few trusted friends to share your emotions and challenges. • Blame or shame yourself for this situation. • While you may feel stressed or uneasy about finances, do not make drastic financial decisions (and be cautious of opening credit lines) • While it might feel like a good idea to take on new volunteering opportunities, make sure to check in with yourself before saying yes to new uses of your time. Guard your time wisely and ensure you are fully able and willing to say yes (and commit) to any new obligations. Take every opportunity to: • Explore the things that often fall to the bottom of your priority list (new coffee shop to try out? Purging the hall closet? Reading a book from your nightstand?) • Review finances and budgets with those whom you share financial decisions with. • Consider - for a short-term - sharing in tasks like absorbing housework / household chores from other household members. • Open communication with family and loved ones (if there are children in your house, consider what level of honesty can be shared with them, so they do not feel left in the dark). • Reinforcement of skills / talents - this is an amazing time to reach out to your friends and networks to ask them to affirm the top skills and talents you have, or to share with you the things they most appreciate or respect about you. • Take control back by updating your resume, and be sure to gather the list of accomplishments from your most recent job to include in the refresh. I am happy to offer transition support through my #LeavingWell consulting practice, and invite you to reach out to me to see if these services may be of help to you or a loved one.

Legacy Crossing from Page 1 of Legacy Crossing. Due to this apathetic behavior, individuals and families were given 24 hours to relocate by the City of Omaha for their safety. It is a standard that the tenant gets 30 days notice for evacuation. A highly raised question is “where was the Douglas County Health Department for the past decade?” There have been reports and reviews from previous

$40.00 IN TOWN


and most recent tenants of mold, ceilings caving in, rodents, and a series of negligence for work orders on various websites such as Google and Yelp. This event created a mass waive of community aid after being shared on social media. With assistance from Heartland Family Service, The Metro Area Continuum of Care for the Homeless, and Omaha Community Foundation. The Omaha

Community Foundation is taking donations to help the families on their website. A notable and beautiful example of the community are the volunteers that stepped up upon hearing such news of injustice. Using their own vehicles or getting U-Hauls to try and assist as many families as they can. The work ethic and teamwork

that occurred without being asked is a reason to have hope for our future as a community in Omaha. This is the beginning to a long journey of justice for those affected. Please follow me on a series of articles for updated information and testimonies from past and present tenants of Legacy Crossing Apartments.

$50.00 OUT OF TOWN

The Omaha Star

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Omaha Star Publishing Dates 2022

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December 30, 2022

2023 PLANNING THE OMAHA STAR Setting goals for 2023 to ring in the new year right

Page Three

By Maggie Wooll BetterUP Setting goals is like building a road map. It gives us a chance to consider where we’re at, what we want, and how to get there. Without a plan, we’re more likely to wander aimlessly or waste time on tactics that won’t work. Goal setting requires structure, and using the start of a new year to reflect on progress and set new goals is great for this. It’s no wonder New Year’s resolutions are so common — and that we so commonly fail. Most years, 80% of goal-setters fail to meet their resolutions by February. Don’t worry — we’ll discuss the importance of defining goals and outline examples you can use when setting goals for 2023 to help you stay on track all year long. Reflecting on past years A great way to set your goals is to think about what you achieved the following year. Consider what worked and didn’t so you can make any necessary adjustments. The prize of goal setting is what you accomplish, so incentivize yourself for future goals by reviewing and celebrating what you achieved this past year. Sometimes, life gets in the way of goals we were excited about. Note the things you didn’t accomplish and whether they’re goals you wish to take on again in the new year. This might be a great opportunity to adjust the goal to be more attainable to set yourself up for success this time around. When considering which unattained goals to keep, consider the following:

1. Was it too broad, and if so, how can I break it into smaller items? 2. Did I build a plan to reach this goal? 3. Was it attainable in the first place? If not, what do I need to do to make it attainable? 4. Did an external factor make my goal too tricky to accomplish? 5. Did I have the proper resources to achieve my goal? 6. Do I still want this?

4. Realistic: Consider whether you have the time, energy, and resources necessary to reach each goal. Remember to account for every goal you have when considering the bigger picture and be honest about how much progress you can make in one month. 5. Time-bound: Ambiguous goals without start and end dates are difficult to measure. Having a due date also helps you stay motivated because it gives you a finish-line celebration to look toward — and adds accountability.

Building smarter goals Setting SMART goals ensures you’re working smarter, not harder. SMART goals share five traits to give you a strong framework: 1. Specific: Avoid broad, ill-defined goals. Turn long-term goals into several short-term ones, and note the resources necessary to achieve each one. They should be as specific as possible to keep you focused. 2. Measurable: Define how you’ll measure progress and success. Include both short and long-term milestones. If you can’t tell how you’re progressing, it’ll be harder to stay motivated. 3. Achievable: Think critically and honestly about what you’re capable of achieving, considering all obligations and resource constraints. Do you have the skills necessary to reach this milestone? Do you want to train for a marathon when you should start with a 10K race?

Setting goals for 2023 Before defining what you want to achieve in the new year, break your brainstorming session into time periods accounting for daily, weekly, monthly, and 12-month goals. Once you’ve decided on your goals for 2023 you can sort them into these sections. Set yourself up for success by focusing on one goal at a time in each area of your life. Research from the Harvard Business School found that even if you set multiple goals, you’ll probably only focus on one. Scheduling your goals — which ones you’ll focus on in which months — will help you excel across the board. This isn’t to say you can’t train to run 10K and work to wake up earlier at the same time. Those goals might even complement each other nicely. But training to run that race while aiming to increase your squat strength and start

How to Make a Vision Board Online

Attention whole-hearted vision board believers and peeps seeking a new method of self-motivation: it’s time to ditch the scissors and glue sticks. PicMonkey / Canva has everything you need to create beautiful digital vision boards that’ll help you keep your eye (and mind) on the prize, without making a mess. Read on for everything you need to know about these powerful goal-setting tools, as well as how to make a vision board in PicMonkey. Digital vision boards 101 If you’re new to vision board making, here’s the gist: vision boards (a.k.a. dream boards, visualization boards, mood boards or, to others, action boards) are essentially compilations of what you want to create in the world — either something tangible like a restaurant concept, or something more ethereal like a specific vacation vibe. Many people — including more than a few PicMonkeyers who have made YouTube tutorials on the subject — create a new vision board annually, in order to stay focused on their goals for the next year. Vision boards, in theory, are based upon the Law of Attraction, which proclaims that our thoughts create reality. If you’ve heard the phrase: energy flows where attention goes,

this is why. In other words, what we focus on, we attract. For that reason, learning how to make a vision board holds several benefits. Making vision boards online can help you to: • Learn new design skills • Understand the Law of Attraction • Engage with the manifestation process • Establish your dreams and goals • Create a timeline for said dreams and goals • Create your reality Not too shabby, eh? Now, for the logistics. Digital vision boards usually consist of pictures, graphics, and words, and have a collage-y feel — sans the modge podge mess. There are a variety of ways to make a vision board — it really comes down to personal goals and personal style. You can capture the photo collage look in your vision board, or opt for something more creatively complex (we mean that in a good way), like a photo montage. Before you start designing, take a few minutes to reflect on the following: • What do I want to accomplish this year / in five years / in my lifetime? o You can make multiple vision boards for each separate timeline, or combine everything in one! Whatever you choose, this practice is all about intention, so feel free to meditate on it before, during, and after you create to hone your vision. • What do I need to do in order to accomplish my goals? • What challenges will I face? • What kind of support do I need throughout this process? As you map out your ambitions, you’re already building new momentum. For this reason, it’s a good time to call in other mindfulness practices like yoga, meditation, journaling, community, or anything else you may need to support you during this process. Digital vision board tips First thing’s first. You don’t have to have all the answers now, but it can help to jot down some notes (words or phrases) to start. Visions boards are innately magic — the purpose is to simply create and let them reveal themselves to you. Number two: If you don’t have any clue about where to begin, no problem! Peruse through PicMonkey’s hundreds of fun fonts, thousands of graphics, millions of stock photos to inspire your direction. And lastly, this is not the time to think small. It’s important to have short-term and long-term goals as well as manifest things you currently perceive to be out of reach. For example, want an extra $10,000 but feel it’s impossible? Work through that resistance first and pivot your focus towards infinite possibilities. Try not to put down anything you’re currently struggling with, but the things you feel you can really attain at some point in time. Then, let the Universe work its magic.

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December 30, 2022

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December 30, 2022



Page Five

2nd Annual Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Purple Swipe for the holidays The local Brothers of the Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. gathered on Christmas Eve 2022 to do what they do best, serve in the community and gather together to share in brotherhood activities. Last year was great and several families were recipients of their kind gesture. This year was PHENOMINAL with proceeds over $5000 used to spread Christmas cheer at the Walmart on 50th and Ames Avenue. Each Brother had a gift card with approximately $150.00 on it and they walked up to a

shopper in the checkout line and said: “We are with the brothers of local chapter Beta Upsilon. We are members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. We were wondering if we can pay for your shopping experience today up to $150.” Shoppers were hesitant at first but welcomed the spirt of giving by the Omega brothers.

Below are a few photos that display the spirit of the season and the giving spirit of these men in our community.

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Page Six



December 30, 2022

Frosé (Frozen Rosé) Makes 4 to 6 Servings Ingredients: 1 750 ml bottle hearty, bold rosé (such as a Pinot Noir or Merlot rosé) ½ cup sugar 8 ounces strawberries, hulled, quartered 2½ ounces fresh lemon juice

Written by August Wilson Director Denise Chapman Associate Director TammyRa’

Preparation • Step 1 Pour rosé into a 13x9” pan and freeze until almost solid (it won’t completely solidify due to the alcohol), at least 6 hours. • Step 2 Meanwhile, bring sugar and ½ cup water to a boil in a medium saucepan; cook, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves, about 3 minutes. Add strawberries, remove from heat, and let sit 30 minutes to infuse syrup with strawberry flavor. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a small bowl (do not press on solids); cover and chill until cold, about 30 minutes. • Step 3 Scrape rosé into a blender. Add lemon juice, 3½ ounces strawberry syrup, and 1 cup crushed ice and purée until smooth. Transfer blender jar to freezer and freeze until frosé is thickened (aim for milkshake consistency), 25–35 minutes. • Step 4 Blend again until frosé is slushy. Divide among glasses. • Step 5 Do Ahead: Rosé can be frozen 1 week ahead.

Jan. 20 – Feb. 12

New Year’s Eve Champagne Punch Author: Rebecca Hubbell New Year’s Eve Champagne Punch is loaded with Triple Sec, blackberry brandy, Chambord, pineapple juice, ginger ale, and champagne for a drink that’s sure to impress all your NYE party guests! Prep Time: 5 mins Chilling Time: 4 hrs Servings: 12 servings

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Ingredients 1 cup Triple Sec 1 cup blackberry brandy 1/2 cup Chambord 2 cups pineapple juice 4 cups ginger ale 2 750ml bottles Pink Champagne Raspberries for garnish Instructions 1. Combine the Triple Sec, blackberry brandy, Chambord, and pineapple juice in a large pitcher or punch bowl. Cover and store in the fridge for 4 hours or overnight. 2. Just before serving, add the Triple Sec mixture, ginger ale, and the champagne together in a large punch bowl. Serve over ice and garnish with fresh raspberries if desired. Notes The longer the first mixture sits, the better the flavor.

Bottle-and-Bring Cranberry-Orange Prosecco Punch Prep10 MIN

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Total: 1 HR 10 MIN Servings. 8

Don’t show up to the party empty-handed. Mix, bottle and stow a batch of this decidedly grown-up punch in your fridge for any last-minute party invites. When you roll up to the event, just combine the not-too-sweet mixer with a bottle of champagne. Cheers to you, party hero! Ingredients 1/4 cup sugar 1/4 cup water 1cup pure cranberry juice, chilled 1/2 cup pulp-free orange juice, chilled 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 bottle (750 ml) dry Prosecco, chilled Steps •1 In 1-quart saucepan, mix sugar and water; cook and stir over medium heat 2 to 3 minutes or until sugar is dissolved. Transfer to small bowl; cover and refrigerate 1 hour. •2 Mix syrup and juices in a container. Refrigerate until ready to use. •3 Just before serving, stir together juice

Contact us: 402-346-4041 Call to schedule an appointment

mixture and Prosecco in a punch bowl or pitcher Expert Tips • tip 1 Fresh cranberries and thinly sliced orange rounds make a nice punch bowl garnish for this festive punch. • tip 2 For a good balance of sweetness, we used dry Prosecco. If you use a sweeter Prosecco in combination with the simple syrup, the punch will be too sweet! • tip 3 Planning on taking this drink with you to the party? Bring the chilled juice mixture in a separate container, along with an unopened, chilled bottle of Prosecco, and combine them just before serving. • tip 4 The juice mixture can be made and kept chilled up to three days in advance. • tip 5 If you’re serving a big crowd, this is an easy recipe to double.

Homemade Moonshine Recipe Without a Still Make moonshine without a still! Ingredients 1 Liter 190 proof grain alcohol (Everclear) (Phase 1) 3 6oz containers of fresh blackberries (Phase 1) 4 cups water (Phase 2) 3 cups sugar (Phase 2) Instructions Phase 1 (3 weeks) 1. Pour the grain alcohol into a 1/2 gallon jar with a lid. 2. Add all of the blackberries. 3. Crush the blackberries with a wooden spoon. 4. Seal the jar and let it sit for 3 weeks. 5. Shake the jar every other day. Phase 2 (2 weeks) 1. Bring water to a boil and add sugar. 2. Stir until the sugar dissolves then let cool to room temperature. 3. While the simple sugar mixture is cooling, take your alcohol and blackberry 4. Mixture and strain out the remaining blackberries. 5. Return the alcohol mixture into its jar and pour in the simple sugar mixture. 6. Seal the jar and let sit for 2 weeks or longer. How to Serve Homemade Moonshine Serve as a Chilled Shot: Chill your moonshine for several hours and serve in these small shot cups. Perfect for parties! As a Sipping Liquor: Simply pour over ice in a lowball glass. Make moonshine Jello shots: When making jello shots, replace 1/2 of the water called for in the jello recipe with the moonshine. If you use more than that, the jello won’t set up. Make a Mixed Drink: Most popular is to make refreshing Blackberry Moonshine Lemonade. Mix 1 part Blackberry Moonshine to 3 parts Lemonade.


December 30, 2022



Rev. Jacqueline Ford, Pastor 2842 Monroe Street Omaha, NE 68107 Off: (402) 734-3399 Email: Sunday School...........................9:00 a.m. Sunday Praise & Worship.....10:00 a.m. Thursday Bible Study..............8:00 p.m. via teleconference, dial-in number 563-999-2090 and access code 576989

Rev. Jacqueline Ford

Pastor Albert Jonathan Wagstaff

2423 Grant St. Omaha, NE 68111 Ph: 402-348-0631 • Fax 402-342-4451 Sunday Mass: 9:00 a.m. Reconciliation: Sunday after Mass or by appointment

Sunday School......8:45 a.m. Sunday Morning......10:00 a.m. Bible Study, Tuesdays......6:00 - 7:30 p.m. Prayer Service, Wednesdays......12 noon

Page Seven


3202 Evans Street Omaha, NE 68111 Ph: 402-455-0358 Fax: 402-455-0801

Journey to Tomorrow, Our Next Step Judges 18:4-6




Rev. Michael Voithofer


11501 Fairview Road, Springfield, NE 68059 Ph: 402-451-6622 • Fax 402-457-6901 Contact Ablaze: email: Pastor: Rev. Michael Voithofer 402-341-1866 5417 N. 103rd St. Omaha, NE


2207 Wirt Street Omaha, NE 68110 Phone: 402-451-5755

Founders & Lead Pastors

MORNING STAR BAPTIST CHURCH BETHEL MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Dr. Lorenzo S.L. Fincher Senior Pastor 5318 South 30th Street Omaha, NE 68107 Phone: (402) 731-1840 “Large enough to serve you, Small enough to know you”

Rev. Dr. Lorenzo S.L. Fincher Senior Pastor

Sunday School .............................................. 9:30 a.m. Worship Services .............................................. 10:45 a.m. Wednesday Prayer Services ..........................................6:30 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study.....................7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Biblically Based, Family Oriented, Dynamic Fellowship

Church of the Living God “A great place to call home.”



Worship Service .............10:00 a.m. Sunday School .................8:45 a.m. Excluding First Sunday Tuesday Evening Service.........7:00 p.m.

Weekly Services

Mass Schedule: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday - 8:00 am in Rectory (2218 Binney) Thursday - School Mass 8:10 am in Church Saturday - 5:00 pm Sunday - 8:15 am and 10:30 am

Live Streaming Sunday Service-10:00am on Morning Star Baptist Church-Omaha Facebook Page


Serving God and One Another in the Spirit of Excellence Rev. Dr. Selwyn Q. Bachus Senior Pastor


“Jesus is the Light of the World” Bishop Kevin Chambers, Senior Pastor 5112 Ames Avenue Omaha, NE 68104 (402) 457-4216 Church Phone (402) 453-4084 Pastor’s Office

Overseer Dr. Claude White

Come and hang out with us on our corner

Fr. Dave Korth

2019 Burdette Street Omaha, NE 68110 Ph: 402-342-0018

3131 Lake Street Omaha, NE 68111 402-455-1000

Bishop Kevin Chambers

Services: Sunday School .................................................... 9:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship Experience ......... 11:00 a.m. Word On Wednesday (WOW) ........................ 7:00 p.m.

Rev. Dr. Selwyn Q. Bachus

Weekly Services Sunday Morning Worship Service .....................8:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Children’s Church (2nd & 4th Sunday) ................8:30 a.m. & 11:30 a.m. Life Development (Sunday School) .........................................10:15 a.m. Wednesday Word and Worship (WWW) ................................ 6:30 p.m.

Sunday School ———————- 9:30 a.m. Morning Worship —————— 10:45 a.m.

TABERNACLE OF FAITH CHURCH Pastor Barbara Mitchell 2404 Fort Street, Omaha, NE 68111 402-455-1800 Church 402-455-3390 Fax


“Come Get Your Hilltop Experience” Rev. Portia A. Cavitt, Pastor 5544 Ames Avenue, Omaha, NE 68104 Telephone: 402-451-8322 Website: Email: Rev. Portia A. Cavitt, Pastor

Sunday School………………………8:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Experience………...10:00 a.m. Wednesday Bible Study….…….…….6:00 p.m.


Pastor Barbara Mitchell Rev. T. Michael Williams

Dr. Ralph B. Lassiter

Elder Howard Dixon


“Transformed People Everywhere” 2602 N. 24th St. - PO Box 11593 Off: (402) 451-8800 Sunday Worship ..........................................10:45 a.m. Live Stream: Please call for Prayer and Transformation Group Bible Study Schedule

Rev. Morita Truman, Lead Pastor Services on Sundays at 8:30 am & 10:50 am 7020 Cass Street, Omaha, NE 68132 402.556.6262 First United Methodist Church is a welcoming and inclusive community, inspired to grow with and in God.


In Person Service 11:30 am and LIVE on Facebook

Wednesday Night LIVE on Facebook 6:30 pm Friday Night LIVE on Facebook 7:00 pm

ZION BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Kenneth A. Allen, Pastor 2215 Grant Street Omaha, NE 68110 Ph: 402-346-1502 Fax: 402-344-2720

MT. NEBO MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH “The Church Where Fellowship is Real”

Rev. Morita Truman

Pastor Terry L. Arvie 5501 N. 50th Street Ph: 402-451-4245 Fx: 402-451-2130

Pastor Kenneth A. Allen

Pastor Terry L. Arvie

Sunday Morning Worship ...................................9:00 a.m. Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting .....................7:00 p.m. Wednesday Night Church School ......................7:30 p.m. Youth/Children Ministry Focus (Wed.) ............7:30 p.m.

SUNDAY Sunday Morning Worship……………10:00 A.M. Sunday School……………………….. 9:00 A.M. WEDNESDAY 11:00 A.M. ~ Hour of Power Bible Study Wednesday is Family Night! 6:00 P.M. ~ Prayer & Praise Service 6:30 P.M. ~ Feast & Fellowship (Light Meal) 7:15 P.M. ~ Discipleship Academy (Classes for ages 5 & up)

Pictured: (left) President Calvin Webster and (right) Pastor Rev. John C. Deang



Missouri Synod 2721 N. 30th Street, 402-453-1583

“Where CHRIST is Preeminent and the Word Prevails!”

Sunday School................................10:00 a.m. Church Service...............................11:00 a.m. Thursday Bible Study...............................5:00 p.m.

Pastor Brian Page 5555 Larimore Avenue Church: 402-346-8427

North 24th Street Church of God “Presenting the Never-Changing GOD to an ever-changing World!” Dr. Stan Rone - Senior Pastor 2021 N. 24th Street Omaha, NE 68110 (402) 341-4297

Pastor Brian Page


Wednesday: Prayer Power Hour ......................................12:00 p.m

Pastors Eric and Cynthia Butler 6401 N. 56th Street Omaha, NE 68104 Ph: 402-399-9628 E-Mail: Sunday Morning Worship.....10:00 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship.......5:00 p.m. Wednesday Academy .............7:00 p.m. Bible Study and Youth Ministries


Thursday: Youth For Christ ............................................6:00 p.m Prayer & Bible Study ....................................6:30 p.m Sunday: Sunday School.................................................9:00 a.m. Morning Worship..........................................10:15 a.m. Pastor Eric Butler and Co-Pastor Cynthia Butler

Televised Broadcast Sunday @ 10pm on KPAO Cox Communication channel 22 & Century Link channel 89

Dr. Stan Rone Senior Pastor

Sunday Kingdom Academy 9:00 a.m. Worship Celebration 10:15 a.m. Tuesday Prayer Hour 7:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon Wednesday Power Hour (Prayer/Bible Study) 6:30 p.m. Youth and Children 6:30 p.m.

Page Eight



December 30, 2022



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December 30, 2022


Page Nine


What Would You Change In The New Year? “I would like to change my bedtime on New Year’s Eve,” says Tyler, 11. “I usually go to bed at 10 p.m., but I would like to stay up all night. I would have a great time because we would first party, second play video games and third eat a lot!” Tyler, if you ever get your way, you may wish you had gone to bed at 10 p.m. on New Year’s Eve. Sabrine, 10, has a better idea: “At midnight everyone would yell Happy New Year and then go to bed. In the morning, everyone would open a present, and have a slice of apple pie and hot cocoa.” The roads would be a lot safer with the apple pie and hot cocoa plan. “I would change my room and my hope in God to make it stronger, and my love for God to make it stronger,” says Jenna, 11. Jenna, I wonder whether changing your room is connected to your hope in and love for God. I’ve noticed that when my living area gets cluttered, it’s harder to focus my mind on God. On the other hand, if your house looks like a museum, and that’s all you ever think about, you may have

organized God out of your life. “I would like to change my attitude toward my parents,” says Cassidy, 11. Aside from driving under the influence of alcohol on New Year’s Eve, few things in life can set one back as quickly as a bad attitude toward parents. On the positive side, the Bible promises a long life to those who honor their parents (Deuteronomy 5:16). I once attended a seminar taught by Dr. Neil T. Anderson, professor and author of “Victory Over the Darkness.” Anderson showed a video of a woman in a counseling session with a host of problems. Her words, face and body language conveyed distress, anguish and suffering. When Anderson asked the woman about her mother, her stress level increased. He hit a nerve. After the woman admitted she needed to forgive her mother, Anderson asked her to say it out loud. Watching her try to speak was like going to the dentist to see a root canal. She struggled to get loose as if someone had bound her with rope and duct tape. Her appearance changed immediately after she spoke words of forgiveness. “I would like to change my attitude toward chores and

homework,” says Emma, 11. “I hope in the new year, my attitude will change.” I once met Pastor Chuck Swindoll, one of the best-known radio Bible teachers and authors of this generation. After giving him my business card, he reached into his pocket and gave me a card entitled “Attitudes.” Here’s how it reads: “Words can never adequately convey the incredible impact of our attitude toward life. The longer I live, the more convinced I become that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we respond to it. “I believe the single most significant decision I can make on a day-to-day basis is my choice of attitude. It is more important than my past, my education, my bankroll, my success or failures, fame or pain, what other people think of me or say about me, my circumstances, or my position. “Attitude keeps me going or cripples my progress. It alone fuels my fire or assaults my hope. When my attitudes are right, there’s no barrier too high, no valley too deep, no dream too extreme, no challenge too great for me.”

Christ our hope for the New Year We are at the end of another year and it always brings thoughts of starting fresh and having hope for the future. Most of us have watched the ball drop on New Year’s Eve which officially declares, “out with the old and in with the new.” At midnight, people from all over the world will celebrate the turning of the next page of their lives. Over the years, the “time-ball” has undergone several changes in design, and the most recent was created for the Millennial celebration in the year 2000 by Waterford Crystal. It’s a geodesic sphere, six feet in diameter, and weighing approximately 1,070 pounds. It’s covered with a total of 504 crystal triangles that vary in size and each piece has a special designation: Hope for Love, Peace, Wisdom,

Unity, Courage, Healing, etc. The Name of the ball itself? “The Star of Hope.” It’s wonderful to have hope as it’s a positive and optimistic attitude to believe that everything is going to be alright. However, there is a difference between wishing and knowing. The time ball might be called the star of hope, but Jesus Christ the Son of God not only came to bring hope, He is literally our only hope. This means that unless He is our Lord and Savior, we do not have a hope of becoming what Jesus died for us to be or the promise of eternal life. When we are born-again and become a child of God we are given a type of hope that allows us to rest in the reality that He is the absolute truth and everything He has guaranteed will come to

pass. When He declares that He can can not only redeem us, but we can spend eternity in Heaven with Him, we have a blessed assurance that means more than any dream or aspiration the world can offer. Christ in us is the hope of glory as we surrender out will to God in the reality of knowing Him as our eternal spiritual Father. If you have been stressed lately and your prayer life has recognized more negative resistance than usual, then congratulations, you are perfectly normal. We are indeed distracted, but much of our stress is our own fault. No one is making us watch television, play games, or be absorbed in social media. We should understand that living a holy and obedient life before God is difficult enough

without us refusing to take our responsibility to stay focused seriously. Scanning the headlines we know there is a lot of strange things going on in the world. I’m often asked about my thoughts pertaining to Biblical prophecy including the topics of rapture and tribulation? I realize that most everyone has speculations and interpretations, but let’s just say that God is in control and everything is moving according to His perfect will. The wise decision would be to make sure we are as close to God as possible. Proverbs 3:5-6 reminds us, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” When we think

about New Year resolutions, this passage defines how we are to allow God to be the Master and King of who we are and everything we say and do. The foundation of being a Christian is to invite God to control and possess us. There are many individuals and families that are going through all types of difficulties. Whatever the crisis, disappointments, worries, and fears, there is no higher priority than to consider our spiritual relationship with the Lord. Our creator has given every person an open invitation to come to Him as He longs to be your best friend. This coming year is filled with unlimited possibilities and He is waiting for you to embrace Him as the Lord and Master of your life!

January means “beginning” and is a wonderful time to receive His forgiveness. He loves you more than anything and there is so much He is waiting to reveal to you. II Corinthians chapter six reminds us, “Behold now is the accepted time: behold now is the day of salvation.” As a messenger, I will never say anything more important than today is the perfect time to embrace the grace and mercy of God and sincerely give your life to Him. Dr. Holland is an ordained minister, community chaplain, and Christian author. We invite you to read more about God and the Christian life at

We need your Church Announcements, Community News and Events. Send to What does Christmas mean to you? I’ve read articles over the years about how Christmas is a combination of Christian and pagan symbolism along with some folklore traditions and for the most part, this is true. I also realize that most people do not want to hear about such things. Beyond the bah-humbug, I will admit that even though Christmas is not as much fun now as it was when I was a kid or when our children were young, I still enjoy the season. I remember laying under the tree and how I was mesmerized looking up at all the twinkling lights. To me, Christmas has always been a special time and heaven forbid I use the term, “magical” but as a child, my overactive imagination had no problem believing the fables especially after I learned about Saint Nicholas that knows everything and can give every child in the world exactly what they want. Now that we are adults, it seems we still hold onto the memories of Christmas past and even have a little excitement left for Christmas future no matter how old we are. I was thinking about some of the things I do not enjoy about Christmas like for example, the traffic when trying to shop is a headache and how it seems people are not always in a “Currier and Ives” festive mood. The high level of stress and anxiety to make sure everything is perfect can turn our joyous celebrations into something that resembles a torture chamber. The pressure of making sure the house is decorated just right, the food is delicious, and finding the perfect gifts, takes an exhausting toll on all of us. And let’s not forget about the intense commercialism that bombards us with advertising and turns everything into a moneydriven frenzy. But, for the sake of all those involved, we will continue our merry traditions until we cannot do it anymore because spending time with our loved ones for the holiday makes us all happy. What is there not to like? The lighted tree, feasting at banquet tables with the richest delicacies of the year, and everyone enjoying themselves are the ingredients for a wonderful occasion. Let us not forget seeing the excited faces of the little ones as they unwrap their presents. We remember the carol that reminds us, “It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”

Still, in the back of my mind, I keep thinking about the spiritual parts and pieces of a supposedly Christian holiday. After all, I was also taught this was when Jesus was born. The concept of syncretism is the perfect opportunity to blend all types of ancient traditions and rituals with our sacred faith. We have a nativity with Jesus as the Savior for those who believe and Santa Clause with his magical powers for those who believe. I understand for those who are not Christians, this is no big deal because a party is a party, but the Bible says that the more we learn the more we are accountable for. Besides, everyone is going to do whatever they want. We all strain at a gnat and swallow a camel every now and then, right? Then if we pull the plug on Christmas, we can become so legalistic and narrowminded that we offend everyone and end up living alone. I cannot see how this helps anything. Is trying to find a reasonable balance just another word for compromise? I wonder how many would celebrate Christmas if it was only about Jesus coming to save us. What if there were no Christmas trees or the magical man dressed in red with a white beard? What if Mr. Kringle was without supernatural powers like being omnipresent and the ability to shape-shift and visit every home in the world in one night? Without the sparkling lights, Frosty the snowman, candy canes, the ham and pecan pie, the music carols, Rudolf, and a large pile of wrapped gifts, Christmas day would probably pass by quietly like Groundhog Day. Advent is a time of reflection and gratitude about Christ coming to save us from our sins. He seems helpless as a baby in a manger, but one day every person will acknowledge Him as Lord and give an account of how they lived. Somewhere between the wise men, the winter solstice traditions, and flying reindeer, may we find our reason for the season. Dr. Holland is a Christian author, outreach minister, and community chaplain. To read more about the Christian life visit

Spicey Chicken Dip Ingredients 8 oz cream cheese ½ red bell pepper 1 cup sour cream 5 teaspoons tabasco or hot sauce 2 teaspoons onion powder 3 cups shredded chicken 1 small bunch green onions (chopped) Directions Preheat oven to 350 degrees Let cream cheese soften at room temperature or microwave for 20 seconds to soften. Puree red bell pepper in blender Mix cream cheese and sour cream in a bowl. Add the bell pepper puree, hot sauce, onion powder, green onions and stir mixture. Add cooked shredded chicken until blended. Put in a baking dish sprayed with cooking oil, lightly Bake in oven for 20 minutes

Page Ten



December 30, 2022

SUGAR COOKIES Yield 16 cookies Prep time: 5 Minutes Cook time: 12 Minutes Total time: 17 min Ingredients Cookie Dough: 1/2 cup softened unsalted butter 1/2 cup light brown sugar 1/4 cup granulated sugar 1 large egg 1 tsp vanilla pinch of salt 1.5 cup All Purpose flour extra flour for rolling out Glaze 1 pound powdered sugar 1/4 cup corn syrup 1/4 cup water 1/2 tsp clear vanilla (regular vanilla is fine but the glaze will need to be colored) Red & Green GEL food colors. Instructions Preheat the oven to 350F Cream together butter and sugars (3-5 mins) depending on speed of mixer Add egg and vanilla. Mix until incorporated. Add flour and salt. Mix until dough forms. Sprinkle a dusting of flour on your work surface. Knead your dough gently to bring it together before rolling it out. Lightly flour the top of the dough and make sure any exposed surface area your dough cantouch is floured. Roll out dough. Cut out shapes and place onto a parchment lined baking sheet. Bake for 10-12 mins Allow cookies to cool on pan 15-20 min before icing. Glaze Icing Instructions:1. Add powdered sugar, corn syrup, water and vanilla to a bowl. Tips Notes for glaze:Gel colors are strongly recommended to change the color of the icing. Using a liquid basedcolor will change the consistency of the icing and also won’t be as vibrant.For a bright white icing, you’ll need some white gel coloring. Using the white color can also helpcreate pastel colors when mixed with darker tones.If the icing is “runny” add sifted powder sugar so that you avoid clumps in your icing. To make dark colors it is a two step process:Red: Make deep pink icing (2-3 drops) then add 1-2 drops of red gel food coloring.Black: Make brown icing (1-2 drops) then add 2-3 drops black icingDo not try to make red icing without making it pink with pink gel color first. Red plus whiteequals pink. No matter how much red color you add to white icing it’s not going to turn a deepred

Raspberry Coconut Cream Dr. Pepper 1 tbsp. of raspberry syrup 1 tbsp. of coconut syrup 1 can of Dr. Pepper 1 tbsp. Heavy cream Ice

Add flavoring, Dr. Pepper, and top off with cream. Give it a really good stir or else your first drink will be pure syrup and nothing else. Enjoy!!!!!!! **I’m not going to tell you how to live your life here....if you want to use more or less cream or flavoring...go for it. We love cream and sugar and everything bad for we go big or go home when it comes to anything.

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