Gamecca Magazine May 2018

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ISSUE 107 / Vol.9 May 2018

God of War Yakuza 6: Song of Life Extinction and more...

Big Trouble Extinction

For Threadrippers

Cooler Master’s MA621P

The Life


Razer’s Naga Trinity

Praise Be

God of War

Yakuza 6

The End Welcome to the last issue

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Bronze Award SCORE 80-84

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Ed’s Choice Awar


ll good things must come to an end. That old saying sounds harsh, really, but there is a lot of truth to it. It speaks to the illusion of our world, and the temporary nature of all things. It reminds us that there are ebbs and flows in life, and in the world, and that those are natural occurrences. We all know the best game ever comes to a conclusion, at some point. A fine meal, a wonderful day, a long trip overseas, time spent with loved ones… all these things inevitably do finish. So for us here at Gamecca, it is our time to complete our last issue and say goodbye, as it is time to close this nine year cycle. That’s quite a bit of philosophy but, all things considered, it is apt; after 107 issues, many inspirations and an incredible journey with all of you. This issue is the last issue of Gamecca Magazine for the foreseeable future; you never know, it may return one day evolved into something bigger and better but, for now, this is the end of a long journey for myself, my partner and the Gamecca Crew. On a personal note, I have been writing about video games for various publications for more than two decades. My first video game review was Quake, back in 1996 (when I was a music journalist looking to “branch out” and I have written about them ever since. Almost half my life has been spent analysing, investigating, researching and reporting about video games, starting as a contributor and moving up to be editor, and later publisher. I have, during that time, watched the industry grow and evolve in ways I never thought possible when I first sat down to put pen to paper about Quake. I couldn’t even begin to remember the number of games I have reviewed, to be honest… for various reasons, the games on my shelves only go back ten years or so, and yet there are a great many of them. I think, as far as my goals are concerned, I have achieved

From the Editor



by Walt Pretorius

some great things being a gaming journalist. The culmination of that was Gamecca Magazine, which we started out in July 2009. We took a chance and, despite naysayers and doubters, managedW to give it a great run. It has been quite the experience, honestly, and one that has not only brought me great joy but has also taught me a great many valuable lessons. Reviewing a game is very different from playing it for fun. Now, though, the time has come to stop playing games to review them, and to start playing games to enjoy them. Goals have been reached and experiences have been had… it is time for different pursuits and new challenges. In closing, I need to say thank you to a great many people. First and foremost, to my business partner, and the co-founder of Gamecca, Katia Taliadoros, thank you for an incredible journey. Your eye for what makes Gamecca look great, as well as your keen strategic mind, faith in the project, passion and nononsense attitude were all powerful driving forces behind this magazine… it would not have been possible without you. To the Gamecca Crew over the years, we have had some great fun. Your hard work and dedication, not to mention your belief in the project, has always filled me with immense gratitude. To the video game industry, both locally here in South Africa and abroad, your support was what made Gamecca possible, and helped sustain it for nine years. And finally, to you, our valued readers. Without you, our words would have rung out in a void. Thank you for returning, month after month, to read and enjoy our thoughts and opinions. And so, for one last time, let me step back and allow you to get to the last issue of Gamecca Magazine. Enjoy! g mgeect 2 c7a i s x n o ggl a ad



Our final cover features Detroit: Become Human

Publishing Editor Walt Pretorius


Feature: Brave New World A look at Detroit: Become Human


Previews: Games Nine games incoming

Art Director Katia Taliadoros

Writers: Alex Scanlon Christo van Gemert Clive Burmeister Iwan Pienaar Lein Baart Noelle Adams Nthato Morakabi Rob Edwards Sibonisile Motha Suvesh Arumugam Walt Pretorius


Reviews: Games four games scrutinized


Competition Entries:

Newsletter Subscriptions:

Marketing Contact:

Copyright Š Nova Mentis (Pty) Ltd 2009 - 2017

Taking fun seriously! All rights reserved. No content may be reproduced, copied or transmitted without the express permission of the publishers. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the editors and publishers. All Trademarks and Registered Trademarks are the sole property of the respective owners.

GAMECCA is published by Nova Mentis (Pty) Ltd



Feature: Future gaming looking forward


Reviews: Tech three great tech toys


Regular: Internet is AI a good thing


Regular: Living Digital be aware


COOL STUFF: Movies He’s back!


COOL STUFF: Comics More illustrated literature


Gamecca Vol. 9 Issue 107 May 2018




Features Brave New World

PReviews 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25

Ancestors Legacy New Gundam Breaker Owlboy Call to Arms Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time Memories of Mars Sleep Tight Ascent: Infinite Realm Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

Reviews 28 34 38 42


God of War Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom Yakuza 6: The Song of Life Extinction


BUILD YOUR GAMING EXPERIECE TROOPER SE With a Clear View Into the Redesigned Interior





Brave New GAMING

Joining the ranks of gr



Detroit: Become Human

reat interactive movies gameccaisxno

By: Lein Baart

w World





he interactive movie, as the genre has come to be known, can be somewhat difficult to define. On paper there’s little to differentiate it from the more traditional adventure game, with both featuring a steadfast adherence to plot over gameplay, usually accompanied by more than a small dose of puzzle-solving. Some would argue that the distinction lies in the presentation, with titles that emphasis photorealistic graphics, typically with fully digitized actors, and the use of cinematographic camera angles being the key factor, while others would instead point to the typically non-linear stories. Regardless of which argument holds more sway few can deny the role Quantic Dream has played in the genre’s development, blazing a path that games like Until Dawn have eagerly followed. While interactive movies have existed in some form or another for at least 30 years, the French developer first entered the fray in 2005 with Fahrenheit, known as Indigo


Prophecy in North America. It was at the time considered somewhat revolutionary for the adventure genre (as it was still considered back then), utterly eschewing the typical point-and-click control schemes of the past in favour of a minimalist approach that emphasised replicating on-screen actions as closely as possible, often through the use of quicktime events. In tandem with the game’s camera, which while far from perfect was generally competent at creating dramatic scenes, it was clear that Quantic Dream aimed to create a title that was a much cinema as game, and by and large they succeeded. The true beauty of Fahrenheit though lay in its narrative, which charted the course of two characters through an occult murder mystery. While the plot had its share of holes and stretches of the imagination, it nevertheless remained both fascinating and compelling, and was given extra punch by the fact that it was, at that point, one of the most realised attempts at creating branching stories that the industry had


Detroit: Become Human

seen. It was a success story that only grew with the release of Heavy Rain five years later. Following the blueprint that Fahrenheit laid down, Quantic Dream expanded and polished almost every facet, producing a game that many felt was one of the best to ever grace the PlayStation 3. Another murder mystery, this time centred around a group of characters frantically searching for a child abducted by a serial killer, Heavy Rain had one of the most memorable plots ever committed to disk, with more than few harrowing scenes that stuck long after the game had finished. Featuring 23 possible endings, it was also one of the most ambitious games of its generation, and had a sincere dedication to ensuring that players were as immersed as possible, again through its use of mechanics such as its unconventional controls and camera work. While it did not receive universal acclaim, with the main criticism being levelled against its reliance on the

ever unpopular QTE and stop-start pace, it unquestioningly propelled the nascent interactive movie genre into the spotlight, with more than a few games having being clearly inspired by it since. Unfortunately the same could not be said for Quantic Dream’s next attempt, Beyond: Two Souls. Hypothetically this should have been a sure repeat of Heavy Rain’s success, with stunning visuals, simplified controls and a cinematic approach backed by two big name actors. Indeed, in many aspects the game triumphed over its predecessors, especially on a technical level, with superb acting by Ellen Page as the main character Jodie driving home some memorable scenes, backed by an amazing display of motion capture technology which brought both her and Willem Dafoe to life. Where it fell apart though was in its delivery. Featuring a metaphysical sci-fi story that harked back somewhat to Fahrenheit, Quantic Dream chose to present the plot as a disjointed narrative,





where gamers would play specific periods of Jodie’s life out of chronological order. With a mix of government conspiracies, teen romance, spy thriller and coming-of-age themes, many felt that the plot as a whole was chaotic and unfocused, with little time to develop pivotal characters and events. On its own it would have been fine, but when compared to the studio’s previous titles many felt it fell short of the mark. In this context Detroit: Beyond Human can perhaps be viewed as something of a second attempt. Originating from a tech demo the studio originally released in 2012, Detroit will be set in the eponymous city at a time in which androids have become commonplace servants to humanity, and appear to be on the verge of sentience. The game will be played through the eyes of three protagonists, with Kara being a household model, Connor serving as police unit and Markus a so-called deviant with aims to liberate


androids and give them consciousness. As always with this genre it is impossible to elaborate further on plot, especially since according to studio founder David Cage the number of possible permutations and paths that the story can take far exceed that of previous attempts. What can be stated with certainty though is that Detroit is looking to tackle some serious real-world problems of our time, especially with regards to racism, terrorism and class struggles, which will hopefully provide for a more grounded narrative than Beyond: Two Souls offered if treated with the respect they deserve. As far as technical aspects are concerned there shouldn’t be many surprises awaiting those who have played a Quantic Dream game before. Built using an entirely new engine, aesthetically the gameplay videos certainly show a sumptuous display, with the likenesses of Jesse Williams, Valorie Curry and Bryan Dechart, playing Markus, Kara and Connor respectively, caught in stunning fidelity. There do appear to be


Detroit: Become Human

some concessions to gaming standards however, with Cage stating that the camera can be operable by players if they chose to do so, but will revert to more cinematic angles if left to its own devices. Likewise he has also said that the game will make less use of QTE’s than before, though given the studios predilections players can still expect this mechanic to be a prominent feature. Detroit has not been without controversy however, for all the praise and excitement it has generated over the last two years. Specifically one of the gameplay trailers, which details a potential moment for Kara to gain free will, features a father physically abusing his daughter, and players will have the option to disobey their programming and become a deviant in a desperate attempt to save the girl’s life. There has been a fair amount of backlash over the scene, with many claiming that the domestic abuse is gratuitous and unnecessary, though Cage has defended it stating that he never wrote

a violent scene for its own sake, nor was it an attempt at emotional manipulation. Regardless it certainly stands to highlight Quantic Dream’s unflinching resolve to explore some very dark corners of human society, and if the rest of the game follows suit players can expect more than a few distressing moments. Ultimately at the core of any game that wants to offer players choice lies an inherent deception, a masking of the fact that developers can only offer a finite number of possible paths. We have seen some truly genius efforts over the last few years, though many that have strived for this goal have failed, mainly due to players being offered to little impact on the final outcome or artificial restrictions being too obvious. Quantic Dream have had plenty of practice in this department though, and more than ever it seems that Detroit: Become Human is looking to provide gamers with a truly magnificent illusion. g





May 2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:


Destructive Creations 1C Company Online


Choose your side of history

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


AT A GLANCE Real-time strategy

A nice approach to the real-time strategy genre of games.


by Sibonisile Motha

Ancestors Legacy

part from the reallife impact, real-time strategy games have the general appeal of succeeding at multi-tasking. This time, Destructive Creations have developed what they call their “biggest project so far,” in the form of Ancestors Legacy - historically accurate realtime strategy with massive and intense multiplayer battles that is set in the dark days of the Middle Ages, particularly between the 10th and 12th century. There are 3 game modes. The single-player campaign mode will have 40 historical missions that are drawn from real events. You will get to choose one from four nations to lead. In one corner of the ring you have the AngloSaxons, and in the other corner you have the Germans. But that’s not all ladies and gentlemen, we also have the Slavs as contenders and finally, we have the Vikings. Each nation comes with its own pros that help throughout gameplay. For example, the Anglo-Saxons will only consume 10 units of food per squad as opposed to the 15 units the Slavs require, but the Slavs are able to build barracks and stables at a tech level of 1. Managing your units will be your priority. Resources can be obtained through villages, which also double as means of your economy. From food to iron, villages are the key. Historically, these nations were quite religious, so it only makes sense that there be a feature called Prayers. Each nation will have four, each with unique effects on gameplay. This game also features a onebutton cinematic camera mode when in combat accompanied by the great visual graphics of the game itself. The controls are said to be precise to ensure ease of gameplay for the player. g

Ancestors Legacy


New Gundam Breaker


New Gundam Breaker Mobile Suit: break ‘em, build ‘em

Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Crafts and Meister Bandai Namco Apex Interactive



Jun 2018

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


Gunpla in the middle of battles, but parts are also collectable from fallen enemies, and usable on the fly during battle to customize their Gunpla Each player is to select an Inner Frame (base kit) which will determine the abilities of the selected Gunpla. The game will feature a story mode as well as a 3v3 co-op mode. The battles will take place in unique locations scaled up to match the size of real model kits. Gunpla from previous games have also been confirmed, alongside new Gunpla from both old and new Gundam spinoffs and series. g


Build and upgrade your own Gundam Mobile Suit model kit mid-battle, while fending off rival Gunplas.



by Nthato Morakabi


the series. New Gundam Breaker’s focus is for players to control these Gunpla, and engage in ferocious battles against other players. In a sense, it is bringing a hobby to virtual life with all the glory from the anime and all the excitement of building model kits. This will be the fourth instalment in the Gundam Breaker series specifically by Bandai Namco. This particular version of the Gundam Breaker series, will look to take the concept of “real-time customisation” to whole new levels. Players will not only level up their

f you’ve been watching anime for as long as I have (and perhaps as much) then you should recognise the name of popular mecha anime Gundam. In addition to that, you should know that the franchise has grown phenomenally over the years starting back in 1979 – where it kind of flopped - and eventually grew to success forty years later. Apart from the anime, manga, and number of spin-offs, one of its popular commodities is their affectionately called, Gundpla (Gundam Plastic model). These are collectable model kits representing various mecha from



Owlboy S

ome of us are okay with simply gun slinging our way through a game, feeling nothing but a strong sense of bad-assery. But every now and gain it’s a good thing to come across a game that aims to take you on an adventure that goes beyond the game itself. With near-perfect scores and many awards already to its name, Owlboy is making its mark. Developed by the team at D-Pad Studios, this game tells the tale of Otus, and owlboy with heart and struggle. You see, Otus is a mute. This challenge makes things harder for him to meet the expectation of owl-hood. But this story is one where actions truly speak louder than words. The appearance of sky pirates in the world send Otus on a journey that will push his limits but also unearth his true strength. Along the way he will have the help of friends that will aid him as best as they can, each with their own personalities and abilities to help carry you through. Ironically speaking of carrying, Otus has the ability to carry anything. This will prove useful as some obstacles will require a bird’s eye view approach to get through. The entire game is pixel art. I must commend D-Pad Studios for the stunning visuals they have produced. Each scene seems designed to truly draw you in to the emotions of the quest. You can expect to run into monsters, dungeons, difficult boss battles as well as the unexpected. There is so much to explore as you traverse or take flight in this open-world experience. Already released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One is set for release by April this year. g


TBC 2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:


D-Pad Studios Soedesco Online


by Sibonisile Motha

A unique adventure with heart.

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


AT A GLANCE Adventure, action

A beautiful work of art that we’re probably lucky to get to play with.




2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Digitalmindsoft Digitalmindsoft Online



PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


AT A GLANCE Tactical

Take control of your troops and switch across all perspectives from topdown isometric to third-person to first-person, all during combat.



by Nthato Morakabi

Call to Arms

all to Arms is a game that has been going through quite a bit of controversy and continuous development for the last three years or so. While the game has been released on Steam since 2016, it’s been in Open Beta, with early access available. Developers, Digitalmindsoft, are hoping to finally release the official version of the game this year. It’s quite an ambitious indie game, and despite all the setbacks, it’s beginning to look amazing. At its core, Call to Arms is a real-time strategy game set in the time of modern warfare. Players will take command of troops and attempt to overcome the enemy to be victorious. The game will offer realistically modelled vehicles and weaponry, including several firearms and customization options. The real strength of this game comes in its ability to switch from an isometric RTS perspective, to a third-person shooter, to firstperson, all on the fly. This will also apply to vehicles in the game, such as taking over a tank during battles or offering intense support from a helicopter. You’ll select the unit and become the unit. This should offer quite a unique gameplay experience. Included into the combat experience is destructible environments. Whether it’s conquering factories, rural areas, towns or other areas in missions, you can use the destructible environments as part of the strategy. The developers have also promised an “unseen amount of challenges” waiting for players in the competitive online combat. The official game trailers are looking gorgeous, with transitions between perspectives and units looking fluid. Currently an onlineonly free version is available, but the game will offer three other paid tiers that will include single player, map editor, DLCs and more. g

Call to Arms

e m ew a vi G e R P

Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time


Little Witch Academia: Chamber of Time Akko and the Academy of Secrets

Developer: Publisher: Distributer:


A+ Games Bandai Namco Megarom



May 2018

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


exclusive cutscenes and a glimpse into the world of Little Witch Academia. Players can expect to enjoy both local co-op play of up to three players, and an online mode that requires Playstation Plus membership to play. Playstation is also offering an exclusive theme, and Magic Knight Grand Charion mini-game if your pre-order the game. With beautiful animation and the very studio behind the anime assisting in the development of Chamber of Time, we can only expect that the game will match the anime in various aspects. g

AT A GLANCE Side-Scrolling RPG

Enter the Luna Nova Academy as a young witch in training from popular anime Little Witch Academia.


by Nthato Morakabi


in the story, Atsuko “Akko” Kagari, Sucy Manbavaran, and Lotte Yanson. While based on the anime, Little Witch Academia will take its own familiar but different story line, playing as a side-scrolling RPG. Players get to solve the mystery of the Chamber of Horologium, while working to discover the Seven Wonder, explore dungeons, fight creatures, and fully explore Luna Nova Academy. The game will have the same animation style as the anime, with Studio Trigger, renowned creators of famous anime such as Kill la Kill and Darling in the Franxx, providing

ittle Witch Academia began as a simple short film in 2013, part of the Young Animator Training Project’s Anime Mirai 2013 project, funded by the Japanese government’s Agency for Cultural Affairs. It moved from Japan to the English audience via YouTube, then was placed on Netflix in 2017. This will be the first Little Witch Academia game. Chamber of Time puts players inside Luna Nova Academy, a prestigious school dedicated to training young girls to become witches. Many of the young witches from the anime will be playable characters, including main protagonist

Memories of Mars


Memories of Mars O

ur fascination with colonizing the red planet leaves the gaming industry feeling no different. Many games explore the possibilities of humans thriving after taking Mars over, but not this one. Memories of Mars tackles the aftermath of our attempts at relocation to the planet. In this game, it’s 100 years after the fact and the mission was a failure. How did Mars go from being visited so often to abandoned? You will play as a human clone survivor that awakens to the harsh reality of being stranded on a deserted planet. You will soon discover, however, that you are not alone in the red landscapes. Exploring the former mining operations will help you answer questions that arise as well as help you stay alive. Looking after your health, oxygen levels and even your body temperature will be pivotal. You will come face-to-face with various enemies such as other human clones, weird creatures as well as rogue NPCs (non-player characters) that come in various forms and varying difficulty levels. Your biggest task in the game will be to build a base that will be strong enough to keep you alive, but also strong enough to survive the elements that caused the ultimate abandonment of the planet itself. Scavenging tools, weapons and upgrades are also on the agenda of your enemies. Keep your eyes open. The first-person gameplay in combination with the false sense of loneliness works well to create the tone of a survival game. Set to be released later on this year, more information will hopefully follow regarding storyline and gameplay information. Until then, we can survive on the memories of our lives here on earth. g


Q2 2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Limbic Entertainment GmbH 505 Games TBC


by Sibonisile Motha

The only way is survival.

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS



If our ‘‘go to Mars’’ hype proves to be a mistake, maybe this game is the crystal ball.




Sleep Tight GAMING

TBA 2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:


We Are Fuzzy We Are Fuzzy Online


The game your inner-child needed years ago. PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


AT A GLANCE Action, strategy

This may be helpful to the adults that are still weary of the noises under their beds.


by Sibonisile Motha

hen the sun sets and other children are getting ready to be tucked in and head off to dreamland, some kids are preparing for war just so that they can see the sunrise once more. When the “Mom, there’s a monster under my bed!” or the “Dad, there’s a monster in the closet!” fails to get the needed help, it is now up to you to take it upon yourself to destroy the torment that leaves you sleepless. We Are Fuzzy have created this gem that takes the monster vs. kid fight to new heights. Playing as a kid who is about to be the monsters’ worst nightmare, you will be facing off against the evils that lurk in the night in 1-minute fights…to the death. Granted, I get that death-matches in a game like this seems a bit hectic, but isn’t that how it felt for those of you who feared the bogeyman? The key to surviving and winning the death-matches will be preparation. You will need to unleash your pillow fortress construction skills. Your fort will be your main line of defence. Next will be weapons. As you progress through the game levels, you will be able to unlock special weapons that you can place strategically to either help you fight, or if you’re lucky enough, have them do the work for you. It is no secret that things will get increasingly harder as you go along, but remember that you’re getting better with each match. The intensity of the game is contrasted with the quirky and somewhat casual visuals. This game may have helped me in my tooth fairy phobia days (many years ago by the way). g

Sleep Tight


Ascent: Infinite Realm


Ascent: Infinite Realm A

scent: Infinite Realm (A:IR) is an upcoming MMORPG that comes from the developers that created PlayerUnknown’s Battlegorunds. In a world struck by a powerful disaster that left the planet not only in ruins, but so fragmented that there was hardly any actual land to be inhabited. This left survivors with no choice but to take to the skies to travel and survive. In all this, you - an adventurer with a soul containing magical powers – will have to conquer the skies. This will be made possible by the machinery. From Jetpacks that can only be used based on your stamina, to basic training airships and even the Mulit-player Assault Airship which can carry up to five players at once. Each airship comes with its restrictions as well as benefits depending on your goal at the time. There are also land machines which act as weapons unleashing either flames or bullets. Weapons that can be mounted onto the airships are also available and should be used wisely such as turrets and machine-guns. Your character can fall under one of five classes; Gunslinger, Assassin, Warlord, Mystic and Sorceress. Gunslingers have the longest attack range, Assassins have the fastest critical hits, Warlords have a very high defence, Mystics have the power of healing and Sorceresses have great attack power. So depending on how you want to play it out, there’s a class for you. In a world where machines and technology meets magic and forces, there will be a great supply of gameplay hours for players. Over the coming months we can expect more trailers and reveal information prior to the game’s official release later on this year. g


TBA 2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:


Bluehole Studio Inc. Kakao Games Online


by Sibonisile Motha

Where machines and magic meet.

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS



Another MMORPG to add to your list of games that will most likely possess your attention and commitment




Q2 2018 Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Climax Studios Outright Games Online


Arrr yer ready kids!?

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV NS


AT A GLANCE Adventure

Play as Finn, Jake, BMO and Marceline in this latest rendition of Adventure Time video game.



by Nthato Morakabi

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

h Adventure Time. The zany, occasionally off-colour, absolutely weird “kids” cartoon that has gained popularity even in some of us older folk. The adventures of young Finn and his talking, shape-shifting dog Jake, has seen a major following over the years as it references the age-old desire of adventure and dungeon exploration. It’s a game waiting to happen and thanks to Climax Studios we will be getting exactly that on current gen consoles and PC. Pirates of Enchiridion is an open world exploration game with an original story for the game, based around the Land of Ooo. Finn, Jake, Marceline and BMO have been separated by a flood and attempt to get back together, while finding out how the Land of Ooo has been plumbed into watery depths. Since it has the word “pirate” in the title, players will obviously be sailing across the high seas, exploring the dangerous waters, travelling between kingdoms and venturing uncharted lands in search of clues to the great mystery. Expect lots of missions that revolve around characters from the cartoon, plenty of puzzle solving, secrets to uncover, and loot to collect. Players will be able to upgrade the characters, use various items, and utilise unique ultimate abilities against foes. Developers Climax Studios have also stated that the game will have fastpaced tactical combat. There hasn’t been much else revealed about the game save the fact that the original cast of the cartoon will be voicing characters in the game. At the writing of this preview, there isn’t any official videos either. We can only wait to see just how the adventure in Pirates of the Enchiridion will unfold. g

Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion

e m ew a vi G e R P

s e d’ c E oi h C

God of War

“It is rare for a game this exceptional to be released. I’ll say it again – God of War is a masterpiece.”


God of War GAMING

Father and son



God of War

by Walt Pretorius




and his son Atreus must undertake a harrowing journey to fulfil the dying wish of his wife. I am going to take a quick sidestep here: God of War is a game that is so engrossing, so intriguing and so full of discovery that I am going to be intentionally vague in this review. It will discuss only what I have to, leaving the rest up to players to discover. Any kind of spoiler, even the smallest one, would be a great disservice. Right, back to it. Kratos and Atreus undertake their journey which, naturally, is not as easy as all that, thanks to the machinations of the Norse gods. But while the game is by a large a fight-fest, fending off throngs of enemies, the core of it is not about the violence. The heart of this game is the relationship between a distant father and an innocent son, and how that relationship develops through it’s long and challenging play time.


t’s not a word I like to use lightly when discussing a game, and it certainly isn’t one that I like to use early on, but I have no reservations in calling God of War a masterpiece in the first sentence of this review. There is so much here that is of a truly excellent level in terms of game design that there really is no other word to use. While it could be called a reboot, it isn’t really; the story continues from where we left off after the numerous God of War titles that graced older PlayStation generations. Kratos, the Ghost of Sparta, has left Greece after his long feuds with that land’s vast pantheon, creating a new life (new home, new family, possibly a dog) in the wild, untamed lands of Midgard – the home of Norse mythology. But tragedy and strife are never far from Kratos’ doorstep, and he



God of War

There are also elements of personal development for these characters that form an important part of the experience. Kratos is haunted by his past and his nature, while Atreus is devastated by the death of his mother and the uncertainty of a life lived with a father who he hardly knows. The characterisation of these two, as well as several other characters who the player meets throughout the game, is absolutely excellent. You can carefully track the progression and growth of these deep, multidimensional characters through the game – something which you find in the best of games. Kratos might be a brutal, violent god, but he is still relatable on several levels. A further element that creates an intimacy with the main character, and one that has been mentioned quite a lot to date, is the camera. God of War’s camera does not

cut away, ever. In fact, unless Kratos dies, it doesn’t cut at all. In fact, at times, it feels as though a documentary filmmaker is following Kratos around; at one point, during the first boss-fight, the camera actually races up to a spot where Kratos lands after a particularly punishing blow, complete with camera shake. Cut scenes (of which there are many) are seamlessly integrated, only ever using the exquisite game graphics, and loading is only ever apparent when you start the game up. The immersion here is total, making the experience even more engrossing. The third-person view point, fairly tight on Kratos, is new to the series, but it furthers that intimacy with the character… so much so, in fact, that at times in the beautifully crafted plot, you may even feel a little tear in your eye for Kratos. For the first time in the series, you



returns to Kratos’ hand when thrown. It is also a useful tool for solving the worlds great many environmental puzzles. Kratos also can collect various pieces of armour, ranging from the expected “almost nothing there” through to full plate. Atreus also has upgradable armour and weapons, in the form of a Talon bow. And he is really handy to have around in a fight. The AI behind Kratos’ kid is excellent, and when not directed by the player, he will happily assist in combat situations, firing arrows and stunning enemies sensibly. Not once through my entire playthrough did Atreus feel like anything but an asset in combat. Speaking of which, God of War likes to have players think on their feet. There are numerous types of enemies that all have different strengths and weaknesses, and


can really begin to understand Kratos, and all he has been through… and start to understand that he is so much more than just a brutal monster. And what an experience it is. The highly detailed characters exist in a world that id lively, lush, full and sometimes surprising. Not to mention huge. It is never really a truly open world, rather making use of massive areas to explore than giving the player true free rein, but it doesn’t need to be. There is such a massive amount of stuff to see and do here that the constraints placed on the player are never really noticeable. The environments are varied and rich, and often breath-taking in their scale. And they’re crammed with enemies. To deal with those, Kratos is armed with a Leviathan Axe, an upgradable weapon that cleaves through enemies and



God of War

the player will need to adjust play style, as well as skills and buff-granting socket runes accordingly. God of War never feels easy – this is a challenging game, from start to finish, and even when you engage in the postcampaign exploration activities, it never gets forgiving. There are numerous boss battles, too, which are as massive and earth shattering as you would expect from a title in this series. What is missing are the quick time events that were so common in previous God of War games – I recall only one such sequence here. And they’re not missed – the game feels less guided and more personal as a result. There is one small hiccup, though… God of War, in all its splendour, can be pretty demanding on the hardware. It never reaches the desired 60fps but, with that said, in my entire playthrough, rife with

massive combats and tons going on on-screen, I only encountered on brief frame rate issue. So even that isn’t really a problem that should keep you from playing this incredible game. There is so much to speak of here, but space simply doesn’t allow for it in this review. Suffice to say that this is a game that is not only a “must play” title, but extends into the realms of being a reason to buy a PS4. The characters are deep and interesting (which is a bit of a change for Kratos), the world is complex and engaging, the lore and mythology is fascinating, the story and presentation are excellent, and there is truly a massive amount to do beyond the main campaign. It is rare for a game this exceptional to be released. I’ll say it again – God of War is a masterpiece. I cannot wait to see where the series goes next. g



God of War is nothing short of a masterpiece, and is a game that every gamer should experience. This is a strong GOTY contender. Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

SCE Santa Monica SCE Ster Kinekor


18+ gameccaisxno

Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice


Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Casual Ed’s Choice



PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


99 33


Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingd GAMING

A bigger picture



Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom

by Alex Scanlon






is a little lighter on that side of things. And while White Witch was a more personal tale for the characters, Revenant Kingdom is pretty grand in scale. The tale in this game tells of Evan Pettiwhisker Tildrum (presumably a descendent of King Tom Tildrum from the first game) who is heir to the throne of the city of Ding Dong Dell. But as he is about to be coronated, Evan is deposed and must flee the city. While in exile, he decides that he will create his own city, and will go about uniting the world. It’s a pretty big goal, really, but that gives you a good idea of the kind of scope that we’re dealing with here. It also adds a decent management element to the game, which is nice and new, and quite entertaining. So that’s one marked difference between the two games. Another is the fact that combat this time


RPGs really are a genre that you either love or hate. They tend towards a lot of pedantic fiddling with menus and formulas, tons of crafting, extreme amounts of detail, slower paced combat and sometimes odd narratives. But if you’re into the whole “digging deep” thing, then you’ll likely enjoy this genre, which has a pretty firm footing in the West. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch was such a JRPG, and it struck a pretty solid chord with Western audiences when it was first released. So it is little surprise that its sequel, Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom, has appeared here too. But Wrath of the White Witch and Revenant Kingdom share only some similarities. Where the original game was a deep JRPG, Revenant Kingdom



Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom

around is less JRPG and more action RPG. It flows in real time, with the AI capably handling the team mates you’re not controlling at the time. That said, it does tend a little towards the easy side of the scale, and the numerous tweaks, tactics and setting that the game allows for are not something that are essential to make use of. You’ll do just fine on the bog-standard settings. Something else that sets it apart in a pretty significant way is the way that the story is presented, both in terms of the narrative and the presentation. When compared to White Witch, Revenant Kingdom falls pretty flat, to be honest. The lengthy, exposing cut scenes of the previous game have been replaced by shorter, less meaningful bits of story, most of which are not voiced, but rather rely on the player doing a

lot of reading. Similarly, the deep characters of the previous game have been replaced by personalities that feel a lot flatter and duller. In those terms, this really is something of a step backwards for the series, and not a great adherence to the depth that marks the JRPG genre. On the whole, Ni No Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom is not a bad game. It features great management and combat, and even the side quests feel significant, which is great. But, when compared to the original, it feels like an entirely different beast; more accessible, but less in touch with its roots. It is an enjoyable game, particularly if you like its grand scale, but it does throw a few oddities into the mix, particularly in terms of characters and plot. Still, the action is fun, and it is a more than competent, if less traditional, JRPG title. g




Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Level 5 Bandai Namco Megarom


12+ gameccaisxno

Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice


It’s quite different from the previous game, but is still well worth playing.


Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Casual Ed’s Choice

PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


79 37


Yakuza 6: The S GAMING

A simpler life



Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

by Walt Pretorius

Song of Life





The massive plots of the past are left behind as Kazuma investigates a hit-and-run accident this time around – although, true to his personal style, “investigation” is a term loosely applied to beating information out of people. With his ever-ready fists and ever-present scowl, Kazuma makes a welcome return, but fans of the franchise may find that things have changed a little too much for their liking. It seems that Ryu ga Gotoku Studios wanted this final outing for the long-time hero to be more accessible, and as a result the fighting system has been pruned and pared down quite substantially. Fighting is, in fact, pretty easy now, but with that more accessible nature comes downgrade in complexity. For example, the varied fighting styles that players could use, to effectively alter combat strategies as required, is gone. Now it really is just throwing fists. It’s fun, sure, but it simply doesn’t scratch that strategic itch.


he Yakuza series has been around for a long time, and it has always tried to show us the seedy underbelly of Japanese organised crime syndicates. But it has also shown us that there really are some major differences between Western and Eastern mindsets. Perhaps that is what makes this series so fascinating in the Western market. That said, the Yakuza games aren’t exactly wildly popular – they tend to appeal to a more niche market, who like to immerse themselves in the culture and language that pervades the game. Yakuza 6: The Song of Life was released in the East a while ago, but the final chapter in the Kazuma Kiryu saga has finally made it to the West, amid a fair amount of fanfare. Yakuza 6 feels “smaller” in scope that previous games.



Yakuza 6: The Song of Life

Also gone are a number of the weird and whacky minigames that made other Yakuza titles feel more like life simulators. Some have been replaced with new activities, but the wide variety of things to keep you busy while you’re not beating up bad guys is much less this time around. And in the seaside town of Onimichi, where a sizeable chunk of the game takes place, they’re pretty much not available at all. Also, many of the new activities feel less exciting than the ones that were on offer before – I mean, a cat café? Really? Other changes are for the better. Both Onimichi and the vibrant Kamurocho look great, thanks to a general looks overhaul that the game has gone through. Another improvement is the fluidity of the game – where previous Yakuza titles features a number of loading screens (like when going into combat or entering buildings) Yakuza 6 seamlessly flows between environments and situations,

making for a greatly improved level of player engagement. While the story wends its mostly sensible way through the game, the last bit does start feeling a little over-the-top. It is sort-of to be expected, really, but the change of pace feels somewhat odd. Still, it is a good story, and helps support a game that is simpler, but ultimately fun. There is another mode that players can undertake, too. The Clan Creator mini-game is almost like a realtime strategy brawler, which is fun but not an essential experience. The player has to manage and direct a street gang in top-down combat… it’s cute, but not a game changer. Ultimately, this is a fun game, but one that fans of the series may balk at – particularly the combat, which does feel comparatively simplistic. Still, it’s not a bad end to Kazuma’s tale.g



Although a simpler, more accessible version of Yakuza, this game is still great fun to play.

Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Ryu ga Gotoku Sega Ster Kinekor


18+ gameccaisxno

Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice


Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Casual Ed’s Choice



PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


80 41


Extinction GAMING

Do it again and again and again…




by Rob Edwards





a group of warriors called the Sentinels, who were tasked with defending humanity against the massive and monstrous Revanii. The Revanii are giant ogre-like creatures bent on destruction, and are aided by smaller (human-sized, more or less) creatures called Jackals. Together, they attack human settlements, and it is up to Avil to stop the destruction, save civilians and ultimately defeat the Revanii and their Jackal thugs. Oddly, the game poses more challenge in the form of the Jackals than the Revanii ever do. The Jackals are quick and fierce (when the AI allows them to be), while the Revanii and enormous and lumbering. Sure, they can squash you like a bug, but defeating them is a “rinse-repeat” cycle of charging up energy (by defeating Jackals and rescuing the pretty daft populace), knocking a couple of bits of armour off of the giant, severing a


he whole “David and Goliath” thing goes down pretty well in video games. The idea of defeating an enemy much larger and apparently more powerful than your character has a lot of appeal, and we see it come up fairly often. Shadow of the Colossus is probably the game that springs to mind first, but many other titles have followed this idea. So when we heard that Extinction would be putting us in a similar situation, it sounded exciting… The truth is, though, that it isn’t. Sure, the first few missions are great, with beautiful settings and massive monsters to do battle with. But Extinction manages to devolve into a repetitive slog before long, which is a massive shame, because the concept had so much going for it. The player takes on the role of Avil, the last of




limb or two and then decapitating it. Every time. Sure, some have more armour, and others have tougher types of armour, but ultimately it all comes down to the same thing, over and over again. There are a few mission types, thrown in for variety but, ultimately, it all comes down to the same kind of action, repeated. Avil is a fairly competent character, and controlling him is a simple affair. However, Extinction’s camera will let you down, and more than once. It is a twitchy camera that manages to get itself into all the wrong places, particularly when you’re doing battle with a Revanii. And the camera isn’t the only technical issue that Extinction will throw at you. There are times when the AI isn’t all that I at all, which can either lead to exploits or other game breaking problems. The only real plus side is that Extinction looks really

good. Even though visual are repeated more often than not, they are very pretty. The screen feels a touch cluttered, to be honest, with various trackers and meters, but for the most part the game is visually appealing. Armed with a weak story and truly repetitive game play, Extinction does very little – if anything at all – to make itself stand out. If you’re after a bit of senseless enemy bashing it could be an option, but the technical issues still stop it from being a great mindless smasher. In the end, Extinction suffers from numerous poor design decisions and errors, leaving it a game that may thrill you for a short while, but becomes a chore to play for its full twelve hour run. A little more variety would have gone a long way here, and a little more polish certainly wouldn’t have hurt either. g



It starts off pretty well, but quickly shows the chinks in its armour... and it is simply too repetitive.

Developer: Publisher: Distributer:

Modus Iron Galaxy Apex Interactive


16+ gameccaisxno

Violence Language Sex Drug Use Prejudice


Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Casual Ed’s Choice



PC X0 PS4 Wii U X360 PS3 PSV 3DS


50 45

Features 76

Future Gaming

Reviews 54 56 58

Razer Naga Trinity Gaming Mouse Cooler Master MasterAir MA621P CPU Cooler Razer Cynosa Chroma Keyboard

RegularS 60 64


Internet Living Digital

gamecca1 60 26

BUILD YOUR GAMING EXPERIECE STRYKER SE With a Clear View Into the Redesigned Interior


tu a Fe

Future Gaming TECHNOLOGY

A New World is Coming..



Future Gaming






tu a Fe


he gaming industry is

increasingly reliant on fast internet

worth billions of dollars.

access to get the latest titles. But

In fact, total revenue in

faster connectivity means more than

the US in 2015 topped

just quicker downloads and larger

$23.5 billion, a five

servers. Some experts believe we

percent increase from

are heading to a world where games

the previous year. With

will be streamed directly from apps.

growth being experienced in mobile

No hardware power required, just

gaming, eSports, virtual reality (VR),

utilise those hyper-fast cloud servers

augmented reality (AR), and every

and you’re away. Of course, this is

other area you can think of, now is the

not a new concept, but we are finally

time to be involved in the sector. And

approaching a time where this could

for those still sceptical about these

be possible. Just imagine being able to

numbers, gaming generates more

buy a game online, click on it, and start

revenue than the movie and music

playing immediately.

industries. So, put that in your printed newspaper and smoke it. Any industry that is raking in

A Virtual World One of the (many) additional benefits

the cash and embracing the latest

this faster environment creates is a

technology is bound to evolve. That’s

more seamless VR experience. Being

just the nature of business. And yet,

able to stream games might be cool

the hardware we use for our gaming

but being able to do so in VR is even

experience is still pretty much the

cooler. And by this, we’re not talking

same as way back when. Obviously,

about how niche it is today, but how

specs have improved, and graphic

mainstream it will become in the future.

cards can now power cryptocurrency

With gaming laptops already becoming

mines, but we are still using (for the

a significant growth sector, is it that

most part), a keyboard and mouse to

much a leap of faith to imagine how

get our fix. Doing the crystal ball thing,

smartphones and tablets will become

let’s see what the future of gaming

equipped to handle VR?

hardware will look like.

Given how the emergence of superfast cloud servers will take away much

The Need for Speed

of the hardware strain of gaming, we

Before we get to the physical

might just be gearing up for our own

hardware, let’s consider what the

‘Ready Player One’ gaming experience.

impact of our always-on, lightning-

But, whether it is streaming a ‘normal’

fast internet connectivity will have on

title or a VR one, everything points

our experiences. Even though fibre

to a more communal way of playing.

might not be a reality for many South

Sharing experiences and competing

Africans yet, roll-outs are happening

(and interacting) with players from

countrywide. And for those serious

all over the world will become even

gamers looking to get the most out

more seamless in this hyper-connected

of everything, fibre will be a standard


purchase. TECHNOLOGY

Physical media is already on the way out. The likes of Steam and other download services mean people are


Second life Another potential change could be the importance of the second screen.


Future Gaming




tu a Fe

Already, people watch live sports

guided not only by what we are

on television and chat with others

physically doing, but also the state

on Twitter using their mobile phones

of our emotions.

or tablets. The Wii U GamePad have

Getting frustrated by a difficult

shown us (its success depends on

level, or just not keeping up with

your perspective) what the potential

the fast pace (takes on a new

could be for embracing a second

meaning in AR-speak) of a title will

screen in the gaming ecosystem.

be offset by titles that adapt to

Microsoft has the Xbox SmartGlass

those emotions. Suddenly, it’s not

(an app that acts as an additional

all about completing a mission but

tool for gamers to interact with

how you feel in doing so. Everything

using their smartphones and

from eye sensors to breathe and


heart monitoring could contribute

It is therefore not inconceivable to have future console generations embracing this concept more fully

to a completely immersive way of gaming. From facial and voice recognition

and create an even more immersive

to gesture control, titles will become

experience for players. Much like

increasingly dynamic. Yes, there will

VR, AR is still a niche pursuit. But

still be the more traditional ones to

having a secondary screen, being

play, but a younger generation will

able to leverage fast connectivity,

be more expectant of this physical

and improvements in hardware all

way of gaming (we hope).

point to an environment where AR becomes a more natural way for

A Realistic Fantasy

people to intermingle with the world

Despite all of this, there will still

around them.

be space for the keyboard and

Beyond playing Pokémon Go on

mouse experience. Sure, you will get

steroids, running away from zombies

better-looking peripherals and even

while jogging takes on an entirely

faster and more powerful machines.

new meaning when it is in an

But in a future where bigger, better,

augmented environment. Watching

faster, stronger, etc. become the

live sports in a stadium can also be

mantra, it is the innovations that will

enhanced by the AR layer giving

expand the gaming experience to

additional statistics on players,

even more people.

teams, and the like. Our second life could well become our only life.

The line separating the digital and physical are steadily disappearing.


Even here we are seeing a

Let’s get Physical

landscape where we might not be

The confluence of VR and AR,

ruled just by our desktop computers

mixed with a dash of ever-increasing

or consoles. Gaming is fast

internet speeds, could also result

becoming a pervasive pursuit and

in the arrival of more physically

one that we are excited to be part

collaborative titles. Yes, these will

of. So strap yourself in and prepare

more than likely be driven by the

for a wild ride…a fully immersive

kind of NSFW games you were

gaming experience is coming to you

thinking of just now. Beyond that

soon. g

however, will be titles that are



Future Gaming



H C EW E T VI E R Razer

Naga Trinity

Gaming Mous

A mouse for all seasons...



he problem with a mouse that is made specifically for a certain type of game is that the assumption is made that people only play that kind of game. And while you can use a MMO mouse for MOBA games, let’s say, the fit isn’t perfect, and neither does it really work well the other way. But you have to take your hat off to Razer, because they have just come up with a plan to put all of that to rest. It comes in the form of the Razer Naga Trinity, and it is the freshest idea in mouse technology since… well, in a damned long time. The trick here is that the aptly named Trinity comes with three interchangeable side panels. The first is a MMO panel, complete with the expected grid of 12 extra buttons for all those tricks you need handy. The buttons are fairly well placed – no-one


has ever perfected that, quite honestly – and are easy to discern. The second panel is where MOBA enters the picture. It is a stock standard two-button side panel with a generous rubber grip under the thumb. The third panel is a sort of hybrid panel that would actually work well for a wide variety of games. It features seven buttons in a radial pattern, surrounding a rubber grip, which are much easier to identify by touch than those of the 12 button panel. Changing the panels is literally a matter of pulling one off and letting another snap into place; they are held in position by powerful magnets, and clever design means that they cannot ever be misaligned. I think a slow clap is necessary here – this is a very smart idea. Very smart indeed. And to make things even better, Razer attached this new technology to


Razer Naga Trinity Gaming Mouse


by Walt Pretorius


TECH SPECS • • • • • • •

A truly versatile mouse with three different control configurations… not to mention lots of comfort and power.

Ma nuf a c t ure r: D i s t ri but e r: Onl i ne :


12 button side panel 7 button side panel 2 button side panel 16000 dpi sensor Chroma enabled


Razer A pe x I nt e ra c t i v e w w w . a pe xi nt . c o . z a


a very capable mouse. The Naga Trinity is powered by a 16000 dpi 5G optical sensor. It also comes with a generous cable, and is (obviously) fully Chroma enabled. In addition to the button panels, the Trinity features two main buttons and a scroll wheel. It would have to. The outside of the mouse (away from the thumb) features a large finger rest, and the whole thing is a pretty comfortable device to use, overall. Some may cry gimmick at the customisation options offered by this remarkable mouse, but while it may not appeal to everyone, there are a number of gaming chameleons out there who would really appreciate the genre hopping capability that it brings to the table. It isn’t often that you can apply the term “versatile” to a mouse, but this is definitely the case for the Trinity. This is a great mouse, no question. g

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Ed’s Choice

97 55

H C EW E T VI E R Cooler


MasterAir MA621





Cooler Master MasterAir MA621P CPU Cooler

CPU Cooler

by Rob Edwards

ffective cooling… it’s something that every PC user needs to be paying attention to. And the more powerful your machine, the more you need to think about it. If you own an AMD Ryzen Threadripper, then Coolermaster has something particularly for you. The MasterAir MA621P is designed to be used specifically with these CPUs, largely because of the mounting system that they require. But, look on the bright side – now you can get hols of a high-quality, third-party air cooler more easily than before. The specially designed base plate ensures optimal contact with the CPU, and therefore optimal cooling. Speaking of which, the MA621P makes use of a very different, extremely clever design. Instead of the usual single tower of heat sink fins, this device has two thinner fin towers, with a fan sandwiched between them. Another fan set on the front of the array comes standard, while a third can optionally be placed on the rear of the tower. The additional air pressure provided by these fans (which are MasterFan MF120R models) is immense, and the cooling potential is excellent, even without the third optional fan. This is made even better by the fact that the MA621P features six heat pipes running to each fin tower, for even faster heat dispersal. This arrangement, along with the pushpull setup of the fans, is extremely effective at heat dispersal. But it also means that this is a big CPU cooler. Massive, in fact, with a height from the CPU of 164.5mm. That consumes a lot of space, although, thanks to the fans, it doesn’t interfere with internal case air-flow overly much. But you will want to make sure that it will fit in your case in the first place. Getting it into your case is a relatively simple affair, as far as CPU coolers go, buy you will want to ensure that you handle this one carefully; it is on the heavy side, and incorrect or careless installation may result in component damage. Just follow the instruction and be sensible, and you’ll be fine. And then, because everything has to have lights these days, the MA621P comes with an RGB controller to change the colour and lighting pattern of the fans. There are six different patterns on offer, and the full spectrum of RGB lighting. Also handy is the fact that the controller is a stand-alone device. It doesn’t need any software to operate. And what if you don’t have a Threadripper? Well, the MA62OP is virtually identical to the MA621P, and has a wide range of compatible Intel and AMD mounts, so this great cooler isn’t just for Threadripper owners… just make sure you get the right model! g


TECH SPECS • • • • • • •

The MA621P (and MA620P, for everyone else) is a massive, and massively effective, CPU cooler.

Ma nuf a c t ure r: D i s t ri but e r: Onl i ne :


AMD TR4 compatible Dual towers Dual fans Six heat pipes Full RGB

Co o l e r Ma s t e r Co o l e r Ma s t e r w w w . c o o l e rma s t e r. c o m


1P E

Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Ed’s Choice


90 57

H C EW E T VI E R Razer

Cynosa Chroma


Just what you need.





A no-frills keyboard that features handy per-key RGB customisation. What more do you need?




Platinum Gold Silver Bronze Ed’s Choice


what Razer calls gaming grade keys. They’re not mechanical, and they’re not a mechanicalmembrane hybrid. They’re pretty much membrane keys, but they’re built to look and feel a lot like memchanical keys. In fact, I can’t tell much of a difference, and the mechanical feel minus the annoying clicking is quite satisfying. Sorry, I have to… that underglow… the Cynosa Chroma Pro is the only keyboard that has it, to date, and it features 22 customisable zones, almost like having a Firefly mousepad stuck to the bottom of your keyboard. I guess it could be cool, maybe… Right, back to the topic. The Cynosa Chroma isn’t the cheapest entry level keyboard around, but it certainly is one of the best. While it doesn’t have anything by way of macro keys or similar, it does blow open the customisation of per-key lighting for those who can’t splurge on a bigger keyboard, and that’s a pretty big thing. And when you get right down to it, do you really need all that much more from a keyboard than a standard set of keys and a great way to light them? Some would say you do, but the truth is that, macros aside, a keyboard like the Cynosa Chroma is perfectly functional for virtually any game you’re going to play, and any use beyond that. Just what you need. g



Ma nuf a c t ure r: D i s t ri but e r: Onl i ne :

Razer A pe x I nt e ra c t i v e w w w . a pe xi nt .

TECH SPECS • • Per key RGB lighting • Gaming grade keys • Chroma enabled • • • • •


by Walt Pretorius

am a big fan of Razer products, but I am also aware of the fact that they ain’t exactly cheap. However, there is an option for those out there who want to get hold of some great Razer quality, without the bank account being devastated. It comes in the form of the Razer Cynosa Chroma. We’ve seen a Cynosa keyboard before, but this time around it isn’t part of a bundle, and it is fully Chroma enabled. As a matter of interest, there is also the Cynosa Chroma Pro, which features customisable underglow lighting as well (although I am not too sure about whether I like that idea, or think it is RGB overkill…) Like the bundle version that was reviewed before, the Cynosa Chroma really is a no frills, no nonsense keyboard. It is a standard keyboard in almost every way, from layout to control options. However, there are a couple of differences which set it apart, and in some cases above, other (arguably) entry level offerings. The first is per key lighting customisation. That used to be the purview of higher end keyboards, but now the Cynosa Chroma allows those on a budget to customise each and every key as well. It’s actually a pretty handy feature, believe me. The second is the style of keys; the Cynosa Chroma uses

Razer Cynosa Chroma Keyboard



e rn



Efficiency or End-times? TECHNOLOGY

In the future, there will be robots!


mgeect 2 c4a i s x n o ggl a ad

by Suvesh Arumugam

Let’s not downplay it, Musk describes AI as the single greatest threat to human civilisation. In several statements made over the past two years, Musk has described several scenarios where Ai would replace humans with robots to improve production, replace governments to eliminate corruption and inefficiency, and ultimately result in a global arms race that could lead to a final world war that can only bring about human extinction. OK, so it seems a little extreme. However, a hundred years of Philip K Dick, Marge Piercy, James Cameron and Isaac Asimov have prepared us for the likelihood that the world could one day be run by forces other than humans. In fact, the concept of a nonhuman superior being probably goes as far back as Mary Shelley, who conceived of a being who might be invented by man but ultimately exceed his physical and mental capabilities. And once he became self-aware, his sole purpose would be to destroy his maker. That premise probably dates back even further to the Jewish folklore about the golem (a creature made of clay that was brought to life) that goes back to the Middle Ages. We trust that the musings of a scientific mind like Musk’s must be based on objective fact, but futurist Tim O’Reilly disagrees. If you don’t know who Tim O’Reilly is, he is a renowned author and entrepreneur, famous for popularising the terms open source and web 2.0. I had the pleasure of attending a seminar by O’Reilly in March this year, where he outlined the main themes of his latest book “ WTF - What’s the Future?”. In his book. O’Reilly looks at next technologies and discusses the future of technologydriven business, based on lessons learned from Google, Facebook, AirBNB, Uber and more, as well as important observations from the past 200 years. One of the main misconceptions in O’Reilly’s seminar was around the evolution

“Musk has echoed many a technophobic sci-fi nightmare...”



Efficiency or End-times?


lon Musk is probably the most famous science guy in the world! You might disagree and point to Stephen Hawking (who recently passed away - may he R.I.P.) or Neil de Grasse Tyson. However there is nobody who universally captures the imagination like Musk. Coming from simple roots in South Africa and becoming a selfmade billionaire through genius, timing and an understanding of how to apply science to human needs - nobody seems to thrill geeks and non-geeks alike like the founder of PayPal, Tesla and SpaceX. So when Elon Musk says something, a lot of people listen. When Musk recently encouraged people to delete their Facebook accounts (he even jokingly talked about buying Facebook so he could delete it) people listened. And when Elon Musk made it his mission to expound the evils and potential disaster of Artificial Intelligence to the world - it was not taken lightly. In light of most other tech leaders, like Facebook’s Zuckerberg, Google’s Pichai, having invested heavily into AI, Musk was a lone dissenting voice in the an otherwise optimistic chorus. Musk has echoed many a technophobic sci-fi nightmare (think Terminator, The Lawnmower Man, etc) by voicing concerns of how a true artificial intelligence could affect the world. Now when we talk about artificial intelligence, we’re not talking about the likes of IBM’s Watson, which is essentially a super computer. While Watson can collate millions of data points to derive critical insights in milliseconds, it is still not sentient (able to feel or perceive things) or capable of autonomous thought or decision making. It can certainly mimic the operation of intelligence, but nobody has yet achieved a true AI. And according to Musk, we should be very scared if we do. You may need to put on your tin foil hat for the next part.


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of technology and its impact on human civilisation. Many articles (and water cooler conversations) refer to the rapid onset of technology, and work environments changing at an unprecedented pace like never before in history. This is one of the strongest justifications for uncertainty around where industrialised society is headed and the future of human workers. However, O’Reilly disagrees. According to his observations, the industrial revolution (kicked off famously by the invention of the Spinning Jenny in 1764) took about 70 years to completely change the face of the workplace (mainly through the advent of factories) through automation and machines becoming largely responsible for the production of goods.

“... still in the process of evolving... ”


This was the biggest factor in human society moving from an agricultural (agrarian) society to an industrialised one. In terms of the computer revolution, we’re already about 80 years in (with the invention of the first computer in the 1940’s), and still in the process of evolving. So we’re actually progressing slower than previous industrial changes. The other important point O’Reilly makes is that industrialising did not replace humans, as some at the time even predicted. Humans were trained to understand how machines worked, repair them, maintain them and reintegrated into the new workflow. Ultimately, more people were put to work than ever before, as production demands rose. He provides a perfect example of this today. Amazon employed 45,000 robots in their super-warehouses. This led many to predict massive layoffs. However,


increased demand resulted in Amazon hiring an additional 250,000 human workers to maintain and optimise their machine work force. O’Reilly’s point is clear - industrialisation didn’t replace human involvement, it augmented it. Humans could process materials quicker and more efficiently, and make decisions faster and more accurately. There is no reason why this wouldn’t be the case in an AI supported, information based society. Human workers will be able to use machine learning and AI to link millions of data points faster to simplify workflows for human workers. Imagine a world where you could walk into a store and a sales person could instantaneously process your purchase history, personal preferences, social media conversations, etc, and know exactly what product is right for you (even before you do). Imagine a service call centre that can collate your email, social media and service history, the stress level in your voice and know from the first point of contact what assistance you need and how to converse with you to put your mind at ease. What if predictive AI and integrated systems could allow that consultant to tell you to the minute when a delivery would arrive, when a fault will be resolved, or the exact cost of a repair. Not cold, heartless machines, but humans with super powers. What O’Reilly can’t predict is how we will ultimately decide to use the AI potential. If we focus solely on increasing production and increasing profit, would the really change all that much? However, the potential for AI to solve the overarching problems of the human condition (poverty, pollution, inequality) are staggering. If we tasked the first sentient AI to solve the problems of fair distribution of wealth and resources rather than increasing the number of iPhones we can manufacture per hour - is there any doubt we’ll end up in a better world? g


Efficiency or End-times?



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Being Mindful


Welcome to the digital world (again)...


mgeect 2 c4a i s x n o ggl a ad

A New Mindset When it comes to things like online privacy and security, I’m aware that this is preaching to the converted. However, it does need mentioning for the umpteenth that every mobile device you own should have some form of anti-virus and security software installed. In an ideal world, it needs to be a premium product, i.e. one you pay for, and preferably have multiple licences so you can install it on four or five devices to save some money. Of course, there are good free

By Iwan Pienaar

solutions out there but often they are not robust enough to cover all your basis. Irrespective of which route you go for, install at least something from a reputable company. If the Facebook matter has shown us anything is that privacy and what we do and share online has continuously shifting boundaries. What is considered private today, might not be so tomorrow. What one social network protects from advertisers this week, could be sold the next. After all, how often do you read those wonderfully crafted updated terms and conditions of the platforms you use? Yeah, we thought so. The reality is that not a lot we do needs to change. There are subtle things that can be done to embrace a new way of viewing digital. Almost from the start, Google (and so many others) have used our preferences to create a more customised experience for us. And, yes, they are selling that information to advertisers. Again, this is to create a more targeted product for individuals. There is an often quoted saying that states, if something is free then you are the product. In the digital world with so many free services, just think about what information about you is out there. The intention isn’t to scare you or make you set everything to completely private. Instead, it’s to illustrate that all the things happening today aren’t new. They are a continuation of what has come before. Those who still remember history class should remember one of the first lessons – history always repeats itself. So, whether it is a data breach or a virus, a phishing scam or malware, these are the things that will keep reoccurring in waves as technology permeates more of the things we do.


Social Engineering One of the biggest things that you do need to be aware of is the increasingly sophistication of hacks, malicious software, and social engineering. One of the good things that the Facebook ‘issue’ has brought to attention is the potential that seemingly innocuous apps on the platform could have for potentially harmful intent. These apps often take the form of quizzes, games, and surveys that seem to be quite fun (so we’re told). Yes, it really matters to know which Game of Thrones character you are or in what 80s band you would have played based on your food tastes. Okay, perhaps not. Just think back to any one of those quizzes and chances are you would’ve provided some personal (albeit innocent) information about yourself. Things like what was your first job, car, wife, husband, dog? Or perhaps where did you grow up, go to school, study, enjoy eating? Now put on your security hat. All the answers to those questions can be used as ways of answering password reset questions. So, even though we like to share the fact that we are <insert your favourite character / milkshake / pasta here>, it is not worth the risk. Consider that ‘only’ a shade under 300,000 users downloaded the offending app used in the Facebook data breach but more than 87 million people were impacted. This just shows the ripple effect that sharing one app with friends can have not only on your personal data but theirs as well. It is therefore imperative that all of us are just a little bit more mindful of what we share, what we use, and installing the necessary security software. All told, it makes our online world that much safer to do so. g


Being Mindful


ews of the Facebook data breach in March, ongoing concerns around the security of our connected devices, and the continual threat from viruses and other malware make for interesting times in digital circles. Long considered to be relatively safe from these things, South Africans have joined the connected world and must learn how to deal with these issues just like an American or a Brit would need to. Putting our heads in the sand and blissfully ignoring what is going on around us is no longer going to be a sustainable strategy. One just needs to look at how our children, teenagers, and young adults have immersed themselves in the mobile world to realise that change is inevitable. Even the ‘silver surfers’ demographic is expanding with more, er, experienced people joining the likes of Facebook, playing online games, and taking part in Pokémon Go events. Reading this on your device of choice means you are already part of this change, part of this new dynamic. The question is how much you are willing to embrace a digital life and what you need to do to contribute to a safer experience for everyone.

Movies 68

Deadpool 2

COMICS 76 78 80 82


Dry County #1 The Dark Judges – The Fall of Deadworld – Book 1 The New Mutants #1 Vampironica #1



Chimich Time!


u at e F



Cool Stuff: Movies


Deadpool is back, and in the superhero sequel he’s bringing new friends gamecca




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One of the most highly anticipated superhero movies of 2018 is adultsonly action comedy Deadpool 2. The R-rated original performed way beyond expectations back in 2016, and even in a mid-credits scene for that film, star and producer Ryan Reynolds outlined his intentions for a sequel – continuing the liveaction adventures of Marvel’s unhinged, katana-wielding antihero, who exists on the fringes of the X-Men universe. This said, the path to the big screen wasn’t entirely smooth for the Deadpool follow-up. During filming, a stuntwoman died when a motorcycle stunt went horribly wrong. Before that, though, Tim Miller, director of the first film, left the project due to creative differences with Reynolds. Replacing him was John Wick and Atomic Blonde’s David Leitch. It also took some time to settle on casting for Deadpool 2, which brings some fan-favourite characters from the comic page to celluloid for the very first time. Kyle Chandler, Michael Shannon, David Harbour and even Brad Pitt were all in the running to play Cable, a time-travelling cyborg super-soldier. The role eventually went to Josh Brolin, a veteran of comic book adaptations Jonah Hex, Sin City 2, Oldboy and Men in Black III. Brolin is also already galactic overlord Thanos in Disney-Marvel’s Cinematic Universe – but that is being kept separate from 20th Century Fox’s X-Men properties, for now anyway. Meanwhile, 26-year-old German-American actress Zazie Beetz beat out a number of more famous actresses, like Lizzy Caplan, Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Ruby Rose, to play mutant mercenary Domino. Being Deadpool, much of the sequel’s marketing material has been deliberately flippant and off-the-wall, like its title character. The film’s official plot synopsis was announced as follows: After surviving a near fatal bovine attack, a disfigured cafeteria chef (Wade Wilson) struggles to fulfil his dream of becoming Mayberry’s hottest bartender while also learning to cope with his lost sense of taste. Searching to regain his spice for life, as well as a flux capacitor, Wade must battle ninjas, the yakuza, and a pack of sexually aggressive canines, as he journeys around the world to discover the importance of family, friendship, and flavour –finding a new taste for adventure and earning the coveted coffee mug title of World’s Best Lover. Of course, the reality is quite different. As trailers have revealed, Deadpool 2 primarily pits the “Merc with a Mouth” against Cable, who arrives from the future to kill a rather unassuming mutant teen. Coming to the kid’s defence, Deadpool forms X-Force, which is basically a more immoral, lethally-minded version of the X-Men. Members of the on-screen X-Force will include Domino, and Bedlam, played by Terry Crews. For the record, most of the cast of the original Deadpool is returning as well. This includes X-Men members Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) and the CGI-ed Colossus, along with Deadpool’s girlfriend Vanessa (Morena Baccarin), best friend Weasel (TJ Miller) and other allies. Deadpool 2 opens in the US and South Africa on 18 May. It’s set for IMAX release in selected regions.



Cool Stuff: Movies




u at e F

CABLE & DOMINO: CHARACTER INTRODUCTIONS? During test screenings for Deadpool 2, audiences apparently responded so well to new characters Cable and Domino that reshoots were scheduled to add more footage of them to the movie. But who are they?

Cable AKA Nathan Summers Played by Josh Brolin in Deadpool 2, on the comic page Cable is the son of Cyclops and a Jean Grey clone. Afflicted with a deadly techno-organic virus as a baby, Cable’s only survival option was to be sent to the future where treatment existed. In his dystopian surroundings, Cable grew up to be a grim military man, with both mutant and cyborg powers. Eventually, Cable returns to our time to save the future from mega-villain Apocalypse. He has assumed leadership of X-Force. Deadpool 2 promises not to delve into Cable’s origin story. Brolin has signed on to play the character in three more movies, though, so audiences can expect more on-screen exploration in coming years. For the record, Cable was conceptualised by Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld. Deadpool-Cable is a signature pairing for both characters, and stemmed from Liefeld’s desire to establish a Spider-Man and Wolverine dynamic at a time when he wasn’t working with either superhero.

Domino AKA Neena Thurman


Given the appearance of X-Force in Deadpool 2, it makes sense that one of its most important members has a pivotal role in the movie. Also co-created by Rob Liefeld, Domino is a brutally efficient mercenary whose combat skills are enhanced by her unusual mutant ability – which skews probability in her favour. Basically, she enjoys good luck while her enemies are severely disadvantaged by terrible odds. Like Cable, Domino is a frequent partner of Deadpool, and has headed up X-Force as needed. Somewhat similar to Wolverine, her background sees her as the product of a secret government project to create the perfect super-soldier. There was a minor controversy in some Internet circles when Zazie Beetz, a little-known, non-white actress, was chosen to play the part in Deadpool 2.



Cool Stuff: Movies




u at e F



Although it may not seem like it at first, given the franchise’s irreverent tone, Deadpool has been massively influential. This applies to both comic books and superhero movies. Co-created by Rob Liefeld and Fabian Nicieza for Marvel Comics in 1991, the character of Deadpool – a tongue-in-cheek copy of DC Comics’ Deathstroke – quickly made the transition from villain to anti-hero. At a time when comics were straining to appear dark and edgy, with hyper-muscled, always-grimacing characters, Deadpool was a tonal breath of fresh air. Written by the likes of Nicieza, Joe Kelly, Daniel Way and Gail Simone, the Deadpool comics contained some angst, but also didn’t take themselves too seriously. Most famously, fast-healing, fast-talking Deadpool was allowed to break the fourth wall and address the comic reader, acknowledging that he was a fictional creation. As for the first Deadpool film, its importance stems from the fact that it is an unapologetically R-rated superhero movie, with graphic violence, sex and profanity. Until its release – with a few exceptions, like Kick-Ass – superhero movies were always toned down to accommodate the crucial adolescent audience. Despite being age restricted, Deadpool was one of the biggest hits of 2016. Shot on a comparatively small budget of $58 million, the film made 14 times that at cinemas – earning almost $800 million. After years of resistance to adult-orientated superhero films, Hollywood finally changed its thinking thanks to Deadpool’s surprise success. It’s widely theorised that Hugh Jackman’s Oscar-nominated Logan – already regarded as one of the meatiest and matureminded superhero movies ever made – would not have happened if it weren’t for Deadpool proving to Fox film executives that grown-up audiences are ready for costumed heroes who don’t hold back. It’s also worth noting that today Deadpool is a staple on the convention cosplay scene. He is arguably as popular a character to portray as Harley Quinn.



Cool Stuff: Movies









Dry County #1


Rich Tommaso


Rich Tommaso

Publisher: Rated:


GET GRAPHIC Image Comics Mature


by Clive Burmeister

Lou Rossi is a lonely guy; he struggles to meet women and doesn’t have too many friends. He doesn’t enjoy the club scene, even though he tries to still get out there. He’s got a bit of a dead-end job, which while he enjoys it, can barely pay his bills. He really just feels like his life is going no-where. And then Boom! Out of nowhere he meets her. Janet Laughton. After a moment he is crazy about her, the more he learns, the more he likes her. Finally, his life is turning around, things are going right. He’s feeling amazing; he has a spring in his step. But as we know, things are never that simple. Tommaso is fast becoming one of my favourite story tellers, with engaging characters tackling complicated emotions around a simple premise. The man can write.







Title: Writer: Artist: Publisher: Rated:


GET GRAPHIC The Dark Judges Kek-W Dave Kendall Rebellion Mature


by Clive Burmeister

The Dark Judges: Death, Fear, Fire & Mortis, decreed that it is the living who continue to break the law, and therefore life itself should be a crime. These nightmarish creatures are probably Judge Dredd’s most terrifying enemies. But where did they come from? They were once the protectors of a world similar to earth, but what transpired to turn them into their world’s executioners? The Fall of Deadworld is as beautifully (or hideously) illustrated as it is dark and grim. Every page is a work of art, telling a gruesome tale of the genocide of a planet, and the monsters who visited such a wicked fate on those they once guarded. Whether you’re a fan of Judge Dredd, a fan of horror, or just someone who appreciates a really good graphic novel, this is definitely worth a look.







Title: Writer:

The New Mutants #1 Matthew Rosenberg


Adam Gorham


Marvel Comics





by Clive Burmeister

The New Mutants is like a cross between the X-Men and the X-Files. They’re a team of super powered mutants, who must still contend with humanity’s fear and scorn, while trying to protect both humans and mutants alike, but they’re also assigned to investigate weird and uncanny phenomena. As if the world wasn’t weird enough with super heroes, mutants, werewolves and cyborgs, things just got even weirder as the team discover the dead are coming back to life, and they’re not being too friendly to the living. Soon the team is caught between a mob of distrusting and angry humans, and a growing tide of undead hungry for blood, whether it is mutant or human, they don’t seem to care. Can they unravel the mystery surrounding Dead Souls, while still saving all the innocents caught in the crossfire?







Title: Writer: Artist: Publisher: Rated:


GET GRAPHIC Vampironica #1 Greg & Meg Smallwood Greg Smallwood Archie Comics Teen +


by Clive Burmeister

Veronica Lodge has somewhat of a sinister reputation to begin with, from her family’s sketchy past, to her own drive to get what she wants no matter who stands in her way. So, when an ancient vampire attacks and turns her, Veronica’s own darker side is elevated to super human levels. But although Veronica always had a dark side, she was also always loyal and caring to those she considered close to her. Now as the supernatural vampiric bloodlust takes its toll on Veronica’s will, she must see if she has the strength to take down these undead monsters that have infested Riverdale, or if she will succumb to the hunger herself, and become the most terrifying monster of them all.



Last word

nd so we have come to the end of a long road. It’s not a sad end, or a bitter end, or even a happy end. It is just an end. But gaming… well, gaming will still be around. The world of gaming has changed so very much in the last nine years, and will continue to do so. Here in South Africa we have seen numerous changes and evolutions, as new technologies speed through the infrastructure of our land. Fibre internet connections are becoming more and more common, and more and more people are getting access to gaming. While we are still a bastion of PC gaming, consoles are making big inroads, and more and more gamers are becoming multi-platform players, with one of more gaming systems allowing them to pick and choose how they experience their fix. The real question is where the industry will be going. As we are getting more and more gamers, it seems odd that the industry seems to be getting smaller. We now have access


to more games than ever before, from indie upstarts through to massive publishers, and yet the video game industry in South Africa isn’t growing in the kinds of leaps and bounds that one would expect. Sure, the hardware side of things is doing well, particularly where PC is concerned… it’s the software arena that is showing strange growth patterns. It all comes down to connectivity. People empowered by more potent internet connections can now purchase their games online, directly, meaning the need for physical copies in waning. Maybe not massively yet, but in time it will. Video game distributors here in South Africa will be relying on physical special editions and peripheral products to stay afloat, and those that don’t extend their markets to a wider scope of products are likely to fall by the wayside. It’s sad, but true. When this will happen will be difficult to say. Our country still has many challenges, in terms of technology and the economy. Being a gamer here is


By wALT Pretorius

Game Change...

expensive, but as more and more gamers start earning more money, and start making use of enabling technologies like fibre, things will change. As esports become more popular, more people will want to get involved, and a further growth in certain sectors of the market will take place – although that will, once again, have a greater effect on the hardware side. The software side of matters, once again, may not see the same kind of benefits. So the industry may, for all intents and purposes, be in for a rough ride, particularly those companies that rely on the sales of physical games for their bread and butter. It’s very difficult to say how long this might take, but there are already signs of these changes, and most local distributors have been diversifying their product offerings for some time now. But one thing is certain. Gaming is going nowhere. It is a massive industry, and it is only growing stronger. It is still, and it will likely always be, an exciting time to be a gamer. g

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