Animalpedia 4B

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animalpedia Black panther

The black panther's habitats include the rainforest, marshland, woodlands, swamps, savannahs, and even mountains and deserts. One of the reasons that black panthers are able to live in such variety of habitats is that they can eat many types of animals. A black panther is a type of a wild cat,it is black and have blue and grey eyes it have a long tail and you can find the in america north and south america.

It live in south and north america in jungles and in forests some times.

Cozumel raccoon

The cozumel raccoon eat fish insects and little anumals lick mouses.

The scientific name of the cozumel raccoon is Procyon pygmaeus his rank is species it is also called pygym raccoon is a critically endangered species.

It live in mexico and the special place it live is were it get food like if he want a fish it live close to lakrs or ocean.

The sientific name of the clouded apollo is parnassius mnemosyne and it is founded in italy in the ecozones.

It eat the nectar of plants and it eat a little kind of insect in the gardens.


Clauded apollo It live in italy in the forest or in gardens or in a cind of jungle.

Pacific walrus

Animal World By: Alex Balkin 4B


Definition: a large predatory semiaquatic reptile with long jaws, long tail, short legs, and a horny textured skin, using submersion and stealth to approach prey unseen. The crocodile has been extensively hunted for its valuable skin.

Adaptation:The crocodile’s adaptation is the scales to protect itself from heat,The nose on top of the mouth so it can breathe when swimming.Another adaptation is the tail so the crocodile can swim well, the croc swims with his feet and moves his tail in the water to control his directions of swimming.

Habitat:The crocodile's habitat is the swamps and tropical swamps.

Greater bulldog bat

Definition :When in flight, the bat's wings move slowly. This species is a capable swimmer and will use its wings to paddle. The Greater Bulldog bat also has prominent cheek pouches which are useful for holding its food. Its hind legs and feet are particularly large.

Habitat :tropical

Adaptation :One of

lowlands. The bats are commonly found over ponds and streams as well as estuaries and coastal lagoons.

only a few bat species to feed on fish, it is highlyspecialised for this lifestyle, with long hind legs, greatlyenlarged hind feet and formidable sharp & curved claws.

Lemur definition:An arboreal primate with a pointed snout and a typically long tail,found only in Madagascar.

Habitat: The habitat of the lemurs is the trees in the island of Madagascar. Adaptation:Adaptations for life on the trees.Although they are well adapted for moving through trees,walking on the ground is more challenging for most lemurs.With the exception of the ring-tailed lemur,all lemurs spend their time in trees.Lemurs have one claw on each paw on their back paws, but most lemurs have nails.

Mountain gorilla Habitat: The western lowland gorilla inhabits Definition: a powerfully built great ape with a large head and short neck, found in the forests of central Africa. It is the largest living primate.

Adaptation: They also have bacteria that break down cellulose, which is prominent in plants, so that it is digestible. Eastern Gorillas have stereoscopic vision which means that they have good eyesight that helps them to detect other animals. They can also see color which helps them to see poachers and other threats.

the tropicalforests of Cameroon, Central African Republic, Gabon, Congo, and Equatorial Guinea (West Africa). The eastern lowland gorilla inhabits the tropicalforests of Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Porcupenguin fly ‘ Adaptation: the body contains a lot of heat that allows it to fly.The spines help him protect himself from danger in the tundra. Habitat:the arctic in the antarctica.

definition:a large flightless seabird of the southern hemisphere, with black upper parts and white underparts and wings developed into flippers for swimming under water that has a large defensive spines or quills on the tailwinged or rarely wingless insects that have the anterior

wings functional and the posterior wings.

Animalpedia Cesar Bravo 4B

Box Fish Kingdom: Animalia We are talking about the yellow boxfish a fish that looks like a cube. Phylum: Chordata Class: Actinopterygii Order: Tetraodontiformes 40 m. Family: Ostraciidae Genus: Ostracion Species: Ostracion cubicus Conservation Status: Not assessed, not believed to be threatened Common Name: Yellow boxfish, Cubicus Boxfish, Polka-dot Boxfish

Adaptation cuflages easily.

They say I am a monster but ……….

I am so cute


Mexican axolotl


Ambystoma mexicanum


to 15 years

to 12 in

WEIGHT: 2.11

to 8 oz


The axolotl (pronounced ACK-suh-LAH-tuhl) salamander has the rare trait of retaining its larval features throughout its adult life. This condition, called neoteny, means it keeps its tadpole-like dorsal fin, which runs almost the length of its body, and its feathery external gills, which protrude from the back of its wide head. It only lives on “el Lago de Xochimilco” All their body including vital organs.

the adaptation re generates almost




3 3


This animal is on danger of extincion


Adaptations These eagle has sharpened her claus to tear mokeys meat.




Artic red tail hawk

Adaptastion ,distribution and self protection Adaptations this animal has feather Distribution lives on canada greenland ,atric regions of Europe and Asia

Animalpedia By:Olivia Fischer

Habitat In the summer, the arctic fox lives in the tundra at the edge of forest. In the winter, it is found on ice floes where its white coat serves as camouflage. Its den is usually a burrow in a hillside or a bank

Arctic Fox

An Arctic fox's fur Adaptations changes colors with the seasons of the year. The Arctic Fox has many unique adaptations. For example, it's white, thick, fur and fluffy tail help it survive in it's harsh habitat. Another special adaptation the Arctic Fox has is their small pointy ears that help them hear prey moving underground.

Arctic foxes generally eat any small animal they can find, including lemmings, voles, other rodents, hares, birds, eggs, fish, and carrion. They scavenge on carcasses left by larger predators such as wolves and polar bears, and in times of scarcity even eat their feces.


Manatee Definition

The manatee is a aquatic mammal with a rounded tail flipper.


The manatee lives in shallow coasts waters and adjacent rivers of tropical Atlantic.


The manatee has big and strong tail to swim in the water.He also saves water in his stomage to drink it then.

Habitat The Japanese Crested Ibis lives in Japan,China,Korea,Talwan and Russia.This animal makes his nests at the top of trees.


Japanese Crested Ibis This bird has a big beck that helps him eat soft and hard things.


This species is only member of the genus Nipponia.He has a big black beck.

Iberian Lynx

Definition The Iberian Lynx is a wild cat species native to the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern.

Habitat This animal lives in the mediterranean woodland or in forests.

Adaptations These adaptations provide an advantage when catching small, fast prey and allow Iberian lynx to deliver a single kill bite that punctures the back of the neck, thus severing the spinal cord as opposed to suffocating bites, common in larger cats.

Tar Far

Animalpedia Ignacio Garza

Bengal tiger

Bengal Tiger Adaptations One thing of how they adapt is their fur A behaivioral adaptation of them is moving in areas of dense they adapt by their teeth.

Habitat They live in the forests.

They can live in a wide range of habitats

They adapt by their fur. fur. They adapt by their fur.

Definition Tigers only fight amongst if is a dispute of teritorry.

Mantled Howler Habitat They are found in southern Mexico,in Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas etc. Possibly in southern Guatemala where some unconfirmed sightings have been reported,

Adaptations They adapt by climbing the trees with their tails.And they need to adapt by living on the forest.

Definition The mantled howler is a type of new world monkey.They are large, fairly stocky monkeys they are totally black in colour with the exception of a fringe of long golden hair on the flanks.

Texas blind salamander Definition Definition The texas blind salamander,is a smooth,unpigmented,sightless,cave dwelling salamander that reaches a mature length about 5 in (13cm). This slender,frail legged amphibian is white or pinkish with a fringe of blood red,external gills.

Habitat The Texas blind salamander makes its home in the Edwards Aquifer of central Texas specifically in the San Marcos pool in Hays County,Texas.

Adaptations They adapt by living under water in a cave environment with no light has caused the Texas blind salamander to devolp some seriously cool adaptations that allow it to survive and thrive in comes in it at all.

Bactrian Camel


A two humped camel,Camelus bactrianus,used as a beast of burden in the cold deserts of central Asia.


Bactrian camels live not in shifting Sahara sands but in Central and East Asia rocky deserts.


Camels gave many adaptations that allow them to line successfully in desert conditions.

ANIMALPEDIA By Leticia Gonzalez

LOGGERHEAD SEA TURTLE A caguama turtle is a turtle that have a sharp in its front fins it also live in almost all the ocean.

HABITAT Loggerhead sea turtle live in ocean in almost all parts.

The main adaptation of the Loggerhead sea turtle is its powerful bite to protect its selfs with its hard mouth when they need to protect its selfs they open its mouth and give a bite.

MEXICAN WOLF The Mexican wolf is critically endangered,native species ones numbered in the thousands of animals throughout southeastern Arizona.It is a animal that can just be found in Mexico .

The mexican wolf lives Southeastern Arizona Mexico normally at forests.

The mexican wolf mainly adaptation is its long legs and sleek body enable it to run fast.

DEFINITION A Tokoeka Kiwi bird is a bird flightless bird native to new Zealand in the genus Apteryx in the family Apterygidae. Approximable the size of a domestic chicken Kiwi are by far the smallest living ratites and lay the largest eggs in relation to its body.

HABITAT Tokoeka Kiwi birds Live in Zealand.

ADAPTION The main adaptation of a Kiwi is



Habitat Whale Habitat and Distribution. Whales live only in water, and tend to stay where it is warmer. This is why you will find them along the coasts during the winter months. They migrate to other regions so they can keep their body temperatures high enough.

whales Adaptations All marine mammals have special physiological adaptations during a dive. Theseadaptations enable a baleen whale to conserve oxygen while underwater. ... When diving, blood is shunted away from tissues tolerant of low oxygen levels toward the heart, lungs, and brain, where oxygen is needed most.

Definition A very large marine mammal with a streamlined hairless body, a horizontal tail fin, and a blowhole on top of the head for breathing

Grayish Mouse Opossum Gerrero guajaca chiapas

HABITAT Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

Animalpedia By: Taeyeon Inn

habitat They are found worldwide, mostly in shallow seas of the continental shelves, and are Dolphins are well known for their agility and playful behavior, making them a favorite of wildlife watchers.




he family

that pilot

Dolphin coloration varies, but they are generally gray in color with darker backs than the rest of their bodies.

carnivores, mostly eating fish and squid.

definition The resplendent quetzal is an aptly named bird that many consider among the world's most beautiful. During mating season, male quetzals grow twin tail feathers that form an amazing train up to three feet (one meter) long.

habitat These vibrantly colored animals live in the mountainous, tropical forests of Central America where they eat fruit, insects, lizards, and other sm creatures.


During mating season, male quetzals grow twin tail feathers that form an amazing train up to three feet (one meter) long.


Adaptation They have the color of the tree to hide in the forest in not seeing from snakes,etc


Some live on rocky reefs or seafloors in nearshore shallow waters. Others live on the deep seafloor or in the water column.

Korean rockfish


Rockfish, also known as rock cod or Pacific red snapper, are popular with seafood lovers.


Fishes in the Scorpaenidae family, like rockfish, have venomous fin spines. The venom ranges from very toxic for stonefish to slightly toxic for rockfish

Amur leopard




The Amur leopard is easily told apart from other leopard subspecies by its widely spaced rosettes with thick borders. It also has longer legs, probably an adaptation for walking through snow.

The leopard is rarely found in cold or highelevation environments and is best known in its more familiar home in the savannas of Africa, where populations are relatively stable.

With such a small population left, the loss of each Amur leopard puts the species at greater risk of extinction. Our camera traps have often yielded amazing results, allowing the world to catch a glimpse the world’s rarest wild cat.

habitat Adaptation The habitat of the winter is the tropical forest.

Color of the trees,green ,yellow ,and have poison in their body.

Definition This is like a chicken but it is a bird. It can is in danger because people broke their home.




The peregrine falcon is the fastest known animal scientific name Falco peregrinus can reach to speed of 390 km ph in dive that’s his hunting move then he dives and kills his prey his talons work for ripping meat it is a very important animal it has been classified semi dangerous unless hungry or threatened doesn't attack habitat city's,mountains,high places Diet mostly other birds.

Talons : Owl's talons are very powerful, as they are used to capture prey. The bony structures in an owl's feet are shorter and stronger than the equivalent bones in other birds. This is in order to withstand the force of an impact with prey.

Tecolote Beak: Normally used for ripping meat. The talons are also really sharp. The beak is also used for defense and attack.

The tecolote or owl is a bird of prey with incredible night vision. It helps when hunting. Tecolotes eat meat and feed on mostly mice.

Bay Breasted Cuckoo beak

The beak has a curved bill and normally eats bugs , small lizards or fruits the beak also works for pollinating.


Their wingspan is 75 to 90 cm. The wings are a reddish brown color and is often mistaken for a falcon .

feet His feet are about 9 used to catch lizards and bugs and also are used to hold or rip fruit .

Brazilian Merganser

The Brazilian Merganser is a duck and is one of the 6 most threatened waterfowl birds.

There are only 250 left on earth and only 4 in captivity. The brazilian merganser lives in low densities and in remote mountains.

The brazilian merganser eats mostly fish but also insects and mollusks and catches them diving into rivers.

Arctic Peregrine Falcon (articos falco peregrinus) The arctic peregrine falcon eats mostly meat. Its height is 2 feet and its wingspan is 2 feet and 6 inches. Its feathers help him camouflage in the snow. It dives at 400 miles per hour and strikes his prey. Its blue eyes help him see in the dark.

Animalpedia By:Amaia Camila Landin Vanegas. 4.-B

Pandas Definition


A panda or a giant panda

Their fur helps them stay cool.

is a large animal rather like

They have short tail to balance in

a bear which has black and white fur.

trees. Habitat

The pandas live in the bamboo forest in China.

Oaxacan Caecilian Definition

The Oaxacan Caecililian looks like a worm but it is a snake.


The Oaxacan Caecilian lives in tropical places.

The reindeer or caribou is a mammal of the family Cervidae that lives in the tundras and taigas in the northern hemisphere. Approximately one million individuals live in both Alaska and Canada


FOOD OF THE CARIBOU Due to its ruminant nature its stomach is 4 cavities. Their diet is based mainly on willow leaves, dwarf birch and lichens, they can even eat poisonous plants like glacier buttercups without any danger. Despite their herbivorous preference, they can consume small rodents and birds, as well as eggs.

BEHAVIOR OF THE CARIBOU They are migratory species, they move in large herds up to 5 thousand km annually, being some populations of caribou located in North America the mammals that travel the most distant distances. There are also subspecies that move to shorter distances or even only make small movements in local areas.

During the migration they can advance from 19 to 55 km per day, running can reach speeds of 60 to 80 km / h. They are very skilled swimmers traveling up to 10 km / h

DISTRIBUTION AND HABITAT OF LA GUACAMAYA She is a native of South America and lives in countries such as Brazil, Venezuela, Peru, Bolivia, Honduras and Mexico. It lives near rivers in tropical rainforests and humid climate savannahs and usually builds its nest in the trees at a height of up to 1,500 meters above sea level

FOOD OF LA GUACAMAYA It is herbivorous and frugivorous. Its diet is based exclusively on plants, seeds and fruits but occasionally also sucks the nectar of the flowers

DESCRIPTION OF THE GUACAMAYA The macaw owns an iridescent red plumage. Part of the wing feathers are blue, yellow and to a lesser extent green. The area around the eyes is yellow and his face is dotted with white feathers


Capybaras are the world’s largest rodent. They don’t look like the typical pests living in alleyways, though. Capybaras are as big as large dogs, have webbed feet and don’t have a tail. They don’t have the typical wedge-shaped face of most rodents, either. These rodents look much more like larger versions of their close relatives, guinea pigs.

These water-loving rodents need water to keep their dry skin moist and are found only in areas with abundant water sources. Some of their moist habitats include estuaries, marshes, river banks and along streams in Central and South America, according to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Capybaras, also called water hogs, sleep along the water source in dense vegetation to hide from predators and to keep cool. Sometimes capybaras will nap Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sedindomud eiusmod Ipsum ortempor. shallow water, as well dolor sit amet elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.





Frigate adptations Frigate birds reaching in flight speeds of up to 35 kilometers per hour, the frigates accustom to harass without mercy bobo birds, sea swallows, pelicans and seagulls, chasing them in flight and biting their feathers aggressively until they force them to vomit their food, which they immediately catch and eat in the air. The reproduction begins with the arrival of the males, They develop a large, red crawl that inflates like a balloon with what they attract to the females as they unfold it on top of a tree. When a female flies over the colony looking for a male, they shake their wings, turn their heads horizontally and drum, using the craw as a sounding


The greater roadrunner (Geococcyx californianus) is a long-legged bird in the cuckoo family, Cuculidae, from Southwestern United States and Mexico. The Latin name means "Californian earthcuckoo". Along with the lesser roadrunner, it is one of two species in the roadrunner genus Geococcyx.

ADAPTATIONS The roadrunner lives in the southwestern United States, from California to the southwestern corner of Missouri, and down to northern Mexico. It enjoys desert conditions with sporadic brush on the ground


The roadrunner lives in the southwestern United States, from California to the southwestern corner of Missouri, and down to northern Mexico. It enjoys desert conditions with sporadic brush on the ground.

BAIJI DOLPHIN ADAPTATION S: HABITAT: The baiji is an exclusive fresh water species. Within the Yangtze River, they are attracted to areas where tributaries meet the river, particularly where there are sand bars with large eddies.

DEFINITION: The Baiji dolphin is a functionally extinct species of freshwater dolphin formerly found only in the Yangtze River in China.

The Baiji White Dolphin has many adaptations. The adaptation it has was camouflage, it will blend in with the water, uses echolocation to avoid things due to their bad eyesight, they use clicks and whistles like a normal dolphin to communicate. They have no symbiosis of any kind.


A large flightless New Zealand parrot with greenish plumage. Now endangered, it is nocturnal and ground-dwelling.

Before the arrival of humans, the kakapo was distributed throughout the three main islands of New Zealand. It lived in a variety of habitats, including tussock lands, scrublands and coastal areas. It also inhabited forests dominated by podocarps (rimu, matai, kahikatea,and totara). Flight was not required to escape predators, so birds such as the kakapo, takahē and (now extinct) moa adapted to these conditions by developing a large body size and loss of flight. Structural adaptations that kakapo have include whiskers at the base of their beak to aid in nocturnal navigation.

Animalpedia Minsol Oh 4B #16



Marine turtles are globally distributed and highly migratory, and regularly inhabit the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as the Mediterranean Sea. Aside from adult females which periodically come ashore to nest, and occasional onshore basking by males and females, marine turtles spend their entire lives at sea. They have unique and complex biological traits and life histories that in some cases are not fully understood.

Sea turtles are strong swimmers. The cruising speed for green sea turtle is about 1.5 to 2.3 kph (0.9-1.4 mph). Leatherbacks have been recorded at speeds of 1.5 to 9.3 kph (0.9-5.8 mph). Forelimbs are modified into long, paddle-like flippers for swimming.


Habitat Sea turtles live in almost every ocean basin throughout the world, nesting on tropical and subtropical beaches. They migrate long distances to feed, often crossing entire oceans. Some loggerheads nest in Japan and migrate to Baja California Sur, Mexico to forage before returning home again.


Definition Commonly known as the five-toed worm lizard.It is a species of amphisbaenian, which is endemic to the Baja California Peninsula. It is one of four species of amphisbaenians that have legs.

Adaptation This animal is a generalist predator.As a result, most predators are snakes, which are well suited to enter and navigate its underground burrow systems. Bipes biporus is active year-round, due in part to its capacity for behavioral thermoregulation.

Habitat The mexican mole lizard is known as the fivetoed worm lizard.It is a species of amphisbaenian, which is endemic to the Baja California Peninsula. Http://www.mexicananimals.ed u

SNOW LEOPARD Definition a rare large cat that has pale gray fur patterned with dark blotches and rings, living in the Altai mountains, Hindu Kush, and Himalayas.

Habitat Snow leopards are found at altitudes between 9,800 and 17,000 feet in the high, rugged mountains of Central Asia. Their range spans from Afghanistan to Kazakhstan and Russia in the north to India and China in the east. China contains about 60% of snow leopard habitat.

Adaptation Snow leopards have a well-developed chest that helps them draw oxygen from the thin air of the high mountains. Snow leopards also have short forelimbs with sizeable paws, long hind limbs, and a thick tail nearly a meter long. These adaptations help them balance on the rocky precipices of their home.



Habitat Southern Hemisphere. Antarctic blue whales, B.musculus intermedia, are found near Antarctica during the summer months. Captures off the coast of Chile and Namibia suggest they migrate north in the winter.



a migratory, mottled bluish-gray rorqual, found in all oceans of the world. Known to grow as long as 110 feet (33 m) and weigh as much as 150 tons (136,000 kg), it is the largest animal ever to inhabit the earth

It is Blubber. Being a warm-blooded mammal presents one of the biggest challenges for Balaenoptera musculus. Heat loss in water is 27 times greater than the same temperature on land, thus blue whales must adapt to the cool ocean temperatures to avoid excessive heat loss and to maintain metabolic activity.

VAMBURLU Habitat The habitat of Vamburlu is the Forest.The Vamburlu lives mainly in the north america.Also vamburlu does not live in cold places. Definition The vamburlu is a tiny bird.It is a nocturnal animal,so it sleeps in the day, and it wakes up at night like an owl to find food.the vamburlu only eats insects with the beak.It is one hundred centimeters long.

Adaptation The Vamburlu could survive in the forest by flying high to the sky so the predators like snakes could not follow them.They breath by their lungs, and the color of vamburlu is same as the trees, so the snakes could hardly see the vamburlu.

Animalpedia By: Jin Kyung Park

By:Jin Kyung Park 4B

Arctic Penguins Adaptation:Penguins have white coloured body so that they are not visible in their habitat (snow). They protect themselves from cold with their thick fur. Penguin wings are paddlelike flippers used for swimming. The motion of the flippers resembles the wing movements of flying birds, giving penguins the appearance of References:

flying through water.

Their habitat: They are found in the arctic , some live almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere.

Definition:Penguins are aquatic, flightless birds that are highly adapted to life in the water. Their distinct tuxedolike appearance is called countershading, a form of camouflage that helps keep them safe in the water.

Northern mockingbird

Definition: Northern mockingbirds are medium-sized birds. They have long tails, and short, rounded wings. Males are larger than females.


Their habitat: Northern mockingbirds live throughout North America, including Canada and Mexico. They are most common in the southern United States, especially in Texas and Florida. They breed from northern California, eastern Nebraska, southern Ontario and Atlantic Canada to southern Mexico.

Adaptations:The brown juvenile has faint spots on its chest that effectively conceal the bird from predators. The long feet are perfect for perching in treetops , from which the mockingbird establishes its territory. But powerful legs and feet also support the bird when it hops through the undergrowth in search of food. The short , slender bill is ideal for picking up berries of insects.But the mockingbird also uses the pointed tip to peck at dogs, cats and even humans who dare invade its space.

Galapagos Giant Tortoise Definition:


References: https://www.galapagos.or g/about_galapagos/about galapagos/biodiversity/tor toises/ /animals/galapagos-giant-

Adaptatio n:

Galapagos tortoises are turtles that is heavy and have a long neck . Also they are herbivores which means they do not eat meat, only vegetables. Galapagos tortoises are cold-blooded animals.

The closest living relative of the Galapagos giant tortoise is the small Chaco tortoise from South America.Saddlebacked tortoises tend to inhabit the hotter, drier islands with sparse vegetation, whereas Domed tortoises inhabit the cooler, wetter islands with lush ground vegetation.

On certain islands with low shrubbery, the tortoises tend to have short legs and short necks, whereas on islands with taller vegetation (such as cacti), the tortoises have longer legs and necks. Their shell shapes greatly differ as well. A Galapagos Tortoise's shell can be anything from "saddleback," or shaped like a horse saddle, to "domed."

California condor Definition:


California condors live in rocky, forested regions including canyons, gorges and mountains. They historically ranged throughout the western U.S. from Canada to Mexico, with some populations as far east as Florida and New York California .

Adaptation: They have excellent eyesight,and can see 100 miles away.Their beaks are vital , and can eat carrion. Long wings to fly well.Also, bald head so there’s no feathers bothering him.

The California condor (Gymnogyps californianus) is the largest bird in North America, and once dominated the western skies. Sadly, the species declined throughout much of the 20th century until only drastic 3 measures could save it from extinction.The California condor is one of our nation's most magnificent birds, with wings spanning an amazing nine and half feet.

Hamua Definition: They are birds that have color black, and they are very big. They eat a lot so they are fat. But they have long wings. They are 20-30 centimeters.

Habitat: Hamua Birds live close to Africa. They usually live in a branch/tree.

Adaptations: They have long wings and legs. The wings help them fly well and long as possible they can.Also their fat helps them survive one week without eating. They also can camouflage from their enemies, and they have some shapes on their body that looks like eyes of owls.Their claws help them fight their enemies. Last, it has poison.

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Animalpedia By:Diane Perez Simon Resines :)


Habitat African lions live in Angola, Botswana, Mozambique, Tanzania, the Central African Republic, South Sudan and other parts of sub-Saharan Africa. They wander a territory of 100 square miles (259 square kilometers), according to National Geographic. This territory consists of scrub, grasslands or open woodlands.

Adaptation Definition Lions are large felines that are traditionally depicted as the "king of the jungle." These big cats once roamed Africa, Asia and Europe. However, now they are found in only two areas of the world and are classified into two subspecies. Asiatic lions live in India's Gir Forest; African lions live in central and southern Africa. Though they look similar, these two subspecies are very different in size, habitat, diet and more.

Special Adaptations. The lion's archetypal roar is used to communicate with other group members and warn intruders of territorial boundaries. Long, retractable claws help the lion to grab and hold prey. The species' rough tongue helps it to peel the skin of prey animals away from flesh and flesh away from bone.

Tehuantepec Jackrabbit

Definition:The Tehuantepec jackrabbit is the most endangered hare species in the world (2)(5) (6), and, like other hares (Lepus spp.), is recognised by its long legs, large hind feet and huge ears (2) (7) (8), which can measure up to 12 centimetres in length (2). The hair is coarse (2), and the feet are well furred (7). The upperparts of the body are a rich ochraceous buff, washed through with black, and the back of the neck bears a buffy stripe, which separates two narrow, black stripes that extend backwards from the base of each ear. The ears are buff coloured ...

Adaptation:His legs for speed and going away from the other animals who want to eat them. His ears to listen to predators, and its nose for smelling food or other animals.

Habitat:Tehuantepec jackrabbit habitat:This species inhabits grassland with scattered shrub and tree cover, shrub forest, and coastal grassy dunes which never exceed a four to five kilometre wide strip along the shores of salt water lagoons (1) (2) (4) (5) (10). It is not found above elevations of about 500 metres (1)

Mangshan pit viper

Animalpedia Humberto Prieto Alvarez #20 4-B

GECKO Goecko Name Meaning Historically, surnames evolved as a way to sort people into groups - by occupation, place of origin, clan affiliation, patronage, parentage, adoption, and even physical characteristics (like red hair). Many of the modern surnames in the dictionary can be traced back to Britain and Ireland. See all surnames starting with D

Info. tooken from where do geckos live Geckos are well-known to people who live in warm regions of the world, where several species of geckos make their home inside human habitations. These (for example the house gecko) become part of the indoor menagerie and are often welcomed, as they feed on insects, including moths and mosquitoes.

Live insects are a must for your gecko; they do not eat plants or veggies. The best items to use are mealworms or crickets, but you can treat your pet to waxworms or superworms once a week if you wish. Avoid feeding leopard geckos pinky mice.

BUITRES! habitat Buitres live in Nuevo Mundo


We are deeply concerned about increasing vulture fund litigation.

The present project, to take place in 2017 and 2018, together with the association Acción por el Mundo Salvaje (AMUS), aims to instigate a programme for improving the habitat and trophic availability of the black vulture; one of Europe’s larger birds of prey, as well as promoting the awareness, sensitization and social participation in conservation work for this species.

Despite having teeth, trout tend to engulf their prey rather than use their teeth to actively grab onto them. To catch food, the trout expands its gills which allows it to suck its prey into its mouth. The actual purpose of the teeth of the trout, both their normal ones and the ones on their tongue known as hyoid teeth, is to rotate fish, such as crayfish, that have spikes that could choke the trout and swallow them tail first.

Trout are usually found in cool (50–60 °F or 10–16 °C), clear streams and lakes, although many of the species have anadromous strains as well. Young trout are referred to as troutlet, troutling or fry. They are distributed naturally throughout North America, northern Asia and Europe.

a common brownish variety of the trout Salmo trutta that occurs in the rivers of N Europe and has been successfully introduced in North America

They livelive in in Vestibulum congue They tempus rivers lakes or lakes rivers swamps Lorem swamps ipsum dolor sit and amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

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adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Ipsum dolor sit amet elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

Animalpedia By Regina Ramirz 4:B

Polar Bear Polar bears are the largest land carnivores in the world, rivaled only by the Kodiak brown bears of southwestern Alaska. Polar bears sit at the top of the food chain in the biologically rich Arctic. The most carnivorous of the bear species, polar bears feed primarily on the fat of ice-dependent seals. The remains of these seals provide food for

many other Arctic wildlife species, giving polar bears a vital role in their ecosystem.

Polar bears are marine mammals, and spend much of their time on Arctic sea ice. Many adaptations make polar bears uniquely suited to life in icy habitats. Their fur is thicker than any other bears’ and covers even their feet for warmth and traction on ice. A thick layer of blubber beneath their fur provides buoyancy and insulation. The long neck and narrow skull of the polar bear probably aid in streamlining the animal in the water while warming the air that they breathe, and their front feet are large, flat and oar-like, making them excellent swimmers.

Black-tailed prairie dogs once numbered in the hundreds of millions – maybe even over a billion – and were possibly the most abundant mammal in North America.

REPRODUC TION Mating Season: March

Gestation: 33-38 days; pups born in April or May

Animalpedia Andres Santiago Rivera Noriega 4B

The komodo dragons live in the forest of Komodo islands.Komodo dragons don’t have predators because they are the predators. Komodo dragons need to adapt to the strongs storms that hit the islands . Most of them don’t adapt so they die. The only food that the komodo dragons depend to survive is the buffalo. They sometimes work in teams to hunt but is very strange.

DEFINITION: It is a big lizard that is poisonous and dangerous It´s very intelligent and good swimmer.

Komodo dragon

The main Adaptation of The jaguar is that he Can swim because in his habitat is always flooded, so that help Them to survive. Its Sharp teeth help Them to hunt

Jaguar Jaguars habitat is the rainforest. It lives from South Brazil to the South of Mexico. They are in danger of extinction.

Definition: It is a big cat with spots; it loves to swim and climb trees ,it eats a big variety of animals and it is in danger of extinction.

The main adaptation of the snow monkey is when they are cold, they go to swim to the lakes of a volcano to keep themselves warm.


Habitat: The snow monkey lives in the top of the cold mountains in Japan and the Tibet.

Snow Monkey

Definition: It´s a Monkey that lives In the top of the cold Mountains and it likes To swim.

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Habitat: tropical forest of Tasmania .


Definition: It´s a giant black ape that has powerful bear claws and spurs on the ankles

Main adaptation: It has bear Claws to protect itself from Predators and it has a Venom-injecting spurs on The ankles.


Hello I am the okapi! Here’s some of my information

Source: https//

My habitat: I am mostly seen in the Northern Democratic Republic of Congo. My definition: I am a mix of a giraffe and of a zebra. I am coated with a coat of brown my legs are like a zebra’s. My adaptations:

My color is related to my backround so animals can’t spot me. My color helps me to survive my habitat.

Hi! I am a marine vaquita. Would you like to know me? My definition: My species are very endangered. But don’t worry it’s going to be alright, many conserving campagnes are helping me and my species.


My habitat: I am mostly found in Baja California’s coasts and bays. Like: isla Guadalupe. (near ensenada.)

My adaptations: My species are very questioned, they don’t know many, but one is that we can move fast, but sometimes, not fast enough.

Hi! I’m a thorny devil lizard

Vestibulum My habitat: congue tempus I am mostly spotted in

My definition: Vestibulum congue tempus My scientific name is

Australia. I am also known Lorem ipsum dolor sit as the dragon lizard. amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

Moloch Horridus. I mostly Lorem ipsum dolor sit feed on ants. amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor.

My Vestibulum adaptations: congue tempus Lorem ipsum dolor amet, consectetur My thorns helpsitme survive adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor. Ipsum because they dolor sit amet elit, warn sed do predators. eiusmod tempor. My color also helps me blend in.

Hi! I’m a sea otter. My habitat: I’m mostly spotted in the Northern Pacific. For example, Alaska. My definition: Enhydra lutris is my scientific name, cool right? My adaptations: I can swim very fast so predators can’t catch me. My speed helps me get food fast at all times.

Hi! I’m a Maruru, I was just discovered recently! My habitat: I was discovered in an island in French Polynesia called Fakarava.

My definition: I am a vegeterian, which means that I feed on plants like local herbs or grass.

animalpedia By Gabriel Serrano Vega

The habitat Of this animal is America mostly it live in center america.

WHAT’S A COBRA SNAKE Cobras are famous for the threatening hood at their neck. They spread the hood out when they feel threatened or angry. Their hood is made up of flaps of skin attached to long ribs. They are also able to lift their heads high up off the ground, which is not only kinda scary, but helps them to search for food. And just to make them a little scarier, they hiss loudly to scare off potential predators. There are 270 different types of Cobras and their relatives, including Taipans, Adders, Mambas, and many sea snakes including Kraits, and they all have short fangs and are all extremely poisonous.

COBRA SNAKE The main adaptation is that he have scales to protect him from thorns or dangerous things in the floor.



The South American coati is easily recognised by its reddish-brown fur, banded tail and elongated, flexible snout.The name ‘coati’ comes from native American Indian words meaning ‘belt’ and ‘nose’, referring to the way coatis tuck their nose into their belly while sleeping.Female

South American coatis live in groups which forage and rest together, but adult males are usually solitary.The South American coati has a varied diet, and uses its flexible nose to probe into crevices and leaf litter in search of food.

habitat The white-nosed coati is found in the southeast corner of Arizona, in the south west corner of New Mexico, and in southwest Texas. It is also found in Mexico, Central America, and South America

adaptations One adaptation is their fur color because with the color of their fur they can camuflage.

Gooty tarantula Habitat

Definition The venom of these spiders is known to paralyze other insects. Although there have been no reported human deaths from the bite of a Gooty Sapphire, however it can still cause a medically significant bite leading to intense pain, sweating, cramping, and swelling. These spiders are beautiful for that blue color but they can be to dangerous.

The gooty tarantula live in india there is their habitat.

Adaptation One adaptation is the poison that paralyze other insects to eat or defend.

Giant chinese salamander

Habitat The habitat of the chinese salamander is in the sea of china.

Definition The giant chinese salamander is eaten sometimes from chinese people

Adaptation their tail is flat to swim better and faster to go away from fishers.

Adaptation the white salamander can camuflage with their white fur

white salamander of the north pole

Definition The white salamander of the north pole can survive to extreme tempentures of cold and hot that is why is a special salamander

Habitat the north pole



Grizzly bears are majestic

Grizzly bears are effective hunters and scavengers, with a sense of smell that can detect a rotting corpse from two miles away. This highly attuned sense enables them to find and eat carrion such as moose, mountain goats and even other bears. They also have long, sharp claws, which are useful for digging. With these claws, they easily can uproot plants and demolish the burrows of small, grounddwelling animals such as mice and squirrels, digging them out of their homes and eating them.

symbols of the wild. Bears


live in and use a variety of habitat types, playing important roles in each one. This makes them an “umbrella species,� meaning that when we protect them and their habitat we also protect many species. Grizzly

They live hear

bears can also help ecosystems by

distributing seeds and nutrients through their scat, and occasionally regulating ungulate populations.

Volcano Rabbit The volcano rabbits tail isn't visible to the eye One of the smallest rabbits in the world, this tiny species has very short ears, legs and feet, and only a barely-visible, vestigial tail (2) (4). The short, dense coat is dark brown tinged with yellow on the back and sides, light buff with grey under-fur on the underside, and buffcoloured at the base of the ears (4). This dark colouration blends well with the volcanic soils of the species’ habitat and may serve to protect it from predators. The coat is shed once a year (5).

Their fur helps them blend into the environment. Volcano rabbits burrow into the grass to hide from predators. If the active volcanoes erupt, the volcano rabbits small population will become extinct. Volcano rabbits can grow up to a foot tall.

Sphaerodactylus ariasae is one of the smallest members of the Gekkonidae

family and at an adult length of 16-18mm can curl up on a US dime. They are endemic to Hispaniola and can be found in leaf litter near limestone caves or cliffs.

S. ariasae shares the title of smallest of the amniote vertebrates, which are the reptiles, birds, and mammals, with S. parthenopion from the British Virgin Islands. These geckos are thought to be at the lower physiological limit for reptiles. Their large surface area to volume ratio makes them particularly susceptible to dehydration.

S. ariasae is named for Yvonne Arias, a champion for conservation in the Jaragua National Park, an important habitat for these geckos. They are threatened by deforestation, despite efforts to protect the park.

Animalpedia Animalpedia 4B_Brocchi_Isabella_Animalpedia 4B_Brocchi_Isabella_Animalopedia


Albine Python

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Habitat:They live in High C Albino.They like to live in h places like in swamps and jungles.

Definition:A python that can 5 feet.They are constrictors, means that it squeezes their to death.Then they eat them are white with yellow spots a eyes.

live in ts of a and aly be s.

Definition : wild cats with s they are usualy brown or y Aztecs the ocelot is the kin

Adaptation:They have shar claws that help them cach reodents,and with their spo camuflage too.


n be found in .


Definition: The American aligator is an alligator that is famous for its beauty and its bite.

Adaptation: With its sharp teeth ke caches his preys and his tail helps them move around

e lives in native islands.

Definition: A gray and orange fox that lives in islands and its a pretator.he eats little roedors.

Adaptation: s claws,a fur th camuflaje so prey


Sharp teeth, camuflage d sharp claws.

darkest forests in aces where campers get are never seen again.

Definition : The thing is an animal that is black and has a white face with 3 holes:the mouth is a little hole, and the two holes at the top part of the face are the eyes.

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